High-quality ceiling painting with water-based paint. Painting the ceiling: painting over old paint

Reading time ≈ 9 minutes

Nowadays, many people prefer to do home renovations with their own hands, so the question is how to paint the ceiling water-based paint By old paint is relevant. Many do cosmetic repairs to simply refresh the room, and some people also save money.

This material for repair work is quite popular among people, so its use is not uncommon. This coating is easy to apply and lasts quite a long time, especially when favorable conditions. Painting with water-based paint has long begun to replace ceiling and wall whitewash.

Water emulsion can provide any shade

It is worth noting that many pay close attention to the decoration and decoration of walls. But at the same time, they forget about the incredible power of the ceiling, which creates an overall holistic picture of the design. It is the ceiling that ranks first in terms of free space. After all, we see him completely, and he is not hidden by anything. So it is unjustifiable to forget about him. Therefore, no means, high-quality materials or wall decor can create a complete beautiful design without suitable design ceiling.

Painting is the final stage of work on the ceiling surface. Of course, painting with lime has long been a thing of the past. After all, it has quite a few disadvantages, including shedding, it is easy to get dirty, and it technical specifications far behind other modern painting materials.

Nowadays, water-based paint occupies a special place in the paint and varnish industry, which deservedly occupies a leading position among modern means for painting the surface of ceilings.

Experts recommend a matte finish to create an attractive design, regardless of the decor used in the room. Using special pigments it is very easy to change the shade of the ceiling. For example, a shade from a warm palette will give the room coziness and tranquility. But using shades of cool colors will give the room freedom, lightness and spaciousness.

TO classic version The ceiling is painted matte white. It is ideal for any interior and is the most commonly used.

All about ceiling paints

The widespread use of water-based paint for painting is easily explained by the special characteristics of the product:

  • the product is absolutely non-toxic;
  • does not have a pronounced unpleasant odor;
  • the texture allows this coating to be applied on top of old paint;
  • the paint is easy and convenient to work with;
  • the paint is unpretentious in use.

An undeniable advantage is the ease of application. So even a beginner in this matter can easily paint the ceiling or wall surface. The workflow tools are basic and very easy to clean when finished.

If you are not satisfied with the consistency of the product, you can add a little water to bring it to the desired state. You can also use special specialized tinting pigments. With their help, the necessary shade is given, which is needed for coloring.

Another advantage is accessibility of this material. The cost of paint is affordable for everyone, which makes it even more popular. So beautiful finish can be in every home, especially useful for...

Preparatory work before painting the ceiling surface

Before applying paint, you need to prepare the work surface. Thanks to such simple and uncomplicated actions, you will not encounter problems in the future. unpleasant phenomena and you won't waste time fixing it. Using special lighting “at an angle” you need to carefully and in detail examine the entire surface. The process is simple but very effective. The fact is that this method will help identify all defects and flaws in order to find out about the condition of the ceiling.

Damaged ceiling

If there is quite serious damage to the ceiling, then you first need to repair it and level the surface. After all, cracks, potholes and large irregularities cannot be removed using paint products. So you need to first remove them using leveling materials and necessary tools. Old paint must also be removed. When leveling the ceiling is finished, you need to let it dry normally. Only after this can you start painting.

Ceiling after leveling

Painting over old paint

If you are satisfied with the condition of your old coating and does not have any special flaws, and most importantly, does not peel off, then you can safely change the shade to a more suitable one. In this case, painting is possible over the old layer of paint. This not only saves time and effort, but also the money that will have to be spent on such procedures.

Another option for the condition of the ceiling is minor partial peeling of the old ball of water-based paint in some places. The advantage of this material is its versatility. It is enough to simply clean these islands correctly, and not remove the entire layer of paint, as is required when whitewashing with lime. And after that, you can begin painting the surface, applying a new layer on top of the old one.

Painting on an old paint ball

The only thing that needs to be done is to prime the ceiling. This is done before staining; there are no special requirements for such a procedure. Having visited hardware store, you will find many base options for water-based paints that act as a primer. It is important that the products from this department are also quite affordable.

Primer the surface before painting

Nowadays, stores offer huge assortment paint and varnish materials for every taste and price level. There are also more quality products and quite modest in characteristics. In order for the paint to remain in its original form for a long time and please the eye, it is worth paying attention when choosing the material. To do this, you need to figure out what kind of material it is and what properties it should have.

