Operation of power plants. Diesel, petrol and gas generators

At first glance, it seems that there is nothing complicated in this issue. I pulled the cord and the work started. But no, there are some nuances and to save your time, read this short article, which describes in detail the instructions for starting a diesel generator.

What is a decompressor

The compression of a diesel engine is always higher than that of a gasoline engine. This makes it very difficult for both manual and electric starters to rotate the crankshaft.

A decompressor is a device that simplifies the process of starting a diesel generator set. Pressing the decompressor lever slightly opens the exhaust valve, thereby breaking the tightness of the combustion chamber. This device should not be used to stop the engine; this may lead to the destruction of parts of the gas distribution mechanism.

Preparing for launch

    First of all, unpack the unit and inspect it for external damage. Make sure there are no foreign objects left inside.

    On the power plant instrument panel, locate the oil pressure indicator. This indicator informs us about the presence of oil pressure in the internal combustion engine system. Attention, as long as there is no pressure in the oil system, the unit will not start. Before bleeding the generator fuel system for the first time, make sure that the indicator is off!

    Always ground the generator. Grounding provides reliable protection from electric shock.

    Diesel generators are supplied ready to work batteries. Connect the power cables to the battery terminals, being sure to maintain correct polarity.

    Next you need to fill in the required amount of oil. Check the instructions for your model and find out the brand of oil that suits your engine. We recommend using SAE 10W30 motor oils. Unscrew the oil filler plug, measure required quantity and fill the engine crankcase through the oil filler neck.

    The operating instructions for each diesel power plant indicate exactly how much to fill. Lubrication diesel device occurs under pressure, so it is necessary to distribute the oil throughout the engine’s oil tolerance system. To do this, depress the decompressor and crank the engine crankshaft using an electric starter until the emergency oil pressure lamp goes out.

    Next, according to the instructions, you need to fill the tank with fuel and prepare the fuel system for operation. The fuel equipment of a diesel unit is a complex and precise mechanism, so it is sensitive to the quality of the fuel. To avoid costly repairs, purchase fuel only from trusted gas stations.

    Unlike gasoline, which loses its properties within two months, diesel fuel retains its performance properties for up to six months.
    After filling the tank with fuel, open the generator fuel valve. To fill out fuel system and the filters take a few minutes. Then it is necessary to remove air from the fuel system.

    First, loosen the fuel line nut a couple of turns. high pressure on the fuel pump. While holding the decompression device, turn the engine crankshaft. We do this until the fuel flows out evenly from under the nut without air bubbles. After tightening the nut, perform the same operation with the nut on the fuel injector. The generator is now ready for operation.

    Detailed instructions for starting a diesel generator set:

    Types of starting diesel generators

    Diesel power plants have two types of starting:

    Manual start of diesel generator.

    Manual start is redundant and allows you to start the power plant in the event of a malfunction of the engine electric start system. This type of start is used for low-power diesel generator sets. We follow the instructions and make sure that the fuel tap is open and turn on the ignition.

    Pull the starter handle until noticeable resistance appears, this corresponds to the top dead center of the engine, return the starter handle to its place. Depress the decompressor and pull the starter handle. Important It is not sharpness, but the amplitude and strength of the jerk. Next, follow the instructions.

    Starting the power plant using an electric starter.

    Make sure that the fuel supply valve is open and turn the ignition switch to the ON position. Keep the decompressor pressed, turn the engine crankshaft with an electric starter until it reaches maximum speed, release the decompressor while continuing to rotate the crankshaft.

    Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to completely remove air from their fuel line, so a diesel electric generator may operate unstably for some time. You can speed up the process of removing air; to do this, after warming up the engine, connect a small load, approximately one third of the rated power.

    After the motor has warmed up, you can connect the load with the circuit breaker turned off.
    To make starting the diesel generator easier in winter, use the preheating button. With its help, the glow plug is turned on, which heats the air entering the combustion chamber. Keep the button pressed for no more than 8 seconds to prevent the candle from burning out.

Launching a diesel generator set is an integral and most frequent operation. The diesel generator set must be started regularly to ensure that the oil seals are not pressed in one position, as well as to lubricate the engine systems. The launch can be done in both manual and automatic modes. You will see how to switch from manual to automatic mode and back. When the diesel generator set is in the “auto” mode, it can still be started manually (the AVR will not connect it to the building if the external power supply is normal). Now let’s take a closer look at what is needed to start the diesel generator set in manual mode, and what happens next.

