How to effectively clean the kettle from scale inside and dirt from the outside using simple home remedies. Getting rid of scale in an electric kettle Remove scale in an electric kettle with citric acid

Electric kettle - handy device, which is often found in modern kitchens. It is made from different materials A: plastics, ceramics, glass and stainless steel. However, no matter how high-quality and high-tech it is, you will have to think about how to remove scale in an electric kettle.

The question is really difficult. You need to clean the electric kettle at home very carefully, carefully choosing cleaning products: the wrong one can ruin the heating element, and you will have to take your favorite appliances to the trash.

Scale is insoluble salts (silicates, carbonates and sulfates of calcium and magnesium) that have pores. They harbor dangerous bacteria. Drinking water that has been heated in a dish with a thick layer of scale is very unhealthy. In addition, heat does not pass through it well, so the water will take longer to heat up, increasing energy consumption and overloading the heating element of the kettle. This leads to a quick breakdown of the device. That is why it is important to get rid of salt deposits.

Cleaning methods

There are two ways to descale an electric kettle:

  • mechanical. You will need hard sponges and brushes that scrape off plaque. This method requires a lot of effort and time. Experts do not recommend using it, because cleaning tools leave scratches on the walls of the kettle, which creates favorable conditions for the propagation of pathogenic microorganisms. It is difficult to remove all scale, especially with small items. However, if there is nothing else at hand, then use the mechanical method;
  • chemical. Acid and alkali are needed: part of the salts lends itself to one substance, part to another. They are in almost every home - acetic, citric acid and soda. The mechanism of action is simple: these products decompose scale into constituent components that are easily washed off with water.

Chemicals: acids and soda will help to clean the kettle at home qualitatively and easily.

Now there are a lot of tips on how to remove scale. The main thing to remember is:

  1. Carefully choose a plaque remover: some of them are not suitable for a particular teapot material.
  2. Consider the degree of contamination. If the scale layer is thin, then boiling is not worth it. Pour into the kettle necessary solution and leave for a few hours. With a significant amount of deposits, you will have to boil, and the procedure will most likely need to be repeated.
  3. Warn loved ones about cleaning the electrical appliance so that no one accidentally gets poisoned.
  4. Before use chemical methods Scrub the sides of the teapot with a hard, non-metallic sponge for a few minutes. Skip this tip if you have a plastic appliance (its walls are easy to scratch).
  5. Do not fill the kettle completely, otherwise the water will pour out when boiling. Be guided by the marking of the displacement of the device. Usually there are allowed maximum and minimum values.
  6. Wash the kettle after cleaning is complete. Then boil it once or twice plain water and pour it out, thereby removing the remnants chemical and smell (otherwise there is a risk of poisoning).

Removing salt deposits is a simple matter. But if you want a well-maintained electric kettle for long-term use, don't let it build up a thick layer of limescale.


You can clean the electric kettle with acetic acid, but this must be done carefully. Use 6 or 9% table vinegar. This method is used for electrical appliances made of plastic, glass and stainless steel, if inside the kettle large volume hardened scale. Try one of the recipes:

  • Fill the kettle two-thirds full with water. Top up the rest with vinegar. The solution must be boiled. Leave it for a few hours to let the water cool down.
  • Fill the kettle with water and vinegar in an approximate ratio of 2:1 (that is, you will need a little less than two glasses of acetic acid per liter of water). Boil water first. Then add vinegar and turn on the kettle. After turning off, leave it for an hour.

Instead of vinegar, you can use vinegar essence 70%: one glass is replaced by 1-2 tablespoons, respectively.

Ventilate the room after using vinegar to remove the pungent odor.

Lemon acid

Citric acid is a milder and more suitable way for electric kettles to remove salt deposits. With its help, it is difficult to get rid of hard old scale, but it is perfect for small dirt. Another plus of this method is its versatility: it is suitable for plastic, metal, ceramic and glass devices.

Gently pour citric acid powder into boiling water (it can hiss and splash out). The ratio of ingredients: per liter - 1-2 teaspoons. The solution should be boiled for several minutes. Then leave it for a couple of hours.

Instead of citric acid powder, juice is sometimes added. Squeeze a quarter of a lemon into half a liter of water or simply put it in a kettle, waiting for the water to boil.


