How to glue liquid wallpaper step by step. How to properly glue liquid wallpaper and how are they remarkable? Preparation of the working mixture

Liquid wallpaper is one of the most original finishing materials. They are sold in bags and are in the form of a dry powder, which includes cotton or silk, cellulose, dyes and glue.

One of the main qualities of the material is its antistatic properties, which prevent dust accumulation. After application, liquid wallpaper forms a surface with micropores, which improves the heat and sound insulation of the room.

However, they do not absorb odors. It is important that liquid wallpaper looks unusual, stylish and very beautiful.

This amazing material can be used everywhere - in an apartment, office, cafe, including in the bathroom and in the kitchen. But when operating in high humidity conditions, it is worth using acrylic varnish, since the wallpaper is easily washed off with water.

The additional coating forms a moisture barrier and makes the material even more attractive.


How to apply liquid wallpaper

You will be pleasantly surprised - there is nothing complicated in the work. With the skills of working with a spatula, you can easily cope with this task. Preliminary preparation of the walls of the room is carried out. The main requirement is their cleanliness and dryness. The old coatings must be removed, the mold, if any, is carefully removed (it is advisable to eliminate the cause of its appearance by carrying out thermal insulation work).

Preparing walls for wallpapering Drying the room

Preparing the wall involves sanding it, removing all dust and applying a primer. It will allow you to remove all irregularities from the wall, close small pores, reduce material consumption, and ensure its good adhesion to the glued surface. Any primer will work, but it should be designed for this type of wallpaper. When it dries up, you can start working.

Use a plastic trowel for this, which will help to distribute the mixture on the surface to be pasted. You will also need a damp cloth and a bowl of water.
If you decide to glue liquid wallpaper with your own hands, it is important to carefully study the technology of work.

The mixture is kneaded until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Dyestuffs are added to almost all liquid wallpapers, resulting in a variety of color designs.

After cooking, the wallpaper is covered with foil and left for several hours, then it is applied to the wall with a spatula, trying to form an even layer. Next, a roller is rolled along the wall - this is necessary in order to get a perfectly flat surface.

How to glue liquid wallpaper on the ceiling

The technique of application is similar to the process of gluing on the wall. First of all, you need to take into account that the material looks like expensive silk, so the wallpaper does not go well with other types of roll materials.

  1. Preparing the base of the ceiling when working with liquid wallpaper is much more difficult than when working with walls, since light falling from different angles will reveal absolutely all irregularities and defects, if any. In connection with this nuance, the ceiling should be well leveled, or a suspended plasterboard should be created.
  2. The next stage is a three-layer primer to create a high-quality bonding base.
  3. If a pattern or pattern is formed with the help of wallpaper, a bump should be made for accurate application of the composition.
  4. Provide good lighting in the room where you will be working, this will help to avoid blemishes and subsequent corrections.
  5. Next, we prepare a solution with liquid wallpaper according to the scheme outlined above.

When the wallpaper is ready, you can start applying, the scheme is absolutely the same as when working with walls. The composition is applied with a spatula and evenly distributed over the surface. If the ceiling is with patterns, then initially distribute the main color, and only then fill in the places with the pattern.

It is better not to throw away the remnants of liquid wallpaper: firstly, they can be useful for correcting errors that have opened after drying; and if there are none, then simply dry the liquid mass and leave the wallpaper for future correction of operational damage.

If some of the wallpaper has deteriorated over time, it can be repaired. For this, the damaged area must be moistened and removed with a spatula. Then the layer is reapplied. That is why never throw away the remnants of wallpaper, especially since they are stored for quite a long time.


Liquid wallpaper allows you to get a durable and high-quality coating, which is distinguished by its beauty, practicality and ease of maintenance.

The main advantage is the affordable price. The cost depends on the manufacturer and the amount of silk fiber included in their composition.

In total, three groups can be distinguished:

  1. The silk content is ten percent. The price of such wallpaper varies from three hundred to four hundred rubles per package, and one of their advantages is economical consumption.
  2. The fiber content is fifty percent. The material has a glossy finish and is suitable for those on a budget. The cost is from four hundred rubles. Certain types of liquid wallpaper are distinguished by a relief surface, due to which they well hide the unevenness of the wall.
  3. The amount of silk fibers is one hundred percent. Such wallpapers create the effect of wall decoration with silk fabric, have a high level of wear resistance, and are presented in different colors. Price - from 480 to 2000 rubles.

