Increase internet speed windows 7. How to increase internet speed (backup bandwidth)

Having penetrated into all spheres of human life, the World Wide Web has confidently taken a place in every home. And now, if problems happen to him, it causes a storm of indignation. Especially if the connection is slow, because working with the Internet turns into torture. What causes it and how to speed up the Internet in Windows 7? First things first.

Why is the Internet speed slow or fluctuating?

Internet speed depends on many factors that you need to know, especially if problems arise. If you are not satisfied with the speed of your Internet connection and you do not understand how to optimize it, the following list is for you.

10 reasons why the Internet is slower:

  1. There are probably programs installed on your computer that automatically update and send statistics about errors in operation, etc. Without your noticing, they “take away” part of the traffic, which is why the speed for the user decreases.
  2. If there are many downloads going on simultaneously from the server or website where the file is located, the file download speed will noticeably slow down.
  3. If you are connecting through a router, the speed will be lower than connecting directly. This is because the router slows down the speed. The cheaper the model, the greater the losses. Even if the manufacturer claims high speed, you should not expect it to be so. After all, the stated parameter cannot be obtained at home.
  4. The quality of the Wi-Fi connection depends on the distance of the computer from the router, as well as on the “neighborhood” with other devices. Check that there are no conflicts between the router and other nearby devices. The router operates at either 2.4 GHz (802.11 b, g, and n model) or 5.8 GHz (802.11 a model). If devices have the same frequency as the router, then while they are running, the Internet speed will drop.
  5. The speed decreases in the evening - many users complain about this. The reason is that it is at this time that user activity increases, and the channel throughput speed is limited.
  6. The cause of interruptions and low speed is often a computer that requires optimization. The PC itself is not able to operate correctly at the provided speed.
  7. Internet slowdowns can be explained by the presence of virus software on the computer. The malware operating process involves a constant exchange of information, which reduces speed. Antiviruses, in turn, scan all downloaded files, which has the same effect.
  8. Programs such as torrents can remain in memory even after being closed. Yes, they convey huge amount information without your knowledge.
  9. Weather conditions such as snow, rain, wind, etc. affect the quality of your Internet connection if you use satellite Internet.
  10. If you are not satisfied with the speed in a certain program, check if there is a limit there. To do this, right-click on the program icon and see if there is an item about restrictions on receiving or transferring files.

How to check Internet speed on a computer with Windows 7 installed


The first method is simple and does not require installing additional software. There are many sites on the Internet that provide such a service. The most popular is the Speedtest service. Here you can quickly and accurately find out your Internet speed. When creating account You will also be able to view the history of your measurements and manage service settings. To use the service, go to the website and click the “Start!” button, the program will do the rest for you: it will select the nearest convenient server and calculate 3 parameters (the result of the ping command, download and upload speed).

With Task Manager

A method available to all Windows 7 users. Press the key combination ctrl+alt+delete. In the window that appears, click the “Network” tab. For a clear demonstration, network congestion is displayed as a graph, and the speed result can be seen below.

Using programs

There are few such programs, and here's why. It is much more accurate and correct to calculate the speed between a PC and a remote server than with an installed program. But there is such a way, and here is a short list of such programs:

  • NetWorx is free program for Windows, designed to track traffic ( local network and Internet) and measuring the speed of network connections.
  • BitMeter is a program for calculating traffic statistics. Displays a real-time graph of incoming and outgoing traffic, as well as statistics.
  • JDAST - the program has advanced functionality. You can download the program from the official website and for free.
  • Download Master - the program downloads files and at the same time shows the Internet speed.


Gadgets are small programs that display various information on the desktop. For example, clock, calendar, weather, measuring system parameters, etc. 7 gadgets are offered to measure Internet speed.

  1. Artan-Reborn - in addition to Internet speed, you can view data such as processor load, memory status, current time, weather data, etc.
  2. Networkutilization - if you don’t need unnecessary information, then this gadget is for you.
  3. Glass Gadgets is a whole set of gadgets, which are united by the fact that they have a transparent surface for better combination with various wallpapers your desktop.
  4. Blade is also a set united by the “techno” style.
  5. NetMeter - with this gadget you will always have in sight indicators of activity, traffic and Internet speed. Appearance The gadget can be customized to suit you.
  6. Gauge Meter - shows upload and download speeds, as well as other system parameters. There are 5 types of design.
  7. Bandwidth Meter is an easy-to-read gadget that shows the speed of two types of Internet connections.

Connection speed indicators

Speed ​​ID - the same gadgets, only they have a simplified interface and functionality. Used if you don’t want to clutter your desktop.

