Is a 20 cm thick foam block wall enough? How to correctly determine the optimal thickness of aerated concrete walls

Any owner who decides to build country house, wants it to be warm, cozy, and living in it comfortable. Recently, cellular concrete, in particular foam blocks, has been deservedly recognized as an ideal building material for the construction of a private home.

In the article we will talk about what the thickness of foam block walls should be for load-bearing walls and partitions to make the building strong, reliable and durable.

Comparative characteristics of masonry materials

So, for clarity, let’s create a table of the main indicators cellular concrete in comparison with other analogues.

Let’s take the most popular materials for the construction of residential buildings: brick, expanded clay and aerated concrete:

Indicators Brick (clay and silicate) Expanded clay concrete Aerated concrete Foam concrete
Weight 1 m3 (kg) 1200–2000 500–900 90–900 90–900
Density (kg/m3) 1550–1950 900–1200 300–1200 300–1200
Thermal conductivity (W/m*K) 0,6–1,15 0,75–0,98 0,07–0,38 0,07–0,38
Water absorption (% by weight) 12–16 18 20 14
Frost resistance (number of cycles) 25 25 35 35
Compressive Strength(Mpa) 2,5–30 3,5–7,5 0,15–25,0 0,1–12,5

Based on the table, we will draw conclusions on the advantages of foam concrete:

  • By weight foam blocks are equal only to aerated concrete (see), their low weight makes it easier to transport and carry. And if we take into account the significant size of the blocks, then laying and reducing construction time.

  • By thermal conductivity foam and gas blocks have no equal, which means that a house made from these materials is more ergonomic, it will always be warm and cozy when low costs for heating.

  • Water absorption foam concrete has significantly less than other analogues, which means that the risk of moisture penetration into the room is reduced, and, accordingly, dampening of the walls, the formation of fungus, mold, etc.

Important! The humidity in the room should be no more than 60%, but in any case waterproofing wall surfaces It is done with your own hands with all responsibility, since the moisture absorption of the foam block, although small, is still present.

  • Number of freezing and defrosting cycles foam blocks have more than, for example, brick, so the service life of the building increases. By the way, experts say that over the years the foam block only gains strength, but the brick, on the contrary, is susceptible to destruction.

  • Foam concrete performs slightly worse in compression than brick or aerated concrete, but this indicator depends on the brand of foam blocks - the higher it is, the stronger the wall. You can increase this parameter.

Special mention should be made about the cost of this material; the price of foam blocks is 2–3 times lower than for other building materials.

Types and brands of foam blocks

We digressed a little from the topic, we promised to talk about how thick a wall made of foam blocks should be. And it depends precisely on the type of foam concrete and brand, so we provide a table of existing designations for blocks made of cellular concrete.

It must be said that all foam blocks are also divided by type, they are:

  • Thermal insulation.

They are used for insulating the contours of building walls and installing internal self-containing load-bearing partitions.

  • Structural and thermal insulation.

They are used both for additional insulation, and for the construction of partitions and walls of low-rise buildings.

  • Structural.

They are used for the construction of critical, load-bearing structures (foundations (see), plinths, walls).

Important! The brand of foam block is designated by the letter D, for example, the D 800 block has a density of 800 kg/m3. With increasing density, the thermal insulation qualities of the blocks deteriorate, therefore structural types It is recommended to additionally insulate.

Quite a lot has been said about the unique features of foam concrete; we will not analyze its pros and cons in detail; we will finally move on to choosing the thickness of the walls.

Features of determining wall thickness

To clearly show the advantage of the thermal insulation properties of foam concrete, let’s take a wall made of 60 cm foam blocks, and now let’s see what the thickness of a wall made of other materials that has the same thermal conductivity should be equal to:

  • Beam – 52 cm.
  • Expanded clay concrete – 101 cm.
  • Brick – 230 cm.
  • Concrete – 450 cm.

Foam concrete is equal only to wood in terms of heat retention; all other materials will require additional insulation, otherwise there will be a huge cost overrun and incredible thickness of the walls.

The following parameters influence the choice of thickness:

If the building is one-story, the ceiling is wooden, the roof is not heavy, then grades D600–D800 are usually used for load-bearing walls. With a house of several floors and reinforced concrete floors higher grades D900–D1200 are used. For partitions, blocks D200–D400 are used.

  1. Dimensions and thickness of foam blocks.

In areas with a temperate climate, houses are built with a wall thickness of 30 cm; for this, they take a foam block measuring 30x30x60 (width, height, length) and lay it lengthwise.