Let's start with the fact that water-based paint is a separate type of paint in which different particles are combined and has a water base. In other words, it is an aqueous emulsion that is created from pigment elements and a base that is necessary for the binder. The uniqueness of the composition lies in the fact that it is extremely reliable and almost indestructible under the influence of external factors. There are several types of such paints:

  • binder base – acrylic;
  • silicate base;
  • silicone bonding base;
  • the base is mineral.

Acrylic paints

The most popular and popular are acrylic-based paints. From the name it is clear that it contains acrylic resins, which provide an affordable pricing policy and high quality. And the admixture of latex elements gives the product the necessary elasticity. Thanks to this, you can close and disguise not large cracks on work surface. The parameters of cracks, which can easily disappear under a layer of water-based emulsion, should be within 1 mm. If the composition contains latex impurities, then the price for this type of paint will be slightly more expensive. But, at the same time, painting an imperfect surface will be much easier, and the result will please you.

Silicone paints

If we talk about silicone-based paints, they have increased water-resistant properties and are more impenetrable. Therefore, their use is ideal on surfaces in rooms where there is a lot of dampness and moisture. So, if you need to paint the ceiling in the bathroom, it will be the best option.

Thanks to silicone resins, which are the basis in this type water-based paints and provide such characteristics. Cracks that can be hidden with this paint can be about 2 mm. Price segment silicone paints are higher than the previous version.

Mineral paints

Paints on mineral based are the least popular due to quite short term operation of the painted surface. The whole problem lies in the composition of the paint itself. They add to it slaked lime, and in some cases cement. All this ensures a low price compared to other finishing materials.

As you can see, to choose the most best option, you'll have to search hard the right type water-based emulsions. Therefore, before purchasing, decide what conditions the surface will be in after painting. Special attention Pay attention to the special markings on the container, namely the coverability. The higher this value, the faster you will achieve a perfectly even layer, without streaks. This means that fewer layers will have to be applied, which will significantly save materials and finances.

Also on the can, manufacturers often indicate in which rooms it is preferable to use this type of paint. Therefore, the choice is greatly simplified.

The process of painting with water-based emulsion on an old ball

If you don't know , how to paint a ceiling with water-based paint over old paint, then you can be sure that the process is very simple and will not take much time and effort. Preparation takes very little time if painting is done from above old layer paints. Exfoliated particles should be removed completely. If there are defects, the ceiling is puttied. Potholes, cracks and crevices also need to be sealed.

After this process, the surface should be primed. To do this, apply a thin layer of primer. It is necessary to let the ceiling dry thoroughly and only then proceed with final stage– painting. The primer dries quite quickly. Apply it in the morning, and after lunch you can start painting. But in order for the coating to set well and serve for a long time, the second layer should be applied no earlier than the next morning.

Step-by-step staining instructions are as follows.

  1. Prepare the tools you need in advance. Standard use: a brush or a roller of suitable structure and size. The width of the brush is most often used within 3-4 cm. If desired, you can take an additional device - a telescopic extension, which is used for both the roller and the brush. You will also need a tray for paint and a separate one for water, rags to remove unwanted dirt and material to cover the furniture and floor. They also use masking tape, which is used to glue the ceiling around the perimeter so that a straight line is obtained and the wall is not damaged.
  2. Preparation of paint material. Before use, be sure to read the instructions. If necessary, add water to obtain the required consistency.
  3. Pour some paint into the tray. Using a small brush, work around the perimeter of the ceiling to create an even finish. The ceiling itself is painted in stripes. To do this, the roller is completely immersed in a tray with water-based emulsion, then you should remove the excess material. Make sure that the roller constantly moves parallel to the initial movements. And the roller should overlap the previously applied strip by at least half the width. And apply the layers perpendicularly.

Thanks to the ease of application and affordable price, you can constantly update your interior using a wide variety of color solutions. And you already know how to paint the ceiling with water-based paint over old paint. All you have to do is choose the desired shade and be patient.

Modern water-based materials can be used for painting any surfaces, including in rooms with high humidity where previously only oil paints could be used.

To obtain an even structure, the surface should be properly prepared by performing the following steps:

  1. The whitewash or previous paint is removed. Before cleaning the surface of old materials with a spatula, it is necessary to treat the ceiling twice hot water, after which the old paint can be removed much easier;
  2. Water-based emulsion can also be applied over old paint, but before performing work, you need to wipe the ceiling with a damp cloth to remove dust and fine dirt. However, it should be remembered that achieving ideal flat surface in this case it will not work;
  3. After the ceiling is freed from old materials, small cracks and holes are puttyed; large cracks should be glued with a special cloth and plastered;
  4. The prepared surface is leveled with special plaster compositions. Irregularities in the plaster are removed with sandpaper;
  5. The final stage of preparation is applying primer.

