Amber for a lion woman. The royal talismans of the lion

In this article:

Choosing decorations with natural gems, each person must first of all pay attention not only to the beauty of the stone, but also on its properties. All precious and semi-precious minerals are closely related to such as an aspect as astrology, so the same stone can have a different effect on the signs of the zodiac, especially if they relate to the opposite elements. The Lion's sign is a topic that interests all people born from July 23 to August 22. Representatives of this sign of the zodiac are sufficiently powerful and impulsive, and their self-esteem is often overpriced. Lions for their nature perfectilationists - they seek to create an ideal family, to build a brilliant career, acquire the best house, etc. The elements of the representatives of this sign of the zodiac is the fire, and the Patron Planet - the Sun, and this first should be guided when choosing a stone .

Zodiac sign Lev.

Stones on the signs of the zodiac: lion

The question of which stone is suitable for lions, is interesting predominantly to women, because in the main representative of the beautiful floor wearing decorations with stones. For lion, women are perfect, in terms of energy, such gems will be:

  • amber;
  • topaz;
  • diamond;
  • ruby;
  • garnet;
  • heliodor;
  • cat eye;
  • sardonyx.

Stones for Lviv

Amber, even if you just look at it, is associated with something warm, fiery, sunny, so the zodiac sign of the lion will certainly appreciate the magic and beauty of this mineral. Amber, like a lion, patronizes the sun, so this stone will become a real talisman, which will make the lioness energetic, filled with force and inspiration. In addition, amber will always give a lion girl with a wonderful mood and cheerfulness. If a person is to wear amber in the form of a kulon, then such a decoration will help him get rid of headaches and inflammation in her throat.

Topaz is the perfect stone for lion, especially if we are talking about a woman, since the gem plays the role of a powerful overag. Lions on the horoscope are fearless and confident in their abilities, but this does not mean that they do not need to protect against ill-wishers, troubles and misfortunes. Stone-talisman in the form of Topaz must have a non-lack of tint, since it is such a gem that will patronize the lion. Topaz will help a person to pacify his passionate temper, become more tolerant and generous. Such a stone is especially useful to lions suffering from bouts of bronchial asthma and hypertension.

Diamonds, or rather, diamonds fit energetic, hardworking and self-confident people to which the lion sign belongs. A diamond will help the Lioness to reveal its strengths and use them for good not only herself, but also around. It is also an opinion that under the influence of diamonds, the lion girl becomes more friendly and open to new acquaintances, which is positively reflected not only on her career, but also a personal life.

The ideal Lion stones can not be imagined without a ruby \u200b\u200b- the luxurious gesticine of the red shade. Ruby is, first of all, a female stone, so it should be paid to those women-lions that have problems with the health of the reproductive system. Rubins help in the treatment of infertility and other diseases of the female sphere. The stone will also help a woman get rid of depressive thoughts. Also Ruby is considered a powerful love talisman, so it will be guaranteed to bring his own owner happiness in his personal life. Rubin helps to develop the gift of eloquence, so the lions will not be able to speak without him, because under the influence of a ruby-lion woman becomes more resolute and bold.

The emerald of a saturated green color will save the girl from the evil eye and the influence of ill-wishers. This stone will also help the lions that suffer from vision problems.

Avenant will help in cleansing aura and restoring inner harmony. Also, this stone contributes to improving the condition of the skin and hair, which will allow the woman to become more attractive.

The grenade will suit the lions that are engaged in creativity, since this gem gives man inspiration and the desire to create. Also, the pomegranate will become a powerful faith for those lions who are often traveling. This stone is recommended to wear people suffering from diseases of the respiratory organs.

Heliodor's sunny stone will give the lions sincere harmony and calm, which is very relevant for representatives of this sign, both men and women. Lima-lion, bearing Heliodor, will become more attractive for representatives of the opposite sex.

The green and pink cat's eye will suit both married women and those who are in the search for a satellite of life or is building relationships with a man. Gem will help the woman to save (or find) love and harmony in relationships, as well as to remain attractive for his chosen one.

Sardoniks are recommended to carry the lions that used to often compare themselves with other people and even feel the feeling of envy. A bowl from Sardonix, located in the House of Lion, will help create a favorable atmosphere in the home and protect all households from trouble. Sardonixes also help Lerl to gain happiness in his personal life.

