Safety requirements when starting the engine and during its operation. XI

Safety instructions when starting the engine.

Before starting the engine, you must first check technical condition tractor, remove the tool, put the gear lever in neutral, install the distributor lever hanging system neutral position, and turn on the power take-off shaft and pulley (if installed); check the oil level in the crankcase, water in the cooling system and fuel in the tanks; see if there are people under the tractor, behind or in front of it, between the tractor and the machine or implement connected to it. You must not start the engine if any work is being done on a machine or implement connected to the tractor, since the latter may begin to move after starting the engine / there is a malfunction in the gearbox; incomplete disengagement of the gear due to bending of the shift forks, self-switching of the gear due to malfunction of the clamps, etc./.

I. Starting the engine using the starting handle.

When starting the engine, grip the starting handle right hand So, the thumb is placed on the handle along with the rest. If you do not follow this rule and put your thumb towards the other four fingers, then with an overheated engine or with early ignition, the crankshaft, and therefore the starting handle, may jerk in the opposite direction and damage your hand.

1. The crankshaft of the P-46 starting engine of the T-150 tractor must be turned with a half-turn jerk.

II. Starting the engine with a starter cord.

1. There should be a knot at one end of the launcher, and a comfortable handle at the other. After connecting the starter cord to the flywheel, do not wrap the cord around your hand or grasp it, as the flywheel may begin to rotate in the opposite direction, resulting in injury to your hand.

2. If the ignition is not turned on, the flywheel must be rotated using the starting cord, holding it with one hand by the handle, with the other by the knot: the middle of the cord is inserted into the flywheel groove. Before jerking, check the connection of the cord to the flywheel. If the cord knot is poorly placed in the groove of the flywheel, then when pulled, the cord may jump off, and the launcher may fall. Before you jerk the cord, you should look around and check if there are people nearby and if there is a place for jerking, if there are cars and tractors nearby. After this, the cord is pulled by the handle, and the other end is installed so that a friction force arises between the cord and the flywheel. For a sharper and stronger jerk, one leg must be placed with the tractor, but away from the caterpillar track, so that in case of an accidental change in position, the tractor does not crush the leg.

3. When starting a hot engine, do not touch the exhaust pipe while winding the cord, otherwise you may get burned.

4. During starting, you should not stand near the rotating flywheel, especially when the load on the starting engine changes, since when the clutch is engaged and the decompression mechanism is turned off, the flywheel can come off the ring shaft and kill a person standing nearby.

5. On some engines, the decompression mechanism must be turned off with extreme caution, due to the fact that the control lever for this mechanism is located next to the rotating fan. Therefore, before starting the engines of the Belarus tractors /except MTZ-50/, T-33, it is necessary to look where the decompression mechanism lever is located so as not to damage your hand on the rotating fan blades.

6. After starting the engine, disengage the clutch of the starting engine to avoid its “overrunning”.

7. For combines, before starting the engine, the gearbox lever must be set to the neutral position, and the switching lever /thresher switch lever/ to the “off” position.

8. When starting a car engine, take the same precautions as when starting a tractor engine. The gear lever is set to the neutral position, the car is braked with the handbrake, if the latter is not turned on (the handbrake must be on when parked). When using the starting handle to start the engine, you need to stand as close to the car as possible, but so that the handle does not catch the starter. If you stand far from the engine, you will have to strongly tilt the body over the handle, and with possible reverse rotation of the crankshaft, the handle will hit the operator in the body or face.

