How to refute the diagnosis of alcohol addiction stage 2. Alcohol addiction - progress in the second stage

Alcoholism cannot be called bad habit or weakness of a person, since this condition is considered a serious chronic disease requiring urgent treatment. Today, 90% of people have tried alcoholic drinks at least once in their lives, and only 10% have developed an addiction due to their use. Why does the disease “cling” to some people and how to determine the degree of alcoholism?

It is impossible to become infected with such a disease - a person causes it himself, often drinking alcohol on holidays, significant dates and other life events. Moreover, with each glass of vodka or other alcoholic product drunk, the drunkard dooms himself to further torment and suffering.

Narcologists argue that not all people are susceptible to the development of alcoholism - the disease mainly affects the person who is morally weak and who lacks willpower. Of course, in this case, strong drinks are a salvation for the drunkard, because from them he gets pleasure, a surge of strength and energy. So why not constantly take this alcoholic product?

Like other health-threatening pathologies, addiction has certain degrees, each of which is endowed with specific symptoms. At the same time, observing the signs of the disease, the narcologist will be able to accurately determine the state of the body and draw up effective scheme treatment. After all, each stage literally characterizes an alcoholic, which is a significant advantage when prescribing therapy.

Signs of the development of alcoholism

To understand the degree of alcoholism, the patient must notice specific signs of addiction. Doctors include the following conditions of the body:

  • pathologies of internal organs that have close contact with alcohol entering the body;
  • depression;
  • dependence on alcoholic drinks;
  • decrease in personal values ​​and interests in everything that happens;
  • disruption of metabolic processes occurring in the body;
  • deterioration of central nervous system functionality.

These symptoms and signs of alcohol dependence perfectly characterize the development of the disease, so if they are detected, you should immediately consult a doctor, because only timely therapy will allow you to quickly and without complications cure the disease and restore the body’s functioning.

First degree of dependence

The first degree of drunkenness indicates that the chemical elements contained in alcohol have led the body to the development of addiction. At this time, the patient will feel signs of psychological alcoholism - they will not be overcome even by following the rules for relieving the condition of a hangover. In his free time, a drunkard will dream of drinking alcohol, and if such an opportunity arises, he will gladly take advantage of it.

How to determine the course of the first stage of the disease? This is not difficult to do, since certain symptoms will indicate this:

  • the person will drink more often;
  • it will be difficult for the patient to drive a car;
  • an alcoholic will not be able to do everyday work, as it will seem too hard to him;
  • a drunkard will always look for the reason why he wants to get drunk.

After taking a small dose of alcohol, the patient’s condition will immediately improve, and he will feel a surge of strength, vigor and good mood. The remaining signs of alcoholism will not yet greatly disturb the victim, but if a large dose of alcohol is taken, they can significantly “undermine” his health.

Most often, a person himself is not able to understand the euphoria that alcoholism brings - he can only feel it. And, of course, the alcoholic likes this state, so he tries to drink strong drinks as often as possible, thereby not suspecting the harm they cause to health.

As alcoholism develops and the first degree of this disease, a person begins to drink without reason, without observing the limit. That is why relatives of drunkards are increasingly beginning to notice psychosis, mood swings, weakness and lack of normal speech. In the morning, a person always feels bad: he is worried about the symptoms of a hangover, but the patient cannot overcome them in his condition.

Gradually, the alcoholic develops the habit of drinking every weekend in order to “improve his health” and feel much better. Many drunkards even begin to take pride in the fact that they are able to drink a large dose of alcohol.

The determination of first-degree dependence is often carried out by the presence or absence of a gag reflex - if it is present, it means that the disease has not yet reached this stage of development. The absence of vomiting indicates that the human body has already stopped accepting alcohol as a poison, and can now fully absorb it. But still, morning sickness will be present in the patient until the disease moves to the second stage of development.

Second degree alcoholism

Alcoholism of the 2nd degree already brings more harm, since half of binge alcoholics can hardly withstand its symptoms. At this stage, a person develops not only psychological, but also physical dependence, which causes severe harm to health.

Alcohol dependence of the 2nd degree has a clear and characteristic sign - an obligatory hangover, accompanied by unpleasant symptoms. After taking a glass of vodka or another strong drink, the drunkard feels temporary relief, which is then replaced by a strong desire to drink alcohol and the development of psychosis. While drinking large quantity a person feels alcohol:

  • trembling localized to the limbs;
  • increased heart rate;
  • severe temporal pain;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • constant weakness in the body.

Sometimes the patient feels a feeling of anxiety, irritability for no good reason, and a depressed mood. Such signs attack the drunkard’s body for two to three days, gradually fading away and becoming less pronounced. However, if the patient takes another dose of alcohol, they will again become strong and severe for their overall health.

At the very beginning of the development of 2nd degree addiction, an alcoholic notices convulsions, which in their course resemble epileptic seizures. The most difficult for a person will be 2-4 hours after taking a large dose of alcohol - during this time the victim will not be able to think, think, or even speak clearly. The longer the intoxication lasts, the stronger these signs will become expressed.

Narcologists say that in the 2nd degree of addiction, people drink daily and in large quantities. However, many do not have enough health for this, and they are unable to do anything except lie and utter nonsense.

Over time, tolerance to alcohol increases, and drinkers significantly increase the daily dose so that intoxication occurs again. Such patients are able to survive without strong drinks for several days, after which they again go on a long binge, which can last for weeks, causing significant harm to health. If the body's condition is critical, the alcoholic will feel ill even after taking a couple of drops of wine.

