How to announce salary increases to individual employees. Sample additional agreement to an employment contract on increasing salary

The employer has the right to increase the employee’s salary if there are grounds for this by concluding an additional agreement to employment contract and having issued necessary documents. In particular, the employer can increase wages to employees in the following cases:

  • The employee is transferred to a higher paying position;
  • Organizational working conditions have changed (for example, the working conditions in which employees work have changed, the working hours have changed, etc.);
  • Changed technological conditions labor (for example, the production process has become more complex, new technologies have been introduced that have complicated the work of workers, equipment used in the production process has been added, etc.);
  • The company underwent indexation wages.

In addition to the reasons listed above, the employer may decide to increase wages for employees if financial indicators companies. An employer can increase wages for all employees of the company, as well as for individual employees or a specific department - this remains at his discretion. But what to do if the manager does not increase wages? The employee should take the initiative and write an application for a salary increase.

Application for salary increase (sample)

The unified form of the form has not been approved. The application must be drawn up in free form, following certain rules.

In the header of the document you must write to whom the application is addressed. It is customary to write the position and full name. This is the first point where employees often stumble: in whose name should the application be written? To the name immediate superior, head of department, general director, head of the HR department? It is for this reason that they often look for an application for a salary increase - a sample or example of a form. Typically, an application for a salary increase is written to the general director, and is visaed by your manager. Next, indicate from whom the application was received. In addition to your full name, indicate your position, for example: “From Ivan Nikolaevich Petrov, sales department specialist.”

Next, you must indicate the name of the document: “Application for an increase in wages.” In the body of the statement, get to the main point of the issue. It is recommended that the text of the application provide a reasoned explanation of why the employee asks the manager to consider the application for a salary increase. It is worth indicating the real successes and achievements that were achieved while working in this position in this company. It is worth indicating achievements in numbers: how much the performance of a department or a separate area of ​​work that is in the employee’s area of ​​responsibility has increased.

Common mistakes when writing an application for a salary increase

When making an application, you should use business style and also try to avoid the following mistakes:

  • Too much text, excessively detailed presentation of the essence of the appeal;
  • You should not compare wages with wages other employees;
  • You should not compare the amount of work performed with the amount of work of other employees.

In the text of the application, the employee should indicate the amount of the increase he expects. It is worth considering that the general director may not remember the salary amounts of the company’s employees, so the amount indicated by the employee will help him make a decision more quickly. Having completed the main part of the application, you must put a date of completion and signature.

The immediate manager should endorse the application for a salary increase “I don’t mind, full name.”

Due to various circumstances, an employee may be employed in an organization with one salary, but over time it may be necessary to change the salary, for example, upward due to an increase in his qualifications. This is done on the basis of an order to change the salary, which in turn can be initiated by a memo describing the reasons for the change in salary. If the salary portion is reduced, then the wishes of the line manager are not taken into account.

An employee’s salary can be changed either down or up; let’s consider these two cases.

Salary increase

An increase in employee salaries may be due to various reasons. The main examples are: an employee constantly exceeds the set plan and shows satisfactory high performance in work, it can also be advanced training, the result of certification, long-term work experience in the organization, etc. This can also happen as a result of a change in job responsibilities or as a result of being assigned new functionality.

To initiate this process, the immediate supervisor of the subordinate must draw up the information contained in it about the reasons for the increase in the salary portion of the specified person, and also provide. The document can then be signed by an authorized person or director.

After the salary increase has been agreed upon, the HR department employee prepares an order for changes to the salary portion and. At the same time, it is necessary to reflect changes in working conditions in the employment contract - for this, an additional agreement is drawn up and signed by both the employee and the employer.

Salary reduction

Reducing an employee’s salary may cause some difficulties; the main rule is to be guided by current labor legislation. The main condition for the implementation of this procedure is the mandatory notification of the employee about this against signature two months before the occurrence of this event. This period is provided to the employee so that he can make a decision for himself - whether to continue working under such conditions or to write and find a more acceptable job offer for himself.

If, after this period, the employee decides to continue working in the organization, then it is necessary draw up an additional agreement to the employment contract, in which new conditions of remuneration are prescribed, as well as a corresponding order from the manager to reduce the amount of the salary. Documents must be signed by both parties. In addition, the employee’s list of responsibilities specified in the job description. He should also be informed about this against signature.

Important! The employee must be notified of a reduction in his salary by signature, and the organization must do this 2 months in advance if the employer is individual– 14 days in advance, for a religious organization the period is 7 days (Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Art. 344).

