How to drill a concrete wall correctly: advice from professionals. How to drill through a concrete wall with a regular drill


Drilling holes in concrete has some special features. Without close acquaintance with the nuances of the work, it will be difficult to drill such holes, so it is better to familiarize yourself with some details in advance.

You can use an impact drill or hammer drill to drill into concrete.

How to drill through a concrete wall?

To make a hole in a wall from such a difficult material, drills with a pobedite tip are used. If you need to drill a hole in concrete less than 13 mm in diameter, this can also be done using a drill. To get a wider hole, you will have to use a hammer drill. This tool is much more productive than a drill due to the enhanced impact function.

Thanks to the special design of the hammer drill, the concrete drilling speed is much higher. The drill in the chuck can be quickly changed, and due to this, the time required to complete the work can be reduced. In the absence of a hammer drill and the poor quality of the impact drill, it will be easier to use a drill made of hard alloy, which is sharpened asymmetrically.

To start drilling, you need to make a mark: for this, a drill with a simple sharpening is used. There will be a lot of dust during drilling. You can put a cap on it, which is made from tin can, punching a hole in its center. All dust generated during work will end up in this jar. The hole for the plastic dowels is made one centimeter larger than the length of the element. Then the dowel can be inserted into the hole all the way.

During drilling, the drill becomes very hot (due to friction). In this case, its working properties are greatly reduced, and the drill is moistened from time to time with oil or just water to make the work a little easier.

When drilling a hole in concrete, holding the drill in one position is not particularly convenient. Therefore, it is better to choose a tool equipped with a level. If the drill does not have a level, you can take a small construction one and use electrical tape to secure it to the body.

Sometimes it is not possible to make a through hole in the wall because the drill is too short and there is no other one. In this case, you can do this: with inside They drill a blind hole to the length that the drill is enough for, and put a magnet in it. From the outside, using a compass, they mark where exactly the magnet is located and drill at this point.

If an obstacle in the form of reinforcement is encountered along the path of the drilled channel, you need to change the drill to a special one (for working with metal). After this, you need to continue drilling with a concrete drill made of hard alloy.

Concrete is a heterogeneous material that consists of sand, cement, crushed stone, sometimes with the addition of steel reinforcement. The drill can “float” on any hard stone encountered in the thickness of the wall. This makes it very difficult to get the holes right, so this job will require some skill.

Before you start drilling a concrete wall, you need to determine whether there are communications in this place.

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Methods for drilling concrete

Making holes with a hammer drill is not easy traditional way, but also outdated. However, they still prefer to use it for not particularly large jobs due to its low cost and greater availability. The hammer drill makes it possible to drill with impact or in the usual way. But this method There is also a drawback: vibrations, which can lead to unnecessary damage to the finish and structure. With greater power of the hammer drill, the damage from work will be greater.

Safety glasses must be worn when drilling concrete.

Using this technology, you can drill holes 16-52 mm in diameter. To reduce vibrations and negative influences, apply new and improved developments of this tool.

Increasingly, drilling holes in a wall is done using diamond drilling, regardless of where it is required (large-scale construction or home wall drilling). This is in many ways better than working with a hammer drill. Using diamond technology, it is possible to drill a hole in concrete that is smooth, convenient for further work, without making noise and avoiding large quantity garbage. The non-impact method has the following features: when drilling holes there will be fewer chips, and concrete cracks can often be avoided. The main advantage of this technology is this: with diamond drilling, you can easily cope with reinforcement.

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Reinforcement encountered on the path of a Pobedit drill can be gradually drilled out using a regular drill, stones can be split with a punch.

How to make a hole in a concrete wall? Another option is to use a punch. It can be made from a drill with a diameter of 8 mm. Its end is sharpened so that it looks like the tail of a swallow. The drill must be turned and at the same time hit with a hammer. It takes several minutes to punch a hole in a wall using this tool.

It is better to moisten the drill with water all the time while working. This way it can last longer.