Scale in electric kettle removed with baking soda or soda ash. This is the most gentle method. It is suitable for any kettles. Use with caution on colored plastic utensils as stains may remain.

Pour baking soda into boiling water. You will need 2 tablespoons per liter. Let the solution boil for a few minutes, then leave for a couple of hours to cool completely.

Citric acid and soda

It is possible to effectively clean an electric kettle from plaque at home using the following procedure:

  1. Pour baking soda into a kettle of water. Boil it, then leave it for half an hour. Then drain.
  2. Pour water into the kettle and saturate the citric acid there. Then repeat the steps of the previous paragraph.

Special funds

You don’t have to think about which method to choose, how to use it and whether it will suit your kettle, because modern market household chemicals are replete with special means. The seller of such a store will tell you what to choose.+

Follow the instructions for use of household chemicals to effectively, efficiently and safely descale the electric kettle.

In the vastness of the network there are many different recommendations, but not all of them are suitable for electric kettles. It is not recommended to use:

  • cleaning (potato, apple and others);
  • colored carbonated drinks. With caution, you can use colorless ones ("Sprite", "Schweppes"). The liquid should not contain gases, so leave the carbonated drink for several hours in an open container. Then pour it into the electric kettle and boil;
  • a well-known method of triple exposure (soda, citric and acetic acid);
  • brines.


Even the hardest and oldest raid can be defeated, but it will take a lot of time and effort. It is better to remove a thin layer of scale: you will spend less effort and extend the life of your electrical equipment. For this:

  • clean the electric kettle regularly, at least once a month;
  • if hard water flows from your tap, you can use a filter;
  • when choosing an electric kettle, give preference to those in which the heating coil is located inside the body, because it is quite difficult to clean it.

Lime scale inside your electric kettle can quickly disable the appliance and also harm your health. You can cope with it with acid or soda, which almost every housewife has. In addition, the household chemicals market offers a variety of special means.

The water in our taps leaves much to be desired, and the question of how to descale the kettle does not lose its sharpness. For electric kettles, the sediment on the walls is not just a terrible internal one, but a deterioration in the thermal conductivity of the metal in proportion to the thickening of the layer, which provokes a decrease in the power of the heater and its service life (wear work has not done anything better yet). Boiling water requires increased time and energy costs. Scale has a similar effect on ordinary kettles - the burner also needs much more time. Bottom line: cost overruns, premature wear of household appliances.

The scale that has settled on the heating elements of heating boilers often leads to rupture of pipes. Whether she can break the heating element of the kettle is unknown. Apparently, because the housewives are used to descaling kettles - let's figure out how they do it.

How to clean the kettle from scale at home

There are enough ways to clean the kettle at home. The stores offer a wide range of special tools. Some of them work instantly, and some do not work at all. It depends on the manufacturer, his honesty. The vast majority of descaling tablets/liquids/gels are based on acetic and citric acids.

regular teapot

At home, vinegar and citric acid are added:

  • brine;
  • baking soda;
  • fanta, sprite, coca-cola;
  • potato and apple peels.

Not all products suitable for cleaning ordinary kettles are suitable for treating electric ones. The point is the duration of exposure and the proper temperature: if you need to boil for a long time on a quiet fire, in this way it will not be possible to descale an ordinary electric kettle, but a thermos kettle can.

How to clean a kettle with vinegar


This descaling method is suitable for regular kettles and thermos kettles with temperature control. Vinegar must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10 (100 ml of vinegar per liter of water), fill the kettle with the solution and put it on the stove (turn it on). As soon as the water boils, you need to see if the scale has exfoliated. If the walls of the dishes have not yet been freed from sediment, leave to boil on a quiet fire for about 15 minutes (the electric one will not boil quietly, therefore the method is not suitable).

Important! After the procedure, the dishes must be thoroughly washed, boil several portions of water in it, and ventilate the room well.

How to clean the kettle with citric acid

Cleaning the kettle citric acid- a universal method, equally effective for conventional and electric (metal and even plastic) models. Citric acid must be dissolved in water at the rate of 2 teaspoons per liter. Pour the solution into the kettle and boil.

