How to choose an autonomous sewer system for a private house - detailed instructions. Do-it-yourself autonomous sewage system in a private house and its installation Home autonomous sewage system

Correct selection of treatment facilities is a very important indicator in the work of the company and the formation positive feedback clients about this company.

Discussion of details with the client is necessary for the most correct selection of the type of treatment plant, as well as the selection of the most suitable treatment technology. There are a number of questions, the answers to which will provide a complete picture of what kind of autonomous or modern local sewerage necessary.

These are the questions, divided into groups:

1. Calculation of the volume of a local or autonomous type treatment plant

  • you need to know the total volume of runoff per day
  • runoff characteristics (grey water, black water)
  • periods of residence
  • peak periods (depending on the number of people living in the house at the same time)

2. water disposal.

  • presence of slope in the area
  • the presence of elevation marks on the site in relation to the general state of the relief
  • groundwater level at the site, mandatory recording of snow melting in autumn
  • height of groundwater underground at the highest and lowest points of the relief
  • availability on site drainage system(ditches, ditches, etc.)
  • availability stormwater collection structures and its cleaning
  • it is necessary to determine the composition of the soil, its ability to filter

3. Sources of potable water and their sanitary areas

  • it is necessary to clarify the presence of a drinking water well or water intake well on the site
  • situational characteristics (being near the site of neighboring residential buildings)
  • presence of wells with drinking water on neighbors' property
  • location of the site close to the water protection zone of a special-purpose reservoir
  • it is necessary to clarify the spillway point

4. Technical characteristics of the object

  • the depth at which the sewer pipe exits the house
  • the presence of a riser with ventilation, the presence of an internal sewer system
  • distance from the wall of the room to the approximate installation location of the cleaning equipment
  • availability of constant power supply
  • the possibility of approaching the sewage disposal truck to the distance required for pumping.

Autonomous sewerage of a private house or Autonomous sewerage system with your own hands.

To make a decision regarding the manufacturer of the cleaning equipment, the client needs to have knowledge that could help him navigate the market.

5. Manufacturer and brand

  • manufacturer's productive potential and market reviews
  • presence of distributors in different locations
  • availability of areas allocated for warehouses
  • installation and maintenance services
  • transportation services
  • Availability of stocks in warehouses and delivery times of equipment

6. Technical characteristics of the equipment

  • material
  • design features
  • strength characteristics
  • modular design
  • universal equipment

7. Price

  • value for money
  • ratio of market prices to manufacturer prices

8. Warranties

  • product warranty period
  • warranty period for installation work

9. Maintenance and other services

  • Availability of services in your area
  • availability of contract groups involved in equipment installation
  • the possibility of consultation and implementation of the process of drawing up the binding of treatment equipment directly in one of the company’s offices

10. Differences from similar products on the market

  • ease of use
  • reliable operation
  • the ability to carry out maintenance independently
  • lack of complex technologies in equipment
  • high quality cleaning
  • Possibility of different configurations depending on the characteristics of the object

1) Calculation of the volume and productivity of a modern sewerage system

1.1 Applicable as autonomous sewers or local sewer , treatment facilities must be installed only after accurate calculation data regarding the number of people simultaneously living in the house, as well as the number and volume of plumbing fixtures. The following factors must be taken into account: the average number of people living per day, a possible increase in runoff volumes due to the arrival of guests to calculate the reserve.
1.2 The volume of flow sometimes changes when the characteristics of the wastewater composition change. To do this, you need to understand the issues regarding separate drainage. Wastewater is divided into gray water and black water. Black water involves the presence of fecal effluent, which constitutes approximately 5 percent of the total wastewater composition in a combined drainage system. Gray waters- This is the collection of wastewater from all kinds of plumbing fixtures, for example, a bathtub, shower or sink.
1.3 Seasonality of residence is an important factor that must be taken into account due to the fact that the full operation of the treatment plant depends on the continuous flow of wastewater. Runoff water contains organic substances necessary for the implementation of the biological treatment process due to the work of microorganisms. Uneven flow can disrupt the functioning of such organisms, which will lead to a decrease in the quality of the treatment process.
1.4 The size of the third chamber of the septic tank must be determined in advance so that peak loads do not disrupt the complete purification process and do not wash out incompletely purified water along with some beneficial microorganisms.

Calculation of daily flow volumes and the required volumes of treatment equipment for local or autonomous sewerage.
The volume of wastewater in one day dictates the volume of treatment equipment. The calculation must be made on the basis regulatory documents, in this case it is SNiP 2.04.03-85 Sewerage. External networks and structures.
Calculation of water consumption volumes per inhabitant is made on the basis of SNiP 2.04.01-85 Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings (Appendix 3 water consumption standards for consumers)
Calculation of water consumption volumes per inhabitant is made based on the data given in SNiP 2.04.01-85 Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings. The average rate of 200 liters per person is taken as a statistical average and used in the calculation. This standard includes all plumbing fixtures that a person can use.
The calculation of the required volumes of treatment equipment is carried out in strict accordance with the standards of SNiP 2.04.01-85 Sewerage. External networks and structures.
The daily influx of wastewater determines the required volume of the septic tank for country house: if the volume of wastewater does not exceed 5 cubic meters per day, then the volume of the septic tank should be 15 cubic meters (that is, three times more). When the volume of wastewater exceeds 5 cubic meters per day, the volume of the septic tank should be two and a half times greater than the volume of drainage. Such calculations are valid for at least one use of cleaning equipment.
The volume of the septic tank can be reduced by 15-20 percent only if the average wastewater temperature in winter exceeds 10 degrees, and the norm per person is more than 150 liters per day.

