Healthy eating for a 30 year old man. Diet for men from belly fat and weight loss

Men often do not think about their health and nutrition; they work a lot, eat on the go, and do not monitor what is included in their diet and how rich and varied it is. And if at the age of 20 such a negligent attitude towards one’s body is compensated by youth, body reserves and good metabolism, then over time such indiscriminateness leads to excess body weight gain, deterioration of health and loss of male strength. So, how should a man eat properly after 30 years of age to maintain his masculine potential and physical strength?

How to eat properly for a man after 30 years of age:

These rules are simple but extremely effective. If you follow these recommendations, you can maintain your health until old age and not experience problems with potency

Rule one - food should be varied

You should not limit yourself to foods that are natural sources of healthy proteins, carbohydrates and fats. First of all, these are meat, cereals, legumes and other products of plant origin.

The second rule is that nutrition should be rational.

The amount of food should correspond to the rhythm and lifestyle. For the athlete and office worker The norm of caloric content of food differs significantly.

The third rule is that food should be moderate.

There is no need to overeat, much less make overeating a frequent occurrence. Metabolic processes, which slow down with age, will not keep up with processing food into energy, and, as a result, overeating will lead to obesity.

The fourth rule is that food should be healthy.

This rule means that all products that end up on a man’s table must be as natural as possible, and fast food, canned food, mayonnaise and snacks must be abandoned or at least their consumption must be reduced to an absolute minimum.

The fifth rule is to eat without sugar and salt.

The amount of sugar and salt must be reduced and this must continue to be done throughout life. For example, it will help compensate for sugar alternative sources- honey and fruits.

The sixth rule is to reduce the amount of alcohol consumed

It's no secret that men like to relax with a glass of beer or a glass of stronger beer. alcoholic drink. However, the amount of alcohol must be strictly controlled. And the older a man gets, the less and less often he should drink alcohol.

The seventh rule is to drink enough plain natural water.

Water is involved in metabolic processes in the body. Therefore, its deficiency negatively affects metabolic processes. It is important to remember the amount of water you drink during the day, which is at least one and a half liters. At the same time, we should not forget that it is best to drink natural water, and not its alternative in the form of juices and tea.

The above recommendations are suitable for all men without exception, but some require a special approach to revising their diet, the reason for which is existing health problems. A medical examination, which every person who takes care of themselves and their body should periodically undergo, will help identify such problems.

First, you should visit a doctor who will prescribe general tests, such as blood tests for sugar and cholesterol. In addition, during the examination you should check blood pressure, lung condition (especially if the man is a smoker), do an ultrasound of the internal abdominal organs, thyroid gland, neck and prostate vessels. If during such an examination doctors discover health problems, diseases or chronic conditions, nutritional recommendations will be adjusted so that the man’s diet helps resolve these problems.

Of course, the condition of the body largely depends on what a man eats. However, we should not forget how often he moves. IN modern world, where most often a person’s work involves an office environment, a man simply lacks activity and physical activity. Regular exercise will help compensate for these lifestyle deficiencies. This could be going to the gym, playing sports, active hiking, etc.

Another type of natural physical activity men are sex. Irregular sex can lead to problems and lack of male power.

How to eat properly for a man after 30 years old: video

Many people believe that diets are the preserve of women. However, this opinion is wrong. After all, men often have a saggy tummy, extra folds on the back and excess body weight. This situation is especially relevant after 40 years. At this time, the body's metabolic processes slow down, extra pounds and cellulite. Therefore, it is necessary to choose the right nutrition and follow the chosen diet. If the problem of excess weight appeared already at the age of 30, then it is recommended to regularly take care of your menu.

Basic nutrition rules for men

By the age of thirty, men should carefully observe proper diet. So, it is necessary to give preference to natural products.

Therefore, men should exclude various semi-finished and dubiously produced products from their menu.

Indeed, in addition to excess weight, these ingredients can cause various diseases: hypertension, cancer, atherosclerosis, digestive tract disorders.

On wellness affects proper sleep. Therefore, in order for food to be absorbed in the body, it is necessary to follow a daily regimen. Sleep duration should be at least 6 hours. Thus, the metabolism will circulate in a given mode. And after some time after starting the diet, you will be able to see the first results. And in order to monitor the effect, it is recommended to regularly measure your own body parameters and weigh yourself.

A man can look attractive even after 40 years. To do this, you need to take care of your figure, take care of your health and proper nutrition. A person’s well-being, mood and vitality will depend on these factors. After all, the image of a man is determined not by his age, but by his inner mood.

Proper nutrition for men is food that will provide the body required quantity energy, useful substances and vitamins, will allow a man to be strong, resilient, and maintain men's health.

