Dasha from the silver group biography. Ex-soloist of SEREBRO Daria Shashina about her life after leaving the group and the upcoming wedding

On June 13, the most beautiful of the musketeers would have turned 66 years old. Igor Starygin played about 60 roles in the cinema theater, among them such sensational films as “His Excellency’s Adjutant”, “We’ll Live Until Monday” and “State Border”. But most of all, he was remembered by the audience as the romantic Aramis from the film “D'Artagnan and the Three Musketeers.”

After the release of The Three Musketeers, fans were literally besieged Igor Starygin. But at first the actor had no luck with his personal life. Igor Vladimirovich got married for the first time while still a student, in his third year. The marriage with a classmate lasted no more than a year. With his second wife - Mika Ardova Starygin met at the Youth Theater. The fact that his chosen one was married and was carrying a second child did not bother the actor at all. From this marriage, Igor Starygin had a daughter, Nastya. Igor Vladimirovich lived with Mika for 12 years. It was she who had to endure all the hardships of popularity famous actor. Starygin's third wife was a ballerina, and his fourth was a producer from Sverdlovsk. Both marriages were short-lived.

Ekaterina Tabashnikova, who was 20 years younger than Starygin, met Igor Vladimirovich during the most difficult period of his life.

We met through work,” Ekaterina Tabashnikova tells Vecherka, “she asked us to give an interview to our publication. Later, I came to his house to take some photos. Frankly, I was amazed at how poorly he lived.

At that time, Igor Vladimirovich, who suffered several major operations, almost never filmed. According to Catherine, the actor was terribly depressed.

“We started dating,” Ekaterina continues, “and in the winter of 2006 we got married.

According to Starygin’s friends, it was Ekaterina who helped the actor shake himself up. She looked after him like a child and took all financial problems upon herself.

Gradually, life got better,” says Ekaterina Tabashnikova, “Igor Vladimirovich began to be offered roles in enterprise performances, and he recruited students for acting courses.

According to Catherine, Igor Starygin I really loved walking along Ordynka: “I won’t leave Zamoskvorechye, this is where I’ll die.”

We rarely walked together,” says Ekaterina. “We didn’t like that fans unceremoniously violated our privacy. Sometimes we went together to be quiet and feed the ducks.

In 2009, the actor suffered two strokes one after another. She never recovered from the second one...

It’s very hard for me to remember,” says Ekaterina sadly, “this is an irreparable loss. I still wear it and my wedding ring...

Now Ekaterina Tabashnikova does everything so that her famous husband, the magnificent handsome Aramis, is not forgotten.

I created Facebook page dedicated to Igor Starygin, says Ekaterina. – There I post links to publications about Igor Vladimirovich, his photographs, videos and answer questions from fans. I am posting links to notes about Igor Starygin. I want to publish a book of memoirs, but, unfortunately, I have not yet found a publishing house interested in this.

“My father’s main advice is not to use his famous surname.”

Igor Starygin idolized his daughter Nastya, and was very worried that his favorite was not growing up with him.

Unfortunately, we didn’t see each other very often,” says Anastasia Starygina, - we went to theater premieres together, walked along the embankment and Red Square.

Father and daughter loved to talk over tea. According to Nastya, Igor Vladimirovich never lectured her.

My father’s main advice was “not to use” our last name until I achieve something myself,” says Nastya.

Now Anastasia works as an agent for her sister Anna Ardova(Starygin's stepdaughter).

When dad died,” Nastya continues, “Katya gave Anya and me her father’s silver bracelets. I shortened mine and always wear it on my left hand, closer to my heart. The memory of my dad is always in my heart.

Dossier "VM"

STARYGIN Igor Vladimirovich. Born on June 13, 1946 in Moscow. In 1968 he graduated from GITIS. From 1968 to 1974 - actor of the Moscow Youth Theater. From 1974 to 1983 - actor of the Theater. Mossovet. From 1983 to 1996 - actor of the Theater-Studio “At the Nikitsky Gate” under the direction of M. Rozovsky. From 1996 to 2000 - actor of the Moscow Art Theater. M. Gorky. Honored Artist of Russia (1992) Passed away on November 8, 2009.