For cold regions, walls are erected with a thickness of 60 cm, the same block is laid in two rows.

A foam block wall thickness of 20 cm is made mainly for internal load-bearing partitions, both interior and separating the living space from the veranda, as well as for garages and outbuildings. Self-supporting partitions in bathrooms or storage rooms are mounted from semi-blocks 10(15)x20(30)x60.

  1. Soundproofing of premises.

If you need to isolate a room from noise from the next room or from the street, then it is better to take wider blocks. For example, foam blocks with a thickness of 30 cm will reduce the noise level more reliably than with a width of 20 or 15 cm. A thickness of 10–15 cm will require additional sound insulation.

  1. Insulation.

When external insulation of surfaces is planned, the thickness of the foam blocks is taken to be a maximum of 30 cm; brick, thin half-blocks (10x20(30)x60) or other facing materials are used for finishing. Due to the insulation layer placed between the main wall and the sheathing, the thermal insulation of the room increases significantly.

If the house is being built without additional insulation (for example, foam blocks with a finished facade are used), then the instructions recommend increasing the thickness of the walls to 60 cm.

Nowadays, insulated foam blocks are produced, which immediately contain insulation and facing material in their structure. In this case, the wall is made of foam blocks (thickness 20 cm + 8–10 cm of polystyrene foam + facade tiles) will withstand even severe frosts perfectly.

Important! We must remember that the higher the density, the worse the sound and heat insulation. For example, the thermal conductivity of a wall made of D600 foam blocks with a thickness of 45 cm is equal to a wall made of D800, but with a thickness of 68 cm!

The same goes for internal layout. For partitions, a D200 foam block thickness of 10–15 cm will better soundproof a room than D300 or D400 of the same thickness.

Accurately calculate all parameters for wall thickness, quantity required material, brand of foam blocks can be found on the calculator available on any construction site. If you want to calculate the wall thickness yourself, then refer to SNIP II-3-79. It contains the values ​​of all the necessary indicators for calculating the heat transfer of any wall composition and different densities of foam blocks.


As we found out, the thickness of the foam block for partitions and walls of a building is calculated quite simply. In addition to the presented parameters, it also depends on the area of ​​the premises, the desires and financial capabilities of the owners.

You will still have to make some adjustments to the size of the plot or the type of foundation. But it is still advisable to adhere to the basic rules. Additional information contained in the video presented in this article, we hope that the photos will also help you quickly decide on this issue.

Aerated concrete belongs to the category of cellular concrete and its use in construction industry strictly regulated. Basic recommendations to determine the required strength indicators of the walls being erected, the following:

  • it is imperative to calculate the permissible heights of the erected walls of the structure;
  • restrictions on the height of load-bearing walls erected from aerated concrete blocks are four to five floors;
  • the strength indicators of blocks for the construction of five-story buildings are B-3.5, and for three-story buildings B-2.5;
  • for the construction of buildings with self-supporting walls, it is recommended to use, depending on the number of storeys, blocks B-2.0 or B-2.5.

Regulatory documents in the context of private housing construction are currently purely advisory in nature, and therefore may not be taken into account in low-rise construction, as well as during the construction of any outbuildings or garages.

This means that there is no need to rent out housing to any commission. If you built it yourself, live it yourself. No one will check the strength of structures, their compliance with standards for thermal conductivity and other parameters. However, if the goal is to build a house for yourself well and for a long time, then it is necessary to focus on these recommendations.

What wall thickness is enough for a summer home?

Before construction of any structure Calculations for strength indicators must be performed. Self-execution Such calculations are not always possible, therefore it is permissible to proceed from examples that take into account the values ​​of strength classes, according to which the wall thickness is selected. An important factor is also the purpose of the structure being built.

In low-rise construction of houses for summer living, it is advisable to adhere to the basic simple recommendations:

  • one storey houses in warm climates, country houses and garage buildings require the use of aerated concrete with a thickness of at least 200 mm;
  • two- or more-story houses require the use of gas silicate with a thickness of 300 mm;
  • the construction of basements or ground floors involves the use of blocks with a thickness of 300-400 mm (here it should be remembered that gas silicate is afraid of moisture, so if there is a risk of its presence, it is better to choose other materials);
  • inter-apartment and interior partitions are made with aerated concrete with a thickness of 200-300 mm and 150 mm, respectively.

You can go to the official website of any block manufacturer and see a list of sizes of products produced.

