Money tree: growing and care at home. Crassula: medicinal properties and rules for caring for a money tree at home Growing a Crassula flower

money tree is a decorative representative of the flora, which, according to legend, attracts money to the house. Given his presence and proper growth, money should not be transferred from the owners.

This botanical species is also called the monkey tree, the tree of happiness, and scientifically - Crassula And Crassula. All these names are united by a succulent plant loved by many gardeners. Caring for it at home is not difficult, it is only important to follow the appropriate recommendations.

Conditions for keeping a money tree

Air temperature and humidity

Most representatives of this species adore warmth, so it is advisable to grow them at a temperature range more than +20℃, but less than +25℃. In autumn-winter, the plant develops well both in rooms at +10 - +15℃ and in heated apartments.

Humidity indicators do not play a key role: Crassula grows well at room humidity.

Soil composition and lighting

Crassula is not very demanding on soil. A ready-made mixture for succulents is ideal for her. It is also possible to prepare a sand-turf mixture

You can use the following combination in equal proportions:

  • turf land,
  • leaf earth,
  • humus
  • sand.

It is good to add coal in pieces to the ground.

It is preferable to place the money tree in a place where there is a lot of sun. Most of these flora representatives do not require shading from direct sunlight. For them, windows with access to the east, south or southwest are optimal.

If there is not enough light, the shoots may stretch, the internodes may grow in size, and the leaves may fall off.

IN summer time the fat woman is recommended to place on outdoors, for example, a loggia or a garden. Most Crassulas develop well on the sunny side of balconies. It is only important to ensure that there are no droplets of water on the leaves when watering.

Choosing a pot

Recommendations for the right choice pot:

  • If there is too much soil in the vessel, the taproot will pull down and the crassula will pull up. This will thin it and weaken it. Therefore, when a plant is in a large pot, it should be provided with a small one without excess volume.
  • Crassulas have a shallow root system. The use of low containers is recommended. The plant develops well in bowls.
  • And the necessary drainage in the container will prevent the water from stagnating and lead the fat woman to fungal diseases.

Caring for Crassula at home

Necessary nutrition

Crassula is fertilized approximately once a month using fertilizer solutions for of this type plants in spring and summer. In other seasons, this representative of the flora does not require fertilizer; in extreme cases, it can be poured with a weak solution containing half the concentration or even a smaller volume.

Watering rules

This botanical species came to our country from southern Africa. In this regard, excess moisture is not allowed. In spring and summer, the fat plant needs to be watered once or twice a week, and autumn-winter - even less often.

It is important to check the soil before watering. It assumes a dry state, without drying out, but also without excess water, with possible accumulation in the tray of the pot. The ideal soil condition is light moisture.

Transplanting a plant

This process occurs once every two years, and even less often - in spring period. For the home, the most popular option is Crassula tree, which is characterized by its slow growth. Over time, the mass of fleshy leaves and thick trunk become heavy, and the root system weakens. Transplantation requires stable type tanks.

It is important to ensure that the crassula does not fall out of the bowl before it is strengthened in the new vessel. The use of supports is often recommended.

Pruning and crown formation

Winter care

How to care for a flower in winter:

  • The money tree needs a period of rest so that the shoots do not stretch and the leaves do not fall off in large quantities. Unprovided time for rest is fraught with a lack of flowering. IN winter period The money tree is located indoors with sufficient light, coolness and minimal feeding and watering.
  • Winter does not imply active growth of the fat plant and the formation of flowering. It is being put in order in the spring. And for a more successful organization of the winter period, it is advised to immediately decide on a permanent location where the plant will stand in the winter.

Problems during cultivation

Gardeners may encounter the following problems when growing:

  1. Root rotting or base of the trunk, caused by excess moisture.
    Leaf wilting due to moisture deficiency.
  2. Leaves falling due to various reasons– leaves fall off if watered too much cold water, draft or lack of fresh air.

The money tree has a negative reaction to drafts, which may lead to drying out, the leaves will wrinkle or the flower will drop all its leaves.

How to grow more crops?

Any gardener and summer resident is pleased to receive big harvest with large fruits. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to obtain the desired result.

Plants often lack nutrition and useful minerals

It has the following properties:

  • Allows increase productivity by 50% in just a few weeks of use.
  • You can get a good one harvest even on low-fertility soils and in unfavorable climatic conditions
  • Absolutely safe

Reproduction of Crassula at home

The plant suggests several options for the appearance of new specimens:

  • cuttings;
  • seeds;
  • shoots;
  • leaves.

Application of cuttings

For the first mentioned method, which is considered the simplest, the following steps are performed:

Ground rooting:

  1. The prepared cuttings should be powdered at the cut charcoal and left on fresh air for 24 hours.
  2. Prepare a small container with a hole drainage type and a layer of expanded clay. They pour it there garden mixture and sand in equal quantities.
  3. Using a pencil, make a 3-4 cm indentation to accommodate the cutting. The soil is compacted around the shoot, and a spray bottle will help with soil moisture. Use settled water as required by the dried soil.

Rooting of the cutting will occur in two to three weeks, and it is advisable to replant it after six months.

Planting the shoot:

  1. Place a layer of drainage inside the pot.
  2. Place nutrient soil. Possible mixture option garden soil and sand in equal proportions. Then it is preferable to disinfect with a light manganese solution.
  3. In a coma of earth, a cutting depression is made in the center.
  4. The earth is leveled and slightly compacted.

The plant should take root in 2-3 weeks.

Growing from a leaf

Seed propagation option

  1. Seeds are sown in a small container with seedling soil. There is no need to heat it from below, and the ideal room temperature is from 20 to 25 degrees.
  2. The container with seeds is covered with polyethylene, and if there is a mini-greenhouse - with a lid. Every day, a spray bottle with settled water is used for watering and the greenhouse is left uncovered for 60 minutes to dry and soak in oxygen.
  3. No coating is required when seedlings emerge. All that remains is periodic watering. If the sprouts have taken root, then it’s time to replant them.

Video: secrets of caring for a money tree

Stories from our readers!
“I am a summer resident with many years of experience, and I started using this fertilizer only last year. I tested it on the most capricious vegetable in my garden - tomatoes. The bushes grew and bloomed together, they yielded more than usual. And they did not suffer from late blight, this is the main thing.