It may not always be clear how to drill a hole in the ceiling if concrete chips fly into your eyes. This can be especially inconvenient if you need to screw in a hook for a chandelier. In this case, you need to put something like a funnel on the bolt or punch.

To fix a screw in a concrete wall, you can use the following method. Hammer a piece of nylon into the hole, melt the material a little with a hot nail, then screw a screw into it. Nylon hardens quickly. It will hold the screw securely in the socket.

You can use a piece of aluminum or copper tube instead of a dowel. He's being squeezed to the right size, insert into the drilled hole, then screw it in.

Concrete, as you know, is a hard and durable material, which is why it is very popular in construction. However, due to these properties, it machining causes certain difficulties. In particular, home craftsmen often face the challenge of how to make a hole in concrete?

Methods for drilling concrete

The choice of method for making holes in concrete depends on the tasks:

  • If you need to get a hole Not large diameter, for example, for, then use a hammer drill with a special drill with a carbide tip.
  • If it is necessary to obtain a large diameter, for example, for laying pipes, installing sockets, etc., use diamond drilling holes in concrete using special crowns.

Now let's take a closer look at both technologies.

Making holes with drills

Drills, or as they are also called, a screw-shaped rod and, as mentioned above, a carbide tip. The shank can be smooth and cylindrical, designed for impact drills, or made according to the SDS standard, for rotary hammers.

With their help you can make holes of small and medium diameter.

Instructions for performing this procedure are as follows:

  • Before punching a hole in the concrete, you need to mark the place that needs to be drilled.
  • The tip is then inserted into the chuck of a hammer drill or drill. This sets the depth stop to the desired position.

In the photo - drilling with a hammer drill

  • Next, the drill should be rested on the intended point and the tool should be turned on. In this case, you need to place a certain emphasis on the nozzle. Periodically, the drill must be removed from the hole and moistened with water, preventing it from overheating.
  • Once the required depth has been reached, work is stopped.

I must say that you can make a hole and a regular drill without impact. However, for this you will need a punch with a hammer. In such a situation, the drill must be periodically removed from the hole and the concrete must be broken with a punch.

Drilling with diamond bits

It often becomes necessary to make a large diameter hole in concrete, for example, to install a sewer or water pipe. Today there are many companies that provide similar services. However, before you invite specialists, you should find out the cost of punching holes in concrete.

It is quite possible that you will decide to perform this operation yourself. To do this you will need the same hammer drill. The only thing is that you will have to purchase a diamond crown attachment.

Using such a tool you can make holes with a diameter of 100 mm or even larger. Moreover, a correctly selected bit will allow you to successfully drill even reinforced concrete structures and concrete of any hardness, with any filler.

Pay attention!
Toothed crowns can jam when meeting reinforcement, and their teeth, as a rule, break.

Thanks to this, you can get a hole in any concrete structure. For example, when constructing various wells, people are often interested in how to punch a hole in a concrete ring? A diamond tool can also easily cope with this task.

In addition, there are some other advantages of this method:

  • The ability to obtain a hole of the required size in an absolutely round shape.
  • There are no shocks or strong vibrations, making it possible to use this technology in houses that are under repair or reconstruction.
  • There is no strong noise.
  • Possibility of use when installing air conditioning systems, where sometimes pinpoint precision is required.
  • Ability to drill at an angle, close to walls, floors or ceilings.

The price of crowns is usually quite high.
However, if you follow the operating rules, the used nozzle can be restored.
There are specialized companies that provide such services.

The drilling principle is the same as when drilling with auger drills. Including, it is necessary to periodically moisten the crown with water.

If you need to get a hole with a diameter of, for example, 20-50 cm or even more, then a hammer drill, of course, is not suitable for these purposes. In this case, you can drill a hole in the concrete using a professional tool.

Powerful equipment is not held in the hands like a hammer drill. Usually it is fixed to the wall using anchors. Sometimes fixation occurs using the spacer method using a rod, i.e. the lower part rests on the floor, and the upper part rests on the ceiling.

Professional equipment is usually equipped additional functions, such as supplying water to work area, a dust collector that allows you to perform the procedure without dust environment etc.

