How to sleep on an orthopedic pillow? Photo of the correct position of the head and neck. Orthopedic pillow How to sleep correctly on an orthopedic pillow

Ordinary down and feather pillows are a thing of the distant past. Nowadays, modern bedroom accessories with artificial fillings are more popular.

For sleep to be beneficial, you must follow the rules for using this device:

  • You can't sleep on your stomach. With this position, the neck forms an unnatural bend, affecting the evenness of the spinal region. When positioning on your stomach, it is better to place a small blanket under your head.
  • The height of the pillows should correspond to the width of the shoulders. People with broad shoulders are better off using voluminous bedding, while people with a fragile build should use thinner ones.
  • Place only your head on the pillow. Rectangular-shaped bedding is suitable for this. They should be above the shoulders, they can be moved to the head of the head or folded in half.
  • Do not raise your head high while sleeping. There is no need to put bulky bedding under your back and head.

Let's look at how to sleep properly orthopedic pillow to get a pleasant feeling and healthy sleep:

  • On the back. For this position, you need to choose low, medium-hard bedding measuring 40 by 60 cm. It will allow you to completely relax your shoulders, neck and head, and the spinal column will take its natural position.
  • On the stomach. Use a low, soft pad. But great value You need to pay attention to the position of your hands in your sleep. When placing your hands under your head, it is better to use a product with a lower height.
  • On the side. In this position, high and solid products are chosen to support the head, neck and shoulders and create a natural position of the spine.

Important! A crescent-shaped pillow should be used by those who rarely change position while sleeping.

Which pillow is best for a person to sleep on depends on his habits, capabilities and desires. But the main thing you need to take into account is that the high part of it should be placed in the cervical area and the shoulders should not be placed on it.

It is harmful to use a regular sleep product for cervical osteochondrosis. With such rest, the position of the neck is parallel to the head, which leads to displacement of the vertebrae and impaired cerebral circulation.

People suffering from this disease wake up after a night's sleep with neck and back pain. It is better to use a rectangular orthopedic product with a dense cushion that is not located on the edge of the pillow.

The neck will take the correct position, the muscles will relax. And blood will flow freely to the brain.

Is sleeping without a pillow good or bad?

Is it healthy to sleep without a pillow? Its absence may disrupt proper sleep. During rest, a person should breathe properly and metabolism should not be disturbed. This can be accompanied by a good night's sleep on the right product.

What are the risks of sleeping without a pillow?

  1. Getting worse appearance. Due to impaired blood flow to the head, swelling appears on the face.
  2. Snoring appears.
  3. Osteochondrosis develops.
  4. The flow of blood to the brain is disrupted.
  5. Chemical processes in the body slow down.
  6. The cervical artery is bent.
  7. An ischemic stroke may occur.

Sleeping without pillows is not only uncomfortable, but also harmful. The only category of people who do not require this device are newborn babies.

How to sleep when pregnant?

For pregnant women, a special sleeping pillow is created, which is a large device in the shape of a long banana that helps you sit comfortably and relax your muscles while sleeping. You need to rest on it correctly so as not to harm the baby.

To do this, you need to follow some tips:

  • You need to choose bedding so that its length is from the floor to the woman’s chest. Smaller sizes are not recommended.
  • In a position on your side, you need to place part of the product under your stomach, and press the outermost part with your knees. This arrangement will support the stomach and a comfortable position of the legs. Upper part can be placed under the chest and cervical region and hug with your arms.
  • In a sitting or semi-sitting position, place the product under the lumbar region of your back, thereby relieving the load from it. By wrapping the pillow around your waist, you can relax and fall asleep without fear of numbness upper limbs.
  • A regular folded blanket or large blanket can replace a pregnancy pillow. When using it, you must avoid turning over on your back.
  • The filling of maternity bedding does not affect its benefits. The most important thing is proper use.

Important! A pregnant woman should not sleep on her back or stomach. This can harm the child's development. Therefore, it is better to choose a position on your side, changing it alternately during the entire duration of sleep.