Tip: Don't let your cookware get to the point where descaling will require hard cleaning. With the help of citric acid, carry out prophylaxis: fill the kettle with a solution, as soon as plaque appears on its walls, and leave it for several hours.

How to remove scale with soda

With soda, they do the same as with vinegar, but they boil longer. It is necessary to pour soda with water at the rate of 1 liter per tablespoon, put on the stove, let it boil, reduce the heat to low and keep for half an hour so that the solution barely boils.

After half an hour of boiling, the liquid must be poured out, the kettle thoroughly washed and boiled in it already. clean water and then pour it out too.

Non-format: soda, pickle, cleaning

Obvious vinegar and citric acid can be replaced with non-standard, even unexpected, means. The scale in the kettle is perfectly handled by food and drinks.


Excellent tool - "Sprite"

Soda is so "safe" that it does a great job of decalcifying kettles. Why are there dishes - they successfully wash car carburetors with sweet water. Sprite, Coca-Cola and Fanta do the same, but it is better to use Sprite - Coca-Cola and Fanta may well leave colorful stains on metal walls instead of scale.

The method is suitable for any kettles - you don’t even have to keep it for a long time (such a “fusion” composition): you need to half fill the kettle with a miracle drink and bring it to a boil. It is first necessary to rid the water of the gas (it does not clean the gas - the caustic substance is contained in the water itself). The method is beautiful in its clarity. It can serve as a help and evidence base in educating children about the harm of purchased soda.


Too good way cleaning electric kettles from scale - no need to simmer for a long time. How the active substance works is the same vinegar - brine is not independent means. To clean the kettle, it is enough to fill it with brine, boil, cool, empty and thoroughly wash. Cucumber pickle is especially effective.

Anti-calc cleaners

This method is ancient - it was successfully used by our grandmothers and great-grandmothers. Potato and apple peels are used as a cleaning agent (not starch works, but acids). Descaling is simple: you need to load the peel into the kettle, pour water and put on fire.

After the water boils, you need to remove the dishes from the stove, leave for a couple of hours, then rinse thoroughly, draining the solution. Before the procedure, cleanings are also thoroughly washed, if they are potato.

How to descale a particularly neglected kettle

Unfortunately, this method is not suitable for an electric kettle, but an ordinary kettle, even if it is in a very neglected state, can be cleaned. The success of the method is ensured by complex processing. You need to act in three stages:

  1. Fill with water, add a tablespoon of soda, boil and drain the solution.
  2. Fill with water, add a tablespoon of citric acid, bring to a boil and leave for half an hour over low heat; drain the solution.
  3. Fill again, add half a glass of vinegar, let it boil, leave for half an hour on a quiet fire; drain the solution.

Metal kettle that can withstand tough cleaning

After the procedure, you need to thoroughly wash the dishes, boil several portions of water “idle” in it.

It happens that the sediment remains on the walls, but after such an impact treatment it is easy to remove it with a dish sponge.

Important! Do not use hard brushes, especially those with metal teeth, and abrasive sponges.

Tip: Buy a glass electric kettle with a heated bottom. It is impossible to start it: transparent walls will not allow; scale does not settle on the walls, but floats in flakes; a special cleaner for dishes, glass, ceramics (Cillit, for example) can easily get rid of plaque.

Model with heating bottom and glass walls

At home, it is not so difficult to clean the kettle from scale, but it will take time. Sediment appears due to excessive mineralization of water, but this can be avoided by using purchased water. It is inexpensive (especially when it comes to health: the body does not rejoice when salts and minerals are excessively introduced into it), and you do not have to periodically remove scale.

Hello blog readers. In today's article, I will talk about how to remove scale in an electric kettle at home using improvised means (vinegar, citric acid, soda, etc.).

I think that if not everyone, then many people have electric kettles in the apartment, because it is so convenient - they poured water, clicked the button and after a couple of minutes the kettle was already hot water(Unlike a regular kettle, which takes a very long time to wait.

A couple of months ago, an electric kettle broke down and we temporarily had to use the usual one - to heat water in it on an electric stove. I just didn’t have the patience to wait) While the electric kettle had time to boil 10 times, this one was just starting to boil))) So after a couple of days of such torture, we went to the store and bought an electric one. But today we are not talking about that, but about how to save our helpers - electric kettles from scale at home, so that they serve us as long as possible.

