How to organize a five-minute date business plan. Organizing speed dating! What is needed for events

Mini-dating parties (Speed ​​dating) were invented in 1998 by Rabbi Jacob Devo. Living in the United States, Jacob and his wife Sue were concerned that there was no place for Jewish girls to meet Jewish boys to start a family. A big city separates people, leaving no time for simple acquaintances, conversations about anything, during which mutual sympathy usually arises.

Initial investment: 70 tr.
Monthly profit: 30 tr.
Payback period: 2 months.
The old national tradition prescribes, if not pimping, then assistance in creating families. And so, in the millionaire area of ​​Beverly Hills, in an establishment under the sign of “Pete’s Cafe,” the first speed date took place. The combination of theory and practice led to the improvement of the Speed ​​dating format: each speed dating lasts 7 minutes, after which the interlocutors change.
At the beginning of the new century, date nights became fashionable in Europe, Australia, the USA, and throughout the world. Such rapid popularity is clear evidence that many people of different ages and social groups experience problems with communication.

What is speed dating? By participating in Speed ​​dating, you can make acquaintances with 10-15 representatives of the opposite sex in a short time. In Russia, express dating appeared relatively recently, but has already caught the fancy of many. Not always the result of meeting people at such parties is marriage, but pleasant acquaintances and an interesting pastime are guaranteed to everyone.
With all the simplicity of speed dating, someone has to take care of organizing it, so why don’t you take up this noble cause of connecting lonely hearts? You provide people with the opportunity to meet at a cafe table and chat, and in gratitude they pay you a small amount for this. Start-up capital is not required to start such a business; only organizational skills are required. How to organize a speed dating business? Two options for business development: You have your own restaurant or cafe for speed dating.
You plan to conduct speed dating in rented premises. This option can be considered a business from scratch.
With the first option, everything is clear - organizational issues are reduced to hosting and attracting visitors.
In the second case, you first need to find a suitable room. Successful places would be newly opened cafes that have not yet had time to acquire regular customers. Cooperation will be beneficial for you and for the owner of the establishment receiving a flow of visitors.
You should choose a cafe in the central part of the city or near the business center. In such places, cafes are filled only on weekdays during the lunch break, and in the evenings and on weekends there are almost no visitors. It is better to organize express meetings on weekends, so the cafe owner will be happy to cooperate.
The atmosphere in the cafe should be cozy and inviting so that participants do not tense up and feel confident. The organizer’s task is to provide the meeting participants with a pleasant atmosphere, order light drinks, sandwiches, fruit, etc. The cost of organizing a party for 30-40 people will be approximately 10,000 rubles (including rent).
When the issue with the venue has been resolved, you can start looking for clients. Don’t limit your choice to young people; as experience shows, mature people and even older people enjoy participating in Speed ​​dating. Groups should be made up of people of approximately the same age, interests and social status. It has been noticed that in European countries, such meetings are attended by married couples seeking to diversify their relationships. Don't try to form groups by eye; let clients fill out questionnaires, based on which you can judge the interests and goals of each person who contacts you.
The survey can be completed when registering for Speed ​​dating via the Internet. To organize this business, access to the Internet is vital: you need your own website where participants can register, and there will also be information about the place and time of meetings.
To attract participants, advertising in the local press, on the streets, and in cafes where the event is planned will be useful. On average, advertising costs are 10,000-30,000 rubles per month. How to conduct meetings? At the appointed time, participants gather in a cafe. There should be an equal number of women and men in the group. Women take tables, and men sit next to them. The conversation lasts seven minutes. At a signal, the men stand up and move to the next table. So, moving from table to table, all the men will communicate with all the women. Participants put marks in the questionnaire, noting the interlocutors they like. In a matched pair, participants exchange phone numbers.
If you invite 30 people to parties, selling them tickets for 500 rubles, then each event will bring about 5,000 rubles in net income. This is not bad at all, considering the simplicity of the organization and the positive emotions from communication.

Speed ​​dating or mini-dates are parties organized specifically so that people can meet and chat at a table in a cafe. Such dates do not last long, but this time is enough for sympathy to arise.

Business "Speed ​​Dating"

Mini-dating parties (Speed ​​dating) were invented in 1998 by Rabbi Jacob Devo. Living in the United States, Jacob and his wife Sue were concerned that there was no place for Jewish girls to meet Jewish boys to start a family. A big city separates people, leaving no time for simple acquaintances, conversations about anything, during which mutual sympathy usually arises.

