House 2 July who came to Gleb. Yulia Efremenkova was the wife of a famous actor

Biography of Yulia Efremenkova full of various facts. Information sources claim that a beautiful lady with early years set a goal to achieve career heights and gain worldwide fame. Participated in various television projects, was able to reach the reality finals “I want to go to VIA Gro”. She was married to the popular Russian actor Timur Efremenkov. She gained the greatest recognition thanks to “Dom-2”, where she managed to change the status of a participant to a co-host of a television show.

Childhood and youth

The future star was born in sunny Tuapse in 1987. The information provided about parents varies. Based on Yulia's comments, she was raised by her grandmother, whom she considers her mother. The parents left for the North, and due to the state of their daughter’s health, they left her in the care of her grandmother. After two years, they returned to the baby, but did not change the family’s situation, so as not to traumatize the child’s psyche. Soon the father left the mother, and she herself fell ill with pneumonia and died. So in Efremenkova’s life there was only one main person left - her grandmother. From the age of five, the girl began to become interested in vocals, performed at various city events, and performed songs on stage. At the age of twelve she was able to record her own disc of modern music. She entered the Krasnodar musical institution and graduated with honors.

She worked in her specialty. At first she worked in a nightclub, where she met her future husband. Afterwards she sang in the group “Diamant” and took part in “I want to join VIA Gro”. There she gained enormous experience and gained great popularity and recognition in her homeland. The vocal mentor for the show was the famous Albina Dzhanabaeva, who was interested in Meladze’s successes. Before the final performance, the brunette became seriously ill and almost lost her voice. I wasn’t upset about my defeat, but I gained tremendous practice and felt like a star.

Participation in the television production “Dom-2”

At the construction site of love I came to Gleb Zhemchugov, whom I met at the club where I worked. According to another version, the invitation came during the period of her participation in the project of Konstantin Meladze. Initially, she established herself on television shows as a guardian of morality and moral standards, condemning young ladies whose behavior did not fit into her worldview. Soon intimate photographs were made public, allegedly depicting Julia. Outraged viewers insisted on kicking out such an unworthy lady, but Efremenkova not only did not leave, but soon became a co-host.

Gleb Strawberry, Sergey Zakharyash could not build a relationship with the beauty. She gave her preference to the jock Sergei Kucherov. She liked the brutal character and with him they reached final stage"Love of the Year" In the winter of 2018, Sergei announced his decision to leave the project. At this time, she was offered the position of presenter, which she proudly accepted. Many were jealous of Yulia’s promotion, condemned her manner of presenting the program, and criticized the voice of the newly-minted presenter. But the girl steadfastly survived the criticism and continues her activities to this day.

Personal life

She lived with her ex-husband Timur for about four years before marriage. Together they participated in the “Wild Games” program, got a Yorkshire terrier, and traveled a lot. The couple divorced in 2016. on the initiative of Yulia. None of the spouses announced the reason for the divorce. After the divorce, the young people managed to maintain friendly, warm relations, often call each other and meet. A number of people suspect the girl of changing her appearance, plastic surgery, although Efremenkova herself assures that everything in her appearance is completely natural.

It became known that Yulia allegedly sent notes to an escort manager who was looking for girls for a trip to Dubai. In the UAE, Isaeva was supposed to accompany the McLaren team driver competing at Formcle-1.


The girl was so impressed by the prospect of “frying” under the Arabian sun that she did not miss the opportunity to record candid messages even in a beauty salon in front of a pedicurist, reports the public Super.

Note that in 2016 the girl was admitted to a psychiatric hospital. The star of the project admitted that she had a nervous breakdown, and against this background she developed a personality disorder. “I fell out of life for a long time, it was hell, which I partially remember,” said Yulia.

Isaeva also said that the department at the Alekseev hospital is popular with domestic stars, and even several people from “House-2” were hospitalized there. The girl received specialized assistance from a psychiatrist and psychologist.

Let us remember that Yulia came to the show “Dom-2” in the winter of 2013 to build a relationship with Alexei Samsonov. The girl met him before the project. However, the relationship between the young people did not work out. After this, Danil Romanov began to court Isaeva. As revenge, according to Yulia, Samsonov posted her nude photographs on the Internet. This scandalous incident made the girl famous throughout the Internet.

30-year-old Yulia Efremenkova dreamed of conquering the stage since childhood. At the age of 5 she began to study vocals, and at 8 she began performing professionally. In 2012, Julia married famous actor, star of the film “Legend No. 17”, 40-year-old Timur Efremenkov.