Alcoholism of the 2nd degree can exist in a person for quite a long time - several years. That is why coding methods cannot be called effective and durable, since after their properties expire, people begin to drink even more and more often. Therefore in in this case it is necessary to completely cure the addiction so that in a few years it does not make itself felt again.

If an alcoholic is unable to determine his degree of dependence, other signs of degree 2 development can help him do this, which include:

  • frequent memory lapses;
  • deterioration in speech quality;
  • , which occurs when an organ is damaged by a large amount of toxins;
  • loss of appetite;
  • frequent mood changes;
  • change in the behavior and character of the patient.

During the 2nd degree of alcoholism, the patient himself understands that he is dependent on strong drinks, but he is not able to fully admit this. In this case, only serious problems at work or in the family can prompt the drunkard to visit a doctor and begin treatment for the disease.

Third degree of dependence

If a person has a third degree of dependence, then the daily dose of alcohol is reduced. This occurs because the patient begins to experience a strong deterioration in the functioning of the body, and he is no longer able to maintain his own defense. The hangover at stage 3 is very difficult - the patient is tormented by the symptoms of the disease, and it is quite difficult to overcome them.

Internal organs, systems and nerve fibers are already completely depleted, therefore, when taking even a small dose of alcohol, a person begins to experience serious signs of intoxication, and their strength does not weaken until the alcohol completely leaves the body.

The third degree of dependence destroys the alcoholic not only physically, but also spiritually and morally. In addition, the patient experiences complete degradation and destruction of his own soul.

The basis and joy of such a person’s entire life is alcohol, and other life values ​​fade into the background or simply disappear.

Unfortunately, not everyone can overcome this degree of alcoholism, since in most cases the body is “damaged” to such an extent that its restoration is impossible. The outcome of this condition leads only to death, and the more alcohol the drunkard drinks, the faster the death will occur.

Getting rid of a certain symptom of a hangover during stage 3 is impossible, since it can only be overcome by the complete absence of alcohol toxins in the body.

What causes death in 3rd degree alcoholism? In this case, death occurs as a result of:

  • development;
  • depression of brain activity;
  • cardiac arrest;
  • development of heart attack;
  • failure of the gastrointestinal tract.

Sometimes death occurs for other reasons, which include a traffic accident, a fight, an accident, the fault of which is a previously loved alcoholic drink.

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Alcoholism – a disease that occurs with systematic alcohol abuse, characterized by mental dependence during intoxication, somatic and neurological disorders, and personality degradation. The disease can also progress with abstinence from alcohol.

In the CIS, 14% of the adult population abuse alcohol and another 80% drink alcohol moderately, which is due to certain drinking traditions that have formed in society.

Factors such as conflicts with family, an unsatisfactory standard of living, and the inability to realize oneself in life often lead to abuse. IN at a young age alcohol is used as a way to feel inner comfort, courage, and overcome shyness. In middle age, it is used as a way to relieve fatigue, stress, and get away from social problems.

Constantly turning to this method of relaxation leads to persistent addiction and the inability to feel inner comfort without alcohol intoxication. Depending on the degree of dependence and symptoms, several stages of alcoholism are distinguished.

Stages of alcoholism

First stage of alcoholism

The first stage of the disease is characterized by an increase in doses and frequency of alcohol intake. A syndrome of altered reactivity occurs, in which alcohol tolerance changes. The body’s protective reactions against overdose disappear, in particular, there is no vomiting when consuming large doses of alcohol. With severe intoxication observed palimpsests – memory lapses. Psychological dependence is manifested by a feeling of dissatisfaction in a sober state, constant thoughts about alcohol, elevating the mood before drinking alcohol. The first stage lasts from 1 to 5 years, while attraction is controllable, since there is no physical dependence syndrome. A person does not degrade and does not lose the ability to work.

Complications of alcoholism of the first stage primarily manifest themselves in the liver, which occurs alcoholic fatty degeneration . Clinically, it is almost not manifested; in some cases, a feeling of fullness of the stomach may occur. The complication can be diagnosed by the enlargement and dense consistency of the liver. At The edge of the liver is rounded, it is somewhat sensitive. With abstinence, these signs disappear.

Complications from the pancreas are acute and chronic . In this case, abdominal pain is noted, which is localized on the left and radiates to the back, as well as a decrease in , nausea , flatulence , unstable chair.

Alcohol abuse often leads to alcoholism , in which there is also no appetite and nausea and pain in the epigastric region occur.

Second stage

Alcoholism of the second stage has a period of progression from 5 to 15 years and is characterized by an increase in the syndrome of altered reactivity. Alcohol tolerance reaches a maximum, so-called pseudo-binges , their frequency is not related to the patient’s attempts to get rid of his addiction to alcohol, but to external circumstances, for example, lack of money and the inability to get alcohol.

The sedative effect of alcohol is replaced by an activating one, memory loss when drinking large amounts of alcohol is replaced by the complete end of intoxication. At the same time, daily drunkenness is explained by the presence of mental dependence syndrome; in a sober state, the patient loses the ability to mentally work, and mental activity is disorganized. A syndrome of physical alcohol dependence occurs, which suppresses all feelings except the desire for alcohol, which becomes uncontrollable. The patient is depressed, irritable, incapacitated; after drinking alcohol, these functions return to their place, but control over the amount of alcohol is lost, which leads to excessive intoxication.

Treatment of alcoholism in the second stage should be carried out in a specialized hospital by a doctor narcologist or psychiatrist. Abrupt withdrawal from alcohol causes such somatoneurological symptoms of alcoholism as, mydriasis , hyperemia upper body, fingers, nausea, vomiting, intestinal weakness, pain in the heart, liver, headaches. Mental symptoms appear: personality degradation, weakening of intelligence, delusional ideas. Anxiety, night restlessness, and convulsive attacks often occur, which are harbingers of acute psychosis - alcoholic delirium, popularly called delirium tremens .