Fertilizer really gives more intensive growth garden plants, and they bear fruit much better. Nowadays you can’t grow a normal harvest without fertilizer, and this fertilizing increases the amount of vegetables, so I’m very pleased with the result.”

How to make a money tree bloom at home?

Crassula has very beautiful flowering; for its appearance you need:

  1. Appropriate temperature and light conditions. A “free” schedule in warm seasons and greater coolness in cold seasons, compared to the standard.
  2. Watering at the right time.
  3. Moderate feeding.
  4. Timely transplantation in March or the first half of April.

The flowering process, as a rule, begins unexpectedly with single inflorescences. They are quite inconspicuous individually, but when fully covered they look very harmonious when combined with the thick leaves of the money tree.

It is important to remember the poisonous properties of delicate flowers, so a taste test is completely excluded.

Pests and diseases of the money tree

Fortunately, Crassula is not susceptible to frequent viral or bacterial problems. However, the money tree, as a succulent species, does not like very heavy watering - this can lead to leaf fall and root rot. When the latter are detected, the sections are removed, the cut sites are sprinkled with coal, and the fat plant ends up in the ground.

This pest takes cell sap from the leaf and stem parts, which can lead to the formation red-brown or yellowish spots. Over time, the affected leaves die.

If damage to such areas is detected, they are immediately removed. For more easy removal It is recommended to lubricate the shields with alcohol or kerosene. Next, the representative of the flora is washed with a solution of soap or tobacco, followed by removal using a moistened clean water tampon.

An important procedure is preventive treatment, for which the following are used:

  1. Broad-spectrum insecticides such as "Arrivo", "Fitoverm", "Permethrin" according to the instructions.
  2. Vodka for leaves and the barrel part several times every week.
  3. Soap-oil emulsion to place the fatty milk inside for 6-10 hours. Afterwards, the money tree is washed with cold water. The process is repeated three times with a break of 7 days.

Fighting spider mites

In terms of combating this arachnid, the following are used:

Mealybug and its elimination

This lesion appears as cotton wool-like formations in the leaf axils, on the stems and around the roots.

As a result of the pest sucking out the juice, the following negative changes occur:

To eliminate a mealybug, the following series of actions are performed:

What are the benefits of the money tree?

The properties of Crassula are actively used externally in folk medicine:

It is important not to forget about the possible harm caused when used internally, so drugs should be kept away from children and animals. And in any case, before any treatment, consultation with a specialist is necessary.

The money tree is associated with many signs. The main one can be considered well-being and prosperity in the house with its healthy development, and the presence of debt and ruin with constant illness. An opinion close to this sign is also based on the teaching Feng Shui.

Buying a fat plant into your home brings prosperity and grace, and well-being is maintained only by caring for and caring for the plant to enhance growth.

Types of money tree

There are more than 350 different varieties of Crassula.

Let's look at the most popular types:

Caring for the described botanical species is not difficult. It is important to remember its origin and the creation of conditions as close as possible to its relatives, including a growing season in spring and summer and a dormant period in winter and autumn.


This representative of the flora can easily fit into various flower arrangements. It is optimally suited for creating decorative slides, decorating compact artificial reservoirs and flower beds.

The money tree becomes an integral part of the design of hospitals, office buildings, administration buildings, banks - in any place where funds circulate for their constant presence and increase.

Video about growing a money tree:

Countries of Africa, Central and South America, the lands of Madagascar and other parts of our planet are rich in strange flora. There, in the conditions wildlife, many species of herbs, shrubs and trees grow. which people transported to places with a harsher climate. As a result, to grow them it was necessary to create special conditions. This is how houseplants appeared. The money tree has a similar story.

Origin of the name

The leaves of the plant are collected in a basal rosette, they are sessile, petiolate, and have a round shape resembling a coin. The leaf blades are covered with thick skin, and inside there is pulp. It is precisely because of the external structure of the leaf and the associations that arise in the human imagination that the plant has received several names among the people - fat plant, money tree, fat plant, tree of happiness, tree of good luck.

Folk signs

It is believed that a fat plant growing in a house can attract prosperity and financial wealth. It’s not for nothing that the plant received such a name. It is for this reason that many flower growers grow a money tree, the care of which turns out to be quite simple.

There is an opinion that a rotting, diseased tree of good luck has the opposite effect. That is, its owner may face failure in business and loss of money. To prevent this from happening, the fat woman growing in the house should always be well-groomed and healthy.

Sometimes it happens that a money tree, which seems to have been cared for according to all the rules, still withers and even dies. It turns out that it is very sensitive to the psychological atmosphere that reigns in the house. If residents constantly experience stress and discomfort, then the same condition is transmitted to the green pet. Over time, the flower can not only get sick, but also die for no apparent reason.

Watering the plant

How to care for money tree? This question is most often asked by people who decide to start growing plants. There are several main tips regarding watering, replanting, feeding, and propagating the fat plant.
The flower reacts very sensitively to the presence of moisture in the soil. Therefore, you need to know the rules for watering the plant and strictly adhere to the recommendations.

The money tree flower needs little moisture. In winter, it should be watered no more than once a month or completely eliminated, and in summer it should be done once every 2-3 weeks. In addition, the plant does not like spraying. The procedure can lead to a deterioration in the appearance of the leaves or cause them to rot. Spraying is recommended to be used only in cases where it is necessary to remove dust and other contaminants. After watering, moisture should never remain in the tray of the pot. The water must be drained. If the soil in the pot does not dry out and remains wet for a long time, this means that the substrate or container is not selected correctly. Perhaps the soil is too compacted or the flowerpot is too large.

Lighting conditions

Excessive or insufficient amount of sunlight is a condition to which all indoor plants immediately react. The money tree will actively grow and develop if it is placed in a room with windows facing south.
But at the same time, it is necessary to protect the fat woman from direct sunlight. Otherwise, the leaves may get burned, which will lead to their death. To prevent this from happening, you can use partial shading of the window, thus accustoming the tree of luck to bright light.

