What is working documentation? Order of designation of project documentation (code) Names of sections of project documentation

Example of a ROM project section - planning organization of a land plot for an apartment building.

Scheme of planning organization of a land plot Section of the ROM.


1. ROM-1 Situational plan. M1:5000;

2. PZU-2 Scheme of planning organization of a land plot. M1:500;

3. PZU-3 Plan-height references of residential buildings. M1:500;

4. ROM-4 Relief organization plan. M1:500;

5. ROM-5 Plan of earth masses. M1:500;

6. PZU-6 Territory improvement plan. M1:500.

Explanatory note section residential multi-apartment

1.1 Characteristics of the land plot.

The construction site is located at the address: Ulyanovsk, Zasviyazhsky district, 5th quarter of the West-1 residential microdistrict of the Simbirsk Ring complex and is limited by:

From the west - the territory of the kindergarten and the A-151 highway with access to the Moskovskoe highway,

From the east - residential buildings under construction and st. General Melnikov,

From the south - residential buildings and Alexander Park.

At the construction site there are TP and RP structures that are preserved at the start of construction. Engineering communications are removed.

The terrain of the site is mostly flat with an elevation difference of 111.30-110.00 m.a.s. A topographic plan at a scale of 1:500 was completed by Sovetnik LLC in 2014.

According to engineering and geological surveys carried out in 2013. JSC "UlyanovskTISIZ", the site from the surface has an unsuitable layer of soil-vegetative soil with a thickness of 0.4 m, subject to cutting and further use for the construction of designed lawn areas, then hard, hard- and soft-plastic loams with a thickness of 2.0-4.2 m are presented. Further along the section there are sands of various sizes.

Groundwater was discovered at a depth of 6.5 to 7.2 m from the surface of the earth, at absolute levels of 102.85-104.2 m.

1.2 Justification of the boundaries of sanitary protection zones.

The designed residential buildings are located in residential buildings; there are no warehouses or industrial facilities within a radius of up to 500 m.

1.3 Justification for the planning organization of the land plot.

The designed residential buildings number 24 and 25 of 9-storey buildings (with 3 and 7 entrances) are oriented with facades on the north-eastern side of the site border - on Kamyshinskaya Street, on the south-western side - on a passage without a name, and in the courtyard area there is a transformer substation, gas control substation (existing), recreation areas for children and adults, area for physical education.

1.4 Engineering preparation of the territory.

The main activities for engineering preparation of the territory are:

The territory is planned at elevations close to the existing ones, which is due to the previously planned areas of residential buildings and a kindergarten. There are recesses from 0.10 to 0.50m.

In accordance with the Conclusion on engineering and environmental surveys carried out by Simbirskizyskaniya LLC in 2012. The studied soil samples at the project site in terms of sanitary and epidemiological requirements for soil quality belong to the “Clean” category.

1.5 Organization of relief.

The vertical layout of the territory is solved mainly in small embankments with a height of 0.1-0.5 m, and excavations up to 0.5 m (fill soil).

Main excavation works at the site:

  • installation of troughs for highways, sidewalks, landscaping,
  • development of excavations,
  • embankment device.

At the same time, to organize the embankment, the project plans to use soil from excavations, from the trough of highways, sidewalks and landscaping, moving it into the embankment with a compaction coefficient of up to 0.95 m, and under driveways with asphalt concrete pavement - with a compaction coefficient of 0.98.

Drainage on the site is resolved through storm drainage with rainwater wells.

1.6 Landscaping of the site and roadways.

Vehicle passages on the site are located taking into account the requirements of the “Federal Law. Technical regulations on fire safety requirements” Article 67 pp. 24 and 25 at a distance of 8m from the building and a width of at least 6.0m.

The roadways are designed with an urban profile with curb stones, the width of the roadway is from 6m to 7m. Sidewalks are provided with a width of 1.5-3.0m. The structures of highways and sidewalks are designed with asphalt concrete pavement and are shown in the drawing “Territory Improvement Plan”.

