Olympics weightlifting schedule. Olympics

On August 9, at the Olympic Games in Rio, weightlifters competed for two sets of medals, one each for men and women.

Women's weight category first up to 63kg the winners were determined. Here, the Chinese Deng Wei won an unconditional victory over her rivals, with a difference of 14 kg, her total was 262 kg.

The Kazakhstan national team was not left without medals in this weight, Karina Goricheva brought another bronze medal of the 2016 Olympic Games to the Kazakh weightlifters’ collection. Karina Goricheva's total - 243kg

Men competed for weight awards up to 69kg and here, as in the women’s competition, the Chinese athlete SHI Zhiyong won, although his total was only 1 kg higher than the result of Daniyar Ismailov, a Turkmen athlete now competing for Turkey. Ismailov is in second place with a total of 351kg.

Following the Turkish national, Izzat Artykov, a representative of Kyrgyzstan, comfortably settled on the third step of the Olympic podium, his bronze sum at the Rio Olympics amounted to 339 kg!

Weightlifting, Olympic Games 2016 - results

Women, 63kg, Olympic Games result
1) DENG Wei (China) - 262kg
2) CHOE Hyo Sim (North Korea) - 248
3) Karina Goricheva (Kazakhstan) - 243
Full results: (downloads: 27)

Men, 69kg, result of the 2016 Olympic Games

1) SHI Zhiyong (China) - 352kg
2) Daniyar Ismailov (Türkiye) - 351
3) Izzat Artykov (Kyrgyzstan) - 339
Full results:

Everything you need to know about weightlifting before the Olympics.

The Olympics (especially the summer ones) are rapidly deteriorating - the reason for this is not only doping and the total number of cheaters, but also the doping control system itself. It is controversial, imperfect and definitely kills viewer interest. Sport is cutting itself off, cutting off the heads of athletes and losing fans.

One can argue for a long time whether it is necessary to store samples for 8 years, endlessly recheck them, develop new methods of raids, but... I don’t want to watch the Games, where a lot of things are not pure, where you are deceived for your own money; or you're wasting your time on a farce.

Just imagine.

August 4, 2012. London. You bought a ticket to the weightlifting gym (what if this happened to you) or sat comfortably in front of the TV - weight category up to 94 kg. Records were set, powerful weights were lifted, medals were won, anthems were sung.

And after 4 years it turns out that 6 of the 8 best athletes in this weight category were doping. Some earlier, some later, some during the Games.

Look at this picture carefully and... be horrified:

And next time think hard: is it worth spending time on THIS, which is always not enough for much more important things?

Let's leave the talk about how everyone takes doping, but not everyone gets caught, for another discussion.

Or another example. More important for us. The fate of Russian weightlifters will soon be decided - whether they will be allowed to participate in the Games in Rio. And judging by the latest news, with so many positive samples you will have to stay at home. Yesterday, after rechecking the London doping tests, we had new defendants.

Here is the list by name:

Beijing 2008

Marina Shainova (silver in weight up to 58 kg)
Nadezhda Evstyukhina (bronze in weight up to 75 kg)

London 2012

Svetlana Tsarukaeva (silver in weight up to 63 kg)
Natalya Zabolotnaya (silver in weight up to 75 kg)
Apti Aukhadov (silver in weight up to 85 kg)
Alexander Ivanov (silver in weight up to 94 kg)
Andrey Demanov (4th place in weight up to 94 kg)

Outside the Olympics

Valentina Popova

Irina Sibetova
Vasily Polovnikov

Valeria Kaverina
Yuri Selyutin

Daria Goltsova
Dmitry Lapikov
Vladislav Lukanin

Natalya Khlestkina

Anastasia Romanova
Marina Shainova
Olga Zubova

Maxim Sheiko

Olga Afanasyeva
Ilya Atnabaev
Artem Grigoryan
Denis Kekhter
Alexey Kosov
Alexey Lovchev
Olga Zubova

Finally, the third important point: the President of the Russian Weightlifting Federation Sergey Syrtsov- Chairman of the Anti-Doping Commission of the European Weightlifting Federation.

However, you already have the main news about weightlifting.

Weightlifting is present at almost all Olympic Games. Among women, competitions began to be held in 2000, starting with the Summer Olympic Games in Sydney. The competition involves lifting weights in two ways: the snatch and the clean and jerk.

Weightlifting Games Participants

260 weightlifters will attend the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. Among them there will be 156 men and 104 women. Several championships will be held, and a total of 15 sets of medals will be awarded. 10 people can participate from one country, 6 men and 4 women. The number of athletes in one weight category is no more than two. Otherwise, the choice of weightlifters for the Summer Olympics is unlimited.

  • Up to 56 kg;
  • Up to 62 kg;
  • Up to 69 kg;
  • Up to 77 kg;
  • Up to 85 kg;
  • Up to 94 kg;
  • Up to 105 kg;
  • More than 105 kg.
  • Up to 48 kg;
  • Up to 53 kg;
  • Up to 58 kg;
  • Up to 63 kg;
  • Up to 69 kg;
  • Up to 75 kg;
  • More than 75 kg.

Athletes are selected at continental and world championships. Each of them counts as a qualifying tournament. As of early June, competition qualifications have not been fully completed, so many future participants who will be accepted by the Olympics are still unknown.