There are more than 20 such identifiers, here is a list of the most popular:

  • Glassy Network
  • NIC Slim
  • DC Wireless
  • NetGraf Black
  • NetMonitor

How to speed up the Internet on a computer or laptop

It is really possible to speed up the Internet, even if you are not experiencing problems, optimization will help you achieve better results.

There is not a single method that would make the Internet connection speed higher than the speed set by the provider.

Myths about “fast” work

Since this topic is incredibly popular, it led to the appearance of real methods, and myths. Let's figure out how to really speed up the Internet and what won't help in this matter.

Myth 1: Windows “steals” 20% of traffic

There are many articles on the Internet on how to speed up your connection by as much as 20%(!). The explanation is as follows: Windows runs a QoS service that reserves up to 20% of the traffic for its tasks, which is why it is not used to its full potential. Consequently, disabling this service will free up a fifth of the traffic and the Internet will “fly”. Is this true? Unfortunately no. To confirm this, let's figure out how it works. Yes, the system needs its own percentage of traffic to system programs could access the network. But, firstly, if priority programs do not use the connection, then user programs do this, and, secondly, if the system has reserved part of the traffic, but it is not being used at the moment, then user programs also gain access to it.

Repeated tests have shown that disabling the QoS service does not increase Internet speed.

Myth 2: Clearing your browser cache and temporary files

Another myth that not only doesn’t help, it even works in the opposite direction. The point is that the cache and RAM, on which Internet speed depends, are not related in any way. Instead, the cache stores items from pages you've already visited, allowing for faster loading times on your next visit.

The same applies to cleaning the system Prefetch folder. The situation is absolutely similar with browsers. Just as the browser cache allows you to quickly load pages, the cache from the Prefetch folder allows you to quickly start the system.

Myth 3: Acceleration using special programs

Even popular programs to speed up the Internet do not produce any results. The whole point of these programs is to transfer application data from RAM to the page file. A running application or program runs a little faster, but when you open applications that have been left for a while, you will see how much they slow down.

Real ways

Method 1: Removing startup of unused programs

Check all programs that are installed on your computer for startup functionality. There are groups of programs, such as torrents, widgets, toolbars, instant messengers, programs that carry out some kind of PC tests, which even without your knowledge end up in autoload. In all programs where you do not need startup, turn it off. There are 2 ways to do this. First:

Second way:

Before you remove a program from startup, make sure that you know the purpose of this program and that it will not harm the operation of your computer.

Method 2: Optimize your PC

Clean your hard drive, delete everything unnecessary programs You may need additional RAM. Check your computer for viruses as often as possible. All this will help speed up the work of both the device itself and the Internet.

Method 3: Optimize or replace your router

Using an outdated or weak equipment will not allow you to achieve high speed. Perhaps flashing the device will be enough. In any case, it is better to trust this to professionals. Contact the service center for advice and assistance.

Method 4: Ethernet instead of Wi-Fi

If possible, use a wired connection; it will be faster and more stable in any conditions. The router constantly needs to be rebooted, the wire allows you not to be distracted by such actions.

Method 5: Change Wi-Fi channel

If there are many users of the same channel in your home and you use Wi-Fi connection, the speed will be much slower. To change the channel, use inSSIDer or WiFiInfoView to determine the free channel. And then change the router settings.

To successfully optimize your Internet performance, find the reason or several reasons, which is more likely. And only then proceed to solutions. Do not fall for loud statements and advertising that by using programs or disabling a component of the operating system you can achieve great results and increase speed many times over. The maximum that can be squeezed out of optimization is 10–15%.

Slow internet is one of the most annoying things in the world. Low connection speed interferes not only with entertainment, but also with work: in addition to problems with watching movies and online games, it interferes with searching for information and downloading files. Is it possible to correct the situation, and how to do it?

You can increase Internet speed in several ways: selecting a suitable tariff and provider, setting up equipment and a specific connection, monitoring resource consumption by various applications, as well as using special programs. Let's look at each of these methods in more detail and figure out what to do in each specific case.

First method: choosing the right tariff plan

Main reason slow internet- this is your provider. It sets a limit on outgoing and incoming speed for each tariff, which cannot be circumvented without an additional payment. These numbers can be found in the tariff description and in the contract, and often they are the reason for the slow Internet.

To find out whether the reason for the slow Internet is an inappropriate tariff, it is worth taking measurements on any site to check. The most common and convenient among them is

It's easy to handle:

  1. Disconnect other devices from the Internet, close all programs that may consume the Internet.
  2. Pause browser extensions and VPNs.
  3. Go to the site, start testing by clicking on the “Begin Test” button.
  4. Wait for the result.

If the obtained value is comparable to the figures in the contract, or differs from them by 10–15%, the reason for the slowness is tariff plan, not suitable for your needs. It is worth switching to a tariff with a different upper limit or changing the operator.