After the primer solution has dried, the main work begins.

Required tools and materials

High-quality application of water-based emulsion is impossible without special tools. To perform work in the kitchen, room, bathroom or toilet, purchase:

  • Roller with faux fur skin;
  • Brush-flutz. Required for painting corners and ceiling surfaces adjacent to the wall. The width of the brush should be from 7 to 10 cm;
  • Rectangular container with a ribbed cuvette. Used to place a single portion of material and roll out a roller;
  • Mixer. Required for mixing the water emulsion;
  • Paper tape. With its help, you can protect the wall surface from the ingress of material during work;
  • Overalls. You will need a hat, glasses and a set of clothes.

If it is necessary to apply different colors to the wall surface, it is recommended to use different instruments for each shade.

Selection and preparation of water-based paint

There are several types of paint of this type. Their difference lies in the presence of a basic substance, which determines the parameters for using this material.

  • Acrylic paints have excellent resistance to abrasion when washed, are odorless, and are suitable for painting almost all types of premises. The cost is average.
  • Latex paints are among the most expensive, but this drawback is compensated by improved properties. Surfaces painted with latex materials can be treated using household chemicals.
  • Polyvinyl acetate paints are classified as inexpensive. Recommended exclusively for dry rooms; water should not be used for washing.
  • A water-based emulsion based on silicate compounds is recommended for application to plastered surfaces or concrete.
  • Silicone-based water emulsion is suitable for working in rooms with high humidity, as they have increased vapor permeability.

Almost all of these paints are produced in two types: with the formation of a matte or glossy surface. To calculate how much paint is required, you need to know the area of ​​the ceiling and the paint consumption indicated on the label.

Which roller to use

How to paint a ceiling with water-based paint without streaks? Here, first of all, you should carefully approach the choice of tool. The simplest and most reliable device for obtaining an ideal ceiling surface is a roller. Next simple tips will help you decide which roller to paint the ceiling with water-based paint.

It is advisable to select a tool with a long handle, which allows you to carry out work without using a stepladder. The fastening of the device must be reliable so that when force is applied, the tool does not change its position.

There are many types of roller sandpaper, but for painting the ceiling it is recommended to use only faux fur sandpaper (pile length from 10 to 12 mm). The sandpaper should sit tightly on the base, and the joint should not stand out, and it is good when it is made tangentially.


Painting the ceiling with water-based paint begins with applying primer to a previously prepared surface. Many people ignore this mandatory process, which leads to uneven coverage and streaks.

The primer improves the adhesion of the water-based emulsion to the plastered surface, as a result, the appearance of bubbles, microcracks, stains and mold can be avoided. This preparation also increases the shelf life appearance ceiling after painting.

The surface must be primed with special compounds (primers), which are selected based on the composition of the water emulsion. Yes, for acrylic paint use acrylic primer, for silicone primer - silicone.

On concrete surface At least three layers of primer are applied, and for plastered ceilings it will be enough to walk over the surface twice.

If special compounds are absent, you can use the water-based emulsion itself to prepare the primer. To do this, you need to dilute the material in the following proportions: water emulsion - 1 part, water - 2 parts.

Coloring instructions

There are several ways to whiten a ceiling with water-based paint without streaks; various tools are used for this purpose.

Painting with a roller

You can get excellent ceiling coloring using a roller. This option is quite economical, and even a beginner can cope with the whole process. It is enough to follow the following tips, which explain how to paint step by step with this tool:

  1. Before painting, the room is prepared for work. It is advisable to glue the wall at the junction with the ceiling with paper tape so that the water emulsion does not get on the wall;
  2. Objects in the room should be covered with paper or film;
  3. Mix the material thoroughly, especially if colored dye is added to the white base;
  4. For the initial layer, a material of a thicker consistency is prepared than for subsequent layers;
  5. If small particles are found during mixing, you will have to strain the entire volume of paint through gauze so that the surface of the ceiling is free of flaws;
  6. A strip 8-10 cm wide is applied along the perimeter of the ceiling with a brush;
  7. The prepared material is poured into a container suitable for the size of the roller. For rolling, a piece of flat plywood is used, but it is more effective to use special containers equipped with a ribbed ditch, which allow you to evenly saturate the tool with paint;
  8. Painting is carried out from the corner in stripes 40-50 cm wide. The initial layer is applied parallel to the window, the subsequent one perpendicular. When working, maintain an inclination angle of 45 degrees. Painting of the next strip is carried out with an overlap on the previous one (about 100 mm is covered);
  9. It is necessary to take into account the drying time of the material (up to 20 minutes), so the entire amount of work should be done quickly, without being distracted by rest;
  10. The quality of painting can be checked in good lighting, and if daylight is not enough, use a powerful flashlight;
  11. Each new layer can be applied only after the previous one has completely dried, usually no earlier than 12 hours after completion of work;
  12. Irregularities are sanded with fine-grained sandpaper, after which another leveling layer of paint is applied.

