Black fiberglass reinforcement. Use of fiberglass composite reinforcement

Which appeared on the construction market relatively recently, has both advantages and disadvantages, which the consumer must be aware of. Despite the assurances of manufacturers that this product is a complete replacement for metal fittings, its use cannot be considered justified in all situations.

What is fiberglass reinforcement

The so-called composite reinforcement is a fiberglass rod around which a carbon fiber thread is wound, which serves not only to strengthen the structure of such a product, but also to ensure its reliable adhesion to concrete mortar. At the fittings of this type There are both pros and cons, and its use should be approached very carefully.

Plastic clamps serve as elements for fixing carbon fiber reinforcement bars to each other. Conveniently, connecting the elements of such fittings does not require the use of welding, which is undoubtedly a big plus.

When assessing the feasibility of using fiberglass reinforcement, it is necessary to consider all the pros and cons of its use in individual situations. This approach will ensure high efficiency this material as a means of strengthening building structures for various purposes.

If you do not take into account the characteristics of fiberglass reinforcement and do not compare them with the parameters of similar products made of metal, you can cause serious damage to the future building structure or finishing elements. That is why, before you start choosing elements for reinforcing concrete structures, you should understand in which cases the use of certain products is more appropriate.

Key Benefits

Among the advantages of carbon fiber reinforcement, it is worth highlighting the following.

  • An important advantage of fiberglass reinforcement is its small size. specific gravity, which makes it possible to use it for reinforcing light structures made of cellular concrete and some other building materials. This allows you to significantly reduce the weight of structures that are reinforced with its help. Meanwhile, the weight of a conventional concrete structure when using fiberglass reinforcement will decrease slightly, since the building material itself has an impressive mass.
  • Low thermal conductivity is also one of the advantages of fiberglass reinforcement. When using such reinforcement in concrete structures, cold bridges do not form (which cannot be said about metal reinforcing elements), which significantly improves their thermal insulation parameters.
  • The high flexibility of fiberglass reinforcement allows it to be shipped to the customer in coils, rather than cut into individual rods. Thanks to the compact form of packaging, it is much easier to transport such reinforcement, for which you can use the trunk of any passenger car, and this seriously reduces the cost of delivering the material to the place of execution construction work. The use of reinforcing elements, which are shipped not in cut rods, but in coils, also makes it possible to reduce material costs by reducing the number of overlaps. This has a positive effect on both the strength characteristics of the future concrete structure and its cost, which is especially important when performing construction work.
  • The advantage of fiberglass reinforcement, such as its durability inside a concrete structure, is considered quite controversial. Metal fittings, being in an isolated state, are also not subject to negative influence external factors, which ensures the durability of its use.
  • Carbon fiber reinforcement is a dielectric material, which is an advantage of products made from of this material. Conductive electric current metal fittings are more susceptible to corrosion, which negatively affects its durability.
  • Compared to metal reinforcing elements, fiberglass products are not exposed to chemically active environments. This advantage of fiberglass reinforcement is especially important in cases of construction of buildings in winter time when various saline solutions, accelerating the hardening process.
  • Being a dielectric, carbon fiber reinforcement does not create radio interference inside the building, unlike metal rods. This advantage is important when there are many reinforcing elements in a concrete structure. Otherwise use composite reinforcement It won’t be a minus, but it won’t be as relevant.

Fiberglass reinforcement also has disadvantages, which potential consumers should also be aware of.

Main disadvantages

The disadvantages of fiberglass reinforcement are associated with its following characteristics.

  • The disadvantages of fiberglass reinforcement include, in particular, the fact that it cannot withstand high temperatures. At the same time, it is difficult to imagine a situation where a reinforcement cage located inside concrete can be heated to a temperature of 200 degrees.
  • The fairly high cost is a drawback, given the fact that for reinforcement concrete structures you can use fiberglass reinforcement of a smaller diameter in comparison with metal products.
  • Carbon fiber reinforcement does not bend well. This drawback limits its use in creating reinforcing frames for concrete structures. Meanwhile, bent sections of the reinforcement frame can be made from steel elements, and then they can be extended using fiberglass rods.
  • Reinforcement made of fiberglass does not withstand fracture loads well, which is very critical for concrete structures. Accordingly, their reinforcing frame must successfully withstand such loads, which reinforcement made of composite materials cannot boast of.
  • Unlike metal reinforcement frames, fiberglass products have less rigidity. Because of this drawback, they do not tolerate vibration loads that occur when pouring them using a car mixer. When using this technique, the reinforcement frame is subjected to significant mechanical loads, which can cause its breakage and disruption of the spatial position of its elements, therefore quite high demands are placed on the rigidity of such concrete structures.