Complications of second-degree alcoholism from the liver are presented alcoholic hepatitis , often chronic form. The disease is more common in a persistent form than a progressive one. Like complications in the first degree, shows few clinical symptoms. The complication can be diagnosed by gastrointestinal pathology, heaviness appears in the epigastric region of the stomach, right hypochondrium, mild nausea and flatulence are observed. On palpation, the liver is compacted, enlarged and slightly painful.

Alcoholic gastritis in the second stage of alcoholism may have symptoms masked as manifestations of withdrawal syndrome, the difference being painful repeated vomiting in the morning, often mixed with blood. On palpation, pain is observed in the epigastric region.

After prolonged drinking bouts, acute alcoholic myopathy develops, weakness and swelling appear in the muscles of the thighs and shoulders. Alcoholism most often causes non-ischemic heart diseases.

Third stage

Alcoholism of the third stage differs significantly from the previous two; the duration of this stage is 5-10 years. This is the final stage of the disease and, as practice shows, most often it ends in death. Alcohol tolerance decreases, intoxication occurs after small doses of alcohol. Binges end in physical and psychological exhaustion.

Many days of drunkenness can be replaced by long-term abstinence, or systematic daily alcoholism persists. There is no activating effect of alcohol, intoxication ends in amnesia. Mental dependence does not have pronounced symptoms, since at the third stage of alcoholism deep mental changes occur. Physical dependence, for its part, manifests itself quite strongly, determining the way of life. The person becomes rude and selfish.

In a state of intoxication, emotional instability manifests itself, which represents the symptoms of alcoholism; cheerfulness, irritability, and anger unpredictably replace each other.

Personality degradation, decreased intellectual abilities, and inability to work lead to the fact that an alcoholic, not having the means to buy alcoholic beverages, uses surrogates, sells things, and steals. The use of such surrogates as denatured alcohol, cologne, polish, etc. leads to serious complications.

Complications of stage three alcoholism are most often represented by alcohol liver cirrhosis . There are two forms of alcoholic cirrhosis - compensated And decompensated form. The first form of the disease is characterized by persistent anorexia nervosa, flatulence, fatigue, and low-apathetic mood. Thinning of the skin occurs, white spots and spider veins appear on them. The liver is enlarged, dense, and has a sharp edge.

The patient's appearance changes greatly, sudden weight loss occurs. The decompensated form of liver cirrhosis differs in three types of clinical symptoms. These include portal hypertension, which leads to hemorrhoidal and esophageal bleeding, ascites - accumulation of fluid in abdominal cavity. Jaundice is often observed, in which the liver is significantly enlarged; in severe cases, liver failure occurs, with the development of coma. The patient has an increased content of , which gives the skin a jaundiced or earthy tint.

Diagnosis of alcoholism

The diagnosis of alcoholism can be suspected by a person’s appearance and behavior. Patients look older than their years; over the years, the face becomes hyperemic and skin turgor is lost. The face takes on a special look of volitional promiscuity due to the relaxation of the orbicularis oris muscle. In many cases, there is uncleanliness and carelessness in clothing.

Diagnosis of alcoholism in most cases turns out to be quite accurate, even when analyzing not the patient himself, but his environment. Family members of a patient with alcoholism experience a number of psychosomatic disorders, neuroticism or psychotization of a non-drinking spouse, and pathologies in children. Most common in children whose parents abuse alcohol systematically, this congenital small brain failure . Often such children have excessive mobility, they are not concentrated, and have a desire for destruction and aggressive behavior. In addition to congenital pathology, the development of a child is also affected by a traumatic situation in the family. In children it is found logoneurosis , , night terrors, behavioral disorders. Children are depressed, prone to suicide attempts, and often have difficulties with learning and communicating with peers.

In many cases, pregnant women who abuse alcohol experience birth alcoholic fruit . Fetal alcohol syndrome is characterized by gross morphological abnormalities. Most often, fetal pathology consists of irregular shape head, body proportions, spherical, deep-set eyes, underdevelopment of the jaw bones, shortening of the tubular bones.

We have already briefly described the treatment of alcoholism depending on its stages. In most cases, relapse may occur after treatment. This is due to the fact that treatment is often aimed only at eliminating the most acute manifestations of alcoholism. Without properly conducted psychotherapy and lack of support from loved ones, alcoholism recurs. But as practice shows, psychotherapy is an important component of treatment.

The first stage of treatment for alcoholism is the elimination of acute and subacute conditions caused by intoxication of the body. The first step is to interrupt the binge and eliminate withdrawal symptoms. In later stages, therapy is carried out only under supervision medical personnel, because delirious syndrome , which occurs when a binge is interrupted, requires psychotherapy and a number of sedatives. Relief of acute alcoholic psychosis involves quickly putting the patient to sleep with dehydration and support of the cardiovascular system. In cases of severe alcohol intoxication, treatment of alcoholism is carried out only in specialized hospitals or in psychiatric departments. In the early stages, anti-alcohol treatment may be sufficient, but more often when quitting alcohol, a deficit in neuroendocrine regulation occurs, the disease progresses and leads to complications and organ pathology.

The second stage of treatment is aimed at establishing remission. A complete diagnosis of the patient and treatment of mental and somatic disorders are carried out. Therapy at the second stage of treatment can be quite unique; its main task is to eliminate somatic disorders, which are key in the formation of pathological cravings for alcohol.