Painting in 2 layers.
Painting in 3 layers.

Spray painting

Using a paint sprayer allows you to get an even painting of the ceiling, while the worker makes a minimum of effort. The disadvantages of this technology include fairly high requirements for the power of the spray gun or spray gun.

An apparatus for spraying water-based paint must have a special compressor that is capable of creating the necessary pressure to force a fairly thick liquid through the nozzle.

How to paint a ceiling with water-based paint using a spray gun correctly:

  1. To facilitate this process, diluting the emulsion with water is often used. The water emulsion should be diluted in a ratio of one to one, as a result of which to obtain beautiful coating you will need to apply at least three layers of thinner paint;
  2. Before starting work, it is recommended to adjust the sprayer on an unnecessary flat surface (a piece of plywood or drywall) to achieve the required coverage;
  3. Noticeable boundaries of the joining layers should be rubbed with fine sandpaper so that when applying the second layer this defect will be eliminated;
  4. Paint is sprayed at a distance of 50-55 cm from the surface to be painted; it is advisable to maintain a perpendicular inclination of the nozzle to the ceiling;
  5. The material is applied in squares, covering the surface first along, then across. You should move to the next area without delay to prevent excessive accumulation of material in one place. It is better not to completely paint the area, since this drawback can be eliminated by covering the defect with subsequent layers, and a thick layer will have to be cleaned and the entire volume redone.

Painting with a brush

It is possible to paint the ceiling using a brush, but the result will certainly be disappointing. It will not be possible to avoid stains and uneven paintability of the surface.

Repairs made with a brush are possible in non-residential premises, such as closets, but you will have to put up with increased paint consumption, since drops of material, even with the most careful control, will flow from the tool onto the floor.

How to avoid stains

Obtaining an ideal ceiling structure when painting is achieved not only correct technique performing the actual application of the material to the surface, but also preliminary preparation premises. You need to do the following:

  • Turn off the heating or insulate the radiators by wrapping them with thick material.
  • Close all windows to prevent drafts.
  • Good lighting should be provided to monitor the quality of work.

When painting with a roller, you must be at an angle of 45 degrees to the ceiling surface. This position allows you to control the uniformity of application of the material. Each subsequent strip should overlap slightly (up to 10 cm) with the previous strip, and the time between applying the first and second strip should not exceed 20 minutes. If you apply the material on a dry surface, the border will be visible.

Any flaws are corrected with fine-grained sandpaper, after which a finishing coat of paint is applied.

Video on the topic

Painting the ceiling with water-based paint - necessary measure when the surface needs to be given a new color or refreshed previous coverage. Remedy for water based does not have a strong odor, so repairing the ceiling, in particular painting with such paint, is recommended even in a nursery.

How to paint a ceiling with water-based paint? For this you will not need any great experience, nor complex devices, you just need to choose the application method and the appropriate emulsion.

In addition to the absence of an unpleasant odor and faster drying, this type of coating has other advantages:

  • environmental safety;
  • easy to tint;
  • easy application;
  • Easy to clean tools after finishing work.

It is better that painting and updating the ceiling with water-based paint is carried out with material from the same batch.

How to do right choice coloring composition? Water-based emulsion ceiling paint has the following characteristics that you need to pay attention to when choosing the right one:

  • For which premises is this or that emulsion suitable? There are options on sale for dry rooms, with high humidity (kitchen, bathroom, etc.), for rooms where frequent wet cleaning is required (corridor, hallway, etc.).

  • The presence of antiseptic, antifungal components. It is advisable to whitewash the ceilings in the bathroom or kitchen or paint them with a water-based emulsion with such additives. It is especially recommended to use ceiling silicone water-based compounds. They create a vapor-permeable layer and can be applied without prior primer.

  • Washable emulsion or not. There are three types of water-based compositions: completely unsuitable for wet cleaning (they can only be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner or a dry cloth); indelible (suitable for frequent wet cleaning without special means); suitable for cleaning using detergents.