Diamond bits may be needed not only when drilling concrete.
Also effective method is cutting reinforced concrete with diamond wheels and grinding with diamond cups.

Of course, such equipment is very expensive, so it makes no sense to purchase it for domestic purposes. Therefore, to perform such an operation, it is more advisable to seek help from specialists.


As we found out, in some cases it is quite possible to make a hole in concrete yourself. In order for this operation to take place effectively and without much effort, you should use suitable tool and follow drilling technology.

From the video in this article you can get additional information on this topic.

During repairs, communications or redevelopment, it becomes necessary to carry out different quantity holes in the walls. The tool and drilling technique will vary depending on the wall material. Before drilling into a brick wall, it is recommended to use some practical advice, since such a durable material as brick sometimes requires a special approach.

The wrong choice of tool and type of drill will not only not allow you to get the desired result, but can also damage the equipment. To drill bricks, two types of equipment are used - a hammer drill or an impact drill. The right choice drill, first of all, lies in its power. The minimum power of this tool must be no less than 600 watts, and the minimum number of revolutions must be from 2500 rpm. It is better if the mechanism has reverse rotation of the drill and the ability to smoothly adjust the power. Drilling holes in brick should be done with an impact drill, since walls made of this material are very resistant to static loads, and are only subject to impact with dynamic loads. If you drill with a conventional drill, the process will be lengthy and ineffective, since the edge of the drill will not be able to catch on the internal structure of the brick. This may result in overheating of the tool and breakage of the drill.

In addition to application electrical equipment, it is possible to use hand tools, - the so-called bolt. It is a pipe with teeth at the end, with which a hole is made by applying human physical force.

In addition, you will need the following tools:

  • Drills or drills

To drill holes in brick wall was effective, it is necessary to use drills with a certain diameter made of carbide material. Their difference from conventional ones is the presence of a diamond or pobedit cutting edge. With a hole depth of up to 15 cm, you can use drills with a diameter of 0.6 or 0.8 cm. The maximum diameter of the hole that can be drilled into a brick with drills is 1.5 cm.

Pobedite drill bit for brick walls

If you need to drill a through hole, much larger diameter, it is better to use a drill that is installed on a hammer drill and an impact drill. The size of the drill depends on the depth of the hole. If it is necessary to drill a hole in a wall with a width of 60 cm or more, to speed up the process and make it more efficient, it is recommended to use drills of the same diameter, but of different lengths for different stages drilling, for example, start with a 15 cm long drill, and at the final stage - 50 cm long.

The maximum diameter of the drill hole can reach 2.8 cm.

  • Drill bits

To install boxes for sockets and switches, you need to create a niche. In this case, drill bits are used, which are made of durable steel and allow you to obtain large-diameter holes. Drilling with crowns is carried out without the use of an impact function, and their choice depends on the diameter and number of teeth.

Crown on a hammer drill
  • Dowels for fastening
  • Screwdriver for dowels
  • Safety glasses
  • Cooling water container
  • Core for making marks when drilling with a drill.
  • Hammer
  • Pobedite glass
  • Metal detector

Drilling technology

There are three ways to drill a hole in a brick wall: manual, electromechanical and automatic.

However, before starting work, it is necessary to study the location of the electrical wiring, since accidentally touching the wiring line will not only damage it, but can also electrocute a person. Most often, electrical wiring is located vertically or diagonally relative to sockets and switches. If you have any doubts, you should use a special device for detecting wires. hidden wiring. A portable metal detector will help you detect aluminum wire or copper, located no deeper than 1 cm.

A portable metal detector will help detect hidden communications

Hand Drilling Technology

In the absence of an electric tool, drilling holes can be done using a bolt. To do this, locations are pre-marked by drilling with a punch. After this, the bolt, which is applied to the wall at an angle of 90 degrees, is struck with a hammer. Every three blows, the bolt is rotated, and the remaining bricks are removed from the pipe. Thus, the hole is knocked out until it reaches the required depth.

