Liquid linoleum pros and cons. What is liquid linoleum

You can buy liquid linoleum in Moscow at a price of 359 rubles per kilogram. Technically, this is not even linoleum, but a self-leveling polymer floor. It is sold in the form of a dry mix in bags or buckets. Therefore, the price for square meter depends on the specific brand and packaging.


  • Leveling compound. It is needed to prepare the base and level the screed. Used before installing tiles, laminate and other floor coverings.
  • Polymer floors. This is the final finish coating. It is he who is called liquid linoleum. It is aesthetic, neat, durable and wear-resistant. It is used in private and industrial construction.

Advantages and Features

Liquid linoleum is more expensive than conventional PVC coating. For the price, it is more comparable to natural. It is not easy to lay it, but it allows you to realize design solutions that are not available with conventional roll or tile materials. These are transparent floors, coatings with a 3D effect, with sparkles, painted with sand, coins, dried leaves or other decorative elements.

It easily replaces residential and commercial floors. It is used in apartments, offices, trading floors and shops, educational and medical institutions, exhibition and restaurant complexes, entertainment centers, etc.

Liquid linoleum is resistant to humidity and vibration, temperature extremes, mechanical stress. He is not afraid of heavy furniture and even special equipment at enterprises. But you need to take care of the correct installation.

Use and installation features

The minimum coating thickness is 2 mm. But the main thing is to properly prepare the concrete base.

First you need to remove all cracks, defects and even minor damage. Finishing liquid linoleum does not perform the function of leveling mixtures, so all irregularities will appear on the surface in the form of bubbles.

It is necessary to remove all stains of paint, grease. Concrete must be perfectly clean and dry. The recommended air humidity is up to 80%. And the filling itself is easier to entrust to professionals

Liquid linoleum is a floor covering in liquid form, which consists of a polymer and a hardener with the addition of resins. A feature of this material is that there are no joints, fasteners and seams. Also, it does not require the presence of glue and the arrangement of thresholds when moving from one room to another, you can pour the floor in several rooms at once.

A polymer floor called liquid linoleum was originally designed as a base for industrial premises and warehouses. But at some point, the developers decided to make the floor original, and put under it beautiful pattern. This has led to an increase in the scope of this material.

Wear resistance is the main plus for technical rooms

This is due to the fact that it turns out not only original and beautiful, but also durable. The minimum service life guaranteed by the manufacturer is 30 years.

Liquid floor consists of polymer, hardener and resin. Depending on the type of resin, the composition is:

  • Epoxy;
  • polyurethane;
  • methylmethacrylic;
  • Cement-acrylic.

This material allows you to create beautiful patterns

Most often, polyurethane floors are used in everyday life because of their aesthetics. Other types of flooring are usually laid in public and industrial premises.

The main characteristics of this floor include:

  • More than 10 colors of a neutral shade;
  • Layer thickness 1-7 mm for industrial floors, 1.5-2 mm for apartments and houses;
  • The cost of linoleum depends on the thickness of the fill.

For laying such a coating, it is necessary to carry out a complex process of preparing the subfloor. In this sense, ordinary linoleum is better for laying. It is best to lay a liquid floor on concrete, so that there is better adhesion to the base.

Previously, the base is cleaned of dust, primed. After drying, you can proceed to the laying process.

The process of laying in the room

It is also possible to mount a self-leveling floor on:

  • tiles;
  • Metal;
  • Wood.

The only requirement is a flat, clean surface.

Using a wide trowel and roller, the material is applied to the floor surface like paint. After drying for 24 hours, you still need to give time (a couple of days) so that everything completely freezes, and there are no traces of the furniture placed ahead of time.

interesting way pouring


The self-leveling mixture is gaining more and more fans who prefer it instead of the usual linoleum. Even high level prices for dry mixes does not stop from buying. True, in the end such expenses justify themselves.

The price of work on pouring liquid linoleum is affected by the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, as well as the condition of the foundation for laying. But in general, it ranges from 220-6000 rubles / m2.

Self-leveling floors on the market are represented by the following manufacturers: Osnovit, Prospectors, Ivsil, Litokol, Bergauf. The products of each of the companies have advantages and disadvantages, so when choosing, you need to take into account the parameters that are important for liquid linoleum. These include: drying speed, economy, scope, ease of use.