  1. Persons at least 18 years of age who are recognized as fit for this work are allowed to work as a crusher. medical commission who have undergone training in curriculum crusher, having a certificate for the right to perform this work.
  2. The crusher entering the job must undergo introductory training in safe methods and labor techniques, environmental requirements, as well as initial instruction at the workplace, about which appropriate entries must be made in journals with the obligatory signature of the person being instructed and the person instructing.
  3. Initial training at the workplace is carried out with each crusher individually with practical training in safe methods and techniques of work.
  4. All crushers, after initial instruction at the workplace and testing of knowledge, during the first 3-5 shifts (depending on length of service, experience and nature of the work) perform work under the supervision of a foreman or foreman, after which their admission to work is issued independent work. Admission to independent work is recorded by the date and signature of the instructor in the instruction registration log.
  5. Repeated training with the crusher should be carried out at least after 3 months. Periodic testing of occupational safety knowledge should be carried out once every 12 months.
  6. When changing labor safety rules, conditions and nature of work (receiving a new task, moving to another area of ​​work, replacing or upgrading units or parts, devices, etc.), violation of current labor safety standards and regulations, which led or may lead to injury, accident, fire, during breaks in work for more than 30 calendar days, at the request of the supervisory authorities, unscheduled briefing is carried out. About repeated and unscheduled briefings, a corresponding entry is made in the briefing registration log at the workplace with the obligatory signature of the person being instructed and the person instructing. When registering an unscheduled briefing, the reason for its holding is indicated.
  7. The knowledge gained during the instruction is checked by the employee who conducted the instruction.
  8. A crusher who has received instructions and has demonstrated unsatisfactory knowledge is not allowed to work. He must undergo training again.
  9. The crusher must have safety qualification group II. The qualification group must be confirmed annually in accordance with the established procedure.
  10. The crusher must know the principle of operation and structure of crushers, crushing and screening plants and its units, the technology of work, the manufacturer’s instructions for operating crushers, crushing units, labor protection instructions, internal rules for organizing the work of workers of the crushing and screening plant, requirements for compliance with work and rest schedules.
  11. The crusher's workplace - overview cabin, working service area - stone crushing plant, must satisfy regulatory requirements labor protection.
  12. The technological process of processing stone into crushed stone is accompanied by harmful factors that adversely affect the human body.
  13. The main harmful production factors are: dust, vibration, noise. Standard indicators of these factors should not exceed:
    • dust content - 10 mg/m3 (for quartz dust 2 mg/m3, with a quartz content of more than 10%);
    • vibration - up to 0.2 amplitude;
    • noise - 65-70 dBA.
  14. Means of protection against harmful factors during the operation of a stone crusher and adjacent units include:
    • dust - water irrigation, aspiration;
    • vibrations - installation of a stone crusher on vibration foundations, vibration damping pads;
    • noise - installation of casings, soundproofing cabins;
    • dust, vibration and noise - means personal protection.
  15. If the normative values ​​are exceeded limit values workers of crushing and screening plants (factories) are required to use personal protective equipment. Air dust content is determined by the AE-1-4 aspiration device, SM-2, TVK-3, and "Owen" dust counters.
  16. Stone crushers and associated technological process units and mechanisms (feeders, screens, bunkers, chutes) must be equipped with dust collection devices connected to suction system. Aspiration devices must be put into operation before start-up technological system and turn off after 5-7 minutes. after the process equipment stops operating.
  17. The crusher workplace must have:
    • necessary tool and equipment (machinery hammer, sledgehammer, metalworking chisel, wrenches, metalworking screwdrivers, combination pliers, end cutters, shovels (2 pcs.), crowbar, hook for removing oversized items, scraper for cleaning up spills, broom and broom, ladder up to 5 meters long);
    • lubricating equipment (screw syringe, grease storage container, canister, funnel, box for rags);
    • fire-fighting equipment (sand box, fire extinguishers OU-2, OKVP-10, bucket, axe, shovel, hook, etc.);
    • communication (telephone, sound and light alarm panel);
    • personal protective equipment;
    • first aid equipment for victims (first aid kit);
    • personal hygiene supplies (towel, soap, washbasin, locker for overalls, safety shoes and other personal protective equipment; - drinking boiled water;
    • sufficient lighting (50-100 lux);
    • technical and production documentation (technological map for processing stone into crushed stone by cycles, manufacturer’s instructions (photocopy or extract) for operating the stone crusher (installation), labor protection instructions, instructions for first aid first aid victims, environmental requirements, work and rest schedules, spare warning and prohibition signs).
  18. The crusher must work in special clothing, special footwear and personal protective equipment established by the standards (jacket and trousers with insulated lining, work overalls, felted boots with rubber bottoms, dielectric rubber gloves and special mittens, cleaning and protective paste, Trud helmet, noise protection headphones , dust goggles, Lepestok respirator, rubber foot mats, safety belt).
  19. The crusher must know the meaning of sound and light alarms installed at crushing and screening plants (factories), as well as signals used during blasting operations.
  20. In the event of violations of safety requirements by other workers, the crusher is obliged to take possible measures to prevent and eliminate the danger and report this to the foreman or foreman.
  21. When conducting the technological process of processing stone into crushed stone, the presence of unauthorized persons in the work area is prohibited.
  22. The stone crusher equipment (installation) must be reliably grounded.
  23. All transmission mechanisms of the stone crusher (gear, chain and belt drives) must be securely and firmly enclosed or covered with casings.
  24. Hammer and roller stone crushers must be equipped with hermetic continuous casings, in which tightly closing inspection slots are arranged.
  25. Loading of crushers must be mechanized. When feeding materials into crushers (jaw, roller), strong metal grids made of rods with a cell size of 150 x 150 mm must be installed above their loading openings.
  26. Stone crushers must be equipped with mechanisms for lifting slabs and jaws, as well as special devices (hooks) for removing jammed oversized pieces of stones from the jaw.
  27. To avoid the ejection of pieces of crushed material from stone crushers, the loading openings of cone crushers must be closed with blind removable guards. Jaw stone crushers must have side blind fences with a height of at least 1.1.
  28. The receiving hopper must be fenced on three sides (on the sides and on the side opposite the loading side) with strong railings 1.1 m high.
  29. A thrust beam must be secured in front of the receiving hopper to prevent the dump truck from moving in reverse.
  30. Entrances and unloading areas for receiving hoppers of a stone crushing plant must have a planned surface and ensured drainage.
  31. Unloading areas of receiving bins must have sound and light alarms to warn of the approach of vehicles.
  32. On unloading area There should be no foreign objects, spills or debris in the rock mass.
  33. When vehicles approach the receiving hopper, workers must step aside at a distance of at least 2 m. Before unloading, it is necessary to make sure that there are no people in the hopper and on the feeder, give an unloading signal and unload the rock mass.
  34. Bridges and stairs leading to inspection areas of stone crushers must be metal with a corrugated surface and not be located above the crusher mouth. Portable ladders must be strong, reliable and equipped with safety devices.
  35. Walkways around crushers, engines and other machinery must be at least 1.0 m wide.
  36. Passages under conveyors, screens and other units and mechanisms must be protected from above with strong and securely fastened casings and continuous flooring with canopies.
  37. Places where crushed material exits onto conveyors or elevators must be protected by firmly reinforced protective covers.
  38. The discharge chutes of stone crushers must have an adjustable slope, ensuring smooth passage of material and eliminating the formation of backlash of crushed material in the hopper from under the crusher.
  39. To break oversized stones and pieces of raw materials, special equipment must be equipped workplace, protected from precipitation and wind. Metal grate must be securely fastened for breakdown. The worker is required to work in special clothing, safety shoes and safety equipment. Glasses must have a metal protective grille.
  40. It is prohibited to break oversized stones outside an equipped workplace and without protective equipment.
  41. It is prohibited for crushers to enter the workplace while intoxicated. Crushers who find themselves drunk while on duty are immediately suspended from work and held strictly accountable in accordance with current legislation.
  42. The crusher must keep his workplace and service area clean and tidy.
  43. It is necessary to use water for drinking from special closed tanks with gushing nozzles or carbonated water.
  44. The operation of the crushing and screening plant must be suspended during a thunderstorm.
  45. For failure to comply with the requirements of the labor protection instructions developed on the basis of this standard instructions, the crusher is responsible in accordance with internal labor regulations and current labor protection legislation. Safety requirements before starting work
  46. Before starting work, the crusher must:
    • put on overalls and safety shoes, prepare personal protective equipment, check their serviceability;
    • familiarize yourself with the working conditions of the previous shift;
    • receive precise and specific instructions at the workplace from the foreman (foreman) on how to complete the task, on safe techniques and work methods;
    • get acquainted with technological map production of work.
    • Check:
      • serviceability of telephone communications and lighting;
      • availability and serviceability of a set of tools and accessories;
      • availability necessary funds fire fighting and first aid.
    • Before starting up the stone crusher, the crusher must check:
      • serviceability of sound and light alarms;
      • presence and integrity of grounding by external inspection;
      • serviceability of the system for hydrodust removal and sealing of shelters of dust points;
      • fastening condition bolted connections all parts and assemblies, foundation bolts;
      • the presence of a sufficient amount of oil in the bearing system and other rubbing components of the stone crusher;
      • serviceability protective fences and safety devices;
      • condition of electrical equipment and electric drives, locking devices;
      • reliability and serviceability of the switching levers, ensuring smooth switching and excluding spontaneous switching from idle to working;
      • technical condition of pulleys, gears and other gears, frames, crushing plates and other parts;
      • operation of lifting mechanisms and gripping devices for removing oversized stones from the stone crusher and conveyor;
      • serviceability of the grille and visor of the loading opening.