If the connection is slower by 25% or more, then the reason for the connection slowdowns is not in the tariff. Worth a phone call hotline provider and clarify this information: perhaps the problem arose due to breakdowns or problems with them.

You should also make sure that your tariff does not have traffic restrictions: in such cases, the speed drops sharply as soon as the specified threshold is reached. You can increase it only by paying for additional gigabytes. This method is practiced on the MTS modem, and it is also used by the Megafon modem and other mobile modems with SIM cards. It is also used by the Belarusian operator Byfly.

How to increase the speed of an MTS modem - video:

Is there nothing broken with the provider and the traffic threshold is not set? We are looking further.

Second method: monitoring resource consumption by programs

Another reason for a slow connection is excessive traffic consumption by programs running in the background on the computer. In addition to the browser, other applications can also use the Internet connection, even when you practically do not use them.

Such programs include:

  • Torrent clients. Both while downloading files and in a calm state.
  • Cloud services, especially when synchronizing data.
  • Minimized browser, even with a small number of tabs.
  • Applications when downloading updates. Operating system - including.

Also, the reason may be a virus; they tend to clog traffic. This is especially true in a situation where the speed was constant and high, and its sharp drop occurred just after installation new program or downloading a new file. You should scan your computer with an antivirus program to rule out this option.

Finding processes that actively use traffic is not difficult. To do this, you need to open the Task Manager and find the “Performance” tab in it.

Select the Network tab. Activate processes using checkboxes to see how much traffic they use.

When you figure out which applications you don't need at the moment require a lot of Internet, disable them in the task manager. Also check if they are enabled in startup.

Remove torrent from processes and cloud storage can be done without any problems: in those moments when they do not download files, they are only wasting resources. But don’t rush to disable system applications! This may cause your computer to malfunction.

Third method: setting up equipment

You can increase your Internet speed if you properly configure and update your equipment for connecting to the global network.

If you use wired Internet, it is worth checking the cable for damage. Outgoing contacts, location near power lines, creases and other defects slow down throughput. If the problem can be fixed, do it. If not, buy a new cord.

If you are a happy owner of Wi-Fi, make sure that its maximum throughput fits your needs. You can find this information in the instructions and on the box from the router. To increase speed, update your router's firmware and move it away from batteries and other heat sources. Make sure the router is in convenient location, and the computer can pick up its signal.

Next, update the network card drivers. You can find them on the website of the manufacturer of your laptop or PC. Next, you need to launch the Device Manager: this can be done by opening Computer (This PC in Windows 8 and Windows 10), right-clicking and selecting “Properties”.

Click on "Device Manager". A new window will open in front of you.

Select “Network adapters”, find yours, right-click on it and activate “Properties”.

For a cable connection, find the "Advanced" tab, and raise the "Speed ​​& Duplex" value to maximum. Attention: select the value labeled “Full Duplex”.

When connecting wirelessly, activate 802.11n mode in the “Advanced” tab. Activate WMM support.

Save your changes and exit the manager. If you use Wi-Fi, go to the router's settings panel, go to the "Wireless Network" tab and set the following parameters:

The broadcast channel can only be selected at random: depending on specific device and locations, all options manifest themselves differently.

Once you are done, the hardware setup will be completed.

Fourth method: disabling redundancy

Another the right way optimizing your connection and increasing the speed on your laptop or PC means disabling Internet backup. The fact is that by default the system uses about 20% of your traffic as network reserve. You can disable this function by opening the “Run” line and entering the value in it:


The “Local Group Policy Editor” window will appear in front of you. In it you need to open the “Computer Configuration” section. There is a folder “Administrative Templates” and its subfolder “Network”. That's what we need.

This is where the QoS Packet Scheduler/Manager folder is located. It contains a file that needs to be changed to speed up the connection. It's called "Limit Reserved Bandwidth".

Open the file to edit the values ​​within it. Reduce the reservation percentage using the arrows, or by entering the required value manually. We need the number "0". Save your changes.

Reservation disabled. This can increase your internet speed by 15-20%.

Fifth method: searching for violators

If you use a wireless connection and the previous methods did not work to increase the speed of your home Internet, check your network for extraneous connections. Lovers free internet There's enough around! If the speed drops suddenly and all attempts to speed up the connection fail, the transfer may slow down for this very reason.

Searching and identifying those connected to your Wi-Fi network - video.

To find out if someone else has connected to your Wi-Fi, you need to go to the router settings menu. Enter your username and password - if you have not visited this page yet, the correct value for both items is “admin”. Go to menu " Wireless mode", and find the item "Wireless statistics" in it.

All devices connected to your router are displayed here. If you notice something unfamiliar, you should change the password for your connection in the security settings. Depending on the manufacturer and model, they may be called differently.