Dry mix Bergauf Boden Zement

Drying time - important parameter because in some rooms high humidity. At Bergauf Boden Zement it is 6 hours, at Osnovit 2-2.5 hours, at Ivsil Tie Rod-III - 4-6 hours, Prospectors - 4 hours, Litocol - 3 hours.

The best option for the ratio of material consumption - the cost of the brand Osnovit Skorline T-45. Its consumption per 1 m2 is 13 kg with a layer thickness of 10 mm. At the same time, 17 kg will be needed to cover with the Bergauf Boden Zement brand. Moreover, the cost of this manufacturer is 1.5 times higher.

Founding Skorline T-45

Ease of use is approximately the same for all manufacturers. It is important to understand on which surface one or another can be applied. bulk mixture. So, Base is applied only to the floor with a mineral base.

More adapted to our climate zone are mixtures of Founding and Prospectors. This means that such mixtures have a longer service life than similar foreign-made floors.

Bulk polymer floor has a number of advantages compared to other materials. These include:

  • Lack of joints and seams;
  • Ease of installation;
  • wear resistance;
  • Impact resistance;
  • Safety.

Self-leveling floor does not require thresholds

The polymer coating has no seams and joints, as it fills the entire room, forming a solid surface, which eliminates the use of liquid welding to connect linoleum. At the same time, laying the liquid floor is quite simple, you do not need to adjust the pattern and lay out the sheets if the room has ledges and niches.

The liquid floor can be up to 1.5 mm thick and is itself a good protective layer making it a durable finish.

Polyurethane flooring in the dental office

Bulk linoleum is safe: does not support combustion, does not emit harmful substances, that makes him excellent material for use in medical and children's institutions.

The uniqueness of the coating is that even the resulting dents and cracks can be eliminated. To do this, it is enough to fill the surface with a new layer of the mixture and level it.


Liquid linoleum has only a few drawbacks. One of the cons is that it has a small range of colors for home, garage, household premises. Although 12 colors are not so few. To make up for the lack of colors, manufacturers make up for decorative effects.

The meager range of colors is one of the minuses

After pouring the mixture on top spread different shapes colored pieces from acrylic paint(crisps). In a container with a mixture, they look like confetti, and on the floor after pouring they give the surface a resemblance to natural stone or marble.

Another disadvantage is the lengthy process of surface preparation.

How to make liquid linoleum yourself

  • Containers with the desired composition;
  • Roller, brush;
  • Electric drill.

To obtain a solution for pouring the floor, you need to place the contents of a smaller container in a large jar. Then, using a drill with a nozzle, mix everything well. The screed is ready for laying.

It is important to carefully prepare the base of the floor, otherwise, after pouring liquid linoleum, bubbles will appear on its surface, which will be difficult to remove.

Key points at work:

  • Floor surface preparation;
  • Preparation of bulk mixture;
  • fill;
  • alignment;
  • Drying.

When pouring, a special spiked roller is used, which evenly distributes the mixture over the floor, and prevents air bubbles from forming. It should be remembered that you need to work with liquid linoleum at a temperature of +5 - +25 degrees.

In order to decorate linoleum, you can add decorative elements, which are glued to liquid nails. They are glued before pouring the liquid floor.

Thanks to modern solutions There is a huge number of variations in the design of premises. Recently, the idea of ​​linoleum in liquid form began to spread with high speed, and if you decide to get acquainted with this qualitatively new look, you will surely discover new frontiers in design skill. So, liquid linoleum is a recent novelty, which makes it possible to create the style of a room in any direction, depending on the personal preferences of the owners.

Purpose of liquid type linoleum

If we draw a parallel of comparative analogues between rolled linoleum and a liquid product, then we can conclude that there is one thing in common between them - the integrity of the entire canvas. There is a distant similarity in external indicators, but if you touch the surface, you can understand that this is not so. This liquid material, when in contact, is insanely similar to, if we consider the other parameters, it is worth noting that there are differences in all directions. If there is a need for a detailed reflection of the essence of this raw material for the floor, you can express yourself.

The first manufactured linoleum was used strictly for the purposes of industries. The developers set themselves the goal of creating a solid solid foundation for floor covering, which would not be subject to abrasion and could easily be used in outbuildings- production and storage facilities. Then designers came up with the idea to decorate plain, unattractive-looking floors with a pattern, and the number of people who wanted to use improved materials for decorating their homes increased significantly. Moreover, the increase in the number of consumers of this product occurred exponentially.