If a malfunction of the electric motor, starting devices, insulation failure, open live parts of electrical equipment, or grounding is detected, the crusher must immediately report to the foreman for troubleshooting.

  1. The crusher is prohibited from repairing faults in the electrical equipment of the stone crusher.
  2. Other faults, except electrical ones, the crusher must eliminate on its own, and if impossible, report to the foreman (mechanic).
  3. The electrician on duty restores and checks the disconnected power supply system by putting it in place distribution boards and starting device.
  4. The crusher must report to the foreman about all noticed and identified malfunctions of the stone crusher. Starting up the stone crusher is prohibited until the faults are corrected and the foreman gives permission.

Safety requirements during operation

  1. The crusher should start the stone crusher (installation) 1-2 minutes after giving the general signal about the start of operation of the crushing and screening plant (plant).
  2. Giving warning signals about the start of the stone crusher (installation) should only be done with the permission of the shift foreman. Any incomprehensible signal should be perceived by the crusher as a “Stop!” signal.
  3. The crusher is operated in accordance with the current instructions of the manufacturer.
  4. After starting the crusher, the crusher must check its operation for idling until normal operation is achieved. If abnormal knocking and noise occurs, you must turn off the crusher and report the malfunction to the foreman and do not turn it on until the malfunction is eliminated.
  5. During the technological process of crushing, the crusher is obliged to:
    • maintain the stone crusher, feeders and conveyors supplying raw materials or materials in working order and ensure their uninterrupted operation;
    • carry out only the specified process crushing;
    • ensure the production of high-quality products of specified fractions;
    • regulate the supply of raw materials and water for irrigation;
    • monitor the signals and provide the necessary signals for the conduct of the technological process, have constant communication with adjacent areas;
    • do not allow the presence of unauthorized persons in the work area;
    • prepare product samples for laboratory analysis;
    • operate lifting and transport equipment when slinging and removing oversized stones and foreign objects from the crushing chamber.
  6. The crusher must:
    • feed raw materials into the stone crusher only after the electric motor reaches full speed;
    • prevent oversized stones and foreign objects from entering the conveyor and stone crusher.
  7. It is prohibited to work on a stone crusher when:
    • lack of safety devices;
    • loosening of keys on gears, pulleys or flywheels, as well as loosening of mounting bolts;
    • damage to the tension spring of jaw crushers;
    • loosening of the crushing plates;
    • absence of safety pins to the coupling of the stone crusher drive pulley;
    • formation of cracks and chips of the frame, crushing plates and other parts;
    • violation of the stability of the stone crusher and increased vibration.
  8. While the stone crusher is operating, the crusher is prohibited from:
    • allow unauthorized persons into the work area;
    • block the approaches to the stone crusher and passages to the units;
    • litter the work site;
    • stand on the stone crusher;
    • place tools and other objects on the body and fences of the stone crusher;
    • leave the machines and mechanisms assigned to him unattended and leave the workplace without the permission of the shift foreman or foreman;
    • allow access to machines and mechanisms to persons not involved in their operation or maintenance;
    • take a break from work and do other things.
  9. When conducting the crushing technological process, it is prohibited:
    • tighten and adjust bolts, springs and other parts;
    • adjust the size of the unloading gap;
    • remove and install fences;
    • putting on or removing transmission belts;
    • Lubricate bearings by hand;
    • clean the crusher and clean the workplace;
    • look into the jaw of the crusher;
    • push or pull out pieces of stone that are jammed during crushing or foreign objects. To do this, it is necessary to use only special devices, avoiding the use of random objects for these purposes.