It does not matter which kettle you decide to use - enameled, electric or metal, because in any case, scale will form in it, which must be fought and removed in a timely manner. Otherwise, the kettle will start to work poorly, and over time it may even break down.

The rate of scale formation depends on the quality of the water used - some slower, some faster. Hard water can be softened through a variety of filters, but they, unfortunately, do not help to remove all the salt from the liquid, so the appearance of scale, alas, cannot be avoided. So, dear hostesses, we stock up on patience and take note of today's tips on how to remove scale in an electric kettle at home.

What are the consequences of scale in electric kettles

You can not ignore the problem of scale in the kettle, because serious problems can arise, among which are:

  • because of it, premature breakdown of electric kettles occurs, and the walls of conventional analogues are destroyed. Scale can have a rather small heat sink, and this causes the surface of the water heater to overheat. Because of it, the liquid cannot come into contact with the steel. This is bad, because such a metal has a high conductivity and it is heated to unacceptable temperature values. Electric kettle models have a heating element. When scale appears on it, it experiences considerable thermal resistance. It is due to its formation that breakdowns occur;
  • when water from a contaminated kettle enters the human body, then various negative symptoms begin to appear. As a consequence, the kidneys and working urinary system may not function well.

Attention! Regardless of the descaling method chosen, it is important to always clean the kettle thoroughly after the procedure. To do this, you just need to boil water a couple of times, which then cannot be used anywhere. Do not allow its residues to get into tea or coffee. Residues of cleaning components provoke poisoning with serious consequences.

How to remove scale in the kettle at home (video)

I suggest watching a video that clearly shows how you can get rid of scale in the kettle.

How to remove scale in an electric kettle at home

As I said above, there are several ways to get rid of scale in electric kettles at home. To do this, you can use vinegar, citric acid, various carbonated drinks, baking soda, vegetable peels and pickles. Below we will talk in more detail about each of these methods.

Vinegar for cleaning kettles from scale

This method is recognized as the highest quality and fastest for a good cleaning of dishes. It is important that it excludes the use of chemical components and does not bring any harm to health. But this method cannot be used to clean plastic teapots.

Diluted food vinegar plain water. To do this, take one hundred milliliters of acid and a liter of water. This solution is poured into a bowl and put on a slight fire. Waiting for everything to boil. Then lift the lid to check the process of descaling. When everything is not completely, then you should leave the kettle on heating for about another fifteen minutes. Then the dishes are washed well, removing everything that remains.

Citric acid as a cleanser

Cannot be used for electric kettles made of plastic acetic acid, but the lemon analogue is a completely different matter. So what should be done? Dilute a couple of sachets of this product in a liter of water, and pour the solution into a bowl. The use of citric acid makes it possible to completely exfoliate all scale. To complete this cleaning, you just need to rinse the kettle and boil the water once. Remember that it cannot be used anywhere.

Cleaning scale in an electric kettle with baking soda

Fill the contaminated container with water and pour 15-20 g of soda into it. Bring the mixture to a boil. Further, there should be no difficulties with washing the kettle. It is important to refill it with water and boil it "empty" to remove the remaining soda.

Descaling with a carbonated drink (not suitable for electric kettles!)

This method is suitable for almost all kettles (this category does not include electric models), but nevertheless I decided to mention it in the article, since this folk remedy helps to effectively get rid of scale in kettles.

For this, famous drinks are used:
"Coca Cola";

Initially, the soda should stand a little in open form. When all the gas bubbles disappear, then such a liquid is simply poured into the kettle approximately to the middle and brought to a boil. After that, you need to thoroughly wash everything. But, do not forget that the described method is not suitable for cleaning scale in electric kettles!

We use brine of different preservation (for metal and enameled teapots)

Each house has the usual pickle from under cucumbers or tomatoes, or some other blanks. Due to the presence of citric acid in such a liquid, it is possible to remove scale.
The application scheme remains the same:
brine is poured;
boil kettle;
dishes are cooled and washed.
With the help of cucumber pickle, rust in teapots is very well cleaned.
I have not yet been able to test this method on my teapot, since in right time there was no brine “at hand”, so I can’t say how effective it is. As I check, I will definitely write. If you have experienced it on your kettle - share your opinion.