Here we will see that blocks are divided into wall blocks (for erecting walls) and partition blocks (for interior partitions).

If on summer cottage If you intend to build a non-residential premises or a house for summer use, it is recommended to give preference to aerated concrete with a minimum thickness of 200 mm.

Thermal conductivity of walls

When building houses for permanent residence Strength alone is no longer enough. Here also it is necessary to take into account the thermal conductivity of the materials used. In accordance with calculations, the required block thickness for your climate zone, or the thickness remains the same as for summer buildings, but insulation is additionally used.

And in this case, you need to calculate in terms of money what will be cheaper - increasing the thickness of the wall using aerated concrete or insulation.

When calculating the cost of insulation, it is worth adding the price of fasteners and payment for the work of builders.

As I wrote at the very beginning, it was decided to do without insulation. Therefore, further calculations will be carried out for “bare” walls.

In accordance with GOST, which regulates the main technical parameters, as well as the compositional characteristics and dimensions of absolutely all cellular blocks, the thermal conductivity of such building material is 4 times lower than similar indicators solid brick, which makes it possible to build structures with narrower walls.

The thermal conductivity coefficient of a material is its ability to conduct heat. Calculated indicator of the amount of heat passing through 1 m 3 of a material sample in 1 hour at a temperature difference on opposite surfaces of 1 ° C.

The higher this indicator, the worse it is thermal insulation properties.

I will give a detailed comparison with solid brick. The thermal conductivity of aerated concrete is approximately 0.10-0.15 W/(m*°C). For brick this figure is higher - 0.35-0.5 W/(m*°C).

Thus, to ensure normal thermal efficiency of a residential building for the Moscow region (where the air temperature in winter rarely drops below -30 degrees) the brick wall must be at least 640 mm thick. And when used in construction aerated concrete blocks D400 with a thermal conductivity of 0.10 W/(m*°C) walls can have a thickness of 375 mm and conduct the same amount of thermal energy. For D500 blocks with a thermal conductivity of 0.12 W/(m*°C), this figure will be in the range from 400 to 500 mm. Detailed calculation will be below.

Thermal conductivity indicators depending on wall thickness:

Aerated concrete Wall width (cm) and thermal conductivity indicators
12 18 20 24 30 36 40 48 60 72 84 96
D-600 1.16 0.77 0.70 0.58 0.46 0.38 0.35 0.29 0.23 0.19 0.16 0.14
D-500 1.0 0.66 0.60 0.50 0.40 0.33 0.30 0.25 0.20 0.16 0.14 0.12
D-400 0.8 0.55 0.50 0.41 0.33 0.27 0.25 0.20 0.16 0.13 0.12 0.10

There is an inverse proportionality between the coefficient of thermal conductivity and the thermal insulation of walls, which must be taken into account when performing independent calculations.

Load-bearing walls without insulation for permanent residence

Cellular concrete has excellent thermal characteristics, so if the calculation rules are followed, there is no need to use insulation materials even when constructing buildings intended for year-round use.

To perform independent thermal calculations you need to know the reference table values ​​of indicators such as heat transfer resistance Rreq m 2 °C/W and heat conductivity of aerated concrete.

Calculation depending on the region of residence

Heat transfer data for some regions are shown in the table. Choose locality, corresponding to your climate zone.

Thermal conductivity

For this value, I will again go to the website of the manufacturer of the wall material that I am going to buy, and I will find the following sign there:

Now let's look at the real reference data.

We see that the manufacturer indicates the characteristics for dry material. If the walls contain moisture, which is acceptable, then these characteristics will be slightly worse.

As you know, blocks coming off the assembly line have a humidity of up to 30%. During normal use this excess moisture goes away in about 3 years.

Constant heating in the house speeds up this process.

On the Internet you can find reviews of developers complaining about cold walls in aerated concrete house. It turns out that the house was built over the summer and autumn. And in the winter a family moved in. The walls of the house are damp and have not yet dried properly. Water - good guide heat.

Residents are starting to think about insulating their homes. But you just have to wait until next winter. The moisture will leave the walls, and living in winter period it will become more comfortable.

An example of calculating the required wall thickness for the Moscow region

In the capital and region, they most often choose between D400 blocks with a width of 375 mm and D500 with a width of 400 mm. It is these experimental subjects that we will make calculations on.

The minimum thickness values ​​for aerated concrete walls are determined by standard multiplication of parameters such as the average heat transfer resistance R and the conductivity of aerated concrete blocks without the use of insulation. These parameters are shown in the tables above.