The pregnancy pillow can also be used after the birth of the baby. All family members can continue to sleep on it, and it can also be conveniently used when feeding a child.

When can a child sleep on a pillow?

At what age do children sleep on a pillow? It is not recommended to use the pad until the child is one year old. To find out when a child can sleep on a pillow, you must first understand why this bedding cannot be used for infant sleep.

During sleep, the child is not able to control his movements and, when turning over, may bury his nose and mouth in the bedding and suffocate.

Using such bedding for up to a year can also cause curvature of the spine and cause an allergy to artificial fillers of the material.

Therefore, at what point can a child sleep on a pillow, each parent will decide independently, observing the behavior of their baby.

If the child prefers to sleep on his stomach, you need to slightly raise the mattress in the head area. If the baby often burps, you can use a pillow that fixes the lateral position.

If parents cannot determine whether the child needs a pillow, it is necessary to monitor the baby during sleep and ask the pediatrician for advice on the correct choice of bedding.

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Everyone knows that sleep is important for human health. Almost everyone is also aware of the importance of the amount of sleep. But few people think about its quality, and then only when problems arise. Due to poor quality of sleep, various problems can arise - neurological, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, musculoskeletal. There is even research evidence that bad dream increases the likelihood of suicide by 1.4 times. But what causes poor sleep? You will be surprised, but the quality of sleep of a healthy person is greatly influenced by the bed on which he sleeps, in particular the mattress and pillow. Orthopedic pillow - how to choose and use it correctly.

It must be emphasized that we're talking about about a person who does not have serious diseases that themselves can cause sleep disturbances. The opposite effect is observed here. Poor sleep means diseases develop.

There are many points that determine proper preparation to sleep to improve its quality. Fresh air in the room, optimal room humidity and temperature, bed linen, absence of irritants, and so on. But first on this list, so to speak, his head is a pillow. The second thing is the mattress, and then everything else.

By the way. It is today that the focus of attention of many doctors, and not just orthopedists, neurologists and vertebrologists. In particular, an orthopedic pillow, which is recommended for use not only in patients with diagnosed cervical osteochondrosis and other diseases of the spine, and to all healthy people who take care of their health.

As you know, all big changes start small. Start using the right pillow is the first step to a healthy spine. Because an orthopedic pillow, unlike a regular pillow, can do a lot.

Find ten differences

Maybe there are not ten of them, but fewer, although, most likely, much more. But some are cardinal.

  1. At the orthopedic pillow unusual shape. A standard sleeping pillow is either square or rectangular. But orthopedic ones are allowed to have the shape of a circle, polygon, oval, cylinder, or even be shapeless.

  2. The second global difference is filler. In an ordinary pillow it is down and feathers, wool, foam rubber, synthetic winterizer and other natural and not so natural materials. An orthopedic sleep accessory is filled with elastic, elastic, hard or crumbly material.

  3. Size matters too. The orthopedic product will not be 70x70 centimeters, because it is intended exclusively for the head, and not for the entire body, which many people who have sleep problems like to place on a pillow.

  4. Allergenicity. Perhaps this indicator does not directly relate to orthopedics, but almost all standard pillows are not hypoallergenic, but orthopedic ones are.

  5. Usage– perhaps the main difference. A regular pillow is used for sleeping, and an orthopedic pillow is used for healthy sleep.

Orthopedic pillows

Yes, among orthopedic products there are also products that are worse and best quality, and not every “therapeutic” pillow will be beneficial.

Advice. If the pillow is made without following production rules, from uncertified materials, bypassing the license, it is better to prefer the usual down, especially if cervical osteochondrosis has already begun to develop, which a low-quality orthopedic product will only aggravate.

A real corrective, “useful” pillow will support not only the head, but also the neck, allowing the spine to ensure the correct position during sleep and maintain healthy sleep.