    The specified work is allowed to be carried out only after the stone crusher and its adjacent units have been completely stopped, the power units have been disconnected from the mains, the fuses have been removed by an electrician, or the starting plugs have been removed. It is necessary to hang a poster on the starting devices: “Do not turn on - people are working!”

  10. It is not allowed to crush oversized stones in the crusher mouth using sledgehammers. This work must be done at a special workplace on a metal grid.
  11. While at the workplace, the crusher must:
    • pay attention to all warning and prohibition signs, installed alarm system;
    • immediately provide the necessary established signals;
    • have the necessary warning and prohibition signs in the work area;
    • monitor the safety of fences, labor safety posters, warning and prohibition signs installed and posted in a visible place in the work area.
  12. For any work related to the repair of a stone crusher, the crusher must have a work permit for production repair work.
  13. Repairs are carried out only after the stone crusher and all adjacent mechanisms are completely disconnected from the electric motors, and the electrician has removed the fuses and break plugs of the starting device.
  14. Accidental start-up of the stone crusher or related mechanisms must be completely excluded.
  15. Starting devices must have signs: “Do not turn on - people are working!”
  16. Turn on the installed light signal that prohibits the start of adjacent mechanisms and the stone crusher.
  17. Carry out repair work in overalls, safety shoes and use safety equipment (safety belts, goggles).
  18. A temporary flooring with a canopy should be installed above the crusher loading hole to prevent falls. various items on people working in the crusher repair area.
  19. The crusher and other workers performing repair work at a height of more than 1.3 m in the absence of scaffolding must use special metal stairs and proper safety belts. The place where the safety belt is attached is indicated by the work supervisor.
  20. When carrying out repair work, the presence of a specialist is mandatory.
  21. When performing repair work, the crusher is obliged to:
    • use the right set of tools. Hammers and sledgehammers must be firmly mounted on wooden handles and have no cracks, dents, etc. Wrenches must match the size of the nuts;
    • when cutting off metal and cutting cables with a chisel, wear safety glasses;
    • When working with a chisel, you must position yourself so as not to injure yourself and your comrades with metal fragments.
  22. Repair work should only be carried out under normal lighting conditions at the work site.
  23. Carrying out repair work during a thunderstorm is prohibited.
  24. At the end of the work, the crusher is obliged to check whether there are any tools or other objects left on the crusher.
  25. The stone crusher and other units must be put into operation after repair and testing at idle speed under the guidance of the foreman or mechanic who carried out the repair work.

Safety requirements in emergency situations

  1. If the stone crusher suddenly stops, turn off the electric motor immediately.
  2. If abnormal knocking sounds occur, vibration increases, uneven operation occurs, or oversized stones or foreign objects get stuck, the crusher must be turned off immediately. power plants and stop the technological process without waiting for the end of crushing of the raw materials located in the crushing chamber. Immediately report the situation to the supervisor.
  3. Removing oversized stones and foreign objects stuck in the crushing chamber, cleaning the chamber from unprocessed raw materials, as well as cleaning large stones from the stone crusher feeders only with the use of lifting and transport mechanisms and devices. These works are allowed to be carried out only after a complete stop of the crusher and the systems powering it, with the electric motors disconnected from the network, the fuses removed by an electrician or the break plugs of the starting device removed, the emergency lights turned on and the poster “Do not turn on - people are working!” installed on the starting device!
  4. Cleaning of the crusher mouth and discharge slot from material stuck in it is carried out only from above. The specified work, as well as cutting and extraction of metal that has fallen into the stone crusher, is carried out only under the supervision of a foreman or mechanic.
  5. If all the installed alarms or one of them are violated, the crusher must stop working and report the reason for the stop to the foreman.
  6. In case of accidents, give a signal emergency stop, stop the operation of the crusher and begin providing first aid to the victim. If necessary, call a doctor.
  7. Starting up the stone crusher and its servicing units after troubleshooting emergency situation carry out only after the permission of the master or mechanic in accordance with the established procedure.