As a child, Igor Starygin dreamed of becoming a scout, but fate decreed otherwise. During his life, the talented actor managed to star in approximately 40 films and TV series. He is best remembered for his role as Aramis in the film adaptation of Dumas’s work “D’Artagnan and the Three Musketeers.” Igor died back in 2009, but is still not forgotten by fans. What can you tell about the artist, his work and personal life?

Igor Starygin: family, childhood

The hero of this article was born in Moscow, this happened in June 1946. Igor Starygin was born into a family far from the world of dramatic art. His father was a civilian pilot, and his mother worked at different jobs.

The father left the family when the boy was not yet a year old. The mother tried to feed the family and devoted little time to her son. The child's upbringing was mainly done by the grandparents. Igor admired his grandfather, an NKVD employee. He wanted to become a scout to be like him. He liked to play with his grandfather's weapons. The boy also enjoyed reading detective stories.

Choosing a profession

In the fifth grade, Igor Starygin began studying in a theater studio. He did not take this hobby seriously. The boy liked the process of preparing for performances rather than the actual performance on stage. He was attracted by the opportunity to create scenery and watch the girls sew costumes.

In high school, Igor had no doubt that he would continue his education at the Faculty of Law of Moscow State University. Starygin went to enroll in a theater university with friends. Unexpectedly for everyone, and first of all for himself, he became a student at GITIS. Vasily Aleksandrovich Orlov took the talented young man into his workshop.


Igor Starygin graduated from GITIS in 1968. The aspiring actor brilliantly played Khlestakov in the graduation performance “The Inspector General”. The Moscow Youth Theater hospitably opened its doors to him; Igor spent about six years serving in this theater. Then, for ten years, Starygin performed on the stage of the Mossovet Theater.

In 1983, Igor began collaborating with the theater-studio “At the Nikitsky Gate”, where he was invited by Mark Rozovsky. His main achievement was the role of Johannes in the production of “The Diary of a Seducer.” In 1996, the actor moved to the Gorky Moscow Art Theater, which he left in 2000.

From obscurity to fame

GITIS students were strictly forbidden to act in films. From the biography of Igor Starygin it follows that he violated this ban more than once. The young man first appeared on the set in 1967. Igor played a minor role in the military drama “Retribution”. The film's screening was postponed political reasons, so Starygin’s “crime” went unnoticed.

The next film role gave the GITIS student his first fans. When Starygin came to audition for the film “We’ll Live Until Monday” for the first time, Stanislav Rostotsky refused him. However, then Igor was contacted and asked to come for approval.

The student brilliantly played the role of high school student Kostya Batishchev. His character became a cold, insensitive, arrogant and spoiled young man. Such a hero could not help but attract attention. The film “We'll Live Until Monday” fell in love with thousands of viewers, and Starygin gained his first fans.

First roles

After graduating from GITIS, Igor Starygin began actively acting in films. The directors were happy to offer roles to the talented, attractive and charming guy. In 1969, the mini-series “His Excellency’s Adjutant” was presented to the audience, which is based on real events that took place in the years civil war. Igor got a small but bright role. He played the charming lieutenant Mickey.

This was followed by one of the main roles in the crime drama Charged with Murder. The film tells the story of how a group of drunken young men beat up a couple in love. Then the actor appeared in the biographical drama “ old house", which is dedicated to the life of the philosopher, revolutionary and writer A. I. Herzen.

Directors often assigned Starygin the roles of negative characters. This is exactly what he got to play in the film adaptation of Stendhal’s famous work “The Red and the Black”. In this film, the actor embodied the image of the Marquis Norbert de la Mole.

Finest hour

The taste of real fame was felt in 1979 by Igor Starygin. The actor’s filmography was supplemented by the mini-series “D’Artagnan and the Three Musketeers,” the plot of which was borrowed from the famous work of Dumas. The musical adventure comedy by Georgy Yungvald-Khilkevich was an extraordinary success among the audience. The story of four friends who were ready to sacrifice their lives for each other has sank into the hearts of many. The songs from the film have been sung for many years.