For example: five people live in a country house at the same time, therefore 5 people. * 200 l = 1000 l/day. Therefore, the volume of treatment equipment should be 3000 liters (1000*3=3000). This tripling is necessary for the cleaning process, since the work of beneficial microorganisms is carried out over 3 days.
Calculations of volumes of treatment facilities at industrial enterprises, in campsites, hotels, hostels are carried out on the basis of the standards specified in SNiP 2.04.01-85.

2) Water drainage

During planning systems local sewer or modern autonomous sewer should be very precise important points regarding the place where the purified water will go. These factors can seriously affect the packaging of cleaning equipment.

2.1 The presence of a natural slope on the site allows it to be used during construction systems water drainage
2.2 The general topography of the site in which the site is located may indicate what will occur as a result of the increased volume of wastewater discharge, taking into account the groundwater level and the infiltration capacity of the soil.
2.3 It is strictly forbidden to neglect knowledge of information regarding the groundwater level, since this factor is extremely important when constructing treatment equipment. The water level can be determined by test drilling. After such an operation, a special document is issued that reflects the most important characteristics soil and description of soil layers.
Lack of groundwater information can be filled with site data by checking the following:
- depth of the laid foundation of the house
— the presence of ditches, ravines, standing water at the base
— determine the direction of water movement in ditches (if any)

Failure to periodically change wastewater can lead to unpleasant odors. The three points above can provide information about groundwater levels, taking into account seasonal changes (snowfall and rainfall in spring). The level of water located under the ground can radically change the drainage system and transform it from gravity to pressure, the discharge of water when used is carried out using a pump. In cases where the groundwater level exceeds the depth at which the outlet pipe of the treatment plant is laid, a sealed water intake well should be used to install a sewage pump with a float switch.

2.4 If the site is located at lower points of the relief, then the likelihood of seasonal and permanent flooding, as well as periodic complete or partial swamping of the site, should be taken into account.

2.5 Artificial or natural systems drainage are pluses when considering sewer equipment options. In this case, we can talk about ditches on the site, as well as other drainage systems at a larger scale. Such systems make it possible to reduce the groundwater level and thus facilitate the installation of equipment for the disposal of treated wastewater.

2.6 An equipped drainage collection and treatment system allows it to be used for the disposal of wastewater that has been treated.

2.7 Soil composition and filtration capacity are very important indicators when selecting treatment equipment. Everything that was described in paragraph 2.3, as well as test drilling of wells and geological data must be strictly taken into account.
The components of the soil and its ability to filter greatly influence the water drainage system, and therefore the required length pipes sewer and the number of wells providing filtration.
There is a need to consider different options water drainage:
- dependence of the design of water treatment equipment on climate conditions, soil type, groundwater level, conditions for water discharge after treatment, terrain, conditions for discharge of runoff water (with a sufficient level of treatment)
The project for the construction of a treatment facility is developed taking into account a special connection to the object; At the same time, a detailed study of the hydrogeological situation in the area of ​​possible location, the presence of karst rocks, the level of protection of the underground aquifer, the height of groundwater, and the ability of the soil to filter is mandatory.
Where drainage of wastewater after being in a septic tank is impossible according to sanitary standards, a filtration field should be installed, which is a system of pipes for drainage laid in crushed stone on sandy base. Water will pass through it and enter the layers of crushed stone to undergo filtration, and then be absorbed into the soil. It is recommended to use a filter trench, a filtration well, a filter with activated materials, and ultraviolet lamps for disinfection.

Equipment for soil purification:

  • soaking trench
  • filtration well
  • filtration trench or gravel-sand filter
  • underground filtration field

Their installation is carried out on soils for filtration - sandy loam, sandy soils, and on soils that are not capable of filtering runoff, provided that the groundwater level is more than 1 meter from the base of the well, drainage pipe tray or irrigation pipe tray. The equipment is equipped with risers for ventilation with a diameter of 10 cm, and their height should be greater than the probable level of snow cover (usually 0.7 m). Vents should be installed at the end of each irrigation line and at the beginning of each drain pipe. Determining the length of the irrigation system and the size of the well is based on the calculation of water consumption per 1 square meter of surface for filtration (walls and bottom of the well) or per 1 square meter of irrigation pipe length.

The method of water disposal should be chosen depending on the ability of the water in the area to filter.

The filter well is installed on soils for filtration (sandy loam, sand) with a filter area of ​​1.5 square meters sand or 3 square meters of sandy loam (per resident of a country house). The larger the filter area, the longer the service life of the well. The groundwater level should be 50 centimeters below the crushed stone layer and 1 meter below the base of the well. The filtration well is made of brick, precast or monolithic reinforced concrete.

