Fortune telling for children. Favorite fortune telling: “Stop”

Every girl at least once in her life thought about whether a boy from a parallel class liked her, and even more interestingly, whether she would be called to the board today, and what she would get on the test. Fortune telling for girls about love comes to the rescue just in such situations - this is a special ritual when every little fortune teller becomes a little sorceress. Let us reveal to our young readers the little secrets of this art.

For modern beauties, there are school predictions that can be done in a regular notebook.

Everyone knows that boys, although they seem very brave and determined, are actually often as shy as girls. And they are afraid to admit that some girl has attracted their attention. What if this is without reciprocity? What if a pretty classmate or friends laugh at him?


And then they - the boys - behave like little children: they pull their pigtails, they can hit or push harder. This behavior is a sign that he really likes you. Let's look at the secret signs in his behavior:

  • if he hits you on the hand, he loves you;
  • hit on the shoulder - can change;
  • on the back - angry and jealous;
  • on the head - he trusts like no one else.


Another old sign is scratchers. Our great-great-great-grandmothers knew about this:

  • lips itch - you will kiss;
  • the heel itches - it’s time to go on a date;
  • right hand - greet a good person;
  • left - a gift will be given;
  • head - your loved one thinks about you;
  • the left cheek itches - to love;
  • right - to betrayal.


If your face is burning:

  • on Monday - he gossips about you;
  • on Tuesday - afraid to admit his love;
  • on Wednesday - prepares a beautiful confession;
  • on Thursday - be on a date;
  • on Friday - he is a liar, making fun of you;
  • on Saturday - he doesn’t love you and cheats on you;
  • on Sunday - he loves you very much and wants to meet you.


If your ears are burning:

  • on Monday - expect good guests,
  • on Tuesday - run to your loved one on a date,
  • on Wednesday - to a pleasant acquaintance,
  • on Thursday - for a rich gift,
  • on Friday - bad news,
  • on Saturday - you will cry,
  • on Sunday - expect fun.

Fortune telling for girls about love and omens is quite simple, but you will begin to know more about boys, especially about the ones you like.

Guessing school notebooks

The simplest fortune telling for schoolgirls is fortune telling with ballpoint pen and a piece of paper. You need to take these objects, sit down at the table, concentrate and loudly ask the most exciting question out loud.

But before asking it, you need to formulate everything very precisely and correctly. Because if you ask inaccurately, then the answer will come inaccurately, and the whole prediction will have to start all over again!

The question must be formulated in such a way that there can be only two answers to it - “yes” or “no”. When everyone has said it loudly - so that the Universe can hear you, you can conduct fortune telling for girls on paper and pen. Write down word for word what you just said out loud.

Then we translate everything into numbers - we count how many letters there are in your sentence. For example, the question is: “Does Stanislav like me?” There are 19 letters in this phrase. We add a two-digit number: 1+9=10, we add further: 1+0=1. The answer was “1”.

We are looking for the result in the hint below.

  1. – you know the answer yourself;
  2. – your answer is “no”;
  3. – the answer to your question is “yes”;
  4. – of course yes!;
  5. - everything is still uncertain - maybe “yes”, maybe “no”;
  6. – it all depends on you – if you can cope with the obstacles along the way, then everything will work out;
  7. – most likely not, but there is hope that everything can suddenly change;
  8. – your wish will definitely come true, but not soon;
  9. - the answer is most likely negative, or if the dream comes true, then you won’t like it.

Dash sticks

“Dash sticks” can be done as many times as you like. Only the questions should be different.

There is another very easy fortune telling that requires a pen and paper. It's called "Dash Sticks". Sit down at the table again, take your writing utensils, think about it and ask the question accurately. And then take a pen and start asking out loud. While you are speaking, draw vertical sticks on paper. As soon as the question is said, place the last stick.

Then connect the sticks together in pairs with dashes: the first with the second, the third with the fourth, and so on. If all the sticks had enough pairs, then the answer to your question is affirmative, and if one stick was left without a pair, then the answer is negative.

Using a deck of cards

First of all, before you start any fortune telling for girls using cards, you need to hold the deck in your hands for several minutes, mix the cards, warm them in your palms, and mentally ask them to help you with your predictions. This is necessary so that the cards are “saturated” with your energy and warmed by your warmth, “hearing” your secret thoughts and cherished desires. Only after this can you begin to guess.

On jacks

Take a deck of cards and draw 4 jacks from it. Lay these cards out in front of you on the table (it is better if the table is covered with some kind of fabric made from natural threads - wool, cotton, linen, silk). Give three cards the names of familiar boys on whom you are telling fortunes and want to find out their attitude towards you. Call the fourth card “Stranger.” Shuffle the remaining cards and place them face down so that there are 4 identical piles near each jack.

Turn the cards face down and look carefully at each pile:

  • if there are a lot of worms in the stack, it means this boy loves you;
  • if there are a lot of diamonds, it means he is a reliable person, things can work out with him good family and many children;
  • peaks speak of a very jealous and weak person;
  • a lot of clubs - wealth awaits him.

Then pick up all the jacks again, turn them face down, mix them, and start placing one card at a time on the table. The last card is your betrothed. If the last one to fall out is a stranger, it means that you have not yet met your fate.