Jasper will help cope with their emotions to quick-tempered lions. Also, this stone protects the lady from the influence of black magic. But it is worth remembering that Jasper will be a faithful if the woman does not demonstrate pebbles around. Such a talisman is desirable to wear in a handbag or pocket.

Male-lion worth paying your attention to such stones:

  1. Alexandrite: will help a man become stronger and decisive, as well as conquer the authority of subordinates.
  2. Sardoniks: This stone will save a man from uncertainty in his power, pessimism and constancy. It is useful to wear such a stone with young people who have not yet decided on the goals in life.
  3. Chrysolit: This gem will help men become more sociable and flexible, which is positively affected by his family relationships and careers.

People born in the summer, it is important to know not only what stones are suitable for lions, but also about what gems should be avoided. The thing is that some stones can suppress the energy of the representatives of this sign of the zodiac and make them apathetic, lazy and misintermetative. For passionate and lovely lions, these qualities are unacceptable, as they interfere with the goals set and build a happy life. Lion stones do not include.

Lion is the most charismatic zodiac sign. His "children" distinguishes the addiction to the luxury things and material abundance, the boric habits. They are a pant for flattery and adoration. Nature prepared stones for a lion, the high mission of which is to support good features in them and smooth out flaws.

What should be the stones for lion

Lion - Sunny sign of fire elements. People of this zodiac constellation emit confidence, why the rest are drawn to them. However, they are exposed to flashes of anger, do not accept criticism, look at others. To deal with this kaleidoscope, strengthen the best quality lions are designed magic stones.

Distributing stones on the signs of the zodiac, Lero astrologers allied solar minerals to allies: Heliotrop, Heliodor, diamond, amber, citrine, tourmaline. Colors of stones are also sunny: gold, yellowness, orange, purple.

Other energetically friendly stones for the sign of the zodiac Lev - Rubin, Topaz, Cherdelik, Alexandrite, Aquamarine.

Stones for lion

Choice by date of birth (decade)

The zodiacal constellation of the lion takes over various planets, giving his characteristics character. Astrologers have developed a classification according to which a stone for a lion is chosen by date of birth.

July 23 - August 3

The curator of Lviv, celebrating his birthday these days, - Saturn. These are viscosity, thirsting for incredible confessions to a wealth. Ambitious requests get along with them with kindness and softness. Stones for lions of this ten-day: diamond, moonstone, jasper of red shades, tiger eye, carnelian and jade.

August 4 - 12

The wards of this period leads in life Jupiter. His pets are a little dictators. They rush to manage all and all, impose their rules. Almost always achieve their own. Stones on the zodiac for the lion of this ten-day - bright saturated amber, golden citrine, onyxes, sardonix.

August 13 - 22

The final decade is the time of the strongest lions. Intellectual ambitions patronize Mars. Considering yourself with warriors, fighting obstacles and those who breed them. They will be suitable allies of commander and winners: Ruby, Alexandrite, Sapphire (except blue), grenade (except green), topaz.

Depending on year of birth

People born under the sign of the lion in a certain year, the talismans are designed according to the Eastern Horoscope:

  • Rat. Amber will remove stress, make a kind, grenade will give energeticness.
  • Bull. Nephritis helps to gain vitality.
  • Tiger. Rubin will save from amusement, topaz will make looking to life realistically.
  • Rabbit (cat). Career and financial stability will provide topaz.
  • The Dragon. Yantar will teach to be indulgent to people, chrysolit will make a diplomat.
  • Snake. Helliotrop will change coldness in relations with close to heat. Topaz will force to fight for a place under the sun honestly.
  • Horse. Pomegranate stimulates to take care of loved ones.
  • Goat. Amber brings happiness, carnelian protects from nervous disruptions.
  • A monkey. Happy stones - aquamarine and grenades. The first will teach brought the work started to the end, the second will save the family.
  • Cock. Tsitrin will teach quietly to perceive criticism, topaz will reduce the pride at the Lion to moderate ambition.
  • The dog needs a carnelian to become respected in society.
  • Pig. Mineral Good luck - Topaz. Lions will cease to despair on trifles or lowering hands, fragile fiasco.