Absorption trench (platform)

Where drainage after cleaning with a septic tank is not recommended according to sanitation standards, you can install an additional absorption platform or make an absorption trench, which is a pipeline route made of porous material. Water enters the soil and passes through a layer of soil that is ideal for beneficial bacteria to live. Trenches and sites for absorption are used where sandy loam or sandy soils predominate - in this case these systems They are a pipeline or system of pipes for irrigation installed at a depth of 0.6-0.9 meters, and 1 meter higher than the groundwater level. Systems Irrigation pipes are perforated pipes installed with a slope of 1 to 3 percent, which is 1-3 cm per 1 m of pipe. The pipes rest on a bedding made of broken bricks, fine gravel, slag or crushed stone. The ventilation riser must be located at the end of each pipe, its height must be at least 0.7 m. Almost one hundred percent cleaning efficiency is achieved through the use of such additional systems cleaning.

Filtration trench
A filtration trench is installed where the soil has low filtration capacity. It is a depression with drainage and irrigation pipe networks. Typically these trenches are located near swamps, ditches or bodies of water. Water that has been purified in a filtration trench enters there by gravity. The space between the drainage and irrigation networks should be filled with crushed stone and sand.

The sand and gravel filter resembles a filtration trench, with drainage and irrigation pipes arranged in parallel.

An underground filtration field or filtration trench is usually located along a natural slope in the terrain. 12 meters is the recommended limit for the length of one drainage or irrigation network. The slope in the direction of water movement should be 1 percent (that is, 10 millimeters per 1 meter of pipe). When choosing the configuration of an underground filtration field (linear, parallel, radial), one should take into account the general layout, size of the site, topography, plans for further landscaping or landscaping.
Uniform distribution of wastewater when using several irrigation or drainage pipes is carried out through a distribution well.

Parallel pipes are usually made either in separate trenches, or in one wide trench in which 2 or 3 lines of irrigation pipes are installed (it is important to maintain the distance between the axles). 1 or 2 drainage pipes are installed at a distance below the irrigation pipes. The water that has gone through the filtration process will subsequently be collected in drainage pipes and discharged into a ditch or ravine, etc.

A post-treatment filter is a device that is used when there are increased requirements for the quality of waste water purification. The material used as a filter can be granite crushed stone, sand, granulated blast furnace slag, gravel, anthracite, polymers or activated carbon.

Calculation of the length of pipes for irrigation (Extract. Sewerage. External networks and structures) SNiP

6.190. The total length of irrigation pipes should be determined depending on the loads presented in Table 49. The length of each sprinkler should not exceed 20 meters


  • load indicators are presented for those areas in which the average annual precipitation is up to 500 millimeters.
  • with average annual precipitation ranging from 500 to 600 millimeters, the load values ​​should be reduced by 10-20 percent, but if the annual average exceeds 600 millimeters, then it is recommended to reduce the load value by 20-30 percent. For climatic region I and subregion IIIA, the value decreases by 15 percent. The percentage reduction is greater when considering sandy loam soils, and less when the terrain consists primarily of sandy soils.
  • coarse bedding with a thickness of 20 to 50 centimeters requires the use of coefficients of 1.2-1.5 when considering the load value.
  • with a specific water disposal of more than 150 liters per person, the load values ​​increase by 20 percent. The same applies to areas with seasonal residence.
  • Calculation of the approximate length of pipes for irrigation in underground fields for filtration in accordance with SNiP 2.04.03-85 “Sewerage. External structures" taking into account the increase in the coefficient of coarse bedding and the increase in load if the drainage rate exceeds 150 liters per person.
  • area with 70 millimeters of precipitation
  • use of coarse bedding in a layer of 20 to 50 centimeters (1.5 - coefficient)
  • specific water disposal per person is 200 liters (the load increases by 20 percent).

3) Water sources of drinking water and sanitary areas

3.1 Consideration of the issue regarding the installation of sewerage systems on the site involves taking into account such factors as the presence of a water well or drinking well. In this case, it is necessary to determine the depth of water in the well and the depth of the well. Such information will allow you to approximately determine the depth of the level drinking water in this area.

3.2 When considering the option for water drainage, one should take into account the presence of devices for water intake not only directly on the site, but also in the territories adjacent to it (neighbors, water protection zones). It is necessary to take into account the location of the site on the general scale of the area, and also determine the area of ​​adjacent sites.

3.3 If the neighbors’ plots are located close to the water drainage point, then the sanitary zones of the neighbors’ plots should be taken into account, and also determine whether they have devices for collecting drinking water.

3.4 If the site is located in the water protection zone of a fishery reservoir, then this implies additional restrictions regarding the use of wastewater treatment facilities, as well as their additional disinfection using special equipment. Chlorine cartridges, ultraviolet lamps, ozonation, etc. are used to carry out the disinfection process. At the design stage, all this is agreed upon by the supervisory authorities in accordance with the existing scheme within the framework of regulatory documents.