The entire area free of buildings and transport communications is completely landscaped with the organization of lawns and planting of shrubs in groups.

The territory improvement project also provides for the construction of recreation areas in the required (calculated) volume: for adults - 100 m2 and “for children’s games” - 400 m2, an area for physical education - 1100 m2, a dog walking area - within the conventional border of the neighboring house. For sports activities, the project provides for the construction of a mini-football court with a coating made of a non-waterproof special mixture. In accordance with SNIP 2.07.01-89*, the minimum area of ​​recreation areas is:

Recreation area for adults


Children's play area


Area for physical education


Where 1035 is the population in residential buildings 24.25,

0.1;0.4 - standard indicators per 1 resident.

The utility area (for the garbage disposal) is located between the houses on the outside along the perimeter of the designed site, taking into account the sanitary gap of 15 m from the windows of residential buildings and from recreation areas.

1.8 Transport.

Vehicle access to the design site is provided from the street. Kamyshinskaya. The width of the roadway is from 6m to 7m.

In the courtyard and along the perimeter of the site, the project provides for the construction of open parking lots with asphalt concrete pavement, common to all 4 houses. The total number is 180 m/seats.

The minimum number of parking spaces is calculated according to SNiP 2.07.01-89*:

N = (1035x350/1000) = 362m/places, where

N - number of parking spaces;

1035 - number of residents of houses 24-25;

350 - level of motorization per 1000 inhabitants;

Thus, the required temporary storage of 25% of units has been provided at the site. cars, i.e. 91 units, also the possibility of storing personal vehicles for residents of houses is provided in noun. garages up to 800m away.

For parking of vehicles of people with limited mobility, the project plans to organize 2 parking spaces in the courtyard area.

Computers and any electronics are complex devices, the operating principles of which are not always clear to most ordinary people. What is ROM and why is the device needed? Most people will not be able to answer this question. Let's try to correct this misunderstanding.

What is ROM?

What are they and where are they used? Read-only memory devices (ROM) are non-volatile memory. Technologically, they are implemented as a microcircuit. At the same time, we learned what the ROM abbreviation is. Devices are designed to store information entered by the user and installed programs. In a permanent storage device you can find documents, melodies, pictures - i.e. anything that needs to be stored for months or even years. Memory volumes, depending on the device used, can vary from several kilobytes (on the simplest devices that have a single silicon chip, an example of which are microcontrollers) to terabytes. The larger the ROM capacity, the more objects can be stored. The volume is directly proportional to the amount of data. If we condense the answer to the question of what a ROM is, we should answer: it is something that does not depend on constant voltage.

Hard drives as primary permanent storage devices

The question of what a ROM is has already been answered. Now we should talk about what they are. The main permanent storage devices are hard drives. They are in every modern computer. They are used due to their wide capabilities for storing information. But at the same time, there are a number of ROMs that use multiplexers, bootloaders and other similar electronic mechanisms). With a detailed study, it will be necessary not only to understand the meaning of ROM. Explanation of other terms is also necessary in order to understand the topic.

Expansion and addition of ROM capabilities thanks to flash technologies

If the standard one is not enough for the user, then you can take advantage of the additional expansion of the capabilities of the provided ROM in the field of data storage. This is done using modern technologies implemented in memory cards and USB flash drives. They are based on the principle of reusable use. In other words, data on them can be erased and written tens or hundreds of thousands of times.

What does read-only memory consist of?

The ROM contains two parts, which are designated as ROM-A (for storing programs) and ROM-E (for issuing programs). A type A read-only memory device is a diode-transformer matrix, which is stitched using address wires. This section of ROM performs the main function. The filling depends on the material from which the ROM is made (punched and magnetic tapes, punched cards, magnetic disks, drums, ferrite tips, dielectrics and their property of accumulating electrostatic charges can be used).