Prevention of scale formation in electric kettles

As in any other business, it is better to prevent a problem than to fix it later. So I recommend taking care of your kettle in advance to protect it from limescale. Then the question of how to remove scale in the electric kettle will occur less frequently.

  1. Use water that has been previously filtered. We have a filter and we use only filtered water for food.
  2. After each boil, be sure to drain the water. It is undesirable to leave the kettle filled with water overnight.
  3. Do not wait for a thick layer of scale to form. After all, the smaller the sediment, the easier it is to get rid of it.
  4. Rinse the kettle daily, cleaning off plaque with a sponge. It will take you quite a bit of time, but it will help the kettle to serve you as long as possible.

As you can see, there are many effective options with which you can easily remove scale in an electric kettle at home. All of them are simple and do not require significant financial costs and efforts on your part. What methods do you use to get rid of scale in the kettle? Please write in the comments!

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Scale always appears on the inner walls of the kettle, regardless of whether it is electric, metal, or coated with a special enamel. Even if you use special water filters, or use only purified water, scale still appears with inside kettle. Its presence reduces the quality of the water that boils in it.

If a we are talking about electrical appliance, then it accumulates directly on the heating element, which leads to a quick breakdown of equipment. If the container is made of metal, not only scale, but also rust will get into the water.

Today, most of the kettles in use are powered by electricity, so it is important to know how to remove scale in an electric kettle.

Water is one of the most necessary products for a person, without it we cannot live even a week, but it can also contain many harmful substances and harmful organisms. To fight last people they began to boil water long ago, but this process does not allow removing salts and other impurities. And the water that comes from the water supply contains a lot of such substances, and the more of them, the more “hard” the liquid will be.

Salts in excess are harmful to the body, so the fact that they remain on the walls and / or the heating element can be beneficial for a person, but over time they become too much. To prevent scale formation in an electric kettle, filters can be used, but they cannot completely eliminate the salt content in the water.

Negative consequences of scale in the kettle:

  • breaking;
  • water pollution;
  • harm to the body, in particular to the organs of the urinary system.

That is why it is important to know how to descale an electric kettle and not neglect its cleanliness.


Certain measures allow, if not completely eliminating the formation of scale on the surface of the heating element, then at least significantly reducing the rate of formation. There are several simple ways to prevent:

  • wash the kettle daily, a thin coating is easy enough to remove using an ordinary sponge, but a thick one will have to be removed with difficulty;
  • use filtered water, you can also buy pre-purified water;
  • drain excess water after each boil, leave the kettle empty at night;
  • notice the need for cleaning in time, the thicker the layer, the more effort will have to be made to clean it.

You can simplify care already at the purchase stage by opting for an electric kettle, in which the heating coil is closed from contact with water, or a disc is used for heating.

Remove limescale from an electric kettle with home remedies

Scale is susceptible to various substances, and the practice of cleaning electric kettles involves both the use of special products and folk recipes. Active substances allow you to dissolve and remove scale, some of them are quite affordable, and are sold even in ordinary grocery stores. These include:

  • vinegar;
  • lemon acid;
  • soda.

Scale can be removed different ways, and the most harmful for technology will be mechanical. You should not try to remove plaque using hard and sharp tools, as this will further damage the device. Damage to the body or heating element will be irreversible, and after their occurrence, all that remains is to get rid of your electric kettle. You should not resort to mechanical method when the layer has become very thick, only pre-treatment of the rigid (but not metal) inner surface with a washcloth is allowed.

citric acid

Of the acceptable descaling agents for an electric kettle, citric acid is one of the mildest. When preparing the composition for processing, it is necessary to dissolve 10 grams of citric acid in a liter of water. It is sold in ordinary grocery stores, usually in 25-gram packs.

To make the calculations easier, it will be enough to pour the contents of one bag into one full kettle. After the finished solution is in the electric kettle, you need to turn it on.

Do not leave the device unattended, as soon as the liquid is brought to a boil, it must be turned off, otherwise the boiling water will start to foam and splash out over the top.