Reboot your router and all third-party connections will be reset. If everything is successful, the speed will increase to the normal setting instantly.

From now on, be more vigilant: in most cases, the password is found out through automatic guessing and phishing attacks, so try to use complex combinations and not respond to suspicious windows asking you to enter a password.

Sixth method: third-party accelerator programs

And finally, the last working method that will help increase the speed of your Internet connection: using third-party programs. You can find many similar utilities on the Internet. Let's look at how they work on TCP Optimizer: this free application, capable of adding 15–20% to the current speed.

Video on working with the SG TCP Optimizer utility:

To add speed using this program, do the following:

  1. Run the program as administrator.
  2. Specify maximum speed connections on the “Connection Speed” scale.
  3. Find your device in the “Network adapter selection” list.
  4. In the “Choose settings” item, select “Optimal”.
  5. Click on the "Apply changes" button. Reboot your device.

After restarting the system, check the Internet operation. The program should strengthen your connection and increase the speed of loading pages and files.

As you can see, it is possible to improve the speed of your Internet connection at home. To do this, you just need to choose the method that suits you and strictly follow the instructions.

The desire to speed up work on the Internet is a necessity that the user is driven by the lack of speed and extended request processing time (ping). There are a number of ways that allow the user to optimize Internet speed in Windows 10.

Why is my home internet slow?

Whatever you wear water tap, the water will not flow faster, but if the street branch is “thrown” onto a new water pipeline, the pressure will always be there. Internet acceleration works in a similar way: it is not an increase in the speed of your connection without the knowledge of the provider, but the use of faster connections between the servers of your provider and the same

The Internet is servers and data centers connected to each other by wired and wireless channels connections of different capacities. It doesn’t matter which way you go to access Yandex mail or distribute Zhanna Friske’s collection from your PC to other people via BitTorrent - DNS servers (domain name servers) with different IPs, automatically selected by default, will take care of this. It is useful to indicate the highest speed ones known to you - data transfer will be faster.

Manual DNS-IP selection is the easiest way to speed up the processing of user requests. Thus, Google, a giant company with huge annual income, does not buy servers and data centers, but produces them itself. Its DNS - and - are indicated as priority DNS.

How to speed up the Internet on Windows

Many instructions in Windows XP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10 are very similar. The emphasis in the description is on Windows 8/10.

Changing the network bandwidth limit in Windows 10

It was in the top ten that Microsoft developers installed a software reduction in Internet speed by 20%. That is, having purchased an unlimited package of 35 Mbit/s, you will encounter a “ceiling” of 28 Mbit/s. This is done to track your PC statistics by Microsoft, collect information about software errors to improve and fix the following Windows versions(11, 12, etc., which may be released by 2019–2021). To disable this limit, do the following.

  1. Give the command “Start - Run” and enter gpedit.msc (from the English Group Politics Editor - group policy adjuster). The Windows Group Policy Editor will launch. Advanced configuration of the Group Policy Client service is currently only available in Windows 10 Professional.
  2. Give the command “Computer Configuration - Administrative Templates - Network - QoS Packet Scheduler - Limit Reserved Bandwidth”.
  3. Don't forget to enable advanced view for this setting. Now open the “Limit Reservable Bandwidth” function window by double-clicking on it and set the marker to “Enabled”, and enter a zero value in the number field.
  4. Make sure that the network service “QoS Packet Scheduler” (Quality of Service) is working. Give the command “Control Panel - Network and Sharing Center - Change advanced sharing settings - (your adapter) - Properties.” The QoS scheduler component must be active.
  5. Close all windows by clicking OK and restart Windows. Download a movie or music selection from the Download Master, uTorrent or similar application, after setting the application you are using to maximum speed. It is better to check the peak speed on your Internet tariff in the early morning hours, when your channel performance is best. You will definitely see the difference. If you have reached the speed limit set on your tariff, then disabling the reserved speed will take effect.

Not only good intentions prompted Microsoft to “score” this 20%: apparently, they decided that in the age of 100-megabit Internet packages, people would not immediately notice that they only have 80 megabits instead of 100. Fortunately, everything is switchable. If something happens, craftsmen will freely and disinterestedly modify the original Windows 10, turning off all the “suction” that prevents people from working.

Viral activity affecting the connection

You often come across software pests:

  • “Trojans” that download the lion’s share of the speed of your Internet channel;
  • adware involved in the distribution of porn, advertising of online casinos, fake Chinese watches and iPhones, and other evil spirits that are absolutely unnecessary for a normal person;
  • self-extracting archives and installers disguised as Android firmware and other “utilities”, demanding money via SMS and filling up Windows with a bunch of unnecessary junk, and they are downloaded from fake file hosting services ( instead of, etc.);
  • javascript elements on the pages of popular blogs, generating endless requests for non-existent domains that would never open on their own, and loading self-deleting files.