Igor got the role of the handsome aristocrat Aramis. His hero is a musketeer with an attractive appearance and great success with women. Initially, Yungvald-Khilkevich planned to entrust this role to Abdulov. Mikhail Boyarsky drew the director's attention to the actor Starygin. He convinced the master to look at the painting “His Excellency’s Adjutant.” Igor with his aristocratic appearance, blue eyes and with his thin fingers made a great impression on Yungvald-Khilkevich. The director immediately offered him the role.

Films of the 1980-1990s

What did Igor Starygin do in the 1980s? Films with his participation continued to be released. For example, the actor convincingly played the White Guard Vladimir Danovich in the first and second parts of “State Border”. Few people know that this picture was initially banned from showing. The director’s acquaintance with Galina Brezhneva helped him achieve the lifting of the ban.

Then Igor appeared in films and TV series, which are listed below.

  • "First time married."
  • "Moon Rainbow".
  • "Shining World"
  • "Before we part."
  • "Seven Elements"
  • "Snake catcher."
  • "Listen in the compartments."
  • "55 degrees below zero."
  • "The Road to Hell"
  • "Shot in the coffin."

In 1993, the films “The Musketeers 20 Years Later” and “The Secret of Queen Anne, or The Musketeers 30 Years Later” were released. Starygin again tried on the image of the charming Aramis, a favorite of women. Unfortunately, the films were not particularly successful with viewers.

New century

In the new century, Starygin's career began to decline. He didn’t know how to “sell” himself; he waited to be offered roles. Igor nevertheless appeared in a number of films and TV series. Film and television projects with his participation, released in the new century, are listed below.

  • "24 hours".
  • "Conference of maniacs."
  • "Baby goat in milk."
  • "Code of Honor".
  • "Lost the Sun"
  • "Heiress 2".

Marriages and divorces

What is known about the personal life of Igor Starygin? The famous actor entered into legal marriage several times. His first wife was with whom he studied at GITIS. The marriage, concluded too hastily, broke up a year later. The young people separated peacefully, without scandals.

Igor married for the second time in 1966. His chosen one was Mira Ardova, with whom he worked together at the Youth Theater. At the time of meeting Starygin, Mira was married to actor and playwright Boris Ardov. She was pregnant when she left her husband for Igor. Starygin and his second wife lived together for more than 12 years. It was Mira that “Aramis” called his true love. It is known that the family broke up due to Starygin’s infidelities.

For the third time, the actor married Tatyana Sukhacheva. This union quickly fell apart and left Igor with unpleasant memories. The ex-wife took away Starygin’s apartment on Bakhrushinsky Lane, which he received thanks to his work in the theater.

For several years, the actor lived in a civil marriage with Nina Vydrina. He never married this woman. His fourth wife was Ekaterina Tabashnikova. This woman is a photojournalist, editor of the photo department of the Sobesednik newspaper. They lived together for about 9 years and got married in 2006. The age difference between them was about 20 years, but this did not bother the lovers.


What is known about the children of Igor Starygin? First of all, it should be mentioned that famous actress Anna Ardova is his adopted daughter. She was born after her mother Mira left her father Boris for Igor. Anna owes her popularity to the sketch “Women’s League”, as well as the show “One for All”, in which she received a key role.

It is also impossible not to talk about my own daughter Igor Starygin. Anastasia was born in 1978, shortly before her parents divorced. The separation of Mira and Igor did not in any way affect Nastya’s relationship with her father. Starygin always paid a lot of attention to his child; he was very close to his daughter.

Anastasia did not follow in her parents’ footsteps and did not connect her life with dramatic art. Once, however, she appeared in Andrei Gubin’s video “Lisa”. Currently she works as a manager for her sister Anna Ardova. Anastasia has a son, the boy's name is Arseny. Unfortunately, the name of the father of Igor’s only grandson is kept secret.

Starygin's death was a heavy blow for Anastasia, from which she could not recover for a long time. Anna Ardova was also upset by the death of her stepfather, who was closer to her own father.

Which ones are known? interesting facts from the life of a talented actor?

  • What else can you tell about Igor Starygin? The actor's height interests many of his fans. He was 185 cm.
  • Igor did not have aristocratic ancestors.
  • It is known that the star’s first wife was actress Lyudmila Isakova. However, Starygin’s former classmate Yulia Aerova assures that she was Igor’s first wife. It has not yet been possible to confirm or refute this information.
  • Starygin met his fourth wife at a creative evening with Efim Shifrin. Catherine drew attention to him because he looked very bad. She felt sorry for the thinner and older “Aramis”. Later she learned that Igor had undergone several heart surgeries and suffered from atherosclerosis for many years.