Considering the advantages and disadvantages of fiberglass reinforcement, it is difficult to say how much better or worse it is made of metal. In any case, the choice of this material should be approached very reasonably, using it to solve the problems for which it is really intended.

Areas of application of fiberglass reinforcement

Reinforcement made of composite materials, the installation rules of which are easy to learn from the corresponding videos, is used in both capital and private construction. Since capital construction is carried out by qualified specialists who are well acquainted with the nuances and disadvantages of using certain building materials, we will dwell on the features of using such material in the construction of private low-rise buildings.

  • Reinforcement made from composite materials is successfully used to strengthen foundation structures following types: strip, the height of which is greater than the depth of soil freezing, and slab. The use of carbon fiber reinforcement to strengthen foundations is advisable only in cases where the structure is being erected on good soil, where concrete bases will not be subjected to fracture loads that fiberglass elements simply cannot withstand.
  • With the help of fiberglass reinforcement, walls are strengthened, the masonry of which is made of brick, gas silicate and other blocks. It should be noted that, as a connecting element of walls, composite reinforcement is very popular among private developers who use it not only to strengthen masonry load-bearing structures, but also to ensure their connection with the facing partitions.
  • This material is also actively used to bind elements of multilayer panels. The structure of the latter includes a layer of insulation and concrete elements, which are connected to each other using fiberglass reinforcement.
  • Due to the fact that the type of reinforcement in question does not have such a disadvantage as susceptibility to corrosion, it is often used to strengthen various hydraulic structures (for example, dams and pools).
  • In cases where it is necessary to effectively increase the rigidity of glued wooden beams, they are also strengthened with fiberglass reinforcement.
  • This material is also used in road construction: it is used to strengthen the asphalt layer, which is subjected to increased loads during its operation.

Summarizing all of the above, it should be noted that fiberglass reinforcement can be used quite effectively, if we take into account its disadvantages and associated limitations, which are specified by the manufacturer.

Can fiberglass reinforcement replace metal counterparts?

Despite the fact that reinforcement made from composite materials is a fairly new material on the construction market, you can already find many recommendations (and even videos) on its use. Considering these recommendations, we can conclude that it is best to use fiberglass reinforcement to strengthen walls built from bricks and building blocks, as well as for communications load-bearing walls with interior partitions.

Fiberglass reinforcement is a building material that is made from glass roving, connected using an epoxy compound based on thermoactive resins. The main feature is lightness; the mass per unit volume is only 2g/mm³. Working with fiberglass reinforcement is more convenient and economically feasible than working with metal reinforcement. Significantly lower costs are required for logistics and directly during reinforcement.

In addition, due to the fact that fiberglass does not react to aggressive environments, the reinforcement protects concrete from premature destruction, thereby increasing the service life of the object. Fiberglass reinforcement reacts to temperature changes similarly to concrete, which also has a good effect on the strength of the structure.

The strength of fiberglass compared to metal is 2.5 times higher. At the same time, the thermal conductivity index is 100 times lower than the thermal conductivity index of steel. Therefore, a structure that is reinforced with fiberglass does not freeze (does not form “cold bridges”) and a building built using fiberglass will be warmer than a building based on metal reinforcement. This allows you to reduce heating costs, and therefore the material is actively used in the construction of modern energy-efficient buildings.

Another undeniable advantage that may interest builders is the fact that fiberglass is surprisingly durable material, which for 100 years after installation does not require additional repair work. This is what it is famous for fiberglass reinforcement for the foundation.

Fiberglass reinforcement has found its application in many areas of industry, construction, utilities:

  • in construction it is used in the construction of civil and industrial construction as a basis for foundations, floors, beams, as well as for the construction of earthquake-resistant belts;
  • in the construction and repair of roads, reinforcement is used in the construction of embankments, road surface, during the construction of bridges and highway barriers. It is resistant to reagents applied to road surfaces(for example, anti-icing reagents), therefore it can be used both in Moscow and in colder regions.

Fiberglass reinforcement will be an ideal basis for concrete and brick structures. It is used in the creation of supports for power lines and lighting, in the construction of road, sidewalk and fence slabs, as well as in the installation of sleepers on railway tracks. Reinforcement for floors, where a mesh of reinforcement is used, even together with metal, has become widely used.

Fiberglass is applicable in such building structures like a monolithic foundation and foam concrete. It is also actively used in the creation of structures that must have increased resistance to chemicals, for example:

  • during the construction of storage facilities for chemical waste and components;
  • when installing sewerage systems, water pipelines, land reclamation systems;
  • during the construction of port facilities and during the strengthening of coastlines.