Each collection of liquid wallpaper is unique, and their variety will satisfy every taste.

Most developers do not know how to glue liquid wallpaper and find the process very difficult. In fact, the process is quite simple, and with knowledge of the technology, anyone can handle the job. In this article, we will figure out how to properly prepare the surface and apply the coating, you just need to repeat all the steps to ensure you get a great result.

This is also liquid wallpaper - how to glue them to get a real picture, we will figure it out below

Workflow steps

The technology can be divided into 3 stages:

  1. Surface preparation;
  2. Preparation of the composition;
  3. Application of liquid wallpaper.

Remember that it is recommended to apply the coating only in dry rooms. The disadvantages of liquid wallpaper are few, and the most important of them is its poor resistance to moisture. But there is one way to protect the finish, which allows it to be used even in bathrooms and on, which I will discuss below.

Stage 1 - surface preparation

For work, you will need a certain set of materials, the list of which is indicated in the table.

Material Description
The liquid wallpaper One package is enough for 2.5-5 square meters, depending on the layer thickness and surface texture. All information is indicated on the label, so it is not difficult to calculate the required amount.

As practice shows, the actual consumption is always slightly higher, so purchase the composition with a margin of 20%. Packing price ranges from 500 to 2000 rubles

Putty It is best to take "Vetonit", as it retains its plasticity for a long time, is easy to apply and quickly rubbed out. The cost of the bag is about 550 rubles
Primer With its help, the surface is strengthened. Also, the primer serves as a moisture barrier and improves the adhesion of the decorative coating. Use acrylic-based deep penetration formulations, their cost is about 50-100 rubles per liter, depending on the manufacturer. For wet rooms, it is best to use formulations with antiseptic additives.

If your walls are not white, then it is better to additionally purchase an inexpensive water-based paint to make the base light. You can even paint the walls to match the liquid wallpaper used.

From the tool you need the following:

  • Two spatulas - wide and narrow, for applying putty;
  • Brush or roller for priming surfaces;
  • Capacity for preparation of the composition;
  • Special trowel for applying liquid wallpaper. It is made of plastic, it is better to choose a transparent version, so you will see how the composition is leveled.

The preparation of walls and ceilings is not difficult.

Just select the items that suit your case and follow the steps described in them:

  • If there are old coatings on the surface, then they must be removed. Wallpaper is removed using special compounds, whitewash is removed with a spatula. If the plaster or putty layer is cracked in places, then all unreliable areas must be removed. The work is done with an ordinary chisel and hammer;

  • The plane of the cleaned surface is checked with a level or rule. If there are a lot of irregularities and significant drops on it, then the easiest way is to putty the wall completely. If the level drops do not exceed a few millimeters, then individual areas are putty, plus all the places where the old finish was removed are sealed. The composition is distributed in a layer of no more than 3 mm, if the irregularities are large, then the application is carried out in several stages;

  • The putty dries for about a day, after which it is necessary to finally level the surface using a sanding bar with sandpaper or mesh (grain size 150 or less). There is no need for a perfect result, minor scratches are covered with liquid wallpaper, the main thing is to display the main plane. To control the work, a light bulb or flashlight is used, the light shows all the flaws;

  • After sanding, you need to clean the walls from dust. For this, a vacuum cleaner or a brush is used, it is important to remove the bulk of the dirt, which is formed a lot during grinding;
  • The prepared base is treated with a primer. Everything is simple here: the composition is applied to the surface in a uniform layer without smudges, special attention is paid to corners and other difficult areas. The second coat can be applied after the first coat has dried, usually taking several hours. If the finish is porous, then it is better to process it with a third layer for maximum effect;

  • You don't need to paint the white surface of the putty, as it is a good base for liquid wallpaper. If the walls are gray, then it is better to paint them either in white or in the color of the decorative coating that will be applied. This preparation allows you to achieve the best effect, because the dark base will not show through from under the coating.

Stage 2 - preparation of decorative coating

The use of this finishing material assumes its own preparation. The ease of application and the strength of the coating depend on how correctly the process is carried out.

