Orthopedic pillow for cervical osteochondrosis: reviews, types, rules of selection and use. What to consider when choosing a pillow for cervical osteochondrosis What filling can be

Human body needs full, healthy sleep. Your body position during sleep affects your condition throughout the day. It is important that the body takes the correct position, the muscles and bones relax and rest. The right pillow for cervical osteochondrosis - a guarantee wellness. On the orthopedic product, the cervical spine and head are in a comfortable position, the spine is aligned, the sections take natural curves, and the muscular frame of the back relaxes. When a person sleeps in the wrong position, there is a high risk of exacerbation of spinal osteochondrosis, and complications arise.

The pillow for cervical osteochondrosis is small in size, rectangular, not high, allows you to position your head and shoulders. The head does not roll down, does not fall through. If you don’t have a special pillow, you should take a regular one and fold it in half. The main condition is that it should not be high, otherwise the cervical vertebrae feel discomfort during sleep, possible displacement, and impaired blood circulation to the brain. Doctors do not recommend sleeping simply on a mattress or using a small pillow - the muscles do not relax.

Manufacturers produce a range of orthopedic pillows. Recommended for use by people suffering from spinal diseases. An orthopedic pillow for cervical osteochondrosis ensures that the cervical vertebrae have strong support. It will relax the neck muscles, reduce irritation of damaged nerves, and help avoid headaches, insomnia, and pain in the upper body.

The use of an orthopedic pillow is indicated for osteochondrosis of the neck; for lumbar osteochondrosis, it is placed under the knees.

Types of orthopedic pillows

It’s easy to get confused among the number of pillows offered on the market. Two types are recommended for cervical osteochondrosis - in the shape of a roller or crescent, rectangular with convex edges.

The crescent pillow suggests sleeping on your back, the free edges wrap around your neck and secure it in one position. Medium softness, do not lose shape under body pressure. Not everyone likes sleeping on their back. Therefore, they choose the second version of the pillow - with convex edges and a small depression in the center. The rectangular pillow is practical, allowing you to sleep on your back or side. Should be the right height, so try lying down before purchasing. It is unacceptable for the pillow to become deformed and not be restored.

Orthopedic pillow filling

The pillow for cervical osteochondrosis contains a special orthopedic filler inside. It costs more than usual. A high-quality filler restores the shape of the product after pressing. The result is called the “shape memory” effect. Pillow fillers:

Choosing an orthopedic pillow

When choosing an orthopedic pillow for osteochondrosis, it is important that it is suitable in height and shape. It’s worth trying to lie down as you are used to falling asleep. The rules will help you navigate:

  1. Orthopedic pillow For cervical osteochondrosis holds the cervical region, head. Feels relaxed. The head is at the same level with the body so that there are no unnatural curves of the spine.
  2. The width of the human shoulder affects the height of the pillow. If you prefer to sleep on your back, buy a low pillow.
  3. Pay attention to the pillow material and filling. The filler affects the comfort of the spine.
  4. For a side sleeper, a pillow with bolsters of different heights is recommended. If you sleep on your back, buy a product with a classic shape.
  5. Shoulders should not be on the pillow. The task is to hold the cervical spine.

Rules for healthy sleep

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine causes discomfort and pain. The patient often hurts, feels dizzy, arms go numb, and neck mobility is limited. It is important for the patient to feel comfortable while resting. Not everyone is able to fully relax. They complain of fatigue and weakness after waking up. It is associated with incorrectly selected bedding, a person sleeps in an uncomfortable position, the spine does not relax, and is in a compressed state. This provokes the development and exacerbation of osteochondrosis.

When a person lies down, the pressure on the spine decreases. It is important to take the correct position so that the spine is in a relaxed state.

Make sure the bed is firm and without bends. With osteochondrosis, healthy people are not recommended to sleep on a folding bed or in a hammock. This body position is incorrect. Give preference to a flat mattress, medium hard, elastic. On the mattress, the spine is in a natural position, completely relaxed and resting. On a soft mattress, the lumbar region sags strongly. The spine is deformed, vertebrae are displaced, and nerves are pinched. It is advisable to purchase a special mattress with orthopedic characteristics. Use guarantees a relaxed state throughout the night, improved blood circulation, tissue nutrition, and reduced back pain.