If the employee refuses to accept the new conditions, the employer must in writing offer him another option, for example:

  • Move to a lower rank position.
  • Another job or vacancy that matches the qualifications of this employee.
  • A job with less pay that is acceptable to the employee’s health level.

Alternative jobs and vacancies must also be provided to the employee against signature; upon reaching an agreement, additions (changes) to the employment contract and an order to change the salary portion are drawn up.

How to correctly draw up an order to change an employee’s salary

This order does not have a unified form, so it can be drawn up in any form on, and it must contain the following information:

  • Information about the organization and document details that are entered in chronological order indicated in the order book of the organization.
  • City of compilation and date of the document.
  • The text of the order itself indicates the changes being made, and it is necessary to reflect a link to the base document and justify the need for this action. For example, due to changes.
  • At the end of the document, fields are left for the manager and employee to sign.

After the order is issued, it must be signed by both parties - both the employer and the employee.

A change in earnings is often great news for an employee. The decision to increase salaries is made much more often. To carry out a demotion, there must be truly valid reasons.

Regardless of whether the salary is being reduced or increased, the entire procedure must be properly completed. And this is done with the help of a special order, which is drawn up by the leaders in in the prescribed manner. In Russia, a unified form was previously approved for this purpose.

However, after the State Statistics Committee issued an order to abolish the unified form, orders began to be issued in free form.

Grounds for changing the official salary

The current procedure for changing official salaries, both upward and downward, requires certain reasons.

For example, an increase is possible if the employer has financial capabilities. More often, a decree is issued on a promotion to a specific employee, rather than to the entire staff. If a person shows good results in his work, then this becomes the optimal basis for increasing his salary. In most cases, the immediate supervisor writes a memo, and on the basis of such a request, the director decides to increase the salary of a successful employee.

For such an objective reason as a change in working conditions, a salary reduction is allowed. If there is a reduction, the employee must be notified in advance. It is also prohibited to change the employee’s functions during a reduction.

Order to change the staffing table due to changes in salaries

If the employer has plans to increase the salary or decrease the salary, then he must issue an order that the staffing table will be changed.

Its text should contain the following information:

  • Specific list of positions;
  • The exact amount of the new salary;
  • The date when the new rules come into force.

It is believed that after the staffing table is changed, the manager should additionally draw up new agreements with his subordinates. According to the existing procedure, employees familiarize themselves with the transformation of the staffing table and put their signatures.

How to draw up an order to change the official salary?

In order to correctly execute an order to change the salary, the first step is to draw up an additional agreement to the already signed employment contract.

If the employer intends to reduce wages, then two months in advance it is necessary to inform the employee of his intentions. If the employee does not agree to the new worse conditions, then his manager will have to offer a new position. To draw up an order, you can use existing samples.

Form of order to change official salary

More than ten years ago, the unified form was abolished. Therefore, in the vast majority of cases, representatives of personnel services draw up orders in free form. If the enterprise uses automated tools, then T-5 is often used. However, the main purpose of T-5 is to transfer an employee to another position.

Order to change official salary - sample 2018

Today, every citizen can download a form in which they just need to enter their data. Based on it, it will be much easier to draw up your order document. You can also review the completed order.

Traditionally, for such documents, the name of the enterprise is written at the top. Therefore, letterheads are often used for organizational orders. Next comes the name of the document. Sometimes, immediately under the title of the document, they also write the order number with the date and city.

Next, the main essence of the order is indicated in the format - “On increasing/reducing the official salary of the employee’s surname and initials.” Next comes the phrase - “Due to the fact that the staffing table has been changed, the number of the already issued order is written in parentheses, I ORDER.” After the colon there is a list of orders. For example, set a specialist’s salary at 20 thousand rubles. Also in this list there should be instructions for the chief accountant, who undertakes to ensure the calculation and timeliness of payments. In the final part, a signature is placed from the general director and the signature of the employee himself stating that he has been familiarized with this document.

An increase in wages for public sector employees is necessarily accompanied by the issuance of an order. The law obliges the employer to release it for the following reasons:

  • increasing the minimum wage (Article 133 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • changes in working conditions (Articles 74, 146 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • indexation (Article 134 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • transfer of an employee to another job with an increase in salary (Articles 72.1 and 72.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Since 2013, unified requirements for personnel documentation have been abolished, so it is possible to issue acts of salary increases in any form or based on a template developed in the organization itself. It is only important to comply with the norms of office work regarding the structure of the document and the rules of the Russian language.

What is the difference between salary and salary

These terms are close in meaning, but not identical. Both relate to the economic component of the worker's work. But there are fundamental differences between them.