Varieties of bulk products

The modern market space and competing manufacturers offer several forms and types of self-leveling floors, which are classified by fillers and are:

  • cement-acrylic;
  • polyurethane;
  • tarry.

Mostly liquid bulk linoleum used for industrial designated purpose, although polyurethane products are used for high-quality design decoration residential buildings. This is not surprising, because the material is durable, light, thanks to which it is possible to imitate natural coating without damaging your wallet. The thickness of the product also varies, and this indicator fluctuates in a small range of 1-7 mm, but if you follow the recommendations of the repair workers, it is recommended to choose a material with a layer of 1.5 mm for a traditional load. This value is enough for the smooth operation of the coating over the next decades.

Advantages and disadvantages of liquid linoleum material

Comparing this type of material with other elements, it is worth noting that there are huge differences between it and other types of flooring. Let's consider its positive aspects.

  1. The strength is quite large, because the products are traditionally not subject to mechanical influences. This positive feature gives the material superiority over, ordinary linoleum, .
  2. An important advantage that liquid linoleum has is its price. It is quite optimal for all the conveniences and advantages that can be obtained by giving preference to this particular material.
  3. The first feature as the main advantage allows this group of products to have a virtually universal scope of use. These are personal housing, industrial facilities, warehouses, workshops, airports.
  4. Waterproof - this high-quality polymer floor is distinguished by the fact that its tooling includes a layer that promotes water repellency, so the product can withstand direct contact with liquid, and this property allows it to dominate.
  5. No seams in the cover. Regardless of the configuration and area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, this species products will provide a flat and smooth floor without joints, and this is a definite plus in terms of aesthetic indicator.
  6. abundance design solutions: compared to the classic variations, there is a large space for conducting creative works because it is possible to issue unique individual solutions within any decision. You can choose, as well as pick up drawings of any subject.
  7. Fire resistance - this is due to the fact that the coating is related to the group of non-combustible elements, therefore this type of finish is boldly used on social and industrial facilities.
  8. The lack of toxicity is another undeniable plus. If it is rational to observe the features and technologies of application, as well as the preparation of the material, it will 100% comply with all safety standards for the health of not only adults, but also children.
  9. Ease in care procedures makes raw materials indispensable even for the laziest people. You can wash it with any household chemicals. The smooth surface of the material makes it easy and simple to deal with different types pollution.
  10. Long service life - this indicator is achieved due to high strength characteristics. Plus or minus - decide for yourself, because many people think what kind of long time the floor can get boring. On the other hand, you do not have to spend a lot of time and money to re-lay it.
  11. Definitely: if you decide to buy liquid linoleum, you will not regret it. But in order not to have to deal with various pitfalls, it is necessary to consider in advance and negative points in the use of the material. This is a relatively high price and difficulties that may arise during installation. There is also an insufficiently wide selection of products within the color framework. Is it worth choosing linoleum, each person decides for himself, and many who have used and use it give best reviews and recommendations.

    Features of preparation and operation

    Within the framework of modern construction stores you can choose between two types of floor coverings - with one component and with two.

    1. One-component products are used for preparatory activities grounds for any kind of material. In another way, these elements are characterized as self-alignment screeds. They differ high rates strength, and with the help of these products you can create a perfectly smooth type of surface.
    2. Two-component compositions are used exclusively for the finishing arrangement of coatings. If we consider the composition, we can distinguish epoxy floors, cement-acrylic and products made on the basis of polyurethane.

    Such distinctive features indicate only that in the course of the selection it is necessary to have the most careful attitude to the composition and type of material. Before creating the conditions for the formation quality foundation, a number of steps need to be taken.

May 27, 2016
Specialization: master in construction drywall constructions, finishing works and installation of floor coverings. Installation of door and window blocks, facade finishing, installation of electrics, plumbing and heating - I can give detailed advice on all types of work.

The desire for savings among many developers often results in more heavy expenses: cheap laminate wears out, linoleum tears, and ceramics crack from falling heavy objects. Do you want to do the job once and not have to repair the floor in a few years? Then liquid linoleum will be the best option - in the kitchen, in the hallway, bathroom or in any other premises, it will last longer than most other options.

Features of liquid linoleum

First, we will figure out what advantages this option has over other types of coatings, what disadvantages it has, and then we will talk about the main types of products and touch on the features of the workflow. This will allow you to understand all the important nuances and help you make the right decision.