Schematic structure of ROM

This electronics object is depicted as a device that in appearance resembles the connection of a certain number of single-digit cells. The ROM chip, despite its potential complexity and seemingly significant capabilities, is small in size. When storing a certain bit, it is sealed to the case (when a zero is written) or to the power source (when a unit is written). To increase the capacity of memory cells in permanent storage devices, microcircuits can be connected in parallel. This is what manufacturers do to get a modern product, because a high-performance ROM chip allows them to be competitive in the market.

Memory volumes when used in various units of equipment

Memory sizes vary depending on the type and purpose of the ROM. So in simple household appliances like washing machines or refrigerators, you can have enough installed microcontrollers (with their reserves of several tens of kilobytes), and in rare cases something more complex is installed. There is no point in using a large amount of ROM here, because the amount of electronics is small and the equipment does not require complex calculations. Modern TVs require something more advanced. And the pinnacle of complexity is computer technology like computers and servers, ROMs for which, at a minimum, can hold from several gigabytes (for those released 15 years ago) to tens and hundreds of terabytes of information.

Mask ROM

In cases where recording is carried out using a metallization process and a mask is used, such a permanent storage device is called a masked one. The addresses of the memory cells in them are supplied to 10 pins, and a specific chip is selected using a special CS signal. Programming of this type of ROM is carried out in factories, as a result of which production in small and medium volumes is unprofitable and rather inconvenient. But when produced in large quantities, they are the cheapest among all permanent storage devices, which has ensured their popularity.

Schematically, they differ from the general mass in that in the memory matrix the conductor connections are replaced by fusible jumpers made of polycrystalline silicon. At the production stage, all jumpers are created, and the computer believes that logical ones are written everywhere. But during preparatory programming, increased voltage is applied, with the help of which logical units are left. When low voltages are applied, the jumpers evaporate, and the computer reads that there is a logical zero. Programmable read only memory devices operate on this principle.

Programmable Read Only Memory Devices

PROMs turned out to be convenient enough in the process of technological manufacturing that they could be used in medium and small-scale production. But such devices also have their limitations - for example, a program can only be written once (due to the fact that the jumpers evaporate once and for all). Due to this inability to reuse a permanent storage device, if it is written incorrectly, it must be thrown away. As a result, the cost of all manufactured equipment increases. Due to the imperfection of the production cycle, this problem was quite on the minds of memory device developers. The way out of this situation was the development of ROM, which can be re-programmed many times.

UV or electrical erasable ROM

And such devices were called “ultraviolet or electrically erasable read only memory.” They are created on the basis of a memory matrix, in which memory cells have a special structure. Thus, each cell is a MOS transistor in which the gate is made of polycrystalline silicon. Similar to the previous option, right? But the peculiarity of these ROMs is that the silicon is additionally surrounded by a dielectric that has wonderful insulating properties - silicon dioxide. The operating principle here is based on the content of an inductive charge, which can be stored for decades. There are specifics to erasing. Thus, an ultraviolet ROM device requires exposure to ultraviolet rays coming from outside (ultraviolet lamp, etc.). Obviously, from the point of view of simplicity, the operation of electrically erasable read-only memories is optimal, since they simply need to be activated by applying voltage. The principle of electrical erasure has been successfully implemented in ROMs such as flash drives, which can be seen in many.

But such a ROM circuit, with the exception of cell construction, is structurally no different from a conventional masked read-only memory device. Sometimes such devices are also called reprogrammable. But with all the advantages, there are also certain limits to the speed of erasing information: this action usually takes about 10-30 minutes.

Despite the ability to rewrite, reprogrammable devices have limitations on their use. Thus, electronics with ultraviolet erasure can survive from 10 to 100 rewrite cycles. Then the destructive influence of radiation becomes so noticeable that they cease to function. You can see the use of such elements as storage for BIOS programs, in video and sound cards, and for additional ports. But the optimal principle regarding rewriting is the principle of electrical erasure. Thus, the number of rewrites in ordinary devices ranges from 100,000 to 500,000! There are separate ROM devices that can do more, but most users have no use for them.