Gypsy layout

These simple rituals are suitable for the youngest sorceresses - fortune tellers who are just trying to bewitch and guess the future.

Take the entire deck, warm it in your hands and shuffle it. While you are shuffling, think about what excites and worries you. Mentally ask the cards your question. And then, without looking, pull out only one card from the entire deck - it will become your answer. The meanings of the cards are given below.

IN gypsy fortune telling each suit has its own meaning: spades are difficulties, sorrows, problems and anxieties; worms - love, joy, relationships; clubs are study and work; tambourines are what is in a person’s soul.

The meaning of each card

  • ace – important matters;
  • king - important man, boss;
  • lady - your work colleague or classmate;
  • jack - troubles at work or school;
  • 10 – profit, gift, money;
  • 9 – infatuation with someone, attachment;
  • 8 – conversation about work or study;
  • 7 – meeting with colleagues or classmates;
  • 6 – trip related to work or study.
  • ace – home, family;
  • king - meeting, communicating with a family man, a man;
  • lady - adult woman, wife;
  • jack - excitement because of love;
  • 10 – all dreams will come true;
  • 9 – love, tenderness;
  • 8 – heart-to-heart conversation;
  • 7 – date with your loved one,
  • 6 – travel.
  • ace - someone will tell you interesting news;
  • the king is an unmarried young man;
  • lady - single woman, friend;
  • jack – difficulties and excitement;
  • 10 – dream, fantasy;
  • 9 – coquetry;
  • 8 – conversation about love;
  • 7 – communication about work or study;
  • 6 – long trip.
  • ace - terrible news;
  • king - terrible unexpected news, blow;
  • the lady is an envious, angry, jealous rival;
  • jack – excitement, worries, anxiety;
  • 10 – everything will collapse, plans and dreams will not come true
  • 9 – serious illness;
  • 8 – quarrel, swearing;
  • 7 – tears because of a meeting with an evil person;
  • 6 – a trip to distant lands for a bad reason.

For Christmas

Christmas is a very mysterious time. It is believed that during Christmas, the line between worlds becomes very thin, and all predictions come true, including children's fortune telling for girls. And, if you learn to listen to yourself and the world, then you can learn everything about your destiny.

On matches

Think of the name of the boy you like. Then take matchbox, insert it into the sides and light two matches. When they begin to burn out, they will begin to move.

  • If their heads turn to each other, it means you will be together for a long time with the one you wished for. Moreover, the lower the matches lean towards each other, the more you will love each other.
  • And if the match heads turn away and look at different sides, then the boy you are wondering about is not your betrothed and you will not be together.

On the comb

On Christmas Eve, when you go to bed, take your comb with you. Just before going to bed, comb your hair, and put the comb under your pillow. As you fall asleep, say “Mummer, come to me to comb your hair.” Repeat the spell three times and go to bed. After this, the boy you like will appear in your dreams. If this does not happen, it means that no one around you is in love with you now.

Morning prediction

When you leave home for school, you need to think of the name of the boy you are interested in. Or simply ask: “What kind of day will I have today?” And then look at what or who comes across you first on the street:

  • if you met a dog first, it means the boy treats you in a friendly manner;
  • if the car passes, it means some interesting events, good luck;
  • garbage bag - to a quarrel;
  • cat - he may offend you;
  • if a woman comes across first, it means failure;
  • man - all things will work out well;
  • butterfly - to meet your loved one;
  • bicycle - only friendship, he likes another;
  • fly - he doesn’t like you, he’s dating someone else;
  • wedding - to reconciliation and joy;
  • mom - he will write you a note;
  • dad - he wants to invite you somewhere;
  • brother or sister - you will only meet in the company of friends;
  • bird - he has fun with you;
  • rainbow - to mutual affection, love;
  • sun - you will love a stranger;
  • boyfriend or girlfriend - to laughter;
  • rain - to grievances, tears and disappointment;
  • wind - to quarrels and jealousy;
  • snow - to happiness and joy;
  • man with flowers - he secretly dreams of your friend.

One of favorite species fortune telling for high school girls is fortune telling for a guy on paper with a pen. As a rule, these are simple and entertaining fortune tellers that can be practiced directly in the classroom. To do this, you need a sheet of paper, a pen and an object of girlish affection.

Fortune telling for girls on paper is very diverse. The results of such fortune tellers can be answers to the questions: does the guy like you? what kind of relationship awaits you? will he call or not? will you be together? What exactly does he feel for you? What will your fiance's name be? What is the name of the guy who is pining for you now?

Some people take love fortune telling on paper lightly. Don't give them special significance, considering it harmless entertainment. But there are girls who approach this with all seriousness and responsibility. They do not violate the basic rules of any fortune telling - they do not guess too often, they do not ask the same thing.

1. What to expect on a specific day

For this fortune telling you will need a piece of paper and a pen. To find out what awaits you on a specific day, you need to write your full name, date (date of the day you are interested in) and a specific time of day. All this information must be written down on one line. If you come across a letter that has already been written, it must be placed under the first letter - in a column.
Now in each column you need to cross out 2 identical letters. The number of letters remaining on the sheet will tell you what to expect on the desired day. If there are equal to or more than 10 such uncrossed letters, then this number must be reduced to an elementary number (from 1 to 9) by elementary addition. For example: 12 is 1+2=3.