The instructions for carrying out the work look like this:

  • First of all, you need to familiarize yourself with the information on the label. There are always recommendations from the manufacturer, which must be taken into account;
  • It is best to use a large plastic container for work. First, the required amount of water is poured into it (the volume is indicated on the package) with a temperature of 30-40 degrees. It is impossible to take too hot liquid, from this the glue in the composition may simply curl up;
  • If glitter or other additives are used during work, then they must be added to the water immediately and mixed thoroughly. So you can achieve an even distribution of these elements throughout the mass;

  • The contents of one or more bags are poured into the water. Stirring is done by hand; do not use a power tool, as it will damage the fibers and crush the mass. It is necessary to stir the composition until the mass becomes homogeneous, the lumps are simply crushed by hands;

  • The mixed mass should be left for a certain period, most often it is 12 hours. But some formulations gain the required properties faster. Again, all information is indicated on the packaging;

If you need to use a lot of the composition, then after preparing the mass, it can be folded back into the bag and left to settle. This will allow you to do with a small capacity.

  • After the required time has elapsed, the composition is mixed again. If it has settled in several containers, then you need to mix everything together, this will exclude changes in shade on the surface. Naturally, if the colors are different, then they must be prepared separately. It is important to mix the mass well and check again if there are any lumps in it.

Stage 3 - surface coating

Now I will explain how easy it is to glue liquid wallpaper. Compared to other coating options, this type of formulation is the easiest to apply. This is why I recommend it to those who have no experience in construction.

You do not need special skills, it is enough to be careful and follow all the recommendations set out below:

  • If a drawing will be applied to the wall, then first of all, its contours should be applied to the surface.... You can make patterns or draw by hand, it all depends on what you want to depict. The main thing is that the markup should be clear and clearly visible, since it is on it that you will be guided in the future;

  • To prevent the composition from falling off the surface, you need to check its adhesion in advance. To do this, the mass is distributed over a small area, if it does not hold, then it is worth adding water. Water is added at the rate of 500-700 grams per package. After thorough mixing, you can start working;

If the composition turned out to be very liquid, then it should be left for about half a day in a dry, warm place, the excess moisture will evaporate.

  • Work begins from any section of the wall. If the coating is monochromatic, then the easiest way is to go from the corner, but if you have a drawing, then first of all you need to apply the background. Everything is simple here: with the help of a float, the mass is distributed in a layer of about 2 mm, the tool is kept at an angle of 15 degrees to the surface. You do not need to press down on the ironer, as you can damage the fibers, and the texture will not turn out very attractive;

  • If a drawing is applied, then liquid wallpaper is applied to the wall along the contours. For lines to be clear, they must be trimmed and compacted with a rubber trowel. With it, you simply pull the mass along the line and press. Naturally, the second color is applied after the first has completely dried, that is, the more complex the composition, the longer it will take to implement;

Remember the important rule - the composition must be applied to the surface in one go. That is, if you have a monochromatic coating, then each wall is finished from beginning to end. There is no need to leave a piece of the surface and finish it later, the joint may become noticeable.

  • When smoothing, you should drive the tool in different directions so that the fibers are not in one direction;
  • After application, no longer than an hour and a half, you need to finally level the surface. For this, a wide spatula or trowel is used. The tool is moistened in water and the surface is smoothed. This allows you to achieve maximum uniformity of the coating;

  • If the composition was applied in a room with high humidity, then you need to treat the surface with acrylic varnish. It strengthens the finish and makes it moisture resistant. It is not difficult to apply varnish with your own hands; a brush is used for work, since you need to very carefully process all the irregularities. The only drawback of such processing is that it will not work to repair the coating if it is damaged.

If you have damaged a separate area of ​​the decorative coating, then it will not be difficult to fix the problem. Liquid wallpaper can be removed from the wall in the damaged area, soaked with water and reapplied, everything is very simple.


After reading this review, you can easily figure out how to glue liquid wallpaper and how to properly prepare the base and the composition itself. It's very simple if you know all the nuances of the technology and follow clear recommendations. The video in this article will help you understand the topic even better, and if you still have questions, write them in the comments below.

Such a name as liquid wallpaper appeared not so long ago on the building materials market, but it is already used in a thousand apartments in every city where renovations are underway. And this is not surprising, because during repair work there is nothing easier than applying liquid wallpaper to the wall.

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Besides the fact that they are easy to glue, liquid wallpapers have such advantages as originality, brightness and they are environmentally friendly. They do not require careful maintenance. But still, in our time, there are those who have no idea about this material. And even more - they do not trust such an innovation.

What is liquid wallpaper?

It will not be superfluous to talk in detail about such an innovation in building materials as liquid wallpaper.