According to the provisions of SNiP 11-01-95, working documentation (its composition) in the field of construction of enterprises, structures and buildings is determined by state SPDS standards, but is clarified by the designer and the customer during the preparation of an agreement or design contract. Industry, republican and state standards are not included in the working documentation. Also, it does not include those drawings of standard structures, components and products that are referenced in the working documentation drawings. But they, depending on the terms of the contract, can also be transferred to the customer. The composition of the provided working documentation is individual for each project, however, the content of a number of sections constitutes a standard list for the Working Documentation stage.

Detailed documentation as a stage in the preparation of project documentation

All project documentation can be presented in the form of packages representing three stages:

  1. Sketch design (). This is the stage of developing the concept of a future facility with the determination of its main technical and economic characteristics. The preliminary design shows how the object is “planted” on the ground, what its structural design and volumetric-spatial solution will be. This stage is distinguished conditionally. Pre-design studies are not always created when preparing the main packages of documents. However, practitioners believe that creating a preliminary design allows you to save a lot of time, effort and resources in the long-term implementation.
  2. Project documentation. Unlike the previous stage, this is a mandatory stage, which is subject to agreement with state executive authorities. The result of the approval is permission to construct the facility. The composition of the project documentation being developed is regulated by RF PP No. 87, however, the actual composition for each specific project will be individual, since the specifics of each project are unique.
  3. . Here, those design solutions that were outlined in the previous stage are developed in detail and as exhaustively as possible. Detailed documentation includes specifications, utility network profiles, drawings of original components, and/or axonometric diagrams. At this stage, there are no longer a number of sections presented and exhausted at the stage of project documentation: OOS (list of measures related to environmental protection), POS (construction organization project), KEO (lighting and technical calculations of natural illumination and insolation), ITM (engineering and technical measures of civil defense) and others.

This ratio of two mandatory formats of documentation - design and working - replaced the previously existing standards, which provided for a different format for staged design with the inclusion of the “Feasibility Study” phase, the “Project” and “Detailed Design” phases (changes based on a letter from the Ministry of Regional Development RF No. 19088-SK/08 - 06/22/2009).

Now (based on RF PP N 87 “On the composition of sections of project documentation and requirements for their content” - 02/16/2008) a definition of working documentation is given, according to which it includes documentation developed for the purpose of implementing technical, technological and architectural solutions during the construction process . The content and composition of the developed working documentation depend on the requirements of the customer (developer), which, in turn, depend on the level of detail of those solutions contained in the design documentation and included in the design assignment.

The Ministry of Regional Development of Russia, on the basis of RF PP No. 87, in connection with changes in the requirements for sections of project documentation, published its recommendations. According to them, when calculating the cost of design work, the following distribution of the base design price is accepted:

  • 40% – design documentation,
  • 60% – working documentation.

This base price is calculated using design work price guides based on the design stage. But the specified price ratio can be adjusted by agreement between the customer and the contractor, who, when making a decision, are guided by the specifics of construction projects and the completeness of the development of both types of documentation. Also, by agreement between the customer (developer) and the contractor (the person preparing the documents), the percentage of the base price is determined if the task provides for the parallel development of design and working documentation in full or partial volumes. Here the decision is also made based on:

  • functional and technological features,
  • architectural specifics,
  • constructive approaches,
  • engineering requirements,
  • degree of detail of each design element.

According to the mentioned recommendation of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia, in the case of simultaneous development of both types of documentation at the initiative of the customer and with the consent of the expert organization, the documentation can be submitted for consideration by the state examination. The structural diagram of such an examination assumes the following sequence when submitting documentation:

  1. The design organization prepares urban planning, pre-design (sketch) and design and estimate documentation, which the customer gets acquainted with.
  2. The customer transfers the package to the expert council under the government of the Russian Federation, thereby initiating the State Comprehensive Expertise.
  3. The package of documents goes through sequentially:
    • Glavgosexpertiza of the Russian Federation,
    • Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense and Emergencies, Natural Resources, Health and Social Development, Industry and Energy,
    • federal executive authorities authorized to conduct the examination.
  4. Based on expert opinions, a summary conclusion is issued based on the results of the examination.
  5. The documentation is submitted for approval, after which, if the examination is successfully completed, it is returned to the customer, and, in case of comments, it is sent to the design organization for revision.