It's better to sleep on your side. The shoulder rests on the mattress, the pillow supports the head. For osteochondrosis, it is recommended to fall asleep in the “embryo” position. In this position, the spine stretches and relieves pressure on damaged tissues. It is not advisable to sleep with your face in the pillow. Having fallen asleep, the neck muscles relax, the head is turned to the side, and the arteries responsible for the blood supply to the brain are compressed. Leads to a stroke in the area.

The best pillow for cervical osteochondrosis is an orthopedic one, selected taking into account the width of the shoulder, made of quality material, supporting the cervical spine and not leading to spinal deformation.

The article was written for general educational development. To establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment, ALWAYS consult a doctor

Maintaining the spine in the correct, comfortable position - important task in the treatment and prevention of osteochondrosis. It is especially important to ensure that it is performed during sleep, since the muscles cannot take over this function. An orthopedic pillow for cervical osteochondrosis is a frequent recommendation by specialists and a conscious choice of patients. But use it simple object is not as simple as it might seem.

Does an orthopedic pillow help with cervical osteochondrosis?

It is not the pillow itself that helps with illness, but the position it gives to the body and spine. If the position of the head and torso is incorrect during sleep, the muscles become stiff, the nerve roots are pinched and blood vessels. As a result, the patient wakes up feeling unwell. Muscle pain, headaches, dizziness and other unpleasant symptoms may occur.

At the same time, the question of whether an orthopedic pillow helps with cervical osteochondrosis is not the only and not the most important one. We will have to reconsider the entire approach to organizing night sleep. Soft feather beds and mattresses are contraindicated for osteochondrosis. This doesn't mean you have to sleep on bare rocks like a caricature of a yogi. But the bed should be level, and the bedding should not be thick and moderately hard. Only a set of measures will help achieve noticeable results.

Finally, no sleep environment is a panacea. An orthopedic pillow for cervical osteochondrosis is just one of the proposed treatment measures. It will not help without the simultaneous use of massage, gymnastics and other treatment methods.

The right orthopedic pillow for cervical osteochondrosis

Some doctors generally state that an “orthopedic pillow” is not a characteristic of a product, but of the conditions for rest it provides. And they are right - in a pillow for a patient with osteochondrosis, what is important is not so much its price and composition of the filler, but rather the position that it can give to his body.

There are several conditions under which a patient with cervical osteochondrosis will be able to fully rest and wake up in the morning feeling good.

  1. In any position, the shoulders should lie on the mattress, and the head and neck should be on the pillow.
  2. There should be no desire to necessarily throw your arm under your head in a supine position.
  3. The pillow should not change its shape; lumps and dips in it are strictly unacceptable.
  4. In the supine position, the neck should be slightly higher than the head, that is, a slight effect of the head thrown back is necessary.
  5. The pillow should not irritate the skin, cause allergic reactions or discomfort. Although without getting used to it you will have to adapt to it for several days.

As you can understand from these characteristics, the correct orthopedic pillow for cervical osteochondrosis is not necessarily a product from a well-known company. Many patients make them themselves, according to the doctor’s recommendations. A pillow becomes orthopedic if it provides opportunities for the treatment and prevention of disease.

How to choose an orthopedic pillow for a patient with osteochondrosis

It is difficult to give in this matter general recommendations, since therapeutic bedding must match the individual characteristics of its owners. You should be prepared for the fact that you will have to change several models before you can choose the right one. But you will have to agree to these troubles, since an unsuitable pillow will not solve the problem and may even aggravate the problem.

But there are a few simple guidelines that will help you make fewer mistakes when choosing.

  1. An orthopedic pillow for cervical osteochondrosis should only be rectangular in shape.
  2. The size of its long side should be approximately equal to the width of the user's shoulders.
  3. To determine the height of the pillow (more precisely, its neck cushion), you will need a tailor's measure of the width of the shoulder. It is removed from the shoulder joint to the place where the neck connects to the shoulder. It is advisable to choose a pillow 1-2 cm higher (taking into account the deflection of it and the mattress).
  4. The constant desire to put your hand under your head in a supine position indicates a lack of height.
  5. Less pleasant signs indicate that a pillow is too high. They may only be discovered after some time. A high pillow causes stiffness in the shoulders and discomfort in the neck in the morning.