3.5 When carrying out work on the project, the supervisory authorities agree on the type of treatment facility, its necessary indicators and quality characteristics of wastewater treatment. All the above factors are carefully taken into account, sanitary zones are also determined, and the final point of wastewater discharge is agreed upon. The most important thing when agreeing on the water discharge point is to take into account the level of protection of the aquifer for drinking water.

4) Technical characteristics of the object.

4.1 Pre-design binding during development autonomous sewerage and installation of treatment facilities, as well as site planning and installation diagrams are the first step. When choosing the type of structure for treatment, you should understand that the structure itself is not at all a complete complex for water purification and that it requires the installation of utility networks.
Linking the pipeline to the outlet of the waste pipe from the house is the beginning of calculating the required depths. The pipeline should be laid on a sand bed with a slope of 2 to 3 percent per meter of pipeline. This slope is responsible for ensuring uniform movement of dense inclusions, for example fecal discharge, in the general flow of liquid substances, and also prevents the formation of any blockages.
The depth at which the drain pipe is laid is determined by building codes, taking into account the freezing depth characteristic of the area. You can use additional heating elements or insulation materials that can maintain temperatures from +2 to +5 degrees. The use of moisture-saturated materials is necessary when installing insulation that can withstand soil loads. Such insulation materials include energyflex, thermoflex, extruded foam when insulating foundation structures. The thickness of such insulation depends on the depth of the pipeline.

4.2 Sanitary zones of 5 meters are required for septic tanks, which should be taken into account when planning the site before installing a treatment facility. If the distance increases, then the volume of work also increases, and the point of connection of the sewer pipe to the entrance of the treatment structure and the exit point from the treatment structure when using a gravity scheme are deepened. This factor is very important, because a slight increase in the depth of the exit from the structure for cleaning leads to additional difficulties in the arrangement drainage systems . If it is not possible to remove purified runoff water from a significant depth, then you should convert the circuit from gravity (gravity) to pressure, and, as a result, order a sewer pump and a well for receiving water as a set. This factor is of serious importance in the presence of high groundwater levels, since high levels can lead to flooding of the treatment facility, making it impossible to use.
If the exit from the cleaning structure is deeply buried, the existing slope to the point of lowering the relief should be taken into account.

4.4 When installing a pressure circuit using a sewage pump, the mandatory availability of a constant supply of electricity should be taken into account. Float switch on pumping equipment carries out processes of periodic pump activation as a certain volume of wastewater accumulates and discharges wastewater into drainage systems .
Treatment facilities are not 100 percent power dependent because the treatment process itself uses technologies that do not require power. The use of electrically dependent devices is inevitable only when a pressure circuit is used. If there are interruptions in the power supply, the treatment facility has a reserve part for storage (a well for receiving water and a biological filter chamber in the corresponding systems). The volumes of the reserve part of the well and the biological filter are 0.62 m/cub.-1.5 m/cub., which allows residents to use plumbing in the house for quite a long time.

4.5 Dimensions of the plot, taking into account sanitary zones must be considered when drawing up the installation diagram.

4.6 Periodic maintenance is necessary for the correct operation of any type of treatment facility. Systems When using a septic tank, it must be serviced once a year. When using additional bioenzyme additives, it increases the percentage of wastewater treatment, and also extends the period between maintenance of facilities for cleaning with a sewage disposal machine to three years.
Due to the fact that the length of the hose of the sewage disposal machine is 7 meters, when planning the installation scheme of the cleaning structure in such a way that the machine can drive up to a distance of no more than 4-5 meters.
As a last resort, you can use a sump pump or sewer pump to pump out the accumulated sediment. In this case, pumping is carried out into a machine container or onto a heap for rotting and subsequent use as fertilizer.
The use of the resulting humus without preliminary heat treatment is unacceptable due to the fact that it may contain pathogenic bacteria or helminth eggs.

5) Manufacturer

5.1 Due to the fact that the production of this type of product is technologically and production process, this fact should be taken into account when assessing the cost of such equipment and the durability of its operation. Therefore, it is worth excluding consideration of the option of purchasing complex structures produced by handicraft.
Additional financial costs always result from purchasing equipment from companies that are not specialists in a particular field.

6) Technical characteristics of the equipment

6.1 Some of our cleaning structures are made from fiberglass.
Scope of application of products from composite materials based on fiberglass when used different types resins expand as much as possible due to the strength of this material. The strength characteristics of fiberglass are comparable even to metal, and sometimes even exceed it in some respects, such as corrosion and chemical resistance, specific gravity, etc. Thus, cleaning structures made of fiberglass are much more convenient to use than equipment made of polyethylene or reinforced concrete.
In fact, septic tanks made of polyethylene are cheaper than fiberglass, but they require special installation due to its low strength. Such a process requires the installation of a special reinforced concrete box, which will significantly increase the cost of the equipment and its installation in total. Reinforced concrete has a number of significant disadvantages - it is very heavy, requires mandatory use special equipment for transportation and installation, is also not airtight and is capable of allowing water to pass through. Aggressive environments can destroy reinforced concrete structures.

Therefore, fiberglass is one of the best options, since it meets all the requirements for cleaning facilities. It is light, strong, durable, and these are the qualities that must be taken into account when choosing sewerage system for a country house.