For Moscow R=3.29 m2×°C/W.

Let's make calculations for D400 blocks

For the dry state, the thermal conductivity coefficient is 0.096.

3.29*0.096 = 0.316 (m)

At a humidity of 4% the coefficient is 0.113.

3.29*0.113 = 0.372 (m)

Based on the calculations, it can be seen that for perfectly dry material, a wall thickness of 316 mm for grade D400 is sufficient.

However, manufacturers in commercials tell us that for Middle zone Russia has enough block thickness of 375 mm for the D400 brand and produces this size. From which we can indirectly conclude that the calculation includes a coefficient for humidity of 4%.

Now let's count block D500

For a dry state, the thermal conductivity coefficient is 0.12.

3.29*0.12 = 0.395 (m)

At a humidity of 4% the coefficient is 0.141.

3.29*0.141 = 0.464 (m)

So, the produced D500 blocks with a width of 400 mm are suitable in terms of characteristics for an ideal case. Nothing is perfect in the world. But to get closer to the ideal, you need to avoid external walls getting wet from precipitation by facing the house with bricks with a ventilation gap. You can also install siding or other panels.

Housing must also be constantly heated. And in severe frosts above -20 degrees, which has recently happened extremely rarely in the Moscow region, be prepared for short-term increased heating bills.

It is obvious that in terms of thermal conductivity, the D400 block with a width of 375 mm is superior to its brother D500 with a width of 400 mm. But if only it were that simple. You also need to look at the strength factor B. Until a few years ago wall material D400 was produced with obviously lower strength, which stopped developers from choosing such a building stone. Now leading manufacturers guarantee strength B-2.5 for the D400 brand.

If construction is planned alone, then an important criterion when choosing will be, which depends on the size and density.

Thus, the required parameters directly depend on the brand (density) aerated concrete building material. For some regions, these values ​​are calculated and collected in a table.

Useful video

This story contains some clever thoughts on calculating the thickness of walls:

Internal partitions made of aerated concrete

The thickness of the aerated concrete partition should be selected in accordance with several factors, including calculation bearing capacity and height.

When choosing blocks for the construction of non-load-bearing partitions, you need to pay attention to the height indicators:

  • the height of the structure being erected does not exceed three meters - the building material is 10 cm thick;
  • the height of the internal partition varies from three to five meters - the building material is 20 cm thick.

If it is necessary to obtain the most accurate data without making independent calculations, you can use standard tabular information that takes into account the connection with the upper floor and the length of the structure being erected. It is also necessary to give special meaning the following recommendations for choosing building materials:

  • determination of operational loads on internal partitions allows you to select the optimal material;
  • erect non-structural interior walls it is best from products of the D500 or D600 brand, having a length of 625 mm and a width of 75-200 mm, which creates a strength of 150 kg;
  • installation is not load-bearing structures allows the use of products with a density of D350 or D400, which helps to obtain standard noise insulation of up to 52 dB;
  • sound insulation parameters directly depend not only on the thickness of the building blocks, but also on the density of the material, therefore, the higher the density, the better the sound insulation properties of aerated concrete.

When the length of the partition structure is eight meters or more, as well as a height exceeding four meters, to increase the strength characteristics it is necessary to strengthen the frame with the help of load-bearing reinforced concrete structures. The required strength of the partition is also achieved due to the adhesive layer holding the block elements together.

Affordable cost, manufacturability and excellent quality characteristics made aerated concrete blocks popular and in demand in the modern market building materials. Correctly calculated thickness of an aerated concrete wall allows the structures being built to be provided with a high level of strength, as well as maximum resistance to almost any static loads or impact factors.

If we talk about the thickness of the walls of a house for permanent residence, then you should try to comply with the requirements of SNiP 23-02-2003 for thermal protection of buildings. Note that the standards allow a reduction in the standardized heat transfer resistance according to the “consumer approach”. For example, for Moscow, the required value of heat transfer resistance of external walls is R req = 3.13 m 2 °C/W, but can be reduced to R min = 1.97 m 2 °C/W (R min = 0.63 x R req = 0.63 x 3.13 m 2 °C/W = 1.97 m 2 °C/W) provided that the requirements for specific fuel consumption for heating the building are met in combination with compliance with the standards for the temperature difference between the internal air of the room and the internal surface of the walls, preventing dew from falling on the inner surface of the walls [clauses 5.1 and 5.13 of SNiP 02/23/2003]. Specific fuel consumption with the above difference increases slightly.
Read about the minimum thickness of aerated concrete walls in terms of sound insulation.