Electromechanical process

Mechanical drilling is performed with a hammer drill or hammer drill, the process is the same.

First you need to decide on the type (through, not through), depth and diameter of the hole. This is necessary for a properly selected drill or drill. If you have difficulty maintaining the same distance between the holes, you can use a template. The stencil is made from plywood, chipboard, plastic and other available materials. To use it, you need to fix sandpaper on one side on double sided tape or glue, then lean it against the wall and drill.

After the type and diameter of the future hole has been determined, markings should be made with a core. The drilling process will be easier if it is done in the seam between the bricks. Notches with a core are made in order to fix the drill and facilitate its entry. When drilling with a drill, the tool must be held perpendicular to the wall, pressing gently on it so as not to break the drill or drill. Periodically, the drill must be taken out for cooling in a container with cold water.

If it is necessary to drill a hole with a diameter greater than 18 cm, use a hammer drill with diamond crowns. If these are not available, you can use Pobedit drills normal diameter. To do this:

  1. The location of the future hole is outlined, and its outline is outlined with a pencil.
  2. By outside the line is drilled, the number of holes depends on the diameter of the contour. The diameter of the drill itself should be 0.8-1.0 cm, the pitch of the holes along the contour should be 1.0 cm. To do the job more accurately, you can use drills with an even smaller diameter, but then the process will take longer.
  3. Using a chisel and hammer, a sample is made from the drilled contour.

If you need to drill through a thick wall, you can do this in two stages: first, perform the drilling process as described above on one side of the wall. Then, the center of the resulting hole is drilled through. After this, the required diameter is marked on the other side of the wall around the intended through center, and the process is repeated.

Automatic process

Diamond drilling is carried out using professional, expensive equipment. In this case, it is desirable to have special skills and qualifications. With the help of such a tool, the drilling process is fast, accurate, almost silent, and can be carried out under different angle to a depth of up to 40 cm, resulting in a smooth hole, without chips or cracks. This method does not create a lot of dust and dirt, since the tool is equipped with an attachment to cool the drill and wash away the dust.

Concrete is a good material - durable. But strength also has a downside: it is difficult to make holes in it for fastening anything. It’s easy to drive a nail or tighten a screw into wood, but how to drill concrete wall? There is no need to rush to buy a hammer drill, and you don’t need an impact drill, you can do without a drill, but you definitely can’t do without the tool that will be used to drill the wall - a punch, a drill and a drill.

Drilling concrete walls: choosing a tool

There are several ways to drill into concrete:

  • Chiseling with a hand punch.
  • Drilling with an electric drill.
  • Chiseling with a hammer drill.

First, we will consider the most time-consuming method. It was used when it was not possible to use electric/pneumatic tools, and is still used today. You buy a special set of punches - sharpened four-lobed metal pins with diameters from eight to twenty millimeters.

It is possible to make pins yourself from any steel that can be hardened. But it is imperative to make 2-4 grooves on the side surface, which, on one side, form cutting edges, and on the other, serve as channels for the discharge of concrete chips. The pin shank is often made square - turnkey from a vice. Having placed the pin at a right angle to the wall, they begin to hit it with a heavy hammer, turning it around its axis, first with a mitten hand, then, when it is deepened by 15 millimeters, with a vice key.

So - until the complete victory of the world revolution. First they work with a pin about eight millimeters in diameter. If necessary, the hole is re-passed with a pin of larger diameter. It is clear that it is usually not plastic dowels that are inserted into such holes, but wooden choppers or full-fledged bolt anchors.

It is, of course, possible to drill through concrete in this way, but it takes a lot of effort - it’s better to run to a friend’s neighbor for a cordless drill.

Now about the drills. An electric drill (you should forget about a manual one in the case of concrete - it will take more energy than the masochism described above) needs a drill. For concrete, ordinary drills made of high-speed steel are not suitable: it is an abrasive, on which they will wear off, and even burn from friction if they are not cooled.