7) Cost

7.1 The price of our company’s products is in the middle compared to other manufacturers of cleaning equipment. It is safe to say that almost all systems Russian-made, made of polyethylene, cheaper than imported products. We have already explained what the advantages and disadvantages of polyethylene and fiberglass are.

8) Warranties

8.1 Trademarks Graf and Traidenis provides a warranty for treatment facilities - 10 years for the underground part and 3 years for the blower and compressor.

8.2 The work carried out to install cleaning equipment by any organization is guaranteed directly by this organization.

9) Maintenance

9.1 The necessary consultations of our specialists are free of charge. The company provides the necessary support in selecting the type of treatment facility, which happens right in the company’s office, where they also provide all the necessary information regarding the treatment facility.

9.2 Our company also informs you about the existence of related organizations engaged in dealer activities, and also provides information about the location of an authorized representative of the company in your area, performing the entire range of services from the purchase of equipment to its installation.

You should be guided by the Product Data Sheet, as well as the installation and operating instructions when considering a possible arrangement in a country house autonomous sewerage .

Activated sludge is sludge located in a biological treatment structure (aeration tank), which is formed from solid particles suspended in domestic wastewater. A variety of microorganisms (bacteria and protozoa) serve as the basis for activated sludge. The process involves the decomposition of organic pollutants by bacteria, which in turn are eaten by protozoan single-celled organisms. Activated sludge is an accelerator of the process of wastewater purification and oxidation.

Anaerobic bacteria are microorganisms that can exist in an environment without oxygen.

Aeration - This is the artificial saturation of the medium in water with air to oxidize the organic substances contained in it. Aeration is the basis of the process of biological wastewater treatment in aeration tanks and biofilters, as well as in other treatment facilities.

Aerobic bacteria are microorganisms that require oxygen to function. Aerobic bacteria are divided into conditional and unconditional (the former can live on a small amount of oxygen, while the latter live without it at all - in this case they receive oxygen from sulfates, nitrates, etc.). Denitrifying bacteria, for example, are a type of conditional bacteria.

Aerotank (aero - air, tank - container) - This is a container for purifying wastewater from organic contaminants due to their oxidation by various kinds of microorganisms that are found in activated sludge. Using a pneumatic or mechanical aerator, air is introduced into the aeration tank, mixing the waste water with activated sludge and saturating it with the oxygen necessary for the life of bacteria. The continuous supply of oxygen and the strong saturation of wastewater with activated sludge provide a high degree of intensity of the oxidation process of organic substances and make it possible to achieve a high degree of purification.

Aerofilter - This is a device for biological wastewater treatment, which differs from a biofilter in that it has a larger filtration layer area, and also in that it contains an air supply device to guarantee a high degree of oxidation intensity.

Biological wastewater treatment - This is one of the methods for removing unfavorable substances and microorganisms from industrial wastewater, based on the ability inherent in microorganisms to use pollutants of organic origin as food.

Biofilter - This is a device for artificial biological wastewater treatment, which is made in the form of a container with a double bottom and coarse-grained material for filtration inside (crushed stone, slag, expanded clay, gravel, etc.). Accumulations of microorganisms form a biological film as a result of wastewater passing through the filter material. Microorganisms mineralize and oxidize organic substances.

Biological oxygen demand (BOD) - This is the amount of oxygen that is necessary for the final decomposition of organic matter contained in runoff waters. An indicator of the degree of water pollution, which is characterized by the amount of oxygen spent over a set time on the oxidation of pollutants (5 days - BOD 5) contained in one unit volume of water.

Nitrification - This is the purification of wastewater from ammonia nitrogen.
Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) This is the amount of oxygen required for the final oxidation of wastewater.

10) Differences from analogues on the market

10.1 No difficulty to use. The installation and operation of cleaning facilities for the Traidenis and GRAF brands does not require special skills or technical knowledge.

10.2 The reliability of our cleaning systems is also ensured by the fact that cleaning is carried out through the use of natural biological processes, and this is an indisputable advantage over systems that use complex technological solutions in their operation.

10.3 Sewage disposal vehicles service treatment systems. Using a sewer pump or transfer pump, pumping is possible if it is impossible for a vehicle to travel to the site where the treatment facility is installed.

10.4 There is no need for complex technological solutions due to the fact that the operation does not involve the use of complex instruments in the operation of the facility for cleaning and drainage systems treated wastewater during water disposal.

10.5 Quality of wastewater treatment:

Water drainage:

A septic tank that does not use bioenzymes (up to 50 percent). Maintenance periods after 1 year. Mandatory soil purification.
A septic tank that uses bioenzymes (up to 70 percent).

When considering the discharge of water into a closed drainage system or storm sewer, it should be taken into account that systems , which are analogous to our company’s systems, do not have water seals or blockers in their design, without which only 35 percent of wastewater treatment is achieved. The lack of a stable water surface does not allow such systems to use bioenzymes.

Discharge of treated standing water onto the terrain is prohibited for all types of treatment facilities.