At the final stage, the customer can make his comments in the preparation of documentation, which is returned to the customer after the defects are eliminated.

Regulation of the composition of working documentation

SPDS standards and clarifications from the customer in the design assignment determine the composition of the developed working documentation.


Terms such as “detailed design”, “detailed documentation” were first introduced in SNiP 1.02.01-85, replacing or modifying the terminological set, which included the terms “technical design”, “technical design”, “working drawings” (SPDS standards , which began to be developed in the seventies, also extended to “working drawings”).

SNiP 1.02.01-85 in terms of the composition of working documentation was close to GOST 21.101-97, which defines the requirements for design and working documentation, where paragraph 3.2 states that the composition of the developed working documentation for the design and construction of buildings and structures generally includes:

  • Working drawings intended for construction and installation work.
  • Documentation according to GOST 21.501 for construction products.
  • Sketch drawings of non-standard products in accordance with GOST 21.114, which are carried out as necessary.
  • Specifications of equipment, materials and products in accordance with GOST 21.110.
  • Other documentation required by the SPDS.
  • Estimate documentation according to established forms.

In GOST R 21.1101-2013, in the description of the design documentation system, paragraph 4.2 with subparagraphs is devoted to working documentation, where it includes working drawings that are intended for installation and construction work and the documents attached to them from the main set. Here the main set includes working drawings and diagrams provided for by SPDS standards. And the list of attached documents includes:

In working drawings, by indicating references to documents, it is allowed to use standard structures, assemblies and products with working drawings in them, but reference documents (including drawings and standards with drawings included) do not apply to working documentation.

Sections of working documentation

The composition of the developed working documentation will differ in each specific project, but it usually consists of the following sections.

Main sections and their codes (brands):

  • Master Plan (GP).
  • Transport (TR).
  • Combined section of the master plan and transport (GT).
  • Highways (AH).
  • Railway tracks (RW).
  • Architectural solutions (AR).
  • The combined section of architectural and structural solutions is architectural and construction solutions (AC).
  • Technological solutions (TX).
  • Interiors (AI).
  • Technological communications (TC).
  • Estimates for capital construction projects (SD1).
  • Monitoring of prices of materials (SD2).
  • Complex automation (AC).

Sections related to design solutions and their codes (brands):

  • Reinforced concrete structures (RC).
  • Foundations and reinforced concrete structures (RCS).
  • Metal structures (CM).
  • Detailing metal structures (CMD).
  • Wooden structures (KD).
  • Static calculation (SRC).

Sections related to power supply and their codes (brands):

  • External power supply (ES).
  • Electric lighting (EL).
  • External electric lighting (EL).
  • Power electrical equipment (EM).
  • Power supply of engineering systems (EIS).

Sections related to water supply and their codes (brands):

  • Hydraulic solutions (HR).
  • External networks of the water supply system (WS).
  • External networks of the drainage system (DS).
  • Joint division of external water supply and sanitation networks (NVK).
  • Joint division of internal water supply and sanitation networks (VK).

Sections related to air flow, heat and cold supply and their codes (brands):

  • Dust removal (PU).
  • Ventilation, air conditioning and heating (HVAC).
  • Heat supply (HS).
  • Thermal mechanics (TM).
  • Refrigeration supply (CS).
  • Air supply (air supply).

Sections related to steam and gas supply and their codes:

  • External gas supply (GSN).
  • Internal gas supply (IGS).
  • Steam supply (PS).

Sections related to security systems, telecommunications and their codes (brands):

  • Radio and telephony (RT)
  • Structured cabling networks (SCN).
  • Video surveillance (VN).
  • Security alarm (OS).
  • Access control and accounting system (ACS).
  • Special fire extinguishing (FS).
  • Anti-corrosion protection (AZ).
  • Thermal insulation (TI).

