Dream Interpretation: why green grass is dreaming. The meaning and interpretation of the dream

In the morning, waking up, many are wondering what green grass is dreaming of. It is worth noting that in general this vision is favorable. Nevertheless, there are many details that need to be paid attention to for a more accurate interpretation.

Interpretation of the Women's Dream Book

Why dream of grass? Women have an answer for everything. All the subtleties of the structure of the body and psychology were reflected in the meaning of night visions. So, female dream book interprets this phenomenon as follows:

  • Fresh bright green grass is a symbol of a prosperous and happy life.
  • If a woman decides to open her own business or change jobs, such a dream means that all her undertakings will succeed and bring material well-being.
  • Sometimes a dream in which green grass is present can mean that it's time to unleash your creativity. If you start acting immediately, fame and recognition await you.
  • If you have some kind of journey ahead, the green meadow will become a symbol that it will be easy and pleasant.
  • Why dream of green grass over which mountains rise? This is a danger signal. Despite the fact that everything is fine in your life now, you should be prepared for difficulties.
  • If the green grass has dried up or burned out, health problems should be expected. Financial difficulties are also possible.

Interpretation according to the Eastern dream book

Eastern wisdom provides answers to many burning questions. In particular, you can learn useful information about the interpretation of dreams. If you dreamed of grass, this could mean the following:

  • Significant material profit and good health.
  • If you dream about how the grass grows under your doorstep, you can count on rapid career growth and respect.
  • If, while walking on the grass, you get your feet wet with dew, your expectations will be deceived.
  • If in a dream you are trying to breathe in the aroma of grass, but you do not feel it, then your vacation plans will be ruined.
  • If in a dream you weed weeds, then soon you will get rid of all envious people and enemies.
  • A dream in which you chew grass portends disappointment in friends.
  • If you watch someone mow the grass, then one of your loved ones will make a significant profit. Some of it will be yours.

Interpretation according to Aesop's dream book

The legendary ancient Greek poet Aesop had his own opinion about what green grass is dreaming of. He perceived it as echoes of the past that you would like to return. In addition, there are a number of interpretations:

Interpretation of the Family Dream Book

If you have already started a family, you will ask completely different questions by opening the dream book. Why dream of green grass? For family people, this can mean the following:

  • Green grass is a symbol of peace and financial well-being in family.
  • If you walk on green grass, then you have created a solid foundation that will provide confidence in tomorrow for you and your family.
  • If in a dream you see yellowed grass, most likely there is a crisis in your family. You need to take action in time to save the relationship.
  • A dream in which you trample or pull out grass is a negative signal. Review your behavior. Perhaps you are being selfish.

Interpretation according to the French dream book

The same dreams can be interpreted in completely different ways by representatives of different cultures. So, the French are disheartened by the question of what the green grass in the yard is dreaming of. Such a vision can symbolize:

  • Grass is a symbol of betrayal. Perhaps your friend, loved one or relative will surprise you unpleasantly.
  • If green grass grows in pots on the windowsill or in beds in the garden, there is a risk that you will encounter difficulties in working.
  • If in a dream you had to eat grass or any other greens, you should consult a doctor. Perhaps you have some hidden health problems.
  • Dry grass is a harbinger of large material costs ahead of you.

Interpretation according to the Modern Dream Book

Modern life has made some adjustments to the interpretation of dreams. If you dreamed of green grass, this could mean the following:

  • Happiness in personal life and success in work.
  • Why dream of mowed green grass? To pleasant chores and joyful events.
  • If the grass in your dream has become dry and lifeless, you are doing the wrong thing. Perhaps, by deciding to change jobs, you will succeed and improve your financial situation.
  • If you dreamed about how you admire the lush greenery of the grass, then you will meet new acquaintances and pleasant impressions.
  • If you lay down on the grass to relax, in reality you have to go to a resort or have a good time with loved ones.
  • If you have health problems, they will soon recede.

Interpretation according to the Gypsy dream book

There are legends about the wisdom and insight of the gypsy people. Regarding the dream in which the grass appeared, we can say the following:

  • Why dream green grass? Tall and juicy are true, reliable friends on whom you can always rely.
  • Grass means that you are a very down to earth and practical person. You shouldn't have your head in the clouds when the simplest things can bring you happiness.
  • If you brew some kind of potion from grass, disappointment awaits you, which will make you look at others differently.
  • If you dreamed about how you collect medicinal herb or you see dry bunches with it, you will soon get rid of your problems and illnesses.