  • The degree of gloss of the painted surface. Water emulsion for any ceiling can be matte, semi-matte, deep-matte, glossy and semi-gloss. Matte ceiling seems higher, invisible on it minor defects, but it is difficult to wash. Glossy looks better, does not wear out longer, is easy to clean, but even a small flaw will be visible on it. It is optimal to choose a semi-matte or semi-gloss water-based emulsion.

  • Emulsion consumption per 1 sq. m of surface. This indicator is associated not only with the cost of painting work, required quantity cans, but also with layer density (coverability). When choosing a composition based on this characteristic, you need to take into account that the amount of material used depends on the quality of the surface. Painting a ceiling with an uneven absorbent surface with water-based paint will require higher flow material.

Removing old coating

How to renew a ceiling painted with water-based paint? Be sure to wash off the previous coating. Painting the ceiling with old paints will not allow you to achieve good result, the new layer will peel off. Washing is done using a special solution. Procedure:

  1. Wear a respirator and protective gloves.
  2. Before applying the product, open windows or otherwise provide ventilation.
  3. Apply the composition in an even layer to the ceiling surface. The paint will begin to bubble and crack.
  4. After the reaction is complete, carefully remove the coating layer with a spatula.
  5. If necessary, reapply the remover.
  6. Sand the surface with sandpaper.

Painting the ceiling with water-based paint over old lime paint or whitewash is also impossible. They need to be removed. The whitewashed surface does not adhere well to the new coating. You can remove the whitewash with a roller generously dipped in water. It is better to change the water several times during the washing process. Clean off the whitewash soaked in water with a spatula.

In the video: removing old water-based paint.

Surface preparation

Before you paint the ceiling, you need to prepare it. What do you need for this? Cleared of old coating or new ceiling washed to remove grease and other types of contaminants. To do this, wash it with a detergent solution and then rinse it clean water. If there are any on the surface minor defects, then they can be puttied with finishing putty. After it has dried, the treated areas should be sanded with sandpaper and the resulting dust should be removed with a wet cloth. Then it is recommended to apply a primer to the ceiling.

This is necessary in order to:

  • level the surface;
  • prevent the appearance of mold, mildew and other dangerous bacteria;
  • reduce the consumption of the coloring composition;
  • ensure high-quality adhesion of the coating to the surface to be painted.

The type of soil is chosen taking into account the nature of the material from which the ceiling is made. It is better to apply the primer with a short-haired roller; foam rubber will leave streaks. First, coat the ceiling in one direction. After the first layer has dried, the second is applied across it.

Advice! For the primer, you can use a water-based emulsion, heavily diluted with water.

Painting with a roller or brush

How to properly paint a ceiling with water-based paint? To do this, use brushes, paint roller or sprayer. IN industrial scale use airless spray technology. The chosen tool determines the method. For home use, it is better to choose a roller. Not every home has a sprayer, and a surface painted with a brush always has a serious drawback - visible strokes.

What kind of roller is needed? Not only the material is important, but also the nature of the surface. A roller for water-based paint should optimally have average length pile. Short pile absorbs little, so you will often have to dip it in the emulsion. Long pile collects a lot, which leads to significant weighting of the instrument. A foam roller is not suitable at all for painting the ceiling with water-based paint. Velor rollers have one drawback - they collect little emulsion, which creates inconvenience during work.

When choosing a roller, you need to make sure that it does not deform when compressed, the pile holds tightly, and there are no visible seams on the surface. Otherwise, when doing the work, streaks will remain, and the fallen fibers will stick to the paint.

For convenience when painting, you will need a special painting kit. plastic container. Dipping a roller into a regular bucket is inconvenient.

Painting procedure:

  1. Dilute the emulsion with water according to the attached instructions. For the first layer of water, add more.
  2. Start applying water-based paint with a narrow brush in the corners and along the walls. This will prevent paint from getting on the walls when doing the main work.
  3. It is better to pour the emulsion into the paint bath in small portions.
  4. Dip the roller into the mixture and roll it several times to ensure even distribution.
  5. Continue painting the ceiling with a roller away from the window, moving across the direction of the light.
  6. When the coating has been applied over the entire surface, the excess can be removed with a dry roller.
  7. After the first layer has dried, apply a second one, along the direction of the sun's rays. Repainting the ceiling with water-based paint should be done with a new roller. Only in this case is an ideal result possible.