Julia took part in Konstantin Meladze’s show “”. She managed to reach the final, but Anastasia Kozhevnikova, Erika Herceg and Misha Romanova were ahead of her. After this, Efremenkova tried herself in the extreme project of the STS channel “Wild Games”, where her husband also participated.

In 2016, the couple divorced, and Julia went to conquer the Seychelles as part of the new project of the show “Dom-2”. Then the girl insisted that she did not accept sex on camera. But in 2006, a video appeared on the Internet where Efremenkova posed completely naked as a blonde. Such popularity did not stop Yulia from building strong attitude with show participant Sergei Kucherov. The couple planned to start a family and live together outside the project.

The other day, Julia made her debut in a new image for herself - she became the host of the evening program “Dom-2. Analysis." According to Dom-2 Life, the girl will become a permanent presenter, and the show’s former resident Andrei Cherkasov will accompany her. Together they will give relationship advice to the other participants and explore their stories in detail.

Yulia Efremenkova is followed on the Instagram website by neither more nor less, but almost two hundred thousand people. This bright brunette is a participant in a famous television project where young people build love. Before coming to “House 2,” the girl had already taken part in various television and reality shows, and now she is actively “building love.”


Instagram and “House 2” star Yulia Efremenkova (nee Kiriyenko) was born in 1987 in the resort town of Tuapse. The parents, noticing the baby’s extraordinary vocal abilities, decided to actively develop them. Thanks to this, by the age of eight, little Yulia was actively performing on stage, and by the age of twelve she had recorded her first album. By the way, the recording of the disc took place in Cyprus, where the young singer was on tour. As a teenager, Efremenkova took part in a huge number of music competitions, both domestic and international.

When Yulia was fourteen years old, her family settled in Krasnodar. That's where she graduated high school and entered the music school, the vocal department.

Here, in Krasnodar, Julia met her future husband, Timur Efremenkov. The young man is a fairly well-known actor who took part in the filming of several popular TV series. The guys legalized their relationship three years later life together. And it was Timur who took Yulia to Moscow.

In the capital, the girl began performing as part of the group “Diamant”. But the group never became popular, and the girl left the group.

Yulia lived in marriage with Timur for eight years, but the relationship, unfortunately, did not work out, and the young people filed for divorce.

So Julia came to “House 2” as a free person. The bright participant took root on the television project. Despite the negativity from some of the “housemates,” no one is going to kick her out of the project, and they managed to build love. The girl is in a relationship with Gleb Zhemchugov, to whom, in fact, she came.


Official Instagram of Yulia Efremenkova – “efremenkovvva”. And the account is dedicated, first of all, to the girl’s participation in “House 2”. Here you can see in detail how the everyday life of the residents of the television building goes. Also among the photos of Yulia Efremenkova on Instagram are numerous selfies, photographs of bouquets that the girl receives from fans, and herself in the company of friends.

Participation in TV shows

Julia became known to viewers thanks to her participation in the television project “I want to join VIAgra” on the NTV channel. There she was remembered for her vocal abilities, but, unfortunately, did not make it past the third round. The girl’s fans were very surprised by this development of events, because many predicted her great success.

And together with her ex-husband, Yulia Efremenkova participated in an extreme show on the STS channel - “Wild Games”.

You can see new photos of Yulia Efremenkova on the official Instagram website. Or you can stay with us and follow latest updates on Yulia's page without leaving our website.

Many Internet sites say that Yulia Efremenkova has set herself the goal of becoming a famous person since childhood and boasts a rich biography. The girl participated in the show “I want to join VIA Gro” and reached the finals. Then she tried her hand at the extreme project “Wild Games”, conducted by the STS TV channel.

Having achieved recognition to a certain extent, she was married to a popular actor, star of the sports films “Champions” and “Legend No. 17”. “House 2” also added to its fame, where the bright brunette retrained from a participant to a presenter.

Childhood and youth

Yulia Kiriyenko was born in the hot southern Tuapse in April 1987. There is a variety of information about the girl’s parents on the Internet. Julia herself dispelled rumors and speculation by publishing a post in "Instagram". According to him, she called her grandmother mom. The biological parents worked in the North, and since their daughter was sick, they could not take the baby with them. The cares of upbringing fell on the grandmother's shoulders.