Energy efficiency of buildings for permanent residence
The use of adequate wall thickness with proper heat transfer resistance makes it possible to limit the drop in temperature in the room at a constant specific level of energy consumption for heating the building, prevent moisture condensation on the internal surfaces of the building envelope (except for windows) and protect the building envelope from waterlogging.
Normal level energy efficiency of buildings ( class C according to SNiP 02/23/2003) allows deviation of the calculated (actual) value specific consumption thermal energy for heating the building from the standard value from + 5% to minus 9%.
building with high level energy efficiency ( class B) is characterized by a reduction in thermal energy consumption for heating by 10-50% , and with very high level energy efficiency ( class A) - by more than 51%.

Principles for choosing a method of compliance with the standardized indicators of thermal protection of a building.
The main task of designing thermal protection of buildings (choosing the optimal thickness of walls and their insulation) is maintaining the established microclimate parameters interior spaces and proper sanitary and hygienic conditions for a given consumption of thermal energy for heating the building. SNiP 23-02-2003 “Thermal protection of buildings” establishes three mandatory mutually linked standardized indicators for the thermal protection of a building, based on:
"A"- standardized values ​​of heat transfer resistance for individual building envelopes;
"B"- a standardized temperature difference that does not allow dew to occur:
- temperature difference between the temperature of the internal air and the temperature of the internal surface of the walls (other enclosing structures), determined by formula No. 4 SNiP 23-02. In this case, the calculated temperature difference should not exceed the standardized values ​​established in table No. 5 of SNiP 23-02.
- the minimum temperature in all areas of the inner surface of external fences must be above the dew point temperature.
"IN"- standardized consumption of thermal energy for heating, which allows you to vary the values ​​of the heat-protective properties of walls (enclosing structures), taking into account the choice of method for maintaining standardized microclimate parameters.

The standards for thermal protection of a building will be met if indicators “A” and “B” are met for residential premises (that is, walls of adequate thickness will have a standardized resistance to heat transfer and dew will not fall on the internal surfaces of the walls), or the indicators will be met “B” and “C” (that is, dew will not fall on the internal surfaces of the external walls and a certain consumption of thermal energy will be normalized). In the second case, the thermal resistance of the walls may be lower than the values ​​​​set in group A indicators (Table 4 SNiP 02/23/2003 ) , but not below the minimum values? which is referred to in paragraph 5.13 of SNiP 02/23/2003. All types of enclosing structures must meet the requirements of group “B” indicators in order to provide comfortable conditions for people inside the building and prevent moisture internal surfaces walls, floors and other enclosing structures from moisture, getting wet and mold.

Table. Simplified selection minimum thickness walls made of aerated concrete (according to the recommendations of Table I from the catalog "Low-rise buildings made of cellular concrete", L., State Committee for Architecture, LENZNIIEP - 1989.)

Individual residential construction is not without costs, effort and calculations, which not everyone can cope with. After all, it is not enough to build a wall from foam concrete; you need to understand the design details, calculation rules and features of the work process. That’s why it’s so important to try to understand how to build a house yourself, where to start and how to calculate the thickness of foam concrete walls according to the standard.

Material Specifications

Before you figure it out and calculate what type of foam blocks should be, read distinctive features material:

  • High compressive strength - from 3.5 to 5 MPa. This confirms that two- and even three-story houses can be built from foam blocks.
  • The material weighs a little, but at the same time has a low density, up to 3 times lower than expanded clay.
  • Foam block is often compared to wood because of its thermal conductivity, which, compared to ceramic brick products, is an invaluable advantage. A wall made of clay blocks with a width of 600 mm retains heat in the same way as a foam concrete wall with a thickness of 200 mm.
  • When building a house from foam blocks, there is no need for additional sound insulation. High-quality laid blocks reliably protect against noise.
  • The price of the material cannot be compared with anything. Foam blocks are cheaper than other raw materials, even taking into account transportation costs.
  • Accessibility is proven by the ability to work with the material without special training. This means that you can build a house with your own hands, without additional help.
  • Density.
  • Dimensions of blocks.
  • Method of fixing blocks.

Important! Do not forget that too cheap foam blocks are not of high quality. In this case, the material may be manufactured in violation of the technology, and low-quality second-rate blocks may turn out to be unsafe in construction - the structure may simply collapse. Therefore, save wisely!