0 - nothing special to expect
1 - guaranteed joyful mood
2 - expect grief and frustration
3 - a journey or road is expected
4 - you need to wait for news
5 - most likely someone will pay attention to you
6 - pleasant meeting
7 - sadness and melancholy will overwhelm you
8 - great love and romantic meeting
9 - expect treason or betrayal

2. Classic fortune telling

This fortune telling is best done during the Christmas holidays or Christmastide. You will need a candle, a saucer, a pen and a piece of paper. The candle must be fixed or placed near a flat, light (preferably white) vertical surface, so that nothing can interfere with seeing the shadow of the fire. Best for this regular one will do wall.

When the Sun sets, you can safely begin the process of fortune telling. It is important to concentrate on the issue that is bothering you. Write your wish on a piece of paper, crumple it and set it on fire on a saucer. The answer should be looked for in a handful of ashes that will remain from the leaf. The saucer must be placed extremely carefully between the candles and the wall - the main thing is not to deform the remains of the burnt sheet. The bizarre figure of the shadow from a handful of ashes will be the key to the cherished question.

The main problem of this fortune telling is to correctly interpret the resulting figure on the wall. The first impression of the shadow is usually the right answer. To accurately see the hidden signs, you can slowly turn the saucer until you can see the hidden figures in the shadows. The figures as a result of fortune telling can be completely different, but there are those basic ones on which the entire interpretation of shadow patterns in this fortune telling is based.

Basic figures:
- Human- this symbol promises the appearance important person in life: friend or life partner;
- Animal- this sign warns that you should soon be afraid of betrayal, deception or setup;
- Stripes- this is a kind of promise that you can soon expect a trip, a business trip or a change of residence;
- Flower - it is a symbol of flirting and romantic relationships, may promise a quick wedding or proposal;
- Cross - a negative sign, portends illness, troubles and misfortunes.

3. Fortune telling "LI"

You need to write a question on a piece of paper. The question should only require “yes” and “no” answers. It is important that it begins with a verb with the particle “whether”: for example, “does he love?”, “is he jealous?”, “will it work out?” etc. Then you need to count the number of letters in each written word and write these numbers under the words. If the number is equal to or greater than 10, then it is necessary to convert it into a single digit: for example, 15 is 1+5=6. Then you need to count the sum of all adjacent numbers in pairs. The result is written under each pair. The same must be done with the new series of numbers received. And so on until only one number remains. It is its meaning that will be the answer to the question of fortune telling.

1 - intuition will tell you the correct answer
2 - yes
3 - definitely not
4 - definitely yes
5 - most likely
6 - there are obstacles
7 - most likely not
8 - yes, he needs time
9 - not now

4. Fortune telling “Yes” - “No”

For such fortune telling, you only need a pen and a sheet of paper. You need to mentally concentrate on your question. Then start drawing parallel strokes-sticks with a pen on paper, as many as you want. After this, every two strokes must be crossed out across, you should get something like the letter “H”.

If on paper you end up with only the following letters “N” - “NNNNNNNN”, then your plan will definitely come true in the near future. If there is only one uncrossed stick left, then the wish will not come true, and the answer to the question will be clearly negative.

5. Fortune telling for compatibility

This fortune telling method for girls will help you assess your chances of a relationship with a young man. To do this, you just need a pen with a piece of paper and knowledge of the name of the guy you are guessing about. You must write your last name, first name and patronymic on one line, with each repeated letter placed under the same one. Afterwards, do the same with the guy’s full name.

After everything, you need to count the number of letters in each column. An even number is denoted by “1”, an odd number by “0”. The results - ones and zeros - must be written down under the appropriate columns. Then we sum up the resulting 2 numbers, writing the results under each pair. If there is only one number left in the row - 0 or 1 without a pair, we also move it down. Afterwards, we do the same thing, only we add up 3 digits each. Then - again by 2. And so on - until the result is a single-digit number from 1 to 9 (if, for example, the final number is 12, then 12 - 1+2 = 3, the final number is "3").

Example: Filipova Olga Olegovna, Ivanov Oleg Ostapovich

F i l p o v a g n e s t h

i l p o v a g n


0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0

The result will show how happy such a union can be on a scale from 1 to 9.

6. Fortune telling

This fortune telling will help you find out how your loved one treats you. To do this, you need to take a regular piece of paper in a box and draw a heart on it. Lefties should do this right hand, and right-handers - left. Then, mark along the contour only the whole cell inside the drawn heart. After this, you need to start crossing out 4 cells at a time - either in a square, or in one row.

The number of remaining intact cells will tell us about the person’s attitude:
- not a single cell remains: this mutual love;
- one cell: respect;
- two cells: strong friendship;
- three cells: mutual sympathy;
- four cells: jealousy;
- five cells: this person sees you in a dream;
- six cells: indifference.

WITH IT Sunny magazine will introduce you to Fortune telling on paper. The paper will “endure” everything and tell us about the extraordinary imaginations of your consciousness. This is Fortune telling for girls, for these fortune telling you need to connect your inner world fantasies, adjust the results and see everything that awaits you in the Future.