On store shelves, they can be found as bags with multi-colored sawdust. In more detail, these sawdust are nothing more than cotton and cellulose granules, dyes and glue. But besides them, the kit may include threads, crumbs and mica of various bright colors. When soaked, and after application and drying, the walls painted with liquid wallpaper become soft, slightly rough and even warm.

Mixtures come in different colors

Liquid wallpaper is divided into several types, but at the same time they do not have such differences with each other. Only upon application can the difference be made clear. Some lie in a thin, even layer, while others may have special dents.

How to glue liquid wallpaper on the wall?

Before applying liquid wallpaper, a wall is necessary. This procedure is no different from preparing walls for ordinary wallpaper. And it consists in removing old wallpaper, other unwanted elements (nails, hooks, etc.), and after leveling the walls.

There are several ways to remove old wallpaper:

  1. We put special chemicals on them, when it has settled for about fifteen minutes, we begin to rip off with a special tool.
  2. We wet a section of wallpaper with warm water, after five minutes of settling, we begin to scrape them off with a spatula or knife.

If the walls have any color, then you need to get rid of it, resorting to help, paint and enamel. In the case of this, do not forget that in addition to the docking points, it must be completely putty. Otherwise, the white stripes cannot be hidden, and after everything dries, they will become noticeable. After that, it is necessary to treat everything with water-based paint. Since it is possible to soak the putty if you apply liquid wallpaper to it. It will not be superfluous to add PVA, but only if gypsum putty is used. This will have a positive effect on strengthening the wall, and negatively on moisture absorption.

Before gluing liquid wallpaper to a wooden surface, you need to familiarize yourself with its thickness. If the surface is thin, then this will only contribute to its deformation, in contact with liquid wallpaper. In order to avoid this, be sure to apply oil paint. It is applied in two, or even better - three, layers. Then the surface is treated with water-based paint.

Liquid wallpaper with a pattern

How to prepare the mixture?

First, we will select the required capacity. A plastic bowl will do just fine. Then warm water (not hot and not cold) should be poured into it. Now you can throw in the contents of the bag itself, but do it a little bit, while stirring the solution. For stirring, you can use a special mixer. Thus, upon completion, a colored puree should form in the container. If lumps come across in it, then they must be removed, otherwise it will disfigure the walls.

When the batch is ready, it needs to be put to rest for twenty minutes. Then stir again. So that after applying liquid wallpaper, the wall does not turn out to be different shades, all existing packages must be poured into the container with the mixture. This is necessary because liquid wallpaper can be applied only once. Two or three tricks will not work. Otherwise, each wall will have its own shade.

The solution is prepared for no more than ten minutes, after which it must be left to "settle" for some time. Now you can get down to business!

Liquid wallpaper with a pattern

Applying liquid wallpaper to the wall

We list the necessary tools:

- a bowl of mixture

- roller / for leveling

- to give the original texture, a special knurling roller is required

- "colorless" varnish for application on liquid wallpaper at the end of works

I would like to say right away that the generally accepted word "glue" is, to put it mildly, inappropriate. Liquid wallpaper, in terms of its composition, is more suitable for liquid materials. And of course, before applying them to the wall, you don't have to use special glue. But it will not be superfluous to process the walls with a light glue solution.

We take out a small amount of the mixture from the basin, and spread it over its surface with a spatula / roller. We do not regret the mixture, not allowing voids to form on the wall. But we also distribute the mixture evenly so that no bulges form. After you've finished with the first batch of the mixture, move on to the second. It is not necessary to highlight the boundaries between the areas of application of the first and second mixtures.

There are also oversights in the form of lumps and bald spots. Any such unwanted formation on the wall should be wetted and then removed. Then apply a new layer of the mixture in its place. Carefully smooth with a roller / trowel. The main thing is not to frequent with such an operation. Wallpaper can withstand no more than 3 soaks.

Ideally, for such work, it would be great to have a special hopper gun for applying liquid wallpaper. Then everything will go much faster. But not everyone can afford it. And since, in addition to the pistol, a compressor is also needed to regulate the pressure, the majority of them no longer have the opportunity to purchase it. But the opportunity to rent all this does not disappear.

Different colors and texture of liquid wallpaper

If you are going to decorate the wall with a pattern, then you need to make a special stencil. The drawing is done in stages - fragment by fragment. Each fragment has its own stencil.