This advice applies more to plants that have green leaves. It is precisely in fatworts of this type that when exposed to direct sunlight, sheet plates the latter acquire a dark brown tint or reddish borders appear on them along the edge.

An exception may be the variegated Crassula. This is a species that requires plenty of sunlight. It is also believed that for the money tree to bloom, it is also necessary large number light, including direct sunlight.

There are known types of Crassula that feel good on western or eastern windows. It is possible to place the plants not on the windowsill, but near the window openings.

Not at all suitable for wood good luck north window. After some time, the fat plant will lose its attractiveness - the stems will stretch out, the leaves will become thin. It is even possible for them to fall off.


It is well known that temperature changes are very painful for many indoor plants. The money tree is one of those plants that benefit from changes in temperature during the day.

In winter, the fat woman feels good even at 7-10 degrees Celsius. But the optimal temperature for its growth and development is 16-18 degrees. At higher winter temperatures, the plant withers, sheds its leaves, and loses its decorative effect.

In the summer, it is best to move the fat plant from the windowsill to the floor, where it is cooler. In summer, the money tree can be placed on the balcony, in the gazebo, or in the open-air garden.


Every gardener needs to know how to replant indoor plants. The money tree is no exception, and it has its own replanting rules.

As a rule, a tree is replanted for the first time after purchasing it in a store. From the shipping container, the fatty mushroom must be placed "on permanent place residence" - in a suitable flowerpot. But this should be done no earlier than 2-3 weeks after its appearance in the house. This is due to the fact that the money tree must adapt to new conditions, so you need to provide the green pet with a gentle regime, excluding any negative impact on him.

A wide, shallow pot is the most best capacity, which is suitable for planting Crassula. In such a “dwelling”, the roots of the tree will develop well, delivering the necessary nutrients to the leaves and stems.

A young plant requires changing the pot after a year. The old money tree is replanted after two years. At the same time, the leaves and roots of the fat plant require special care. Its leaves are very fragile and break off easily. The root system is quite weak, its location is superficial. After replanting, very careful watering is required, as there is a possibility that the fragile roots may be damaged, which will lead to their rotting.

Soil selection

There are no special requirements for the soil intended for planting crassula. Any types can be used. But providing drainage - prerequisite, which the plant requires. The money tree, as mentioned above, is sensitive to excess moisture, so a drainage layer in the pot is simply necessary. It may consist of expanded clay, cork or other non-rotting material.

Top dressing

Some gardeners, when caring for money trees, ignore the procedure for feeding them. Experts do not advise forgetting about this.

Crassula (money tree) requires feeding only during the period of active growth of stems and leaves. This occurs from late spring to mid-summer.
The product is applied to the soil no more than once a month. For feeding, use universal or special fertilizers. Those intended for fertilizing cacti are well suited.

Plant propagation

The money tree flower is very easy to propagate yourself. Planting material can be obtained by separating part of the stem with leaves from an adult flower. After which the shoot needs to be wilted a little, then placed in the soil and covered with glass or plastic container. After a few days, the new plant takes root and begins to develop.

You can root a leaf in the same way. He gives aerial roots, so propagation by leaf is an even simpler method than by cuttings.

There are known cases of propagation of Crassula by seeds, but this option is used quite rarely by amateur gardeners.

Susceptibility to diseases, their signs

The question of how to care for a money tree should be of interest to every amateur gardener. Since the health of the plant depends on compliance with these rules. Although the fat plant is very resistant to diseases, they are still possible.
The signs by which you can determine the presence of a disease in a flower are as follows:

  • rotten leaf plates;
  • darkened trunk;
  • "balding" of stems;
  • spots of brown or white on the surface of leaves and shoots.

Causes of plant diseases and measures to eliminate them

Excessive watering can lead to the appearance of rotten leaves on the fat plant. The money tree falls for the same reason. Darkening of the trunk also occurs from excess moisture. To eliminate the disease, it is necessary to stop watering. Within a few weeks, the fat woman can recover. If this does not happen, then the plant will need to be replaced. You can restore it from a cutting, obtaining a new money tree.

Cases of pets being infected by fungi are also known. Brown and whitish spots appear on the leaves and stems of the Crassula. In this case, the home money tree must be treated with a special solution produced by industry.
To protect the fat woman from diseases, preserve it decorative look, it is necessary to carefully monitor the development of the plant and immediately respond to all undesirable changes.

Money tree. Bloom

The structure of the flower of the plant and the color of the petals depends on the type of Crassula. And it turns out there are several of them. Sometimes the flowers are collected in inflorescences or have a single arrangement on the stem. Their color is white, yellowish, pink, rarely red and bluish. In some species, the petals change color during flowering.

The presence of direct sunlight is one of the necessary conditions for the money tree to bloom. Plant care and flowering are closely related. There are cases when plant growers could not get flowers to appear on the Crassula plant. Some of its species bloom only in nature; this does not happen at home. Most often, the plant pleases its owners in the spring.

Description of species

The money tree belongs to the Crassulaceae family, which has about 350 species. Most of them grow in Southern Hemisphere in Africa and South America.

Representatives of the family are very diverse in their appearance, size, growing conditions. For example, some types of Crassula grow only a few centimeters, while the shoots of others reach a height of 3-4 meters. Such flowers are difficult to grow at home.

People consider the Crassula tree to be a tree that brings happiness. But you need to know that its leaves contain a large amount of arsenic and are completely unsuitable for consumption. They can cause severe poisoning.
As already mentioned, leaves different types butterworts have different colors: dark green, light green with a whitish coating, gray with a reddish border along the edge of the leaf plate. Crassulas with variegated leaves are also quite common. At the base of the leaf blade, white aerial roots are formed, which over time acquire a brown tint.

A plant like Crassula could not go unnoticed by amateurs indoor floriculture. Several types of money tree are successfully grown at home. The most common Crassula is oval, ovoid, oblique, silvery, medicinal.

The ovoid butterwort is sometimes called the tree butterfly. These plants have a lignified trunk, the height of which can reach 1-1.5 meters. At favorable conditions content, these indicators may increase.

The club moss is a species that is completely different from the usual money tree. It is used as ground cover plant, since it has shallow roots and a small stem height. To grow a lycopod-shaped crassula together in the same container with another plant, choose one so that they are similar in terms of growing conditions.