Despite the uniqueness of the product, the price of fiberglass reinforcement in Moscow, which is indicated on our website, is available material both for construction organizations and individuals. Its cost is 40-50% lower than the cost of steel reinforcement, which allows you to significantly reduce costs and at the same time improve the quality of constructed objects. In general, composite reinforcement can be called one of the most reliable and efficient building materials of our time.

This reinforcement is made from straight strands of glass or basalt fibers (ASP and ABP, respectively), which are collected into a bundle, impregnated with a thermosetting polymer binder, molded, heated (polymerized) and cooled. The result is a monolithic rod of high strength, which, according to test results, is 3 times higher than the tensile strength of steel, and the weight, in an equal strength ratio, is 9 times less.

Standardly manufactured in the form of rods of any length, at the request of the customer. With a diameter of up to 8 mm inclusive, it can be manufactured in the form of coils (coils) containing 100 meters of reinforcement. Overall dimensions of the coil: height – up to 8 cm, diameter – up to 1 meter.

release form

With a diameter of 10 mm and 12 mm, it can be manufactured in the form of coils (coil fittings) having a length of 50 meters. Overall dimensions of the coil: height – up to 5 cm, diameter – up to 1.5 meters.

By agreement with the customer, it is possible to produce rods and coils of any length.
Can be manufactured with a smooth, construction, periodic profile:

  • ASP-ABP of periodic profile, used instead of steel reinforcement class A-I II (A-400);
  • ASP-ABP with a smooth profile is used instead of steel reinforcement of class A-I (A-240).

Fiberglass reinforcement is becoming more and more popular and its use is becoming more and more relevant every year, because it is a complete replacement for traditional steel rods of different grades. High performance strength, optimal operational properties, low specific gravity and low price are factors that determine the popularity of the use of reinforcing non-metallic elements in all areas of construction.

Fiberglass reinforcement, which appeared on domestic market relatively recently, it has become a worthy alternative to traditional rods made of metal. Glass reinforcement, as this material is also called, has many unique characteristics that set it apart from other products of similar purpose. Meanwhile, you should approach your choice very carefully.

What is fiberglass reinforcement

Fiberglass reinforcement, if you understand its design features, is a non-metallic rod, the surface of which is coated with fiberglass. The diameter of the spiral profile of reinforcement made of composite materials can vary in the range of 4–18 mm. If the diameter of the rod of such reinforcement does not exceed 10 mm, then it is sold to the customer in coils; if it exceeds, then in rods, the length of which can reach up to 12 meters.

Can be used for the manufacture of composite reinforcement various types reinforcing fillers, depending on this it is divided into several categories:

  • ASK – products made on the basis of fiberglass;
  • AUK – carbon composite reinforcing products;
  • ACC – reinforcement made of combined composite materials.

In the domestic market, fiberglass reinforcement is most widespread.

Features of the structure

Fiberglass reinforcement is not just a rod made of composite material. It consists of two main parts.

  • The inner rod consists of parallel fiberglass fibers connected to each other using a polymer resin. Some manufacturers produce reinforcement, the fibers of the inner trunk of which are not parallel to each other, but are curled into a pigtail. It should be noted that it is the inner rod of the fiberglass reinforcement that forms its strength characteristics.
  • The outer layer of a reinforcing bar made of fiberglass can be made in the form of bidirectional winding of fibers of a composite material or in the form of spraying of fine abrasive powder.

The design of fiberglass reinforcement bars, which largely determines their technical and strength characteristics, depends on the imagination of the manufacturers and the manufacturing technologies they use for this material.

Basic properties

Fiberglass reinforcement, according to the results of numerous studies conducted by competent organizations, has a number of characteristics that distinguish it favorably from other materials of similar purpose.

  • Fiberglass reinforcement bars have a low weight, which is 9 times less than the weight of similar metal products.
  • Fiberglass reinforcement, unlike metal products, is very resistant to corrosion and perfectly withstands acidic, alkaline and salty environments. If we compare the corrosion resistance of such reinforcement with similar properties of steel products, it is 10 times higher.
  • The property of fiberglass reinforcement to conduct heat is significantly lower than that of metal products, which minimizes the risk of cold bridges occurring during its use.
  • Due to the fact that fiberglass reinforcement is much easier to transport, and its service life is much longer than that of metal, its use is more profitable in financial terms.
  • Fiberglass reinforcement is a dielectric material that does not conduct electric current and is absolutely transparent to electromagnetic waves.
  • Using such material to create reinforcing structures is much simpler than metal rods; there is no need to use welding equipment and technical devices for cutting metal.