Interpretation according to Miller's dream book

  • Juicy greenery, covered with dew, testifies to good health, peace of mind and material well-being.
  • If the grass is too high, this indicates your carelessness. Don't let your current prosperity blind you. You must always be ready to fight against ill-wishers.
  • If you dreamed that the grass began to sprout in the floor of your home, there is a real threat to your well-being.
  • If you dreamed of dry grass, then you think too pessimistically and do not believe in yourself.
  • Why dream of green grass in winter? You may be able to get rid of problems that have been bothering you for a long period of time.

Interpretation according to the Esoteric dream book

Sleep is a real mystery that hides many mysteries. According to the esoteric interpreter, green grass means the following:

  • Sleep can be a harbinger of deception. And the person you trusted will disappoint you.
  • If you mow green grass, it means that soon you will have the opportunity to realize yourself in your work. Take advantage of this chance to ensure your confidence in the future.
  • If you see thickets of tall green grass ahead, the losing streak will soon end. You can count on success in your work and personal life.
  • If you see a green field with islands of dry grass, be prepared to overcome obstacles on the way to your goal.


Many do not take dreams seriously, considering them nothing more than games of consciousness and a reflection of human thoughts. Nevertheless, as practice shows, night visions carry valuable information. Dream interpretation is not just an attempt to predict the future. This is a search for hints and warnings.

Why dream houseplants? If in a dream they bloom, then family life will delight with small joys, if faded, then be prepared for difficulties in the house. The correct interpretation, taking into account various details, will be given by the dream book.

What are you hiding?

Why dream of many indoor plantings? This is a clear sign that you are trying to hide your innermost feelings from others.

Many different flowers, according to the dream book, symbolize regret for the past joy and new hopes.

Did you happen to see many different plants? Your life will be filled with equally diverse events.

Live well!

Dreamed of indoor plants in a pot? This is a reflection of your moods for the near future. By the appearance and condition of plant pets, one can judge their character.

If you dreamed of a climbing plant in a pot, then one of the household members is clearly sitting on your neck.

In a dream, a flower in a pot of earth reflects prosperity and a long life. If you were presented with a potted flower, then news of the death of a relative is coming.

Interpretation according to Miller

Why do green houseplants dream? Miller's dream book is sure that worries are coming, which, however, will bring deep moral satisfaction.

When to interpret?

If you dreamed of green plants, then you deserve well-being. The dream book also believes that this is a hint of gaining knowledge that will bring understanding and happiness in the future.

In general, green indoor plants are a background decoration in a dream. And the interpretation of sleep matters only if this or that planting attracts attention with something.

Decoding by type

In this version, the dream book advises to recall its appearance or at least color as accurately as possible.

  • White - joy, holiday.
  • Yellow is a minor obstacle.
  • Red - movement, progress.
  • Black - mourning. disease.
  • Brown - treason.
  • Curly - lies, gossip.
  • Cactus - alienation, callousness.

If a geranium is seen, then a secret desire will come true. Seeing an orchid in a dream is good luck in a risky venture or a win.


Did flower roots appear in the night? The dream interpretation suspects that you need to reconsider a certain problem, get to its essence.

If the roots are damaged, then serious miscalculations will harm your plans. Try to rethink the situation and find weakness in it before the irreparable happens.

Don't get carried away!

Why dream of flowering houseplants? This is an eloquent sign of a cloudless and fairly wealthy family life.

Seeing flowering sprouts in a dream means that you will hear an unexpected compliment from your lover.

If you dreamed of only leaves and stems without a flower, then the dream book believes that you will literally be captured by the cycle of household chores, and you will forget about other pleasures.

Dont be upset!

Did you have a chance to water the bores in pots on the windowsill in a dream? The case in which you are involved will bring losses and frustration.

The meaning of sleep depends on the type of plant, as well as on how you used it in a dream.

Lush, green meadow plants- such a dream promises you pleasant worries that will give you deep satisfaction. Evergreens (juniper, spruce, pine) promise you good health and income growth. Grow evergreen- to the acquisition of knowledge, which in the future will become the key to your well-being. look after garden plants- children's health, well-being and harmony in the family. If you see that in your garden, along with useful plants weeds grow, this warns you that quarrels and misunderstandings are possible in your family.