Today, varieties of Crassula are known that are bred artificially. Some of them are interesting because they are distinguished by their dwarf size, unusual leaf color, crown shape and other characteristics.

If you prefer beautiful plants for the home that do not require special care conditions, then the money tree was created just for you. It will not only delight you with its appearance, but also, according to signs, will increase the flow of cash into the house. The money tree (crassula, also known as Crassula) has long been considered a symbol of prosperity and wealth..

Description of the plant

Crassula (money tree) refers to the shrub form, although the plant looks like a tree. IN natural conditions Crassula grows up to two and a half meters in height; at home the tree is much shorter.

For home cultivation, a type of Crassula with fleshy round or oval leaves similar to coins is used. That is why the flower was nicknamed the money tree. The juicy pulp of the leaves is covered with skin. The color of the leaves can be very diverse: dark green, light green, silver, striped, with dots.

The root system of the fat plant lies shallow in the ground, so it is easily damaged when loosening or replanting the flower. The roots of the tree require careful handling.

Gallery: money tree (25 photos)

Money tree care

The plant does not require special conditions. At correct selection location, lighting and temperature conditions, care will be reduced to watering and fertilizing. It is necessary to follow several rules so that the tree does not get sick and grows properly.


Crassula prefers good lighting, but not all the time. It's better to put it on sunny side window sill and shade a little. Ideal option there will be south and southeast windows. If the plant turns yellow, it means it needs more light.

Air temperature and humidity

Crassula does not require high air humidity. She feels great both in the bathroom and in the living room. It will be enough to spray the leaves from time to time. At the same time, this will prevent infection spider mite. It is also recommended to regularly wipe the leaves with a damp cloth.

Regarding temperature, the money tree is unpretentious to temperature conditions. Room temperature quite suitable. The main thing is that there are no sudden changes. The minimum comfortable conditions for the fat woman are 10-12 degrees. In summer, the plant can be sent to the balcony. This will not only provide a comfortable temperature for the plant, but also allow it to freshen up in the open air.

Care rubber ficus at home


Recommended in summer water the fat plant frequently and moderately. Usually the time to water comes when top layer the soil has dried out. In winter, the flower is watered moderately on about the third to fourth day after the previous watering. It is better to use settled water for irrigation. From September to February the plant is in a dormant period. At this time, watering is greatly reduced. In addition, it is better to move the flower to a cooler and brighter place.

Top dressing

You shouldn’t get carried away with frequent feedings, this can have a detrimental effect on Crassula. Cactus food can be used as a fertilizer. The mixture is fed to the fat woman once every twenty days in the warm season (spring-summer) or once a month.

In the cold season (dormant period), the flower does not need fertilizer. If desired, you can apply the same fertilizer for cacti, but its concentration should be twice as weak. Feeding is done once every two months. Fertilizers are applied only after the watering procedure in order not to burn the root system.


With the right approach to pruning, you can achieve the desired shape of the tree's crown. It is recommended to trim the lateral shoots until the fat plant reaches the desired height. Usually a flower grows up to 30 centimeters in height with a bare trunk up to 15 centimeters.

As soon as the tree stretches upward, pinch its top. In this case, the side branches will grow, and the crown will gain volume. The flower lends itself well to pruning, so it is easy to give it the desired shape. At proper care The tree grows well and looks healthy.

To prevent the crown from becoming one-sided, the plant must be rotated regularly. different sides to the sunlight.

Caring for a fat woman at home requires some knowledge. General tips for caring for a money tree are as follows:

Growing heuchera: planting and caring for the plant

Crassula transplant

It is better to replant Crassula between the end of April and the beginning of May. With active growth and proper development trees, the next transplant will be needed in a year. The pot should be chosen shallow, its width depending on the diameter of the crown.

With each subsequent replanting, a wider and more stable flowerpot will be required. Moreover, the older the money tree, the more stable the pot will be needed. Ceramic and clay pots are best suited for this plant.

The soil for the money tree should be loose. For planting or transplanting, it is better to use a ready-made purchased mixture. If you want to make the soil yourself, it will not cost special labor. Required proportions:

  • 3 parts deciduous soil;
  • 1 part coarse sand;
  • 1 part peat soil;
  • 1 part turf soil;
  • Brick chips are used as a leavening agent.

The sequence of actions for transplantation is as follows:

  1. Remove the tree from the pot.
  2. Carefully separate the roots from the ground, being careful not to damage them.
  3. In a new flowerpot, prepare the soil and make a hole.
  4. Place the flower in the hole.
  5. Add more soil, press it down and water it.

Money tree propagation

Crassula flower can be easily propagated in several ways:

  • cuttings;
  • leaf;
  • seeds.

Propagation by cuttings

Cutting propagation- the most popular and frequently used method for fatty. In summer, the tops of young shoots with two or three leaves are cut off. The stems are cut just below the leaf growth. For cuttings, you need to prepare a mixture with growth stimulants and put them there. A month later, roots appear on the shoots. After which the cuttings must be transplanted into flowerpots 8-10 centimeters high in prepared soil.

Propagation by seeds

The optimal time for propagating a money tree by seeds– winter or early spring. The planting mixture should be a mixture of sand and peat. The pot is filled with soil, sown with seeds and covered with film. Needs to be supported temperature regime around 26 degrees and ventilate the plantings. Sprouts appear in the second week. They are exposed to light, and when two or three sprouts appear, they are planted in the soil.

Diseases and pests

Some gardeners complain that Crassula does not grow and develop well or its leaves fall off. This may be due to unsuitable living conditions for the flower or the appearance of diseases and pests.

So, leaves may fall for the following reasons:

  • the plant is exposed to direct rays of the sun;
  • the ground is too wet;
  • the flower is watered with cold water taken from the tap;
  • watering is insufficient.

If Crassula grows poorly or does not grow at all, this may indicate one of the following factors:

  • the flower does not like the size of the pot;
  • the plant was overwatered;
  • the plant gets too much sunlight;
  • the fat woman is missing nutrients;
  • influenced sharp drop temperatures;
  • the appearance of pests.