After completing this simple procedure, the hot solution should be left inside for 15 minutes. This time will be enough for the acid to dissolve the scale, or reduce its thickness.

After the procedure, the solution is poured out, it cannot be used for other purposes, and the kettle itself is washed so that the remnants of active substances do not get into tea or coffee later. If the layer was too thick, the descaling procedure with citric acid can be repeated.

Under the influence of citric acid, scale is converted into a loose sediment gray color in addition, the liquid will contain small pieces of lime in the form of plates. As alternative you can use not the powder in the store, but the lemons themselves.

For efficient processing it will be enough to place 1-2 lemons inside the device, cutting them into circles. The effectiveness of this method is no less high; at the same time, a strong lemon aroma will escape into the room along with the steam.


The second way to remove scale from an electric kettle involves the use of vinegar, popularly called the "grandmother's" method, if only because it has been used for a very long time.

Initially, vinegar was used against scale on copper kettles, but for modern electric kettles it may be quite enough. For the procedure, you need the usual 10% solution, which is in every kitchen.

Mode of application:

  1. An electric kettle is filled two-thirds with water, and the last third must be filled with vinegar.
  2. The resulting mixture must be boiled, and then leave the device and wait until it cools down. During this time, the scale layer should dissolve, or significantly decrease.
  3. After the procedure, it must either be repeated or the kettle thoroughly rinsed several times. hot water so that no vinegar remains on its walls, which can spoil the taste of any drink.

Acetic acid is an effective reagent for removing scale, due to the chemical reaction that it enters into with salts, the latter are decomposed into simple substances. For a conventional electric kettle with a volume of one and a half to two liters, two glasses of vinegar will be required. At this method have and significant disadvantage- smell.

After the procedure, a persistent vinegar aroma will reign in the kitchen, which will not seem pleasant to anyone, so you should take care of ventilation in advance.


If you need to remove very serious contaminants, the effect of acetic acid can be supplemented with soda. First, concentrated water is boiled in an electric kettle. soda solution, and after that we immediately fill the technique with vinegar and water (1: 2) in such a volume that the active liquid completely covers the heating element. As a result, a very stormy chemical reaction accompanied by the release of carbon dioxide. Bubbles will begin to form, which will destroy the thick layers of scale.

The method of cleaning an electric kettle with soda from scale, in fact, is not independent, it is used so that the soda particles eat into the plaque when boiling water, so that after reacting violently with acid, provide mechanical removal on the surface of the heating element by the emitted bubbles of carbon dioxide. For one liter of water, two tablespoons of soda will be enough.

Other ways

In addition to the three "kitchen" substances, other, rather unusual methods can be used for cleaning:

  • Brine. The brine left after pickled cucumbers or tomatoes can also be used for this purpose, because it contains citric acid. Having boiled the electric kettle with brine, you can also successfully clean it of plaque, the procedure is exactly the same - pour the brine, boil, wait until it cools down, pour it out, and wash the container. Cucumber pickle is also able to eliminate rust.
  • Soda. Quite an unexpected way to clean kettles from scale. Coca-Cola, Pepsi-Cola, and other similar drinks also help to cope with scale, since they contain phosphoric acid, which can cope with even a fairly thick layer of scale. It is not necessary to boil water at all, you just need to leave the electric kettle with soda for several hours. It is important to use only high-quality drinks, as they contain stable dyes that do not remain on the walls. If the teapot is white, then the drink used should not have a dye, otherwise the paint will still have to be removed.
  • Oxalic acid. This substance is not so often found on the farm, but it is no less effective than the above-mentioned remedies. If she is not in pure form, you can use a fresh bunch of freshly cut sorrel. The method of washing the kettle is standard, however, in the case of using a fresh plant, you need to wait longer due to the reduced acid concentration.

How to remove scale in an electric kettle with household chemicals

Naturally, one can use not only folk remedies, but also special household chemicals. Manufacturers various formulations for household use, they could not ignore such a problem as the formation of scale in an electric kettle, therefore, on the chemical products market, you can always find several products suitable for this purpose. They can be in the form of liquid, powder and tablets.

The manufacturer, of course, can supplement them with their own instructions, however, on average, the method of using chemicals is reduced to 40 minutes of boiling water, in which a given dose of the agent is dissolved.