If, after drying, unevenness is discovered, they can be removed by sanding the surface of the ceiling with fine-grained sandpaper. How many layers of paint can you apply with a roller or brush? Most often, two are enough, but three can be done. It is important not to use electrical appliances or heaters to speed up drying.

Spray painting

Technology for painting the ceiling with water-based paint using a spray gun:

  1. Dilute the emulsion, making sure there are no lumps. Otherwise they will clog the sprayer.
  2. First, direct the jet to the side, since in the first few seconds the sprayer throws out too large a portion.
  3. When the stream becomes uniform, begin applying the water emulsion to the ceiling from a distance of 30-50 cm. The speed of movement should be approximately 5 s per 1 m. The stream should be directed strictly at an angle of 90 degrees.
  4. Uniform application can be achieved by mentally dividing the ceiling into squares. Paint each one in turn, first along, then across.

How many coats of paint can you apply with a spray gun? Use a spray gun to apply three coats, allowing each to dry.

In the video: painting the ceiling with a spray gun.

General rules

How to properly paint a ceiling with water-based paint? When choosing a method and during operation, you need to consider following rules painting:

  • It is recommended to use a spray gun to paint a plastered ceiling. It will provide a more even distribution than a roller. Primer application is mandatory.
  • For plasterboard ceilings, the emulsion should not be greatly diluted with water. Excess moisture can soak the top paper layer. In this case, it will be impossible to achieve a good result.
  • When applying the coloring composition, be sure to maintain uniformity and direction. Otherwise, the result may be areas that have a shade different from the main one. This is due to the fact that the intensity of light reflection depends on the thickness of the layer and the direction of application.
  • If, after applying a layer of water-based emulsion, multiple defects are found, then you must wait until it dries completely before attempting to repaint. Otherwise, attempts to correct it will lead to the opposite result. If applying a new layer does not solve the problem, then you need to remove the paint with sandpaper.

Due to their environmental safety, water-based emulsions are suitable for decorating even a child’s room. Sometimes it is necessary to quickly tidy up a room where a persistent pungent odor is unacceptable. It is in these cases that coloring compositions that do not require the use of conventional solvents are indispensable.

Painting the ceiling with water-based emulsion does not require the use of expensive tools. This work is easy to do yourself with paint, a roller and a brush. Even without special skills, it can be done well and beautifully. How to repaint a ceiling painted with water-based paint? To refresh it, you must first remove the old layer and carefully prepare the surface for applying a new one, and then paint it in the usual way.

Step-by-step instructions for painting the ceiling (1 video)

How to paint a ceiling with water-based paint? The abundance of the most different ways finishing does not exclude the popularity of painting the ceiling today. This coating attracts with its affordability and the ability to do all the work yourself. However, not everyone knows how to properly paint a ceiling with water-based emulsion.

The article talks about the nuances of preparing the base for applying paint, and about the technology of painting the ceiling with water-based paint with your own hands.

What compositions are used to paint the ceiling?

In the old days, the most popular ceiling coverings were chalk and lime mortars. The only advantage of such coatings is their low cost.

Now similar work is carried out with water-based paints:

  • The most popular of this type of coating are acrylic paints. Their features:
    1. fairly good properties during operation;
    2. the use of different compositions depending on the type of premises where repairs are required.

    Compared to other similar ones, their cost is slightly higher.

    To paint the ceiling you will need:

    • Spray gun (see Types of spray guns: how to choose the right one). Using such a device is the most convenient, fairly fast and high-quality coating application method. But such a device costs quite a lot of money, which is often beyond the reach of the average person who likes to do repairs on their own. In this case, you should use cheaper tools, which are shown in the photo.

    • Paint roller- This is the main tool for finishing the ceiling.

Finishing the ceiling, including painting it, is perhaps the most time-consuming part of the renovation. Modern technologies greatly facilitate this process. Water-based paints have been especially popular lately - high-quality materials that are quite easy to use. But painting the ceiling with water-based emulsion also has its own secrets and features that must be taken into account when working.

Required tools and materials

First of all, you need to choose the right paint. According to its composition, water emulsion is:

  • acrylic;
  • silicone;
  • silicate;
  • latex.

But even the composition is not the most important thing you need to pay attention to. More important indicator is the hiding power of the paint. It is very easy to find out: the greater the quantity square meters, for which 1 liter of paint is enough, the better.

Wide color palette- far from the only advantage of water-based paints

If you are going to treat ceilings in rooms with high humidity (for example, in the kitchen or bathroom), buy water-based paint for wet rooms. Do not forget about the presence of anti-mold components in its composition. In addition, the paint for such rooms must be washable. In dry rooms, you can use regular water-based emulsion.