Try to use several different antiviruses separately. Among them are 360 ​​Total Security, Avast, Panda, Kaspersky Anti-Virus, NOD32 and similar. After completing a deep scan with one of them, you can launch one or two more antiviruses one by one. The main thing is not to enable several antiviruses at the same time: this is fraught with program conflicts.

Optimizing file sharing speed on your computer or mobile device

If you download and distribute tens of gigabytes of multimedia and programs every day, you always need to clearly know how much of your unlimited bandwidth you allocate to file sharing. If there is a lack of speed, don’t be lazy to check what values ​​you have set in “downloading” applications - for example, when distributing recently released movies and music albums to other people via uTorrent.

An important video conference or online meeting in your company is disrupted? Are you a reporter and are you having trouble sending your video footage? Are you trading gold on Forex, but the speed of your cellular provider is low due to the overload of the nearest tower, causing trades that need to be opened right now to fail? And so on and so forth... The downloads will have to wait. Reduce the speed of background programs or close them.

View and audit traffic through Windows Task Manager

Do the following.

Attention! Be careful with system processes (explorer.exe, winlogon.exe, wininit.exe, smss.exe, lsass.exe, copies of svchost.exe with different parameters and similar processes - as well as processes of your hardware drivers, for example, atiex .exe, conexantdrv.exe, etc.). Closing any of them can disrupt the behavior and operation of Windows, and then only a short press of the power button, pre-programmed to shut down Windows, will allow you to exit the failed session. To avoid difficulties, check the lists of Windows processes and services often; If possible, study these lists: it will be easier to determine, when a PC is infected, where the virus is and where the system processes are.

Enabling turbo mode in browsers

This is a mode in which images, animations, photos and videos are compressed on web pages. It is available in any modern browser. Suitable for people with "castrated" unlimited tariffs, which have a bunch of notes in the description, for people with laptops that connect to the Internet via USB modems, and even cellular internet- a phenomenon that is extremely unstable and capricious.

So, if you have Yandex.Browser, the “Turbo” mode is enabled on the settings page. Click on the button in the form of three stripes in the upper right corner of Yandex.Browser; General settings will open, in which there is a control for turbo mode.

Increase speed on Wi-Fi

The declared speed of 150/300 Mbit/s is a deception: cheap Chinese routers have weak processors and RAM. For real speed of at least the declared 54 or 100 megabits, do not skimp on more expensive and high-speed equipment.

  • Turn off WPA(2) encryption - this wastes the processor and RAM buffer resources of the router. For security, enable the MAC filter - this will prevent strangers from connecting to your network.
  • Enable modern speed - 802.11n/ac (150/1200 Mbps).
  • Regularly update your router firmware latest version until the manufacturer stops software “managing” your device.
  • Do not turn on the maximum power of the router - this is excessive heat, which means a decrease in performance and data exchange speed.
  • Use a Wi-Fi band of 20 rather than 40 MHz.
  • Do not install the router computer desk, PC system unit and other metal obstacles. It is advisable to raise it higher and install it in the center of the house or apartment.

For example, we took the ZTE-MF90+ mobile 4G router (seller - VimpelCom OJSC, 04/13/2016). The 20 MHz band was “hard-wired” from the start; firmware was not installed on ZTE proprietary software; it was unlocked for SIM Yota.

The network has been made open.

Add MAC from iPhone 4s (A1387).

Energy saving and network radius are optimized.

How to view/change network settings in the Windows Registry

  1. Give the command “Start - Run” and launch the registry editor by entering the key phrase regedit.exe (or regedit). The guide is aimed primarily at 3G/4G modems: specifically in cellular networks There is often a lack of speed due to the abundance of subscribers.
  2. Create a file MODEM921600.REG, open it in Windows Notepad and enter the following text: “REGEDIT4

    77,07,00,00,00,10,0e,00,00,fa,00,00.” Save and run this document. The registry editor will rewrite the data from it.
  3. Restart Windows, go to the properties of your modem. You will now have port speeds of 230400, 460800 and 921600 bps (previously the maximum was 115.2 kbps).
  4. Give the command "Control Panel - Network - (your modem) - Properties - Advanced."
  5. Make sure you have the following settings:
    • “P2P protocol” - Enabled;
    • “IP packet size” - Largest (MTU will reach 1500);
    • “Keep a log” - No;
    • “Enable IP header compression” - No;
    • “Modem type” - NDIS.
  6. Save your settings and restart your connection.

After performing these manipulations, the Internet speed should increase.