Non-standard methods of therapy include Rozhnov's technique , which consists of emotional stress therapy. A good prognosis for treatment is provided by hypnotic influence and psychotherapeutic conversations preceding it. During hypnosis, the patient is instilled with an aversion to alcohol and a nausea-vomiting reaction to the taste and smell of alcohol. The method of verbal aversive therapy is often used. It consists of adjusting the psyche using the method of verbal suggestion, to respond with a vomiting reaction to drinking alcohol, even in an imaginary situation.

The third stage of treatment involves prolonging remission and returning to a normal lifestyle. This stage can be considered the most important in the successful treatment of alcoholism. After the two previous stages, the person returns to his previous society, to his problems, to friends who in most cases are also alcohol dependent, to family conflicts. This has a greater impact on the relapse of the disease. In order for a person to be able to independently eliminate the causes and external symptoms of alcoholism, long-term psychotherapy is required. Autogenic training has a positive effect and is widely used in group therapy. The training is to normalize autonomic disorders and relieve emotional stress after treatment.

Applicable behavioral therapy , the so-called lifestyle correction. A person learns to live in a sober state, solve his problems, acquiring the skill of self-control. Very important stage in restoring normal functioning is to achieve mutual understanding in the family and understand your problem.

For successful treatment, it is important to achieve the patient’s desire to get rid of alcohol addiction. Compulsory treatment does not produce the same results as voluntary treatment. But still, refusal of treatment requires the local narcologist to forcibly refer the patient for treatment to a medical treatment facility. Therapy in the general medical network does not give positive results, since the patient has open access to alcohol, he is visited by drunken friends, etc.

In cases where alcohol abuse began in mature age, an individual approach is required in choosing therapy. This is due to the fact that somatoneurological symptoms of alcoholism appear much earlier than the onset of addiction and mental disorders.

Mortality in alcoholism is most often associated with complications. Decompensation of vital organs occurs due to prolonged binge drinking, withdrawal states, and intercurrent diseases. 20% of elderly patients with alcoholism have signs, a little less common acute Gaye-Wernicke syndrome . Attacks of both diseases during alcohol intoxication can be fatal. The presence of alcoholic cardiomyopathy significantly worsens the prognosis. Continued systematic use of alcohol leads to mortality.

Less than 25% of patients with this complication live longer than three years after diagnosis. A high percentage of deaths due to alcohol intoxication is death due to suicide. This is facilitated by the development chronic hallucinosis , alcoholic paraphrenia , delirium of jealousy . The patient is unable to control delusional thoughts and commits acts unusual in a sober state.


Dependence on alcohol is a difficult test for a person of any age; the first and second stages of alcoholism are characterized by such signs of development as loss of control and hangover syndrome. Pathological or uncontrollable craving for alcoholic beverages leads to the formation of a stable addiction, which is very difficult to cope with without medical help. Main problem for such patients lies in the lack of awareness of their own actions, which reduces the effectiveness of therapy to zero.

What is alcoholism

In the modern food market, one of the most popular products is alcohol. Every person consumes alcohol to one degree or another, the only difference is in the quantity and frequency of consumption. Excessive alcohol consumption is considered a psychological disease, which is commonly called alcoholism. A person who is in a constant state of intoxication worsens not only physical health. Among such patients, there is a decrease in tolerance, mental disorders, memory loss and other signs of addiction.

In men and women, against the background of general intoxication of the body, frequent changes in mood occur, causeless irritability or attacks of anger appear. The progression of alcoholism causes liver damage, which leads to painful symptoms. Ethyl alcohol, which is part of alcoholic beverages, disrupts the functioning of the nervous system and leads to a deterioration in the condition of all internal human organs. Neuroparalytic poison quickly leads to the formation of addiction; in the absence of control, you can get rid of the disease with the help of a narcologist.

Stages of alcoholism

Modern medicine identifies three stages in the development of alcoholism, but some experts are convinced that somatic disease includes four stages. The first stage of the disease is characterized by the patient having a weak psychological dependence on alcohol. In the absence of access to alcoholic beverages, a person independently gets rid of this addiction; characteristic physical pathologies are not observed at this stage.

Such people tend to accompany any meeting with several bottles of alcohol and relax on the weekend by drinking some kind of alcoholic drink. In order to prevent the formation of addiction, it is necessary to switch the patient’s attention to another type of activity. It is important to create a program in which there is no place for drinking alcohol. At the second stage of the disease, a person is haunted by an obsessive desire to drink alcohol constantly, even if he is engaged in any work or work.

Every day it becomes more and more difficult for the patient to cope with psychological dependence, which is also reinforced by an increase in tolerance to alcohol. A large amount of alcohol no longer causes vomiting, disgust or other signs of poisoning, a critical attitude towards alcoholism disappears, and doses are rapidly increasing. With the transition to the third stage, the patient is no longer able to cope with the disease on his own; he requires professional medical help.

During this period, withdrawal syndrome forms, that is, psychological dependence develops into physical dependence. A person cannot stop drinking due to the body’s cessation of production of certain natural hormones, and a “plateau of tolerance to alcoholic beverages” is reached. High doses of ethanol, several times higher than the safe limit, no longer cause a gag reflex. Binge alcoholism causes irreparable damage to all organs and systems of the patient, which leads to the development of liver diseases and other dangerous ailments.

At the fourth stage, dysfunction of many vital important processes in the body, which is due to an even greater decrease in tolerance to alcohol. Pathological changes occur in the structure blood vessels, appear malignant tumors in the liver or digestive tract. A person completely loses interest in life, the only thing that worries him is where to get a new dose of ethanol. Physical dependence takes a dangerous turn; when trying to remove the patient from this state, there is a high probability of death.