The compositions may contain different kinds acids (sulfamic, adipic), including those that can be found in your own kitchen.

As a rule, after the first use of special means, the sediment will begin to exfoliate and fall off in pieces from the inner surface. However, it is important to wash the inner container without fail and as thoroughly as possible, and the more active the substance, the more times you need to repeat the washing.

This should not be neglected if citric and acetic acid are used in Food Industry, then other acids can harm the body.

To the use of strong chemicals resorted to only if the pollution in the kettle is too great, and the layer of scale is so thick that it does not lend itself to standard methods.

Sometimes the owner of the appliance makes a choice in their favor, because he wants to achieve the fastest possible effect, however, if the scale layer has increased over the years, and the kettle is still functioning and there is no desire to throw it away, even Antinakipin and other similar products will not cope with it from the first same attempts.

In addition, cleaning agents are an extra harm to your health. It is much better to remember this problem in time and use the “light” types of acids that can be found in the kitchen than to poison the air in the room with chemicals later.

You can prevent the appearance of scale, even if you just regularly wash the inside of the kettle with a relatively soft washcloth and ordinary dishwashing detergent.

But if the kettle still turned out to be dirty, chemistry will be the most effective solution, only powerful active substances can quickly cope with an old and thick layer of plaque.

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Among the electrical appliances working in the kitchen, important place occupies an electric kettle. One day there comes a moment when plaque appears in the teapot. After that, the operation of the heating element is disrupted, an odor appears. To prevent this phenomenon, regular cleaning of the inner surface of the electric kettle is carried out. How to descale an electric kettle accessible ways Let's discuss in more detail.

What is scum?

Usually boiled in an electric kettle tap water, which has a high rigidity due to salts. When water boils, carbon dioxide and a calcined mixture are formed. It creates a plaque on the internal surfaces. Even water that has passed through a filter produces sediment because it is impossible to remove salts 100%.

If deposits are not removed in a timely manner, then the following consequences are possible:

  • The heat output of the heating element decreases - the water will heat up longer, the cost of electricity will increase;
  • The use of water with sediment leads to an exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Housewives use methods known for a long time. However, for electric kettles there are some features. It is important to remember that if you use an untested method, the effect will be the opposite, and the kettle will have to be disposed of. Before proceeding with the removal of limescale deposits, the internal condition of the kettle is inspected. Models made of plastic are not treated with chemical solutions. An open spiral, when cleaned, will lose its protective layer and begin to rust.

  • Family members are alerted to the cleanup;
  • Before cleaning, water is poured, and then a cleaning composition is added;
  • Cleaning is completed by thorough rinsing with running water;
  • Deposits must not be removed with sharp objects or abrasive powders;
  • In heavy rainfall, several cleaning methods are used.

Helpful Hints:

  1. Cleaning is carried out regularly, since it is impossible to get rid of deposits once and for all, because this is a natural process of heating water.
  2. Lime scale will be reduced if tap water is softened, for example by filtering before filling the kettle.
  3. For cleaning, compositions are selected that have less side effects such as citric acid.

How to clean an electric kettle with folk remedies (including glass)

As a rule, deposits appear on the bottom and on the walls of the electric kettle. Experienced housewives they know how to reduce their appearance, and if they appear, how to get rid of them (glass models are no exception). First of all, it is not recommended to use sharp objects for scraping. Here are some of the ways to clean your electric kettle from limescale at home.

How to clean an electric kettle with lemon and citric acid

A white, crystalline powder intended for culinary purposes is known as citric acid. The powder goes on sale in the form of packages weighing up to 50 grams. It is known that calcium deposits are destroyed in an acidic environment. The cleaning of the electric kettle is based on this principle.

It is produced in this way:

  • The container is thoroughly washed to remove delaminations;
  • Water is poured into 2/3 of the volume, a bag of powder is added;
  • The solution begins to boil. After boiling, the water boils, large particles of sediment exfoliate. With a small layer, 15 minutes is enough to clean internal surfaces;
  • The boiled solution is drained, the surfaces are wiped with a soft sponge;
  • At the final stage, the water is boiled twice without powder.