Systems tertiary treatment is a mandatory addition to any water treatment scheme when considering the option of water discharge in a fishery area. For this, sand filters, physical and chemical devices, reagents such as coagulants or flocculants, disinfection with UV lamps, ozonation, and a chlorine cartridge are used.

Qualified employees of our company will help you make the right choice of system autonomous sewerage and will answer all your questions.

Modern autonomous private sewer for a country house, cottage or cottage. Selection, description, advice.

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autonomous sewage system for a summer residence admin

Long gone are the days when everyone in a private home had a “birdhouse” on the street. Modern standard comfortable life even in a dacha presupposes the presence of a normal toilet and, at a minimum, a shower. And in a house there is often more than one bathroom, and in addition there are many household appliances. To ensure the required level of comfort, sewerage for a private home must be done correctly and its basis is the choice of method for processing wastewater.

Septic tank and local treatment plant - what is the difference

Out of ignorance, many people call both installations septic tanks, although these are different solutions that have wastewater at the output, purified to to varying degrees. And although Topas, Topol, Unilos, Tver are also called septic tanks, they are autonomous cleaning installations. Actually, traditional septic tanks are Termite, Rostock, Mole, and many others.

Autonomous sewage treatment stations (autonomous sewerage) are often called a toilet for the home without pumping. This means that there is no need to call a sewage disposal truck, but the sludge still needs to be pumped out. Just the amount of sludge - about 10 buckets - can be removed independently using a built-in installation or a fecal pump.

To understand which solution - AC or septic tank - is better, you must first understand how they differ, and then consider specific situation. Sewage for a private home can be done correctly without the involvement of specialists - with your own hands, but for this you need to clearly understand what you need to do and why. Let's figure it out.

Features of septic tanks

Septic tanks are several chamber tanks connected to each other by overflow pipes. Each chamber has its own cleaning stage. Its basis is fermentation and decomposition by anaerobic bacteria (can live without oxygen), which are contained in waste. The more chambers in the septic tank, the more stages of purification, the purer the outlet water. But more than 50-60% without additional measures It is very rare to obtain this by filtration.

There is an anti-floating device (“skirt” at the bottom)

Septic tanks are made of plastic, fiberglass, concrete, and very rarely stainless steel. The cameras can be implemented in one housing, or they can be separate. To save money, they often build septic tanks with their own hands. Most often - but they are also built from brick or reinforced concrete. Please note that the container must be completely sealed. This is very important when building on your own.

Basic properties

We will understand the operating features of septic tanks. They are like this:

Main disadvantage this method cleaning wastewater from a private home - the need for additional treatment. Funds are still needed to install additional structures, but without them, the sewage system for a private home will not be correct. Semi-treated wastewater cannot be disposed of on the ground. They will very quickly get into the water and return to your and your neighbors' wells and boreholes. This will not bring you joy and health, and you also have to endure the “gratitude” of your neighbors. So let’s figure out how to treat wastewater after a septic tank.

Where to put the waste

Please note that in combination with a septic tank you must have a tertiary treatment device. Depending on the soil, this may be a filtration well, a filtration ditch or a field (underground or embankment). Only in this case can the cleaning be considered complete. Which type of filter element to use depends on the type of soil and groundwater level.

One of the ways to treat wastewater after a septic tank is a filtration field

Local treatment plants (VOC or AC)

During normal operation, autonomous sewerage installations are capable of producing fairly clean water. It cannot be used as drinking water or for watering the garden, but as a technical one it is very possible. The basis of cleansing is the work of aerobic bacteria (they live in the presence of oxygen). The waste they process turns into sludge, settles to the bottom of a special tank, from where it is then pumped out. Pumping frequency is 1-4 times a year, depending on the intensity of use.

In general, an autonomous wastewater treatment plant is a good thing, but it has certain operational features that you must know before deciding what is better for the sewage system of a private house - a septic tank or an AC.

This is roughly what installations for an autonomous sewer system in a private house look like. This

At the outlet, the ACs have water purified by 90-95%. With this quality, it can be poured onto the ground, however, for this you must have laboratory tests in your arms. Therefore, many still prefer to use an intermediate settling well from which the water is then used for technical purposes. The second option is to divert the wastewater to filter devices. This, of course, is reinsurance, but in emergency situations it saves.

What is used to clean wastewater?

Waste is processed by anaerobic bacteria (they live only in the presence of air). To provide them with air in the VOC, aerators are constantly running. In addition, during cleaning, the contents are pumped from one compartment to another using built-in pumps. So without electricity, these installations are inoperable.

Inside the AU is also divided into chambers (this is Topas)

If the electricity is turned off, bacteria can survive without air for no more than 4 hours, after which they die, and the wastewater ceases to be processed. To start the system, it needs to be populated with new bacteria, and reaching a working state is possible only after 2-3 weeks. All this time the wastewater will flow into best case scenario, semi-purified. This is where a sump well or filter unit comes in handy. It will improve the situation at least a little.

Features of operation

Since the volume of autonomous treatment plants is small, they need constant feeding: bacteria need nutrients for normal life. Therefore, this type of device is suitable for private homes of permanent residence - regular receipts are needed. In principle, preservation for some period is possible, but the procedure is not pleasant, and it will take a long time to return to the installation mode.

