Preparing a cleanser. DIY Ubtan: Natural Face Wash Homemade Wash

How to make your own foam for washing.

Homemade foam cleanser

Cleansing foams contain surfactants that dissolve and remove impurities from the skin well. They contain foaming substances - lauryl sulfates, which can cause disruption of the protective layer of the skin, which will lead to increased dryness, peeling and wilting. To reduce this effect, many cleansing foams add coconut oil and its derivatives. Some foams contain components that are beneficial for the skin (vitamins, antioxidants), but in small quantities. In addition, when cleansing the skin, they cannot penetrate it, so they do not have their effect. It is important to thoroughly rinse off any remaining cleanser from the surface of the skin at the end of washing. Then you need to moisturize the skin or soften it with a nourishing cream.

Foam for normal skin

Foam with currant hydrosol

Required: 25 ml of currant hydrolate, water, 20 drops of propolis aqueous suspension, 10 drops of biosol, lactic acid, 7 g of glycerin, 5 g of betaine, 2 g of LSA-F, CMT, 0.5 g of blueberry powder, 4 ml each essential oil tangerine, lemon, grapefruit.

Preparation: mix hydrolate, water, betaine, LSA-F, CMT, blueberry powder, heat in a water bath, add glycerin, remove from heat, add biozol and remaining ingredients, mix.

Application. Apply a small amount of foam to the face with massaging movements, rinse after 10 minutes warm water.

Soap foam

Required: 20 g of soap base, 80 ml of valerian infusion, 6 ml of polysorbitol 20, 4 ml of vodka-glycerin extract of sea buckthorn, 3 ml of hazelnut oil, chamomile, borage, essential oils of lemon, lime, juniper, green tea, licorice, 1 ml wheat protein, 0.6 ml allantoin, 0.5 ml vitamin E, 10 drops of preservative.

Preparation: place the base on water bath, add 20 ml of infusion, add allantoin, extracts, wheat protein to the remaining infusion, mix both mixtures, add polysorbitol 20 and other ingredients, mix thoroughly.

Application. Apply a small amount of the mixture to the face with massaging movements, rinse after 10 minutes with warm water.

Foam for oily skin

Brown bread foam

Required: 50 g black bread, 1 tsp. table salt, 150 ml of water.

Preparation: mix the ingredients in a blender until smooth.


Foam with oils

Required: 70 ml of sage hydrosol, 5 ml of hazelnut oil, milk thistle oil, 3 ml of essential oil of cypress, lemon, geranium, lime, 2.5 ml of cocamidopropyl betaine, lecinol, 1.25 ml of ASA-F, wheat protein, 1 ml C0 2 nettles, 2 ml of lemon balm vodka-glycerin extract, 8 drops of biozol, 3 g of dry cucumber extract, 20 ml of water.

Preparation: put cocamidopropyl betaine, LSA-F, water in a water bath, separately dissolve lecinol, cucumber extract, wheat protein in the hydrolate, mix both mixtures, add oils, lemon balm extract, nettle CO2, biozol, essential oils, mix.

Application. Apply a small amount of the mixture to the face with massaging movements, rinse after 10 minutes with warm water.

Foam for dry skin

Foam with essential oils of immortelle and lavender

Required: 100 ml soap base, 20 ml each shea butter, mango butter, 10 g beeswax, 4 ml of immortelle essential oil, lavender, 30 ml of distilled water.

Preparation: mix soap base, water, wax, shea and mango butters, place in a water bath until dissolved. Remove from heat, whisk and place in cold water, continuing to beat. When it cools down to room temperature, add essential oil, beat again.

Application. Apply a small amount of the mixture to your face. Rinse off after 10 minutes with warm water.

Foam with soap base

Required: 100 ml of soap base, 20 ml of cocoa butter, cupuaçu, 10 g of beeswax, 4 ml of lemon and tangerine essential oils, 30 ml of distilled water.

Preparation: mix soap base, water, wax, cocoa butter and cupuaça, dissolve in a water bath, remove from heat, whisk, place in cold water, continue whisking. When it cools to room temperature, add essential oils and beat again.