Carefully reading the label on the jar will help you make your choice. Certain inscriptions require explanation.

  1. “The paint is highly resistant to dry abrasion” - the painted surface should not be exposed to moisture. Cleaning only with a vacuum cleaner or dry cloth.
  2. “The paint can be used in dry rooms with reduced operational load” - for painting the ceiling in the kitchen and bathroom, where there is high humidity and large number greasy fumes, this product is not suitable.
  3. “Indelible paint, with high abrasion resistance” - ceilings painted with such paint can be easily and painlessly exposed to wet cleaning without the use of special detergents.
  4. “The paint has high abrasion resistance during intensive washing and dirt-repellent properties” - best coverage for the ceiling. You can easily wash the surface even with detergents.

The choice between glossy and matte water-based paint depends only on your taste. But keep in mind that a matte finish will visually increase the height of the room, mask small defects, but will be difficult to clean. Glossy paint looks more impressive, is easier to clean and does not wear out for a long time, maintaining its quality characteristics. But it will easily reveal all the minor flaws on the ceiling. It is believed that best choice- semi-matte or semi-gloss paint.

Pay attention! If you buy several cans of water-based paint, ask that they all come from the same batch. Otherwise, the paint may be different shades. It is also important that a store selling such paint have an insulated warehouse: low temperatures lead to disruption of the structure of the water emulsion and loss of its quality.

Also, be sure to purchase a primer - it must be used when painting. If you need to repair the ceiling, then buy another solution for washing off the old paint and putty.

A can of water-based paint, a brush, a roller and a tray - everything you need for the job

Now let's move on to the tools necessary for the job. You will need:

  • spatula;
  • paint bath;
  • a roller about 20 cm wide with medium pile (velor and foam coats are absolutely not suitable);
  • fine-grain sandpaper;
  • a thin brush 5–8 cm wide for painting corners and edges.

You've probably noticed the remark about the lint roller. The point is that foam roller will leave bubbles on the surface, and velor does not absorb enough paint, and you will have to dip the tool into the bath very often. Please take this into account when purchasing.

The telescopic handle for the roller will help you do without a stepladder

If for some reason you do not want or cannot use a stepladder when painting the ceiling, we will help you telescopic handle for the roller.

Preliminary preparation and treatment of the ceiling

Before you start painting with water-based emulsion, the ceiling needs to be prepared for subsequent work.

To get a positive result, do not paint the ceiling with water-based emulsion over the old layer. It must be removed with a spatula using alkaline detergent, and then rinse the ceiling with clean water and let it dry.

To simplify the task, use this simple technique:

  1. Wet the ceiling with plenty of water (you can use a spray bottle or foam roller for this).
  2. After half an hour, repeat the procedure. The old coating will be thoroughly saturated with moisture.
  3. The next step is to create a draft in the room. Open all windows and doors, and bulges form on the surface of the ceiling. You can easily remove such a soaked layer of old coating with a spatula.

After such pre-treatment, errors may become noticeable on the ceiling surface. They are quite easy to eliminate: open all the cracks and treat them with finishing putty. After it dries, the surface should be rubbed with sandpaper, and the dust should be wiped off with a damp cloth or vacuumed.

When preparing the ceiling for painting, it may be necessary to eliminate minor errors

Now start priming the ceiling. Use a deep penetration primer for this. When it dries, paint can be applied to the surface.

Too much uneven surface with potholes and multi-level tile joints indicates the need for major repairs.

The process of painting the ceiling with water-based paint

It’s good that progress does not stand still, and to perform the same work you can use not only several methods, but also various auxiliary devices. For example, you can paint the ceiling with water-based emulsion manually or using a spray gun.

Painting with a roller

  1. Carefully remove the lid from the jar and stir the contents thoroughly. In some cases, water-based paint needs to be diluted to the desired thickness with water (information about this is usually contained in the instructions). Typically this requires no more than 10% water of the total volume of paint.

    Open the can, stir the paint and, if necessary, dilute it with water

  2. First of all, paint the corners and edges of the ceiling along the walls with a brush. This will help you avoid staining the walls during subsequent work.

    Start by painting the corners and edges with a brush.

  3. Pour a small amount of paint into the paint tray. Dip a roller into it and roll it over the corrugated surface so that the paint is evenly distributed and any excess is removed.