Thanks to its undeniable advantages, fiberglass reinforcement, having appeared relatively recently on the domestic market, has already gained high popularity among both large construction organizations and private developers. However, such fittings also have a number of disadvantages, the most significant of which include:

  • fairly low elastic modulus;
  • not too high thermal stability.

The low modulus of elasticity of fiberglass reinforcement is a plus in the manufacture of frames to strengthen the foundation, but a big disadvantage if it is used to reinforce floor slabs. If it is necessary to turn to this particular reinforcement in such cases, it is necessary to first carry out careful calculations.

The low thermal stability of fiberglass reinforcement is a more serious drawback that limits its use. Despite the fact that such reinforcement belongs to the category of self-extinguishing materials and is not capable of serving as a source of fire spread when used in concrete structures, when high temperatures it loses its strength characteristics. For this reason, such reinforcement can only be used to strengthen those structures that are not exposed to high temperatures during operation.

Another significant disadvantage of reinforcement made of fiberglass is that over time it loses its strength characteristics. This process is significantly accelerated if it is exposed to alkaline environments. Meanwhile, this disadvantage can be avoided if you use fiberglass reinforcement made with the addition of rare earth metals.

How and from what are fiberglass reinforcement made?

Many people are familiar with fiberglass reinforcement not only from photos on the Internet, but also from practical use in construction, but few people know how it is produced. The technological process for the production of fiberglass reinforcing bars, which is very interesting to watch on video, is easy to automate and can be implemented on the basis of both large and small production enterprises.

To make such building material First of all, it is necessary to prepare the raw material, which is aluminoborsilicate glass. To give the raw material the required degree of ductility, it is melted in special furnaces and threads with a thickness of 10–20 microns are drawn from the resulting mass. The thickness of the resulting threads is so small that if you take them in a photo or video, you won’t be able to see them without enlarging the resulting image. An oil-containing composition is applied to the glass fibers using a special device. Then they are formed into bundles, which are called glass roving. It is these bundles, assembled from many thin threads, that are the basis of fiberglass reinforcement and largely form its technical and strength characteristics.

After the fiberglass strands are prepared, they are fed to the production line, where they are turned into reinforcing bars. various diameters And different lengths. Further process, which you can get acquainted with through numerous videos on the Internet, looks like this.

  • Through special equipment (a creel), the threads are fed to a tensioning device, which simultaneously performs two tasks: it equalizes the tension present in the glass threads, arranges them in a certain sequence, and forms the future reinforcing bar.
  • Bundles of threads, on the surface of which an oil-containing composition has previously been applied, are sprayed with hot air, which is necessary not only for drying them, but also for slight heating.
  • Bundles of threads heated to the required temperature are lowered into special baths, where they are impregnated with a binder, also heated to a certain temperature.
  • Then the bundles of threads are passed through a mechanism, with the help of which the final formation of the reinforcing bar of the required diameter is carried out.
  • If reinforcement is manufactured not with a smooth, but with a relief profile, then immediately after leaving the calibration mechanism, bundles of glass fibers are wound onto the main rod.
  • To speed up the process of polymerization of binder resins, the finished reinforcing bar is fed into a tunnel kiln, before entering which a layer of fine sand is applied to the bars made without coiling.
  • After leaving the furnace, when the fiberglass reinforcement is almost ready, the rods are cooled with running water and submitted for cutting or to a mechanism for winding them into coils.

Thus, the technological process of manufacturing fiberglass reinforcement is not so complicated, as can be judged even from photos or videos of its individual stages. However, such a process requires the use special equipment and strict adherence to all regimes.

In the video below you can more clearly familiarize yourself with the production process of composite glass reinforcement using the example of the operation of the TLKA-2 production line.

Parameters – weight, diameter, winding pitch

The fittings for the manufacture of which fiberglass is used are characterized by a number of parameters that determine the scope of its application. The most significant include:

  • weight of one linear meter reinforcing bar;
  • for products with a relief profile - the pitch of winding fiberglass bundles on their surface;
  • diameter of the reinforcing bar.

Today, reinforcement with a relief profile is produced mainly with a winding pitch of 15 mm.

The outer diameter of the reinforcing bar is characterized by a number that is assigned to the product in accordance with Technical specifications production of similar products. In accordance with the technical specifications, fiberglass reinforcing bars are today produced under the following numbers: 4; 5; 5.5; 6; 7; 8; 10; 12; 14; 16; 18. Weight per linear meter of fiberglass reinforcing bars presented on modern market, varies between 0.02–0.42 kg.