There is a belief that the money tree attracts money to the house and if the owner of the house has this flower and grows well, it means there is prosperity in the house. The scientific name of this flower is Crassula or Crassula. Caring for the plant is not difficult, the main thing is to follow some recommendations for caring for it.

The money tree can become the main part of the interior. It can also help in creating decorative alpine slides And beautiful design artificial reservoirs.

Description and types of money tree

The plant was named Crassula for its thick, fleshy leaves, which are capable of accumulating and retaining moisture in their leaf blades during the rainy season. Depending on the type of Crassula, it has leaves of different shapes:

  • round;
  • heart;
  • oval;
  • elongated, twig-like.

The size of the leaves varies from 0.5 cm to 7 cm. The color of the leaf blades is from light green to dark green, sometimes the leaves, when exposed to sunlight, acquire a red border. The arrangement of leaves on the trunk is opposite each other, and two pairs on one trunk form a cross of leaves.

Flowering at home rarely occurs, since this plant requires certain conditions. The flower comes from South Africa, but recently it has spread all over the world thanks to flower centers. Because the demand for them continues unabated.

Types of Crassula

This genus has quite a lot of species, more than 350, but no one knows the exact number yet. Among them there are succulents and herbaceous species, and there are even species that live under water. And they are all divided according to their structure into three groups:

  1. tree-like;
  2. columnar;
  3. creeping.

But not all species are grown at home. Money tree refers to tree-like appearance Crassula. Because with its trunk and leaves it resembles a miniature tree. The light, woody trunk is covered with green leaves, the underside of which acquires a reddish tint in summer. Almost every housewife in the CIS has this common type.

How to care for a money tree

Caring for this plant is not difficult even for a novice flower lover. But in order for a flower to grow compactly and resemble a small tree, you still need to keep an eye on it, know what soil to plant it in and its other preferences.


Watering should be moderate at any time of the year. Since leaf plates tend to accumulate moisture, and therefore an excess of it can lead to rotting of the plant. Therefore, it is better to underfill than to overfill. There must be drainage at the bottom of the pot so that excess moisture does not accumulate at the bottom of the pot. Otherwise, root rot disease may appear.

You can actually adjust watering by observing the condition of the leaves. If they become light and pale and slightly wither, then the flower is receiving too much moisture. In this case, watering is stopped until the soil is almost completely dry, and then watering is reduced. In summer, one watering every ten days is sufficient.

Watering the money tree should only be done with settled water. warm water so as not to cause leaves to fall.


Since the plant comes from a hot country in Africa, it will have nothing against an excellent sunny place on the windowsill. Therefore, a southern window sill for the whole year, except for the summer months, is great place habitat of this plant. But, oddly enough, in the summer it will require some shading there and it can be placed deeper into the room or even moved to another window sill. Also, the flower will grow well on not glassed balcony, but not from the south side.

With sufficient lighting, the money tree will look compact, the leaves will be located close to each other. And if there is not enough light, the trunk of the tree will stretch and bend.

In order for the trunk of the Crassula to be even, it should not be leveled using various devices. It just needs to be rotated evenly in relation to the sun. In this case, the foliage will grow evenly and the plant will not have distortions.

Soil for Crassula

And here Crassula is not capricious and often grows in any soil. But it is best to provide it with soil that is more suitable for its proper cultivation. For this purpose, ready-made soil for cacti and succulents is suitable, to which a little nutritious soil is added, for example for ficus. The soil ratio for cacti and ficus is 3/1, respectively.


Since the soil in a pot does not have endless nutritional value, some time after transplanting the flower you need to start feeding it. Specialized fertilizers for cacti and succulents, which are sold in flower shops. The dosage is done as written on the label or in the instructions supplied with the fertilizer.

The flower is fed once or twice a month during strong vegetative growth. You can water it every week with fertilizer for cactus plants, but then you need to water the plant, diluting the fertilizer in water in half the dose.

Watering with fertilizer is carried out slightly wet ground so as not to cause a burn to the root system of the Crassula. In winter, fertilizer is usually not used, but if the leaves have darkened and begun to dry out, then you can fertilize the flower once with half the dose of fertilizer.


The plant, even with significant longevity, does not need pruning. It is carried out in isolated cases when a branch is too out of touch with the overall growth of the vegetative mass of the plant. And if you let it grow alone, protruding too far beyond the crown, then, firstly, it is not beautiful, and secondly, the center of balance of the crown may shift and the flower will lose its balance.

There are also Crassula branches that simply do not want to branch. They grow to a considerable height of up to 20 cm, without giving a single branch. In this case, pinch the two upper internodes. In this case, the leaf plates are not removed from the trunk; over time, they will begin to fall off on their own when the trunk begins to become woody, growing in width.

Also, if the crown does not want to branch much, creating a fluffy crown, then you should pinch the branches, which will cause the appearance of new shoots, which will lead to the formation of a denser crown.

Pinching is carried out either with pruning shears, which is best, since it leaves smoother cut edges, and at the same time they heal quickly. They are also cut with scissors and pinched with nails.


After purchasing a flower in a store or from the market, it is worth replanting it in new land. Young Crassulas are transplanted annually into new land, and old ones whenever possible. The container is selected close to the root system of the plant. It is advisable to use gravel instead of expanded clay for older money trees. This will create an excellent counterbalance to the growing vegetative mass of the crown, and the flower will be more stable.

Old trees are replanted mainly by transshipment, so as not to damage its root system. To do this, take a container that is only 1 cm larger in diameter than the previous one. Gravel is poured onto the bottom, a flower is placed and new soil is poured around it.

If the size of the pot suits you and the condition of the flower does not require replanting, then in the spring you can replace only the top 2 cm of soil.


Crassula propagates quite easily using layering. To do this, cut a cutting no larger than 10 cm and place it in water. After 10 days, it already has a small root system, after which it is planted in the ground. You need to make sure that the young tree’s soil does not dry out, but is slightly moist.

The cuttings can not only be rooted in water, but can be immediately stuck into the ground next to the mother bush. When it begins to grow, it is carefully lifted with a tablespoon and, together with a lump of earth, transferred to a separate small glass for seedlings.