It is worth noting one important point: a self-leveling polymer floor and liquid linoleum are one and the same, and if they try to convince you at a retail outlet that it is different materials, then most likely this is due to an attempt to sell something more expensive. Do not listen to the opinions of pseudo-specialists, most often they claim that the types of products are different, but at the same time they cannot tell what the main differences are.

Pros and cons of self-leveling floor

As for the advantages of this type of flooring, there are a lot of them, we will list the most important and significant of them:

  • The layer can be from 1 to 7 mm; for residential premises, 1.5 mm is enough to ensure high strength and reliability. That is, the consumption of the composition is quite small, which reduces the cost of purchasing the material;
  • The surface is very durable and easily able to withstand the fall of heavy objects and high loads from the movement of a large number of people. It should also be noted that the material perfectly tolerates temperature changes and practically does not change its properties, even if the surface is very hot or frost affects it;
  • Another very important factor is resistance to aggressive chemical compounds, for this reason given type coatings is very popular in industrial facilities. But also at home use this advantage is important, since you can wash the surface with the addition detergents and do not worry if any composition suddenly spills onto the floor;

  • Environmental friendliness is another important criterion which is receiving much attention these days. The cured surface does not negative impact on human health. In addition, the composition does not burn, which ensures a high level of fire safety;
  • The surface is resistant to moisture, so the coating is perfect for other places with constant humidity. The absence of seams on the surface provides additional reliability, as there are no potential leaks;

  • You can make the floor in rooms of any size and configuration, the composition easily penetrates even into hard-to-reach places, you do not have to cut and fit elements. This advantage is especially important for non-standard-shaped rooms, because when using traditional options, the amount of waste increases significantly, in our case this negative factor is excluded;

  • Another very important advantage is the ease of surface maintenance. It is enough to periodically wipe the floor with a damp cloth, no other operations are required.

Of course, liquid linoleum also has disadvantages and it is impossible not to mention them:

  • The coating is very demanding on surface preparation. To obtain best result, it is necessary to level the plane to almost perfect condition, since any problems lead to excessive consumption of the composition and a significant increase in project costs;
  • The workflow requires scrupulousness and strict fulfillment of all the requirements that the manufacturer of the composition gives. Therefore, if you doubt your capabilities, then it is better to involve specialists in the work, their services are not cheap, but you are guaranteed to get the perfect result;

  • In order for the surface to fully gain strength and the room can be used, 5-7 days should pass. That is, if you need to carry out work urgently, this option will not work, you need to plan its installation in advance;
  • With constant exposure to direct sun rays individual sections may burn out, this may worsen the appearance of the floor, although the strength characteristics will not be affected in any way;
  • If you decide to lay another coating, then the dismantling of liquid linoleum will take a lot of time and effort. It is easier to make another floor from above, since the self-leveling option is an excellent base.

Types of compositions

At the moment, there are four main options on sale, each of which has features, we will consider them in detail:

Methyl methacrylate formulations A universal solution that has a not very attractive appearance, but perfectly resists loads and is resistant to atmospheric influences. But the composition is very fast speed setting, so efficiency is important when working, so this option is only for professionals. Another feature is the ability to work both at positive and at negative temperatures.
Cement-acrylic compositions This group of compositions is made on the basis of high-grade cement and acrylic copolymer with the addition of high-strength fillers. Due to the high resistance to chemical influences and temperature extremes, such solutions are especially popular in enterprises. Food Industry. It should be noted that the technology of applying cement-acrylic mixtures is much more complicated than other analogues.
Epoxy Based Compounds Epoxy resin is well known for its strength characteristics, so it is not surprising that flooring is also made from it. The composition fits perfectly both on concrete and on and even on metal. These floors can also be used industrial enterprises, and in residential areas, as they are environmentally friendly, in addition, they can be used to create decorative coatings
Polyurethane liquid floors This option is the most popular today, as it combines such properties as strength, elasticity and wear resistance. Polyurethane-based compounds are used both in industrial and private buildings.

The only caveat to remember is that when working in the room, low humidity should be maintained until the layer is completely solidified.

Remember that during the work a strong odor is emitted and inhalation of the vapors of the composition can lead to a deterioration in well-being.
Therefore, all work should be carried out in a well-ventilated area and use a respirator to protect the respiratory system.

A separate option that should be discussed is floors with a 3D effect. To create them, transparent polyurethane or epoxy compositions are used, the technology provides for the location of the picture on the surface, which is then filled with a layer of liquid linoleum and, after drying, a composition with a three-dimensional effect is obtained.