Types of fiberglass reinforcement and areas of its application

The fittings for the production of which fiberglass is used have many varieties, differing not only in diameter and profile shape (smooth and corrugated), but also in area of ​​use. Thus, experts distinguish fiberglass reinforcement:

  • working;
  • installation room;
  • distribution;
  • specially designed for reinforcing concrete structures.

Depending on the tasks being solved, such fittings can be used in the form of:

  • piece rods;
  • elements of reinforcing mesh;
  • reinforcement cages various designs and dimensions.

Despite the fact that reinforcement made of fiberglass has appeared on the domestic market recently, enterprises construction companies and individuals are already quite actively using it to solve various problems. Thus, the use of fiberglass reinforcement in construction is gaining popularity. It is used to reinforce foundations and other concrete structures (drainage wells, walls, etc.), and is used to strengthen masonry made from brick and block materials. The technical characteristics of fiberglass reinforcement allow it to be successfully used in road construction: for reinforcing road surfaces, strengthening embankments and weak foundations, and creating monolithic concrete foundations.

Individuals who independently engage in construction on their own personal plot or at the dacha, we also managed to appreciate the merits of this material. An interesting experience is the use of fiberglass reinforcement in dachas and in the gardens of private houses as arcs for the construction of greenhouses. On the Internet you can find many photos of such neat and reliable structures that are not subject to corrosion, are easy to install and just as easy to dismantle.

The big advantage of using such material (especially for individuals) is the ease of transportation. Fiberglass reinforcement wound into a compact coil can be taken even to passenger car, which cannot be said about metal products.

Which is better - fiberglass or steel?

To answer the question of which reinforcement is better to use - steel or fiberglass - you should compare the main parameters of these materials.

  • If reinforcing bars made of steel have both elasticity and plasticity, then fiberglass products have only elasticity.
  • In terms of tensile strength, fiberglass products are significantly superior to metal ones: 1300 and 390 MPa, respectively.
  • Glass fiber is also more preferable in terms of thermal conductivity: 0.35 W/m*C0 - versus 46 for steel.
  • The density of steel reinforcing bars is 7850 kg/m3, and that of fiberglass is 1900 kg/m3.
  • Fiberglass products, unlike steel reinforcing bars, have exceptional corrosion resistance.
  • Fiberglass is a dielectric material, so products made from it do not conduct electric current and are absolutely transparent to electromagnetic waves, which is especially important when constructing structures for certain purposes (laboratories, research centers, etc.).

Meanwhile, fiberglass products do not work well in bending, which limits their use for reinforcing floor slabs and other heavily loaded concrete structures. Economic feasibility Another advantage of using reinforcing bars made from composite materials is that you can purchase exactly the quantity you need, which makes their use virtually waste-free.

Let's summarize all of the above. Even taking into account all the unique characteristics of composite reinforcement, it should be used very carefully and only in those areas where this material performs best. It is undesirable to use such reinforcement to strengthen concrete structures, which during operation will experience very serious loads that can cause its destruction. In all other cases, the use of fiberglass reinforcement and other composite materials has proven its effectiveness.

Fiberglass reinforcement is a modern development that can significantly facilitate foundation and concrete work. The method is new, so when choosing, it is important to know its characteristics, advantages and disadvantages in comparison with metal fittings.

AKS - what is it, its structure and appearance

Composite reinforcement is a round rod with knurled stiffening ribs. Made from fiberglass. Available in various sections. Its diameter, depending on the required strength of the products, can vary from 4 mm to 18 mm. Workpieces can be cut into lengths up to 12 m.

For ease of transportation, twisting of the reinforcement is used if its cross-section is up to 10 mm in diameter. Additional strength is achieved by using continuous fiberglass fiber production. This method foreign manufacturers call it polymer equipment.

In our documents, the fiberglass reinforcing part is designated by the abbreviation AKS. Fiberglass reinforcement is made of 2 main parts:

  • the main part is the central barrel. It is made of parallel fiberglass threads. A polymer resin is used to connect them. This device gives the product additional strength;
  • external coils or sprinkling for better joining with concrete. They are applied in the form of several spirals along the entire length of the main trunk. Two methods of manufacturing coils are used - powder coating and bidirectional winding of fins. Composite reinforcement is available in various types of central rod. A pigtail made of carbon fiber is one of the types of this part.

Physical properties and materials used in the production of reinforcing products

The main characteristics were obtained after a series of scientific research and the introduction of the latest developments. Some properties allow it to be used for reinforcement in residential and industrial construction:

  • light weight of products - steel reinforcement is an order of magnitude heavier (9 times);
  • not subject to destruction from corrosion, exposure to acids, alkalis. According to this indicator, metal fittings are inferior by 10 points;
  • low level of thermal conductivity. When arranging foundations and floor slabs, the possibility of thermal insulation failure due to cold bridges is reduced to 0.
  • light and flexible– this quality simplifies its delivery and work;
  • does not conduct electricity, is not affected by stray currents;
  • thanks to plasticity takes any shape, no welding or cutting machines required.