The old national tradition prescribes, if not pimping, then assistance in creating families. And so, in the millionaire area of ​​Beverly Hills, in an establishment under the sign of “Pete’s Cafe,” the first speed date took place. The combination of theory and practice led to the improvement of the Speed ​​dating format: each speed dating lasts 7 minutes, after which the interlocutors change.

At the beginning of the new century, date nights became fashionable in Europe, Australia, the USA, and throughout the world. Such rapid popularity is clear evidence that many people of different ages and social groups experience problems with communication.

What is speed dating?

By participating in Speed ​​dating, you can make acquaintances with 10-15 representatives of the opposite sex in a short time. In Russia, express dating appeared relatively recently, but has already caught the fancy of many. Not always the result of meeting people at such parties is marriage, but pleasant acquaintances and an interesting pastime are guaranteed to everyone.

With all the simplicity of speed dating, someone has to take care of organizing it, so why don’t you take up this noble cause of connecting lonely hearts? You provide people with the opportunity to meet at a cafe table and chat, and in gratitude they pay you a small amount for this. Start-up capital is not required to start such a business; only organizational skills are required.

How to organize a speed dating business?

Two business development options:

  • You have your own restaurant or cafe for speed dating.
  • You plan to conduct speed dating in rented premises. This option can be considered a business from scratch.
  • With the first option, everything is clear - organizational issues are reduced to hosting and attracting visitors.

    In the second case, you first need to find a suitable room. Successful places would be newly opened cafes that have not yet had time to acquire regular customers. Cooperation will be beneficial for you and for the owner of the establishment receiving a flow of visitors.

    You should choose a cafe in the central part of the city or near the business center. In such places, cafes are filled only on weekdays during the lunch break, and in the evenings and on weekends there are almost no visitors. It is better to organize express meetings on weekends, so the cafe owner will be happy to cooperate. The atmosphere in the cafe should be cozy and inviting so that participants do not tense up and feel confident. The organizer’s task is to provide the meeting participants with a pleasant atmosphere, order light drinks, sandwiches, fruit, etc. The cost of organizing a party for 30-40 people will be approximately 10,000 rubles (including rent).

    When the issue with the venue has been resolved, you can start looking for clients. Don’t limit your choice to young people; as experience shows, mature people and even older people enjoy participating in Speed ​​dating. Groups should be made up of people of approximately the same age, interests and social status. It has been noticed that in European countries, such meetings are attended by married couples seeking to diversify their relationships. Don't try to form groups by eye; let clients fill out questionnaires, based on which you can judge the interests and goals of each person who contacts you.

    The survey can be completed when registering for Speed ​​dating via the Internet. To organize this business, access to the Internet is vital: you need your own website where participants can register, and there will also be information about the place and time of meetings.

    To attract participants, advertising in the local press, on the streets, and in cafes where the event is planned will be useful. On average, advertising costs are 10,000-30,000 rubles per month.

    How to conduct meetings?

    At the appointed time, participants gather in a cafe. There should be an equal number of women and men in the group. Women take tables, and men sit next to them. The conversation lasts seven minutes. At a signal, the men stand up and move to the next table. So, moving from table to table, all the men will communicate with all the women. Participants put marks in the questionnaire, noting the interlocutors they like. In a matched pair, participants exchange phone numbers.

    If you invite 30 people to parties, selling them tickets for 500 rubles, then each event will bring about 5,000 rubles in net income. This is not bad at all, considering the simplicity of the organization and the positive emotions from communication.

    All his life a person is in search mode, sometimes not even intentionally, at the level of the thought process. What is he looking for? “A man needs a man” is told to us by poetic lines and a hero from the movie “Solaris”. This is true, everyone wants to find a “soul mate”, “support and hope”, “companion or life partner” in any way.

    Of course, no one has yet canceled the love that breaks out during a chance meeting. However, when personal life is not going well, people are ready to resort to systematic acquaintance.

    After all, in this way you can meet a person who shares your views. In order to find a worthy soul mate in this way, you need to meet a lot of people and attend a lot of parties.

    However, you can do it much easier by resorting to dating services that are popular today. One of these ways to find love was invented in Europe, and it quickly spread in all major cities of the world.

    What is speed dating?

    Express dating (from English Speed-dating) is a method that allows you to meet several people of the opposite sex in a couple of minutes. During this time, you can choose a so-called soul mate or continue your search if your partner does not seem too interesting.