AND The most important thing - besides this, Sunny Magazine will give you - a Surprise! We will introduce you to the Method, which allows you to practically see the Future in Reality.

Fortune telling on paper for girls (Method No. 1)

IN Take a regular sheet of paper (for example, A-4 format), crumple it. Leave a small tip for holding the paper in your hand. You need a dark room. Therefore, Fortune telling on paper is best done in the evening or at night in complete silence. Think of a wish. Set fire to a sheet of paper, try to hold it so that a shadow from the burning process appears on the wall. Fortune telling for the Future is judged by the outlines of the combustion. When the paper almost completely burns to the tip where you hold it, put out the fire. You have a charred body of paper in your hand. Turn on a low light behind you or light a candle. Look at the shadow of the paper that is reflected on the wall. Use your imagination. Look at the silhouette of the shadow from different angles, try to get an answer with the images created.

(Method No. 2) - New Year's fortune telling.

N New Year's Eve is the most favorable time of day for Fortune telling. On a piece of paper, write your wish with a pen. When the first chime of the Chimes strikes, light the piece of paper. If the piece of paper manages to burn, then your wish will come true.

(Method No. 3) – Fortune telling “Yes” or “No”.

P Prepare paper and pen. You have a question and you want to get a definite answer to it - Yes or No. Think about your question. Draw as many strokes as you like on paper with a pen. Then connect every 2 strokes with a dotted line, you will get the letters “H”. If all your text consists of the letters “N” - NNNNNNNNN. . . , then your plans will come true. If there is a stick left without a pair that can be turned into the letter H, then the wish will not come true.

Fortune telling for girls on paper with a pen (Method No. 4) - on the relationship between two people.

N write down with a pen on a piece of paper the First and Last Name – yours and your friend’s or loved one. Example: Alla Ivanova / Alexey Sidorov, cross out the paired letters in the names, cross out the paired letters in the surnames. For each name you need to build a small graph. If a letter is not crossed out, draw a line horizontally to the right. If the letter is crossed out, then draw a line up diagonally. Start drawing both graphs from the bottom point. Draw each line with your chosen color. According to the schedule, you will see the rapprochement and distance of your relationships in the Future.

(Method No. 5) – Fortune telling by wish.

N Write down your question with a pen on paper, for example: - Does my husband love me? Count the letters of each wish word and add them up. In this example: 4+3+6+5= 18, adds 18 thus – 1+8=9, we only need one digit for the result. Let's look at the Interpretation:

1.You know everything. 2.Answer – Yes. 3. Answer – No. 4. Of course. 5. Maybe. 6. Obstacles. 7. Wait and hope. 8. Soon – Yes. 9. Apparently – No.

(Method No. 6) – Tic Tac + Toe.

G“Tic Tac + Toe” fortune telling, the usual game turned out to be a promising Fortune Telling game. Think of a wish. For example, on a Cross, that if the crosses are crossed out, the wish will come true. Now spontaneously place either a Cross or a Zero. And if you can draw a line of Crosses, then your wish will come true. If the line turns out to be zeros, then your wish will not come true.

Probably every woman, when she was a child, resorted to simple fortune telling. Such fortune-telling for girls is simple and does not require any serious knowledge, since they are usually carried out on plain paper. With their help, you can find out answers to questions of interest, your future, tell fortunes about your betrothed, etc.

Having made a wish or having a dream, every person wants to know whether it will come true. To find out the answer to your question, you need to write it on any piece of paper. For example, the following question: “Does my husband love me or not?” Now we count the number of letters in this sentence and write it down on a piece of paper, add it together and get: 5+4+3+3+3+3=21. We need one digit, but we got a two-digit number. To get the answer to your question, you need to add the numbers of the result together again: 2+1=3. So, we got one digit 3 and now we can see the result.

Number 1 - you know everything yourself

Number 2 - yes, it really is

Number 3 - no

Number 4 is required

Number 5 - quite likely

Number 6 - expect difficulties

Number 7 - just wait and hope

Number 8 - yes, but later not now

Number 9 is unlikely.

Girl's heart fortune telling

Let's make a wish for a guy. Take a piece of paper in a box and draw a heart with your left hand (if right-handed) or right hand (if left-handed). Then along the contour you need to mark entire cells inside the heart. Now we connect every 4 cells (located nearby) into figures and cross them out. Now, based on the number of remaining intact cells, you can discuss his attitude towards you.

  • There is not a single intact cell left on the leaf - he loves you
  • There is one cell left on the sheet - respects you
  • There are 2 cells left on the sheet - the guy wants to be friends with you
  • There are 3 cells left on the sheet - he likes you
  • There are 4 cells left on the sheet - he is jealous of you
  • There are 5 cells left on the sheet - he dreams of you
  • There are 6 cells left on the sheet - the guy is indifferent to you

Fortune telling for girls - “LI”

Such fortune telling will answer any question that interests you. Prepare a piece of paper and a pen. Now write a question. But the question must begin with a verb with the particle whether (conditional mood). Then we count the letters in the first word written and write the corresponding number under it. For example, jealous, there are 7 letters in this word, which means we write the number 7 under it. We do the same with the rest of the words. As a result, under each word you should have a number corresponding to the number of letters in it. If you get a two-digit number, then the digits of the result are added together, in the end you should be left with a single-digit number. For example, there are 18 letters in a word, before writing down a number you need to add the numbers together, add 1 + 8 = 9, write down the number 9. And we do this with all two-digit numbers (if there are long words in the question), that is, we add the numbers until until a single digit number remains. So the letters of all the words in the sentence are counted and written down. Now we add these numbers together, for example: 7+7+9+5+3+8=39. The result is a two-digit number, which means we add the numbers together again: 3+9=12. Let's add it up again: 1+2=3, this will be the final number of our fortune telling. Now we return to the particle LI and count to 3, cross out the letter L, the letter I remains - this will be the answer to your question. The remaining letter in the particle LI will be the answer to your question. Namely the letter L - yes, the letter I - no.