Options suitable for horoscope are used in accessories or as independent crystals amulets.

Stones Leo Women

Self-sufficient lioness suits several gems:

  • . Stone number one for lion woman. If its origin is flawless, will become a symbol of personal happiness, it will take harness, will attract wealth.

  • Amber. Strong wubble from the evil eye, problems, diseases. Strengthens nerves, makes the character of the lioness calm. The bright mineral is worn as a ring on the left hand, beads or in the coils; Necklaces will smooth the pain of loss, tell me how to start living in the new conditions.

    Silver earrings with amber

  • Garnet. Stone for energetic Lviv women: fills vitality, makes optimists. Helps manage people in the office and outside it, solve designs. This is the best love stone: jewelry make the hostess sensual, sexy, attract male views. For creative lioness, you need a yellow variety (green excluded). A good amulet will be the ring or a pendant or a necklace that reaches a level just below the chest.

  • Women Lions Suitable Stone jasper. Effective sedatives for impulsive persons. Protects from the evil eye and other external negativity, makes the hostess smarter, eloquently, strengthens memory.

    Set of silver jewelry with jasha

Stones suitable for all lions for women, amber, grenades and jasper. All stones on the sign of the zodiac lion are useless as an allied against phlegmatic or cold persons.

If you need to attract fans, the best stones for a woman - a brilliant heliodor (for a girl) or a grenade (attribute mature ladies). Woiths talents, accurately distribute the energy of the carnelian. To support authority or performance, as Talismans, Topaz, Rubin, Sardonix.

Men lion stones

Vital Credo Men Lviv - find a business and realize yourself. They are charismatical, noticeable, as a result of which they become the object of envy or discontinuities of competitors. Lions Men are suitable for the following stones:

  • . The Lion stone intended for strong personalities, leaders or seeking such becoming. Eliminates doubts in its own opportunities, makes the owner of the royal calm.

  • Sapphire. A stone for the lion of a man who wants to develop intuition or become wiser. Helps to realize dreams, protects against unnecessary relationships or actions, suggests the right decisions.


  • Chrysolite. We are needed for men experiencing difficulties when communicating. Makes the owner indulgent, increasing the power of his influence on people.

  • Sardonyx. The talisman stone suitable for a careerist lion, a lucky magnet. Eliminates thoroughly hidden lions with lions, indecision, making the owner by a self-sufficient person. It implements large-scale projects, takes off the career ladder or reaches the top of the business.


  • Ruby. Reveals talents, gives out energy, teaches to appreciate the beautiful.

  • Carneol. Surveyed with Sardonix. It is also suitable for the lion of a man of young age to move forward without hesitation. He will teach the impact on others, in order to effectively manage them.

    Onyx Carneol

Listed gems are in demand as bringing success to men. They also protect a person from other people's threats and personal misses.

Individual talismans and charms

A strong charismatic lion recognizes equivalent to the possibilities of assistants from the kingdom of minerals. Best Protective Stones Zodiac Sign Lion:

  • onyx - tightened the manifestation of anger, will reduce excessive perseverance, protects from deception or slander; The natural crystal or the figure on the table will set up on business paw;
  • nephritis - protects against diseases or accidents, will remind you that it is worth living not only for the sake of a career;
  • yantar - Neutralizes the enviousness, it takes a generosity, give peace of mind and optimism; Magnet for money;
  • topaz - a useful stone for lions of both sexes: the ladies will make charmingly attractive, men will give strength supported by wisdom; Their less will be angry with anger or groundless fears;
  • brilliant - the status marker and wealth, will establish contacts with the right people;
  • heliodor - activates the logic and domestic reserves, unmarried or unjeulment will help become families;
  • tourmaline - will save from negative energy, anxiety and phobias, will create aura of peace;
  • rubin - inspires to significant accomplishments, relieve brains from the rubble;
  • sardonix - a mineral leaving from the evil, envy, trouble on the road; The area from the stone in a prominent place will maintain the home of the hearth, will cool the boiling of passion;
  • alexandrite is the perfect stone of executives: helps keep emotions in the ultrasound, solve questions of cold-blooded; These are predominantly stones for a man's man;
  • aquamarine - will save from phobias, smooth the hot temper and conflict in the office and at home; Particularly effective from March to September;
  • chernelics (carnews) bright shades - the best amulets for a woman: Gem makes the hostess attractive, cementing relationships or promotes in the search for a second half; Ideal for a girl or a young girl, because teaches to interact with people and believe in yourself.