    Load paint onto a roller and wipe off excess onto tray

  4. Start painting from the window across the direction of the sun's rays, gradually moving deeper into the room.
  5. When the first coat of paint has dried, you need to apply a second one. This should also be done from the window, but along the direction of the sun's rays. This way you will eliminate all the unpainted areas that escaped your gaze, but would definitely appear over time.

    This diagram will tell you how to properly apply layers of paint to the ceiling.

  6. Carefully remove small bumps and bubbles found after the surface has dried with fine-grained sandpaper.

    Minor blemishes that arise during the process can be rubbed off with sandpaper and, if necessary, painted over with a brush.

The whole process, taking into account the drying of the layers, may take you several days. It is recommended to carry out painting work in the morning and early evening: during this period sun rays fall onto the surface optimally, this will help you correctly assess how evenly the paint has applied.

Video about how to properly paint a ceiling with water-based emulsion using a roller

Using a spray gun

This type of work will bring you pleasure: it is quick and easy compared to using a roller. The most important thing in the process is to achieve a thin, as uniform layer as possible.

1. Before you start painting the ceiling, move the device nozzle away from the surface to be painted, since the spray gun throws out a lot of paint in the first seconds.

Before starting work, remove a small amount of paint from the device.

2. When the spray becomes uniform, begin painting the ceiling. The distance between the spray gun and the ceiling surface should be from 30 to 50 cm. Move the nozzle at a speed of about 5 seconds per 1 linear meter. In this case, direct the jet strictly perpendicular to the ceiling surface to be painted.

Hold the spray gun at the required distance from the surface

3. To simplify the process, mentally divide the surface into squares. Paint them one by one, first moving across, then along. At the same time, do not linger for a long time in one area, otherwise the layer will turn out thick and the paint will flow down. Maintain a steady pace while painting.

You need to work with a spray gun according to the already known scheme: one layer - across the direction of light, the second - along

How to paint a ceiling using a spray gun - video

Secrets and features of work: how to avoid mistakes and correct shortcomings on the go

If during the painting process you violated the technology and applied water-based paint unevenly, areas with different shades(the light from them is reflected in varying degrees of intensity), to avoid this, follow the direction of painting.

Do not try to correct such irregularities until the surface is dry - this will aggravate the problem. Wait until it dries completely and apply another layer to hide the imperfections. If this does not help, remove the layer with sandpaper and apply again.

When painting a plasterboard ceiling, do not use paint that is too diluted with water. It can soak the paper layer finishing material so much so that the surface becomes covered with bubbles and begins to peel. And since the ceiling is not your walls, heartless gravity will do its job to the point where the surface will have to be completely repaired. We don't pursue such goals, right?

It is better to paint a plastered ceiling with a water-based emulsion using a spray gun. This device will distribute the paint on the ceiling much more evenly than a roller. But don't forget to apply primer first.

If the ceiling was previously whitewashed, it is better to wash off the old layer. Water-based paint applied to lime or whitewash will not only lie unevenly, but will also begin to peel. The same applies to old paint: if it has slight damage, remove the layer.

Small mistakes and errors in painting the ceiling can be easily corrected with a roller and brush

To avoid streaks on the ceiling during painting, first apply a layer of diluted water-based paint with a wide roller. After drying, you can easily see all the flaws. When you carry out the main painting, pay special attention to these areas and treat them more thoroughly.

Be sure to follow the direction of the layers: the penultimate layer should be perpendicular to the window, and the last one should be parallel. Don't rush - wait until the layers are completely dry.

Excess applied paint can be removed in the following way: walk a roller with no paint left on it over the surface, and its pile will absorb all the excess.

Errors when working with a spray gun

If you do not move the spray gun nozzle quickly enough when working, the water-based emulsion will collect in small drops on the ceiling. Collect the excess with a sponge, and after waiting for it to dry, apply another coat of paint.

A layer that is too thick will cause the paint to peel. Places where peeling has appeared should be puttied, sanded and primed, and after drying, repaint. It is advisable to apply another coat of paint.

If there are some shortcomings in painting with a spray gun, you may need additional putty and primer

After painting, did small bumps and grains appear on the ceiling? Surely the paint used was dirty to begin with. To get rid of such defects, go over the entire surface of the ceiling with sandpaper and paint again, only first strain the paint through gauze.

As you can see, all you have to do is follow the recommendations and simple rules so that painting the ceiling with water-based paint does not become too problematic and time-consuming for you. Both a roller and a spray gun are excellent assistants in this matter, and our tips will certainly make the task easier for you. Share with us in the comments your experience of painting the ceiling with water-based paint or ask questions on the topic. Good luck to you and comfort to your home!