You have entered the DGU container. Stand in front of the control panel and look at the display. If the monitor is off, press any button and wait until it loads and displays the data. You can see what they mean and how to scroll through them. It is important that the “Shutdown” indicator does not light up under any circumstances (if it is on, check that the red emergency stop mushroom button to the left of the monitor is not pressed. It is fixed, i.e., to release it and snap it off, turn it clockwise) .

1. Pay attention to the ATS cabinet. Normally, 2 indicators on the left (green) should light up on the ATS display. This means that the voltage in the external power supply is present, is within acceptable parameters, and that the load is connected to this voltage. If there is no voltage in the building, then the leftmost green indicator on the ATS display should not light up.

If everything is normal on the diesel generator monitor and the ATS display, follow the instructions in the table.

Start/stop the power plant manually

1. Make sure that the red Shutdown indicator on the control interface (DGS screen) is not lit. If it is on, there is an alarm, the diesel generator set will not start.

Make sure that the red “Not in auto” indicator is on and the overall screen looks like this:

2. Click on the button above which there is a hand icon (second from the left). After that, click on the button under the flashing arrow (this is a confirmation, the button will be third from the left). The diesel generator should start. If your building was de-energized, the Automatic Transfer Switch will switch it to a working diesel generator set. On the AVR controller (the gray box on the wall, the one on the left) 2 yellow indicators will light up. And the control interface will look like this:
3. Using the “up and down” buttons (3 and 4 on the left) we can view the parameters of the diesel generator set: voltage, currents, frequency, power, and other parameters. You can return to the main menu using the triangle button (second from the right).
4. When the voltage from the city power grid returns - the automatic transfer switch will switch the load back to the network, 2 green indicators on the left and 1 yellow on the right will light up on the ATS controller. DGS can be stopped. This is done with the “0” button. The control interface should look like the figure in step 1 (above)

Nowadays, diesel and gasoline are a new generation of equipment with powerful additional protection. Although similar modern devices provide, among other things, protection from incorrect human actions; errors made during the operation of the equipment can damage it. Therefore, it is not enough to simply, you need to know how to launch it correctly.

How to start a diesel/gasoline generator?

1. Initial examination.

Once your diesel or gas generator is delivered, inspect the unit to ensure it is in good working order. All parts must be in place, and each hose must be connected to its own connection.

If you choose to buy a new generator, instructions will be included with it. Study it carefully: even an experienced specialist may be unfamiliar with the features of a particular model.

2. Filling with engine oil.

Regardless of whether you purchased a gasoline or diesel generator, the first necessary step before starting is to fill the engine oil. Take care in advance about the required quantity and quality of oil (the generator does not consume much, so it is not worth saving). When choosing oil, consider climatic conditions use of your unit.

3. Selection of fuel.

If you decide to buy a gas generator, then the first thing you will need is high-quality unleaded gasoline. You will have to monitor not only the quality of gasoline, but also the cleanliness of the container in which it will be transported. Do not allow dust, dirt or water in the containers where fuel is poured: this is dangerous for your unit. Even a small amount of water poured into the tank can damage the gas generator.

Another tip from experts: use pure, unalloyed gasoline. If you prefer to buy a gasoline-type generator, you should not chase fuel with the maximum octane index. It will probably be gasoline with additives (they increase the octane number). Most likely, such fuel will contain alcohol. It is best to buy 92 gasoline at a gas station you trust and pour it into a clean container. 87 and 95 gasoline should not be used: these brands are not suitable for a gas generator.

4. Preparing for launch.

When planning to start a gas or diesel generator, check how clean and flat surface underneath it. Under no circumstances should there be water on it.

A gasoline generator without an exhaust pipe must be started in an open space. Be sure to check whether the device is properly grounded - this will be the key to its safe operation.

Make it a rule to carry out such an external inspection every time before starting the generator.

5. Launch.

To start a gas generator (diesel generator), you need to perform the following steps:

Use a dipstick to check the oil level;
- check the level of filled fuel;
- turn off all devices that are powered by a gasoline or diesel generator: the unit must start without additional load;
- set the air damper to the Closed position;
- turn on the ignition.