The semi-precious Sardonix is \u200b\u200bof particular importance as a charm for lion. Mineral gives all its capabilities only to this sign. Light pebbles are even suitable for a child, the darkness helps careerists and businessmen.

Therapeutic stones of Lion

The lion is endowed with good physical health, but with age, due to the wrong lifestyle or for other reasons, it is providing for itself. Natural gems helping them helping them:

  • pomegranate - cardiovascular problems, infection;
  • onyx - bad sleep, depression, memory failures;
  • sapphire - fatigue, elevated body temperature, bad appetite; He hearts and improves brain work;
  • sardonix has a beneficial effect on the process of conception;
  • carnelian - leather, thyroid gland; assistance during childbirth;
  • tiger eye - asthma, rheumatism, otitis, diseases of the joints;
  • tourmaline - vertebrate hernia, articular pains;
  • amber - thyroid gland, ears, eyes;
  • jasper - heart, blood system.

For therapeutic purposes, only natural minerals are used without visible damage or cracks.

Features of using stones

To help feel stronger, you need to wear stones and accessories with them.

  • Amber. The most powerful with direct contact with the body. The best decorations - beads, bracelets, pendants or rings.
  • Sardonyx. Serious mineral preferring autonomous existence as an amulet. It is in a handbag, a purse or pocket, but not as a jewelry accessory.
  • Ruby. Optimal options are earrings or rings.
  • Cornelian. Men are not suitable, it is a female attribute, especially strong in the bracelet.
  • Jasper. Decorations with her need to wear, sissing clothes; Pebbles are put in bag, purse or pockets. Having come home, put on the ring in the gold rim. The insert ball will accumulate energy, oval will clean the aura.
  • Malachite prefers a copper framing of accessories for fingers, ears or chest.
  • Diamonds like the entire range of products, but the rim is needed unobtrety, so as not to "score" a stone and not overlapping it to the body.

The lions are not allowed to take precious stones as a gift (exclusively from the spouse or groom on the engagement) or as a family jewel on the maternal line.

The main lion metal is recognized gold. About silver opinions are different. If it likes, it should look decent. Modesty, asceticism or budget options - not for a royal sign.

Golden Ring with Grenade

Lions do not need jewels from the former metal - only from the new one. Ribbing for decoration is necessarily elegant, openwork. The massiveness and brutality are excluded. Decoration inserts are desirable round, similar to the sun.

Lion stones are used for chakras manipura (third, solar plexus) and anahata (fourth, heart).

What stones you can not wear a sign

According to the horoscope, the lion is contraindicated blue, blue, black and energetically unstable minerals.

The worst options for Lviv are black opal or onyx. They destroy the aura, "sucking" energy, reset the successes, drive into depression.

  • the turquoise is flipped by self-control that for a lion means the loss of "brakes": he will go to rapid words or actions, and inevitably will suffer material and moral damage; Relationships with friends and colleagues will deteriorate; The lion will become sick and weak, incapable of childbearing;
  • aventurine can not be worn so as not to get sick; Stone will force a complex, to be understandable and insecure;
  • the snake provokes diseases, the decline of strength and dried mood, creates problems from nothing.

Zero compatibility at lion with amethyst, obsidian, pearl, chrysoprase. They will bring uncertainty, confusion and other qualities, alien sign.

"If you look at the window, it is just a cat. You look closer, Osmalev, you understand - the Terrible Lion. "

What women are born lions on a horoscope? From July 23 to August 23, the Universe presents the world of the brightest, passionate ladies. These chairs are everywhere cause admiration and storm of emotions. Charming woman lion - inborn, talented actress. The surrounding admire her article and the ability to present themselves.

But this sign of the zodiac is a lot of enemies. Basically, these are secret envious and ill-wishers that are never recognized by the bright creation in their true feelings.