Reducing Internet Cache Size

If you use the HandyCache application, do not forget to clean out the \Cache subfolder in its folder.

In browsers, the cache size is also limited: it is recommended not to allocate space on drive C: larger than 100 MB for Internet cache. For example, to get to Mozilla Firefox Before managing the cache size, give the command “Settings - Advanced - Network”.

Other methods to speed up web surfing

Other measures include:

  • modification of the antennas of the Wi-Fi adapter and router, ensuring line of sight;
  • the use of more powerful and “long-range” routers with multiple antennas and high-speed processors and RAM;
  • use of several different connections to the network (both of the same type and “at random”) in the “bridge + repeater” mode in order to increase throughput;
  • using several LAN/WAN connections in one hub or router with LAN-Cat5e connectors, creating a local network with several “Internet sources” of any configuration.

Several independent connections to the Internet, combined into a network bridge, will only give an increase in speed in normal web surfing (without HTTPS and “packaging” traffic through port 443), including downloading files through download managers and torrents). On single-stream data, for example, Internet radio and YouTube, you are unlikely to gain anything from the bridge - there will be a “single” speed.

For example, the incoming speed is perfectly summarized using the Connectify Dispatch application. So, you can combine 4G modems: say, three such modems, equipped with Yota SIM cards with a free speed of 128 kbit/s on the Yota “modem” tariff, in total will give a speed of up to 384 kbit/s (3*128), which will It is best felt when downloading/distributing torrents.

A quick guide to speeding up the Internet in Windows 7/8/10: video

Speeding up the Internet is an urgent, but not too difficult task. Use any of the tips below. Good luck to you!

In most cases, speed problems are related to the tariff or malfunctions on the side of the provider or user equipment. However, there are times when a decrease in speed is due to software settings or malfunctions. In this case, you can try to correct the situation on your own. Let's figure out how to speed up the Internet on Windows 10, what needs to be done for this, etc.

All overclocking options can be divided into the following categories:

  • lifting restrictions in operating system;
  • removing restrictions in third-party programs;
  • fixing errors and updating firmware in the router/modem;
  • using settings for slow Internet;
  • network optimization using third-party software.

One of the methods listed will definitely help you make your connection faster and more stable. Next, all methods will be considered in the form step-by-step guides, as well as ways to check speed.

How to check speed

First, measure the speed of your connection using a special service. This is necessary in order to verify the data with your tariff plan. It is possible that the Internet is not limited in any way, but fully corresponds to the declared speed. In this case, you need to use services to measure speed, ping and other parameters.

  1. The most popular option is checking on To do this, go to the website through any browser and click the Begin Test button.

  1. Next, automatic selection of the nearest server and speed measurement will begin.

  1. At the end of the procedure, you will see the Download and Upload Speed, Ping data on the screen. Verify the information received with your provider's tariff plan information.

Most providers have similar services. For example, for the Rostelecom provider you need to visit the page and select the desired region.

In the operating room Windows system 10 has a built-in network check feature that can be used through the Task Manager. To view network load, do the following:

  1. Bring up the task manager using the key combination Ctrl + Shift + Esc. Go to the "Processes" tab and click on "Network" to organize the list as you use the Internet.

  1. At the top of the list will be all processes that somehow use the network for their work. If yours is slow home internet, then close some of them. You can view more information about network load in the “Performance” tab. At the bottom of the window, click on the “Open Resource Monitor” button.

  1. The “Network” tab contains all processes related to working on the Internet. You can close them using RMB and the “End Process” button.

After a reboot, the computer will again use these processes, so it will not be possible to completely get rid of the problem with loading the network channel. Let's move on to removing restrictions in the system.

Now let's look at the OS settings and restrictions on a laptop and PC. After Windows installations 10 by default limits the connection speed and reserves part of the channel for system purposes (updates, etc.). To optimize the Internet, you need to remove the bandwidth limitation through your computer configuration. After this, the connection should stabilize and the speed should increase slightly.

To remove the restriction, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Run window using the Start menu or Win + R keys. Next, enter the command gpedit.msc and click OK.

  1. The Local Group Policy Editor will appear in front of you. Go to the Computer Configuration – “Administrative Templates Network” – “QoS Packet Scheduler” branch.

  1. On the right side of the window, find the line “Limit reserved bandwidth” and right-click. Then select “Change” from the menu.

  1. In the window, set the “Enabled” option. In the field for changing the network bandwidth limit, set “0” and apply the changes with the “OK” button.

  1. Now you need to check whether your network connection is using the QoS scheduler. To do this, right-click on the connection icon (1) in the tray and select “Network Center”.