Wall thickness and how to determine it

There is a lot of unreliable information on the Internet about how to determine what thickness of a foam block wall is optimal. To protect yourself and find the right solution, take into account several features and build on this information:

  • Determine the lowest temperature level in the region for the winter season. In areas with unstable weather conditions, severe frost and the wind requires the construction of additional thermally insulated thickened walls.
  • Choose insulation and decide for yourself whether you will install it or stop at ordinary plaster. For walls up to 300 mm thick, additional insulation with a material thickness of up to 100 mm is required.
  • Insulation not only helps keep the house warm. It also repels harmful ultraviolet radiation from foam blocks, preventing it from affecting the structure of the material.

Pay attention! The choice of foam blocks is also influenced by density. This is the first parameter that you should pay attention to. It differs depending on the technical specifications. The higher the density, the higher the cost of the products.

How to determine the thickness of walls made of foam blocks

From the above, we can conclude that the recommended thickness of walls made of foam blocks for a house in a region with moderate winter temperatures is 300 mm with a density of foam blocks D600 and the presence of a layer of thermal insulation.

This is it optimal performance material thickness for all regions of Russia. Thanks to the additional thermal insulation of the walls outside the house, the cold does not enter the room at all, which creates a favorable living atmosphere even in harsh climates.

As for strength, it is noted that the load on the walls, regardless of the number of storeys, should not exceed 20 tons (together with the roof, floor slabs, furnishings). According to technical indicators, it is known that every 100 mm of foam concrete can withstand a load of up to 10 tons.

Important! Don't forget to pay attention to technical characteristics such as strength and resistance to physical impact. A 300 mm wall is easy to break through with a sledgehammer, but a 400 mm wall is more reliable, and the blocks themselves differ in density and strength characteristics.

The optimal thickness of a wall made of foam blocks can be calculated visually by reading the indicators in the form visual scheme or drawing.

Calculations of thermal conductivity and determination of the optimal thickness based on the formula

The thickness of foam blocks for external walls is selected, not forgetting that the external heat transfer resistance, taking into account all layers of finishing, must be at least 3.5 o C per m 2 /W. To determine the optimal wall thickness, consider the process in more detail, based on different block density indicators.

According to technical specifications, it is known that products with an indicator of D600 and D800 differ in coefficients of 0.14 and 0.21 deg * m 2 / W, respectively.

As exterior finishing use facing brick with an indicator of 0.56 deg * m 2 / W and decorative plaster with a value of 0.58 deg * m 2 / W.

Where to start calculating

When starting to calculate the thickness of a wall made of foam blocks, follow the instructions:

  • First, determine the thickness of the brickwork and plaster layer. Often, if the installation of a heat-insulating layer is not provided, then the brick is laid in two rows. It turns out 120 mm.
  • This number is converted to meters and divided by the thermal conductivity coefficient facing material. The result is a resistance of 0.21.
  • The same is done with the applied layer of plaster, obtaining a final value of 0.03 mm.

Working with formulas and doing some calculations

foam concrete D600 = (3.5 - 0.21 - 0.03) x 0.14 = 456 mm,

where 3.5 is a number expressed as the total heat transfer resistance; 0.21 - brick resistance; 0.03 - resistance of plaster; 0.14 - foam block coefficient.

The result is a rounded number of about 450 mm (remember to convert to meters). This is the optimal wall thickness using the materials described above during the construction process.

Foam concrete D800 = (3.5 - 0.21 - 0.03) x 0.21 = 684 mm,

where 3.5 is the total 0.21 is the resistance of the brick; 0.03 - resistance of plaster; 0.14 - foam block coefficient.

Now it becomes clear how thick a wall made of foam blocks should be. The option to build a wall according to the second example is different in power. Note that the thicker the wall, the more consumption s. Although, if you add here typical facade insulation (expanded polystyrene), the thickness of the facade will decrease significantly.

Important! The optimal thickness of cinder block walls is calculated in an elementary way. Only in this case there is one but! Do not forget to take into account the thickness of the moisture-proof material, since without it the cinder block loses its strength.

If you are planning a bathhouse made of foam blocks, the thickness of the walls in areas with extremely low temperatures, down to -30 o C, does not fall below 700-800 mm.

Progress of the construction process: erection of walls

According to the construction instructions, you can build a house regardless of the surrounding factors affecting the material. Below we will talk about some recommendations.