Unfortunately, very often men eat incorrectly: they love fried, fatty foods, processed foods, carbonated drinks, pickles, chips, beer and other harmful things, often the causes of such problems as gastritis, bloating - is exclusively poor nutrition.. In youth, the body courageously copes with such a “food” load, but over the years it makes itself felt, a man begins to have problems with sex life, the cardiovascular system, and intestinal function….

That is why not only women, but also men should monitor their diet, choose the right products, measure the amount of food eaten and. What's happened healthy eating for men, we will find out in this article.

Healthy eating for men: basic rules

  • A man's diet should be varied, including meat, fish, grain products, vegetables and fruits, and dairy products.
  • If possible, you should avoid or minimize the consumption of processed foods, canned foods, foods with artificial additives, fatty and fried foods.
  • Protein foods are very important for a man's body. The diet should include fish, lean meats, seafood, and cottage cheese.
  • Vegetables and fruits are a storehouse of vitamins that a man really needs. And although not all representatives of the stronger sex like to crunch on salad, it is imperative to include plant foods in your diet.
  • In order not to dial overweight, it is necessary to monitor the calorie content of food consumed and the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The energy value of the “male” diet depends on the physical activity, age and type of activity of the man.

The right foods for men

The main product that contains protein is, of course, meat. Many men love meat very much and cannot imagine their life without a piece of aromatic, juicy steak... In the diet proper nutrition For men, meat products must be present. The absence or shortage of animal protein negatively affects performance and male libido.

But it is better to choose lean varieties of meat for food: beef, chicken, lean pork, lamb. But fatty meats and processed foods can lead to weight gain, loss of fitness, when playing sports. Obesity is fraught with problems with the heart, liver, and male potency.

To maintain sexual function, a man needs not only high-quality protein, but also vitamins (B6, E, C), folic acid, zinc, selenium, and omega-3 acids.

Eat wholemeal bread, seafood (shrimp, oysters, squid, salmon, eel, trout, sardine), walnuts, linseed oil.

Don't neglect fresh vegetables and fruits. Many men do not like such products; they find them too light and tasteless. But without vegetables and fruits, a man’s diet cannot be called correct.

Red and orange fruits are especially useful for the stronger sex; the pigment lycopene, which they contain, is an excellent antioxidant, protects against cancer and problems in the sexual sphere. It is worth including tomatoes, rose hips, bell pepper, watermelon, pomegranate. If you don’t want to eat vegetables as a separate dish, you can prepare a salad with a delicious dressing.

Don't ignore milk and dairy products. Cottage cheese and milk are excellent sources of protein, contain calcium and other useful elements. Daily norm for a man – a glass of milk or natural yogurt, a piece hard cheese, 200 grams of cottage cheese.

A healthy diet for men is a healthy and varied diet, without harmful additives and excess fat. Proper nutrition can be tasty and satisfying, and if our men can understand this, then they can stay healthy and strong for many years.

Healthy eating: menu for men


  • 3 egg omelette with tomatoes and spinach
  • Whole wheat bread
  • Coffee with milk
  • Watermelon


  • Milkshake with banana


  • Borscht with meat
  • Fish stewed with vegetables
  • Tomato and cucumber salad with sour cream dressing
  • Tea, cereal cookies

Afternoon snack

  • Fruits (apple, orange)

“You give me meat, give me meat!” – this is precisely the wish most often heard from the mouths of most men. And rightly so! If you want to always be healthy and full of energy, eat truly “masculine” dishes.


Purely men's food

Unfortunately, most representatives of the stronger half eat incorrectly: they prefer fatty, fried, spicy, processed foods, chips, pickles, marinades, beer and other, far from harmless, drinks. At a young age, such food may not do any harm, but if a man after 25 years remains faithful to his destructive diet, he will not have enough health for a long time.

Sausage meat is not a friend

Men love meat - juicy, aromatic, with blood... Apparently, somewhere on a subconscious level they understand that in the absence of high-quality animal protein, their libido may decrease and their performance will deteriorate. However, not all types of meat work the same. A piece of veal, beef, chicken, lean pork and lamb really tones and “builds” cells (including reproductive cells). But heavy meat and especially semi-finished products, stuffed with fats, harmful carbohydrates and food chemicals, cause serious harm. If a man eats exclusively ready-made dumplings and cutlets of unknown origin, sausages and pork knuckles, he will instantly lose his athletic form and begin to gain extra pounds. But male fat is very dangerous, it quickly affects your health - problems with the heart, liver, intimate failures begin, and all this together is called “metabolic syndrome”.