  1. Now go to the “Change adapter settings” section.

  1. Right click on your connection and go to properties.

  1. Check the box next to QoS Packet Scheduler and apply the changes with the “OK” button.

Ready! Optimization helped increase speed by about 10%, which was reserved by the system. If speeding up in this way helped only slightly, then move on to the next methods.

Diagnostics using standard means

You can also use the standard diagnostic wizard to check the connection. The program will scan the network and display the status and the need to correct errors.

To run the diagnostic tool, do the following:

  1. Right-click on the tray icon and select “Diagnostics problems”.

  1. Wait for the diagnosis to complete and look at the result.

If no problems are found, proceed to the next steps.

Program restrictions

Some of the software installed by users is connected to the network. Such programs can limit the Internet and make it extremely slow. In addition, they may have speed restrictions. To return the Internet to functionality and improve it, you need to use our advice.

The main program that most users use to speed up their connection is uTorrent. Increasing Internet Speed ​​parameters is possible through the settings.

Open uTorrent. Right-click on the required download and select “Reception Restriction” from the menu. In the next section, you should set the Unlimited option to speed up the torrent to its maximum.

This can be done while you are downloading a particular file or game via uTorrent. If you are very bad internet and the channel is not enough for all needs, then turn off some programs before the download is completed. After the torrent is downloaded, you can again launch Internet-related software (Steam, Skype, etc.). This way you will get the most from the tariff.

Browser settings and cache size

If problems arise when working in the browser (pages take a long time to load, it’s impossible to watch videos, etc.), then use the special features. Let's consider enabling turbo mode in Opera, Yandex Browser and Chrome.

To set up turbo mode in Yandex Browser and Opera, use the instructions provided:

  1. In Opera, you need to click on the browser icon in the upper left corner (1), then select the Opera Turbo button (2).

  1. In Yandex browser, go to Settings. Click on the “Show” button additional settings" In the Turbo subsection, set the position to “Always on” (1). To disable the function, move the checkbox to the “Disabled” position (2).

In this way, you can limit the number of multimedia files on web pages (pictures, videos) and, therefore, speed up the loading of sites.

  1. In the browser Google Chrome you need to install a separate plugin – Data Saver. It will help remove the brakes and reduce the waiting time when loading website pages. To do this, open the extension store in your browser and click the “Install” button.

  1. Now, by clicking on the extension icon, you will receive information about the saved traffic.

If the connection continues to slow down, then proceed to the following troubleshooting methods.

Increasing the cache size for the Internet browser can lead to slowdowns. It is not recommended to allocate more than 100 MB for cache on the system disk. To fix this, you need to go to the browser settings and set the desired value (1), and then clear the cache using the special button (2).

This is how you set the cache size in Mozilla Firefox and Opera. In Google Chrome and Yandex browser, the procedure looks different, since they are built on the same Chromium core:

  1. Open the properties of the desktop shortcut.

  1. In the Object field, add the command:
—disk-cache-dir=”с:\browserсache” —disk-cache-size=ххххх

where xxxxx is the desired cache number in bytes.

Virus check

Malware can also significantly affect the performance of the Internet. To increase speed, you need to scan your system for viruses and remove them. You can use third party programs or the built-in Windows 10 Defender. Let's scan the system for viruses using the Defender:

  1. Go to system settings via Start.

  1. Select the "Update and Security" section.

  1. Next, go to Windows Defender.

  1. Click on the “Open Windows Defender Security Center” button.

Working with a router

If you have a laptop, then most likely you use Wi-Fi router ohm and wireless connection. This type of connection is unstable and the speed may drop at any time if you use mobile internet. If the wired provider is connected to the router, and the connection is still slow, then you need to reconfigure the device itself.

Through a Wi-Fi router you can:

  • change the firmware;
  • reconfigure the connection again.

This can be done online using a browser. Therefore, you do not need special skills or knowledge to work with iron.

All router firmwares differ in interface, but the essence remains the same. Let's look at the update using a device from ASUS as an example:

  1. First you need to log in to your ASUS account using the device’s IP address. IN in this case this is You need to enter it into the address bar of your browser, and then log in using the username and password that the provider gives you when concluding the contract.

  1. Next, go to the “Administration” tab (1) and select the “Firmware Update” section (2).

  1. You must download the firmware file in advance from the official website of the router developer and upload it using the “Select file” button (1). To start the update, click on “Submit” (2).

  1. Wait for the software to update and reboot your device.

Now let's look at how to raise the Internet using re-configuration:

  1. The first step is to reset old settings. To do this, go to “Administration (1) – “Restore/save/load settings” (2). Here click on the “Restore” button (3).

  1. Wait for the factory settings to be restored and log in to the system again. Next, go to the “ Quick setup» and follow the instructions.

If this does not help, then use the services of your provider’s wizard. It is possible that the problem lies in the router itself and it needs to be replaced with a new one.