Safety requirements after completion of work

  1. After receiving the general signal about the end of the crushing and screening plant, the crusher is obliged to:
    • After 1-2 minutes, give light and sound signals about the end of receiving material and the end of work;
    • stop supplying stone to the feeder hopper;
    • complete processing of everything loaded into the feeder hopper stone material;
    • unload recycled material;
    • stop water supply;
    • when working in winter, drain the water from the water chambers;
    • completely turn off the stone crusher and adjacent units, with the electrician removing the fuses and break plugs of the starting device.
  2. During cleaning, inspection and maintenance of the stone crusher, put up a sign “Do not turn on - people are working!”
  3. Clear the stone crushing plant, workplace, approaches and passages of raw materials, materials and debris.
  4. If it is impossible or inconvenient to clean the stone crusher in fenced areas, temporary removal of the fences is allowed, which, after the necessary cleaning, are installed in place and securely fastened.
  5. After cleaning the crushing plant, check:
    • belt and chain drives; adjust them if necessary;
    • body and working parts of the stone crusher (wear, cracks, chips), fastening of parts and assemblies;
    • condition of conveyors, feeders, receiving hopper.
  6. Malfunctions identified during the inspection should be eliminated, and if it is impossible to eliminate them on your own, report this to the foreman.
  7. After cleaning, inspecting and troubleshooting the crushing plant, it is necessary to lubricate all components and assemblies.
  8. If, at the end of the operation of the crushing and screening plant, the units are not centrally disconnected from the electrical network, then the crusher must remove the starting devices and switchboards removed by the electrician to a certain place in the working cabin.
  9. Check the completeness of the tool and accessories and put them in the designated place in the work cabin.
  10. Check and arrange personal protective equipment and safety devices.
  11. Working clothes, safety shoes and protective equipment The crusher should be stored in a closet separate from everyday clothes.
  12. Take a shower or wash your face and hands warm water with soap, change clothes.
  13. Report to the foreman about the completion of work and the operation of the stone crusher during the shift, lock the working cabin and hand over the key to the duty officer.
  14. During shift work of a crushing and screening plant, transfer the shift to a shift worker, inform him about the operation of the stone crusher, incoming material, entries in the stone crusher operation log, possible cases of emergency, labor protection violations and measures taken. Hand over the key to the work booth to the shift worker.

The handover and acceptance of a shift should be carried out in the presence of a shift foreman or foreman.

The Bulldozer must have a set of medicines to provide first aid. The first aid kit case is placed in the casing on back wall cabins on the left. To protect your hearing when working on the Bulldozer, you should use noise-preventing headphones SOMZ-1, included in the spare parts kit...


The Bulldozer must have a set of medicines to provide first aid. The first aid kit case is placed in a casing on the rear wall of the cabin on the left.

To protect your hearing when working on the Bulldozer, you should use SOMZ-1 anti-noise headphones included in the Bulldozer spare parts kit. It is allowed to use other anti-noise headphones gr. B or liners gr. B according to GOST 12.4.051.

For safe entry (exit) into the Bulldozer cabin, use the cutout in the protection housing of the release mechanism on the trolley and the handrails on the cabin.

Before starting a diesel Bulldozer with a GMT, check whether the gearbox control lever is set to the neutral position. Starting a diesel engine is possible only with the gearbox lever in neutral position.

When exiting the Bulldozer cabin with the diesel engine running, put the Bulldozer on the brake and lock the gearbox lever with the locking lever.

On Bulldozers with a manual transmission, before starting the diesel engine, check whether both gearbox levers are set to the neutral position. The locking device of the Bulldozer excludes the possibility of starting the starting engine (diesel - on a Bulldozer with ESSP) when the gearbox range shift lever is in working position. Check the serviceability of the locking device by attempting to start the starting engine (diesel) in the operating position of the specified lever. Before checking, turn off the Bulldozer clutch and set the gear shift lever to the neutral position.

NOTIt is ALLOWED to operate the Bulldozer with a faulty locking device.

Before work, to make it easier to operate the tractor, adjust the seat. On a Bulldozer equipped with a “ROPS-FOPS” operator protection device, install seat belts.

DO NOT operate the Bulldozer with the door open.

Start the starting engine using a starter.

It is not allowed to start using a handle designed to turn the crankshaft.

If there are people close to the tractor, then when starting the Bulldozer, turn on the sound signal.

It is PROHIBITED to operate the Bulldozer at night when the lighting and alarm system is faulty.

To hitch a vehicle mounted at the rear, you should approach it in reverse in first gear and without jerking; There should be no people between the tractor and the machine. Hitch only when the Bulldozer is stopped.

Add coolant to the radiator only with gloves on, carefully, allowing steam to escape, and do not bring your face close to the neck of the radiator.

To avoid burns from hot oil, repair and dismantling of oil heater components should be carried out with the diesel engine stopped.

To refill the air conditioner, use environmentally friendly refrigerant, according to the instructions for installing and operating the air conditioner.

When operating the hydraulic system, comply with the safety requirements in accordance with GOST 12.2.086.


Operate at a working fluid pressure in the hydraulic system greater than specified in the technical specifications;

Be under a raised weapon;

Troubleshoot with the implement raised;

Operate when there is a leak of working fluid from the hydraulic system;

Tighten the fittings in the hydraulic line with the diesel engine running.

Before raising or lowering the implement, make sure that there are no people or any obstacles within the reach of the implement. Sharp turns and turns are not allowed when the working parts of the unit are buried in the soil.

When working on slopes and moving on slippery and icy surfaces, install special spurs on the shoes (Fig. 13), which prevent lateral sliding and overturning of the Bulldozer.

When leaving the tractor, lower the implement, turn off the diesel engine, and place the steering control lever on the parking brake latch.

DO NOT leave a Bulldozer with a running diesel engine unattended.