Application. Apply a small amount of the mixture to your face. Rinse off after 10 minutes with warm water.

Foam for combination skin

Cleansing foam with essential oils

Required: 60 ml of liquid organic base, 15 ml of rose hydrosol, grape seed oil, 10 ml of shea butter, 7 ml of cetearyl alcohol, 2 ml of D-panthenol, 0.5 ml of oily vitamin E, 3 ml of essential oil of rosemary, grapefruit, bergamot , tea tree.

Preparation: mix the hydrolate with D-panthenol, separately melt shea butter, cetearyl alcohol, grape seed oil in a water bath, heat the soap and water base, mix with the substances in a water bath, mix thoroughly, remove from heat, beat again, cool to room temperature, add vitamin and essential oils.

Application. Apply a small amount of the mixture to your face. Rinse off after 10 minutes with warm water.

As someone who has oily skin, I’ll tell you about skin care. I reduced chemistry to a minimum. I stopped using washes and lotions from the store. Why? because they dry oily skin and only make the problem worse. pimples, comedones, etc. appear. all these chatterboxes, lotions made from lemon juice and essentuki, oatmeal, tinctures and decoctions are complete nonsense. None of these recipes helped my skin. Now I’ll tell you what will really help oily and problematic skin. she will glow with health and delight you.

1. cleansing: before applying cleanser ( which does not dry out) the skin should be steamed well. you can do this using your palms (type in your palms hot water and steam your face in this way), you can use a shower jet, baths, etc. Next, apply the cleanser and gently massage the skin with light movements. rinse off with warm water to remove the product and any remaining dirt and sebum, and then rinse the skin with cool or cold water to close the pores. After washing, wipe the skin with lotion or tonic.

I use homemade clay washbasin: pour a package of any clay (~10 tablespoons) into plastic container or in another deep jar, for example, from a hair mask. add 5 tablespoons of soda. dilute the resulting powder to the consistency of thick sour cream using liquid tar soap. add six drops of any essential oil. You can use a mixture of oils. for example, 3 drops of eucalyptus oil and 3 drops of orange oil, as I do. (Eucalyptus oil is perfect for oily facial skin. It has anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, antibacterial and antiseptic effects. Orange oil helps remove harmful toxins through the pores, helps make the skin more hydrated, elastic and smooth). We use a small amount of cleanser in the morning and evening. You can wash your face with a face brush, or without it. To prevent your skin from getting used to it, change the clay periodically. for example, from yellow to red, etc.

facial toner recipe: Pass 5-10 aloe leaves through a meat grinder and transfer to any deep container, add green tea leaves, pour 200 ml of boiling water into this mixture. leave for two hours. when two hours have passed, strain the infusion into a bottle, add 5 tablespoons apple cider vinegar. This tonic can be stored in the refrigerator for three weeks. This lotion should be made in courses.

2. hydration and protection: After cleansing the skin, apply moisturizer. Oily skin needs hydration. In summer it is advisable to use a cream with UV filters. During this process, you need to wipe your skin with damp antibacterial wipes or use thermal water/hydrolates. It’s better to give up powder and replace it with baby powder. Apply a small amount of powder to a large brush and apply to your face, but do not overdo it, otherwise you may look like a vampire. Over time, the skin will become matte and clean. Foundation creams will not be needed at all. In the evening, the skin should be thoroughly cleansed (see point 1), wiped with tonic and apply a light moisturizer.

hydrolates: hydrolate ( flower water) is a by-product of steam distillation of the plant. hydrolates are used on delicate areas of the body, as well as on skin prone to inflammation. hydrolates without preservatives can be stored for no more than a year; they are very sensitive to light, exposure high temperature, microbial contamination.

Take a clean saucepan with a convex lid, a mug and a plate. Place a plate in the pan, place it on the mug, and arrange the petals around the mug. Fill the plate with water (200 ml). Turn the lid upside down and fill with cold water. put the pan on low heat for 40-45 minutes. All this time you need to make sure that the water in the lid does not heat up. You will constantly have to remove the heated water with a syringe and add cold water. After heating, the pan should cool to room temperature. Only then can you take out the mug and pour the contents into a sterile container. Apply hydrolate in the morning before or in the evening after removing makeup.