That, in general, is all. The main application is now complete. Now you need to wait for them to dry completely. How long the drying process will take depends on the temperature in your apartment. The standard drying time for liquid wallpaper is considered to be three days. After drying, the surface is evenly treated with colorless varnish. But in any case, do not do this until it is completely dry! Otherwise, the wallpaper will deform, and all efforts are down the drain!

Liquid wallpaper is the choice of truly original and creative people. In addition to the main coating, you can also apply a variety of patterns. As well as figures and patterns.

An important advantage of liquid wallpaper is the absence of seams, which cannot be said about paper. This is one of the main reasons paper wallpaper peels off. In addition, the design of the room, thanks to liquid wallpaper, seems very original. This innovation is used in almost all major design projects.

In case of any destruction of a certain area of ​​the wallpaper after some time, it can be easily restored. And this is another plus of liquid wallpaper.

In order to restore the damaged area, it must be completely removed and then placed in a container with warm water. Then apply back to the wall. And most importantly, after drying, this area will not differ from others. Although damage to such a surface is very difficult.

And for leaving, just wiping with a rag is enough. Maximum - with a vacuum cleaner. But, in any case, do not use cleaning agents - this has a detrimental effect on the surface.

How to glue liquid wallpaper video:

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Modern realities are forcing an increasing number of people to think that it is quite possible to carry out finishing work on their own. One of the most important questions is how to glue liquid wallpaper to various materials. Indeed, this variety is significantly different from their paper or non-woven counterparts and requires a special approach.

First of all, you need to understand that working with liquid wallpaper is significantly different from the sticker roll options. The process is much more like wall cladding with plaster or putty. There is a simple explanation for this: the material is a set of components, including shredded fibers of cellulose, cotton and silk. Various environmentally friendly additives serve as binding elements. Distinctive decorative effects are achieved through all kinds of inclusions.

Thus, a mixture of amazing properties is obtained, which makes it very popular. The only significant drawback is the high price, which is largely due to the complexity of production.

Sticker or application

Currently, there is a lot of controversy about whether it is worth doing the work completely yourself. Many masters insist that only professionals who are well acquainted with the application technique can perform this work with high quality. This leads to the fact that many turn to specialists for gluing liquid wallpaper.

In reality, there are no restrictions, you can stick such wallpaper yourself. The technological features of the product do not require special experience and the use of special tools. The main thing is to clearly follow the required order of work, which includes several interrelated stages.

The technology for applying liquid wallpaper is quite simple and with proper skill, you can do it yourself

It is also worth making a reservation that the term "stick" is more understandable for perception, but does not characterize this procedure at all, the concept of "application" or "styling" will be more accurate.

On a note! These products are sold as dry mix packed in polyethylene bags. Each of them contains instructions for use, which you must definitely familiarize yourself with in order to understand what conditions must be observed in the process of work.

The feasibility of high-quality wall preparation

Of course, this material can be glued to any surface, but it looks more advantageous on the walls. With a little time and effort, you can get an effect that will exceed all expectations, because there are many options for the manifestation of imagination.

But gluing liquid wallpaper requires careful preparation, which depends on the base material. It will be a mistake to take into account the frequently encountered advice that the prepared solution will hide all existing defects.

It is best to apply decorative material on pre-prepared walls.

Working with old or plastered walls

This option is found in most cases. The wall is a surface that has already been finished many times. Therefore, follow these steps:

  1. Completely remove the previous decorative coating. Particular attention must be paid to the painted areas, they cannot be left, therefore the only correct solution would be a complete cleaning.
  2. Check the quality of the plaster or putty. Due to the fact that defects and shedding are unacceptable, all defects are eliminated. If required, complete finishing is carried out.
  3. It is obligatory to impregnate the surfaces with a primer. She must have deep penetration.

GKL surfaces

Plasterboard is increasingly used for leveling walls, so it is not surprising that it will serve as the basis for decorative cladding. But you need to take into account some of the nuances:

  • Much attention is paid to the joints. This is the most problematic area. The fact is that liquid wallpaper creates a solid canvas, so the cracks will immediately be reflected on the front side of the coating. To avoid such troubles, all seams must be reinforced with reinforced tape.
  • Difficulties can arise with an untreated cardboard surface. This will lead to two problems. First, the water will be absorbed too quickly, which will cause unevenness and compression. Secondly, if it is necessary to remove the decorative layer, then the plate itself will suffer. Therefore, it is advisable to cover the boards with a putty.
  • We must not forget about the use of a primer, this is a mandatory procedure.