To emergency stop the diesel engine in emergency situations, set the fuel supply lever to the off position and the decompressor mechanism lever to the “Open” position.

If a diesel engine, when removing the load, sharply increases the rotation speed and does not reduce it when the fuel supply is turned off, then to stop the diesel engine, ensure its maximum load and turn on the decompressor mechanism.

In case of an emergency and it is impossible to exit through the cabin doors, you should leave the cabin through the emergency hatch on the roof, pressing its latches and pushing it outwards, or through one of the window openings, after breaking the glass with a hammer.

When loading (unloading) the Bulldozer onto vehicles under its own power, enter (exit) along special inclined entrances (ramps). Recommended tilt angle is from 15 to 18°. Ledges (steps) are not allowed at the entrance (exit). Before entering ramps of limited width, position the Bulldozer so that it does not make turns when driving on them. Turning and changing gears while driving on ramps is prohibited. One person must command the loading (unloading) of the tractor, preventing it from moving to the side. If necessary, stop the tractor and brake simultaneously with both sides.


When driving the Bulldozer on the roads, you must follow the traffic rules.

Cross railway tracks only at crossings. If the crossing is unregulated, then before starting the crossing, make sure that there is no approaching train. Do not change the speed at the crossing.

To cross a bridge, you need to know its load capacity and the weight of the tractor unit, which should not exceed the load capacity of the bridge.

When crossing water obstacles, it is necessary to know the bottom topography, soil condition and depth before crossing the obstacle.

After driving over a water obstacle or if water gets into the onboard clutch compartments and the diesel flywheel housing, drain the water by unscrewing the plugs.

You should cross ditches and hillocks at right angles at low speed without changing gears.

When driving on paved roads, install asphalt shoes (Fig. 14). Install the shoes with their bent edge on the ridges of the lugs and secure them to the two free holes of the track shoes.

When driving on icy surfaces, install spurs on the track shoes.


Maintenance of the Bulldozer should be carried out only after it has stopped, with the diesel engine not running, the gear shift levers in the neutral position and the “mass” turned off.

Use only serviceable tools of appropriate sizes.

Be careful when draining fuel, coolant and oil. Low-freezing coolants used in the diesel cooling system are poisonous, and even a small amount of them entering the body can cause severe poisoning.

For each type of refueling material, you must have a special container with the appropriate inscriptions (coolant, fuel, oil, etc.) and monitor its cleanliness. The refill container should be stored in a special box with a lid.

Leak detection, evacuation and refilling of the air conditioner during operation should be carried out by a certified specialist in transport air conditioners.

Before checking the pressure in the hydraulic system, stop the diesel engine and move the hydraulic distributor levers to the “FLOATING” position.

When the track tension is loosened, unscrew plug 5 (Fig. 45) no more than 3-4 turns, but not valve 2.

Do not use leaded gasoline to wash parts.

When preparing electrolyte for battery you should pour the acid into distilled water in small doses, but not vice versa. This work should be done in special clothing, safety glasses and an apron.

If acid gets on the skin, carefully remove the acid with cotton wool, rinse the affected area with plenty of water, and then with a 5% soda ash solution.

During operations maintenance and repair, bring all components that can move under the influence of gravity (weight) to a position that ensures safe work.

Installation and dismantling of parts (mechanisms) of a Bulldozer weighing more than 20 kg should be carried out using lifting and transport devices. Slinging methods are in Appendix 5.


Persons allowed to carry out conservation (re-preservation) work must be aware of the degree of harmfulness of the substances used and be able to use personal protective equipment.

Work involving the use of organic solvents and corrosion inhibitors must be carried out with forced ventilation(local or general supply and exhaust).

When preserving with oils or lubricants by spraying, the formation of oil mist is not allowed.


The bulldozer must be equipped with a working fire extinguisher and shovel. The staffing is carried out by the operating organization.

Filling the Bulldozer with fuels and lubricants should be done mechanically with the diesel engine stopped.

Timely eliminate leaks of fuel and lubricants from Bulldozer systems and assembly units. Avoid fuel and oil leaks on the Bulldozer.

The electrical wiring and components of the electrical equipment system of the Bulldozer must be in good condition.

If a fire is detected on the Bulldozer:

Turn off the "mass";

Stop fuel supply (stop diesel);

Extinguish the flame using a fire extinguisher, covering with a tarpaulin, throwing earth or sand, or using other available means.

It is prohibited to use water to extinguish flammable petroleum products. It is also prohibited:

Light a fire and smoke near refueling and tractor parking areas;

Leave the Bulldozer after work and after refueling at a gas station;

Open the caps of gasoline barrels by striking metal objects;

Heat the diesel engine, fuel tank and fuel lines with an open fire;

Use an open flame when checking the fuel level and inspecting fuel tanks.


It is FORBIDDEN to warm up the diesel engine in indoors with poor ventilation to avoid poisoning from exhaust gases.

DO NOT fill an overheated heater boiler with coolant.

It is NOT ALLOWED to operate the heater if the boiler is not completely filled with coolant.

It is PROHIBITED without blowing the exhaust pipe, lasting from 15 to 20 s,start the heater immediately after stopping or after attempting to start.

Before you start winter operation Remove the bulldozer and clean the preheater pan (PhD) from accumulated dust, debris, oil, and fuel.