Sections of working documentation can be presented in the form of standardized sets, which can be adjusted depending on the characteristics of a particular object.

Options for sets of working documentation

Below are presented several of the most common sets of working documentation in practice for industrial facilities.

General Plan (GP), as well as a combined section of the General Plan and Transport (GT)

General plan and transport structures (GOST 21.508-93 SPDS) in the case of combining working drawings into a single set in accordance with GOST 21.204-93 SPDS.

Composition of working documentation:

  • working drawings of the general plan (main set of the GP brand) and in a single set with transport structures - the main set of the GT brand,
  • sketch drawings of general views for non-standard products,
  • list of material requirements (GOST 21.110),
  • statement of volumes of installation and construction work (GOST 21.110).

The main set of working drawings of the general plan:

  • general data,
  • plans: organization of relief, landscaping, earth masses, utility networks (consolidated),
  • layout plan,
  • remote fragments and elements (assemblies) (GOST 21.101).

Working drawings, with the exception of the plan of earth masses, are carried out on an engineering topographical plan.

Production technology (TX)

Working drawings for the technological solutions section include:

  • assignment for the production of detail drawings of technological units, which are assembled by organizations carrying out installation,
  • drawings for installation of process pipelines and equipment (basic set of TX brand),
  • drawings of special types of process pipelines,
  • requirements for the creation of design documentation for individually manufactured equipment (GOST 15.001-73), if these requirements are not presented in the working design.

The main set of working drawings of the TX brand:

  • general data,
  • wiring diagram,
  • location of equipment and pipelines (drawings),
  • pipeline list.

The main kit is accompanied by statements about the requirements for materials (GOST 21.109-80) and the scope of installation work (GOST 21.111-84), as well as equipment specifications (GOST 21.110-82).

Architectural solutions (AR, GOST 21.501-93 SPDS)

For architectural solutions, working drawings of construction and installation works are carried out as part of the main kits with a grade assigned according to GOST 21.101. If necessary, an equipment specification is drawn up according to them (GOST 21.110). Construction and architectural drawings indicate the accuracy of the geometric parameters of structures, structures, and buildings (GOST 21.113). Requirements for the magnitude of accuracy for functional geometric parameters correlate with the requirements for the magnitude of accuracy in the manufacture and installation of structural elements, axes layout by calculation according to GOST 21780.

Basic set of working drawings of the AP brand:

  • general data,
  • floor plans, technical underground, basement, technical floor, attic,
  • facades,
  • cuts,
  • floor plans,
  • roof plan (roof),
  • layout diagrams of prefabricated partitions and their elements,
  • layout diagrams of window openings and filling elements, as well as other openings,
  • extension fragments, elements (nodes)
  • specifications for layout diagrams (GOST 21.101).

When combining construction and architectural decisions, the composition of the AS is adopted.

Fire alarm (PS, GOST 25 1241-86)

Working drawings, according to which construction and installation work is carried out to create fire protection, are combined into basic sets according to the brands PS (fire alarm), PT (fire extinguishing), OS (security and fire and burglar alarm). Other markings are also possible - for example, APT (automated fire extinguishing, smoke removal system), etc.

The main set of working drawings of the PS brand:

  • general data,
  • copying from the general plan, situational plan,
  • plan of premises, fire extinguishing station control units,
  • plan of protected buildings and structures (if necessary, with piping and cable wiring),
  • plan of protected buildings, structures with external pipeline routes,
  • a plan for the distribution of cables, wires, pipelines, arrangement of equipment in protected premises, in the premises of control units, pumping stations and fire stations, as well as, if necessary, diagrams of pipelines and equipment of pumping stations.
  • grounding plan,
  • cuts, sections,
  • circuit diagram of monitoring and control,
  • diagram of electrical connections, connections and – if necessary – general electrical diagrams of the fire alarm system,
  • cable magazine.