Second stage of alcoholism

Alcoholism of the 2nd degree is considered a “point of no return”, once crossed, most people are stuck in this state forever. Doctors do not make any guarantees regarding the treatment of this category of patients, since most of the work must be done by the person himself. Psychological dependence at this stage has not yet reached its apogee, but it is becoming more and more difficult for the patient to resist it every day. Obsessive thoughts about alcohol haunt a person day and night, moral principles are rapidly falling under the yoke of a developing disease.

Daily consumption of alcoholic beverages is becoming the norm; taking large doses of ethanol does not cause symptoms of intoxication of the body. Increasing tolerance to alcohol forces the patient to drink more often, which gradually leads to the formation of a stable habit. Over time, stage 2 of alcoholism begins to develop into stage three; the transition stage is a strong physical need for alcohol.


Only a qualified specialist can determine the stage of alcoholism. The initial symptoms characteristic of the second stage of the disease can be easily confused with the manifestations of the first stage. For this reason, an examination by a narcologist is mandatory item during treatment. At this stage, patients experience a strong craving for alcoholic beverages, which sometimes overshadows the voice of reason. People who are not subject to emotional swings resort to alcohol only in stressful situations, which cannot be said about individuals with a tense psychological state.

The second category of patients is more susceptible to alcohol dependence, and any attempts to get them out of this state are met with hostility. Stage 2 chronic alcoholism manifests itself through an irresistible craving for alcohol, against the background of which self-criticism disappears and control over the situation is lost. A person is sure that alcohol is vital for him and sees no reason to give it up. The most common symptoms that occur in patients with the second degree of this disease are:

  • weakness;
  • anxiety;
  • psychological discomfort;
  • mood swings;
  • insomnia;
  • constant dissatisfaction with the surrounding world;
  • physical discomfort;
  • internal tension;
  • depression.

Signs of the second stage

Patients suffering from stage 2 alcoholism cannot resist drinking alcohol, even if it causes significant harm to their health. The craving for alcohol becomes so strong that it is difficult for a person to control it. The body's tolerance to ethanol continues to increase at this stage; according to medical studies, the amount of alcohol consumed in second-degree alcoholics is five to six times higher than the established norm.

The above volume of alcoholic beverages is not drunk at one time, as in the first stage, but throughout the day in small portions. The last reception ends in severe intoxication, after which everything starts all over again. The concentration of ethanol in the blood of such people is approximately 0.3-0.4%, which is normal person would cause a coma. For alcoholics, these indicators indicate only the last stage of intoxication.

Withdrawal syndrome

It is widely known that the condition or withdrawal syndrome is one of the main symptoms accompanying the second stage of the disease. The characteristic manifestations of this pathological process are the following symptoms: unpleasant taste in the mouth, weakness, headache and increased heart rate. Patients suffer from a critical dose of alcohol, which is accompanied by symptoms such as hand tremors, unsteady gait, and impaired coordination of movements.

Withdrawal syndrome is characterized by the appearance of mental disorders, these include anxiety, paranoid alertness, nightmares, deterioration of mood and well-being. Improvement occurs only after consuming a dose of ethanol, which aggravates the condition. At this stage of alcoholism, five main forms of drunkenness are formed, which further determine the development of the disease.

Personality disorders

Often, second-degree alcoholism causes disturbances in human behavior. Patients become more anxious and experience depression or a personality disorder. Sometimes such people engage in false self-flagellation in order to evoke sympathy from family or friends. Behavioral deviations can become dangerous, for example, suicide attempts to obtain the required dose of ethanol. Social norms in this case they do not play any role, since the only value for the patient is alcoholic beverages.

Sometimes the patient’s anxious state worsens to such an extent that he develops an obsessive fear of death. This panicky behavior sometimes takes the form of cardiophobia, which is why many alcoholics often call an ambulance, fearing a heart attack. At the second stage of the disease, doctors distinguish three types of psychological disorders that affect personal changes in human character. These include:

  • psychoorganic disorders;
  • degradation;
  • sharpening personality traits.

Alcohol degradation

In medical circles, alcoholic degradation is usually called a general decline in the level of personality. A characteristic feature of the above-mentioned condition is considered to be a severe psychopathic-like disorder. Such a person spends time exclusively searching for a new dose of ethanol; everything else worries him little. The range of interests of degenerating people is narrowed to alcoholic beverages; previous hobbies or work no longer attract them.

Characteristic diseases of the second stage of alcoholism

At the second stage of development of alcohol dependence, the patient experiences a progression of symptoms preceding this stage. The pathological craving for alcohol increases, which occurs not only in some specific situations. An alcoholic tries to find a reason to drink again, without being tied to holidays or weekends. Against the background of decreased tolerance to ethanol, regular alcoholic amnesia appears. Significant episodes of life are erased from the patient’s memory, as if they had never happened.

Frequent one-time drinking sessions are followed by binges that can last for weeks. Physical dependence on alcohol appears; attempts to quit are accompanied by withdrawal symptoms. The person experiences vomiting, limb tremors, dizziness, nausea, and other signs of withdrawal. Hangover brings a welcome improvement in well-being, but mental illnesses caused by second-degree alcoholic encephalopathy continue to develop.

Treatment of alcoholism at the second stage

In the initial stages of alcoholism, it is recommended to immediately seek help from a narcologist and not try to cure the patient on your own. Timely professional therapy can prevent the development of the disease in the bud, but this should be done by a specialist. The course of treatment for the second stage of addiction lasts one to two months, the patient is in an outpatient or inpatient setting under the supervision of a doctor. First, the body is detoxified to remove accumulated toxins.