When operating the heater, you should remember that careless handling of it, as well as the operation of a faulty heater can cause a fire, so the presence of the operator is necessary throughout the entire warm-up of the diesel engine and operation of the heater.

If smoke or flame appears from the exhaust pipe (in steady state), you should immediately turn off the heater, and after stopping it, begin troubleshooting. There should be no leakage of fuel from the pipelines, tap and pipe.


Test questions on topic No. 4.

1. Requirements for carburetors and fuel pumps.

2. The design and principle of operation of an elementary float carburetor. Explain how the fuel level affects the composition of the mixture and what effect the fuel level has on: the pressure in the air cavity of the float chamber, the weight of the float, the diameter of the main fuel jet, the throttle position, the gasoline pressure at the inlet to the float chamber. Emulsion carburetor.

3. Design and principle of operation of floatless carburetors.

4. Describe the methods for obtaining the desired mixture composition using various modes engine operation.

5. Describe ways to achieve easy startup. Achieving efficiency and acceleration. Purpose, main design elements and operation of the idle gas system, main metering system, economizer, accelerator system and carburetor stop valve.

6. How does the carburetor work at altitude and at different aircraft positions? Purpose, main design elements and operation of the carburetor high-altitude corrector.

7. Achieving fire safety.

8. Describe the design and operation features of a float carburetor.

9. Describe the schematic diagram of the engine fuel supply.

10. Explain the design and operation of gear fuel pump.

11. Purpose and main design elements of a rotary lobe pump. Design and operation of the pump pump unit, dependence of output performance on revolutions.

12. Purpose and main design elements of the valve assembly fuel pump. Operation of the pressure reducing and bypass valves of the pump when P st and P o change.

13. Describe general scheme direct injection systems.

14. Explain the design and operation of high pressure fuel pump.

15. Explain the design and operation of the plunger control mechanism, mixture regulator, and injectors.

Launch systems

The process of starting the engine consists of bringing its speed to the value at which the processes of mixture formation in the carburetor, magneto operation, compression and combustion of the mixture in the cylinders begin to proceed correctly.

The minimum engine speed is determined by the quality of the mixture before flash, the intensity of the spark igniting the mixture, and the compression capabilities of the piston and piston rings.

The carburetor of a modern aircraft engine is capable of forming working mixture at rpm not lower than 200-250 rpm, and in the presence of special jets - not lower than 80-100 rpm. Consequently, before reaching these speeds, the engine needs an additional device that supplies the mixture to the cylinders when starting. Such devices are filling devices that allow a certain amount of fuel to be poured into the engine suction pipes before starting.

The intensity of the working magneto spark depends on the engine speed. When starting, due to the low speed, the spark intensity is insufficient to pierce the spark gap of the spark plug. To ignite the mixture during startup, starting magnetos, rotated by hand, or starting induction coils are used.

To rotate the engine shaft when starting, special starting devices are used.

When spinning up the engine, the starter must overcome the moment of inertia caused by the acceleration of the moving parts of the motor and propeller, the resistance of compression and pump strokes pistons and friction resistance of moving parts:


All these values ​​depend primarily on the power and size of the motor, on the intensity of starting, on the operation of the piston rings, on the temperature of the motor itself and lubricant, as well as on many other factors.

The complexity of solving the problem lies in the fact that in order to spin up a modern powerful aircraft engine, you need to create a large torque using a light and small-sized unit.

All launch facilities are divided into airfield and airborne ones.

The first include starting by hand, starting with an autostarter, starting from an airfield compressed air cylinder (in this case, there must be a device on board the aircraft that allows this launch).

Onboard launchers can be divided into two groups based on their operating principle:

1) starting devices that act on the motor pistons and thereby force the motor shaft to rotate; these devices include starting with compressed air from an on-board cylinder, gas starters such as Viet or AKR-30, pyrotechnic starters;

2) starting devices acting directly on the motor shaft; These devices include inertia starters and direct-acting electric starters.

At the beginning of each work shift, check the machine before starting the engine (see Operating Instructions).

If there is a warning sign on the implement control lever, do not start the engine or touch the levers;

You can start the engine and operate the machine only from the operator’s seat;

When starting the engine, sound the warning horn;

No one other than the operator is allowed on the moving machine;

Do not short circuit the starter circuit to start the engine;

When starting in cold weather, pay attention to the following:

Warm up the engine properly. If you neglect to fully warm up the engine and operate the control levers, the machine's response to control input may be slow and lead to unpredictable consequences.

Before starting the engine, the driver must ensure that it is in good working order, as well as that the engine starting devices are in good working order:

The engine, as well as the liquid fuel starting engine, must not have leaks of fuel, oil and water, as well as leaks of exhaust gases in the connections of the suction and exhaust pipes with the engine block;

Compressed air cylinders and their fittings for pneumatic starting devices must be in full working order; leakage of compressed air is not allowed;

The electrical wiring and the electric starter start button must be in full working order; When you press the button, the electric starter should turn on immediately; current leakage in wires and terminals, as well as sparking are not allowed;

The levers of the liquid fuel starting engine mechanisms must switch easily and reliably; at a positive outside temperature, the starting engine should start easily. The excavator operator must start the engine himself.