Salary is the basic part of the salary, not subject to change, which is prescribed in the employment contract or annex to it. Salary is a system of accruals of various types, including:

  1. Salary.
  2. Allowances for hazardous production.
  3. Percentage of sales.
  4. Awards.
  5. Bonuses.

Deducted from wages insurance payments per employee to extra-budgetary funds. If its size increases, as a rule, all its structural elements increase simultaneously.

What is the difference between a salary increase and indexation?

The decision to increase remuneration is made by the head of the budget organization. It can refer to one employee or to a specific group.

Indexation, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, is a mandatory measure. Every employer must carry it out. During indexation, the salary portion of wages is increased for all employees without exception. The purpose of this procedure is to increase the income and purchasing power of workers. Due to rising inflation, the latter regularly falls.

How often and for what reasons can you increase your salary?

The employer independently decides which employees deserve a salary increase. Typically, selection criteria are associated with exceeding production standards, good results sales, exceeding plans. The frequency of payments and specific amounts of remuneration are also determined by the head of the organization. They can be very different, depending on the current financial situation of the enterprise.

Who writes the order to increase wages?

Compilation is usually entrusted to the employee who prepares administrative papers. Typically this is:

  • HR/HR department employee;
  • secretary/office manager;
  • legal advisor

Whoever draws up the document must be signed by the director of the organization. Without a signature, the paper will not have legal force.

Basis for the order

The basis may be a memo from the boss structural unit.

In addition, the document must have a justification, that is, reasons (for example, high performance labor, extensive work experience for the enterprise, exceeding the norm).

Registration procedure

Such a document can be drawn up in any form. If the organization has adopted an internal template, it is better to use it.

The paper must include a header containing the name of the organization, the title of the document, its number, place and date of preparation.

The requirements for the main part are more extensive; it must indicate:

  • justification of the document;
  • the essence of the order (to whom it is intended, by what amount the salary is increased);
  • order the accountant to recalculate wages and familiarize employees with the decision;
  • link to the basis for the order (memo, etc.).

TO appearance There are no special requirements for paper, nor for its shape. It is allowed to write an order both on the company’s letterhead and on a blank sheet of paper. You can type the text on your computer or write it by hand. The only requirement is the presence of a “live” signature of the manager and all persons responsible for the execution of the order.

It is not necessary to certify the paper with a seal, unless otherwise specified in the organization’s regulations.

Sample order for salary increase

Sample order for a salary increase for all employees

How long and how to store

The order should be stored in a separate folder with other administrative papers. The storage period is established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and may be regulated by local regulations. As a rule, in budgetary organizations this period is at least five years. The documents are then disposed of.

The fact of salary changes is of concern every employee. Some people look forward to this change, while others find it frightening and confusing. But in any situation, every employee should understand on the basis of what official documents and requirements such adjustments can be made.

The information is also important for representatives of accounting and human resources departments. For them especially relevant understanding the grounds and principles of reducing earnings.

In the modern financial situation, such cases occur quite regularly. They also lead to conflict resolution in the courts. Clear understanding basic principles allow such a prospect to be abandoned at the initial stage.

What may be the basis for change

According to current legislation, the amount of wages in any organization directly depends on the parameters of the minimum wage.

This parameter grows every year. The growth trend is directly related to the lack of understanding by many workers of the possibility of reducing wages.

The salary amount must be indicated in the employment contract of each specialist. Based on Article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, after signing by the parties this indicator becomes fixed.

If the hired specialist fulfills his job responsibilities and compliance with legal requirements regarding the implementation of the temporary indicator of the duration of the working day, the amount is paid on officially agreed days.

Obliged to indicate in labor agreement a strictly fixed amount of earnings in rubles and, if necessary, kopecks. This parameter must be equal to or exceed the minimum wage. Changes in the amount of earnings that are not related to this figure can be made based on:

  1. Increasing the salaries of employees of the structure while increasing the overall level of the organization’s financial position.
  2. An increase in the amount of earnings for a specific specialist due to high personal performance indicators.
  3. A reduction in the amount of financial incentives caused by changes in the staffing structure of the organization or a change in the principles of production organization.

Types of regulatory framework

Any adjustments to the salary level of an individual employee or all staff units down or up are based on uniform legislative grounds.

Firstly, they are based on the requirements of Article 72 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which only indicates two reasons under consideration:

  1. In case of changes in technology or production structure.
  2. When such an adjustment is based on a bilateral agreement.

Additionally, all such changes are subject to agreement internal agreements between all parties production process. They can be accepted to make changes to payments only with the consent of both parties to the production interaction.