What girl does not need protection! Lioness - first. Best of all, the Lion's Lion's Lion will cope with the horoscope.

Stones that are perfect

Lion mascot is a saturated, sunlight stones. There are many of them, because this zodiac circle is too determined and dare to be content with small. There are three minerals that are perfectly suitable for women lions and are their main defenders.

  • Amber.
  • Garnet.
  • Jasper.
From the left and right: pendant with amber, jasper beads, grenade bracelet

Amber - Gold Life

Sunny Lion, Amber Talisman Stone for which is energy, health and longevity. The embodiment of the strength of the sun, fire and light, amber charm gives confidence and calm, helps to clearly think and choose the right decisions. Creative lion with his help will be able to develop a fantasy. Stones will help him generate new magic ideas. He will strengthen the health of a bright woman.

Such stones have many shades. They range from gently yellow (even white) to saturated, black and red. For lion approached catchy colors.

How to wear?

Amber for lion on the sign of the zodiac as a talisman stone should be framed only in gold. In the form of a ring or bracelet, the charm will effectively work on the left hand.

Grenade - the power of the Spirit

Stone optimism and good mood. This is the second most important charm for lion on a horoscope. Bright and rich in color, this mascot knows how much. He gives power over people, helps to better understand the surrounding and manage them. Understand the secret intentions of people, their secret trends and thoughts. Grenades are suitable for lions that are looking for long sensual relations.

Lion, like a solar zodiac sign, prefers red and yellow colors of pomegranate minerals. But the stones of green color will become useless decorations.

How to wear?

Such a talisman will get the greatest strength if the lion will wear it on the mother's mother's or a nameless finger in the form of perverse. A good defender will be stones in necklaces or coulons suspended at the level of solar plexus.

Jasper - Down with Stress

Perfect stone for a lion woman on a horoscope. He favorably acts on the mental state of the owner and helps to avoid unnecessary anxiety and excitement. The unrestrained sign of the zodiac is just characterized by increased excitability. Protects the owner from the destructive effects of black forces, attaches confidence in their own power. Gives eloquence, has a beneficial effect on memory, improving mental processes.

The greatest impact of the Talisman from Jasper has on Fridays, Saturdays and Mondays.

How to wear?

Jasper is not from those facing, which are called in sight. The lion should hide this pebble in a bag or pocket. The elongated mineral forms (drop, oval) are beneficial to cleanse energy. If the Jasper is spherical - it will create conditions for the accumulation of energy forces in the owner's body. Such a talisman can be worn on an indicated finger in Pisne.

Additional Forces for Women Lion

These fearless personalities need powerful protection. Other minerals can be selected as additional fauces. What other stones fit the lions to women on a horoscope? Choose.

Decorations with precious stones: Ring with aquamarine (blue), headset with emerald (green), Ring with heliodor
A rockWhat promotesAdvice
RubyGives the owner with energy, force. Protects sadness and melancholy and enhances natural determination.If a woman is constantly in public or takes a high official position - Ruby will become the perfect faith for it.
EmeraldWith the help of Emerald, the lion on the horoscope will be protected from the evil eye, ailments and accidents. Emerald stones have a favorable eye to work.It is best to select the emeralds of dark, saturated shades.
DiamondEnhance the strength of the Spirit. Associate in achieving all goals and reveal the creative potential.Such stones are suitable for the lioness of the middle age with an energetic temperament.
HeliodorThis stone brings confidence and calm, gives charm, charm and ability to own any situation.It is best to wear a talisman from Heliodor in the autumn period. On a cloudy period, Leo has a risk of depression.
SardonyxMagic stones are working on attracting love and creating a strong family. Help to establish harmonious relationships.Especially perfect for young girls. Especially if this zodiac sign dreams of marriage.
AquamarineAquamarine talisman helps hot-tempered lioness to temper a rapid temperament, avoid unnecessary quarrels.Mineral energy is especially strong in spring and summer time.
NephritisA strong stone works on the protection of the hostess from the ailments. It brings happiness and comfort in marital relations.It is best to buy a jade souvenir jade and put on a prominent place in your home.
AventurineAventurine stones work on the restoration of internal harmony, can equate the energy.Avanturine perfectly cleans the aura, treats skin disease and strengthens hair.