Thanks to these characteristics, reinforcing the foundation with fiberglass reinforcement becomes justified both in production and economic terms. Much in this matter is decided by the material used for the production of ASP. The industry produces composite non-metallic reinforcement from several types of modern plastics. They have a base made of the following materials:

  1. Fiberglass.
  2. Carbon fiber.
  3. Basalt-plastic.
  4. Made from aramid.
  5. Material created on the basis of glass-reinforced polyethylene terephthalate.

The price of some materials does not allow their use in mass quantities. For this reason, 2 types of materials are most popular. These are fiberglass and basalt plastic products. The main trunk is woven from many strands of material. They are connected using thermoactive synthetic resins.

To securely connect the rod, either sand coating is applied, or the barrel is wrapped around several turns running in a spiral. When using fiberglass reinforcement, one should take into account its property of slight stretching in a concrete product. In this case, there will be very little contact with the concrete and separation of the coils or abrasive coating will occur.

Products made of basalt plastic do not have a reliable connection with concrete. The best fixation is provided by coils made of carbon fiber, applied to the fiberglass main barrel. In this case, the load is evenly distributed over the entire part and the rod is normally fixed to the concrete mass.

Advantages and disadvantages of use

Reviews from builders allow us to recognize the following main advantages:

  • light weight of products It not only makes the work of workers easier, but also makes the structures quite light. Therefore, it is used for cellular concrete and other materials that reduce the weight of the structure while maintaining a high level of reliability and strength;
  • metal, capable pass cold through cold bridges. The use of fiberglass reinforcement eliminates this possibility; this advantage is especially important when monolithic construction buildings;
  • consumption decreases material when packaging it in coils. The lashes are produced in lengths of 12 meters, which allows for more economical cutting. This point is especially important in private construction, when every ruble spent is scrupulously calculated;
  • increases economic component, the possibility of tying without overlaps and using welding work;
  • capable of serving for a long time and not losing its properties, but metal, laid in concrete slab also does not decompose;
  • dielectric qualities They provide a guarantee of safe living in the building, but this dignity is debatable. Concrete itself is a dielectric;
  • high level resistance to exposure to chemicals is important when performing foundation work when low temperatures. At this time, various additives are added to the concrete;
  • Does not interfere with the passage of radio waves. This quality is especially important in monolithic construction; metal reinforcement interferes with normal operation mobile communications and the passage of radio signals. The use of composite reinforcement can reduce the level of radio interference in the building.

These products also have disadvantages. A specialist using this material can easily name them:

  • Reinforcing fiberglass(asp) exceeds the cost of steel reinforcement. But this disadvantage is easily offset by the possibility of using thinner reinforcement for a similar type of work;
  • subject to deformation and destruction at high temperatures, but the likelihood of such an impact inside concrete is unrealistic;
  • if used fiberglass reinforcement for the foundation with many turns, it is not possible to bend the parts for bending, but the problem is easily solved. It is enough to take a piece of steel rod, bend it at the desired angle and tie it to the main lash;
  • one of the main disadvantages are low elasticity when the rod breaks. In this case, fiberglass reinforcement is inferior to steel, but it works better in tension. Due to its low resistance to fracture, its use in capital construction is somewhat limited;
  • when using you need to be extremely careful when using the foundation and pouring concrete from a mixer. Glass reinforcement cannot be placed in a rigid frame and under high pressure its integrity may be damaged. Composite mesh is best solution question.

How to knit fiberglass reinforcement, but easier than metal. This does not require the use of different hooks. It is tied together with self-tightening plastic clamps. The operation is simple and requires a minimum of knowledge and tools.

Having considered the advantages and disadvantages, it is impossible to unequivocally answer the question which is better - lightweight plastic or hard steel. Only construction engineers can do this.

Scope of use and main types of reinforcing rods

These products are divided not only by appearance and the method of applying stiffness ribs. The main classification is the scope of use of rods:

  • working;
  • distribution;
  • installation;
  • produced for strengthening concrete products and structures.

The production of various products has been established, depending on the assigned tasks for fittings in construction:

  • separate, different in size, lashes;
  • reinforcing mesh;
  • Depending on the size, frames of various designs and dimensions are produced.

With a short period of use, composite reinforcement is used by various construction organizations. Used for making drainage wells, concrete walls, the strip foundation is reinforced with fiberglass reinforcement. Widely used in road construction.

