Work in Paris for Russians. Methods of official employment in France and the nuances of obtaining work visas

To change working conditions, financial status and social status, workers seek vacancies about working in France. The country can be called the financial and economic locomotive of the European Union, whose treasury is regularly replenished by the influx of tourists and production facilities.

However, the unemployment rate in the country is almost 10%, with 3 people applying for one vacancy. The migration crisis over the past few years has made matters worse, as employers now have a better chance of obtaining cheap labor in the form of refugees from the Middle East.

The process of getting a job legally in France in 2018:

  • find an employer, confirm your qualifications and experience (recommendations from previous jobs, successfully passed the test), conclude a contract;
  • wait for a response from the Ministry of Labor (application from the employer);
  • after approval, the documents are sent to the representative office in the employee’s country;
  • after moving, register OFII;
  • in 3 months good luck employment in France submit documents for a residence permit.

The state has established several types of permits and visas for immigrants who are looking for work in France without intermediaries and from direct employers:

  • permanent and temporary workers (issued if the specialist can prove that there are no suitable candidates in the domestic market and his experience will be useful);
  • Blue Card(required: contract for a period of more than 1 year, salary exceeding the national average, it is necessary to work for 2 years in the field specified in the permit);
  • employees in scarce vacancies (mainly technical vacancies, in each region the list of such places is different, depending on the season);
  • scientists and researchers (a residence permit is issued for 1 year with the right to extend for another 3 years. You must have a degree of at least a master's degree);
  • employees for the agricultural sector (permit is issued for 3-12 months, since the work is usually seasonal, residence permit - for 3 years with the right to extend for the same period);
  • Aupair ( work in France for women or students: babysitting for children, elderly people, help around the house. Requires a contract with one of the French families and passage language courses).

Minimum salary for labor exchange in France- almost 1,500 euros, average earnings - 3,000 euros excluding taxes. By the way, in the country, taxes are paid by the employees themselves. For official vacancies in France, it is customary to pay bonuses in the form of the 13th salary, not only in winter, but also in summer.

Remuneration depends on the importance of the specialist, the market situation, and the duration of work:

  • doctor - up to 7,000 euros;
  • IT specialists - up to 4,000 euros;
  • engineers - up to 3,500 euros;
  • builders - up to 3,200 euros;
  • economists - up to 2,500 euros;
  • managers - up to 2,000 euros;
  • HoReCa sphere and sellers - up to 1800 euros.

Seasonal work in France for Ukrainians, Russians and Belarusians will allow you to earn up to 2,000 euros per month. No spoken French or qualifications are required for the job. But you have to work hard. Season - from May to November. In the tourism sector you can find permanent job at resorts with salaries up to 3,000 euros. But it is important to know the language.

Working in Paris attracts not only high salaries, but also social guarantees. One of the advantages of looking for work in this city is the fact that French employers are very loyal to foreign representatives, including Russians, Belarusians and Ukrainians.

Panoramic view of the center of Paris and the Eiffel Tower

There are two ways to find work in Paris:

  1. Directly in the city itself, if . But it’s worth remembering that you won’t be able to stay this way and will still need to go to your home country to apply for a work visa.
  2. You can also find work in the country of your actual residence.

To find a job in Paris, you can contact specialized recruitment agencies that select vacancies based directly on a person’s specialty.
A fairly common way to travel to Paris to work is the o-peir program, which allows you not only to learn the language, but to earn good money.

Work visa

Undoubtedly, the first step to finding employment in Paris is to open a work visa, which allows you to work and live in this city legally.
Very interesting fact is that the required work visa to Paris has two types, depending on the expected duration of employment.
There are types such as:

  1. Short-term visa.
  2. Long-term visa.

A short-term visa can be obtained if the term of the drawn up employment contract is less than three months. To obtain it, you must have one, which the employer himself undertakes directly in Paris.

This is what a work visa to France looks like

It is much more difficult to obtain a long-term visa than a short-term one. It is provided only to persons with certain qualifications. Moreover, before the employee receives it, the employer must contact the Department of Management and obtain permission to send an invitation to the employee.

According to internal rules department, only a person who has the specialty required by the employer can enter the country on a long-term visa. If there is an applicant for this vacancy among French citizens, the invitation may be refused.