It can also be propagated by leaves. To do this, place the leaf on the soil and lightly press it with the end into the ground with which it was attached to the tree trunk. After some time, the leaf acquires its own root system. But this only happens if the leaf was absolutely healthy and did not fall due to wilting.

The money tree does not reproduce by seeds, since flowering, and, consequently, obtaining seeds is a rather rare phenomenon. It is easier to use cuttings. But, if desired, they are sown in a bowl on slightly moist soil and covered with glass to obtain friendly shoots.

Such a small greenhouse requires daily ventilation. It is carried out twice a day in the morning and evening. This is done so as not to get mold instead of small crassula sprouts. The temperature in the room where the seeds are grown must be within 25 degrees Celsius, otherwise the seeds will not hatch. When the sprouts emerge into the light, the glass is removed.

And when the seedlings acquire 4 leaves, they are planted either in one planting box at a distance of 10 cm from each other or in separate 200 grams. cups for their further development.


Air humidity has no special significance for Crassula, but the leaf plates must also be washed from warm shower in the summer she will not refuse. This is all done for hygienic purposes so that the foliage can breathe, saturating the bush with oxygen.

In summer, Crassulas feel great in the fresh air and therefore best place for summer maintenance - this is open terrace or simply a place in the garden, but sheltered from the midday heat. Since sometimes the summer temperature in our country goes beyond 40 degrees Celsius and then the Crassula can burn in the sun and lose its leaves.

He likes to be sprayed with a small spray bottle, but this cannot be done in the sun, as the leaf blades will burn and after such a burn they will not recover. Comfortable temperature for existence in summer 25 degrees Celsius.

When the temperature rises above 30 degrees, Crassula stops absorbing water and you need to be careful with watering so as not to destroy the plant. Summer bathing in the shower is also welcome, but the pot must be placed in a bag and tied so that no water gets on the ground. Because an excess of moisture, even in summer, can cause rotting of the root system, and then the death of the entire plant.

How to care for Crassula in winter

The winter temperature for keeping fatworts should ideally be close to 10-15 degrees Celsius. Dry winter air in the apartment due to central heating It does not pose a threat to life for Crassula. But at the same time, it is worth ventilating the premises and wiping its leaves from dust.

In order for the plant to bloom with small delicate flowers, it needs to be provided with certain care in the winter. To do this, the following rules must be followed:

  1. The flower must be at least seven years old.
  2. The plant should be placed on a windowsill with a southeast orientation.
  3. Avoid sunburn of the leaves.
  4. In winter, the plant must, first of all, be maintained at the correct temperature. That is, the temperature in the room should not exceed 10-15 degrees Celsius. Under this condition, Crassula flower buds will be formed. There is no point in pruning, as the buds are formed at the ends of the branches.

How to make a fat woman breed

Watch the video to find out why the money tree doesn't bloom.

The secret is very simple - when replanting, try not to use large pots and flowerpots, otherwise you won’t see the beautiful, mesmerizing flowering of the money tree for a very long time.

Crassula diseases and infections

Most often, the plant begins to hurt only when the rules for caring for the money tree are not followed. If the plant receives sunlight in excess, its leaves become wrinkled.

Falling leaves

Sometimes the money tree experiences unhealthy heavy leaf fall. Reasons:

  1. Watering too often.
  2. Cold water used for irrigation.
  3. Lack of moisture.
  4. Overfeeding the plant with various fertilizers.
  1. Adjust the watering mode.
  2. Excess moisture can be removed by carefully removing the flower from the pot and wrapping it in disposable towels, which will absorb excess moisture.
  3. Adjust the feeding regime.

Money tree may be susceptible to disease root rot: foliage turns black underneath. It is necessary to remove the damaged roots, treat the plant and, of course, plant it in fresh soil and a new pot. The pots can be simply processed. If left untreated, the plant may die.

It has also been noted that the fat woman depends on psychological state owner. If a person is sick, then something wrong may happen to the tree.

When purchasing a flower, you should always read the literature on how to care for it in order to achieve good growth. As people say: “Get a money tree and it will attract you to your home.” monetary well-being" Whether this is true or not is up to each individual to decide. But this wonderful plant always attracts the admiring glances of people who love flowers.

To have money at home

Where and how to buy Crassula

Like many plants, money trees can be purchased at flower shops. But usually they don't have much choice. Since this particular tree is the most popular plant for a gift, many are looking for an already mature tree. And the Avito website will help us with this, where there is a huge selection of trees of the most different ages and views from amateurs indoor plants. Some gardeners specifically grow Crassula for sale.

Houseplants can give a residential look to any room; they make the room cozy and comfortable. Plants from the Crassulaceae family are especially popular. How to care for a money tree - this is what is interesting to those who decide to have this species at home. Crassula is a type of succulent, which means it has extra tissue to store water. This mechanism can be explained simply: the homeland of the Crassula is South and Tropical Africa, areas with arid climate. To survive in conditions of lack of moisture, you have to accumulate it yourself.

Interesting! The Japanese consider Crassula a mandatory wedding gift as a symbol of happiness and longevity. The tree of happiness, life, friendship, good luck - common names for the fat plant.

The Crassulaceae family includes more than 300 species, but not all are popular outside Africa.

The popular name is based on the fact that the dense, round, coin-shaped leaves resemble money. The money tree is a shrubby type, which means it has several stems that replace each other. Reaches a height of 1.8 m. Its shrubby relatives from Africa can reach 3 m, but at home growing There are no such tall Crassulas. Specifications:

  1. The main stem has a noticeable lower thickening, which turns into an impressively sized root, the remaining roots are located close to the soil surface, the type of root system of the Crassula is taproot.
  2. The leaves are wedge-shaped, densely arranged, the surface is shiny, like all succulents, rich green on top, can become different shade, it depends on the type of fat woman.
  3. The flowers are small, inflorescences of racemes or panicles, white or whitish in color, the inflorescence appears at the end of the shoot.
  4. The stems resemble tree bark, but their apparent strength is deceiving; they can easily break.

If you once see a photograph of a Crassula, then later it is impossible not to recognize it. Stems that resemble a trunk, as well as leaves that look like coins, are found only on it.