What kind of stone is contraindicated for lion on a horoscope?

Be careful with such minerals as black Opal Zmeevik and Labrador. The solar sign of the zodiac can receive twigs and failures from them.

The lion is a complex sign of the horoscope, within its framework there are both calm strong personalities from knightly novels and fatal beauties with a buzz of emotions.

Therefore, in order to find out which stone is suitable for lion women, you need to take into account your character, and the temper of the future talisman.

Main Stones for Lviv Women

Each mineral or gemstone corresponds to the name of the person, the date and year of birth. A stone that fits its owner - helps, protects and is the main defender.

There are two types of stones: the main and secondary. The main stones include: emerald. Minor: ,.

Decoration from Rubin

Now about every stone in order, description, value and to which month it is suitable.

By date of birth

Born in the period from July 23 to August 1 is suitable ,. Their positive effect on the owner is amazing, they help to cope with anger, angrily, envy. Also, good, Alexandrit.


This sign of the zodiac is generally suitable diametrically opposed to the energy of the stones, since the emotional splash of the lioness sometimes can "be enough through the edge."

To equilibrate the mood, it is better to use the semi-precious stones called. Why do not fit precious: almost all of them symbolize some kind of element, and this contribute to the development of emotional gusts, splashes of mood.

To attract wealth

Month - August. Stone-guard, amulet. One of the most important features is the cleansing of aura, saving from damage, theft, fires.

Smoothes conflicts and quarrels. It brings stability, wealth, happiness. Decorations from Peridot A facilitate the flow of colds and help eye diseases.

Conduct with the problems of the spine and asthma will help the products that are on the neck. Amulets containing peridot, well to wear people who are not confident people who have difficulty communicating.

If you are a targeted person, then this amulet will help to achieve the task.

To attract love


Symbol of love, strength of spirit and faith, devotion, friendship. Its magical forces are: the excitation of passion, sexuality, courage, stamina.

Pomegranate establishes relations with relatives, children he makes obedient. It can be considered a talisman family. Suitable more mature and experienced lions, who are strong in spirit, character, passionate in their nature.

To indecisive people, this stone is useless. As for health: if the garnet is framed by silver, it is recommended to carry it to people with a disease of the pulmonary system.

Grenade in gold helps well from headache, sore throat, high temperature. If this is a ring, then it is better to wear it on the middle finger of the right hand.


Stone truth, ideal against infidelity, deceit of your owner. With this he fights, and if Fiasco suffers and cannot withstand these qualities - it splits.

Antidynamic, in one word. If the decoration is on the neck, then improves the memory. Earrings improve vision, relieve eye fatigue.

Emerald helps from terrible dreams, insomnitz and infectious diseases. Ring with Emerald will serve you Talisman. He will retain your marriage, support the genus, will save good and love in the family. Natural stone improves energy and protects against negative intervention.

Ring from Aquamarina

You can not wear - the name itself symbolizes the aqueous element. Cats do not like water, and at the energy level this stone is contraindicated with lionesses, like a coral stone.

Water remembers everything that happens to a person, and therefore the likelihood is that water will remember, mainly negative - it may not be bad to affect the efforts of women-lioness to attract good luck and cash.

If we talk about other secondary gems, then the harm to the lion will not bring. They are not so strong as the main.

But there are also stones that are categorically contraindicated for lion on the horoscope:, black ,,, turquoise. They can bring failure and different diseases.

Knowing the characteristics of these stones, you can better manage fate, improve your health, establish relationships. And although the stone talisman cannot do everything for you, he will become a reliable assistant in all endeavors.

From July 23 to August 23, the zodiac period of Leo comes. At this time, you must present it to representatives of a small talisman. Grated by a close man and in the right "Star" moment he will bring good luck, will help bring to life a dream, as well as get satisfaction from life. The precious stones of Lviv-Women are different from what is worth to give lions-men ... What stones approach the horoscope Lero does not always coincide with the fact that these people like these people. Let's figure out how to be in this situation!