A similar scenario for working with wooden surfaces that have been pre-faced with plywood or OSB.

Liquid wallpaper application technology

First of all, it is worth clarifying how to work with liquid wallpaper while preparing the mixture. It is this stage that can have a significant impact on the final result. It is important to remember the basic rule: stirring must be very gentle, so it is carried out by hand, this will avoid damage to the base.

Kneading silk plaster by hand

Required tools:

  • A set of spatulas. This tool must be flexible enough.
  • Trowel. It will be needed to distribute the mixture in a given area.
  • Grater. With its help, it is possible to form the necessary texture, so it is better to choose transparent options.

On a note! In view of the fact that some tool may have been previously used, it is advisable to make sure that its working surfaces are completely clean.

Although the work itself is not difficult, applying the composition will require concentration and care. This will avoid oversights.

VIDEO: how to glue liquid wallpaper on the wall

Step-by-step instruction:

Summarizing the above, it becomes clear how to glue the liquid wallpaper yourself and get the desired texture. The main thing is to practice a little to understand the basic principles. And then in the process of work there will be no unforeseen difficulties.

Liquid wallpaper quickly broke into the market of finishing materials and also quickly won the hearts of millions of housewives around the world. They are amazingly beautiful, practical and environmentally friendly. They are easy to glue, if, of course, this word can be applied to the method of applying liquid wallpaper to the walls, it is easy to take care of them. In general, this material deserves a huge number of praises in its address. However, many are afraid to mess with liquid wallpaper. And all why? Because they know little about them, and even more so they do not know how to glue liquid wallpaper. But everything is much simpler than it might seem.

  1. What is liquid wallpaper?
  2. Benefits of liquid wallpaper
  3. Disadvantages of liquid wallpaper
  4. Preparing the walls
  5. Preparation of the mixture

What is liquid wallpaper?

Before you learn how to properly glue liquid wallpaper, you should take a closer look at their composition, properties, advantages and disadvantages.

Liquid wallpaper is a plastic material very similar in structure to flakes or sawdust. It is sold in transparent plastic bags weighing from 1 kilogram. The composition of such a finishing material includes natural cellulose or cotton fibers, acrylic components, adhesives and dyes. In addition, other "ingredients" can be found in the package: sequins, mica, silk fibers, quartz chips, gold and silver threads.

After drying, the composition turns into something resembling solid foam in its texture: the surface of the walls is the same rough, soft and warm.

There are several types of liquid wallpaper, and they do not have any special differences, except that by the thickness of the finished layer, it can be concluded that what type of material was used during the repair. Some are thin and smooth, having a dense, but not too textured surface, others are voluminous with clearly noticeable "chipped" - more like a fabric.

Benefits of liquid wallpaper

  1. Since liquid wallpaper contains only natural ingredients that have a neutral electric charge, they have excellent antistatic properties. What does it mean? This means that such wallpapers will not turn into a dust collector and will create a favorable atmosphere in the room.
  2. Liquid wallpaper is versatile. They can be used to decorate a living room, bedroom, children's room, kitchen, hallway and even a bathroom.
  3. Such a finishing material perfectly hides minor wall defects, cracks, cracks in the places where skirting boards, platbands, frames, switches and sockets fit. In addition, they have no seams, which means that the surface of the walls will always look perfectly flat in any weather.
  4. You can decorate the walls of new apartments with liquid wallpaper and not be afraid of shrinkage. They do not deform, which allows not to wait 3-4 years for the house to "settle down", but to immediately start a full-fledged repair.
  5. Liquid wallpaper can be glued to almost all surfaces: concrete, drywall, wood, putty, plaster, fiberboard, plywood, MDF, paint and even metal.
  6. Such wallpapers are easily subject to cosmetic repairs: they do not need to be torn off completely from the wall, it is enough to soak the damaged or contaminated area with water and remove the mixture with a spatula. Apply a new one to the place of the old coating, level it and the wall will again delight you with beauty and perfection.
  7. Liquid wallpaper breathes, they provide heat and sound insulation properties to your walls, in general, this material is ideal from all points of view.

Disadvantages of liquid wallpaper

Unfortunately, such a wonderful coating also has drawbacks, however, there are only two of them, and even those can be classified as insignificant.

