How to clear sand from a well. Cleaning wells from silt and sand: causes of clogging and cleaning methods

1. Sandy.
The most commonly used type of well. The means of purifying water coming from the ground is sand and fine gravel laid on its bottom.
The main disadvantages of sand wells:
- water level and its chemical composition often subject to seasonal changes;
- the formation of silt on the surface of the filter and the walls of the well, reducing the flow of water and its quality;
- the need for regular well cleaning.

2. Artesian well.
Wells of this type reach the depth of aquifers, which are located at the level of aquiferous limestone rocks. Typically, the depth of artesian wells is 50 meters or more. Since the costs of constructing an artesian well are significant, but at the same time it is capable of providing water in significant volumes, it is advisable to undertake its construction by collective forces for several houses.

There are two types of wells:
- with a straight trunk of the same diameter throughout the entire depth; several pipes same size, welded together, are installed in the barrel; the deep pump sinks to the very bottom, which prevents intense siltation and simplifies well cleaning using a vibration pump.
- with a filter having a diameter smaller than the size of the barrel; a pipe with small holes in the lower part is placed inside the main one.

Reasons for well siltation:

1. Errors during the construction of a well when the aquifer has not been reached.

2. Insufficiently intensive use of the well, as a result of which water stagnates in the well, sedimentation of particles of clay, silt, and rusty detachments from the pipe occurs.

3. The use of vibration pumps with top water intake or rotary pumps, which submerge only 8-10 m, does not allow pumping water from the depth of the well.

4. Filters in the form of pipes with a smaller diameter than the main pipe do not allow the deep-well pump to be lowered to their upper edge. As a result, the filter quickly becomes clogged with settled particles and the flow of water deteriorates.

Any well sooner or later (depending on the intensity of use, the quality of filters and pumps used) requires cleaning. Naturally, you should not wait until it is completely clogged. better time Carry out preventive treatment of the moisture source from time to time.

Methods for self-cleaning a well.

1. Using a bailer.
A reliable, although labor-intensive, method.
The bailer, attached to a cable, is lowered to the bottom of the well. Then it is raised about half a meter and abruptly released. Under the influence of her weight (considerable), she falls, biting into the mud. The valve at the bottom of the bailer opens and the agitated sediment falls inside. When the bailer is lifted, its valve closes and the collected sludge is taken out. The operation should be repeated several times until the bottom of the well is completely clear. To make the procedure easier, it is recommended to build a gate, securing it to a tripod; it will reduce physical stress.

2. Using a vibration pump equipped with a nozzle.
This method allows you to clear the well of sediment without much physical effort. It can be used in wells of any type, especially in cases where, due to the small diameter of the pipe, it is impossible to use a conventional vibration pump. A durable hose is put on the water intake of the pump (type “Baby”), which in turn must be secured with a clamp to the body of the unit. To ensure reliability of the structure, experts recommend inserting and securing a PVC or metal pipe of appropriate length inside the hose.

To prevent the hose from floating up, a weight must be attached to its end. The pump equipped in this way is lowered into the well until the nozzle touches the silted bottom. Then it rises slightly (by 5-10 cm) and turns on. Water with agitated sediment is sucked in by the pump and supplied outside. The well is quickly cleaned. The only drawback of this method is the rapid wear of the working valve due to the ingress of large sediment particles into it. If necessary, after completion of work, the rubber piston of the pump is replaced with a new one.

3. Using two pumps.
This method involves the use of two pumps - a deep pump with a lower water intake and a self-priming pump (Kama type). The cleaning process is slower, but the pump does not become clogged with large sediment particles. Outside, next to the well, a large container (barrel) with a volume of about 200 liters is installed. A small container (for example: an old bucket) with a mesh bottom is attached to the top of the main tank. The end of the hose from the self-priming pump is lowered into it. A weight is attached to the end of the second hose from this pump and lowered into the well. Then it is necessary to lower the deep pump into the well so that it is at a distance of 10-30 cm from the level of the formed sludge. To do this, the unit is lowered all the way, and then raised to the required height and secured. The installation is ready.

First, the deep pump is turned on, which draws water from the well into a large container to the top. If there is not enough water from the well to fill the barrel, it should be added. Then the second pump is turned on, which forces water from the barrel into the well, causing the lower layer of water to mix and the sludge to rise. Since the end of the hose is immersed in a small container with a mesh, sludge particles will not fall back into the well. As you clean, the end of the hose supplying water to the well should be lowered slightly lower to the bottom. If the water coming from the well is too dirty, then to avoid clogging the deep-well pump, you need to lift the end of the supply hose. The cleaning process usually takes 2 hours.