Next, conditioned reflex therapy is prescribed, which involves the use of medications. In the second stage, doctors often use sensitizing agents such as Aversan, Metronidazole or Teturan to delay the oxidation of ethanol. This approach successfully blocks the work of certain enzyme systems that are responsible for the breakdown of alcohol in the human body. To improve mental state and normalize sleep, narcologists prescribe psychotropic drugs, such as tranquilizers and antidepressants.

Nootropic drugs effectively reduce cravings for alcohol and have a beneficial effect on metabolism. Each of the above medications is selected individually depending on the patient’s condition. The same applies to the frequency of taking and dosage of medications. Treatment of the second degree of the disease includes additional measures that increase tone and improve the general condition of the body. These include insulin therapy and autogemotherapy.

Psychological therapy

To treat alcoholism at any stage, comprehensive methods should be used. As soon as drug therapy is completed, the patient is prescribed a course of psychological rehabilitation. The second stage of the disease is characterized by the presence of a persistent dependence on alcohol, so conversations with a specialist are an integral part of recovery. Sometimes psychological therapy lasts for six months, which is considered quite normal. The most popular program for getting rid of alcoholism is the twelve step method.


At the second stage, doctors prescribe medications based on the physical and emotional state of the alcoholic. For example, if a person does not want to undergo treatment, the narcologist recommends that relatives resort to aversive therapy. This technique is to use special drugs that cause aversion to alcoholic beverages. Disulfiram is used most often for these purposes.

The drug Cyanomide blocks the oxidation process of alcohol, which helps the patient develop a negative conditioned reflex. When mixed with ethanol, these drugs cause severe deterioration in health: difficulty breathing, nausea, fever, rapid heartbeat, tinnitus. A decoction of thyme has a similar effect, which promotes the appearance of the gag reflex. A person must take the above medications voluntarily.

Systemic medications that are prescribed to alcoholics of the second stage are Acidum-S, Propoten and Glitsed. The above-mentioned drugs reduce cravings for alcohol by affecting the functioning of the central nervous system. In addition, these drugs improve metabolic processes in the body's tissues, producing a moderate sedative effect. Systemic medications do not always eliminate alcohol dependence, but they prepare the body for future positive changes.


Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give treatment recommendations based on individual characteristics specific patient.

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The transition from the first to the second stage of alcoholism often goes unnoticed. It seems that just yesterday, drinking alcohol several days in a row was rather an exception. Now the duration of binges is increasing, and the interval between them is decreasing. This is how the person moves to the second stage of the disease. The duration of this period is longer than the first or third - 5-15 years.

Basically, people turn to a drug treatment clinic for help at the second stage of the disease. This is due to the fact that the patient and his relatives begin to realize the presence of the disease and the person can still be fully rehabilitated in society. In most cases, the irreparable consequences of alcohol consumption for the health of the drinker have not yet appeared. If the first stage can often be dealt with without medical intervention, then going to the clinic is strongly recommended.

Symptoms of the second stage of alcoholism

The manifestation of the symptoms of the first stage intensifies, new ones appear:

  • Long drinking bouts begin.

Alcohol-free periods appear less and less frequently, and their duration also decreases. Sometimes there may be a long break from drinking alcohol, but this does not mean that the issue is resolved and you have overcome the disease. Most likely, the alcoholic made a conscious effort of will and temporarily stopped drinking in order to remove this label from himself. At the first “convenient” opportunity, drunkenness returns.

  • Alcohol does not cause inhibition, but acceleration.

Everything changes places - now performance is higher in a state of intoxication. With the first portion of alcohol, a person is transformed and seems highly productive. But the effect gradually fades away and the body requires a new “recharge”.

During sober periods of time, a depressive state, lethargy, and increased fatigue are observed. All negative traits and inclinations that existed even before the formation of addiction become more pronounced at this stage.

  • Degradation.

A person's intellectual abilities are significantly reduced. Those tasks that previously required a maximum of two minutes to solve are now difficult to solve or remain unanswered. He stops reading, takes interest in his past hobbies, and gives up his once favorite workouts. The range of interests gradually narrows and concentrates on alcohol.

The first difficulties with socialization in a normal society appear - the risk of dismissal from the current job increases, the search for a new one turns out to be unsuccessful. Relationships with friends who do not share an alcoholic lifestyle deteriorate.
As a result of dismissal, the first problems with finances appear. As dependence on alcohol increases and the period without a regular income increases, the standard of living of the entire family decreases.

  • It's hard to fall asleep without alcohol.

Enough common symptom- insomnia. Difficulties falling asleep can be solved in only one way: taking an alcoholic dose. What is noteworthy is that insomnia does not mean that excessive drinking will result in sleep. After drinking a large amount of alcoholic beverages, increased activity is observed.

Signs of the second stage of alcoholism

The above signs of the second stage of alcoholism are not able to fully describe the picture of this disease. The signs given in the article describe the essence of the disease in more detail.

  • Withdrawal syndrome.

Popularly called a hangover. Characterized by tremors in the limbs, sweating, loss of appetite, vomiting, headaches. The work of the circulatory and digestive system– tachycardia occurs, blood pressure rises, and liver problems appear. To eliminate its symptoms, you need to drink alcohol again. This completes the cycle, leading to the development of long-term drinking bouts.
At first it appears only after taking large doses of alcohol or poisoning. Over time, it can appear even after drinking moderate to small amounts of alcohol.

Also, as the disease progresses, the periods from the end of alcohol consumption to the appearance of the first signs of withdrawal syndrome gradually decrease. At its first appearances, the period between them can be about 12 hours, gradually decreasing to 2-3.