By the way. Having replaced a regular pillow with an orthopedic one, you will probably feel at least uncomfortable within a week or two. Perhaps, due to the inconvenience, sleep will be disturbed even more, and you will want to throw away the health-improving accessory and return to the old familiar option. Don't rush, in two weeks your neck and head will fully adapt to the new position, and you will no longer be able to do without your favorite pillow.

Types and selection

Unusual pillows for sleeping are not only various forms, but also different levels. This can be a single roller or two rollers forming two planes. It can also be a flat pillow that does not change its shape and has “memory”, retaining the effect of pressing the body, as if remembering it. Of course, there is no brain in the sleeping accessory yet, but the materials used in production allow you to observe real miracles and use them successfully.

All people sleep differently, but there are only four options for body positions (not positions) during sleep: on the left side, on the right side, on the back and on the stomach. A lot has been written and said about the best and most beneficial position to sleep in. Despite this, everyone chooses a position that is convenient for them. Manufacturers of orthopedic pillows have taken care to divide the consumers of their products into those who sleep on their side, back and stomach (although, according to doctors, this is the most harmful sleeping position).

Important! For those who sleep on their side, we recommend a pillow with two bolsters of different thicknesses. For those who like to sleep on their back, they produce classic bolsters or single-plane products. And if a person prefers to sleep prone, he will need a cushion, but a small and very soft one.

Pillow massager

If you want to know in more detail what types there are, and also consider the rules of use, you can read an article about this on our portal.

Size and color

Having decided on the type of sleep and the corresponding type of product, it’s time to start determining the size. This criterion does not depend on the size of your head, but on how restful your sleep is. If you constantly turn over, change position, rush about, you need to choose a larger area, you can even take a pillow 50 cm wide and 80 cm long. Not particularly worrying enough standard size 30x50 cm or 40x60.

As for the height, for those sleeping on the side it should be 10x15 cm, on the back and stomach - 8-10.

By the way. Research has proven that the color of the pillow (as well as other bedding accessories) is important. Often this is the first thing a person sees after waking up, so it is recommended to choose light, pastel, cream colors.


No less important criterion The choice is the material from which the pillow is made. Today there are many different materials, with significant and insignificant differences.

Table. Materials for orthopedic pillows and their characteristics.


Products made from this material are soft and comfortable, with medium elasticity. They are easy to model the shape of the body, and then, when the pillow is released from pressure, it instantly takes on its original shape.

They are easy to wash and are not a breeding ground for ticks. Hypoallergenic, but not one hundred percent hygroscopic - your head may sweat on such a pillow.

Very mobile material, recommended for those who often change their sleeping position and toss and turn. Has the ability to take quickly new uniform and no less quickly restore the previous one.

It is easy to wash, lasts a long time, but sleeping on this product is a little unusual (and some people just can’t get used to it, claiming that the pillow is uncomfortable).

Buckwheat husks or husks have many advantages, besides the fact that pure form It is not an orthopedic product. Although, it does have the properties of these products - it is comfortable to sleep on the pillow, it takes the necessary shapes, but does not return to its original shape, like latex or polyester.

But buckwheat is completely environmentally friendly and is practically the only natural filler among other materials used in production.

And again, the disadvantages are that you can’t wash the pillow; mold, fungi, and insects may appear in it.

But there is a massage effect, aromatherapy and no sweating, since the filler is perfectly breathable.

It is called viscoelastic, and this foam is the most expensive material for orthopedic pillows. Consequently, products made from it are very expensive. It not only takes the shape of the body, but actively supports it, retreating to its original shape after the load is removed.

They don't live in it dust mites and microbes, it maintains a comfortable temperature and hydrobalance, and is also good for artificial material allows air to pass through.

Gel pillows are also not cheap, and are still considered a new product. Ideal for stomach and side sleepers. Take any shape with ease. They are considered very comfortable. They have high user characteristics.

There are unusual sensations during sleep at first, since the gel is not similar in nature to any known filler material.

Rules for good sleep

Having decided on the material and model, it’s time to find out how to use your new acquisition, designed to maintain health and improve the quality of sleep, correctly.