Therefore, you need to buy a tool with a carbide insert in the store. Just don’t steal VK-8 from the factory - they don’t tolerate vibration. Often such drills are not sharpened - a green wheel is required to sharpen a carbide tool. Diamond-coated drill bits are also suitable. But this layer is thin and they will fail quickly. If the design of the drill includes a shock mode mechanism, this is what you need to use: cement goes through without problems, but granite needs to be broken.

If there is no impact mode, you can do without it: for dowels up to 40-50 mm long, a hole, as a rule, is drilled without problems. At longer distances there is a high probability of encountering a granite “asteroid”. You can break it with a hand punch and feel like Bruce Willis. And then - work with the drill again. But now purely hammerless electric drills are a rarity.

In general, the best tool A hammer drill is used for drilling concrete. He more powerful than a drill, his drills are specially designed for vibration mode of operation - it is better to use it. This type of tool was created when home craftsmen had not yet thought about how to drill a concrete wall - miners used preforators, and there are strong rocks there. Previously, rotary hammers looked intimidating, but times are changing - now home-sized models have been developed. Advantages of a rotary hammer:

The impact energy is an order of magnitude higher than that of an impact drill.

  • More powerful engine.
  • Vibration-resistant design - shock operating mode is the main one for it, and not an additional one, like with drills.

The design of the chuck and shank of the slotting tool prevents rotation under high loads - in the case of jaw chucks, which are used in drills, it is often necessary to make flats on the drill shank.

The slotting tool is specially adapted to work in vibration conditions - the carbide plate still does not like them and crumbles.

Bottom line

A manual punch should only be used in absolutely wild working conditions - when there is no alternative. And also for auxiliary operations when drilling deep holes with a hammerless drill.

A hammerless drill is great for lightweight concrete and drilling shallow holes. For more hard work need a tool with impact mechanism. And even then, it’s already difficult to drill a hole with a diameter of more than 12-14 mm with a drill: the drill rotates in the chuck, and the load becomes high.

A hammer drill is an excellent tool for drilling concrete walls because it is designed to work with such materials. But, of course, it is more expensive than drills - the price difference between models of the same category is almost twofold.

Expert advice

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To oil paint to prevent it from drying out during storage and to prevent a film from forming on it, place a circle of thick paper on the surface of the paint and fill it with a thin layer of drying oil.

" Polyethylene film, covering a balcony or greenhouse, is protected from being torn off by the wind by a string stretched on both sides at intervals of 10-15 cm."

"To work with concrete mixture it was easier, clay is usually added to it, but clay reduces the strength of the mixture. Add a spoon to it washing powder based on a bucket of water. "

"To prevent the screw, the head of which is hidden behind the obstacle, from rotating along with the tightened nut, you need to throw several turns of thread or thin wire over it and lightly tighten the ends. Due to friction, the screw is held well in place. The ends of the thread can be cut off after tightening."

"You can cut out a birdhouse entrance without a brace. It is enough to split the front side of the board in the center and cut out half-holes of the required size with a chisel or hatchet, and then connect the halves again."

Wooden screw plugs crumble and fall out of the wall. Take your time to cut out the new plug. Fill the hole in the wall tightly with nylon from an old stocking. Using a nail of a suitable diameter heated red hot, melt a hole for the screw. The fused nylon will turn into a strong cork.

"It is not difficult to turn a carpenter's level into a theodolite by equipping it with an aiming device from a slot and a front sight."

"In order for two strips of linoleum to lie end to end, it is convenient to use a self-adhesive decorative film, placing it under the base of the noleum."

"So that the nail goes into in the right direction and did not bend when driven into a deep hole or groove, you should place it inside the tube, securing it with crumpled paper or plasticine. "

Before drilling a hole in a concrete wall, secure a piece of paper just below it. Dust and concrete fragments will not fly around the room.

"To cut a pipe exactly at a right angle, we recommend doing this. Take an even strip of paper and screw it onto the pipe along the sawing line. The plane passing through the edge of the paper will be strictly perpendicular to the axis of the pipe."