Information! The scientific name of the Crassula is Crassula.

Popular types

Family is rich various types. Those that have taken root in other countries have become favorites of flower gardeners. All of them are unpretentious, can do without water for quite a long time, and with proper care, they will delight their owners with flowers. In addition, they have medicinal properties that are widely used in traditional medicine.

Crassula species Differences in leaf color and shape
Tree-like dark green with a reddish border;
Silver green with a silvery tint;
Oval strictly oval green with reddish spots with inside;
Fragilis spherical, pressed to the stem, the smallest of all types;
Buddha Temple dark green, curved upward;
Pyramidalis green, thin, triangular;
Crescent gray-green, semi-oval;
Perforated paired, fused into a rhombus;
Pellucida bluish round;
Marginalis yellowish with red edging;
Spot green with red dots on top, purple below, collected in a loose rosette;

Information! The pulp from the leaves has bactericidal properties.

How to care at home

Crassula is mentioned among the best indoor plants by experienced amateur gardeners. Sometimes it is given as a gift for birthdays or housewarmings, implying its fame as a plant that brings money, good luck to the owner and harmony to all family members. Such a gift will be a universal gift with meaning, given that care will not require much time or money.

Location, lighting, air humidity

Correct location is the first step after purchase. Crassula needs good lighting. She loves light, shadow is destructive for her. Experts recommend windows facing south or east. Sometimes the pot needs to be turned over so that the light is distributed evenly.

In the warm season, it can be located on a balcony or loggia, but direct sunlight should be limited. The scorching sun can burn, especially young specimens. It can often be very hot on balconies in summer; it should be borne in mind that after +34° C the fat plant stops growing.

Information! An important condition is air circulation; the fat woman loves ventilated rooms. Open air is beneficial for her in the summer, but experts advise avoiding drafts.


In summer, the temperature range is from +20 to +25°C, in winter the Crassula rests, gains strength for future growth and flowering, the temperature can be lowered to +10,+12°C, but too much low temperatures dangerous for the plant. Below +5°C it may die. In winter, the fat woman will feel comfortable on the floor balcony door, away from heating radiators.

Top dressing

A prerequisite for maintenance is feeding. useful substances. Succulents are fed according to the following scheme:

  • April-September – monthly feeding;
  • September - April - 1 time for the entire period.

Fertilizers have a reduced nitrogen content, this is important, since oversaturation with nitrogen often leads to rotting of the root system. The growth period is supported with nitrogen-containing fertilizers to regulate water balance. Fertilizing is carried out at the roots; spraying is not suitable for succulents. Fertilizers may contain essential elements to adjust the growth of a particular succulent.

Potassium. Necessary as a source of nutrition, promotes thickening of shoots. If there is an excess of potassium, the fat plants stop growing and the root system begins to rot.

Calcium. Promotes growth, development, in case of calcium deficiency indoor flower becomes fragile, branches begin to break from any minor impacts.

Phosphorus. The main load is to promote growth and development of the root system. With a systematic lack of phosphorus, Crassula, which rarely blooms, may never bloom.

Nitrogen. Without it, normal development is impossible, but excess nitrogen can contribute to the appearance of looseness, provoke rapid growth, and then sharp wilting.

Organic fertilizers . Solid organic fertilizers excluded, organic matter reaches succulents only in liquid form. Organic fertilizers help protect against insect pests.

Important! Fertilize only healthy plants so that they can absorb the feeding.

Watering a pot

Watering for Crassula is an important component of care; the peculiarity is that Crassula does not like excess water. In the spring, 1 watering per week is enough for it, in the summer - 2 weeks, and in winter and autumn the access to water is completely limited. The condition of the soil is taken into account; it is contraindicated to leave water on the pot stand; care must be taken to ensure that it does not stagnate.

Increased soil moisture leads to rotting. When it's hot summer days The procedure is carried out early in the morning or late in the evening. Water is collected in advance for settling.

Important! Crassula is watered with water at room temperature.


Despite the fact that the fat plant is completely unpretentious, flower growers have developed a formula for an earthen substrate that is ideal for all succulent species:

  • 1 portion of sod;
  • 3 servings of leafy soil;
  • 1 portion of sand.

High-quality, pre-selected drainage is placed at the bottom of the pot, and humus is also added to the substrate.


Crassula reproduces by vegetative and seed methods. The vegetative method is more common, which means that regeneration occurs on high level. Vegetative propagation Produced in the spring by cutting off shoots. This is done using sharp knife, then the cut area is treated with activated carbon and left to dry.

The broken cuttings are placed in a glass with an activated carbon solution and wait for rooting to occur. Cuttings are grown up to 5-10 cm, and roots up to 2-3 cm, after which they are planted. For this purpose, small-sized containers are selected.

Information! Activated carbon prevents putrefactive processes; it is used to disinfect sections.

Seed propagation means sowing seeds in containers with an earthen substrate, covering the top with glass, spraying once during the day, and after 2 weeks the seeds germinate. After this, you need to place the container with the seedlings where they will be provided with non-aggressive light and warmth. As soon as they get stronger, they can be planted. This path is quite long, since strengthening the seedlings takes a long period - up to 3 months.


Replanting begins as needed, that is, when the capacity becomes small for the overgrown root system. This is noticeable at first glance, the tree is not deep in the ground, all the roots are located under the first layer of soil, so it noticeably bends or bends. Pots for replanting are chosen from heavy material, since the lungs can turn over under the weight of the flower.

For transplantation, choose the time when the daylight hours become long, that is, after two spring months.
The soil mixture must be fertilized with one of the following components:

  • clay;
  • ash;
  • humus;
  • brick chips;
  • activated carbon.

The transplant is carried out in the following order:

  1. Take the tree out of the pot, shake it off the ground, and examine the roots.
  2. Leave in the open air for 24 hours so that the root system dries and recovers.
  3. Subject to availability problem areas, the roots are treated with a manganese solution.
  4. The container for planting is filled with drainage, a thin layer of soil, the fat plant is placed, and the soil prepared in advance is added.
  5. It is recommended to water the transplant carefully after 24 hours to prevent rotting.