In addition, if necessary, the kit includes:

  • functional and structural diagrams of AUP,
  • list of pipes filled with cables,
  • pipe bill of lading,
  • general views (drawings) of non-standard structures and equipment.

The main kits can be divided by type of fire extinguishing (alarm), by type of installation work, by construction queues into several different main kits.

Computers and any electronics are complex devices, the operating principles of which are not always clear to most ordinary people. What is ROM and why is the device needed? Most people will not be able to answer this question. Let's try to correct this misunderstanding.

What is ROM?

What are they and where are they used? Read-only memory devices (ROM) are non-volatile memory. Technologically, they are implemented as a microcircuit. At the same time, we learned what the ROM abbreviation is. Devices are designed to store information entered by the user and installed programs. In a permanent storage device you can find documents, melodies, pictures - i.e. anything that needs to be stored for months or even years. Memory volumes, depending on the device used, can vary from several kilobytes (on the simplest devices that have a single silicon chip, an example of which are microcontrollers) to terabytes. The larger the ROM capacity, the more objects can be stored. The volume is directly proportional to the amount of data. If we condense the answer to the question of what a ROM is, we should answer: it is a data storage that does not depend on constant voltage.

Hard drives as primary permanent storage devices

The question of what a ROM is has already been answered. Now we should talk about what they are. The main permanent storage devices are hard drives. They are in every modern computer. They are used due to their wide capabilities for storing information. But at the same time, there are a number of ROMs that use multiplexers (these are microcontrollers, bootloaders and other similar electronic mechanisms). With a detailed study, it will be necessary not only to understand the meaning of ROM. Explanation of other terms is also necessary in order to understand the topic.

Expansion and addition of ROM capabilities thanks to flash technologies

If the standard amount of memory is not enough for the user, then you can take advantage of the additional expansion of the capabilities of the provided ROM in the field of data storage. This is done using modern technologies implemented in memory cards and USB flash drives. They are based on the principle of reusable use. In other words, data on them can be erased and written tens or hundreds of thousands of times.

What does read-only memory consist of?

The ROM contains two parts, which are designated as ROM-A (for storing programs) and ROM-E (for issuing programs). A type A read-only memory device is a diode-transformer matrix, which is stitched using address wires. This section of ROM performs the main function. The filling depends on the material from which the ROM is made (punched and magnetic tapes, punched cards, magnetic disks, drums, ferrite tips, dielectrics and their property of accumulating electrostatic charges can be used).

Schematic structure of ROM

This electronics object is depicted as a device that in appearance resembles the connection of a certain number of single-digit cells. The ROM chip, despite its potential complexity and seemingly significant capabilities, is small in size. When storing a certain bit, it is sealed to the case (when a zero is written) or to the power source (when a unit is written). To increase the capacity of memory cells in permanent storage devices, microcircuits can be connected in parallel. This is what manufacturers do to get a modern product, because a high-performance ROM chip allows them to be competitive in the market.

Memory volumes when used in various units of equipment

Memory sizes vary depending on the type and purpose of the ROM. So in simple household appliances like washing machines or refrigerators, you can have enough installed microcontrollers (with their reserves of several tens of kilobytes), and in rare cases something more complex is installed. There is no point in using a large amount of ROM here, because the amount of electronics is small and the equipment does not require complex calculations. Modern TVs require something more advanced. And the pinnacle of complexity is computer technology like computers and servers, ROMs for which, at a minimum, can hold from several gigabytes (for those released 15 years ago) to tens and hundreds of terabytes of information.

Mask ROM

In cases where recording is carried out using a metallization process and a mask is used, such a permanent storage device is called a masked one. The addresses of the memory cells in them are supplied to 10 pins, and a specific chip is selected using a special CS signal. Programming of this type of ROM is carried out in factories, as a result of which production in small and medium volumes is unprofitable and rather inconvenient. But when produced in large quantities, they are the cheapest among all permanent storage devices, which has ensured their popularity.