Question below the belt

For a man to have everything normal “below the belt,” he needs not only protein, but also folic acid, vitamins B6, B12, C, E, zinc, selenium and omega-3 fatty acids. It is these substances that affect potency, sperm quality, psychological health men. To get a sufficient amount of zinc and selenium, you need to eat bread made from cereals and wholemeal flour (the highest grade, which has passed through the millstones of food technology, has almost no benefit). These same substances, as well as the most important omega-3 acids, should be looked for in sea and river products. Once a week a man must have lunch with crayfish, shrimp, crabs, mussels, oysters or squid and have fish dinner twice. Salmon, trout, eel, mackerel, sardine, halibut, herring and sprat are preferable. Omega-3 acids can also be found in walnuts and almonds, rapeseed and flaxseed oil.

I don't eat grass

Unfortunately, most men contemptuously call vegetables, fruits and berries grass. Of course, you don’t need to force yourself to eat greens, but it’s still worth trying to understand the necessity of consuming fresh foods. As a last resort, just make more salad and put less pasta, eat delicious vegetable side dishes more often. Of all the variety of “herbs,” there is one that is especially necessary for a man. First of all, these are red and orange fruits - the pigment lycopene, which gives them a rich color, is an antioxidant and helps to avoid serious cancer problems “below the belt”. IN large quantities it is found in tomatoes (especially cherry tomatoes), bell peppers, rose hips, pomegranate and watermelon. Remember this short list and be sure to include products from it in your diet.

In addition to red-yellow vegetables and fruits, you should also pay attention to green leafy salads - they contain a lot of B vitamins and especially folic acid which gives a man energy. Nutrients found in long-grain rice, beans, peas, as well as meat and eggs. But the most essential vitamin is in the liver, so try to eat it at least once every two weeks.

Beer is a transvestite's friend

Beer and strong alcohol are considered to be the drinks of real men, but they are the ones that turn supermen into weaklings. Naturally, we are not talking about small doses of vodka, cognac, whiskey or foamy drink that you drink once a week. Alcohol begins to have a destructive power with more frequent use (we are not talking about the extreme stage - alcoholism). Strong drinks reduce muscle mass and negate the results of training, and beer generally turns a man into... a lady. The foamy drink contains phytoestrogen, which is a plant analogue of the female sex hormone progesterone. Systematic consumption of light alcohol causes disruption to work endocrine system, suppresses testosterone production and leads to changes appearance men: the amount of hair on the body decreases, decreases muscle mass, the mammary glands enlarge, the timbre of the voice changes, a “beer belly” appears and fat is deposited on the waist.

Exercise machine called "milk"

The ideal men's drinks from a nutritional point of view are dry red wine and milk, which, unfortunately, are not very respected by representatives of the stronger half. We'll have to break stereotypes! Milk and cottage cheese are excellent sources of protein for muscles and all cells of a strong, strong body. Scientists at Cardiff University in England found that a pint of milk a day (about half a liter) reduces the risk of developing metabolic syndrome in men by 62%. And the most paradoxical thing is that it is not a low-fat drink that has this effect, but a normal drink. In addition, the calcium contained in the cow product prevents the accumulation of fats and enhances protein synthesis - that is, it does approximately the same thing as physical exercise. Therefore, dairy products are ideal for men who lead active image life. The daily dose is a glass of natural drink, yogurt, a portion of cottage cheese and a few pieces of cheese.


How to create a menu

A man's breakfast should be hearty - protein or carbohydrate, so we suggest eating a bowl of your favorite porridge with fruit, scrambled eggs with tomatoes, or muesli with milk. But sandwiches with white bread, butter and smoked sausage, washed down with sweet tea or coffee - do not best food for the morning.

At lunch there should also be protein food, but not dairy, but animal. Any fish, seafood or lean meat will do - chicken breast, liver, beef tongue, veal. It is better to serve durum wheat pasta, rice, buckwheat or a vegetable side dish as a side dish. And don’t forget about fresh food - salads, stuffed vegetables, canapés, eggplant rolls.

Dinner can be the same as lunch, but if you have already eaten meat, choose any fish. The main thing is that the menu during the day is varied, complete and contains a lot fresh vegetables and fruits.

If you like to crunch on chips in front of the TV in the evening, it’s better to replace this high-calorie treat with more useful product, such as pumpkin seeds, which are rich in zinc. Only 20-30 pieces are enough to prevent male diseases.

Expert opinion

Michael Popp, professor, famous German chemist, winemaker

A man should definitely include red wine in his diet. The fact is that the skin of grapes contains large quantities of resveratrol, which enters the drink during fermentation. This unique substance interferes with human metabolism, prevents fat deposition and protects the heart and blood vessels. Moreover, today it has been scientifically proven that resveratrol in its action in the body is very similar to Viagra. Like medicinal product, it increases the content of nitric oxide in the vessels and thus increases potency.