"Love Graph"

Such fortune-telling will help the girl find out how her relationship with the guy will develop in the future. You will need a pen and a piece of paper. On a piece of paper, first write down your data (last name and first name), and under your initials write down the last name and first name of the guy you will guess about. For example: Dudnik Tatyana and Smirnov Vladimir. Now we cross out the paired letters in each surname, then in both surnames. Then we cross out paired letters in each name, then in both.

We do not touch the remaining paired letters (if any)! Now we build a graph for each in this way: if the letter is not crossed out, draw a horizontal line to the right. A crossed out letter draws a diagonal line up. Both lines are drawn from the same point, only different colors. Now, as for the development of your relationship, they can be judged by the intersections or non-intersections of the lines (whether the lines converge or not).

Fortune telling on New Year's Eve

This is the most favorable time for fortune telling. Write your wish on a piece of paper. As soon as the Chimes begin to strike (the first chime), light the piece of paper. If it burns while the Chimes are striking, then your wish will come true.

People are very curious, they were always interested in what would happen to them next, how their fate would turn out. For many millennia, humanity has studied the magic of numbers, astrology, and gained knowledge about the influence of combinations of sounds that form a person’s name on his life and character.

Here are a few rules, read them before starting fortune telling.
- You need to guess in complete silence and without fuss.
- Nothing should distract you, you need complete concentration.
- You need to let your hair down before fortune telling.
- It is forbidden to laugh or joke about the results of fortune telling: in this case, it is better not to tell fortunes at all.
— Sad events must be predicted carefully: remember, everything is in the hands of the person himself, strong will and character can change even the most fatal omens.
- It is forbidden to guess during Orthodox holidays.
The best time for fortune telling is Christmastide (January 7-19), the night before New Year, near Epiphany, Ivan Kupala night, Thursday and Friday.
The results of fortune telling are just a figurative version of what can happen, do not take it too seriously

Fortune telling No. 1. "Make a Wish."

We offer you one very interesting fortune-telling test. It is a little magical: firstly, its results are amazingly true, and secondly, it helps fulfill desires. The main rule is not to look into the KEY, otherwise all the magic will be lost.

1. Write any number from 1 to 9.
2. Write any number from 1 to 9.
3. Write the name of a boy you know.
4. Write any name (friend, relative, etc.).
5. Write any name (friend, relative, etc.).
6. Write any name (friend, relative, etc.).
7. Write the name of a boy you know.
8. Write the title (or line) of the song.
9. Write the title (or line) of the song.
10. Write the title (or line) of the song.
11. Write the title (or line) of the song.

Make a wish.


You need to tell as many people about this fortune-telling as the number you wrote next to No. 2.
The person number 3 is the one you love.
The person number 7 is the one. who suits you, but to whom you can’t open your feelings (you’re embarrassed or afraid that you won’t be able to find a common language with him).
The person you care about most is #4.
Person #5 understands you perfectly.
The person at number 6 is your lucky star. When he is around, you are always lucky.
The lines at number 8 describe the person at number 3.
Lines number 9 refer to person number 7.
Lines number 10 tell about you, your thoughts and feelings.
Lines number 11 show how you feel about life.
But no one knows what the number 1 means. But it means something to you since you wrote it.
And most importantly, know that your wish will definitely come true. And then it will be fulfilled MANDATORY.

Fortune telling No. 2. "Love Chart"

Write with a pen on a piece of paper your first and last name - yours and your chosen one.
Example: Alla Ivanova/Alexey Sidorov.
Cross out paired letters in names, cross out paired letters in surnames. For each Name you need to build a small graph. If the letter is not crossed out, draw a line horizontally to the right. If the letter is crossed out, draw a line up diagonally. Start drawing both graphs from the bottom point. Draw each line with a different color.
Using graphite you can see how your relationships will develop in the future.

Fortune telling No. 3.

Do you want to know if your wish will come true or your dream will come true? To do this, write a question that interests you on a piece of paper. For example: “Does my boyfriend love me?” Now count the number of letters in each of these words. Write down the results on paper, then add them together. Consider this example:
5 + 2 + 4 + 3 + 6 = 20
We got a two-digit number, but we need one digit. Once you receive the result, you will receive the answer to your question. Therefore, we add again: 2+0=2. Let's look:

1 - you know the answer yourself.
2 - yes, that's true.
3 - no.
4 is required.
5 - quite possible.
6 - there will be difficulties.
7 - just hope and wait.
8 - yes, but not at the moment.
9 - unlikely.