When the parents returned, the girl was already 2 years old. In order not to traumatize the child’s psyche, they left everything as it was, and Yulia called her own mother by name – Elena. The mother later died of pneumonia, and the father left the family even earlier. Grandma, as a participant in the show writes in the comments under the photo in social network, remains the main person in her life.

From the age of five, Yulia became interested in singing; after 3 years she began performing on stage and participated in various city events. Already at the age of 12, the young singer recorded her first disc. Having moved to Krasnodar, she entered a music school, which she successfully graduated from and went to work in her specialty.

According to rumors, Yulia’s first place of work was a local nightclub. There the girl met her future husband, with whom she moved to Moscow. In the capital, Efremenkova began to improve her vocals with renewed vigor, sang in the disco group “Diamant”, and in 2013, on the advice of a friend, she came to the casting for a new one.

While participating in a musical reality show, the girl acquired a lot of fans in her small homeland, and also gained invaluable survival experience. According to Yulia, they had to rehearse at night, and the choreographic numbers were more like circus tricks.

In addition, at former member I got the impression that specific people were “pulled out” at the competition. Efremenkova was a direct mentor; Meladze also often gave advice and was interested in how it worked.

During the project, the girl got sick, became hoarse, and would have simply left if not for the support of her grandmother and husband. Before the final concert I couldn’t sing at all. Yulia didn’t say why she didn’t win in the end. I just noticed that I am grateful to this show for at least trying on the role of a star.


Efremenkova decided to come to the Dom-2 television set when she saw a participant in the show at the club where she worked. In December 2016, Julia arrived, and the girl chose Gleb as the object of her attention. According to other, also unconfirmed information, Yulia received an invitation to take part in the reality show during the Konstantin Meladze competition.

At first, on the show, the girl positioned herself as a zealous guardian of morality, condemning those who did not fit into the moral framework she accepted. This continued until photos and videos of obscene content surfaced on the Internet, and the blonde depicted there looked like Yulia.

Some viewers immediately demanded that the deceiver be removed from the show, but Efremenkova not only did not leave the site, but also turned from an ordinary participant into a reality host.

The relationship with Gleb Klubnichka, as well as with the next contender, did not work out. The first had already found his soulmate, and the second eventually announced that he was going to the Seychelles to meet another participant.

The next suitor of the sultry brunette was. Efremenkova saw a gentle character in the brutal macho, and was also attracted by the fact that the man did not reproach Yulia for her past. The couple was at one time the leader in the “Love of the Year” competition and, despite a bunch of rumors and disagreements, stayed together, eventually becoming one of the top participants.

Back in January 2018, according to Yulia, Sergei expressed his desire to leave the project. The girl asked the fans’ opinions about what to do next. Some thought that young people had nothing to do in reality, since they had already found happiness. Others expressed the view that such statements are just an attempt by Efremenkova to earn ratings.

Personal life

Julia lived in a civil marriage with actor Timur Efremenkov for four years before formalizing the relationship. The couple participated in family entertainment show“Wild Games”, got a dog - a Yorkshire terrier, Milena, and traveled a lot in such company.

In 2016, the couple divorced; according to Yulia, the initiative belonged to her. Neither party said what served as the basis for the divorce. Ex-husband and my wife have maintained friendly relations and keep in touch. Timur jokes that, like a Sunday dad, once a week he visits the dog that Yulia took with her.

Followers of Efremenkova believe that the new presenter of “House-2”, according to tradition, has not avoided third-party interference in her appearance, in particular, they focus on the “pumped up” bust and lips. However, Yulia herself claims that her beauty is natural, but there is nothing wrong with plastic surgery if done in moderation.

Yulia Efremenkova now

In 2018, the clothing brand O’STIN and the women’s online magazine organized a “stylish battle” of popular vloggers, during which they shared the secrets of creating a fashionable wardrobe. Yulia Efremenkova participated in the project together with another participant in “House-2”. The “frenemies” had previously clashed on a television set; viewers especially remembered the fight when the girls were separated by five guys.

Shows like “Style in 90 Seconds” are useful for those who are trying to keep up with fashion, but don’t have time to go shopping or fashion shows, says Yulia. Like most women, Yulia loves beautiful things and received an unforgettable pleasure from participating in the competition. At the same time, she noted that she is not afraid to lose, because people’s tastes do not coincide, and hearing different points of view about the same thing will be useful.

Not everyone liked the appearance of Yulia in “House-2” in a new status. Some people don’t like the voice of the new presenter, others don’t like the attitude towards the other participants and the girl’s behavior in general. There were also those who admired the “promotion” of their favorite.