3. peelings and masks: peeling - deep cleansing of the skin from the stratum corneum and sebaceous plugs. I exfoliate with a scrub 2 times a week. It is not advisable to scrub the skin if there is inflammation - you risk spreading germs all over your face. I make masks 3 times a week. face mask recipe: my face loves clay masks. Mix 1 teaspoon of white clay with 1 teaspoon of green clay and 1-2 drops of any essential oil, dilute with water to the consistency of thick sour cream, apply to the face for 15-20 minutes. wash off with water without soap.

4. Facial strips: This procedure should be done on well-steamed skin. 1 tablet activated carbon grind in a bowl to a powder, add a teaspoon of gelatin and the same amount of water. place the bowl in the microwave for 5-10 seconds. take a brush (well washed in advance) and rub the product into the pores where there are blackheads. It is advisable to distribute this mixture in a thick layer so that it is convenient to peel it off your face. You should wait until it dries completely. The product is more painful to peel off than nasal strips from the store. The effectiveness of this procedure is 100%. Of course, all the blackheads will not be removed the first time. If you repeat this procedure several times, you can completely cleanse your face of comedones.

5. skin treatment: Every two months I treat my skin with zenerite and mash, which was prescribed to me by a cosmetologist. I apply zenerite using an applicator in a thin layer to the entire surface of the face in the morning and evening. I use the talker once a day. I’m writing the composition of the chatterbox, anyone can order it at the pharmacy. compound: zinc oxide 10 ml, sulfur 10 ml, pure ichthyol 10 ml, glycerin 15 ml, water 55 ml. The zenerite cost me 413 rubles, the chatterbox 317 rubles.

6. food, healthy image life: don't forget the rules proper nutrition. You should limit yourself to spices, fatty foods, sweet, spicy, lemonade, coffee, alcohol and others bad habits. These products cause irritation sebaceous glands, create additional problems in caring for oily skin. I recommend eating vegetables, fruits, dairy and lactic acid products every day. You need to exercise regularly. Even your sleep shapes your health. A healthy person needs to sleep up to 12 hours. The earlier you go to bed, the higher the value of sleep.

7. Now I’ll summarize the rules for facial skin care: drink as much water as possible daily. this will help you moisturize your facial skin from the inside. Be sure to wash off your makeup before going to bed, do not apply cosmetics to dirty skin, and never use someone else’s cosmetics. For facial skin, hair is a source of dirt. Dust and dirt settle on your hair very quickly, so remove your hair from your face when applying styling products. Have your skin cleaned by a cosmetologist no more than twice a month. moisturize your skin with cream before going to bed. Do not touch the skin with your hands, even if you feel severe itching, and do not squeeze out pimples and blackheads. After washing your face, it is not recommended to dry your face with a towel; it is better to let it dry on its own. Do peelings, masks, etc. regularly. Bed linen needs to be changed every week. Maintain a healthy lifestyle and do not neglect proper sleep.

8. Caution: If you have sensitive and irritated skin, you should be very careful with these recipes. Don't overdo it. Allergic reactions are possible. If you have an individual intolerance to certain components, then you should not use these recipes, because you can seriously harm your health.

I hope my recipes will be useful. Health and beautiful skin to everyone.

Do you know that many facial skin problems are the consequences of improper cleansing? Find out how to cleanse your face correctly and avoid many problems!

In this article you will learn a lot important information about how to properly moisturize your facial skin depending on its type.

First, you need to accurately determine your skin type. It can be normal, oily, combination or dry¹. If you find it difficult to determine your type, seek help from a cosmetologist or dermatologist.

Let's look at facial cleansers.

Cleansing your face with a face wash

We usually cleanse our face and neck in the morning and evening. But if there is a need, for example, after playing sports, we wash ourselves additionally.

It is best to use soft products for cleansing that contain useful decoctions, extracts, acids and elements.