Fortune telling No. 4. "Fortune telling for girls by heart."

For this fortune telling for girls on a sheet of paper- you need to wish for a guy, then you need to take a piece of squared paper and draw a heart on it with your left hand, and if you are left-handed, with your right.
After this, mark along the contour only the whole cells inside the heart.
Cross out four cells at a time, first drawing figures from 4 adjacent cells. We will talk about his attitude towards you based on the number of remaining cells (whole).

  • 0 cells left - he loves you.
  • 1 cell left - he respects you.
  • 2 cells left - wants to be friends with you.
  • 3 cells left - he likes you.
  • There are 4 cells left - he is jealous of you.
  • 5 cells left - he dreams of you.
  • There are 6 cells left - he is indifferent to you.

Fortune telling No. 5. "Lee."

With the help of this fortune telling, you can get an answer to any question you are interested in.
Here you will need a pen and paper.
It is necessary to write the question so that it begins with a verb in conditional mood(verb with particle li).
After this, we count the number of letters in the first word and write down the number we received under this word.
For example, the word JEALOUS has 7 letters, so under the word JEALOUS we write the number 7.

We write the number of letters in the second word under the second word and so on. Thus, all words must have numbers under them. At the same time, if you get a two-digit number, then add these two digits to get a single-digit number.
For example, if a word has 15 letters, then we add 1 and 5 and write 6.
This is what it looks like:
Is he jealous of me?
7 2 2 4

In our example, numbers are the number of letters contained in words.
Let's take the first pair of numbers and add them, 7+2, and write 9; 2nd pair, 2+4, write 6, and so on.
We continue to add all the numbers to single digits.
For example, 9+6=15, we write it as 6 (1+5).
We continue this way until the end until we have one single number left. We got the final number 6.
Which of the letters remains in the LI particle will be the answer to the question:
L - yes
And - no.
We need to count to six, cross out the letter I, what remains is L, respectively, the answer is YES.

Fortune telling No. 6. "Formula of Love"

This fortune telling will tell you what kind of relationship you will have with your loved one, what awaits you in the future, what problems may arise between you, etc. The formula of love will reveal the secret of your relationship. All you need is a piece of paper and a pen. Answer the questions below and use the formula to calculate your pair's number.
For this sheet fortune telling, you may also need a table that allows you to convert the letters into a numerical value.

So, questions:

How many letters are in your name?
How many letters are in his name?
Is there an O in your name? Which one? (If not, set it to 0).
Does his name have an O in it? Which one? (If not, set it to 0).
What is the numerical value of the first letter of your name?
The numerical value of the first letter of his name?
How many letters L in your names?

Formula of love: Love = (E-7)*2, where E = 1+2+3+4+5+6+7 (sum of answers to all questions).
For example, let’s calculate the figure for the couple Julia and Vyacheslav:

1. Julia - 4
2. Vyacheslav -8
3. 0
4. 0
5. 5
6. 3
7. 2

Next we find our result:
Don't forget to convert the resulting number to a simple number from 1 to 9.
In our case, 30 = 3 + 0 = 3.
Now you can find out what awaits the couple with the number 3, what kind of relationship these young people will have, whether they will be together.

Digit 1- it is love at first sight, and on the part of both partners. If you are still not together, then think about why? Maybe some of you are afraid to take the first step? It's time to build relationships, and not be tormented by doubts...
But if you are already together, then your relationship can be called ideal. If there are quarrels and misunderstandings, then these are trifles for you. After all, you quickly move towards reconciliation. Your relationship will be full of passion, adventure, and emotion. You will never be bored with each other.
Both of you are full of stubbornness, often the relationship of your couple can be called a battlefield. But such a situation will not embarrass you; you like this manifestation of feelings about them.
You don't look like a couple who would sit quietly in front of the TV and crack seeds. You enjoy the intensity of passion in your relationship.
The main danger in this couple may be the desire of both partners to subordinate all their interests to each other. You can build long and harmonious relationships, if you live in the outside world, and not get hung up on your couple. Do you need fresh air, which gives you emotions and new knowledge. Don't be afraid to give your partner a small amount of freedom, try to find entertainment outside of your relationship.
Your couple has every chance to build a long and beautiful union.

Digit 2- a very beautiful and deep union. In this relationship, both partners have kindred spirits, they are very similar. It’s as if they have known each other for 100 years, they feel and try to satisfy each other’s desires. They live by caring for each other and supporting each other in difficult times. In general, we can say that they exist in their own little world, they don’t see anyone or anything. They enjoy living as their couple.
But some stumbling blocks may arise. Sometimes you will get tired of this calm and measured life, because there must be some quarrels and conflicts? It is precisely because of the lack of emotional outbursts that you yourself will invent problems and conflicts, just to get the necessary emotions.
As soon as you receive them, you will both calm down and continue cooing.

Digit 3— in your relationship there will always be equality and mutual respect. Such an alliance can be called strong. Your love story will be full of pleasant memories - flowers, gifts, seeing the dawn, the first night by candlelight, etc. The most important. so that this beginning of your relationship does not go downhill. But you will try to do everything not to bring your relationship to the lowest level. If there is true love between you, then you will succeed!
It will be easy for you to get along with each other, since you have common interests and a common worldview. But you cannot say that you are the same. on the contrary, you are different personalities, and that is why you are so drawn to each other. You are interested in learning something new about your partner.