№1. Brilliant and Ruby in any manifestations
Universal precious stones for Lviv-Women and Lviv-Men

What gem on the sign of the zodiac is the most successful? Bright and purposeful personalities who adore an active lifestyle, companies, and enjoy universal authority - fans of diamonds and fiery rubies. It does not matter, in front of them a diamliant "Clean Water", Gems Tint Ring with Champagne or Cognac, Rings with a Black Diamond - Lviv literally pulls to the same "kings of the jewelry world" as they are in the world of nature.

The diamond in the ring or pendant gives the representative of the sign of the spirit of the Spirit, helps to develop in creative, strengthens self-confidence. Even the younger representatives of the zodiac since childhood are able to wear sparkling diamonds, subconsciously stretch to them. Diamonds of any type are the best stones for a lion-man.

But the lion, the stone-talisman of which Ruby is, most likely a person who respes family values. He knows how to love people, and still in love with himself. Rubin saves the family and allows you to save a passion in relationships. If you are interested in which stone is suitable for lions-women - then it is ruby!

Best diamond ornaments: Diamond ring, diamond pendant.

№2. Sun in stones and metals
Stones suitable lions and inspiring them on a feat

The precious stones for the lion of women can only be rubies, but semi-precious not read. Zodiac Lev Stone most often prefers the same warm as the season in which he was born, fiery, like his mane, is hot, like his character. For example, sunny chrysolite and honey gentle cornelian. But that's not all!

Lions are a sign of the zodiac to whom the fiery element commands. Hot and in something even quick-tempered temper, hard character, the ability to overcome difficulties - all these qualities are attributed not only to the lion animals, but also those who were born under their sign. Hot August as if he breathed in the kids born in this period the will of the will to life. What kind of stone need to wear lions?

Gold is a metal of lions. The main "color" talismans for such a rim of the sign are considered a semi-precious garnet, as well as amber. These stones are desirable to wear on the neck - in this case they give the owner of longevity and health. In the form of a stone talisman in a bracelet or ring, amber and ruby affect the development of fantasy.

The best "fiery" decorations: Gold earrings, rings with ruby, beads.

Number 3. Calm ... with stones of cold shades
What kind of zodiac a lion will help to overcome stress?

What kind of stone is suitable for the sign of a lion if it is subject to mood drops? Transparent, clean, with gentle brilliance ... Unlike the "energetic" ruby, amber or diamond, which fueled the energy of Lviv, topaz, amethyst and rukhtopaz Help them get rid of the overaffect of energy, look at things soberly. Whatever happened around - if there is a talisman with a topaz or amethyst, presented by a loving person - a sign of the sign will always be able to maintain balance.

By the way, but rhinestone In the form of interior parts and accessories for the house helps to restore the friendly atmosphere in the house, which is often for Lviv the problem. Rasteopaz in decorations - in particular, earrings and rings, helps them to keep calm, relax, protects against the psychological effects of a malicious interlocutor. Lerl and fianit is also useful. Stones for a girl lion can be small.

Rasteopaz in decorations - in particular, earrings and rings, helps them to keep calm, relax, protects against the psychological effects of a malicious interlocutor. Also useful lion and fianit. Stones for a girl lion can be small.

№4. Tenderness and sensuality ...
With Aventurine, Aquamarin and opal!
What kind of stone zodiac lion awakens?

It seems, Aquamarine or Avenanturin is not suitable for fervent representatives of fire elements. But it is not so. After all, who of us alien tenderness, care, love, patience about attitude towards a loved one? Aquamarine is a symbol of love for passionate people. With the help of decoration with this stone, you can easily express my feelings. In the same way, the lion may be confessed in love.

Avenant is a lion stone on a horoscope, which serves as a reflection of the internal experiences of a person. It is necessary to give a pendant with adventurine, and you will have a hint that feels lion at that moment. Determine the shade of the stone!

Opal in a pendant and rings with opal help help avoid quarrels with those people who love this sign, the talisman keeps the owner from experiences on love soil, relaxes.

№5. Ornament with opaque stone ... for mood
What stone to wear lions with a creative vest?

Not all the lions passed love for stones of fiery color. Among those lions that were born at the very beginning of the zodiac period (at the end of July), many love opaque stones. Such gems - usually, only polished - they bring them financial success, help in business issues. Sign Stones Lion-Woman - turquoise and cornelian, a stone for a lion-man by date of birth is onyx and agate.