The most gentle product that does not injure the skin when washing is a cream. It is most suitable for dry skin.

In consistency, and sometimes in content, it is similar to shaving foam.

It's very gentle and mild remedy. As a rule, creams contain various mineral oils and herbal extracts - most often lavender, mint and chamomile. Also sometimes acids are added to them, which help moisturize the skin.

How can I replace cream for washing at home?

Recipe for dry skin:

1. Grind the egg yolk in your hands.

2. Apply to face and rinse.

Cleansing your face with foaming cleanser

Products that resemble foam when whipped are sometimes called facial cleansers. As a rule, they contain vitamins and plant extracts. Cleansing foams remove makeup and dirt well. Ideal for normal, oily and combination skin.

How can you replace facial wash at home?

1. Soak the black bread crumb in warm water.

2. Add a little (at the tip of a knife) table salt.

3. Wash your face with this mixture.

Cleansing your face with pEalinga

Once a week it is necessary to carry out a deeper cleansing to remove dead horny scales. This requires peeling². Peels differ in the method of exposure and the depth of exposure.

The most affordable and popular peelings are mechanical. They contain exfoliants - substances that exfoliate the skin. In other words, products with exfoliants are called scrubs. Fruit acids, salicylic acid, etc. are often added to their composition.

For oily and combination skin, it is recommended to use the scrub once a week. For dry skin, “hard cleansing” should not be used more than once every 3 weeks, and for dry skin, products with salicylic acid should not be used! It is best to use fruit peeling for this skin type.

Homemade scrubs for normal, oily and combination skin

Recipe for normal, oily and combination skin:

With cooled brewed oatmeal (1-2 tablespoons, pour half a glass of boiling water and let it brew for a while), wash your face in a circular motion.

Recipe only for oily and combination skin:

  • Table salt - 1 teaspoon.
  • 0.5 tsp lavender oil or wheat germ oil + a little shaving foam or cleansing foam.

1. Mix and apply to face for 1 minute.

2. Rinse off using a cotton swab using circular movements.

Fruit peeling at home

Recipe for combination and oily skin:

1. Take regular kefir and green apple juice.

2. Mix and apply to skin for 5 minutes.

3. Rinse with massaging movements with warm water.

Recipe for dry skin:

1. Apply melon juice to your face for 3 minutes.

2. Rinse cool water.

Cleansing your face with toner

After washing, it is advisable to apply tonic to your face. These products moisturize the skin. They may contain acids, vitamins, and alcohols.

For dry skin, it is good to use a toner with hyaluronic acid. All others are suitable for normal, combination and oily skin.

Tonics do not wash off. I would like to say separately about alcohol tonics. Many people with oily skin like the feeling of comfort and lack of grease after using them, but when removing excess fat, the lipid layer of the skin is disrupted. Therefore, you should not abuse these funds.

How can you replace tonics at home?

Recipe for dry skin:

1. Aloe leaves (preferably thick ones) cut into pieces.

2. Fill with water.

3. Keep it on the fire for a while, or better yet, in a steam bath.

4. Then let them sit for a day, then pour into a dark bottle.

5. Wipe your face with a cotton swab.

Keep refrigerated.

Rose petal tincture for normal or combination skin:

1. Take fresh rose petals.

2. Pour a glass of water.

3. Keep it in a water bath for a while.

4. Let it brew.

5. Pour into a dark bottle.

Keep refrigerated.

Recipe for oily skin:

1. Pour the herb St. John's wort, chamomile, mint and nettle hot water approximately 80 degrees.

2. Let it brew.

Keep refrigerated.

Cleansing with water

But in the evening you should cleanse your skin more thoroughly using the above products. Proper cleansing and moisturizing of the face is the basis for healthy skin and your beauty!

Irina Gurbanova, our cosmetology consultant

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

² Peeling or exfoliation - in cosmetology - removal, exfoliation of the upper stratum corneum of the skin. The purpose of this cosmetic technique is to improve appearance skin by removing dead cells from the surface of the skin (

Daily facial cleansing folk remedies- one of the three pillars on which the beauty and youth of the face rests.