Bacteria that process waste in automatic wastewater treatment plants are also sensitive to active chemicals. Since the chamber volumes are smaller, the release of detergents or disinfectants can significantly damage the recycling process. Moreover, cleaning and antibiotic treatment can negatively affect.

VOCs are much smaller in size than septic tanks. They are calculated depending on daily water consumption, but there is such an indicator as salvo discharge. This is the amount of waste that an autonomous sewer installation can accept at one time. If this value is exceeded, untreated wastewater flows into other chambers, which significantly reduces the degree of purification. So, in this situation, you have to decide which plumbing fixtures and household appliances work at the same time. And if the bathtub is drained, no other devices should work for some time.

Briefly: advantages and disadvantages

Autonomous treatment plants sewerage installations, are certainly convenient, with them sewerage for a private house is implemented quickly - installation takes 10-12 hours. Pumping out excess sludge is necessary several times a year (1-4 times depending on the intensity of use, but maybe less or more often). The amount of sludge pumped out is very small (5-10 buckets depending on the model) and maintenance can be carried out independently, although the procedure is not the most pleasant. But they are doing this, since the visit of a specialist is not cheap at all.

These home treatment plants have some disadvantages: the high cost of the equipment, dependence on the availability of electricity and the need to monitor the condition of the equipment.

Sewerage for a private home: which is better

It is impossible to say which sewerage system is better for a private home - a septic tank or an AU - without reference to specific conditions. Different soils, location of groundwater, stability of power supply. All this influences the choice of the optimal solution. Let's look at the most common situations.

Concrete septic tankPlastic septic tankAeration unit (AU or VOC)
Electricity addictionNoNoa guaranteed power source is required
TightnessDifficult to seal, especially with high groundwater levelsThe case is sealed, requires anchoring or special devicesSealed housing, does not float (always full)
Requirement for regular “replenishment”Doesn't matterDoesn't matterReacts poorly to uneven flows of wastewater; it is better to use for permanent residence
Salvo releaseHandles large volumes perfectlyHandles only a certain amount of waste
ServiceRegular pumping with a sewage disposal machine (1-3 times a year)A machine is not needed, but the sludge must be removed and the installation must be washed 1-4 times a year
Possibility of self-productionYou can do it yourselfFactory version onlyFactory version only
PriceThe cheapest optionAverage in priceExpensive
Wastewater treatment optionsFiltration well, sand and gravel filter, infiltratorFiltration well, sand and gravel filter, infiltrator, drainage ditch

As you can see, universal solution No. There is something better for this situation. Choosing the right sewer system for a private home is half the battle. Now all that remains is to decide on the wiring and .

Modern country houses and cottages are not inferior to city apartments in terms of comfort. They are provided gas heating, supplied with electricity and water. But the lack of a centralized sewerage system gives rise to the problem of wastewater disposal. This problem is effectively eliminated in a private home; the owner decides how to choose a suitable system. Usually, one of the existing drainage and sewage disposal systems that is most suitable for a particular home is selected.

An autonomous sewer system for a private house can be created in several tested and proven effective ways. But before choosing one of them, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the range of wastewater treatment plants. In addition, online reviews will help you find out which autonomous sewer system is better, because many owners have already purchased, installed and tested various types cleaning installations. Practical Application received the following types of autonomous sewerage:

  1. Cesspools are the most primitive and do not meet modern sanitary and hygienic requirements. Applicable for small dachas with periodic residence.
  2. Local treatment plants (VOC). They are recommended to be installed in country houses intended for permanent residence.
  3. Storage tanks for wastewater. The method meets environmental requirements, but requires relatively frequent pumping. Mainly used for houses with low water consumption.

How to choose the right septic tank?

There are many options to choose from, but best option– reliable operation of the sewerage system and the ability to withstand the load, which depends on the operating mode. Many models of septic tanks operate continuously with the help of bacteria that process human waste products. For example, the popular and relatively inexpensive Ak 47 sewage system for private homes. For efficient work bacteria require a regular supply of fresh “food”. If the house or cottage is not intended for permanent residence, then simpler options for septic tanks are chosen. The price of an autonomous sewer system for a country house or cottage depends on the choice of septic tank type.

Installation of sewerage in a private house

The sewage system in the house is complex engineering system, connecting the internal sewerage system, plumbing fixtures and septic tank into one whole using pipes laid underground. The most ideal moment for installing a sewer system begins with the laying of the foundation. Of course, you can do the installation of the system yourself, because to do this it is enough just to be a technically competent person, but entrusting the installation of sewerage to experienced specialists is a bad idea. the right decision, which will help to avoid gross mistakes during the design and installation process.

When installing the foundation, you should lay sections of steel pipes of the appropriate diameter into the foundation for wiring. There are companies that perform turnkey installation of sewerage systems.

For example, the BIO-engineer UNILOS company sells and installs turnkey treatment facilities. On the company’s website for installation supervision, the turnkey price for the autonomous sewage system Astra 5 is set at 1,350 euros. This sewer is designed for permanent residence 5 people and suitable for larger people country houses.