  1. Do not pour the powder into boiling water, as foam is formed due to the reaction.
  2. The quality of cleaning will improve if the solution is left overnight.

If there is no citric acid powder, then freshly squeezed juice will do. In this case, the sediment is removed by the method described earlier.

Cleaning with lemon slices is easier:

  • The lemon is cut into slices, which are placed on the bottom of the teapot;
  • Water should boil for half an hour, and then cool;
  • The cooled water is drained, and the removed scale is removed with a soft sponge.

Flaw This method is that it is effective only with slight scale.

Baking soda

Drinking or baking soda is found in every housewife's kitchen cabinet. It is used not only as food supplement for cooking, but also medicine. Its special property is associated with the effect on the sediment.

Cleaning is performed in the following sequence:

  • A liter of water is poured, soda is poured. Enough three tablespoons;
  • The solution is boiled for half an hour, and then cools down;
  • The cooled water is removed, the internal surfaces are wiped with a sponge;
  • The kettle is washed, filled with water, heated.

Vinegar and essence

The fermented raw material is distilled into acetic acid. After dilution with water, the acid gives vinegar essence with a concentration of up to 80%. table vinegar the desired concentration is obtained after diluting the essence.

Removal of precipitation with solutions is carried out in the following sequence:

  • Half a glass of table 6% vinegar or essence 2 tablespoons is poured into a filled teapot;
  • After boiling, the solution cools down for 4 hours. If the scale is very large, then it is better to leave the solution overnight;
  • The vinegar solution is removed and the kettle is thoroughly rinsed. Bad smell leaves after a long airing.

Can you clean an electric kettle with carbonated drinks?

Most carbonated drinks contain acid. For example, lemonade contains phosphoric acid. To use it, you must choose a colorless drink, otherwise the inner surfaces will be stained.

To wash in this way, do the following:

  • A liter of soda is poured into the kettle;
  • Lemonade is brought to a boil, cooled;
  • After a while, the drink is drained, rinsed with clean water.

Advice! For light soiling, it is enough to pour lemonade for several hours, and then clean the surfaces with a sponge.

Oxalic acid

Some plants (spinach, sorrel) contain an acid called oxalic acid. It is a colorless crystalline powder, almost completely soluble. It is sold in hardware stores. noted high efficiency powder for cleaning deposits. Care must be taken when working.

Cleaning is done by the following method:

  • A little powder is poured, water is poured;
  • The solution is boiled, settled for several minutes;
  • Dissolved deposits are removed with a sponge, after which a thorough washing is performed.

Advice! Small scale can be washed with fresh sorrel leaves. Due to the low percentage of oxalic acid, the solution is boiled several times.

How to clean limescale in an electric kettle with household chemicals

When folk remedies fail or you need to achieve a quick effect, household chemicals come to the rescue. Usually the terms of use chemical compounds indicated on the packages.

However, the following sequence is common to them:

  • The dose of the substance indicated in the instructions dissolves in the kettle;
  • Up to half an hour, the resulting solution is boiled;
  • After a short settling, the dissolved scale is drained;
  • The inner surface is thoroughly washed, after which water is boiled several times.

The most common household chemicals are Antinakipin and Cinderella. As a rule, at the first use of chemistry, the scale exfoliates and falls off in pieces. Cleaning ends after repeated rinsing of the inner container.


  1. Cleaning agents can be harmful to health, so it is better to avoid large deposits in order to cope with folk methods.
  2. enjoy household chemicals necessary after carefully reading the instructions. Special attention requires compliance with the dosage of the drug.

Prevention of scale formation

The electric kettle can be long time protect against scale formation if simple rules are followed.

  1. A model with a closed spiral or with a disc is purchased, since in this option cleaning is easier and more effective.
  2. Running water, which has high hardness, is not poured. Only settled, melted or spring water is boiled. Besides, installed filter reliably protects from all impurity.
  3. Boiling is minimal required amount water. Unused boiling water is drained, fresh water is collected.
  4. Rinsing is done before and after boiling.
  5. Surfaces are cleaned daily with a sponge.
  6. Cleaning is carried out regularly (regardless of the amount of scale).

So, the electric kettle can be protected from scale in different ways. Each method has advantages and disadvantages.