  • Significant increase in the amount of alcohol consumed.

The body's sensitivity to alcohol gradually decreases, and it begins to get used to drinking. This leads to an increase in the amount of alcohol consumed to achieve the usual “effect”.

During peak alcohol tolerance, its amount can reach two liters of vodka or an equivalent volume in terms of the amount of pure alcohol for other alcoholic beverages.

  • Consumption of pharmaceutical tinctures containing alcohol, colognes, surrogate.

As already mentioned, problems with socialization can lead to loss of work, and therefore difficulties in financially. Taking this into account and the growing daily need for more and more alcohol leads to the fact that he begins to drink what is at hand (perfumes, colognes, alcohol tinctures) or switches to cheaper types of alcoholic beverages. They often turn out to be fakes from an unknown manufacturer or home-made products.

Drinking low-quality alcohol causes more harm to health: the liver is affected, and the likelihood of developing a stomach ulcer increases.

  • "Delirium tremens"

Observed after coming out of a long binge. Speech is impaired, consciousness becomes clouded, the patient loses sleep and appetite, and obsessive thoughts arise about the impending disaster. The person begins to be haunted by nightmares, visual and audio hallucinations appear.

External manifestations of delirium tremens are bloodshot eyes, increased heart rate, increased temperature and blood pressure, sweating, trembling in the limbs.

At the first manifestations of delirium tremens, you should definitely contact a specialist. The probability of death from an attack of delirium tremens is 10%. In addition, there is a high probability of causing injury to yourself or others due to the voices in your head.

Treatment of alcoholism at the second stage

Alcoholism of the 2nd degree is not a death sentence; the disease is still treatable. In order to achieve maximum effect, it will not be possible to do without specialized help.

  • Complete abstinence from alcohol.

Even with stable remission, relapse is possible at any time. Someone after getting rid of addiction may drink alcohol in moderate doses for a long time or not drink it at all. But any subsequent portion of alcohol can negate all previous therapy and lead to a new breakdown.

The greatest guarantee comes only from complete and unconditional abstinence from alcohol. There should be no offers from others to drink, no belief that “one glass won’t do anything.” Each new portion can become a catalyst for the return of cravings for alcohol.

  • Psychological support.

If there was a psychological background to the development of the disease, it is unlikely that it will be possible to overcome it without the help of a psychologist. A specialist will help you understand the causes of this problem and eliminate them. For some, one visit to a psychologist is enough to achieve results; for others, they will need to take a separate course to eliminate it.

Psychological therapy gives results in 80% of cases. A meeting with a psychologist helps to overcome complete denial of the existence of a problem and convince the patient to begin treatment.

  • Support from others.

Alas, to successfully combat the disease, the desire of an alcoholic and a visit to a specialist is not enough. In order for it to produce results, the support of others is important. If the patient's relatives do not believe in his strength and success, there will be no results.
A positive attitude is contagious. The belief of those around them that they can, together with the alcoholic, overcome all difficulties and defeat addiction is transmitted to the patient and helps him fight.

If everyone around you insists that nothing will work out, the effectiveness of recovery sharply decreases. It is important during this period not only to believe, but also to help in everything.

  • Social assistance.

As already mentioned when describing the symptoms, an alcoholic in the second stage may have problems with socialization. Regular meetings in anonymous groups can help to form a new social circle.

If you are already having difficulty finding a job, an important condition for consolidating the effect of treatment is assistance in finding a new job.

When choosing new job It is important to pay attention to the team. Sometimes it happens that among employees it is customary to accompany all holidays with lavish feasts or arrange get-togethers in bars on Fridays. This can be a catalyst for relapse.

  • Drug treatment.

Drug treatment takes place in three stages.

Detoxification of the body. Removing toxins and alcohol breakdown products from the patient’s body. At this stage, the physiological dependence is eliminated. In addition, metabolism is restored, sleep disorders disappear, and the functioning of all body systems is restored.

Suppression of psychological dependence and correction of mental disorders. Psychotropic drugs are used for this. In addition to getting rid of psychological alcohol dependence, symptoms such as tension, anxiety, irritability go away, and a vegetative-stabilizing effect appears. Taking psychotropic drugs should be under the full supervision of physicians. If used incorrectly, a new craving for alcohol may develop.

Preventive measures. Regular meetings with a psychologist or self-help group, visiting an Alcoholics Anonymous club. Timely prevention of situations that provoke relapse.

If an alcoholic does not want to undergo voluntary treatment, aversive treatment is carried out. Drugs and folk remedies are used that cause a persistent aversion to alcohol, worsening the condition when taking even small doses of alcohol. After completing the course, negative associations with alcohol are formed. Upon resumption regular use Alcohol may cause a significant deterioration in the patient’s psychological state.

The main problem in the treatment of alcoholism at the second stage is the reluctance of the alcoholic himself and his loved ones to seek specialized support from doctors. Unfortunately, independent attempts to recover at home at this stage do not produce results, and sometimes even lead to the opposite result. We should also not forget about solving related problems acquired as a result of regular drinking.

Alcoholism is a serious disease that goes through three main stages in its development. Usually the transition between them is imperceptible to the patient himself. The easiest is the first stage, which sometimes develops over several years.

If immediate treatment is not started, the second stage of alcoholism will inevitably begin. This period invariably occurs in the vast majority of patients who initially do not want to take necessary measures. The main feature of the second stage of alcoholism is a high level of tolerance to the effects of alcohol due to a rapid increase in the dosage of alcohol taken. This is a very dangerous moment in life drinking man. In some cases, alcoholics go so far as to drink up to two liters of vodka in one day.