Check valve for sewerage

When designing and installing treatment systems, it is imperative to include a check valve. It performs an important function in preventing sewage from returning to the house when the septic tank becomes clogged or overfills. For internal sewerage made of 50 mm in diameter, a 50 mm sewage check valve is installed, which is triggered when wastewater moves in the opposite direction. Various types are used for sewerage check valves For example, for a 110 mm pipe, a valve of the appropriate diameter is installed.

Review of popular models of autonomous sewage systems

In the absence of centralized sewerage in country private houses, the neutralization and disposal of sewage is carried out by autonomous treatment systems. Suburban construction has become very popular, and the market instantly responded, with modern sewage treatment systems for private houses manufactured by well-known companies appearing on it. They have different performance and operating principles, and the price of an autonomous sewage system in a private house, which will provide comfort and coziness, depends on these parameters.

Septic tank AK 47

To operate, the autonomous sewage system Ak 47 uses Western SBR technology used throughout the world. A significant advantage of this technology is that the entire cleaning process is carried out in one container. Reviews about the Ak 47 autonomous sewage system found online confirm the high efficiency and relatively low price of the device. The duration of a full cycle is 24 hours.

Basic technical specifications septic tank:

Purification of contaminated water occurs in one tank with a ceramic aerator. The water is purified up to 98%. The operation of the device is controlled by a built-in electronic chip, so all operation of the septic tank occurs automatically. The device depends on the electrical network, and this can be considered its only drawback.

Septic tank Unilos Astra

The modern autonomous sewage system Unilos Astra has more than 10 manufactured models. They are different in volume and performance. The number in the model designation indicates the estimated number of residents in the house. The system installation instructions are included with the equipment and clearly define the sequence of operations when self-installation septic tank The popular autonomous sewage system Astra, unlike other systems, does not require the construction of a filter well or an aeration field, because all cleaning processes take place inside the tank. The BIO-engineer UNILOS company not only sells septic tanks, but also carries out installation supervision.

When ordering delivery and installation, the company provides a bonus discount of up to 15%.

For example, when ordering a turnkey system, an Astra 5 autonomous sewage system will cost 1,350 euros. This sewage treatment system is designed for 5 people living in the house permanently. Other models of this company, for example, the autonomous sewage system Astra 3 are designed for only three residents.

Autonomous septic tank "BioDeka"

The company Deka-Ural LLC produces autonomous sewage system Biodeka for installation in country houses and cottages. The operation of the device is based on the principle of aerobic biological treatment. The system's capacity is to process about 1000 liters of sewage per day. The device is made of durable polymer with stiffeners, so during installation there is no need to reinforce the walls with concreting, which significantly reduces installation costs.

The cost of installation on site is relatively low compared to other devices of a similar class, for example, “Topol”, “Astra”.

The Biodeka septic tank does not require constant maintenance; its operation is completely autonomous.

Septic tank BIONICS

The company Bio Terra LLC produces autonomous sewage system Bionix of five models, which are designed for the number of people living in a house from 3 to 8 people. Accordingly, the productivity of the BIONICS-1 (mini) septic tank is 1000 l/day, and BIONICS-1.5 (VGV standard) is 1500 l/day. You can install the BIONIX autonomous sewer system yourself, thanks to its unique properties:

Septic tank TOPAS

The popular autonomous sewer Topas 5 uses biological treatment using aerobic bacteria to clean sewage. The device uses forced bubble aeration and significantly reduces cleaning time.

Main properties of Topas septic tank models:

The septic tank model range allows you to choose the optimal device for a particular home. The name of the model contains numbers indicating how many permanent residents the septic tank is designed for. There are quite good reviews online about the Topas autonomous sewage system, noting its unpretentiousness, ease of maintenance and installation. Creation costs autonomous system The owner will be able to calculate cleaning costs only after completing all work and starting the unit. In specialized stores, the price of an autonomous Topas sewer depends on the model, and it does not take into account the cost of delivery and installation. Before purchasing the price of a septic tank you need to clarify.

Septic tank "Eurobion"

The Eurobion model range of autonomous sewerage allows you to choose a septic tank to serve from 2 to 150 people. It is a structure that is installed in the ground in a place convenient for the owner. Local treatment plant Eurobion sewage system uses the principle of biological oxidation to operate. To achieve this, the company's engineers have developed a rhythmic aeration system that decomposes sewage using activated sludge.

Main technical characteristics:

  1. sewer water flow rate – 170 l/hour;
  2. secondary settling tank capacity – 590 liters;
  3. salvo discharge -390 liters;
  4. cleaning quality – 98%;
  5. electricity consumption – 0.94 kW/hour;
  6. Maintenance frequency: 2 times a year.

Demand creates supply. The modern market offers a wide variety of models and types of autonomous septic tanks for country houses and cottages. In order not to get confused in such an abundance of proposals, it is necessary to make a project, calculate the possible volumes of sewerage, determine places on the site for laying sewerage and installing septic tanks. If difficulties arise when creating a project, it is recommended to contact professionals who will help complete the project and avoid gross errors during installation.