"Roll over logs or wooden beams A simple device will help - a piece of motorcycle or bicycle chain, supplemented with a hook on one side and secured to a crowbar on the other side. "

"In order for one person to be able to work with a two-handed saw, we recommend using a simple technique: move the saw handle from the top to the bottom position."

You can cut a piece of slate of the required size with a saw, but it is better and easier to punch holes along the line of the intended cut with a nail at a frequency of 2-3 cm, and then break off the slate on the support.

" The best way glue the tile to the wall: take bitumen, melt it and drop just four drops on the corners of the tile. Stuck on dead. "

When making shaped window casings, it is most convenient to cut shaped holes with a hacksaw with a sharpened blade.

"Making stained glass is a long and difficult task. You can make a quick imitation of stained glass. To do this, take thin slats or rods of vines, glue them to a sheet of glass, and then paint the glass and cover it with varnish."

"If you don't have a dowel at hand, you can make one from a piece of plastic tube. The body of a ballpoint pen can also be suitable for this. Having sawed off a piece of the required length, make a longitudinal cut, about halfway, and the dowel is ready."

"It is known how difficult it is to hang a door when working alone. But just shorten the bottom pin by 2-3 mm and the work will become much easier."

"A very durable, non-shrinking and fairly waterproof putty is made from bustylate mixed with any powder - chalk, gypsum, cement!, sawdust, etc."

"If you need to screw a screw into the end of a particle board, drill a hole slightly smaller than the diameter of the screw, fill the hole with Moment glue (not epoxy!), screw the screw in a day later. The board does not delaminate. However, the resulting connection can only be placed under load through day. "

"It is more convenient to secure portraits, photographs, paintings in wooden frames with glass not with nails, but with the help of pushpins bent at right angles. The pins are gently pressed with a screwdriver. Compared with nails, the danger of splitting thin frames is reduced to a minimum."

"It is not so easy to screw a screw into hard wood. If you poke a hole for the screw with an awl, and rub the screw itself generously with soap, then after such an operation the work will go like clockwork."

To save time, the edge of the wallpaper can be trimmed with a sharp knife without unrolling the roll. To do this, you must first align the end of the roll and with a simple pencil outline the edge border on the outside. Working with a knife, the roll must be gradually turned in the direction of rolling.

To carry large sheets of plywood, glass or thin iron at home, it is convenient to use a wire holder with three hooks at the bottom and a handle at the top.

IF you need to saw a round stick into the distance, this work is most conveniently done using a template. It is made of a metal tube with a groove in the middle. The diameter is chosen so that the template slides freely along the stick.

It will be better and easier to work with a hacksaw if in the middle part you increase the height of the teeth by 1/3.

If you attach a weight weighing about a kilogram to the front of the bow saw machine, the work will become easier. The load must be made removable so that the saw can be used to perform other work.

"A wax-like coating can be obtained by painting the surface with diluted PVA glue. To obtain desired color, you need to dilute the glue with water tinted with watercolors. "

"Making a cover for an ax blade is as easy as shelling pears. Take a piece of rubber tube, cut it lengthwise and put it on the blade. It is protected from slipping off by a ring cut from an old car camera."

" Avoid using clamps when gluing wooden frames A laundry cord will help. You should put four short loops on the corners of the frame and two long ones to tighten the frames diagonally. The angles are adjusted using sticks that twist the middle loops. "

"How to silence a creaking floorboard? Between the floorboards you need to drill a hole at an angle of 45° with a diameter of 6-8 mm, drive a wooden pin into it, lubricated with wood glue, cut off the protruding end with a chisel and putty on the floor surface."

"To make it easier to sand a floor covered with varnish or paint, iron it with an iron through a damp cloth - and the work will become easier."

"Slight rotting on wood can be eliminated as follows: the affected wood is removed from the healthy layer, and then soaked in a 10% formaldehyde solution. After drying, the area is puttied and painted over."

Anyone who has at least once been faced with the need to make a hole in the wall knows that the question of how to drill concrete, not so easy to answer. Both the instrument itself and consumables you need to choose the right one, otherwise the idea risks turning into a complete failure.