At this stage of disease development, significant negative influence a person's mental and physical health is affected. Negative social consequences will also soon become apparent.

The onset of the second stage is an active continuation of the progression of the disease, when the symptoms of the previous stage persist:

  • The craving for alcohol increases significantly.
  • Withdrawal or hangover symptoms often occur.
  • Mental and physical dependence on alcohol is finally formed.

The need to hangover is becoming stronger day by day. The current situation often leads to prolonged binges, which can be repeated for a certain duration. After some time, alcoholism finally enters the binge stage. A person can no longer imagine his life without constant drinking; it seems meaningless to him without a drop of alcohol. Without new doses, the body does not function normally.

Alcohol becomes a strong tonic. At this stage, the dose of alcohol required for intoxication differs significantly from the average physiological one. Here a lot depends on the individual characteristics of the organism.

Increased anger and aggressiveness, fussiness and irritability - this is how you can characterize the condition of a patient who has moved to the second stage of alcoholism. In some cases, a person tries to resist his craving for drinking. But you can’t solve the problem on your own.

Loss of control over the situation also manifests itself at the second stage of the development of alcoholism. Attempts to control the process of drinking alcoholic beverages end in failure.

Withdrawal syndrome can last no more than two to three days at the second stage of the development of alcoholism. Somatovegetative mental and neurological disorders of the body appear. Withdrawal syndrome is characterized by the occurrence of arrhythmia, sweating, and shortness of breath. Often a drinker:

  • Blood pressure increases.
  • Heart rate increases.
  • Excessive sweating appears.

A complete lack of appetite, vomiting and nausea can also be characteristic of a hangover.

Central nervous system a person may be seriously injured:

  • Tremor (unnatural shaking of the limbs) appears.
  • Coordination of movements is impaired.
  • Muscle tone decreases.
  • The pupils dilate.

Prolonged binge drinking can lead to convulsive seizures - single or multiple - and uncontrolled urination.

Withdrawal syndrome in the second stage of alcoholism is serious disturbances in sleep and mental state, constant hysterics, nightmares, and hallucinations. Getting rid of these terrible consequences will be problematic.

Timely relief of a hangover syndrome can still gradually return a person to normal state. Moral and social values ​​can be restored. But alcohol degradation cannot be ruled out when psycho-organic disorders of the body continue to manifest themselves in full.

Personality disorders

Behavioral disorders of an alcoholic may be accompanied by depression and anxiety. Often, alcoholics in the second stage engage in false self-flagellation in order to evoke pity from relatives.

This is often caused by the desire to get money for alcohol. Demonstrative suicide attempts are also common, which should also evoke compassion.

If the anxious state worsens, the fear of death appears. Panic behavior can lead to cardiophobia. A person is always afraid that he will have a heart attack and calls an ambulance.

At the second stage of development of alcoholism, symptoms may appear: mental disorders. Experts distinguish three types of personal changes:

  • Degradation.
  • Sharpening personality traits.
  • Psychoorganic disorders of alcohol origin.

There are several types of disorders:

  • Hyperthymic: an expression of dubious joy and optimism for no reason.
  • Hysterical: all sorts of attempts to attract attention to one’s person. The patient exhibits deceit and selfishness. Often such conditions lead to suicide attempts.
  • Schizoid: indifference, isolation and dissatisfaction with the outside world.
  • Depressive: constant mood swings, depression and gloominess.
  • Emotionally unstable: manifests itself in the form of sudden irritability and violent attacks of aggression.
  • Borderline: easy obedience to drinking company, tendency to lie.
  • Dependent Personality Disorder: manifests itself in the form of an aggressive reaction to any criticism and emotional incontinence.
  • Dependent disorder according to the passive personality type: This is complete dependence on the opinions of others. In such a state, subordinate a person to your will, instill in him your opinion. In particularly severe cases, this disorder manifests itself in an active desire to reduce the time between binge drinking sessions.

Alcohol degradation

This is the so-called general decline in personality level. Alcohol degradation is characterized by the appearance of pronounced signs of psychopathic disorders. As a result, a person begins to waste time pointlessly, doing nothing and not thinking about anything.

At the second stage of alcoholism, a stable psychoorganic alcoholic origin is formed against the background of constant consumption of increasing doses of alcohol.

Further progression of alcohol dependence can lead to pseudoparalysis or dementia.

It is advisable to consult a narcologist at the first stage of the development of alcoholism. If this is not done in a timely manner, the onset of the second stage will inevitably lead to withdrawal symptoms.

At the second stage of the disease development, outpatient or inpatient treatment under the supervision of a specialist will be required. The course of treatment is 1-1.5 months.

Often, narcologists prescribe conditioned reflex therapy, which is carried out using various medications. Therapy should be carried out after detoxification of the body.

Sensitizing agents such as Teturama and Aversan make it possible to block a number of enzyme systems in the patient’s body and delay the process of oxidation and decomposition of alcohol. Metronidazole can also be used for similar purposes.

Narcologists necessarily prescribe psychotropic drugs - antidepressants and tranquilizers, which can improve the patient’s mental state and return him to normal sleep.

Drugs from the group of nootropics have a positive effect on metabolism in the body and significantly reduce cravings for alcohol. All of these medications should be selected individually depending on the condition of the alcoholic.

Only a medical specialist can make a decision about prescribing medication. The dosage is also prescribed on an individual basis.

Treatment of the second stage of alcoholism involves additional special measures (insulin therapy, augmentation therapy), which are aimed at increasing tone and improving the general condition of the body.