1) Petrol generator (diesel generator) with manual start.

If you decide to buy a generator with a manual (mechanical) starting system, proceed as follows:

Pull the starter cord handle smoothly towards you;
- as soon as resistance arises, pull sharper, at this moment the gasoline/diesel generator should start;
- slowly, not immediately, release the handle;
- if the unit does not start, repeat everything from the beginning;
- as soon as the engine internal combustion warmed up, open the air damper.

If in front of you inverter generator, the launch rules will be different. To put an inverter generator into operation, you need to proceed as follows:

Turn on the power of the device;
- move the handle to the on position;
- the air damper with which the inverter generator is equipped should be opened;
- pull the starter cord.

2) Diesel generator/gasoline generator with electric starter.

If you prefer to buy a generator with electric start, put it into operation as follows:

Make sure the battery is present;
- check the fixation of the terminals and compliance with their polarity;
- start the diesel generator (gasoline generator) by pressing the button on the control panel or turning the special key.

3) Gasoline or diesel generator with an “Automatic” starting system.

If you prefer to buy a generator with an automatic starting system, then it should be put into operation like this:

Cut off the power supply; as soon as the current is lost, the generator will turn on on its own;
- let the unit run idle so that it has time to warm up.

Gas generator

How to start a gas generator like a pro? Follow these rules:
- check the oil level;
- disconnect any additional load on the gas generator;
- open the tap through which gas is supplied;
- turn the switch to the “On” position;
- move the air damper equipped with the gas generator to the “Closed” position.

After this, the gas generator is put into operation by analogy with other modern generators.

How to break in a gasoline generator/diesel generator engine?

When you are planning to buy a generator and start it for the first time, get ready for mandatory engine break-in.

1. Put the gas generator (diesel generator) into operation for 2 hours at 50% load.
2. During further operation, especially at first, constantly check the presence of oil. This is done every 4 hours.
3. Once the generator has completed its first 20 hours, change the oil.

If the value for the “header” is not set, the table border will not be displayed; directly in the editor, for convenience, the invisible border is indicated by a dotted line:

How to stop the generator?

The general rules for stopping the unit are as follows:
- disconnect the load on the generator;
- let the engine idle for 2-3 minutes;
- turn off the ignition;
- close the valve through which fuel is supplied.

How to extend the life of the generator?

Regardless of whether you use an inverter generator or a traditional one, do not allow the equipment to be idle for long periods of time. Each generator must be put into operation for at least 2 hours every month.

Among the actions harmful to your unit is its frequent switching on and off. And if you prefer to buy a generator with an air cooling system, provide the device with a constant supply of fresh air(especially if work is carried out at high temperatures).

In front of you step by step instructions on the first start-up of a diesel generator using the example of the SKAT generator.

1. Unpack the generator and make sure there is no damage.

2. Remove tools and other accessories.

3. Check the package.

4. Install the battery: connect the power wires to the terminals, remembering to observe the polarity.

5. On the instrument panel, find the emergency oil level drop indicator - we will need it now. Keep in mind: as long as there is no pressure in the oil system, the unit will not start.

6. Fill the oil sump - unscrew the dipstick plug, measure out the required amount of oil - it can be found on a sticker on the generator itself, or in the instructions. Fill with oil and tighten the dipstick plug.

Important! It is necessary to check the oil level on the dipstick before each use of the generator.

7. The lubricant must be distributed throughout the entire system before starting - to do this, squeeze out the decompressor and turn the crankshaft with the electric starter until the emergency oil pressure lamp on the indicator goes out. To avoid burning out the electric starter, its operating time should not exceed 5 seconds (several attempts of 5 seconds each). What is a decompressor? The compression of a diesel engine is higher than that of a gasoline engine, which makes it difficult to rotate the shaft with both a manual and electric starter. The decompressor makes it easier to start the engine; it opens the exhaust valve slightly, breaking the tightness of the combustion chamber.

Attention! You cannot use a decompressor to stop the engine!

8. Fill the fuel tank. The diesel fuel system is a complex, precise mechanism that is sensitive to fuel quality. Use fuel from reliable suppliers.

Attention! Don't forget to change fuel according to the season. Summer diesel fuel: pour point: -5 °C. Winter diesel fuel: pour point: -35 °C. Arctic diesel fuel: pour point: -50 °C.