Additional programs

The last option is to get it back fast internet- this is to use the optimizer functionality.

One such program is Internet Speed ​​Booster or cFosSpeed. You can download cFosSpeed ​​from this link. With its help, you can optimize the Internet for games, streaming videos or torrents. Install the utility and follow these steps to configure the priority:

  1. Right-click on the tray icon and select “Options” - “Settings”.

  1. Next, go to the “Programs” tab (1). All programs are divided into categories. For example, go to “Games” and use the slider to change the priority for an online game from low to high (2). Now the connection will be directed to work with the game.

  1. Protocols are prioritized in the same way.

  1. In the General Settings section, you can set automatic priority to the active application. When you minimize a game or program, the Internet speed will increase in other applications.

Bottom line

Each of the methods presented in the instructions can help increase Internet speed on Windows 10 in a certain situation. If all methods are ineffective, then contact your provider's support service for advice and assistance.


For greater clarity, we suggest watching a video that corresponds to the topic under consideration.

Relatively recently, for many of us, the Internet was just a working tool and a way of communication. But progress cannot be stopped, and every day everything more devices have access to the network: “smart watches”, household and kitchen appliances, on-board computers of cars... All these and many other devices can independently perform any actions on the World Wide Web, making life much easier for humanity.

The requirements for the communication channel also began to change. Full HD video, streaming broadcasts, high-quality images, online games - all this requires high-quality, powerful and stable access. Unfortunately, this is not always the case.

On Windows 7? This is a question that users ask on computer forums day after day, as the problem of poor connections is annoying and prevents people from enjoying their time online. There is no panacea here - each problem is individual, so it can be solved in its own way. And we must start, of course, with diagnostics.

Diagnosis of the problem

Checking your Internet speed is the first step towards increasing it. But first you need to do a few simple steps.

Disable all active downloads, close all browser tabs except two or three working ones, exit Skype, uTorrent and Steam - now the cleanliness of the experiment is very important.

After deactivating all “consumers”, you need to go to any of the popular testing services (for example, 2IP or SpeedTest), and then simply click the button to start the process. Within one or two minutes it will be determined real speed connections - don’t forget to save or write it down, you’ll need it later. First of all, we are interested in the value of Download Speed.

Now you need to find out the speed stated in the tariff. To do this, go to the website of your Internet provider. There are two options - either check the tariffs for home page, if you pay a fixed amount per month, or go to personal account subscriber - usually they write in it the tariff used and the minimum/maximum speed for it. If there is no such data on the site, try calling technical support.

Now let's look at how to increase and adjust Internet speed. Windows 7 in this regard, by the way, is almost no different from other operating systems.

Get rid of excess

If the speed is equal to that declared by the provider, but this does not make it any easier, you can try leaving only the program that is needed at the moment enabled. If you want to download the game update faster, disable Skype and browser; If you want to watch a movie, deactivate online games and the torrent client. In this case, the channel will not be clogged with unnecessary data, and the speed will increase.

Increase signal level

For users of 2G, 3G and 4G networks, the previous paragraph may not help significantly. Wireless technologies have one big disadvantage - the signal is often unstable or low. There are many reasons for this: distance from base station, high congestion during peak hours. Measuring Internet speed in such cases is sometimes completely useless - the speed does not reach 2-3 Mbit/sec on a 3G network.

So, how to increase Internet speed on Windows 7 if you are using a USB modem?

There are three main tips here. First, try taking a long USB cable and hanging the modem on a window. In the interior of a room, the signal is often very weak, even if a cell tower is nearby.

The second option, also not associated with high costs, is to allocate your time more wisely.

Try not to actively use the Internet during peak hours (usually weekday evenings) - firstly, you will simply waste your nerves, time and traffic, and secondly, you will load the network even more.

DIY antenna?

If there are no problems with the station, you can try another, more expensive method of boosting the signal. You will need to assemble it yourself or buy a special 3G/4G antenna (depending on your modem). For those who know how to handle a soldering iron, there are a huge number of assembly instructions. Here's how to increase internet speed on Windows 7 alternative way. True, you still have to spend money on a couple of plugs. A finished antenna will cost you 700-3500 rubles.

Tariff change

If you haven’t found the answer to the question of how to increase Internet speed on Windows 7 (the speed according to the tariff corresponds to the declared speed, the wireless connection does not fail or the connection is made via cable), then you can try changing the tariff plan from your Internet provider. Go to the subscriber’s personal account and look for the “Change tariff” button - most Internet service providers provide this option. Choose the one you need (remembering to make sure that the speed on the new one is higher than the current one) and connect! Usually the change of plan occurs the next day. If you still can’t find the right button, contact your provider’s technical support, they will do everything for you.