These indicators are really important when deciding how to choose an orthopedic pillow for osteochondrosis. But the filler material or manufacturer are less important things.

Which orthopedic pillow is better for cervical osteochondrosis?

It was already said above - suitable in size. But it should also not cause allergic reactions, and it should be pleasant to sleep on. In addition, the price also matters - some of these products cost a lot.

The final choice largely depends on the filler. If the dimensions of the pillow have nothing to do with this, then the possibility of allergies or discomfort is quite possible. Pillows are produced with different fillings. And they all have both advantages and disadvantages.

  1. Natural fillers – bamboo fibers or buckwheat husks. They allow air to pass through well and do not accumulate dust. Many of our contemporaries are simply principled supporters of environmentalism in everyday life. But often such pillows cause discomfort for people with sensitive skin. Although it is believed that a slight tingling of the collar area only improves blood circulation, for some it can be noticeably annoying.
  2. Polyurethane foam balls. Convenient, relatively inexpensive, but the service life of such a pillow is short - the balls often become wrinkled.
  3. Latex. Hypoallergenic, durable. But the price matches.
  4. Gel filler. It is very practical, but not cheap, and it will take a long time to get used to such a pillow. You can't count on being cheap either.
  5. Materials with “shape memory”. Very functional; This pillow will do its job perfectly and will last for quite a long time. But you will have to spend a lot on it.

A doctor should advise which orthopedic pillow is best in a particular case. But the patient will inevitably have to rely on his ability to pay - expensive samples cost several thousand. But it’s still possible to find an acceptable price option, but health is more expensive.

Rating of orthopedic pillows: is it worth believing?

It will be useful to study such data. But it is still worth remembering that such studies are ordered by interested parties. No, there will be no obviously low-quality goods there. But the rating of orthopedic pillows may not include mention of a noteworthy manufacturer, because it does not meet the research criteria or is generally a competitor of the customer.

It is best to study several ratings and then pay attention to those companies whose names appear in all of them. It’s even better to pay attention not so much to the name of the company, but to the characteristics of the product itself. It is imperative to evaluate analogues from several manufacturers - this will help determine the optimal price.

Among foreign manufacturers, pillows are especially popular Sonex, Breckle, Christian Fischbacher; from domestic companies recommended Askona, Trelax, Ormatek.

How to sleep on an orthopedic pillow with cervical osteochondrosis

The task is difficult, but you will have to at least try to control the position of your body during sleep. Only with the correct position will the pillow be able to fully demonstrate its capabilities.

The answer to the question of how to sleep on an orthopedic pillow with cervical osteochondrosis includes recommendations for the placement of both the head and torso.

  1. The head must be in the recess of the pillow, and the neck must be on the bolster.
  2. Shoulders should not lie on the pillow; their place should be on the mattress.
  3. When lying on your back, your knees should be bent - this ensures complete relaxation of the spine.
  4. When lying on your side, your legs should be pulled towards your chest; the most favorable “fetal position”.

Osteochondrosis most often affects people mature age, and it can be difficult for them to unlearn their usual sleeping positions. But you should at least try to do this - nothing is impossible here.

Spinal diseases are stubborn, their treatment requires a whole range of measures. An orthopedic pillow for cervical osteochondrosis is a common component of such a complex. Don’t neglect it - other actions can become more effective and you can feel better. You can read reviews on this topic or write your opinion on the forum on treatment with folk remedies.

One of the most common problems is considered to be disorders associated with the spinal column. A well-chosen orthopedic pillow for cervical osteochondrosis, which is used quite widely, copes well with the existing problem. At night, it is imperative to ensure quality rest and complete relaxation for the whole body.

High-quality normal rest and sleep is accompanied by the presence of certain factors, in particular it is important to ensure free access of oxygen. This can only be achieved if the spinal column is in a natural position. An indispensable assistant in this case, a correctly selected pillow and mattress are considered, since they allow you to take an anatomically natural position.

If you have osteochondrosis, you must make sure that the body can relax well, which will eliminate muscle tension. An orthopedic pillow for cervical osteochondrosis should be selected so that the position of the head during night sleep or just rest is as comfortable as possible.

The back muscles maintain the spinal column in an active state, protecting it from various types of vibrations and displacement individual elements. At night, the muscles relax, and thus the spinal column loses its protection. If there is a predisposition to osteochondrosis, then a person may feel quite strong pain and discomfort.