Men's menu


Scrambled eggs from 3 eggs with one tomato and basil.

Grain bread.

Coffee without sugar.

Watermelon and yogurt dessert.


Milkshake with one banana and a pinch of cinnamon.


Salad of tomatoes, cucumbers, herbs and garlic in olive oil.

Classic borscht.

Salmon with a side dish of basmati rice and vegetables.

Dessert – dried fruits, cereal cookies and unsweetened tea.

Afternoon snack

Apple, pear or orange.


Beef liver with cauliflower garnish in creamy sauce.

A glass of red wine.

For the night

Drinking yoghurt or fermented baked milk.

Cutlet, chop, beer, plus a chocolate bar for a snack - all these are your man’s favorite dishes? Isn't it time to think about healthy eating? A specially designed diet will help prolong youth and preserve male strength for many years.

“A man eats a lot, that’s how it should be!” - mothers assured their daughters, preparing for marriage. Rich borscht with ribs, potatoes and cutlets - what kind of peasant would refuse such a feast? And then comes the surprise of why, at the age of 30, the belly is above the waistband of the trousers, at the age of 40 there is shortness of breath, and at the age of 50 there is a problem with an erection. Doctors are confident that half of men suffer from syndrome X (its symptoms are listed above). And the consequence of all this can be a decrease in libido and type 2 diabetes. There is only one way out - healthy eating and moderate exercise.

Changing habits

Switching to healthy food is only the first step; you need to know how to prepare and eat it correctly. It is advisable to buy food not in supermarkets, but in markets. In supermarkets, we often succumb to the temptation to pick up unnecessary and harmful things.

You should eat fried foods less often; it is best to steam, bake, stew or bake food. It is necessary to combine foods correctly - eat protein foods with a side dish of vegetables; Do not combine several types of proteins - mushrooms, fish, meat. Reduce coffee consumption - one, maximum two cups per day. Better go to green tea and drink water. Replace sweet carbonated drinks with natural freshly squeezed juices.

The most difficult point in the male diet plan is that it is necessary to exclude dessert from the diet. Sweets, cakes, ice cream, cookies are treats for women and children, and only in moderation.

The easiest way to longevity and health is to eat less, but more often. Counting calories is a woman's job - a myth. There is also a limit for men. For a guy engaged in intense physical labor, it is 2200-2600 kcal per day; for an office employee who plays sports at least three times a week – 2000-2200 kcal; for those who lead a sedentary lifestyle - 1800-2000 kcal; Well, for those who want to lose weight – 1500 kcal.

Such a daily diet guarantees good potency for a man of any age and promotes the active production of healthy sperm.

Don’t worry about the fact that you won’t have time to cut your favorite salads... In fact, you will have to cook much less - no pizzas, pies, herring under a fur coat, Olivier. More fresh and natural products! It will also be tasty, and most importantly healthy.

We forget about products that contain preservatives and chemicals: sausage, canned food, yoghurts with a long shelf life, a variety of sandwiches, mayonnaise, etc. We exclude fatty meat from the diet, white bread, pasta, sweets and alcohol. We sign up for the fitness center.

Menu for the day

Breakfast: 200g low-fat cottage cheese with tea; orange.

Options: 1. half a glass oatmeal, filled with kefir, with seeds and raisins; sandwich with cheese. 2. egg omelet or two boiled eggs; vegetable salad with vegetable oil.

Lunch: an apple and a handful of nuts and dried fruits.

Options: a glass of tomato juice or kefir with a wholemeal bun.

Dinner: 200g fish baked with vegetables; green vegetable salad.

Options: 1. mushroom stew with vegetables and salad. 2. grilled meat with vegetables. 3.chicken cutlets with salad.

Afternoon snack: a handful of nuts and one of the fruits.

Options: 1. fruit salad. 2. apple baked with cottage cheese. 3. a glass of kefir and an apple.

Dinner: grilled chicken with vegetables.

Options: 1. baked potatoes and sauerkraut. 2. borscht and a portion of vinaigrette. 3. portion of any porridge with vegetables (buckwheat, rice, oatmeal). 4. pilaf with seafood.

What should a real macho eat?

The daily diet of a healthy man should consist of:

  • 10% polyunsaturated fats – nuts, seeds, vegetable and olive oils, flax, pumpkin, corn.
  • 20% hard-to-digest carbohydrates. This is millet, brown rice, oatmeal, buckwheat. Bran and rye bread, And pasta from wholemeal flour.
  • 30% vegetables of all types: cabbage, salads, bell peppers, spinach, cucumbers, tomatoes. And also fruits.
  • 40% proteins: chicken, turkey, lean beef, sea fish, low-fat cottage cheese, mushrooms, legumes.