Some rules for building a house made of foam concrete

Observe simple rules individual residential construction, and building a house will not be a problem for you:

  1. First, prepare the foundation. Clean from dust and dirt, level if there are any unevenness.
  2. Next we start calculating required quantity materials, building blocks and adhesive concrete mortar. There are 30 blocks in 1 m3 (20x30x60 cm). When using a material with such dimensions, the thickness of the foam block walls is 30 cm.
  3. Determine the approximate calculation of the glue. For 1 m 3 of wall it takes 30 kg. That's why it's worth knowing first total area vertical surfaces of the future structure.
  4. Having purchased materials and collected necessary tool, start mixing the solution for laying foam blocks, of course, if you have not purchased ready-made concrete.
  5. First, the concrete solution is applied to the surface of the foam block, which is placed on a tiled floor or foundation.
  6. Before laying the next block, apply an adhesive mixture to the end part of the first product, thoroughly coating the surface. Concrete mortar must fill all empty gaps.
  7. Excess glue is removed by tapping the block on top with a mallet.
  8. The second row is laid out so that the joints of the blocks do not coincide, but are shifted to the side when laying each of the rows of the wall. To do this, cut one block in half and start with half.
  9. easy to process, so you can easily adjust the opening to a window or door structure.

Features of façade insulation taking into account wall thickness

At the final stage, the facade of the house is insulated from foam blocks. The thickness of the walls of the structure is determined at the design stage:

  • using disc-shaped nails, install special polystyrene foam thermal insulation boards;
  • for brick finishing in a foam concrete wall, between the blocks, several rods of thin reinforcement are fixed to connect the inner wall with brickwork from the side of the building facade;
  • if finishing is planned by plastering the walls, then a reinforced mark is pulled over the foam blocks for better adhesion of the main surface and finishing material. The plaster is applied in two layers: the first is heat-insulating, hiding the mesh, the second is finishing, finishing.

Pay attention! It is better to determine the type of material used and its quantity at the design stage in order to avoid unnecessary costs. Do not forget to take into account all the points: the presence of door and window openings, internal partitions.

Summing up

As you have already noticed, there are few factors influencing the thickness of walls made of foam blocks and the determination of this parameter. Basically it's weather conditions, the presence of a second (third) floor, attic.

One way or another, it is worth focusing on financial capabilities. It is not difficult to understand that the greater the thickness of the walls made of foam concrete, the greater the consumption of material. Accordingly, the cost of construction increases.

Don’t try to guess the thickness of foam block walls - calculate it at the design stage, because the quality and reliability of the structure depends on it. A house built according to technical requirements, will withstand any frost with minimal heat loss: it will not release heat from inside the room and will not let in cold from outside.

Aerated concrete compares favorably with conventional concrete due to its low thermal conductivity. This property is achieved by introducing aluminum powder into conventional concrete mixture. Thanks to hydrogen bubbles evenly distributed throughout the mixture, aerated concrete transfers heat much worse than conventional concrete.

But this advantage also has a downside - aerated concrete has slightly lower strength than conventional concrete. Therefore, when choosing the thickness of an aerated concrete wall, you need to proceed not only from the required level of thermal insulation, but also take into account the strength of the wall. At the same time, of course, you need to stay within your budget.

Classification of aerated concrete blocks

Depending on the purpose of the room, the requirements for the strength and thermal insulation characteristics of the walls differ. Depending on the purpose there are:

  • garage;
  • any auxiliary room which is used only in the warm season (for example, a summer kitchen or workshop);
  • dacha, for living only in summer;
  • residential building

As for the strength of the material, it must be taken into account that with increasing density, the strength increases and the thermal conductivity of the material increases.

Several classes of aerated concrete are available on the market:

  • B3.5 - can be used as a material for load-bearing walls of 5-story buildings;
  • B2.5 - used as a material for a load-bearing wall if the height of the house does not exceed 3 floors;
  • B2.0 - this class of aerated concrete is used for the construction of load-bearing walls of buildings no more than 2 floors high.

Depending on the density, aerated concrete blocks are divided into grades from D300 to D1200 (the number indicates the density of the material in kg/m3). High-density blocks are positioned as structural (that is, they are able to withstand heavy loads), while minimum-density blocks act as self-supporting insulation.