    As a rule, the first impression of a person becomes the basis of further relationships. Often, people who are completely opposite in occupation and character begin to literally be attracted to each other after the first meeting. And people who have known each other for many years experience inexpressible boredom when they are around. It is on this “first glance” effect that the principle of speed dating is based.

    Currently, this service sector has become very popular and in demand, and if you want to organize your business, flexible and communicative, then speed-dating is what you were looking for. Let's try to figure out how to organize a speed dating business.

    Development of a business plan for speed dating

    To organize your own business, any business, not just instant dating, you need a plan that will spell out all the necessary components and nuances. And in this case advertising comes first.

    It is necessary to inform the population about the opening of an agency providing services of this kind. The wider the PR reaches the population, the more successfully your business will begin to develop.

    So what do you need?

    Not so much, right?

    Now that we know how easy it is to open a speed dating club, let’s look at the details:

    Now let’s draw conclusions: in an economical scenario, you will only need means for communication and printing, plus rent, which you pay from participants’ contributions. Usually there are up to 30 participants, and the event lasts for 1.5 hours.

    How to make money on single people and, at the same time, help them find their soulmate? Very simple - speed dating. This scheme for earning money and helping single people was invented by the American Jacob Devo in 1998. Since then, speed dating has spread widely throughout the world and brought together more than one couple of people who could not find their soul mate for years.

    Restaurant + 10 girls + 10 men + host = quick date. The essence of such events is as follows. The organizer invites 10 men and 10 women of approximately the same age to a cozy cafe or restaurant (for example, girls 20-30, men 25-35). Age groups can be formed completely different, the main thing is that the average age difference is approximately 5-7 years.

    Beforehand, all participants undergo an interview with the organizer to identify their type. This is necessary in order to protect everyone present from people with an unbalanced psyche, maniacs, etc. The organizer asks a series of questions that determine the person’s personality type. For example, the organizer can conduct a Leonhard test. A very good test in which the test taker will have to answer 88 questions and the test will accurately determine all the components of a person’s type (hyperthymic type, excitable, emotive, pedantic, anxious, unbalanced and some others.). Conducting the test is one of the most important stages in selecting participants. The test can be carried out both in the office and online, so as not to waste a person’s time.

    After testing all participants, the organizer selects 20 people, who then send an invitation to participate in speed dating with the specified date, time and location of the event. The dress code for participants must be either formal or casual. You cannot come wearing home clothes or sports clothes.

    When all the invitees have gathered for the specified time in the restaurant, which the organizers rented for the evening, the host seats all the girls at separate tables and gives them badges with numbers from 1 to 10. Men are also given similar badges. The restaurant plays pleasant music, dim lights, and there is a bottle of champagne on every table. And then the cultural program begins.

    The presenter introduces himself and tells the rules again. The rules are as follows: Each man sits down with a woman and they have 5 minutes to learn as much as possible about each other. Scientists have proven that the first impression of a person occurs within 30 seconds of visual and verbal contact, and in 3 minutes a general impression is formed. Therefore, 5 minutes will be enough. After the participants have talked with their ladies for 5 minutes, each man moves to the adjacent (clockwise) table. And communication begins again. And so on until every man has talked to every woman. During changeovers, waiters have 1 minute to change champagne glasses.

    When all participants have communicated with each other, the presenter gives each person a questionnaire. The questionnaires have only 4 columns: the name of the contestant, number, the “Friendship only” column, the “Interested” column, and the “Not interested” column. At the top of the form there is a field for filling in the number and name of the owner of the form. Men and women must put only 1 tick in 1 of 3 boxes. Only friendship means you are interested, but not in terms of relationships, you are only satisfied with communication and friendship. Interested - I want to get to know each other better, maybe start a relationship. Not interested - the column speaks for itself.

    After all participants have submitted completed forms, they can be free. Then the organizers compare all the profiles and if they find a match, they send the participants their sympathy numbers, that is, contacts are exchanged through the organizers. For example, girl number 3 showed sympathy for men numbered 1, 8, 10, and man number 8 showed sympathy for girls number 2, 3, 5. This means that girl number 3 and man number 8 coincided and email them or A message will be sent to your phone with your chosen one’s number. If incidents occur in the form of more than one coincidence, then it’s okay. Contacts are still sent. But the participant cannot write that he liked all the girls, providing himself with 100% confidence that he will be sent the number of one of the participants.

    It is also possible to announce the results of the evening right on the spot. For example, if you rented a nightclub, the participants can stay and continue the evening. Couples will be able to get to know each other better, have a drink, and dance.