A long-term visa is also granted based on the terms of the employment contract. The main aspect in this matter is the term of the contract. To obtain such a visa for a hired worker, the term of the employment contract must be more than three months.

Sample employment contract concluded in Paris

Work permit

Depending on the type of work visa and the duration of the work contract, there are two types of work permits:

  1. Temporary.
  2. Long term.

Both types are issued by the Department of Labor and Employment Administration. To obtain permission to carry out work activities, the employer submits an application to the Department for a specific person with whom he already has an employment contract.

A temporary work permit is issued for a period of eighteen months, after which it is invalid.

If a person is expected to renew his employment contract, he must notify the Department and obtain a long-term permit. A long-term permit is a document that allows you to work for ten years. In other words, this is .

This is what a French residence permit card looks like

If after this period you need to extend it, you must contact the Department with a request for an extension.

An important aspect is the fact that only a person who does not have a license can carry out work activities in Paris. infectious diseases. A medical examination before receiving documents is mandatory.

But it is also worth noting that only citizens of countries that are not members of the European Union need to apply for a visa. These include Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians and Moldovans. EU representatives have the opportunity to work without any documents for three months.

Most in-demand vacancies

Working as a bartender in Paris

For comparison, we can give an example: on average, a person in Paris earns about two thousand euros a month, while Russians or Ukrainians average salary is in the range of 200–300 euros. For this salary is not high, and he refuses to work for that kind of money.

For those wishing to work in Paris it is very important aspect is knowledge English language. Paris is not only the capital of France, but also a tourist city, so the main industry is aimed at entertainment and recreation. The most popular vacancies in Paris are:

  1. Waiter.
  2. Animator.
  3. Bartender.
  4. Reception representatives in hotel complexes.
  5. Housemaid.

Without knowledge of the language it is quite difficult to find workplace in Paris. First of all, this is due to the fact that basically all the required vacancies imply the need to communicate with people, and without knowledge of the language this is difficult to do.

Working in a Parisian restaurant

But, if a person does not speak foreign languages, he can initially get a job in a French family as an au pair or nanny for small children. In this case, preference is given to middle-aged women.

Men without knowledge of the national language can get jobs as security guards or grape pickers. The last vacancy, although it is seasonal, is paid quite well and generously. The work involves picking grapes and has many advantages such as:

  1. Seasonal nature of work.
  2. Decent pay.
  3. Applying for a short-term visa takes less time than a long-term one.

It is important to remember that there are no vineyards in Paris itself. They are located outside the city.

France is one of the economic and political locomotives not only of Europe, but also of the world. The country has enormous influence and is an active participant in many international organizations, ranging from cooperation in trade to the military sphere.

Working in France for Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians and citizens of other CIS countries in 2019 is not only a decent salary and a way to immigrate to Europe, but also an opportunity to come into contact with the ancient culture and traditions of the Old World. According to statistics, more than 80 million foreigners from France visit French lands every year. different countries and government revenues from tourism are among the highest in the world.

However, finding a job in France is not at all easy. The country's unemployment rate exceeds 9%. On average, 2.5 people apply for each vacancy. The greatest chances of finding a job are in cities such as Paris, Bordeaux, Lyon and Strasbourg. It is more difficult to work in Montpellier, Lille and Nancy.

In addition, the situation is complicated by the migration crisis of recent years, in the form of an influx of refugees from the Middle East. Today, every tenth resident of France is an immigrant. In 2019, this figure will only grow. You also need to take into account that employment in France attracts not only citizens of non-CIS countries, but also residents of the European Union.

France has a stable economy, an efficient tax system and high social standards. The country provides free higher education and transparent conditions for doing business have been created. We will talk further in the article about how to find a job in France for Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians and other foreigners in 2019, as well as about the level of French salaries and available vacancies.

In France, there are a number of procedures and requirements for foreigners wishing to live and work on French territory. Basically the conditions are quite tough. For some types of professions, you will need to confirm your qualifications. This can be done on a special website.

Sometimes the requirements, on the contrary, are simplified. For example, family members of a highly qualified specialist with a work permit in France can find employment without any restrictions.

The process of hiring foreigners in France depends on the following factors:
  • The situation on the labor market.
  • Qualification and education of a specialist.
  • Salary level.
  • Duration of work.