What is the cause of death of Igor Starygin? The answer to this question cannot but interest his fans. The last theatrical work of the “musketeer” was the production “Theater Star”, in which he embodied the image of music teacher Udryu. Igor always wanted to leave behind the role of a handsome man and a hero, to play a comic role. In this performance he finally succeeded. Needless to say, he attached great importance to this work.

Actor Igor Starygin had his first stroke in May 2009. He spent about a month in the hospital, then immediately returned to work. The doctors recommended that he undergo a little more treatment, but he did not pay any attention to this advice. Starygin wanted to start playing his favorite role as quickly as possible, they were waiting for him at rehearsals. It is possible that he would have lived longer if he had followed the instructions of specialists.

Igor had a second stroke in September 2009. The actor was taken to intensive care, but it was too late to do anything. Starygin passed away in November 2009; the cause of death was the consequences of a stroke.

The funeral of the talented actor, who brilliantly played Aramis, took place on November 12, 2009. Starygin's grave is located at the Troekurovsky cemetery. In June 2011, the grand opening of a monument in his honor took place. The ceremony was timed to coincide with Igor’s 65th birthday. The monument was erected using funds raised by fans.

Name: Igor Starygin

Age: 63 years old

Place of birth: Moscow

Place of death: Moscow

Activity: theater and film actor

Marital status: was married

Igor Starygin - biography

In the biography of Igor Starygin there were many women: handsome and talented, he always enjoyed success with the opposite sex. Even when he grew old, lost his job and his health, there was someone who helped and supported him.

On that fateful day, Ekaterina Tabashnikova walked into her husband’s room and froze in horror. He sat awkwardly in a chair, leaning to one side. With shaking hands, the woman dialed the ambulance number... Stroke.

The situation was critical: a blood clot had blocked an artery, and the right hemisphere of the brain was damaged. Starygin had been suffering from atherosclerosis for several years; He even underwent five operations on blood vessels, but this did not save him.

At the hospital, doctors were able to use medications to destroy the blood clot. The actor was connected to the device artificial ventilation lungs, but then bilateral pneumonia began. To top it all off, Igor Vladimirovich had a heart attack...

Three serious illnesses at once at 63 years old! The doctors understood that the star had little chance of survival. The only person who continued to believe in a successful outcome was his wife Catherine. For a whole month she massaged her paralyzed husband’s arms, legs, abdomen, and back. She shaved, washed, fed through a tube and sat by his bed for hours, talking about her love.

All his life, Starygin was surrounded by women who were ready to do anything for him. Igor, who was born in 1946, was raised by his mother and grandmother. The father left when his son was not even two years old. The boy sorely needed someone nearby who would teach him to believe in himself, take responsibility and deal with problems on his own...

“I had a nickname in my yard, Granny,” Starygin told his biography. - Because if I was offended, I immediately shouted: “Ba-bu-la!”, and she rushed to the rescue. Probably, since then I love to be “in the cradle” so that they take care of me...

Surprisingly, the ladies willingly took on this role. He lost his virginity already in the eighth grade, when an older girl, who invited him to tea, decisively pushed handsome Igor onto his bed without much conversation. He did not resist - he preferred that women act on their own.

I should have made it clear that I didn't mind, that's all. She was already mine. It's easy to conquer me! - the actor recalled.

Starygin was sure that it was thanks to women that he moved through life. He became an actor only because he wanted to play with the girl he was in love with. I got into my first sensational film, “We’ll Live Until Monday,” not without the participation of a young assistant director, but at GITIS - also because I charmed admissions committee, in which there were many ladies...

It is not surprising that Igor got married for the first time early, when he was still a student.

She and I took the test together entrance exams, then we studied in the same group,” Starygin said. - A sweet girl with a chiseled figure. At first I perceived her simply as a fellow student, but then I saw a woman in her. Everything happened by itself, and, like a decent person, I married her.

However, the student marriage lasted only a year.