Regulatory Requirements

Construction using cellular concrete (and aerated concrete is precisely this type of concrete) is regulated by STO 501-52-01-2007. Basic recommendations for the use of aerated concrete blocks are as follows:

  • the regulatory document requires determining the maximum permissible height walls made of cellular blocks only on the basis of calculation;
  • limited maximum height buildings. It is allowed to make load-bearing walls of buildings up to 5 floors (or up to 20 meters high) from autoclaved cellular concrete, height self-supporting walls should not exceed 30 m (or 9 floors). Foam blocks (non-autoclaved cellular concrete) are used for the construction of load-bearing walls no more than 10 m high or no more than 3 floors.
  • The standard also indicates the strength of concrete blocks depending on the number of storeys of the building. So, for the construction of external and interior walls For a 5-story building, blocks with a strength of at least B3.5 should be used (the use of foam concrete is prohibited), the grade of mortar is not lower than M100; in 3-story buildings, the cellular concrete class should be at least B2.5, and the mortar class should be M75; in 2-story buildings - B2 and M50, respectively.
  • for the construction of self-supporting walls, it is necessary to use blocks of at least B2.5 class - in buildings with more than 3 floors and B2.0 - in 3-story buildings.

These standards take into account only the strength side of the issue and do not cover the issue of thermal insulation of the room (SNiP II-3-79). The requirements of the regulations are mandatory primarily for legal entities. Ordinary people, for example, during construction country house or garage, summer kitchen can use these requirements as recommendations. It is also necessary to take into account that during operation the humidity of aerated concrete blocks changes, and this slightly increases their thermal conductivity.

The best options when designing any building will, of course, be a full strength calculation and thermal engineering calculation, but not everyone can cope with this task on their own. Not everyone will want to pay for the settlement either. In such cases, you can focus on the approximate values ​​of the strength classes and thickness of aerated concrete walls, depending on the purpose. Compared to other materials, aerated concrete wall should have a much smaller thickness with equal energy efficiency.

  1. For construction one-story houses in warm climates, summer kitchens, garages, etc., some use aerated concrete with a thickness of 200 mm, but this thickness cannot be called recommended. Even for construction non-residential premises As a rule, aerated concrete with a thickness of 300 mm is used.
  2. For the construction of walls of ground floors and basements, it is recommended to use aerated concrete D600, B3.5. The thickness of the blocks should be at least 300 - 400 mm.
  3. Inter-apartment partitions - aerated concrete blocks B2.5, D500 - D600, block thickness - 200 - 300 mm.
  4. Partitions between rooms - blocks B2.5, D500 - D600, thickness - from 100 to 150 mm.

If the partition is installed in an existing room, then it is better to choose aerated concrete D300. In this case, it is not the strength that is decisive, but the sound insulation of the material.

  1. Construction of non-residential premises (garages, summer kitchens etc.) Aerated concrete D500 is used, thickness from 200 mm (depending on the load).

What to pay attention to

Aerated concrete is an effective material in terms of thermal insulation, which is due to its cellular structure.

But in order to take full advantage of the benefits of aerated concrete walls, you should adhere to several rules:

  1. During construction, a special adhesive mixture is used, which is laid on the surface aerated concrete block thin layer (several mm). People who are used to working with conventional cement mortar it can be difficult to relearn. If the seams are made too thick, the mortar layer will begin to play the role of a “cold bridge” and the thermal insulation properties of aerated concrete will deteriorate.

  1. During construction in cold and temperate climate It is recommended to insulate walls made of aerated concrete both inside and outside.

  1. When performing strength calculations, it is necessary to take into account the additional weight created by thermal insulation, for example, plaster.

To get really warm and cozy home It is not enough to simply increase the wall thickness to the maximum. For most climatic conditions it is enough to use aerated concrete D600, B2.5 or B3.5 with a thickness of 300 mm. However, it is advisable to justify the choice of aerated concrete blocks by strength and thermal calculations.

User Questions:

  • Good day to you. I want to build a house from aerated concrete (INSI block), please tell me how thick the wall should be and whether insulation is needed on the outside if it is lined with bricks with a ventilation gap of 6 cm. Thank you.
  • Good afternoon! I am designing a 5-storey house in Krasnodar. The structure is monolithic, aerated concrete acts as a filler, please tell me what the thickness should be, is insulation needed? The outside is plaster for painting!
  • Please tell me whether it is worth insulating the outside wall of a house from Aerok with a thickness of 375 mm? If necessary, what thickness should the min. cotton wool Then there will be a curtain façade. House in Ropsha Len. region.
  • Hello! Is a house made of aerated concrete with a wall thickness of 250 mm + 100 mm facade foam suitable for permanent residence? The house is two-story on a strip foundation.