How to drill concrete - choose a tool

So, first you need to decide on a tool. Actually, there are two options here: drum and . A hammer drill, of course, is preferable, because the initial task of this tool is to punch holes in concrete or stone. With its help, you can make a hole of a fairly large diameter, while even the best impact drill is not designed for drilling passages thicker than 12 cm. However, if we are talking about foam concrete, then in this case you need to choose a drill, since a hammer drill will simply break the wall .

You cannot use a regular hammerless drill for the job - it is not only useless, but can also lead to breakage of the tool.

Of course, if you need to make several holes, then in the absence of a hammer drill you can use a drill, but if there is a long work ahead, then purchasing one cannot be avoided. And we are talking here not only about saving effort and time - since the drill was not initially designed for such loads, it can become unusable if handled improperly. If you still have to work with a drill, you need to remember that in this case they use Victory drill on concrete, the tip of which is coated with carbide coating.

Diamond drill bits for concrete and other accessories

Sometimes on sale you can find ring drills with diamond coating on the end. Such devices are intended for special drilling rigs that drill large holes with a diameter of up to 25 cm. It should be said right away that such units are very expensive - several tens of thousands of rubles, so there is no point in purchasing them for the home.

If during the repair process you need to make a place for an outlet or switch, use crowns for drilling concrete. Along the circumference of their cutting edge there are special solderings made of carbide metals. Their diameter can range from 35 to 120 mm, however, 68 mm size crowns are most often used, since these are the holes needed for switches and sockets. When working with a crown, be sure to turn off the hammer drill's impact mode. Most of these devices drill holes no more than 15 cm deep. If you need to go deeper into the wall, you can use an extension nozzle.

There are similar crowns among. Unlike the previous ones, such crowns do not have soldering, but are coated with a tungsten carbide alloy around the entire circumference. The advantage of this “device” is that if you need to drill a hole in concrete lined with tiles, you will not need to change the nozzle, since it will work equally well in concrete. It is worth noting, however, that such attachments are intended for drills with a power of at least 1000 W.

Usually, special ones are used to work with a hammer drill. Their diameter ranges from 4 to 80 mm. Beginning craftsmen often have questions about how to choose the right drill diameter. In fact, just in case, along with purchasing a hammer drill, you should immediately buy concrete drill set. However, as a rule, truly high-quality kits are very expensive, so the advice is this: the diameter should be exactly the same as that of the dowel that will be inserted into it. When purchasing such drills, you should know what kind of shank they should have - SDS+ or SDS-max.

Before fixing the drill in the chuck, you need to check if there is any contamination in it. If any are found, you should remove them with a dry cloth, otherwise problems may arise when working with the tool. When inserting it into the chuck, you need to make sure that it stands at a perfectly right angle, and that the shank goes in all the way.

The most big problem, which can be encountered when “passing” a concrete wall is the “confrontation” of a drill and metal reinforcement (usually this happens when punching to great depths). In this case, the reinforcement is passed through with a punch, and then work continues. If the hole is made with an impact drill, then it will help to cope with the obstacle regular drill on metal.

Since a non-professional tool is not designed for long-term load, approximately every 15 minutes you need to take a break for approximately the same period. During this time, both the tool itself and the consumables will cool down. Before continuing work, you need to moisten the drill with water - this will extend its service life.

Sometimes it can happen that when drilling a wall, pieces of plaster begin to fall off from its back side. In this case, you need to reduce the speed so that the work goes a little slower. Although such work will take more time, you won’t have to worry about the safety of the wall. Another incident that can happen during the process is the drill getting stuck in the wall. In this case, you should not try to remove it by shaking the tool back and forth, as this may break off the tip. You need to carefully disconnect the hammer drill, and then insert another small-diameter drill into it and start drilling out the “brother” that is tightly stuck in the wall, while trying not to touch it.

By choosing the right tool and components for it, you can successfully make holes even in such an intractable material as concrete. A little theory, seasoned with practice - and such work will be done quickly, efficiently and without unnecessary effort.