    This is the whole point of speed dating. According to statistics, 1 pair out of 10 possible is 100% successful.

    Calculations, budget, payback.

    Let's assume that we rent a restaurant and advertise via the Internet. Renting a restaurant or cafe for an evening without snacks and food, but with only 10 bottles of champagne will cost about 2,000 rubles. But if you look hard enough, you can get it for less. Advertising. For advertising, you can create a VKontakte community and promote it. A good, effective advertisement on a social network will cost approximately 2,000 rubles (on several public pages at once, + ask for reposts). Also place advertising text on several free message boards with a request to join the VKontakte group and read more there. You will spend very little on printing the final questionnaires. You can print it at any print service for mere pennies, so we won’t count it into the total price. Moreover, if you have a printer at home, then print it at home.

    As a result, you need about 4-5 thousand rubles to organize one evening.

    Next, we set the pricing policy. For example, pre-ordering a ticket a week in advance will cost approximately 500 rubles. Order a ticket 2 days before the evening - 700 rubles. But if you have a catastrophic lack of participants and everything is on the verge of failure, then you can sell tickets for 300 rubles. Let's assume that all tickets were purchased for 500 rubles. and the evening will definitely take place. In this scenario, the profit will be 500 * 20 = 10,000 rubles. Net profit 10000-5000=5000 rub. Agree, 5000 rubles for 1 evening is quite good. You can come up with all sorts of new tricks that will significantly increase the price of a ticket and your profit.

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    Now I’ll write, rather, a nostalgic essay on the times of 13-15, but I’ll try to put it in a readable form :)

    In 14, I twice went to the Geek Speed ​​Dating event, organized by the St. Petersburg IT bar KL10CH (the establishment moved to Moscow at the end of 2015, if I’m not mistaken), which was then still owned by Aida Fazylova and Tatyana Shvetsova.

    The essence of the event was fully consistent with the essence of classic speed dating - that is, they first collect profiles of participants with photographs and some kind of welcome description, then, during the evening, on the date of the event, several “circles” are held in turn, each of which involves approximately 8 -10 pairs drawn up randomly, each participant has his own number. Couples are seated at tables one at a time, and at a signal, each participant freely gets acquainted with his current interlocutor, after 5 minutes the men move clockwise to the next table, the action is repeated until the circle is completed. At the end, the participants gave the organizers pieces of paper with the number of their favorite interlocutors, and then found out their matches.

    The difference between the events in Klyuch and classic speed dating was that people were not random, but united by an interest in the IT industry and science, or an interest in IT specialists and, strictly speaking, geeks - there was already something common among the participants a priori, in addition, you could come for free. Judging by the photo reports, some people came to the date again, simply because it was fun and quite relaxed - I personally remember that twice regulars of the place came with me to the date night (they recognize themselves, I won’t de-anonymize), for example, a guy, Toronto-educated, Big Bang Theory-like character Steward, red-haired and charmingly smart recruiter; Well, the owner of the Key also participated. In general, there were funny times, I met colleagues and friends, like-minded people and simply interesting characters in this bar.

    What can I say about the effectiveness of speed dating? Considering that in my case some of the participants already knew each other and had some common interests, it’s hard for me to draw conclusions about a classic event where people come for the first time just from the street. But from Klyuch’s experience, I can say that this is an appropriate declaration that you are free, don’t mind meeting people, and are interested in those who are already in your social circle, but who may have been embarrassed to ask you out on a date. People just honestly stated, “I’m looking for a couple.” I don't know if couples/families emerged after such speed dating, probably yes; Personally, I matched with a wonderful girl whom I knew before, and the event just gave the two of us the idea that we could get along well and meet outside the bar, and the fact that she chose me was very flattering :)

    If you compare speed dating to, say, Tinder, then I think speed dating has its own important advantage - here I will explain that the opportunity to meet a person once is undoubtedly more valuable than the opportunity to scroll through several dozen photos on the screen - so on speed dating, in one evening you meet several new people in person and have an equal chance with others to talk about yourself, observe your interlocutors, evaluate their gestures, voice, facial expressions and much more, which, with all the huge choice online, is not available until make an appointment. That is, you save time and get several candidates for subsequent dates at once. At the same time, of course, you will not be able to influence in any way who will end up at the date night - this is all within the competence of the organizers and, as a rule, they simply provide an equal number of girls and men, and they no longer care about your taste they can.