Important! If you have osteochondrosis, orthopedic products are not a solution, so if the first signs of the disease appear, you should definitely consult a doctor for comprehensive treatment.

The vertebrae can sometimes shift during sleep, which leads to compression of the cervical artery and oxygen starvation, which can provoke quite dangerous and unpleasant consequences. Pillow for osteochondrosis cervical spine should be selected as correctly as possible, as this will allow:

  • support all curves of the spinal column;
  • provide the vertebrae with the necessary support;
  • help muscles relax.

The right pillow for cervical osteochondrosis will help comfortable rest. Completely healthy people also need to pay attention to the choice of orthopedic products, as this will prevent the occurrence of diseases of the spinal column.

Types of orthopedic pillows

Orthopedic pillows for cervical osteochondrosis are simply a necessary measure, since they have a certain shape, which allows the patient to take a natural position while sleeping. To choose the right product, you first need to decide on its shape. In particular they can be:

  • rectangular or square;
  • semicircular;
  • rollers and hemispheres;
  • round.

There are pillows for sleeping and just for short rest. Orthopedic pillows also vary in size. There are even models that have the ability to provide height adjustment due to the presence of removable elements.

The roller-shaped model is not suitable for everyone, since its peculiarity is that it is intended only for sleeping on the back. The loose ends are designed to go around the neck, as can be seen in the photo.

Rectangular models are considered the most popular. There are two rollers at their edges, and in the center there is a recess for the head. Such an orthopedic product is selected purely individually for each person, taking into account the existing characteristics of the person.

Manufacturing materials

The choice of a pillow for cervical osteochondrosis should be deliberate and it is advisable to first consult a doctor. To choose the right product, you need to know what kind of filler there is. Many people believe that it is best to choose models with feather filling, however, this is absolutely not true, because down and feathers are the main cause of complex allergic reactions and do not hold their shape well.

Orthopedic pillows for osteochondrosis can be made with various fillers, in particular such as:

  • buckwheat husk;
  • bamboo fiber;
  • latex;
  • cooling gel;
  • mini springs.

It is very pleasant to sleep on a pillow with buckwheat husk, as it exactly follows all the curves of the neck and head. Latex has good antibacterial properties and is completely hypoallergenic.

Bamboo fiber is characterized by an excellent deodorizing effect, it does not require additional care, and dust does not accumulate in it. Models with bamboo fiber are simply ideal for sleeping adults and children. In addition, they promote complete relaxation of the neck and are used as a preventive measure for osteochondrosis.

A pillow with mini springs also provides a good effect, as it ideally supports the spinal column in the most correct natural position, instantly responding to changes in posture and the load exerted. Comfortable for sleeping in absolutely any position.

Orthopedic products filled with cooling gel are also considered an interesting option. Thanks to the special function of the supporting fluid, the applied load is distributed fairly evenly. Such a product can be of absolutely any shape, however, over the course of some time you will have to get used to this type of product.

Features of choice

Many people wonder how to choose an orthopedic pillow so that they can use it comfortably and prevent the occurrence of pathological conditions.

Before choosing a pillow, it is important to determine optimal height. During daytime rest and sleep, the neck and head must certainly be on the pillow, and the shoulders must be on the mattress. When choosing the height of the pillow, it is necessary to take into account the person’s build. For a full and tall person, the pillow should be 50x70 or even larger if necessary. A pillow of 50x40 cm is suitable for a person of average build, and for a child it is no more than 20x30 cm.

If cervical osteochondrosis is observed, then you need to regularly sleep on an orthopedic pillow. If in the morning a person feels well enough, the muscles are not overstrained and there is no headache, this means that the orthopedic product has been chosen correctly.

Why do you need an orthopedic pillow?

It is advisable to sleep with cervical osteochondrosis on an orthopedic pillow, as it contributes to:

  • the neck and head are in a natural position;
  • blood supply to the brain improves;
  • muscle tension decreases;
  • fatigue goes away.

To ensure proper rest, you need to know how to choose the right pillow and why it is needed. There are certain indications for the use of this product, in particular the following:

  • pain in the neck;
  • dizziness;
  • fatigue;
  • diseases of the spine;
  • post-traumatic conditions.