Looking at how screen beauties go to bed, generously decorated with makeup, don’t believe it. Actresses are very careful about their appearance and will not allow their skin to suffocate under the weight of cosmetics.

When cleansing your facial skin, you can use cosmetics. Or maintain your beauty by doing facial cleansing yourself. Cleansing your facial skin at home with folk remedies will prolong the youthfulness of your skin and save time and money.

Facial cleansing with folk remedies

Cleanse your face daily with soap and water. Washing your face with soap and water is the most common and simple method used for skin care and cleansing, but this procedure is very rarely done correctly. Water itself dries and degreases the skin. This effect is enhanced by the use of soap.

It will take at least five hours after your face is washed with soap for the skin to return to its normal state and become covered with natural lubrication. Therefore, even if you have oily skin, you can wash your face using soap no more than once a day - an hour and a half before bedtime. Very dry skin should be washed no more than once or twice a week.

Frequent use of soap has a particularly negative effect on normal and dry skin; however, oily skin cannot be deprived of sebum because the defenseless stratum corneum becomes unstable to external irritants, in particular to temperature changes, atmospheric phenomena, and getting on the skin from the external environment, microbes and bacteria.

Fat-free skin begins to increase sweat production, which dries it out even more and leads to the development of inflammation. Peeling and redness of the skin occur, in which the use of soap and, in certain cases, water is contraindicated.

In order for sensitive, easily irritated skin to better tolerate water, including cold water, you need to apply cream, rich sour cream or vegetable oil to it before washing. A mixture of vegetable oil, mashed raw egg yolk and milk.

Washing procedure- moisten your face with water, lather your chin first, then gradually move to the nose area. Then lather the middle of the forehead, the sides of the cheeks and then the neck. Try not to linger the foam on your face; rinse it off immediately with plenty of water.

After cleansing your face, the next procedure is to dry the skin. Don't rub your skin with towels. Dry it carefully natural fabric with a soft texture. It is advisable to lubricate the still wet skin with a nourishing cream after washing your face. After 3-5 minutes, a wet, cream-smeared face is cleaned with a paper towel or napkin to remove excess cream.

Soap containing lanolin and boric acid, well tolerated by hypersensitive skin. At any time of the year, for any skin, washing with soap and water can be replaced by wiping with sour milk, liquid creams or vegetable oil.

Cleansing the skin with lotion at home

If washing with soap and water causes skin irritation, you should use cleansing lotions.

Rubbing with lotions and creams can completely replace morning and evening washing. This creates a pleasant feeling of freshness, sweat, dust, sebum and dead epidermal cells are well removed.

Cleansing your face with a rich cream

You can use fatty cream and vegetable oil, taken in equal quantities. Squeeze the cream from the tube into a jar and gradually mix it with vegetable oil.

Then apply the cream to the skin, wait 2-3 minutes (3-5 minutes for dry skin) and remove it with a cotton swab or napkin, previously slightly moistened with tea or lotion. After this, a face cream, nourishing or oily, is applied to the still damp face.

Skin cleansing with vegetable oil for all skin types

The most simple means cleansing the skin of the face and neck of any type in winter and autumn period, is vegetable oil (corn, olive, almond, flaxseed, sunflower) or kernel oil (apricot, walnut, peach...).

Place one or two teaspoons of oil in a porcelain or glass container in hot water for a few minutes. You can also pour oil into a hot spoon. Then use a cotton swab slightly moistened with oil to completely clean the entire skin. Then apply the oil, this time with a generously moistened cotton wool, to the skin of the face using upward movements along the massage lines.

Start from the neck, then move from the chin and mouth directly to the temples, from the base of the nose to the forehead and around the eyes: starting from the nose, move along the upper eyelid towards the temple and back along the lower eyelid. At the same time, clean your eyebrows and lips. After two to three minutes, remove the oil with a cotton swab dipped in tea, lotion, or salted water (add one teaspoon of salt to 1/2 liter of boiled water). You can use boiled water mixed with natural fruit juice (lemon, orange, apple...).

If your facial skin is clean (without acne or rashes), you can use a simple product to cleanse your face that does not dry out or irritate the skin - fresh butter(used no more than 10 days).

Cleansing the skin with sour milk

Cleansing the skin with sour milk can be done regardless of the time of year, for any skin type. This method of cleansing is especially good in spring and summer, when freckles begin to appear. From the action of sour milk, they noticeably turn pale, the skin on the face becomes soft and smooth. You can use fresh sour cream or kefir instead of sour milk, but only on condition that the products are not overly acidified.

Overacidity is especially undesirable for dry skin, since the increased content of lactic acid causes skin irritation. For oily skin types, on the contrary, more acidic products should be used.

Washing the face (after cleansing the skin) with whey, which is obtained during the preparation of sour milk or cottage cheese, has an extremely beneficial effect on normal and especially oily skin. The serum is also recommended for dry skin that is not prone to flaking.

First, take a small amount of kefir or sour milk with a cotton swab and begin to wipe your face. You wet the next tampon more and more. Wring out the last tampon, remove excess products on the face and apply a nourishing cream to the still damp skin, which will quickly remove the slight burning sensation caused by the acidic environment. After cleansing with sour milk, you can wipe your face with cotton wool soaked in lotion, or rinse your face with boiled water at room temperature. After cleansing, face masks have a good effect on the skin, smoothing out wrinkles and nourishing.

For those with oily skin, you can leave a barely noticeable film of sour milk on your face until the morning so that the skin dries and tightens on its own. In this case, the nourishing cream should be applied only under the eyes, on the forehead and neck.

When cleansing the face with sour milk, the remaining makeup from the eyebrows, eyelashes and lips is first removed. If your facial skin appears red and irritated after cleansing, you should immediately wipe it once or twice with cotton wool soaked in tea or fresh milk, and only then apply a nourishing cream. On the third or fourth day, irritation decreases and then completely disappears.

Skin cleansers Milk

The procedure of washing with milk should be performed after preliminary cleansing of the skin. The milk is diluted with the same amount of water until the temperature of fresh milk is reached. Pre-clean your skin with vegetable oil or whole milk, and only after that wash your face with diluted milk. You can wash your face with milk only if there are no pustules or abrasions on your face.

You can pour milk into a wide container and lower it into it alternately, then the right one, then left side face, and then the chin and forehead. After washing your face, dry your face with light pressure movements with a napkin or cotton swab. You can disinfect your nose and chin with facial lotion, and then apply a nourishing cream to damp skin.

If your facial skin is peeling or inflamed, dilute the milk not with hot water, but with a decoction of raspberry leaves or very strong linden or chamomile tea.

Facial cleansers Mayonnaise

You can prepare mayonnaise to cleanse your skin. This is a mixture of vegetable oil, fresh yolk and sour cream taken in equal quantities and well pureed. You can prepare the cleansing mass for several times. Use mayonnaise to cleanse your skin at intervals of two to three weeks at any time of the year.

Skin cleanser Bran

For this method, oat, wheat, almond, rice bran or brown bread crumb with bran soaked in hot water are suitable. Grind 1 cup bran from oatmeal; those under 25 years of age add 1 teaspoon of borax or baking soda. Mix the mixture well and store in a glass container. Used to cleanse oily skin with comedones, blackheads and clogged pores.

Suitable for any skin type without the addition of borax and soda.

The cleansing process occurs as follows: the entire facial skin is moistened with water, then the crushed bran (1 tablespoon) is diluted with water to a paste and placed on the palm of your left hand. Then right hand Apply the mixture to your face, lightly wiping your nose, chin, cheeks and forehead. As soon as you feel that the entire mass is moving freely over the skin, immediately rinse it thoroughly with water.

Cleansing the face with black bread

Just like with bran, you cleanse your face with the crumb of black bread. After these simple procedures, a pleasant feeling of softness and cleanliness of the skin appears. Cleansing oily skin with bran will be more effective if you wash it off with warm water and then rinse the skin with cold salted water. To get good results, skin care should be regular. Carry out this facial skin cleansing procedure every day for a month. You can repeat it after two to three weeks for oily skin, and in between cleanse your face with yolk, sour milk or face soap.

Cleaning your skin with salt

In this way, oily skin with contaminated large pores is well cleansed and strengthened. Do not use this procedure very often, only as needed.

Contraindicated for red skin, pustules and abrasions, as well as dry skin.

Pour hot water or a hot infusion for the face from flowers or herbs into a container and cover your head with a towel. Depending on how you tolerate steam baths, the procedure will last from 5 to 15 minutes.

Then squeeze shaving cream onto a soft sponge or cotton swab, add a pinch of salt and a little baking soda. Use light circular movements to cleanse your face, wiping especially carefully areas with blackheads. After 5 minutes, rinse your face first with hot water, then with cold.

For delicate, sensitive skin, instead of salt and soap cream, it is better to take a mixture of 1/2 cup of crushed oatmeal and one teaspoon of baking soda. The mixture is diluted with warm water until the consistency of sour cream and then applied to the face for a few minutes.

Cleansing skin with cornmeal

Corn flour is not very popular in home cosmetology, although there is no better facial cleanser than this. In this way, the face is cleansed once every 2-3 weeks of dead cells. Pour boiled water into a bowl with corn flour, stir everything well. Before applying the mixture to your face, steam your skin. Add chamomile flowers to the hot water for your steam bath. After five minutes, pat your face dry with a napkin and apply a corn face mask to your skin for 15-20 minutes.

Despite huge selection skin cleansers, many women still prefer folk recipes. The thing is that store-bought gels and foams for washing contain many chemical ingredients, surfactants and aggressive detergent bases. Organic products cleanse the skin more delicately, but, again, they contain many preservatives and are not cheap. Luckily, there is an alternative!

You can create a cleanser with the composition you choose. It is no secret that within a month, the skin partially changes its type - from normal to oily. It's work related hormonal system- and the home remedy can be adjusted to suit skin changes. The quality of its ingredients is always higher than in purchased funds, which means that the skin is not subject to overdrying, irritation and acid-base balance.

Making a Homemade Cleanser

We are accustomed to the fact that foams and washing gels foam abundantly and completely wash away dust and cosmetic residues from the skin. It would seem that this is convenient, because sliding provides deep cleaning por. You will be surprised, but high-quality facial cleansing does not require abundant foam! There are many products that are gentle on the skin, cleanse it, and are not soapy at all.

Homemade cleansers are practically non-foaming, and this is the norm.

We conclude: in order to prepare a homemade skin cleanser, you need to know which products have pronounced cleansing properties. A combination of such products with base and essential oils, as well as beneficial decoctions and infusions, will help you create a cleanser that suits your skin type. The following components are suitable for cleaning:

  • Wheat, oat and rye bran;
  • Blue, pink and green clay;
  • Oatmeal;
  • Mustard powder;
  • Baking soda;
  • Sea salt;
  • Rye bread;
  • Tea tree and cinnamon essential oil;
  • Kefir.

Features of using home remedies

Since the composition homemade remedy differs markedly from store-bought, you need to remember some features of its use. For example, you should always apply the product only to pre-moistened skin, otherwise you can not only stretch it, but also injure it with large particles. Also remember, contrast douches will help enhance metabolic processes in the skin and increase efficiency home remedy. And a few more rules:

  • When using abrasive ingredients such as oatmeal and bran, you should not apply the product to the delicate skin around the eyes - this is fraught with microtrauma and the further appearance of a fine network of wrinkles.
  • Mustard powder should not be applied to the delicate skin of the eyelids - this can cause irritation and swelling. Those with hypersensitive skin are not recommended to use mustard powder at all in order to prevent allergic reactions.
  • Those with dry and sensitive skin should not use salt in cleansers, as it can cause discomfort and cause redness of the skin.

Due to its high cleansing properties, for best results it is better to use a self-prepared product once a day - this way you will not dry out the skin. Even combination and oily skin, with regular use of a homemade cleanser, becomes more matte, and the amount of sebum on its surface is significantly reduced.

Homemade Cleanser Recipes

The benefits of using a natural cleanser will be maximum if you correctly determine your skin type. After all, the drying and mattifying properties of products for oily skin are absolutely not suitable for dry skin. If your skin periodically changes towards an oilier type, be sure to prepare two different means and wash them one by one.

Products with large particles are not suitable for washing sensitive skin!

Cleansers for dry skin

  • Option one. Effectively cleanses the skin of makeup residues, preserving the normal lipid layer. All you need is to mix a strong decoction of wheat grains with a few drops of rose essential oil. For the decoction, rinse the wheat, add water in a ratio of 1:2, put on fire, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for one hour. The water should partially boil away. Then remove from heat, cover tightly with a lid, wrap in a towel and let sit for three hours. The broth should become slightly viscous. Strain it, add essential oil and mix thoroughly. Store the finished product in the refrigerator.
  • Option two. Softens and cleanses the skin, relieves the feeling of dryness and tightness. Take 4 sprigs of parsley, 1 tsp. honey, 200 ml of natural fat milk, 2 tbsp. dried chamomile flowers and 2 tbsp. calendula. Grind parsley, chamomile and calendula in a mortar until creamy. Place the milk on the fire and bring to a boil. Add the herb mixture and simmer covered over low heat for half an hour. The milk should not boil. Then remove the mixture from the heat and leave for several hours. Strain the finished product and add honey. Using a whisk, mix thoroughly.
  • Option three. Suitable for very dry and flaky skin with obvious disruption of the lipid layer. In a small bowl, combine the pulp of one ripe banana, 1 tsp. corn starch, 50 ml warm water, 1 tbsp. aloe juice and one egg yolk. Using a mixer or whisk, beat the mixture until smooth and fluffy. The output should be a jelly-like product. Store the mixture in a cool place for no longer than a week.

Cleansers for oily skin

  • Option one. Thoroughly cleanses the skin of impurities, without drying it out or disturbing the acid-base balance. Mix 2 tbsp. rice flour, 2 tbsp. oat bran, 5 drops of tea tree essential oil and 200 ml of warm water. Stir the mixture until it becomes homogeneous. If you have oily but sensitive skin, finely grind the oat bran. Wash your face with the mixture every evening.
  • Option two. Deeply cleanses pores, fights subcutaneous inflammation, reduces the visibility of blackheads. Prepare 2 tbsp. mustard powder, 1 tsp. baking soda, 30 ml low-fat kefir and 130 ml warm water. Gently mix the mixture. During the mixing process, air bubbles will be released, because between kefir and soda there will be chemical reaction. As soon as the bubbles disappear, the product is ready.
  • Option three. Intensively cleanses and dries oily skin, reduces inflammation, and fights post-acne marks. You will need 1 tsp. freshly squeezed lemon juice, 1 tbsp. medium fat cream, 1 tbsp. sea ​​salt finely ground, 300 ml warmed mineral water. Mix all ingredients until smooth. Wash your face with this product in the morning or evening.

Cleansers for hypersensitive skin

  • Option one. Gently cleanses and soothes irritated skin, relieves redness and itching. Mix 2 tbsp. aloe juice, 1 tsp. pink clay powder and 300 ml of boiled water. Heat the resulting mixture slightly in a water bath until all ingredients dissolve. Wash your face with this product every morning.
  • Option two. Soothes the skin, heals damage and gently cleanses. You will need 3 slices rye bread, 250 ml low-fat cream and 50 ml warm water. Remove the crust from the bread, knead the crumb with your hands and pour in a mixture of cream and water. Leave to swell for two hours. Then you can grind the mixture to a mushy state using a blender. Wash your face with the resulting product twice a day.
  • Option three. Effectively cleanses, nourishes and restores delicate skin. Mix 2 tsp. liquid honey with 300 ml of mineral water, 2 tbsp. aloe juice and 1 tbsp. green clay. Heat the mixture slightly in a water bath and whisk until smooth using a whisk. Wash your face with the product once a day. After washing, rinse your skin with cool water and pat dry with a paper towel.