Another interesting solution- the location on the floor of any objects, for example, coins, and the subsequent filling of the surface. This way you can get very interesting compositions that you create yourself, this option provides a unique result, since each specific case is unique.

As for manufacturers, there are enough a large number of options, we will talk about the most common of them, although the list in each region may differ:

  • The Feidal brand is known to professionals for its quality and reliability. The company produces a wide range of products, the cost of which varies from 15,000 to 20,000 per 24 kg package. Polyurethane-based compositions are excellent for use in residential premises, the mixture consumption is from 2 to 4 kg per sq.m.;

  • Products under the Praspan brand of domestic production are also popular, its main advantage is its low price, a kilogram of the composition, depending on the brand, will cost you from 250 rubles and more. It is important to choose best option for certain conditions;

  • Another a budget option- "Monopol", several variants of products are produced on both polyurethane and polyester bases. The cost varies from 200 rubles or more;
  • Another a good option- self-leveling floor of the Teping company, the cost of a kilogram of the composition is from 600 rubles, while the quality and environmental friendliness correspond to the most high standards. You will be presented with a variety of solutions to choose from. various types premises.

As for the workflow, this is a topic for a separate review, so here we will talk about the main stages and their features:

  • First of all, the base is cleaned of all contaminants., the remnants of old coatings are removed from it. All furniture is taken out of the room, it must be empty;
  • Next, the surface is inspected for damage and cracks.. You also need to check the plane with a level, and if there are significant differences on it, then it is advisable to align with cement mortar or self-leveling composition;
  • Then it is necessary to treat the surface with a primer., it is needed in order to reduce the absorbency of the surface and improve the adhesion of the composition to the base. Work can be continued only after the soil has completely dried;
  • The application of the main layer is carried out starting from the highest point in the room, if the level is the same, then you can start from one side and go to the exit. When working, a spiked roller is used to remove air and distribute the composition over the surface. To move around the floor, purchase special devices - paint shoes, they allow you to walk on a freshly poured composition;

  • Finally, a protective wear-resistant composition is applied on top, if you want to get a drawing, then paint is applied before that. It all depends on the project, we have described the simplest option, all the features of the work will be prompted by the instructions from the manufacturer.

Do not forget that it is undesirable to move on the surface until completely dry, even if it seems strong and reliable.


Pouring liquid linoleum with your own hands is not the easiest task, but the result will be much better than most other options. The video in this article will tell and clearly show some important nuances, and if something is not clear to you - ask questions in the comments, and we will be happy to answer them.

May 27, 2016

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Liquid linoleum is a floor covering - a novelty and real find for lovers of perfection in their interior and, in particular, impeccable coating. Outwardly, this material is similar to ordinary linoleum, but it is not applied in layers, but is literally poured onto the floor surface, after which it becomes even, smooth, without seams and any other flaws. Such flooring can be used in almost all large rooms.

Advantages of liquid linoleum

1. Strength, which is also explained by its thickness, which significantly exceeds the thickness of ordinary linoleum and reaches one and a half millimeters.

2. The absence of seams and gaps in the material will give the perfect look to your floor.

3. Liquid lenolium is suitable for covering large areas.

4. You can choose the design and texture of your linoleum yourself, making it rough or even, matte or varnished, decorating it with decorative inclusions.

5. Liquid linoleum is waterproof, non-toxic, non-flammable, which is a big plus for the safety of any room.

6. If the flooring is damaged, there is always the opportunity to “revive” liquid linoleum with the help of a simple restoration.

7. Liquid linoleum is made from environmentally friendly materials, which contributes to the creation of a favorable microclimate in the room.

Cons of liquid linoleum

1. The need for careful pre-training floor surface.

2. Some types of self-leveling floor turn yellow under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.

3. Liquid linoleum is difficult to remove from the base if necessary.

4. Liquid linoleum - self-leveling floor - quite an expensive pleasure.

Laying liquid linoleum

Before laying, you need to carefully prepare the surface, cleaning it from dirt and bumps. Liquid linoleum can be laid not only on concrete, but also on wood, metal or even tiles. The floor is covered with a primer and left to dry for several hours, then the polyurethane mixture is poured onto it and leveled on the floor. The hardening of the surface can be observed in a day, and the liquid linoleum will acquire the proper strength in a week.

Easy-to-use liquid linoleum is easy to install and of excellent quality, which is sure to be appreciated by the economical buyer. BUT unique design bulk coating will decorate any room.