In order for rest and sleep to bring only benefits, you must know what the pillow should be and take into account the rules healthy sleep. Sleeping on your back can be very dangerous, as in such a position blood vessels can be significantly pinched and muscles overstrained. It is better if the surface is hard or semi-hard. In addition, it is advisable to supplement it orthopedic mattress, as this will help ensure a full, comfortable sleep.

An orthopedic pillow for cervical osteochondrosis acts as a stabilizer of the cervical vertebrae. It helps patients with osteochondrosis of the neck to prevent pinching of arteries and nerves during sleep, to avoid negative impact bones onto intervertebral discs. But the product must be selected taking into account individual characteristics and recommendations of the attending physician. The main characteristic what remains is how comfortable you feel lying on the pillow and after waking up. The right pillow for cervical osteochondrosis will help avoid such unpleasant symptoms as morning headaches, dizziness and discomfort in the shoulder area.

It is better to sleep with cervical osteochondrosis in such a position that the cervical muscles are completely relaxed and the intervertebral discs do not experience pressure from the vertebrae. Therefore, the pillow should promote the physiological position of the cervical spine.

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The muscles fix the vertebrae during wakefulness and protect them from sudden movements and displacement. At night, the muscles are relaxed and the spine is deprived of protection.

Therefore, if a person is prone to osteochondrosis, or the pathological process has already begun its development, pain and discomfort may begin to torment while falling asleep and sleeping. And upon waking up, a person feels a headache and increased blood pressure. The following situation is typical for cervical osteochondrosis: without the support of muscle structures, the vertebrae can shift, pinching cartilage tissue, arteries and nerves. The pathological process develops further and further, and the brain ceases to receive sufficient oxygen and nutrients.

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How to choose a pillow

If the patient has diarrhea in the morning, it means that blood circulation is disrupted during sleep. If such symptoms occur, you need to choose an orthopedic pillow taking into account the following requirements:

  • The shape should be a rectangle. It is good to use various bolsters for short rests in a horizontal position; sleeping on them is not allowed;
  • The height should vary from five to ten centimeters. This height creates a physiological posture: the shoulder girdle rises slightly, the cervical region is located slightly above the head;
  • How wide the pillow should be is determined depending on the width of the patient's shoulders. It should be at least not narrower than the shoulders, maybe a little wider;
  • The pillow should not be too soft or too hard. All orthopedic pillows are made medium-hard.

It is advisable to select individual properties with the treating neurologist. Also inquire about reviews from patients suffering from osteochondrosis who are already using one or another model.

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Shape and material

The following forms of orthopedic products for the head are presented on the market:

  • Roller and horseshoe. Suitable for short-term rest purposes, can only be used while lying on your back;
  • Rectangular. To sleep at night, you need to take a closer look at these pillows. They usually include rollers in their structure, one in the middle or two on the sides.

When choosing a rectangular pillow for constant sleep, you need to focus on your feelings. Try to lie down on each one and understand which arrangement of the bolsters is more comfortable for you specifically. Find out from the seller what reviews he has heard about a particular model.

The most famous manufacturing materials are the following:

  • Buckwheat husk. Products made from such material not only physiologically follow the shape of the head and neck, but also stimulate blood circulation, providing a slight massaging effect;
  • Latex. Does not cause allergies, kills bacteria;
  • Bamboo fiber. This pillow “breathes” well and does not hold back dust accumulations. She needs minimal care. Recommended as preventative measure against osteochondrosis. According to doctors, such products are also well suited for children's sleep;
  • Small springs. Correctly forms your sleep position and immediately adjusts depending on the position of your head. Suitable for a night's rest whether you sleep on your side or back;
  • Cool gel. Most modern material, which smoothly supports your head while you sleep. It may seem unusual at first, but with time, comfort will come.

Orthopedic pillows needed for cervical osteochondrosis can be expensive, but their effect will be appropriate. To understand whether you have chosen the right pillow and whether the purchased product is suitable for you, pay attention to the following points:

  • Pillow good quality should return to its original shape after loading;
  • If you are tempted to put your palm under your head, it means the product is too low;
  • When a person frequently changes position while falling asleep, the pillow may be the wrong size;
  • Discomfort in the shoulder girdle, neck and persistent headaches indicate that the pillow is of inappropriate height.