Digit 4— the expression “together is cramped, but apart is boring” suits your couple very well. Well, you are drawn to each other, and nothing can be done about it. But some kind of omissions and conflicts constantly arise between you. This is more likely due to the fact that you do not understand each other, it is difficult for you to find common ground. Because of this, a misunderstanding arises between you, which drives you apart.
After some time, you forget about your common quarrels and return to each other. But after a period of peace and tranquility, quarrels begin again. And so on all the time. You are already so used to coming together and diverging that it has become habitual for you.
You can build a wonderful and friendly union, you just have to hear and understand your partner’s point of view. There is no need to “sculpt” your partner into an ideal hero; try to accept and adapt to your soul mate. Understand that for the sake of love, sometimes you have to make some sacrifices and give up your desires.
You have every chance to be happy. The main thing is not to forget that you are a couple, and two people should live not only for themselves, but for two.

Number 5- your relationship will be distinguished by special passion, and from the very beginning of your love story you will be so blinded by each other that you may not even notice all the shortcomings of your partner.
Of course, initially you will not care about anything around you - only you two will exist for you and nothing else, you will look at the world through rose-colored glasses. And only over time you will see that everything seemed not quite as it really is.
Gradually, you will begin to notice that your partner is not ideal at all, that he also has his own “troubles”. And here it is no longer known whether your relationship will continue. If you can accept this reality and try to accept these changes, then you have every chance of being happy. And if your disappointment is so great that you don’t want to accept anything, then the ending of your relationship will be sad.

Number 6- the relationship in your couple will not be particularly passionate and trembling. This is rather friendly love: you are close and interesting to each other, your relationship is built on mutual understanding. You feel good together. Don't expect an explosion of emotions and passions.
This is a very beautiful and stable relationship; not all couples manage to achieve such harmony. But it is worth paying attention that in this union small problems will arise. Often this will be due to jealousy of partners. The idea that a partner is unfaithful brings a lot of quarrels into these relationships.
This couple has every chance of being happy, the main thing is that both partners not only understand each other, but also trust each other. After all, trust is one of the most important points when building a family.

Number 7— in such relationships, what often becomes disastrous is that one of the partners tries to show his leadership qualities. There will be no equality here. One person will lead the whole couple, but will the other partner, who gets a secondary role, be able to accept this arrangement? If both are satisfied with this format of relationship. then you can make a happy couple.
Both of you are sociable individuals who need to receive new emotions, you need active image life, you are not used to sitting at home. You will always find something to talk about and something to do.
Both partners are devoted and faithful, they will never betray their soulmate. But if suddenly this happens (most likely due to stupidity), then no one will hide their mistake. They live by the rule: “better the bitter truth than sweet lie" You can have complete confidence in your partner and in your relationship.

Number 8- a difficult union, you can’t say anything. Maybe the beginning of your relationship will be beautiful and romantic, but in the future this romance will fade away. You notice all the shortcomings of your partner, reproach him, criticize him. In general, a difficult period is coming in your relationship. A feeling of dissatisfaction arises in the relationship, you begin to look for a shake-up, maybe even in another partner. Of course, you are more interested in starting a new relationship with romance, love and passion than in understanding the cause of your problems with your current partner. Don’t run from your conflicts, you don’t need to close yourself off from problems, it’s better to try to understand what’s going wrong with you. Understand your relationships.
Your union needs patience and mutual understanding on the part of both partners! Remember that everyone has shortcomings, you are not a gift either...

Number 9- are you together? This is very surprising, since in this pair there is complete incompatibility. You are completely different, you have a different worldview. you approach life differently. Yes. It happens that opposites attract, but in your case this is not the case.
It will be difficult for you to adapt to each other. You are not ready to make concessions or sacrifice anything for the sake of love. One wants freedom and communication with friends, the other prefers to be alone at home. Finding a compromise will be incredibly difficult, and no one will want to give in. Your relationship will go constant struggle for leadership.

You can be happy, but you both have to work hard for it. Moreover, the first thing you will need to do is take into account the desires of your partner. Listen to his opinion, take note. Understand that love and family are built through two hearts. You are a whole that controls your own happiness. And it depends on your actions and actions whether you will be happy or not.

Fortune telling No. 7. “For a guy’s love in a love square.”

For this fortune telling you will need love square, which is drawn below. Make a wish for the guy you are wishing for, mentally imagine him and place (with your eyes closed) a pencil on the square. Now look at the decoding of the meaning of where the pencil hit.