The above categories will have crucial when obtaining a work permit in France, which is a mandatory condition for labor migrants from countries outside the European Union. That is, citizens of Russia, Ukraine and other CIS countries, first of all, must find a suitable vacancy and sign employment contract with a French company.

After this, the employer sends information ( contract) on the employment of a foreigner for approval by the local Ministry of Labor and the French Office of Immigration and Integration OFII. If the employment contract is approved, the documents are sent to the French Consulate in the employee’s country to obtain a work visa.

After moving, the foreigner is registered in OFII and in case of employment for a period of more than 3 months receives a residence permit. One of the conditions is the signing of the so-called CAI acceptance and integration agreements.

This means taking special courses to study French and the core values ​​of France. Since January 1, 2007, the procedure is mandatory for all migrants who want to live permanently in this country.

Employment options and types of work permits in France

Permanent and temporary workers. Usual for European countries, and at the same time one of the most difficult procedures for applicants. The employer must prove to local authorities that there is no suitable candidate for the vacancy among the French and Europeans. Accordingly, a foreigner needs to have high qualifications, experience and unique skills.

EU Blue Card (EU Blue Card). Work permit in France for highly qualified foreigners with at least 3 years of higher education or experience professional activity more than 5 years.

Required condition is the presence of an employment contract for a period of at least 1 year and a salary that is at least 1.5 times higher than the national average. In 2019, this is at least 4.5 thousand euros per month before taxes.

During the first two years, you must work strictly in the area specified in the contract. After this, the area of ​​activity can be changed. The card is issued for 1–3 years with the right to extend up to 5 years and subsequent obtaining permanent residence in France. In the future, you can apply for French citizenship.

Shortage workers. Selected regions France is experiencing a shortage of specialists in specific professions. This vacuum is partially filled with the help of foreign workers. The list has not changed since 2008 and consists of 30 items. These are mainly technical professions.

Scientists and researchers. Specialists with a scientific degree of at least a master's degree can obtain a temporary residence permit in France for up to one year, with the right to extend up to 4 years. To do this, it is necessary to conclude an agreement on training or research with one of the French universities or accredited institutes.

Seasonal work in France. This is a short-term employment option, usually in agriculture, for a period of 3 to 12 months. A temporary residence permit is issued for three years with the right of subsequent extension for a similar period. However, you are allowed to work in France for no more than 6 months within one year.

Au pair. Young people aged 17 to 30 years old can enter into a contract with one of the French families. The job involves looking after children and helping with housework. A prerequisite is to attend language courses at least 10 hours a week.

These were the most popular ways to obtain a work permit in France. Talented specialists in the field of sports, culture and science, foreign students of French universities, and employees of international companies also have good chances of finding employment.

How to find work in France. Search for vacancies without intermediaries.

To successfully search for work in France, especially on your own, great value has the use of a wide arsenal of sources. First of all, it is the Internet. Let us designate the most effective resources.

French national employment agencies:

Specialized resources:

The next step in finding a job in France is to look at advertisements in famous French newspapers. Here are some of them:

Alternatively, you can use help recruitment agencies or contact the company directly. The resource will help you find an institution.

    Language skills. Working in France without knowing the language is unlikely to bring satisfaction to an immigrant. This will mainly be unskilled and low-paid labor, for which there are enough people willing from other European countries. Proficiency in English can bring results when applying for a job in a foreign company in France. However, according to statistics, there are no more than 4-5% of such jobs on the French market.

    A well-written and concise resume (CV). The volume of text should not exceed 1-2 pages, the photograph should be of high quality, without bright makeup and foreign objects. During the interview, you should not become informal, make inappropriate jokes, or pat the employer on the shoulder.

    Flexibility and patience. It is very important to use as much information as possible at the same time. In addition to the main ways of finding a job, it is advisable to visit France on a tourist visa and try to come into contact with local residents and migrant workers. Very often, a five-minute conversation in a French cafe or bar can replace months of fruitless search for a job on the Internet.

Vacancies and salaries in France in 2019

The official minimum wage in France as of January 1, 2019 is - 1521.22 euros per month. The average salary is slightly more than 2950 euros before taxes. About 2225 euros net. This is one of the most high performance in the European Union.

The level of remuneration for foreign workers is usually set for a year and is fixed in labor contract. In addition, in France it is customary to make additional payments, the so-called 13th salary, and not only on the eve of the New Year, but also in the summer.