9. Open the fuel valve.

10 . Remove air from the fuel system in the following order:

  • fill the fuel tank full;
  • open the fuel tap;
  • unscrew the nut 1-1.5 turns fuel pump;
  • move the engine decompressor to the open position and hold it;
  • Tighten the fuel pump nut securely;
  • Unscrew the fuel injector nut 1-1.5 turns;
  • Use the starter to turn the engine crankshaft until fuel leaks from under the nut without air bubbles;
  • Tighten the fuel injector nut securely;

The generator is ready to go!

Starting with a manual starter

  1. Repeat all steps to start the power plant using an electric starter.
  2. At points where it is recommended to rotate the engine with an electric starter, do it manually.
  3. Now the launch itself, It's not strength that's important, but correct technique.:
  • Pull the starter handle until there is noticeable resistance - this corresponds to the top “dead” point of the engine, return the starter handle to its original position.
  • Press the decompressor and release it (it should remain in this pressed position, and when the cable is pulled, it will turn itself off).
  • Now, with a strong, long movement, we pull out the starter handle (we spin the engine) - when moving, it is not sharpness that is important, but the amplitude and strength of the jerk.
  • If, when starting, you pull your hand towards your chest (a short movement is not enough to start), then the flywheel will begin to spin in the opposite direction and painfully jerk your hand.

It is not always possible to completely remove air from the system, so the engine may operate unstably for several seconds or minutes. When connecting the load, the system will get rid of excess air faster.

Connecting electrical appliances to the generator

  1. Set the circuit breaker to the OFF position.
  2. Connect the consumer plugs to the generator sockets.
  3. Turn on the circuit breaker.
  4. Turn on the consumer.

Turn off in reverse order: device - breaker - socket.

Stopping the generator

Allow the generator to cool for 2-3 minutes. idling, the ignition key is turned to the OFF position, the fuel will shut off and the engine will stop.

It may seem that there should be no difficulties with launching. You just need to pull the cord and everything will start working. However, there are certain nuances that must be taken into account in order to know how to launch.

Launch step by step

By following certain recommendations, you can start the generator without any problems.

You need to do the following:

  1. The unit must be unpacked and carefully inspected. There should be no external damage, and there should be no foreign parts inside;
  2. There is an indicator on the dashboard showing oil pressure. While there is no pressure, the installation will not be able to start. Bleeding the fuel system should only begin after checking that the indicator is not lit;
  3. Be sure to ground the generator. This will help avoid electric shock during operation;
  4. The device must include rechargeable batteries. Power wiring must be connected to the battery terminals. When doing this, remember to maintain polarity;
  5. Fill in the required amount of oil. First, read the instructions, it indicates the brand suitable for a particular generator. Then the oil filler plug is unscrewed and measured required quantity and the crankcase is filled through the neck. It is important each time before using the generator to use a special dipstick and check what level the oil is at;
  6. Lubricant is distributed to the system before you start. First, the decompressor is squeezed out. At the same time, you need to start cranking the crankshaft until the lamp responsible for the emergency pressure level goes out completely. Do these actions for no longer than 5 seconds;
  7. Proceed to filling the fuel tank. It is recommended to use only fuel from high-quality manufacturers. Seasonal fuel changes are also required;
  8. The fuel valve should be opened;
  9. The final stage requires removing all air from the fuel system. First, the tank is completely filled, then the tap is opened. Find the pump nut that needs to be turned 1 turn. Place the decompressor so that it is in the open position. Don't let go, hold it. Using the starter, crank the crankshaft until fuel begins to flow. This should appear under the nut. There should be no air bubbles;
  10. Next, the pump nut should be tightened tightly. Locate the injector nut. It needs to be unscrewed 1 turn. Rotate the crankshaft again. Finally, shade the nut tightly.
This way you can get rid of air in the fuel system. To start, you need to start pulling the starter handle until there is noticeable resistance. Then return it to its original position. Then you need to press the decompressor and release. Using strong and long strokes, begin to pull out the starter handle. Do not make sudden movements, but strong ones. Do not pull the brush into your armpit area. This will cause the flywheel to spin in the opposite direction. The hand will be severely torn.

The steps listed above help you understand how to start a diesel generator. Sometimes all the air does not leave the system. Therefore, the first couple of minutes may cause instability in the operation of the device.