In the store you need to pay attention to the cover. It must maintain the pillow in its original shape, while providing good access air.

A pillow for cervical osteochondrosis should support your head well so that you feel comfortable and your neck muscles relax. If you sleep on your side, choose a product with bolsters of varying heights.

All kinds of pain in the back and neck associated with osteochondrosis are quite common. In the same case, if a person is healthy, then he should try to maintain the health of his neck and back for as long as possible. Don't forget that we spend a third of our lives sleeping. During general rest and relaxation, a person should ensure that the muscular “framework” of the spine and neck also experiences relief, the muscles are relaxed, and no chronic muscle spasm is observed. Only under these conditions does the blood supply to the brain occur fully.

Healthy dream at diseases of the cervical spine

One of the important conditions for achieving this goal is the correct position of the head of a sleeping person. For this purpose, there are various pillows, bolsters and other sleeping devices. But, often, they only interfere with normal blood circulation: headaches, numbness in the fingers and many other symptoms of incorrect neck position occur.

In order to correct the full position of the neck and head, you need orthopedic pillow for cervical osteochondrosis. What types of pillows are there and how to make the right choice?

What types of pillows are there?

As a rule, orthopedic pillow for cervical osteochondrosis- this is a rectangular parallelepiped, with dimensions of 60 - 40 - 10 cm. On top of them you put both a regular pillowcase and a special cover, which is included with the pillow.

The material from which the pillows are made is not allergic feather and down, but modern synthetic materials. The most famous are:

  • foam material with “shape memory”. This is the “elite”, as it has the highest price and long service life. The material is able to completely copy the shape of the body;
Orthopedic pillow with shape memory
  • viscose eraser (viscoelastic);

  • foam latex, polyurethane foam. It is able to quickly restore its shape when the load is removed. This material is hygienic, it can be bathed and washed even in a machine;

Polyurethane foam pillow
  • polyester in the form of balls. Ball fillers easily take the desired shape, are durable and require minimal maintenance;

Pillow with balls – these pillows are also considered anti-stress
  • ecological pillow made from buckwheat husks. It's lightweight, sometimes smells like buckwheat, and also conforms to your body. The main thing is to refuse such a pillow if it is damaged by mold and emits a corresponding smell, and at home it must be protected from dampness, so such pillows are not washed, but aired.

The merit of an orthopedic pillow is that it maintains the normal physiological curves of the cervical spine throughout the night, preventing it from either “sagging” or rising. This usually happens when the pillows are too soft and too hard, respectively.

Both “sagging” and lifting lead to additional, long-term static load on the intervertebral discs, and in the case of osteophytes, to compression of the blood vessels.

What is the most important thing in a pillow?

Pillow for cervical osteochondrosis you should intuitively like the spine, you should have a desire to sleep on it. Psychological comfort is a very important component: part with your old pillow without regret.

However, the main criterion for the suitability of a pillow is the ability to gradually, under load, take the shape of the head and neck contour and stop there. When you change position, the pillow material “reorganizes” and takes on a new configuration, adapting to your body.

Next important indicator is the size. Generally, broader-shouldered subjects with powerful chest you need a higher pillow - up to 16 - 18 cm high. In the same way, when sleeping on a hard mattress, you need a higher pillow, as it “presses down” more. If you like to sleep on your side, the pillow should be higher.

What kind of pillow for cervical osteochondrosis Is it suitable for a person if he likes to sleep on his stomach? IN in this case it will be a soft and low pillow.

This pillow is suitable for stomach sleepers

It often happens that a person is tempted to choose an overly large pillow that is clearly not his size. In this case, he may sleep restlessly all night and toss and turn from side to side. In this case, you need a smaller pillow.

In conclusion, I would like to note that pillow for cervical osteochondrosis, reviews about which the best are products made from memory foam. Therefore, when choosing a product, you should not stop at the first product you come across, but study the models of several manufacturers.

The price of such a pillow as in the photo is about 3,500 rubles (price as of mid-2016). In this case, of course, the pillows must have a hygiene certificate, the expiration date of the filler, and warranty period. Don’t forget: although this is a pillow, it’s still medical device, and in this sense it is legally indistinguishable from a glucometer or measuring device blood pressure. And, of course, you need to purchase orthopedic pillows only in specialized orthopedic salons or pharmacies, but not in the markets.