The procedure for correctly drawing up a document

The document on the basis of which such changes are made depends on a significant number of factors:

  1. The number of staff units whose salary is adjusted.
  2. Increasing the size or reducing it.
  3. Changing the amount in a general manner for all employees of a certain organization.

The most simple option encouragement becomes increasing the salary of an individual employee. The fundamental document in such a situation becomes a memo from the head of the structural unit addressed to the manager. Such a document must indicate the rationale for the proposed decision.

If approved by management, released separate internal order for the organization. An important part of this document is the mandatory indication of the amount of the “new” salary, which will be transferred to the accounting department and human resources department.

IN hat The order must indicate the basis for changing the salary of a specific employee. The position and personal information (last name, first name, patronymic) of the promoted specialist must be indicated.

An important part of the order is requirement changes in the amount of financial payments in the staffing table and the date from which the amount begins to differ. In this situation, a memo from the head of the department is indicated as the basis for the changes being made.

If an order is signed by the head of a structural unit with such a document Necessarily introduce the employee. Next, the prepared order is entered into the personal file of the specialist rewarded with an increased salary. This stage is performed by an employee of the organization’s personnel department.

The specialist transmits the signed order to the accounting department as a copy. On this basis, changes will occur in monthly charges.

Such interaction is formalized officially specialized additional agreement. It must clearly indicate the new amount down to the penny.

A similar document is issued in the event of a reduction in the amount of financial incentives. After agreement with all parties, the main and first of which is the employee himself, such an order is also transmitted to the personnel department to change the staffing table, prepare additional agreements and transfer documents in the form of a copy to the accounting department.

Reasons for issuing an order

Labor legislation in the form of Article 129 calls grounds for such a pleasant step. The following can be used as a basis:

  • increase in salary, tariff rate;
  • increase in base salary;
  • growth, in accordance with parts 3-5 129 of Article 129 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the base wage rate.

Another option is to issue an order on the basis of Part 1 of Article 129 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which implies an increase in corrective payments. For example, for special conditions labor in the form of irregular working hours, activities in difficult conditions, for example, those associated with radiation exposure.

Do not forget about Article 134 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which states necessity For each employer, index the level of wages for its specialists every year. This article calls the reason for the inevitable increase in payments for services and goods.

However, official documents in this situation do not determine the mandatory frequency of these changes. It is also planned to include such an increase in the final level of financial incentives in the form of regular bonuses.

The one already mentioned determines both an increase in the amount of amounts that is pleasant for everyone, and a decrease. The basis for these negative adjustments becomes:

  • reorganization of the production structure;
  • a significant reduction in the financial income of the enterprise, in which the employer decides to reduce the amount of payments to each staff member in exchange for reductions and layoffs;
  • reduction of financial incentives for a specific specialist.

How to notify employees

Any hired specialist must clearly understand the inability to reduce or increase his salary fixed in the employment contract or agreement unilaterally.

Employer is obliged to notify in advance about changes with an explanation of the reasons for the changes occurring. He has the right to do this by any available methods:

  • general production meeting;
  • personal conversation;
  • written notification against signature from the HR department.

A written agreement becomes the next step in the interaction between the parties to the production process. A copy of it is handed over by the immediate supervisor or a representative of the HR department against the signature of the hired employee.

Actions of the employer in case of refusal of a subordinate

Such a document is formed precisely because it is possible to record the fact of receipt. exclusively in writing.

If a specialist refuses to sign his “autograph” of a notification, he must reasonably and again, in writing, indicate the reasons for such disagreement.

If such actions are not followed, the direct manager and representatives of the personnel service draw up special act, in which the fact of refusal to familiarize yourself with the amended terms is officially recorded. This further saves the organization from the slightest risk of labor disputes.

If he agrees with the proposal, the employee informs about this fact in writing. A handwritten signature on the document submitted for consideration is used to record consent.

What does the sample form for 2018 look like?

Every HR employee is well aware of the sample for filling out an order in 2018.

The creation of an order is preceded by preparation of a memo, which indicates the rationale for making adjustments. It becomes the basis for issuing an internal order signed by the immediate supervisor.

IN hat The topic of this document must be indicated. Next, information is included about the personalities of those whom the document concerns, and the date from which the new rules will come into effect. The head of the organization or the person officially performing his duties for the period of justified absence from the workplace must sign.

Labor legislation allows you to specify reasons increases or decreases within the minimum wage in any reasonable form. After signing the order, changes are made to the company's staffing table.

In conclusion, it is worth saying that the fulfillment of these not the most difficult requirements easily resolves at the inception stage of any industrial disputes at the enterprise various shapes property.

Filling out this document in 1C is presented in the instructions.