Transplantation is carried out annually for young fat girls, less often for adults. It is necessary to transplant as quickly as possible home flower, if the shape of the pot interferes with development.

Information! The peculiarity of succulents is the lack of abundant watering.


A prerequisite for maintenance is pruning. Crassula is also popular because it can be given any shape. If you do not trim it, it will grow so large that it will be difficult to control the situation.

Information! Pruning begins as early as possible.

There are several main reasons for pruning:

  • crown formation;
  • giving stability (an overgrown tree can fall on its side);
  • enlargement and centralization of the main stem;
  • improving the quality of care (branches make access difficult).

The main stage occurs at the beginning of the spring months, but before the active growth phase begins. In the summer, adjustments are made.

Crown formation is achieved in two ways:

  • by pinching, it ensures the appearance of the ovary in the place that needs to be developed;
  • pruning, it is carried out on branches with 7-8 pairs, the place is treated with activated carbon.

For formation it is necessary to carry out pruning regularly. Crown formation options:

  1. With one trunk (after 4 pairs of leaves, a bud is pinched off, fallen leaves that can sprout are removed).
  2. In bonsai style (the lower branches are left, and as they grow, they are regularly pruned, thus enlarging the trunk and giving it the shape of a tree).
  3. As a shrub (this method provides for the free growth of shoots, but it is necessary to monitor the size and control the number of shoots).

Trimming is necessary as a tool to create a shape for any interior.

How to plant a money tree to make money

The plant is loved by many because of the fame it has gained through the philosophy of Feng Shui. These are philosophical practices for the development of space. Fulfillment of certain conditions for the distribution of space in the apartment and the arrangement of things should bring harmony, comfort, and coziness. To attract money, Crassula is planted:

  • during the waxing moon phase;
  • The best day of the week for planting is Wednesday;
  • several coins are placed on the drainage;
  • Choose decorative elements for the form in green, red or gold colors.

The shoot must be purchased from those people whose incomes are high. If possible, you should pinch off the shoot yourself so that it is not touched by strangers. If this is not possible, then the shoot can be purchased at the store. To attract money, only a shoot is useful, and not an independent adult crop. The shoot should rise according to income. Often placed under the bottom banknotes, thereby attracting their doubling. Figures of a toad or a dragon are placed next to the flower, which, according to Eastern signs, indicate wealth.

Information! Chinese coins, symbols of happiness in the form of knots, stones and bracelets are hung on branches to attract positive energy.

According to the rules, it is necessary to take into account combinations of indoor plants and prioritize them. Crassula is not recommended to be placed next to cacti or climbing flowers; it is believed that they drown out the energy of the flower and take it for themselves. There are special spells that are pronounced during planting and watering.

How to care for a money tree so that it blooms?

This type rarely blooms at home. Many people have seen a money tree, know what it looks like, but are surprised if they find out that it has the ability to flower. There are several rules for living conditions that are ideal for the fat woman. If you follow them, flowering can be achieved from a mature species. But it will take about 10-12 years to achieve this.

  • year-round optimal lighting;
  • long wintering in conditions from 7 to 12 C;
  • systematic replanting into new soil, taking into account all the characteristics of the soil and watering.

Flowering occurs in spring, this period lasts up to 3 months, the flowers are small, white, collected in inflorescences. But some individual species they can be red or pink.

Why do the leaves fall

Nature intends for the natural shedding of leaves to occur once every 2 years, but if they fall more often, then the problem is hidden elsewhere. To understand the reason why leaves fall, you should analyze whether watering is done correctly and whether pruning is being done.

They can fall off due to excess moisture in winter, before which they shrink and become soft. In spring and summer periods discharge can occur due to lack of moisture, as well as due to watering with cold water.

Common growing problems

During growth, problems may arise due to the wrong approach to maintenance, but the good thing about the money tree is that it will immediately make it clear what is wrong:

  1. The appearance of black spots is evidence sunburn, you need to take care of changing the location, rearranging it so that it is not exposed to direct sunlight.
  2. Drying, lethargy, dense leaves become soft - this is a sign of increased air temperature; it is necessary to ensure the supply of fresh air.
  3. Lack of growth may mean that the capacity has become too small for the root system and a replanting is needed.
  4. The trunk darkens due to excess moisture.
  5. Soft withered leaves they talk about a lack of nutrients in the soil, you should feed the crop with fertilizers containing phosphorus and potassium.
  6. The leaves turn yellow, while the soil remains moist - a direct indication of rotting of the roots; it is necessary to pull out and dry the roots;
  7. When the Crassula stretches out, grows in one direction, takes on curved, ugly shapes, this indicates a lack of sanctification, the location should be changed.
  8. Brown spots indicate the appearance small pests, it is necessary to take measures to combat them.
  9. Thinning of the main stem and lengthening of the leaves is a signal of a lack of light.
  10. The appearance of cobwebs is a signal of mite pests.
  11. Brittleness and loss of branches is a lack of calcium; additional feeding is required.
  12. Wilting, yellowing, withering, lethargy - perhaps the shoots interfere with each other, there are too many of them, a transplant is necessary.

Interesting! In the Czech Republic, Crassula is called a "family tree" due to its similarity to the generally accepted idea of ​​a family tree.

Diseases and pests

Crassula diseases are usually directly related to the appearance of pests. The most favorable period when insects appear is the end of the heating season in apartments or when it gets warmer outside. The composition of the air changes significantly, which leads to consequences.

The appearance of yellowish spots and web elements indicates that there is a spider mite infestation. Small reddish insects are dangerous because they lay offspring and use plant cells for nutrition. All elements are treated with soapy water and sprayed special drugs, display a home flower in the open air.

Whitish growths where the leaves are attached to the main stem indicate the presence of mealyworms. The affected areas are treated with a brush, soap solution and special preparations, inspected and sprayed daily.


Crassula does not require excessive attention, like some other plants; the principles of its maintenance can be briefly formulated:

  • rare watering;
  • bright room;
  • mandatory pruning.

Crassula is suitable for homes and offices; many believe in its ability to attract money and good luck, but besides this, it looks good in any interior. The money tree will delight its owners for a long time with its appearance if you figure out how to properly care for it. Look detailed video about caring for the money tree.