Liquid wallpaper is quickly washed off with water, so if you decide to decorate the bathroom with them or want to periodically wipe them with a damp cloth (to maintain cleanliness), then you will have to protect the surface of the walls with a colorless varnish. At the same time, the beauty of the decoration will remain, but the effect of the "breathing" walls will disappear forever.

And the second drawback is the high price, but globally speaking, beauty costs much more than 200 rubles per kilogram, so you can safely delete the cost of liquid wallpaper from the list of vices.

How to properly glue liquid wallpaper?

Preparing the walls

Naturally, you need to start with the preparation of the walls. To do this, remove the remnants of old wallpaper and paint, and if there are metal objects (nail heads, bolts, etc.) on the surface of the walls, paint them over with white enamel or water emulsion.

If the walls have an intense color, then it is better to get rid of it too with the help of special primers, enamel, oil paint or white water-based paint. In old houses, such as stalinka or Khrushchev, the walls do not differ in perfect evenness and it is generally not clear what they are made of, so they will need to be impregnated with a solution of FG or ordinary impregnation. After that, the surface of the walls must be painted over with water-based paint in two layers - this will protect against the appearance of yellow spots - insidious companions of old apartments.

Drywall will have to be putty completely, and not just the joints. What for? It's just that after the liquid wallpaper dries, the white streaks of the putty will become noticeable. In addition, it will be necessary to additionally cover the walls with a water-based emulsion, since the putty is not waterproof and can get wet during the application of liquid wallpaper. If you use gypsum putty, then PVA glue can be added to the paint in a ratio of 3: 1 - this will strengthen the surface of the wall and prevent it from absorbing moisture.

Wooden surfaces can also absorb moisture, so before applying liquid wallpaper to them, make sure that they are not too thin (the thinner the sheet, the more it deforms). To protect such surfaces, either oil paint or FG in 2-3 layers is used, followed by painting with an aqueous emulsion.

Preparation of the mixture

Pour warm water into a suitable container and gradually (in small portions) add the dry composition to the vessel, while stirring the solution with a drill mixer. As a result, you should get a mixture in its consistency similar to thick-thick sour cream. It is better to remove all large unmixed particles - when applied to walls, these lumps will create difficulties for you.

After kneading, the solution must be left alone for 15-20 minutes, and then mixed again with the same construction mixer. To achieve a uniform shade, prepare a mixture from several packages and mix the required amount of material in advance, since the entire prepared surface will need to be coated in one step. Not in two days, but in one!

Applying liquid wallpaper to walls

If you do not know how to glue liquid wallpaper, a video story about this process will help you understand all its intricacies. And after watching, be sure to read our instructions.

So, to work you will need:

  • large capacity for diluting dry mix
  • trowel or wallpaper roll
  • spray gun - if possible
  • knurled roller with textured relief - if you want to give the surface a certain texture
  • colorless topcoat varnish

Take some of the mixture and spread it over the wall surface with a spatula or roller. The wallpaper should tightly cover the base, there should be no bald spots, voids and bulges. Having finished with the first section and the first portion of the mixture, go to the second, just make sure that there are no special boundaries between the neighboring sections that have already been rolled out - they should flow smoothly into each other.

If you do not like something (a lump, unevenness, bald spot has formed), then you can slightly wet the wallpaper and remove the defective area, and then fill it again with the mixture and level it. Just do not get too carried away with adjustments - you can wet the wallpaper already applied to the walls no more than 3 times.

If you have a special hopper gun for applying liquid wallpaper, then the speed of applying the composition will increase several times, but such a device is quite expensive. It can be rented if the time for repair work is limited. The rental price is about 300-400 rubles, however, you will also have to take a compressor to the gun, which will create pressure inside the device. In this case, the rental price will increase to 600-700 rubles per day.

In general, applying liquid wallpaper to walls is not a difficult process, but it requires accuracy and care. This coating dries from 12 hours to 3 days, depending on the level of humidity and temperature in the room. To cover the wallpaper with colorless varnish, you only need to completely dry it, otherwise the coating may deform.

Liquid wallpaper is a versatile finishing material that can be used to create interesting interior solutions. They perfectly combine with each other, allowing you to embody the wildest fantasies in reality: stripes and flowers, geometric shapes and ornaments. It is not a problem to create and show your creativity with them.

And if you are still afraid to use a new modern type of finishing materials, then in vain, because creating coziness in an apartment using liquid wallpaper is easy and simple.