Imagine that you are weeding all the weeds, leaving only cultivated plants.

Poisonous plants dream of gossip, intrigue, intrigue. Well, if in a dream you weed out poisonous grass and throw it into the fire, this means that in reality you will cope with all the attacks of enemies. If you get hurt on such a plant and the poison gets into the blood - be careful. Your envious people are preparing a trick for you, which can be the cause of a major failure. The dream in which you were poisoned by tasting a poisonous plant has the same meaning.

If you had such a dream, imagine that you are taking an antidote and the poison loses its power.

blooming brightly, beautiful plants dream of profit and wealth. If in a dream you collect a bouquet of wild flowers and bring them home - a dream means some good changes that will affect your home. Perhaps you decide to do a facelift.

Home plants - peace in the house and harmonious relationship children and parents. Watering home plants is a family trip. Climbing plants entangling your house - you will have an annoying friend who will not be so easy for you to get rid of.

If you dreamed of a climbing plant, imagine taking it off your house and wrapping it around an iron post.

thickets thorny plants, creepers, impenetrable jungle predict you that soon you will encounter an obstacle, to overcome which you will need all your strength and connections.

If you dreamed of the jungle, imagine that you take out a very sharp hatchet and quickly cut your path.

Interpretation of dreams from

The meaning of sleep depends on the type of plant, as well as on how you used it in a dream.

Lush, green meadow plants - such a dream promises you pleasant worries that will give you deep satisfaction. Evergreens (juniper, spruce, pine) promise you good health and income growth. To grow an evergreen plant is to acquire knowledge that will become the key to your well-being in the future. Caring for garden plants - children's health, well-being and harmony in the family. If you see that weeds grow in your garden along with useful plants, this warns you that quarrels and misunderstandings are possible in your family.

Imagine that you are weeding all the weeds, leaving only cultivated plants.

Poisonous plants dream of gossip, intrigue, intrigue. Well, if in a dream you weed out poisonous grass and throw it into the fire, this means that in reality you will cope with all the attacks of enemies. If you get hurt on such a plant and the poison gets into the blood - be careful. Your envious people are preparing a trick for you, which can be the cause of a major failure. The dream in which you were poisoned by tasting a poisonous plant has the same meaning.

If you had such a dream, imagine that you are taking an antidote and the poison loses its power.

Brightly flowering, beautiful plants dream of profit and wealth. If in a dream you collect a bouquet of wild flowers and bring them home - a dream means some good changes that will affect your home. Perhaps you decide to do a facelift.

Home plants - peace in the house and harmonious relations between children and parents. Watering home plants is a family trip. Climbing plants entangling your house - you will have an annoying friend who will not be so easy for you to get rid of.

If you dreamed of a climbing plant, imagine taking it off your house and wrapping it around an iron post.

Thickets of thorny plants, creepers, impenetrable jungle predict you that soon you will encounter an obstacle, to overcome which you will need all your strength and connections.

If you dreamed of the jungle, imagine that you take out a very sharp hatchet and quickly cut your path.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

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Near your home - promises prosperity and the acquisition of knowledge that will help you become happy.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

Plants- symbolize life, therefore their nature and their states (juicy, green or dried) are important.

Succulent, green plants- to well-being.

withered- to illness, the end of a relationship.

Freud's dream book

Various plants, their thickets, crops, etc.- symbolize your sexual ideas and fantasies. Additional information is required to interpret such a dream.

Dream Interpretation of Lovers

cultivated plants - portend love between spouses, peace in the family and comfort in the house.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Plants in a dream- symbolize current worries and reflect the state of certain affairs. different plants have different meanings, as described in the relevant articles.

withered plants- warn of possible failures or problems. After such a dream, you should be more careful in business and more attentive to your own health.

weed plants- symbolize interference. Such dreams warn you of mistakes made that could harm your business.

see many different- sometimes: regret about past joys.

Lot climbing plants - gossip or lies through which the truth is not visible.

On stone, sand- moods caused not by external events, but by the efforts of the will.

If you had a bad dream:

Don't worry - it's just a dream. Thanks for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Tell in opened window: “Where the night is, there is a dream. All good things stay, all bad things go away.

Open the faucet and tell the dream to flowing running water.

Wash yourself three times with the words "Where the water flows, the dream goes there."

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: "As this salt has melted, so my dream will go away, it will not bring harm."

Turn bedding inside out.

Don't tell anyone bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.