It was such legalized sex,” the actor laughed, “but for a real family you need something more.”

Stole a friend's pregnant wife

What exactly - he realized when he saw his wife best friend directed by Boris Ardov. Mika had already given her husband a child and was pregnant with her second daughter, but this did not stop Starygin.

I was madly in love! - he explained. -And it was impossible to stop me. As a result, Mika left her husband... Borya asked: “Will you raise my children? You’re still a kid yourself!” I said, "Why not?"

Mika was the most great love Starygina, gave birth to his daughter Anastasia. However, this circumstance did not keep him from having love affairs on the side. Fans watched in droves for the actor near the theater and near his house. The situation became especially unbearable for the wife after the film “D'Artagnan and the Three Musketeers,” in which her husband played Aramis.

Igor Starygin: all the “Musketeers” girls are common

On the set, the actors decided that they should imitate their on-screen heroes in life. According to Starygin, everything beautiful girls Lvov, where the film was filmed, we visited the rooms of the “musketeers”.

The funny thing is that when director Georgy Yungvald-Khilkevich compared our “girlfriends” and those “maids of honor” who were recruited as extras for, he was perplexed. He even yelled at his assistants: “Look what kind of kikimoras you bring me, and what queens are with these drunken musketeers!” - Starygin recalled.

At the same time, the actors had a rule: all the girls were common. But one day Aramis refused to introduce his friends to a beautiful lady, for which he was nicknamed... Gyurza.

She and I had mutual feelings. After a night of love, I come to breakfast in the morning. And these “musketeers” all look at me like wolves. They sit and are silent. They were offended, you see. And then Smirnitsky says to me: “Well, you bastard! A real snake." - “Gyurza!” - picked up. So this nickname remained with me.

Igor’s wife, Mika, forgave her husband’s infidelities for 12 years in order to save the family, but at some point her patience ran out. Women began to come to the actor’s home, and to top it all off, he began a serious affair. In 1978, when his wife gave birth to his daughter Nastya, Igor decided to leave the family. The actor’s third wife was a ballerina, the fourth was a producer from Sverdlovsk, but he ran away from each of them within a year.

One day, when Starygin began to have problems with both health and work, he decided to return to his Mika. And she forgave him! But as soon as he recovered, he left again.

IN recent years the actor was going through difficult times. His former glory was gone; he earned pennies in the theater.

I had a difficult period. They stopped offering roles. Old diseases have come out in a heap. And the actor's pension is only 4,000 rubles. I even started drinking and thinking, why do I need such a worthless life... - said Starygin.

The daughter communicated with her father, but could not provide serious support, and Starygin had no other official children. True, when he's in once again I went to the hospital and visited him illegitimate son. This fact did not surprise the actor at all.

I was always prepared for the fact that one day a guy would come up to me, punch me in the face and say: “This is for you, bastard, for abandoning my mother!” Then I’ll dry myself and say: “Well, I’m sorry, old man, that’s what happened.”

The son who showed up did not hit his parent. On the contrary, he helped - he bought medicine and... disappeared forever.

I was really looking forward to it. I was waiting for a call. I was waiting for a letter. But silence. Nothing! I am still hurt and offended that he no longer appeared in my unlucky life... - Igor Vladimirovich lamented.

Sick and lonely again, he vegetated in his apartment. And once again he was saved by a woman, photo editor Ekaterina Tabashnikova, 20 years younger than Starygin.

I remember in what poor condition“I found him when we met,” the widow recalls. “He didn’t have long to die.” He was without work, without money. There was no health at all. He often fainted and hit his head.

Tabashnikova took him under her wing.

Katya is not just a beloved woman,” said the artist. - There is a rare type - a woman-mother. That's how she is!

Igor Starygin last years and death

She fought to the end for her beloved. I took out the latest Japanese antibiotics, and a miracle happened - severe pneumonia was defeated. Soon Starygin woke up, began to breathe on his own and even answer questions. The doctors couldn’t believe their eyes, and the wife literally flew with happiness. On their last meeting, Igor Vladimirovich was already eating the broth himself and receiving greetings from friends. And then - November 8, 2009 - sudden cardiac arrest. As the doctors explained, Aramis’ body had simply exhausted its resources.