Safety requirements for the workplace of a single-bucket excavator

Before starting work, inspect the ground conditions at the job site to determine the safest method of performing the work, as well as to identify unusual conditions that pose a potential hazard, such as:

Presence of flammable materials;

Presence of pipelines or high voltage lines under the work area;

Lack of fencing to prevent unauthorized persons from entering;

Availability of electrical cables in the immediate vicinity. If you find them, try not to get close to them and keep as close to them as possible. long distance between the car and electric cable. Do not allow personnel to approach the machine while working near high voltage cables.

When working in tunnels, under bridges, under power lines, or in other places where height is restricted, proceed slowly and be careful not to hit surrounding structures with work equipment.

An excavator installed on the site must be secured to prevent spontaneous movement.

A danger zone is established around the excavator, within a radius equal to its maximum digging radius plus 5 m, in which people are prohibited from being present while the excavator is operating. Warning signs and posters must be installed at the border of the zone, and signal lighting in the dark.

For backhoes and draglines, the face height should not exceed the maximum digging depth of the excavator.

Before installing the excavator, the work contractor must obtain accurate data about the underground utilities passing under the machine’s working platform. Warning signs must be installed where power line cables and gas pipelines pass.

The excavator operator must be well instructed about the underground communications passing through the site, their route and depth, as well as necessary measures precautions. When working in places where power transmission line cables and gas pipelines pass, the driver must be issued a permit for particularly dangerous work. Work on an excavator must be carried out under the supervision of gas and electrical workers.

It is prohibited to operate the excavator under live wires. air lines power transmission It is also prohibited to work on an excavator if power lines are within the range of the excavator boom.

When working near energized power lines, the excavator driver must be issued a work permit defining safe conditions for the work, signed by the chief engineer of the construction and installation organization performing the work.

Each excavator must have tables showing the operation of control levers and diagrams of starting devices. The excavator must be equipped with an audible signal.

When an excavator is operating in conjunction with vehicles or auxiliary machines (motor grader, bulldozer, etc.), an alarm system must be in place between the excavator operator and the operators (drivers) of other machines.

While the excavator is operating, it is prohibited to change the reach of the boom when the bucket is full (with the exception of shovels that do not have a pressure mechanism), or to pull up a load located on the side using the boom or bucket. Do not adjust the brakes with the bucket raised.

During a break in work, regardless of its duration, the excavator boom should be moved away from the face and the bucket lowered to the ground.

It is prohibited to lift and move oversized pieces of rock, logs, boards, beams, etc. with a bucket (this rule does not apply to Elani shields for moving an excavator).

It is prohibited to place boards, logs, wedges, stones or other objects under the tracks or track rollers to prevent the excavator from moving during operation. For this purpose, proper running gear brakes must be used.

Soil should be loaded onto the vehicle from its rear or side. It is strictly forbidden to carry the bucket over the driver's cab or people. During loading, the driver must get out of the car if the cab does not have an armor shield.

When unloading soil into the vehicle, the bucket should be lowered as low as possible so as not to damage the vehicle. Oversized loading of the car body and uneven distribution soil in it.

Cleaning, lubricating and repairing the excavator can only be done after it has come to a complete stop. The engine must be turned off and all moving parts of the excavator must be stopped,

The bucket may be cleaned of adhering soil or objects stuck in its teeth with the knowledge of the operator while the excavator is stopped when the bucket is lowered to the ground.

Inspection of the boom head blocks is allowed only while the excavator is stopped and with the permission of the operator.

While the excavator is operating, it is prohibited for anyone (including the driver’s assistant) to be on the turntable, as well as for anyone (including the driver) to cross to the other side of the excavator through operating mechanisms.

To avoid an accident, all foreign objects must be removed from the turntable before starting the excavator. All equipment and tools necessary for work should be stored in a place specially designed for this purpose.

When working with a straight shovel, the following additional safety requirements must be observed:

When filling the bucket, do not allow it to cut into the ground excessively;

Braking at the end of a turn of an excavator with a filled bucket should be done smoothly, without sudden shocks;

When lifting the bucket, you must not allow its block to rest on the boom block, and when lowering the bucket, you must not impart a pressure movement to the handle;

The lowered bucket must not hit the frame or track, or the ground;

When digging in heavy soils, do not extend the handle all the way;

Obstacles in the face that could cause significant overloading of the bucket or damage to it should be avoided;

When a pioneer trench is being developed to lower an excavator into a pit, it is necessary to ensure that when turning the excavator for unloading, its tail does not touch the side walls of the trench (the bucket must be raised above the walls).

When operating an excavator with a dragline or backhoe, the following additional safety requirements must be met:

Avoid excessive penetration of the bucket into the ground;

Braking of the excavator when turning it with a loaded bucket should be done smoothly, without sudden jerks; - in case of temporary cessation of work on excavation of a pit or trench or during repair of an excavator, the latter must be moved to a distance of at least 2 m from the edge of the open pit (trench). The tracks or wheels of an excavator must be lined with chocks on both sides of it.

Upon completion of work on the excavator, the operator is obliged to:

Rotate the turntable so that the bucket is moved away from the face wall;

Rotate the boom along the axis of the excavator and lower the bucket to the ground;

Stop the engine and place all levers in neutral;

Clean the excavator from dirt and dust;

Inspect the engine, all mechanisms and ropes and, if possible, eliminate any faults found.

Hand over the excavator to the replacement driver or lock the cab; make proper entries in the excavator's logbook.