Important! The first thing you need to understand and remember is that a pillow is needed not for the head, but for the neck. The head does not fall anywhere, there is no need to hold it, and there is no need to lift it. But the neck must be supported so that it does not bend.

Realizing this fact, you can start learning how to use an orthopedic pillow.

Important! During sleep, no matter what position you occupy, the cervical spine should be straightened, forming a line parallel to the mattress. There should be no bends or turns.

An orthopedic pillow, even the best one, will not teach you to sleep correctly. You need to learn to use it yourself. Achieving an anatomically correct position of the head, neck and entire spine during sleep means getting healthy sleep. And no inflows of fresh air, comfortable temperature and humidity and the absence of irritants will not help you prevent, much less cure, osteochondrosis.

Pillow for osteochondrosis

If you would like to learn more and also consider detailed recommendations, you can read an article about this on our portal.

Many people suffer from this disease to a greater or lesser extent. It can be the result of incorrect posture during sedentary work, a passive lifestyle, age-related muscle changes, and, among other things, the causes of pathology in the cervical area include long-term sleep on an incorrectly selected pillow.

Modern medicine effectively treats pathology with a whole range of therapeutic measures, but a healthy neck must be maintained. If you choose the wrong bedding, the treatment will progress slowly, will not bring the desired effect, and after it stops, the disease will return again.

Important! There are a number of experts who recommend that everyone, including patients with osteochondrosis, sleep without a pillow at all. This theory does nothing to support the cervical vertebrae during sleep; they remain tense, never relax, and wear out much faster.

Therefore, an orthopedic pillow (like a mattress) is not an advertising ploy to increase the profits of its manufacturers. This essential accessory for healthy sleep.

The pillow should be small; it should support the head well and not allow it to “sink” or “roll down.”

If, with osteochondrosis, even at its initial stage, you sleep on a regular pillow, when your neck is at the same level as your head, you will experience pain. If, without problems with your neck, you sleep on a regular pillow, sooner or later osteochondrosis will begin.

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Proper use of an orthopedic pillow not only promotes good sleep, but also prevents a number of diseases. A comfortable sleeping position helps relieve muscle tension in the spine, reduces headaches, improves blood circulation and prevents the development of osteochondrosis. Such products are indispensable in case of illness musculoskeletal system. They help relieve pain and, in combination with therapy, restore the spine. Using a pillow maintains and improves your posture. Thanks to the product, a person gets enough sleep in a shorter period of time and feels cheerful.

Types of products

Orthopedic pillows come in various shapes and sizes. They must be selected based on personal parameters. For people with wide shoulders, products with dimensions of 70 x 75 cm are suitable; for those with narrow shoulders, you can choose 50 x 60 cm. For children, sizes of 20 x 30 or 40 x 50 cm are suitable.

The height must be selected based on the sleeping position and shoulder width. If the preferred position is on the back, then the height of the pillow should not exceed 6 cm. This size promotes free blood circulation in the cervical region. Those who like to sleep on their side need to start from the width of their shoulders. To do this, take measurements from the tubercle on the humerus to the neck. When selecting a pillow, an error of 1-2 cm is allowed. It should be soft and low if a person often sleeps on his stomach.

When purchasing a product, you must take into account that the neck does not bend and the head is at the same level as the body.

There are 3 main types of pillows:

  • rectangular;
  • roller shape;
  • oval.

Each species is characterized by its own characteristics. Modern model The classic rectangular shape has a slightly thickened roller located along one of the sides. Its size should depend on the width of the shoulder. Some products are equipped with two bolsters or a recess for the head. Such models contribute comfortable sleep and hold the neck muscles and head.

The bolsters are suitable for those people who are used to sleeping on their back. It is necessary to choose soft models that recover well. They are prescribed to patients with orthopedic diseases and help relieve tension and pain. The crescent shape of the cushion will perfectly support your head.

Oval products are not used as often. They will suit those who like to sleep on their side. Such models are sometimes equipped with a relief lining, which helps to relax and stretch the vertebrae. Some pillows take on locking shapes under the weight of your head.

When choosing a pillow, you need to focus on your preferences, the main thing is that the cervical spine is in a comfortable position.

Variety of fillers

When choosing a pillow for sleeping, you need to pay attention to its filling, which should be highly elastic, resistant to moisture and provide good support for your head.

Manufacturers of orthopedic pillows use the following fillers:

  • polyurethane foam;
  • latex;
  • cooling gel;
  • buckwheat husk;
  • memory foam.

Polyurethane foam models come in different hardness and density. This pillow distributes the load well on the spinal region, promoting good blood circulation, and has a long service life.

Latex products have excellent characteristics. Natural material consists of processed juice of the rubber-bearing Brazilian hyvea and has medium hardness. Such pillows do not cause allergies, have high breathability and hygroscopicity, as well as a long service life. For a massage effect, they are cast with tubercles. The downside of this product is the smell (it disappears after a couple of weeks).

In hot summers, a cooling gel will allow you to spend a comfortable night. Pillows with gel provide a massage effect. Thanks to the wave-shaped design, you can sleep on both your back and side.

Buckwheat husk, the shell of buckwheat grains, is a 100% natural product. The even distribution inside the pillow becomes a good support for the head. Buckwheat casing promotes acupressure that soothes nervous system and creates a rush of blood to the brain. However, the constant rustling noise may cause irritation for some people. The pillows are quite heavy and have a short service life. Buckwheat husks can cause allergies.

As part of the space program, it was developed new material- memory foam. Its main feature is the ability to take on the shape and shape of the head. When used, it smoothly adapts to its owner. After sleep, the original appearance is restored. This material, like latex, has a specific smell; the product lasts no more than 5 years.

Proper care of orthopedic products

Orthopedic pillows do not require special care. Manufacturers' instructions for use must be followed.

For the product to last long time, you must adhere to some rules:

  • do not cover with a blanket or thick cloth;
  • ventilate on fresh air 1-2 times a week;
  • do not place heavy objects on the surface of the pillow, as this can destroy the structure of the filler;
  • monitor air humidity, it should not exceed 65%;
  • Do not wash or wring out in a machine or by hand.

You can refresh a latex product by wiping it with a damp cloth using a soft detergent. Then rinse under running water and pat dry several times with a towel. Dry the product for 12 hours, avoiding direct sun rays and away from thermal heaters. Models made from buckwheat husks should not be wetted or exposed to moisture. It is necessary to constantly dry and ventilate. Fabric covers in all products are washed when dirty.

For storage, special covers made of breathable fabrics are used. Plastic and film bags are not acceptable.

Orthopedic pillows have a number of advantages over their down counterparts. They are safe, allow you to maintain the body in an anatomical position, are easy to use, low-allergenic and have a long service life. However, a sudden change from a soft product to a harder one requires getting used to. The feeling of discomfort goes away after 5-7 days, and the owner of the orthopedic pillow begins to enjoy healthy sleep.

How to sleep on an orthopedic pillow correctly: we will provide instructions with photos for a comfortable position, tell you how to use it and how to lie on it. The bedding has already been chosen and lies in front of you, attracting with its novelty. However, for a product to be useful, you need to know how to use it. We will tell you and show you how to sleep on an orthopedic pillow so that your body can truly rest.

How to use an orthopedic pillow correctly

First of all, you need to choose the correct position of the orthopedic pillow, and here a lot depends on the specific type and purpose of the accessory. Here are some notes to help you understand whether the product is chosen correctly:

  1. Based on how you prefer to sleep. If on the stomach, then the height of the orthotic pillow is minimal, about 6-8 cm, and the model itself has a recess or cutout in the middle. For those who sleep on their back or side, the highest options with two bolsters are preferable.
  2. When you lie down, the bedding supports not your head, but your neck, forming the correct position of the spine. When resting, a person experiences comfort without any unpleasant sensations.
  3. The product is designed for its intended use. The fact is that there are pillows not only for sleeping, but also for short-term rest, sitting, lining under the back, stomach or neck. When buying a product, pay attention to what it is for.
  4. An orthopedic pillow for a child and an adult are not the same thing. If you are purchasing for a baby, look at the size, which will be different for a teenager.

Only if you approach your purchase as responsibly as possible, will you receive a high-quality and healthy item. This should not be forgotten. Well, if you are interested, read the corresponding article.

How to properly place an orthopedic pillow

Now we will only talk about the accessory that is intended for long rest and night sleep. To understand how to lie on an orthopedic pillow correctly, you need to determine what shape it is.

Models that have a notch or cutout in the middle are placed under the head in a supine position. This can be said about both rectangular and “butterfly-shaped”. Orthopedic pillows with memory effect are used according to the owner’s preferences: for resting on the side, back, even stomach, if they do not cause discomfort. The same applies to products with buckwheat husk or bamboo filler. We read about that in our other article.

The most cunning ones are with two rollers. If you place a smaller one under your neck, lie on your back. In the lateral position, a larger cushion is placed under the head.

How to use an orthopedic pillow

Again, it all depends on what kind of product you purchased: for your head, legs, back, buttocks. More details can be found in the article devoted to this issue. If your job requires you to sit a lot, your spine gets tired and starts to hurt. To avoid problems with posture, it is advisable to purchase a seat accessory or one that fits under your back and neck. In the photo and in the instructions, the manufacturers explain how to use it.

Is it possible to sleep on an orthopedic pillow?

Of course, it’s possible, even for babies. Read about that in another article on the site. There is only one caveat: the pillow should be comfortable for the owner. It is not immediately possible to determine how suitable it is. An experimental approach is often required. It is believed that the most comfortable model for sleeping is rectangular in shape, with or without a notch for the neck. But a lot depends on the preferences of a particular person. That is why, first, we recommend that you consult with your doctor to roughly determine which models you should choose from.

To gain strength, a person needs healthy sleep. A properly selected orthopedic pillow will help relax muscles and restore the body.

During rest, there should be no load on the spine and head, so as not to compress the blood vessels. But not all people know how to sleep on such models correctly.

How to choose?

When choosing bedding you need to be careful and attentive. It is recommended to examine a number of the following questions:

  • what is the usual posture during sleep;
  • shoulder size plays important role;
  • perception of foreign odors, as well as the presence of allergies;
  • It is important to know about the presence of osteochondrosis, neck muscle spasms and neuralgia.

Short option will do for those who prefer to sleep more on their back. In order not to compress the vertebral artery, the wide part placed under the neck should have a height of no more than 6 centimeters.

For the roller, it is necessary to provide medium hardness; only the surface for the head should be soft.

How to sleep properly?

Muscle pain occurs with an uncomfortable position during sleep. As a result, it appears feeling unwell. If you sleep incorrectly for a long time, your health will worsen and health problems will appear.

Finding a suitable sleeping position on an orthopedic pillow is very simple. To do this you need to adhere simple rules.

  1. Listen to your body, lie comfortably on the product so that your head does not protrude, and relax.
  2. The spine should be straight along its entire length. The head should not rise above the line of the back, but it should not drop too much either.
  3. The size and shape of the product must correspond to the size of the person’s body and build. Different people can purchase special orthopedic models that are suitable in shape for the treatment of certain diseases.

Important! Crescent pillow suitable for those who are used to sleeping in one place without changing positions.

Such models cannot be deformed. Therefore, when purchasing, you should remember this nuance.

How to sleep with cervical osteochondrosis?

The opinions of some experts boil down to the fact that sleeping without a pillow is much better for your health. But people are accustomed to placing a soft product under their head to achieve greater comfort.

For patients with cervical osteochondrosis, it is recommended to use a special model. The product must contain a roller with a certain level of density. The design is characterized by a rectangular shape, and the dimensions of the shoulders and bolster must match.

With the correct position and well-chosen sleeping accessories, the neck will take a comfortable position, the spinal muscles will relax, and blood vessels will not be compressed. This normalizes the functioning of the circulatory system.