With its help, they reinforce the canvas, embankments, the bases of highways, and well strengthen the brick and block masonry of walls. Wide Application I received this material both in private households and for arranging various greenhouses and greenhouses, for reinforcing a small foundation. Such structures are lightweight, easy to install and disassemble.

Adding to the popularity of the material is its ease of transportation and operation. For delivery you do not need to order a truck; delivery can be done in a passenger car.

Analysis and comparison of the main parameters of two types of reinforcing materials

You can get a complete and reasoned answer to the question of which fittings are better by carefully comparing the main parameters of plastic and metal fittings.

Properties of materials Steel reinforcement Fiberglass composite
Elasticity and plasticity The metal has a fairly high level of these material properties The fiberglass barrel has a high level of elasticity
Tensile strength Steel reinforcement is inferior to plastic reinforcement in this property. This value for this material is 390 mPa. Fiberglass threads have big advantage. The strength of the material is 1300 mPa.
Thermal conductivity coefficient In this regard, metal is significantly inferior to its opponent. This coefficient is 46 W/(m*K). This value is much less than that of steel and is equal to 0.35 W/(m*K).
Material Density For this characteristic, steel rods are preferable. Their density is 7800 kg/m3. Here, fiberglass is significantly inferior to steel. Its density is 1900 kg/m3.

According to the resistance of plastic to corrosion and chemicals it is preferable to steel. This material is also better in terms of electrical safety and not blocking radio waves into the room. In general, no specialist can decide which material is preferable.

Only by completing other elements of the building and comparing it with the calculation of the structure using steel reinforcement can you get a reasoned answer. And only after this we reinforce the building parts and concrete products calmly and with confidence in the chosen material.

In conclusion, it should be noted.

Experience with this type of reinforcement appeared in construction several decades ago. Despite this, the method has significantly strengthened in the market for materials for performing concrete works. The scope of application of fiberglass reinforcement is quite wide.

This is the production of greenhouses on a peasant farmstead, low-rise construction, use in highway construction. In each of these areas, the consumer receives reliable and lightweight design at minimum costs strength and means.

We will send the material to you by e-mail

The emergence of new technologies in various industries industry has not spared the construction industry. New materials have appeared that have made it possible to reduce construction time installation work and reduce the weight of assembled structures, improve the thermal characteristics of constructed objects and their operational characteristics. One of these materials that appeared on the construction market of our country in recent years, became fiberglass reinforcement, which will be discussed in this article by the editors of the site.

Appearance of reinforcement made of composite materials

Structure, standard sizes and operational characteristics of composite fiberglass reinforcement

A building material made of fiberglass fibers impregnated with a polymer binder, formed in the form of rods with ribs of a given size and cured during the production process, is called fiberglass reinforcement (FRP or FRP).

In its structure, the SPA is a rod consisting of two parts, such as:

  • internal rod – provides the strength characteristics of the product and is made of fiberglass fibers placed parallel to each other or in the form of a pigtail, filled with polymer resin;
  • outer layer - made of composite material fibers wound onto an internal rod or in the form of a fine abrasive applied by spraying.

In addition to the fact that SPA differs in the type of outer layer, it is classified according to standard sizes accordingly:

  • in diameter – from 4.0 to 18.0 mm;
  • length – up to 12 m (when sold in the form of rods).
For your information! Fiberglass reinforcement with a diameter of up to 10.0 mm inclusive can be sold in the form of rods or in coils. If sold in the form of a coil, its length depends on the equipment on which it is manufactured. Reinforcement with a diameter of more than 10.0 mm is sold only in the form of rods.

Main performance characteristics for this material are the following indicators:

  1. Diameter – determines the bending and tensile strength limits of the product.
  2. Weight – characterized by the weight of one linear meter of the product.
  3. The winding pitch is for spas with a relief coating.

Areas of application and types of fiberglass reinforcement

Currently, SPA is sold not only in the form of rods and coils, but is also offered in the form of reinforcing meshes and reinforcement cages various shapes and overall dimensions.

Due to the variety of offers and successful experience in use, this material is used in various construction and installation works, as well as for the manufacture of various structures.

The main areas of use of fiberglass reinforcement are:

For your information! SPA has also found its application in summer cottages: it is successfully used in the manufacture of greenhouses and greenhouses as arcs on which covering material is laid, as well as as fencing and supporting structures for fruit and vegetable crops.

Production and requirements for fiberglass reinforcement

The production of spas is a rather complex technological process that requires special equipment and raw materials.Aluminum borosilicate glass and an oil-containing polymer binder composition are used as feedstock.