An interesting fact is that, unlike many countries, French employers do not pay income tax for their employees. You need to do this yourself by submitting tax return. Officially working week in France consists of 35 hours, but in practice work in private companies is extended to the standard 40 hours.

Average salaries in France in 2019 by profession (euro/month):
  • Practitioners - 6000–7000
  • Engineers and builders - 3300–3500
  • IT sphere - 3000–3300
  • Economists, managers - 2000–2500
  • Waiters, salespeople, bartenders - 1600–1800

Popular vacancies in France for foreigners, in particular Russians and Ukrainians, in 2019 are, first of all, seasonal employment and the tourism sector.

Seasonal work in France. The most popular type of income among labor migrants, which does not require special qualifications or deep knowledge of the French language. As a rule, this is hard, exhausting work collecting grapes and crops.

According to statistics, every year more than 100 thousand foreigners visit France to participate in seasonal work Oh. Many of them enter the country illegally. The grapes are harvested in September - October, other types of fruits from May to November. You can earn money up to 2000 euros per month.

Work in France in the tourism sector. In this industry, French employers offer enough large number jobs for foreigners, both in summer and in winter period. This is work in bars, cafes, restaurants, hotels, campsites, ski resorts and so on.

The main vacancies are waiter, cleaner, loader, maid, assistant cook, cashier. Here, of course, knowledge of the language is more important than in seasonal employment. Salary from 1500 to 3000 euros per month.

To move to France for the purpose of employment, citizens of CIS countries must obtain a work visa. The document is drawn up at the French Consulate, after an affirmative decision to issue a work permit. Documents are submitted by the applicant in person.

Documents for a work visa to France

    1. Two visa applications completed in English or French.
    2. Three color photographs of the standard established by the French Consulate.
    3. Completed form from the OFII official website.
    4. Foreign and civil passport, plus copies.
    5. Consular fee (99 euros).

The period for issuing a work visa to France ranges from several days to two months. If necessary, Consulate staff may require additional information.

Living and working in Paris is the dream of many Russians. Moreover, France is famous for its tolerance towards immigrants. Some of them even joked that it is easier to meet a Russian acquaintance in Paris than in Moscow. But still, in order to move to the country of your dreams and find a job in Paris, you need to overcome many difficulties. How can a Russian get a job in the capital of France?

Work in Paris: vacancies for Russians

How difficult it will be for you to get a job in Paris depends primarily on the starting conditions. Things are best for specialists with a narrow profile, whom French employers themselves invite to work, provide with housing and wages, comparable to the earnings of indigenous people. But not everyone is so lucky.

If you do not have special skills, but know the language well, you can get a job as a translator, guide, or assistant for Russian-speaking businessmen or celebrities.

But if your French is far from perfect, your chances of finding a job in Paris drop. Most often, unskilled labor of immigrants is required in “non-prestigious” professions:

  • maids, housekeepers, dishwashers;
  • nurses or nannies;
  • grape pickers;
  • waiters, bartenders;
  • drivers, loaders, etc.

Usually people apply for such vacancies in order to improve their skills, make new acquaintances and simply settle in Paris for the first time. But this “first time” may drag on! If you are ready to take a risk and compete with the French, you will have to try. A candidate applying for a job in a Parisian company must be able to answer interview questions asked in French clearly, concisely and without errors. Of course, this alone is not enough to get a job, but finding a job in Paris with such skills will be easier.

Some visitors from Russia, in search of work, are trying to join the Russian diaspora, immigrants who have already firmly taken root in France. It is possible that a Russian businessman who opened his own company in Paris will be more sympathetic to his compatriot. But luck is rare here. Most often, in this case, the same low-paid work in Paris is offered: vacancies in the service sector and catering. Don't just rely on your origins and hope that you will be noticed.

Work for girls in Paris

According to fashion expert Alexander Vasiliev, Russian immigrants were the first to think of working as models. Slavic type ( Blue eyes, defined cheekbones, fair skin) is popular in France. And the fashion capital is attractive to girls who dream of realizing themselves in the modeling business. If she manages to “get into the flow,” the Russian beauty will gain a wealth of experience and an interesting, highly paid job. One of the most famous Russian models, regularly appearing on the covers of French magazines, is Natalia Vodianova.

More down-to-earth work options in Paris for Russian girls are staff for catering establishments and so-called “au pairs”: maids, housekeepers, nannies. At good knowledge French, you can get into a wealthy family as a governess.

Work on the Cote d'Azur

The economy of the Cote d'Azur is thriving - this region is very popular with tourists, and among them there are many wealthy Russians. Therefore, a Russian-speaking applicant can find a good place in the tourism sector, but he must know both languages, otherwise communicating with colleagues will be problematic. There are vacancies for guides and tour guides available for Russian tourists. There are many boutiques and shops in the resorts of the Cote d'Azur, where Russian-speaking consultants will not be superfluous. For Russian people who decide to build a cottage on the Cote d'Azur, it will be convenient to have a specialist in the field of construction or repairs who can speak in a language they understand. Superintendents, masons, repairmen, general workers, etc. are in demand. Wealthy families from Russia are also constantly in need of Russian-speaking maids, nannies, nurses, tutors, gardeners, drivers and security guards. Sometimes there are even vacancies for married couples: the wife manages the household in some mansion, and the husband takes care of the garden and repairs.

And, of course, there is always menial work available, which the French themselves are in no hurry to take. For example, a loader or a harvester. You can view all current vacancies in the "Work" section.

What you need to get a job in Paris

If you come to the capital of France as a tourist, you will not be able to get a job - the legislation strictly enforces compliance with this rule. Even finding menial work requires permission. A legal stable job can only be found by a person who has permanent view for residence. If it is limited to 18 months, only temporary part-time work is possible.

France is generally considered a country with a tolerant attitude towards immigrants. But the real state of affairs is somewhat different from how foreigners imagine it. For Russians, Belarusians and Ukrainians, modern France has become one of the problematic destinations for immigration.

The French economy is in crisis. Shortage foreign trade reaches an unprecedented 48.4 billion euros. Over the past year alone, it has shown an increase of 35%, leaving a huge hole in the country’s budget. In terms of GDP, France follows the United States, China, Japan and Germany, occupying 5th place in the ranking. Unemployment in the country is at 8.9%, the average salary is about 1,700 euros per month.

IN recent years France is tightening its immigration policy. The Ministry of Economy and Finance in the state has developed and introduced a quota system for in-demand specialties for immigrants from the CIS. Thus, selective immigration is carried out, implying highly qualified applicants.

Professions in demand

The most popular and highly paid professions in France in 2019 include:

Highly qualified IT industry workers, chefs and medical staff are in greatest demand in France.

Salary level

Since 2017, the minimum wage in France has been 1,480 euros per month. After paying taxes and other social contributions, about 1,150 euros remain. Every worker in the country, regardless of gender, nationality and other characteristics, has the right to receive a minimum wage.

The level of material remuneration for work is determined by the professional skills of the specialist, the capabilities of the employer, and the distance from the center of the country. Work in Paris is traditionally more highly paid than in the periphery.

Finding a job without intermediaries

When looking for a job on your own, knowledge of French will be a huge plus. You will need to write your resume correctly.

Popular job search sites

You can find a suitable vacancy by visiting one of the specialized resources:

Specialized resources, agencies

Russian-speaking citizens who, when searching for a vacancy, find it difficult to navigate the large amount of information on foreign language, can seek help from one of the employment agencies:

Types of employment

If the applicant has work experience and professional skills, it will be easier for him to find a well-paid job in France. But if a person is a newcomer or does not intend to stay in the country for a long time, then it is not difficult for him to find a job.

Without knowledge of the language

Without proper knowledge of the language, immigrants in France can only rely on low-paid and unskilled jobs:

  • laborers;
  • dishwashers;
  • maids;
  • waiters;
  • security guards;
  • nurses;
  • grape pickers.

To be able to apply for one of these vacancies, you will also need to obtain appropriate permission from the state.

Seasonal work

Seasonal work in France includes several areas:

  • agriculture;
  • summer and winter tourism;
  • hotel industry.

Working in agriculture does not require knowledge of French. But in this area there is high competition among visitors from the CIS countries and the EU. If you are employed legally, you can expect to pay 250–350 francs per day.

Students can apply for places in the tourism and hotel industry. To work in these industries you will already need knowledge of the state language.

After completing seasonal work, which cannot last longer than 6 months a year, immigrants are required to return to their country of permanent residence.