4. Using a vibrating deep-well pump.
This is perhaps the simplest method, although more labor-intensive. Uses an existing vibratory sump pump and a small heavy pin or trident made with my own hands from metal fittings. The ripper, tied on a thin cable or strong cord, is lowered into the well. By sharply raising and lowering it to the bottom, the sediment is loosened and mixed. Then a pump is lowered into the well, which pumps the cloudy water out until clear water comes out. And the pin works again. Thus, in several stages the bottom of the well is cleared of silt.

If the cable to which the pin is attached does not interfere with the operation of the pump, then you do not need to remove it. Simultaneous operation of the ripper and pump will speed up the work. In this case, the pump should be located above the pin.

Anatoly 2016-07-23 23:49:41

I accidentally read your recommendations for cleaning a well. Some commentary on the article: Babies and Streams (all vibrational) are more often than not a quick death for a well. “Shaft” is the concept of the formation formed during the drilling process. The pipes lowered into the barrel are a “column”. If they end (begin) with a filter, then they are a “filter column”. If the filter is lowered inward, i.e. smaller diameter "column with a filter in a countertop". The filter part has a settling tank in its design for settling sludge, sand, etc. Under no circumstances should the pump be located in the filter area, and is also not recommended in a sump. (The word sedimentation tank speaks about its purpose), etc. The best way cleaning the filter zone of wells and settling tanks - Airlift. If the column is up to 125mm, take a D-25mm PE pipe, load it, lower it to the “bottom” and connect it to a compressor with a capacity of 0.7 m3/min (more is better). The compressor must have an operating pressure of at least the height of the liquid column in the well (otherwise PYH). Do not apply pressure sharply (otherwise the filter will Puff), etc. etc. Good luck.

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Almost every owner of a water well understands that it becomes clogged over time. Sand, silt and other contaminants penetrate into the face. What speeds up the process is primarily incorrect arrangement. The most common reasons are installation casing pipe and water supply equipment with violation technological sequence. Sand washout occurs due to improper use. During creation, craftsmen must warn that water must be pumped constantly. Periodic activation of the pump allows you to wash away the settling sand and silt.

If you have already encountered one of the types of pollution, then you have probably thought about who can do it better and at an affordable price. The Istok company has been providing service andwellsonwateron the territory of Moscow and the Moscow region. Therefore, we are pleased to offer our services forflushingwellsany types. The company's specialists are able to cope with any, even the most complex, task. We are confident that there are no impossible tasks and in 99% of cases the problem can be solved within one day.

It is widely believed that to removefromwellspollution is possible on your own. In general, yes, but without the appropriate knowledge, equipment and devices it is very difficult. Unqualified operations can aggravate the situation, which can lead to a significant increase in the cost of subsequent repairs. This is why we do not recommend taking independent actions and immediately seek help from a specialized organization such as ours.

Why does silting occur in a well?

Cleaningwells fromappeared siltAndsandis a mandatory procedure after a certain period of operation of the water intake. Sooner or later, every owner encounters it. Clogging of systems occurs for various reasons:

    Presence of sandy deposits or heavy fractions in aquifers;

    Rare use of water intake;

    Impaired functionality of pumping equipment;

    Clogged filter elements;

    Small volumes of water taken;

    Mistakes made when creating a water intake;

    The occurrence of movement of layers, causing changes in the characteristics of water.

Signs of contamination

No well owner is immune from that moment of discovering a difference in tastewater fromthe one that was familiar. Basically these changes are not in better side. There are sudden changes in odor, a noticeable decrease in productivity, and a complete stop in water supply. One of the most unpleasant signs is changes in the color of the water, the appearance of additional shades. All this clearly states what is requiredcleaningwellss.

Why can't pollution be ignored?

Drinking such water is not only undesirable, but even dangerous to health. In addition, malfunctions may occur household appliances(washing machine/dishwasher). Besides thispumpingsandfromwater intake will help eliminate the possibility of its complete stop. If the necessary measures are not taken in a timely manner, the water source can be completely destroyed and a new one will need to be created.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that when the well is significantly contaminated, equipment parts wear out more quickly, which also leads to costly repairs with the replacement of most components.

How do we clean?

Cleaningwells is uniquely complex technological process, which requires precise execution of all stages. Success largely depends on correct diagnosis of water intake. At this stage our masters use modern methods and equipment, including a video inspection system, which allows you to reliably determine the source of the problem and create an accurate action plan to eliminate it.

Once a clear picture of the situation is obtained, theflushingwellsfrom sand and silt. Special equipment contaminants are removed from the bottom. After this, treatment with washing reagents occurs. They are also supplied to the water intake to remove rust, organic deposits, and siltation.

We focus your attention on what older age well and the less care it received, the more difficult it is to get rid of the resulting contaminants.

Due to our own developed technology, including perfect combinations physical and chemical processes, our company is able to increase the productivity of the water supply system. And having concluded additional agreement By periodically servicing your water source, you can forget about any interruptions in water supply for a long time.

Advantages of contacting us

The Istok company provides on an ongoing basis services for the creation, maintenance, cleaning and removal offrom the wellcontamination, faulty equipment. We are pleased to provide each client with the following privileges:

    Honest, reasonable price.Price, of course, depends on the amount of work and complexity of the events being carried out, but we guarantee that you will not encounter imposed services for far-fetched reasons.

    It can no longer function as before, so don’t panic. After all, there are no “eternal” sources of water supply and it is possible that the well has become mechanically clogged. In this article we will tell you how to deal with this problem yourself, without the involvement of specialists. Cleaning a well from silt and sand is not as complicated a procedure as it might seem at first glance. And if you arm yourself with our instructions, then no problems will arise at all!

    How to avoid well clogging? Important points

    So, we found out that sooner or later problems arise for all well owners. Of course, if the aquifer dries up, then it will be necessary to deepen the mine or drill a new well, which can hardly be considered easy and cheap procedures.

    It’s a completely different matter if the well is clogged - this can even be avoided if you operate it according to all the rules. How to extend the service life of the water supply source on the site?

    Table. Well operation rules.

    RuleBrief description
    Carefully ensure that the casing pipe is sealed and the filter is intact.
    Ideally, several tens/hundreds of liters need to be pumped out every day, and this is not a problem if people live in the house permanently. Otherwise, try to pump out at least a hundred liters every two months.
    Once you have finished drilling, immediately flush the source until clear water appears.
    It is better to abandon the vibration pumpThe fact is that such a pump, vibrating, will contribute to siltation of the soil or the entry of sand into the well (to a greater/lesser extent). It is better to use a centrifugal pump for this purpose.
    Install a head or caisson for this. Alternatively (but only temporarily), seal top part casing pipe.
    Do this before you start operating the well, taking into account the water flow, and install the device at the desired height.

    Pay attention! If you follow all these recommendations, you still will not be able to prevent the well from clogging. But you will be able to delay the problem and achieve maximum effective use of the resource.

    Why might a well become clogged?

    To understand the causes of the problem and choose suitable way cleaning, you need to become familiar with the types of blockages.

    Reason one. Sand got into the casing

    This is a common problem in not very deep sand wells with the aquifer located in a sand and gravel layer. If the well is properly equipped, sand will enter the casing in minimal quantities.

    If the productivity of the well decreases and there are grains of sand in the water, the problem may be:

    • ingress of sand from the surface (due to leakage of the caisson, head);
    • broken tightness between casing elements;
    • incorrectly selected (with too large cells);
    • violation of the integrity of the filter.

    It is impossible to eliminate leaks inside the well. Fine sand, which constantly penetrates through the filter, is easily removed (especially since it is partially washed out when rising). But if coarse sand gets in, everything is somewhat more complicated; over time, the well may simply “float.” That is why you need to pay special attention to choosing a filter and installing casing elements.

    Reason two. An unused well has silted up

    Over time, particles of rock, rust, clay, and calcium deposits accumulate in the ground near the filter. If there is an excessive amount of them, the filter cells and pores in the aquifer become clogged, and therefore it will be more difficult for water to enter. The flow rate of the source decreases, it silts up until the water completely disappears. If the well is used regularly, then this process slows down and can take decades, and if not, then silting may take one to two years.

    If the well is cleared of silt in a timely manner (that is, before the water disappears completely), the source can most likely find a “second life.” Water supply will be maintained in sufficient quantities for the residents of the house.

    How to clean a well yourself. Available methods

    There are three main principles that can be used - pumping, washing with circulating water, blowing with compressed air. As for the methods, there are several more of them.

    Method number 1. Bleeding using a vibration pump

    Simple, but not always effective way. Good for cleaning, but not recommended for regular use. Another advantage of the vibration generator is that it does not require water - it can easily cope with sand and even small stones. Certainly, check valve Because of this, it may fail, but it costs a penny and can be changed in just a few minutes.

    Pay attention! The cost of such a pump is several times lower than a circulation pump, and even if it completely fails, the financial damage will be insignificant.

    Disassembling the vibration pump

    Models such as “Baby” and “Rucheek” are suitable for cleaning a well. Such cleaning will not cope with serious siltation, but it will large quantity sand will help get rid of it. But only if the well is shallow - if the rise is more than 30-50 m, the productivity will noticeably decrease. Also remember that only a pump with a bottom water intake will do.

    During operation, the pump must be turned off regularly for about 15 minutes; continuous operation should not last more than half an hour. Note that this method, despite its simplicity and minimum human participation, is not always effective and will cost some money.

    Master class. How to clean a well with a vibration pump

    Step 1. A vibration pump with a bottom water intake is being prepared. In our example, the device is slightly modified.

    Step 2. The outermost nut on the tip of the pump is twisted, after which a metal bracket about 15 cm long is installed in the center. It is well tightened with the nut so that it does not jump down. Thanks to this design, the sludge at the bottom of the well will be better agitated.

    Step 3. A hose and cord are also connected to the pump (the second will lower and raise the pump).

    Step 4. The pump with the hose slowly lowers to the bottom of the well. It must be lowered to its full depth until it comes into contact with contamination.

    Pay attention! There must be some amount of water in the well. If there is none, pour it on top.

    Step 5. When everything is ready, the pump turns on and light rocking movements up and down begin. The device should be located near the very bottom of the well; the bracket, screwed on at the beginning, stirs up the silt. The pump picks up contaminants and throws them out.

    Step 6. The sludge is constantly agitated using a pump. The process may take a long time, which will indicate large deposits in the well, but the result is worth it.

    The pump is periodically pulled out and its inlets are inspected. If necessary, they are cleaned.

    Step 7 During the day of work in our example, we managed to remove several buckets of rust, sand and other contaminants.

    Method number 2. Surface water supply

    To remove turbidity, rust and fine sand, you can wash the surface with a pump. It is advisable to organize the process in a closed cycle, otherwise the site can be turned into a swamp. Water from an open reservoir should not be used, so you need to prepare containers whose total volume is equal to the full volume of the casing pipe.

    The liquid will circulate between the container and the well thanks to the pump. Dirt will settle at the bottom of the container, so it will have to be removed periodically. The pump must be powerful. If you want, add chemical reagents to the liquid - for example, phosphoric acid, which will dissolve calcium deposits and rust. Remember that the acid must be quenched baking soda; Moreover, after using it, the well must be pumped for at least another six hours.

    Instead of a head, a nozzle is installed at the mouth of the source, which will direct the flushing into the container with a reverse flow. The cycle, by the way, may not be closed - water can be pumped from the neighbors’ water supply.

    The water is supplied downwards by a hose; its length should be enough for it to lie directly on the bottom. This method allows you to effectively clean the filter.

    Method No. 3. Using two pumps

    If the well depth is more than 50 m, then cleaning it using the previous two methods is problematic. However, if you use two pumps at the same time, you can significantly increase the efficiency of flushing. In this case, deep and surface units will be required. The first will pump water with contaminants to the surface, and the second, located on top, will supply flushing liquid to the bottom.

    You can remove contaminants using the pump that is located in the well - there is no need to remove it or lower it below the suspension point. It is only necessary to pass the supply hose through the casing pipe about , in order to lower it to the very bottom. And remember: if there are small stones and sand in the water, the pump will be subject to increased wear.

    Method number 4. Using a bailer

    This method, which involves the use of a bailer, is effective if you need to remove a lot of pebbles, sand or fine compressed sediments. But if the filter or the soil next to it needs to be cleared of silt, the method will be almost useless.

    Who doesn’t know, a bailer is a steel pipe 1-1.5 m long, on one side of which there is a lever-eye for the cable, and on the other - a valve. Extremely simple design, if you wish, you can make a bailer with your own hands.

    The valve is a massive steel ball, which is held in place by a washer attached to a threaded connection.

    The water must be completely pumped out of the casing pipe, after which the bailer drops sharply to the very bottom. When you hit sand, the valve will open and some contaminants will get inside. Then the bailer is raised, cleared of sand, after which the procedure is repeated more than once. It is advisable to operate the projectile together; it is more convenient to lower/raise it using a tripod with a winch or a block.

    Pay attention! You can make a bailer yourself, purchase it, or rent it. You need to work with it carefully, especially near the filter (there is a risk of damaging the fine mesh).

    To remove the last few centimeters of dirt, it is worth using another method that does not involve impact.

    IN country houses wells are practically the only way to provide for your family clean water(not counting wells). But unlike the central water supply, where special services monitor water quality, well owners have to take care of it themselves. And when the water becomes cloudy, and sand and silt settle at the bottom of the containers, it becomes clear: it’s time to clean the well. The easiest way to do this is with the help of specialists. But they will have to pay for the work. However, there is an alternative: fix the problem yourself. Let's look at how to properly clean a well with your own hands.

    The well requires constant monitoring of its condition, because in the early stages of contamination the cause is easier to eliminate than when the water supply has completely stopped. It's better if preventive measures will be carried out at the first sign of blockage, i.e. as soon as you notice sandy or silty sediment at the bottom of the dish, and the water pressure has become weaker. At the same time, the faucet may begin to snort, release air and dispense water in jerks, splashing the nearby space. If you delay the deadlines, there is a high probability that cleaning traditional methods will no longer help, and you will have to contact experienced craftsmen with special equipment.

    Why does a well get clogged?

    Any well, even a very high-quality one, gradually becomes clogged. There are several reasons:

    • One of them is inconsistent water intake. This problem arises among summer residents who live outside the city only in summer time. During the autumn-winter, a sediment of silt particles, rust from pipes, sand brought with the aquifer accumulates at the bottom of the well... And the less water is used, the greater the layer of debris settles at the bottom, gradually clogging the filters.
    • Second common reason– pollution from the outside, when debris enters through the mouth, soil from collapsing edges, etc.
    • Clogging can be caused by soil movements and errors in well installation. For example, if they install a filter with a diameter smaller than that of the pipe. In this case, the pump is above the filter and does not pump out water from the bottom. There is no circulation and the filter gradually becomes silted.

    When cleaning a well with two pumps, one unit pours clean water into the pipe, and the second pumps out dirt from the bottom

    First cleaning with a compressor immediately after drilling

    As soon as a well is drilled, it must be cleaned immediately, because not only water will flow into the pipes from the aquifer, but also all the garbage that is in it. Installed filters cannot retain the smallest particles, from which the water becomes cloudy and undrinkable. Depending on the depth of the well, the flushing process after drilling can take from 10 hours to several weeks.

    If the drilling was carried out by specialists, then they flush the system using a flushing installation. If you drilled the well yourself, you will also have to clean it of dirt yourself. To do this, you will need a compressor with a capacity of at least 12 atm and several pipes, which must be connected to each other and inserted into the well so that they reach the bottom. In this case, the diameter of the pipes should be smaller than the diameter of the well, so that there is empty space between them.

    The compressor forces air into the well under high pressure, so dirty water can fly out from high speed and splash everything around

    Let's take a step-by-step look at how to clean a well yourself using a compressor:

    1. We insert the pipes into the well. It is advisable to reinforce the top with a rope, because under high water pressure the structure can bulge upward.
    2. We put a vacuum adapter on the pipe, securing it with self-tapping screws.
    3. Pump up the compressor to maximum pressure.
    4. We put the compressor hose on the adapter.
    5. We turn on the unit and release all the air into the well.
    6. We repeat pumping several times.

    Air under pressure will push dirty water through the interpipe space. So don't be surprised if everything around you is covered in dirt.

    If you do not achieve clean water using air, repeat the procedure, replacing air blowing with water washing, using the same pipe system with an adapter. To do this, find some large barrel, place it next to the compressor and fill it with water.

    Using a water compressor, drive this water under maximum pressure into the well. But be careful, because heaps of dirt will fly towards you, pushed out by this water. Clean the well until the container is drained. Then flushing should be repeated until dirt stops being thrown out from the interpipe space.

    Using blowing and washing, the well is cleaned of silt or sand. But salt deposits on the filter cannot be dislodged in this way.

    How to pump a well with a submersible pump?

    A more accurate way to clean a well is with a submersible pump. You don't have to work in the mud because all the water can be drained to a place convenient for you. For this procedure you need a pump that is designed to pump out dirty water. It is desirable that it can absorb solid particles up to at least 5 mm. Then you will remove not only sand from the bottom, but also small pebbles.

    It is better to use for cleaning a well submersible pump, it is capable of pumping water with solid particles with a diameter of up to 30 mm

    Let's look at how you can clean a well at your dacha using a submersible pump:

    • We tie the pump to a strong cable, because during operation it can be sucked into silt, and the cord that comes with the unit will not always pull the pump out of this trap.
    • We lower the unit to the bottom of the well a couple of times and raise it to stir up the sediment.
    • We install the pump near the bottom and turn it on.
    • If the pump is equipped with automation, it will turn off itself as soon as it has pumped out all the water. If there is no such element, you need to control the process so as not to miss the moment of complete pumping. A motor running dry may burn out.

    If you do not have a special pump for pumping out dirty water, you can clean the well with a conventional vibration pump, such as the “Malysh” type. The progress of work is exactly the same as described above. Only periodically this pump must be removed from the well for flushing with clean water. Vibration units They are not designed for heavily contaminated water, so without washing they will not withstand such a test and will burn out. By the way, the first sign that the pump is wearing out is heating of the housing.

    Vibration pumps are not designed for heavily contaminated water, so when cleaning they must be periodically rinsed with clean water to avoid clogging and overheating.

    To flush the system, you will need a container with clean water and an empty one. Place the hoses in the containers and turn on the unit.

    Chemical cleaning and bailer cleaning

    If the blowing and washing methods slightly increased the well's flow rate, it means that the filters are clogged with solid layers of iron salts and lime. You won't be able to knock them out with pressure. In this case, they resort to critical measures - acids. It is necessary to fill the bottom with ordinary battery acid, which is used for vehicles, having previously pumped out all the water. Acid is poured in for 2 days, and the top of the well is tightly plugged with a plug.

    When two days have passed, the water from the well is pumped out several times. But even after this, they are not used for drinking or cooking for a month, but only for construction or household needs. The more often water is withdrawn, the faster the acids will be washed out of the well. And yet, before drinking water, it is better to have it analyzed in a laboratory. This way you will have official confirmation of its safety.

    Cleaning a well using a ready-made or homemade bailer allows you to clean the well of all debris that has accumulated at the bottom, and not just silt.

    A well becomes clogged for various reasons; in some situations, you may need to flush it yourself to remove silt, sediment and rust. Cleaning is carried out in various ways, you can do this yourself without resorting to the help of professionals.

    Types of wells

    There are 2 types of wells:

    • with the same diameter at each depth level;
    • with a filter that is larger in diameter than the well.

    The first option is easier to make and use, so it is more common. In this design, the pump is lowered directly to the source. Thanks to this arrangement of the device, silt does not settle or collect inside. But even in this case, contamination cannot be ruled out if water pumping is poor.

    The second option is not so common; its design uses additional filter, it is located at the bottom of the well and does not allow the pump to be lowered deep enough to place it directly at the source.

    What are the causes of blockage?

    There are many reasons for clogging of a structure, the most common include:

    1. Incorrect installation. If the pipe is positioned incorrectly or its installation technology is violated, a blockage occurs. Often the pipe is installed behind the water source, and then clogging occurs. To avoid this situation, a special filter is used to purify the incoming water.
    2. Application of a rotary pump. This is the most popular device for pumping water, but its use leads to the fact that the well quickly fills with silt. This happens when the device is immersed to a depth of more than 10 m.
    3. Using a vibration device. This type of device collects water from the top, leaving deposits of fine sand, rocks and silt at the bottom.
    4. The well has not been used for a long time. In this case, you should turn on the pump several times a month to drain some of the water - this will help avoid clogging. Alternative option There will be more frequent use of well water.

    Cleaning methods

    There are situations when it is not possible to do without the help of specialists, since the blockage is complex. But most often you can clean the well yourself. For this you can use:

    • electric compressor;
    • bailer;
    • chemicals;
    • one or two pumps.

    After drilling, stagnation is a common occurrence, so it is recommended to install a filter. If the installation of the water supply is carried out according to a correctly designed scheme, then problems with blockages will not arise often.

    Using a filter

    This design should have a device that helps further purify the water and prevent clogging. This device looks like a small hole that is located at the bottom of the water supply pipe. It allows small particles and water to pass through, but retains large debris, preventing the well from clogging. There are filters that have 2 pipes at once different diameters, each of them has a hole.

    Using a bailer

    The bailer is steel pipe approximately 1-1.5 m long. It has a valve at one end and a lever-eye at the other. This method is used when cleaning sand that accumulates in a water supply pipe; it can also be used to remove compressed deposits and small stones remaining in the pipe. But the bailer is useless in the case when it is necessary to remove the sludge that has accumulated in the filter.

    The valve is a steel ball, it is held in place by a special washer attached to the threaded connections. To get maximum results, it is recommended to completely pump out the water from the casing. The bailer sinks to the bottom with a sharp movement. As soon as the pipe hits the sand, the valve will open and capture some of the accumulated debris. The bailer is removed and the sand is shaken out of it. This process is repeated several times until the cleaning is complete.

    To speed up the process, it is recommended to use a winch, since the pipe is quite heavy and it is inconvenient to use even with two people. A ready-made bailer can be purchased at a special store, rented, or made with your own hands. The projectile should be used with caution, as it can damage the filter mesh. When the layer of dirt does not exceed a few centimeters in thickness, it is better to remove the residue using another method, without using impact force.

    How to clean a well with a deep vibration pump

    Cleaning a well from silt and sand can be carried out using a special or simple pump. A special device is designed to remove debris and sand from water. To carry out the procedure, you need to follow the rules:

    • the hydraulic machine is lowered to the bottom of the structure and then started;
    • as soon as the device starts working, a whirlpool will appear into which small debris will be drawn in (this option is also suitable for those who want to remove clay deposits from the well that pollute the water);
    • For the process to proceed correctly, the pump should be cleaned with clean water;
    • the pump must be turned off periodically to avoid overheating.

    The “Malish” pump is used when the well depth is no more than 40 m.

    How to clean a well with two pumps

    To carry out such cleaning, you should prepare a container that can hold at least 200 liters of water. The pump is immersed in such a container, and its hose is lowered to the bottom of the well. Water is supplied from the container, which helps to wash away the sediment at the bottom, mixing it with water.

    The resulting mud mixture is removed using a vibration pump. This method has advantages over others, since it allows you to additionally rinse the filters thanks to the active supply of water under pressure. If the contamination is strong, you will have to use more water and rinse several times. This approach allows you to completely remove sediment, sand and small debris, which will allow you to use the well for a long time.

    Cleaning with an air compressor

    This method is most effective for clearing a well of silt and sand deposits. To carry out cleaning, you must perform the following steps:

    • a pipe is immersed in the well; it should not reach the bottom by about 0.5 m;
    • a hose is attached to the pipe, which is attached to the compressor;
    • as soon as the compressor is turned on, a stream of air will begin to flow from the hose under pressure, thereby lifting all the sediment and pushing the water, along with silt and sand, upward.

    Compared to a pump, this method makes the cleaning procedure faster and easier.

    How to clean with acid

    For DIY cleansing, strong chemical-based products can be used. Most often, food acids are used for cleansing: citric, sorbic and ascorbic have worked well.

    Easiest to use citric acid, since it is sold in any store. About 1.5-2 kg of acid is enough for a well. The substance is poured into the well and left to react for several days. The acid attacks the sludge and eats it away. Once the structure is cleaned, you can drink the water within 2-3 hours.

    Cleaning using an air lift

    Another method for cleaning a well involves the use of a water riser pipe. The lower part is immersed in the well, and then air is supplied from the compressor, which creates a mixture of foam and air. During the cleaning process, it is necessary to ensure that the water level is always sufficient. Contaminated water enters the pipe and rises through it.

    The easiest way to clean a well

    The simplest option for removing silt and sand from a well involves using only a vibration pump. This procedure is labor-intensive and time-consuming. Its principle is to lift sediments and mix them with water, and then remove the contaminated water. To carry out cleaning in this way, you will need a cord or cable to which the pin is attached; there must be a nut on it. By rising and falling, this device will loosen sand and silt, mixing them with water.

    How not to damage the well during the cleaning process

    To prevent the well from being damaged during the cleaning process, you should not use devices that can damage the walls of the casing pipe. It is worth giving preference to devices that are specifically designed to remove sediment. The pump should not be left in operation unattended, and the water level should be monitored.

    Self-cleaning is only possible if there is no large debris or metal objects in the well. In case of complex contamination, you should seek help from special companies.