Weightlifting competition calendar

On each day there will be finals of competitions in one or more categories. Weightlifting competition schedule:

  • August 6: women up to 48 kg;
  • August 7: women up to 53 kg, men up to 56 kg;
  • August 8: women up to 58 kg, men up to 62 kg;
  • August 9: women up to 63 kg, men up to 69 kg;
  • August 10: women up to 69 kg, men up to 77 kg;
  • August 12: women up to 75 kg, men up to 85 kg;
  • August 13: men up to 94 kg;
  • August 14: women over 75 kg;
  • August 15: men up to 105 kg;
  • August 16: men over 105 kg.

Venue of the competition: Riocentro complex.

Weightlifting athletes perform snatch and clean and jerk. The snatch is the act of lifting a barbell overhead in one movement. This sport involves the possibility of different execution techniques, depending on who is more comfortable: placing their legs together or separately, along which trajectory to direct the barbell. But once the weight is picked up, the weightlifter cannot simply drop it to the floor. He must stand up straight and wait until the referee blows his whistle to indicate that the weight lift has been recorded. Only after this can the athlete lower the barbell.

The clean and jerk is a different method of lifting a weight. The barbell should be lifted and placed on the chest. After the referee's whistle, it can be raised up.

Barbell sizes vary for men and women. The male bar weighs 20 kg, the female - 15.

The competition takes place as follows. The first step is to put the heaviest discs available on the bar. After this, progressively lighter loads are put on. The athlete is given three attempts for one exercise. If the weight fails, the athlete is eliminated from the competition.

The official decision to suspend domestic weightlifters was published on the IWF website. The verdict on imposing such a harsh sanction was made by the executive council of the federation.

The IWF noted that eight Russian weightlifters were supposed to go to Rio, but two of them, Tatyana Kashirina and Anastasia Romanova, were excluded from the application by the Russian Olympic Committee after it stated that domestic athletes with a doping history would not be able to compete participation in the Olympic Games 2016.

Four more of our weightlifters appeared in Richard McLaren's report.

The IWF also recalled that seven Russian weightlifting medalists at the 2008 and 2012 Olympic Games were found to have prohibited substances in their blood.

“To date, seven positive doping samples have been detected in Russian weightlifters, studied as a result of the combined process of re-checking doping samples from the London and Beijing Games, while the second wave of re-checks of the 2008 Olympic Games has not yet been completed and is not at the stage where names and countries can be publicly disclosed,” the statement said.

The IWF specifically noted that they were forced to suspend Russia also in order not to “spoil the reputation of the sport.”

“The integrity of weightlifting as a sport has been violated many times and at various levels by representatives of Russia. Therefore, it was decided to apply appropriate sanctions to protect our sport,” the IWF says on its website.

It is reported that the quotas given to domestic representatives will be distributed among weightlifters from Albania, Georgia, Moldova, Belgium, Croatia, El Salvador, Mongolia and Serbia.

In Russia, the IWF decision was met, to put it mildly, with misunderstanding. Thus, the former head coach of the country's weightlifting team, David Rigert, accused the international federation of “banditry.”

“This is absolutely unfair. This is real banditry. They feel their impunity.

Yes, we sinned, but not enough to exclude us from the Olympics. Moreover, it is not only our country that has problems.

For a whole generation of athletes, this is it, the finish line. Some will end their careers, others may not survive. Somewhere on the ground there will be not very smart people pressing from all sides,” R-Sport quotes Rigert.

Let us note that in addition to London silver medalist Kashirina and World Championship medalist Romanova, London bronze medalist Ruslan Albegov, whose doping test from the 2012 Olympic Games turned out to be positive, lost his chance to go to the Olympic Games.

Information about this was actually a death sentence for the Russian weightlifting team, because earlier the IWF stated that the Russian Weightlifting Federation (FTAR), as well as other federations, faces a one-year disqualification if at least three samples from the 2008 and 2012 Games turn out to be positive after recheck.

At that time, positive doping tests “B” were detected in just three Russians: Nadezhda Evstyukhina, Marina Shainova and Apti Aukhadov.

A little later, tests from the 2012 Olympics yielded positive results for four more domestic weightlifters: Natalya Zabolotnaya, Svetlana Tsarukaeva, Alexander Ivanov and Andrey Demanov.

Despite the disappointing news, head Alexander Zhukov optimistically stated that three Russian weightlifters should go to Rio.

“There will be a small weightlifting team, probably three people,” TASS reports Zhukov’s words.

Unfortunately, the functionary’s predictions were not destined to come true, and the weightlifting team will become the first Russian team to be completely excluded from the Games, because the same athletes will be represented at least by Daria Klishina.

Let us note that the sword of Damocles hung over domestic weightlifters at the end of December last year, when four Russians were caught using prohibited substances at once, including the hero of the last world championship, Alexey Lovchev.

Lovchev, who set two world records in Houston, immediately called the incident a political action.

Later, the athlete was disqualified for four years and filed an appeal with the Court of Arbitration for Sport in Lausanne, which did not help Alexey “cut off his sentence.”

Then Lovchev blamed the Canadian laboratory for everything, where, according to him, they made a mistake by mistaking the approved ecdisten for the prohibited ipamorelin.

“If I took ipamorelin, then metabolites should be detected in my analysis, they cannot be hidden, but they were not detected. There are several other factors that prove I am right and the laboratory in Montreal is wrong. Yes, the blow is strong, but we are holding it, we haven’t stopped training. We hope that justice will prevail at the Court of Arbitration for Sport in Lausanne,” Lovchev told Match TV before filing an appeal.

After an unsuccessful appeal to CAS, the athlete was appointed sports advisor to the governor of the Vladimir region.

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