Temporary work

Finding temporary work options in France is just as problematic as finding permanent ones. French authorities exercise strict control over the employment of immigrants.

The maximum period stipulating temporary work, is 18 months. Possible offers for applicants:

  • work in the vineyards;
  • bartender;
  • cleaner;
  • waiter;
  • housekeeper (for a girl);
  • on a farm.

Such vacancies do not require special skills from the employee. But the wages are appropriate, at the minimum rate.

Other options

Among other options, you can find offers to work on a rotational basis for live-in nannies. Another way to find work in France is to seek help from the Russian diaspora. This will open up some prospects for initial stage especially valuable for a visitor.

Official employment procedure

Foreigners who are in France as tourists or by private invitation do not have the right to work. To be able to find a job, you must first obtain a work visa. The procedure for obtaining it is quite lengthy and complicated. In France, there are two types of work visas - short-term for 90 days and long-term for over 3 months.

Sequence of actions

To obtain a work visa and legally find employment in France, CIS citizens need to carry out a number of preparatory actions:

  1. Pre-find a job and conclude an agreement with the employer.
  2. The employer proves to the Department of Employment Affairs that he could not find a French citizen with the appropriate skills and qualifications for this position, or the French are not satisfied with this vacancy.
  3. The applicant undergoes a special medical examination.
  4. The required package of documents is collected and submitted to the French diplomatic mission.
  5. A work visa is issued.

Types of work permits

To officially work in France, you must obtain a work permit. The future employer will make a request to the Department of Employment Problems and will deal with issues related to paperwork.

A work permit can be:

  • temporary– issued for a period of up to 18 months without the possibility of extension;
  • long-term– valid for up to 10 years if there is a signed contract for permanent work.

Categories that do not require a work permit

Exempt from the need to obtain a work permit:

  • foreign workers on a business trip in France;
  • immigrants from EU countries, as well as citizens of Switzerland, Norway, and Iceland.

List of required documents

The required list includes:

  • two completed application forms;
  • citizen's passport and international passport with attached copies of all pages;
  • two photographs of the established sample;
  • contract with the employer;
  • documentary evidence that the applicant is in the country of permanent residence;
  • health insurance;
  • positive response from the French immigration department;
  • a document confirming the availability of professional skills;
  • receipt of payment for consideration of the application.

Visa application form:

Applying for a work visa

Without this document, it is impossible to legally work in France. Applying for a long-term work visa also has a number of advantages. If available, the immigrant has the opportunity to submit a petition for minor children and immediate relatives to move with him.

Foreign specialists with higher education and five years of experience in professional field, can use the blue card. This is a special work permit. Card validity period is from 1 to 3 years. If necessary, it can be extended up to 5 years. If the employee continues to work in France, he will be able to apply for citizenship.

Criteria for selecting candidates for a work visa

The selection is carried out based on the following criteria:

  • education;
  • age;
  • professional skills, work experience;
  • qualification;
  • level of knowledge of French and English;
  • alleged wages candidate.

Work visa extension

In France, a work visa is a kind of residence permit. Before its validity period expires, documents are submitted to the prefecture at the place of residence. Additionally, attach an application for a residence permit.

Business immigration

This method allows you to be guaranteed to obtain a residence permit in France.

There are several options:

  • purchase of a business or company whose manager is a Frenchman;
  • organizing your own enterprise in France and subsequently obtaining a merchant card.

By law, a foreigner must invest an amount of at least 15,000 euros in the country's economy. After this, an application is submitted and after six months the French diplomatic mission will issue the citizen with the appropriate document.

Internship in France

The country offers a large variety of internships aimed at young people aged 18 to 30 years. The use of this practice allows them not only to work in the summer, but also to travel around France, getting acquainted with local attractions.

Prerequisites for participation in the internship program are knowledge of conversational French and work experience in the service sector or other field.

Consequences of illegal employment

Working illegally in France carries serious consequences. An unscrupulous employer who violates the law may be fined up to 15,000 euros for each illegal immigrant. Migrants themselves are usually deported with a ban on crossing the border and subsequent entry into the country.

As the experience of CIS citizens who applied for a work visa to France shows, the process is associated with incredible difficulties. The reason was the harsh conditions in which French employers were placed by the Migration Committee.