Schematically, they differ from the general mass in that in the memory matrix the conductor connections are replaced by fusible jumpers made of polycrystalline silicon. At the production stage, all jumpers are created, and the computer believes that logical ones are written everywhere. But during preparatory programming, increased voltage is applied, with the help of which logical units are left. When low voltages are applied, the jumpers evaporate, and the computer reads that there is a logical zero. Programmable read only memory devices operate on this principle.

Programmable Read Only Memory Devices

PROMs turned out to be convenient enough in the process of technological manufacturing that they could be used in medium and small-scale production. But such devices also have their limitations - for example, a program can only be written once (due to the fact that the jumpers evaporate once and for all). Due to this inability to reuse a permanent storage device, if it is written incorrectly, it must be thrown away. As a result, the cost of all manufactured equipment increases. Due to the imperfection of the production cycle, this problem was quite on the minds of memory device developers. The way out of this situation was the development of ROM, which can be re-programmed many times.

UV or electrical erasable ROM

And such devices were called “ultraviolet or electrically erasable read only memory.” They are created on the basis of a memory matrix, in which memory cells have a special structure. Thus, each cell is a MOS transistor in which the gate is made of polycrystalline silicon. Similar to the previous option, right? But the peculiarity of these ROMs is that the silicon is additionally surrounded by a dielectric that has wonderful insulating properties - silicon dioxide. The operating principle here is based on the content of an inductive charge, which can be stored for decades. There are specifics to erasing. Thus, an ultraviolet ROM device requires exposure to ultraviolet rays coming from outside (ultraviolet lamp, etc.). Obviously, from the point of view of simplicity, the operation of electrically erasable read-only memories is optimal, since they simply need to be activated by applying voltage. The principle of electrical erasure has been successfully implemented in ROMs such as flash drives, which can be seen in many.

But such a ROM circuit, with the exception of cell construction, is structurally no different from a conventional masked read-only memory device. Sometimes such devices are also called reprogrammable. But with all the advantages, there are also certain limits to the speed of erasing information: this action usually takes about 10-30 minutes.

Despite the ability to rewrite, reprogrammable devices have limitations on their use. Thus, electronics with ultraviolet erasure can survive from 10 to 100 rewrite cycles. Then the destructive influence of radiation becomes so noticeable that they cease to function. You can see the use of such elements as storage for BIOS programs, in video and sound cards, and for additional ports. But the optimal principle regarding rewriting is the principle of electrical erasure. Thus, the number of rewrites in ordinary devices ranges from 100,000 to 500,000! There are separate ROM devices that can do more, but most users have no use for them.

Each project must have its own independent symbol. I have to work with many design organizations. Sometimes it seems that some people do not understand how to designate project documentation.

The designation of design documentation consists of two parts: the base designation and, separated by a hyphen, the brand of the set of drawings is indicated.


ХХХХ – designation of the design organization;

YY - number of the building or structure according to the general plan;

ZZ – brand of the main set of drawings.

For example, 2014-1-EM1, 2014-1-EM2, 2014-2-EP.

The capital letter “H” is added to the designations of sketch drawings through a period.

Example: ХХХХ-YY-ZZ.Н

Text documents included in the list of attached documents must have a designation with the addition of the corresponding capital letters separated by a period:

CO - for equipment specification;

LO - for the questionnaire;

LS - for local estimates;

VM - for the statement of material requirements;

VR - for reporting the volume of installation and construction work.

Example: 2014-1-EM.LO1

I would like to note that here (where I worked and work) it is customary to assign the letter “C” to specifications, and “OL” to questionnaires.

As you can see, the number of the general designer’s contract (as well as the contractor’s, if any) and the year are added here.

1 Electrical working documentation. General requirements and recommendations for composition and design. (Replaces VSN 381-85). Moscow 1993.

2 Instructions for preparing project documentation.

3 GOST R 21.1101—2009. System of design documentation for construction. Basic requirements for design and working documentation.

What rules for designating PSD do you follow?