1 ♦. She loves him very much, there is no doubt about it.
1. Can't stand you. It’s better not to pay attention to this.
2 ♦. Jealous. Or maybe you gave a reason? In any case, being jealous means loving.
2. Doubts your love. If you are sure that you want to be with this guy, let him know that your feelings are strong.
3 ♦. You should meet in a while. Wait, hope and try to distract yourself, don’t worry about it so much. Maybe you should start cleaning your room?!
3. Hates. Hatred is a strong feeling, better step aside.
4 ♦. There is no certainty that this is love. Maybe it's better for you to break up for a while to check your feelings?
4. He wants to be friends, but is afraid to say so. Cheer him up!
5 ♦. He tries to forget you, but he doesn’t succeed. Let him suffer!
5. He will forget very quickly. That's where he belongs!
6 ♦. In a month, passionate love awaits you. Better prepare in advance!
6. He's mocking. It’s better not to communicate with someone like that!
7 ♦. Indifferent to your feelings. Try to interest him in something.
7. He thinks you don't love him. Maybe you should tell him about your feelings?
8 ♦. He has no confidence in his love for you! He must sort out his feelings himself, you better wait.
8. You can only be friends. No need to claim more!
9 ♦. You will be disappointed in your friend. If this true friend, don't make hasty conclusions!
9 . You'll love it when you get old. Is it worth waiting that long?
10♦. Happiness doesn't smile on you very much. Wait, everything will change!
10. You will fall in love with someone who is smart but ugly. Well, it's up to you to remake it!
11 ♦. Meet at a party at his house. Think about what to wear.
11. Meet me at the disco. It will be a lot of fun!
12 ♦. Happiness will come in a few months. In the meantime, you'll have to be patient.
12. Meet me at the disco. There will be a lot of children - don't worry, it won't happen soon.
13 ♦. Happiness will go around your home. Don't be discouraged, the dark streak will end soon.
13. You're in for trouble. Don't worry, we all meet them along the way.
14 ♦. He's not jealous, but he loves. But does that really happen? Something is wrong here...
14.They flirt with you, but it’s not serious. So what? Still nice.
15♦. Wants to love. Maybe you'll let him?
15. Betrayal awaits you. Such things are not forgiven.
16 ♦. His principle is loyalty. What about yours?
16. Infidelity will destroy you. But whose?
17 ♦. See you in 10 years. And what, it’s even interesting!
17. He's dreaming about you! Let him tell you his dreams.
18♦. Does everything to please you. But this is clearly not enough!
18. Can't live without you! What about you without him?
19 ♦. Be careful - he's too handsome. These are often windy.
19.Love must be cherished together. Can you do it?
20♦. You will be happy, although you will achieve it the hard way! We wish you success!
20. If you truly love, make him love him too. Just don't overdo it!
21 ♦. Doesn't pay attention to you. So what? He'll soon notice how cute he is.
21. Thinks you don't notice anything. Show him that this is not so.
22 ♦. Who knows, maybe this is your destiny? Take a closer look at him.
22. He doesn't take you seriously. Maybe you should do the same?
23 ♦. This is not the person you need. This is not love yet!
23. Wants to kiss you. Decide for yourself what to do!
24 ♦. True love awaits you in a year! Can you wait?
24. He's offended by you. Is there a reason? If yes. explain yourself to him!
25♦. Laughs at you. The best way out is for you to laugh at him!
25. Wants to be friends with you. Are you okay with this?
26 ♦. He wants to get you out of his head, but nothing works. Well, that's his problem.
26. Regrets that you broke up. Or maybe forgive him?
27 ♦. He wants to confess his love, but is shy.
27. Unrequited love. Try to separate him and not remember him again!
28 ♦. He loves him passionately, and you?
28. Respects, but doesn't love. But it doesn’t deceive either.
29 ♦. You have a date with him. It's time to get ready.
29. Plays with your feelings. It's time to stop this.
30. Thinks about you day and night. Probably not getting enough sleep, poor thing!
31 ♦. Dreams only about you.
31. Loves someone else. As you know, the best cure for love is new love.
32 ♦. Loves you with all his heart.
32. Fatal passion. Look, don't go too far.

Fortune telling No. 8. “Fortune telling for your compatibility by name”

Fortune telling will allow you to find out what your chances are of being together, whether you should even start dating him, and if you have a future. For this simple and uncomplicated fortune telling, you only need a piece of paper, a pen and knowledge of the name of the guy you are telling fortunes about.
So, you write your last name, first name, patronymic on a line, and write down each letter repeated in it under the same one. Having completed these steps with your last name, you take his full name and also write down the letters that appear under the one that already existed.

For example,
Stolyarova Olga Mikhailovna
Leskov Pavel Dmitrievich

At the end of this layout, you count how many letters are in each column. If it is an odd number, then under this column you write 1, if it is an even number, 0. You begin to count the sum of the two numbers that are next to each other and write it down. Next, you count the sum of 3 (from the previously received sum) of nearby numbers. Next, add up two adjacent numbers again. You do this operation until the sum is equal to a number from 1 to 9.
So, having received an elementary number, you can judge how likely your life together. The resulting value tells you how many chances out of 10 you have.

Fortune telling No. 9. "Betrothed - Mummer"

Draw a 3x12 table. Place four 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, B, D, K, A in all cells in any order.

Under the table, rewrite the values ​​using as many numbers as there are letters in his name.
For example, your lover's name is Alexey. This means that we rewrite 7 values ​​in order into another table:

Now let's see if there is a vertical same numbers. If there is, we look for the values ​​of these pairs below.

6 - wants to see.
7 - he likes you.
8 - sees you in his dreams.
9 - wants to meet.
10 - you will be together.
B - a friend loves you.
D - there is a rival.
K - he is jealous of you.
A - to a quarrel.