All the main elements of the SPA production line are shown in the following figure:

Expert's point of view

Dmitry Kholodok

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“The production of fiberglass reinforcement is regulated by the Interstate Standard GOST 31938-2012 “Composite polymer reinforcement for the reinforcement of concrete structures. General technical conditions."

Pros and cons of composite fiberglass reinforcement

The reason that after its appearance on the market SPA became quite in demand was positive qualities this material, which include:

  • light weight;
  • resistance to oxidation and other types of corrosion;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • long service life;
  • is a dielectric (does not conduct electric current);
  • Possibility of use without the use of welding equipment.

Disadvantages are also present, but they are much smaller, these are:

  • relatively low thermal stability;
  • low elasticity values.

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What to look for when choosing

When the choice fell on the use of fiberglass reinforcement when performing construction and installation work, then when purchasing it you should pay attention to such indicators as:

  • Diameter - must correspond to the declared values.
  • The color of the fittings must be uniform and with shades no darker than those in the declared characteristics.
  • The quality of winding of the outer layer.
  • Products must have appropriate quality certificates and test reports.
Important! Availability of SPA color more dark shades than stated by the manufacturer, indicates that the production process was violated temperature regime manufacturing. Reinforcement of this color is burnt and its technical characteristics cannot correspond to the declared ones.

When choosing a spa, it is best to initially find out the reputation of the company producing this material, for which you should read reviews on the Internet and in other sources of information.

Expert's point of view

Dmitry Kholodok

Technical director of the repair and construction company "ILASSTROY"

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“When winding the outer layer of reinforcement, pinching of the inner rod of the product should not be allowed, because otherwise, the strength characteristics of the spa will be compromised.”

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In the article we will consider the pros and cons of this foundation, its nuances correct filling, as well as what brand of concrete is best to choose to get a high-quality structure.

Which reinforcement is better: metal or fiberglass?

Which reinforcement to choose - metal or fiberglass - is decided at the development stage project documentation, or individually, based on a comparison of the main technical characteristics shown in the table below:

Tensile strength, MPa390 1300
Thermal conductivity coefficient, W/m²×K46 0,35
Density, kg/m³7850 1900
Elasticity+ +
Plastic+ -
Corrosion resistance- +
Dielectric properties- +

Leading manufacturers

The production of composite fiberglass reinforcement is carried out in many regions of our country. This especially applies to areas with developed industrial infrastructure, such as:

  • Moscow and Moscow region - “Moscow Plant Composite Materials", LLC "NPC "SPETSPOLIMER", LLC NPK "ARMASTEK" and others;
  • St. Petersburg and Leningrad region - “Leader-Composite” and others;
  • Yaroslavl - “Yaroslavl Composites Plant”;
  • Yekaterinburg and Sverdlovsk region- “Uralteplostroy”, LLC “UZKT”, LLC “Elpromtekh”, LLC NPF “UralSpetsArmatura”;
  • Saratov - LLC "Povolzhskaya Armatura" (Polarm).
For your information! In many cities, spa production is carried out by small enterprises operating at the local level, so if you need to find a similar production in your region, you need to study the building materials market.

Review of prices and user reviews of composite fiberglass reinforcement

The cost of a SPA depends on its technical characteristics, the place of purchase and the company selling it.

As of the third quarter of 2018, the average cost of fiberglass reinforcement, when sold through dealers of manufacturing companies, is:

ManufacturerBrandDiameter, mmOuter layer type
PC "Composite"ASK8,0 with coiling11,9
10,0 17,9
12,0 26,9
TSA8,0 with sand coating13,9
10,0 23,9
12,0 38,9

Fiberglass reinforcement PC "Composite"

ManufacturerBrandDiameter, mmOuter layer typeCost (as of September, rub./p. meter
"ArmatSoyuz"SPA4,0 with coiling6,9
6,0 7,9
8,0 11,5
10,0 17,5
12,0 26,9
14,0 42,9
16,0 60,9
18,0 94,9

Fiberglass reinforcement "ArmatSoyuz"

ManufacturerBrandDiameter, mmOuter layer typeCost (as of September, rub./p. meter
"Armplast"ASK4,0 with coiling5,5
6,0 7,9
8,0 11,5
10,0 17,9
12,0 26,9
14,0 42,74
16,0 60,52
18,0 94,32
20,0 117,6
22,0 138,99
25,0 180,17
28,0 223,10
32,0 292,74
36,0 312,80

Fiberglass reinforcement "Armplast"

Based on the use of spas, individual developers and professional builders leave their reviews on the Internet. Here are some of them:

Video: review of use when pouring a foundation

Feedback on pouring a slab foundation: