How to calculate wallpaper on walls online calculator. How to calculate the required amount of wallpaper? Do you need an online calculator?

Perhaps it is not only the most traditional way, but also the most universal. Given the wide selection of wallpapers in construction stores, each person will be able to choose wallpaper for their home or office that will best suit them in terms of cost and quality.

Often, when customers come to a wallpaper store, they are already quite savvy about the quality of wallpaper and the price per roll. They know which wallpaper and which manufacturers are best to buy and paste on the walls.

But the question arises about the number of rolls needed for wallpapering walls. In this article we will try to give an example of how to visually calculate how many rolls of wallpaper are needed to paste a room.

If you prefer simple wallpaper that does not have a pattern at all, or has a small pattern that does not require selection when pasting walls, then calculating the number of rolls for a specific room is quite simple.

It is necessary to take measurements of the room, determine the length and width of the room. After this, all that remains is to multiply the length by the width.

Below is the calculation diagram S area of ​​the room.

Calculation example:

Room length= 3.9 meters (or 3 meters 9 centimeters)

Room width=3.45 meters (or 3 meters 45 centimeters)

S area of ​​the room=3.9x3.45=13.45 meters, rounded up to the nearest whole number.

As a result we get S=14 sq.m(or 14 square meters)

After this, we determine in the tables below the number of rolls required for the room for wallpapering.

Example of calculation according to the table:

In the example above we got 14 sq.m, if we chose wallpaper width 53 centimeters, then we next look at table No. 1 in the left column room area with number 14 . Depending on the height of the room, select a column name in the table ceiling height(if our room height is 2.65 meters, then look in the column for ceiling height Ceiling height 2.6 - 3 meters).

As a result, with a room (floor) area equal to 14 sq.m., for roll width 53 centimeter, Ceiling height 2.6 - 3 meters, V table No. 1 we get - you need 10 rolls.

Accordingly, with a room (floor) area equal to 14 sq.m., for roll width 70 centimeters, Ceiling height 2.6 - 3 meters, V table No. 2 we get - 7 rolls of wallpaper

And with a room (floor) area equal to 14 sq.m., For meter wallpaper wallpaper width 106 centimeters, Ceiling height 2.6 - 3 meters, V table No. 3 we get 5 rolls of wallpaper.

That's all the arithmetic is.

Below are 3 tables depending on the width of the wallpaper (for 53, 70 and 106 centimeters):

Table No. 1 53 .

Ceiling height up to 2.5 meters

Ceiling height 2.6 - 3 meters

Room area

Number of rolls

Room area

Number of rolls

For wallpaper width 53 centimeters and 10 meters long

Table No. 2 designed for wallpaper of equal width 70

Ceiling height up to 2.5 meters

Ceiling height 2.6 - 3 meters

Room area

Number of rolls

Room area

Number of rolls

For wallpaper width 70 centimeters and 10 meters long

Table No. 3 designed for wallpaper of equal width 106 centimeters and 10 meters long.

Ceiling height up to 2.5 meters

Ceiling height 2.6 - 3 meters

Room area

Number of rolls

Room area

Number of rolls

For wallpaper width 106 centimeters and 10 meters long

Note: In tables Room areas are indicated by gender(not wall area), calculations are made for an average standard room, which usually has one door and one window.

You also need to take into account that when calculating the number of rolls of wallpaper using tables, sometimes you need to use and take into account the selection of a pattern existing on the wallpaper itself. If the wallpaper needs to be adjusted, then for every 6 rolls of wallpaper you need to add one more roll.

If you don’t want to manually calculate how much wallpaper you need for a room, if you didn’t understand something when describing the calculations, or if for some reason you can’t calculate how much wallpaper you need yourself, then this will help you online calculator.

Calculator for calculating the number of wallpapers per room - calculate online

We won't bore you with tedious mathematical calculations. You just need to measure the basic parameters, and the wallpaper calculator itself will approximately calculate the required amount of wallpaper for your room.

Fractional numbers must be entered with a dot, not with a comma! Those. 5.2 - wrong, 5.2 - correct ! The calculation is approximate. The result values ​​may differ slightly from the true value, because... all rooms are different and have various characteristics: square, rectangular, with protrusions. Plus, the windows and doors in the room, as well as their location, will have some influence on the error. If you decide to hang wallpaper with a pattern adjustment (rapport), then for every 6 rolls you need to add another roll to the result.

An example of calculating wallpaper for a room using our calculator: room width - 3.21 meters, room length - 3.75 meters and room height (ceiling height) 3 meters. We decided to buy wallpaper length 10 meters, width 1.06 meters.

Thus, we substitute our numbers into the value fields and get the result - 4 roll. If our wallpaper requires adjusting the pattern, then you can safely add another roll, for a total of 5 rolls of the meter paper we like.

Those who want more accurate calculations and measurements can read the above article " how to calculate how much wallpaper you need" and calculate manually.

Wallpaper calculation is one of the main stages preparatory work, which allows you to obtain data on the required amount of finishing material. This procedure should be approached with all responsibility; if the calculation is incorrect, many problems will arise during wall cladding. There are several methods that allow you to get the correct result.

How to calculate wallpaper? It is necessary to resort to step-by-step implementation actions, this will help to take into account all the nuances and get exact result. Many people think that determining how much wallpaper is needed is easy. But in the end, important factors are missed, which leads to rather unpleasant consequences.

Determining the parameters of different wallpapers

It’s worth mentioning right away that without choosing a specific type of material, the calculation will be conditional. Therefore, work begins with defining standard parameters all available varieties from which the final choice will be made.

So, the following sizes exist:

Note! In order to calculate how much wallpaper is needed for a room, it should be taken into account that in addition to the standard length of 10.05 m, there are roll options with an indicator of 5, 8, 12 (15) and 18 meters.

Fabric adjustment

It may seem that knowing all the parameters, you can accurately determine the wallpaper consumption. But it is quite difficult to imagine a situation where all the stripes are superimposed on the surface with absolute accuracy. In reality, there are a number of factors that influence the accuracy of the calculation:

All stages of calculation are taken into account without fail, this helps to avoid annoying and ridiculous mistakes.

On the standard marking there are several symbols related to the adjustment of the pattern; they directly relate to the number of rolls

A logical question arises: why determine exactly how much wallpaper is needed for a room? Indeed, if you purchase material with a sufficient supply, then absolutely accurate parameters are not needed, but there are situations when expensive products are used in the work or financial possibilities are limited.

Note! Many people think that if there is a shortage of material, it is better to buy more - this opinion is wrong. The fact is that when using different batches of goods, the appearance of different colors is almost guaranteed.

There are many shades of the color spectrum and you should not expect that in another batch of wallpaper the palette will match 100%

Determining room parameters

Based on the available parameters, it is possible to calculate the wallpaper for the room with the greatest accuracy.

Calculation formulas

There are two main ways to determine how much wallpaper you need for a room, each of which has advantages and disadvantages.

Perimeter calculation

In principle, the formula is quite simple:

  • The perimeter of the room is determined.
  • The length of the strip is calculated. To do this, add a small margin to the height and, if necessary, rapport.
  • Next you need to count the number of stripes. To do this, the perimeter is divided by the width of the roll of selected material.
  • Then you need to calculate how many strips are included in one roll. To do this, the total length of the roll is divided by the height of the web, taking into account all allowances.
  • All that remains is to determine the number of rolls of wallpaper per room.

Knowing the width of the roll, you can roughly calculate the amount of material per room

Calculation based on area

  1. The area of ​​the room is determined. From these data, the specific volume that will be finished is calculated.
  2. The area of ​​the selected type of material is calculated taking into account one roll.
  3. The quantity of required products is calculated.

Note! This method allows you to get more correct indicators, but it does not take into account the characteristics of the room. Therefore, it is often worth adding some margin.

Theoretically, when calculating the area of ​​walls, you need to subtract the area of ​​windows and doors, but in reality it is better not to do this, since a reserve is needed

Examples of calculations

For convenience, we can give several examples that allow you to calculate how much material is needed depending on the chosen method.

Room of 12 sq. m

Since the total area is 12 m2, this means that the room is 3 meters long and 4 m wide. The ceiling height is 2.5 m. Thus, it is necessary to determine how many rolls of wallpaper will be required:

  • Room perimeter: 3+4+3+4 = 14 m +5% = 14.7 m.
  • The number of stripes must be calculated depending on the type of material. In this case it is used standard size 53*1005 cm. Then, with a height of 250 cm, taking into account the margin and rapport, the result is 260 cm.
  • Based on the fact that the width of the product is 53 cm, and the perimeter of the room is 1470 cm: 1470/53 = 27.7, that is, 28 stripes.
  • There are 3.8 strips in one roll, which is obtained if 1005 is divided by 260. But only the whole value is taken into account, 3 segments will be used for continuous gluing, and the rest will be used for areas above and below the openings.
  • Thus, for a room of 12 m2 you will need: 28/3 = 9.3. Which is 9 rolls, 0.3 is excess.

If you calculate the consumption, it turns out that there is a lot left excess material, so it is recommended to choose products of a different length.

Room 20 sq. m

  • The area is calculated from the calculation: 4*5, the perimeter is: 4+5+4+5+5% ≈ 19 m. And the ceiling height and headroom are 235 cm.
  • The material chosen is 106*1005.
  • Required number of strips: 1900 (19 m)/106 = 17.9. You can round up to 18.
    1005/235 = 4.2. That is, there are 4 strips on a roll.
  • Then 18/4 = 4.5. Thus, with a reserve you will need exactly 5 rolls.

Naturally, the total amount of material depends on the type chosen.

Room of 18 sq. m

With this value, adjacent walls will be 4.5 and 4 meters. The ceiling height is 3.2 m. Therefore, the calculation of wallpaper over an area of ​​18 square meters. m is produced in this way:

  • The area of ​​the walls is calculated: 4.5 * 3.2 = 14.4 and 4 * 3.3 = 12.8.
  • It must be taken into account that there are two opposite walls with approximately the same area, then 14.4 * 2 + 12.8 * 2 = 54.4 m2 - the total area of ​​the walls.
  • When choosing a product with parameters of 0.53 * 15 m, the roll area will be 7.95 m2.
  • Then for a room of 18 m2 you will need: 54.4/7.95 = 6.8, which corresponds to 7 rolls of wallpaper. This figure already includes the required margin, since openings were not subtracted.

Using a table to determine wallpaper consumption

To determine the amount of material required for the wall, you can use or use a table that makes it easy to check the calculations.

Calculation according to the tables provided is made without taking into account the selection of the pattern. When purchasing wallpaper with a pattern, you need to take into account that for every 6-7 rolls you need to take one additional one. For example, for a room of 24 sq. m with a ceiling height of more than 2.5 m, 15 + 2 = 17 rolls of standard size wallpaper will be required.

Have you finally decided to re-wallpaper your room? It’s time for old wallpaper to retire and you’re wondering how to calculate the quantity, how many rolls do you need? The answer is further...
The most common size of wallpaper is a 10-meter roll, half a meter wide, 10 m x 0.53 m. It is enough to cover about 5 square meters of wall and or ceiling. There are rolls of wallpaper 15*0.53 m, 10*1.06 and 25*1.06 m long.

Wallpaper calculation

  1. First measure the perimeter of your room. Do not forget to remove from the result the perimeter of the surface that is not subject to pasting; these are windows and doors, (6.5+4) x 2 = 21 m.
  1. And then, divide the resulting number by the width of the roll (usually 50 cm). The resulting figure shows the number of stripes, 21 / 0.53 = 40 stripes.
  1. Measure the height of your walls (remember to add a small allowance for later trimming, say 5 cm) 2.50 + 0.05 = 2.55 m
  1. Then count the number of strips in the roll, 10/2.55 = 3
  1. Now divide the number of strips by the number of strips per roll to determine the number of rolls, 40/3=14 rolls

Special cases

If there are ledges or recesses in the door niches, then add 1-2 additional rolls of wallpaper.

If you use wallpaper with patterns, you need to add a margin to the height calculation to adjust the pattern: 2.50 + 0.05 (cutting off excess) + 0.30 (adjusting the pattern) = 2.95 m.

Ceiling calculation

Everything is the same with the ceiling. However, lately wallpapering the ceiling has not looked elegant. Today, many relief ceiling tiles have appeared that look more organic and aesthetically pleasing.

Don't forget to buy one or two additional rolls of wallpaper. Especially if the connections go in checkerboard pattern, also for your mistakes, shift higher and lower.
- Be sure to pay attention to the wallpaper series number. If the series are different, the difference in color and brightness will be noticeable after pasting.

How to save money?

If you made a mistake in the calculation, and it is no longer possible to purchase such wallpaper, then you can purchase similar ones. And decorate some of the walls with different wallpaper. In fact, this option looks very modern and non-standard. In this case, the species zones will change, that is, from different parts The appearance of the room will be different, which will also have a pleasant effect on its perception.
The option of not pasting behind the sofa and closet is not for everyone.

Calculator to help you

If you are not sure about the calculations, you can also use a ready-made table to determine the number of rolls of wallpaper:

Use the following table to calculate wallpaper:

Room perimeter (in m)

Roll size 0.53 / 10.05 m = 5.33 m2

Room perimeter (in m)

Roll size 0.53 / 15m = 7.95m2

Room perimeter (in m)

Roll size 1.06m /10.05m = 10.65 m2

Room perimeter (in m)

Roll size 1.06 / 25m = 26.50m2

Any renovation in an apartment should begin with preparing a preliminary estimate to determine the required quantity consumables that will be needed during the finishing works. If the task is to replace wallpaper in a room, then first of all you need to determine the number of rolls required to paste it. A correctly performed calculation will allow you to avoid unnecessary problems during repairs in the future, as well as save your money.

Today there are several well-known and available ways calculating the required number of rolls of wallpaper:

  • along the perimeter of the room and the number of stripes;
  • by the total surface area of ​​the walls required for pasting;
  • using online calculator ov.

Calculation based on the perimeter of the room and the number of stripes

This method involves determining the required number of strips of wallpaper required for pasting a specific room. To do this:

  • the length and width of the room are measured, on the basis of which its overall perimeter is determined;
  • the width of the window and door opening is measured, which is subtracted from the total perimeter;
  • the resulting value is divided by the width of the wallpaper rolls that are supposed to be used to cover the room;
  • the calculated value is rounded up to a whole value and represents the required number of stripes;
  • this value is divided by the number of strips that one roll of wallpaper contains, depending on its length;
  • the resulting value is also rounded to the nearest whole value, which represents the required number of rolls of wallpaper.

Let's look at this calculation method using a specific example:

Example. It is required to wallpaper an ordinary room measuring 7.5 m by 3 m, with a ceiling height of 2.5 m, a window opening of 2.1 m by 1.5 m and a door of 0.9 m by 2 m. Wallpaper 53 cm wide will be used for pasting. and 10 m long.

To calculate the required number of rolls of wallpaper you need:

  1. Determine the total perimeter of the room: (7.5+3)*2=21 m.
  2. Define total width window and door opening: 2.1 +0.9=3 m.
  3. Subtract the total width of the openings from the total perimeter: 21-3 = 18 m.
  4. Divide the resulting value by the width of the wallpaper roll: 18/0.53 = 33.9 and round the result to the nearest whole value - you get 34 strips needed to cover the room.
  5. Calculate the number of strips of wallpaper in one roll, for which you need to divide the length of the roll by the flow height: 10/2.5=4.
  6. Divide the required number of strips of wallpaper by the number of strips in one roll: 34/4 = 8.5 and round this figure to the nearest whole value - you get 9.

Thus, to cover this room you will need 9 rolls of wallpaper. It should be borne in mind that this method does not take into account the surface of the walls above and below the openings of windows and doors, so it is advisable to additionally purchase another roll.
read in a separate review.

Calculation of the area of ​​the wall surface to be pasted

This method is considered more accurate and economical, especially for large areas. It is based on determining the total surface area of ​​the walls of the room that needs to be covered with wallpaper.

To do this:

  • the total area of ​​the walls is calculated by measuring the perimeter of the room and multiplying it by the height of the ceiling;
  • the total area of ​​window and door openings is determined;
  • the resulting value is subtracted from the total area of ​​the walls, resulting in a value equal to the surface area of ​​all the walls that need to be covered with wallpaper;
  • the area of ​​wallpaper in one roll is calculated by multiplying the width of the roll by its length;
  • finally, the total area of ​​the walls for pasting is divided by the area of ​​wallpaper in one roll;
  • the resulting value, rounded up to the nearest whole number, will be the required number of rolls for pasting the room.

Using an online calculator

If you don’t want or have the ability to do the calculations yourself, you can use a special online calculator. Today on the Internet there are many sites that allow you to use the services of such an online calculator completely free of charge.

To carry out the calculation, you must first measure the following quantities:

  • room length;
  • width of the room;
  • ceiling height;
  • wallpaper roll width;
  • length of wallpaper roll.

The obtained values ​​must be entered into the appropriate fields on the website of the online calculator and you will get the finished result.

As an example, we will use the online calculator available on the website, using the same initial data as for the first two examples. We enter the available values ​​in the appropriate fields and get the same result - 9 rolls of wallpaper required to cover this room.

Traditionally, renovating a room is not complete without changing the wallpaper. But in the modern market finishing materials Lots of wallpapers available different types, colors, sizes and other characteristics. How to optimally calculate required quantity this material?

So, it was decided to change the wallpaper, but what is the best way to calculate it? necessary materials so as not to overpay and then not to buy the missing quantity (especially since batches of the same wallpaper may differ in color, pattern, texture)? Is there general principle Calculations for any type of wallpaper or should it be calculated differently depending on what wallpaper will be used?

First you need to decide:

  • Which room will require wallpaper calculation (living room, hallway, kitchen)
  • what type of wallpaper is planned to be used (paper, non-woven, bamboo, liquid, etc.)
  • what are the dimensions of the wallpaper (length, width), pattern, texture
  • Will they wallpaper the ceiling in addition to the walls?

Depending on the room in which you plan to glue the wallpaper, its type is selected. For example, velor wallpaper can be used in the living room, but in the kitchen they will be impractical and inappropriate; in the hallway, washable coverings are more suitable. Not only dimensional, but also quality characteristics Wallpaper sheets may affect the calculations.

The calculation of the number of wallpapers is affected by the following:

  • dimensions (length, width) of wallpaper
  • design, pattern, texture, wallpaper type
  • surface area to be pasted
  • surface evenness
  • the presence of doors, windows, ledges, arches, etc. in the room
  • design solution in room decoration (sometimes used different colors and types of wallpaper).

Of course, the rooms are different, and so are the wallpaper rolls. different lengths. There is a general formula that works for any type of wallpaper:

R: V: 3(or 4 - depending on whether the pattern needs to be adjusted or not).

Where P is the perimeter of the room, B is the width of the roll.

The figure obtained using this formula is rounded to more. Of course, those who like more accurate calculations will need more accurate measurements and taking into account other parameters.

How to calculate the required number of rolls.

In order to calculate correctly, it is not necessary to specifically invite builders; all calculations can be done independently. The main thing is to measure everything accurately. Therefore, it is worth arming yourself with a construction tape and measuring the perimeter of the room in which renovation is planned (this is the length of all walls minus the sizes of windows and doors).

It happens that they do not plan to cover the entire surface of a room with wallpaper (for example, the calculation is being made for the kitchen, and the wallpaper will be glued together with the tiles), then you need to subtract the area that the tiled apron will occupy from the area of ​​the entire room.

It is important to note: if you choose wallpaper with a pattern, then its consumption increases by 1.5 times, since the pattern will need to be adjusted.

To correctly calculate wallpaper, it is important to know exact dimensions rooms, number and area of ​​windows and doorways.

2AH + 2BH =S

S is the required total area of ​​the walls of the room,
H – room height,
A is the length of the room,
B is the width of the room.
If the length of the walls is not the same, and their number is not 4, but, for example, 5, then there is no need to multiply by two, and the formula can be like this:

S = AH + BH + CH + DH. And here: A is the length of the first wall, B is the second, C is the third, D is the fourth.

This formula is suitable if the height of the walls is the same, but their lengths differ. If the height is different (for example, there may be a podium, steps), then it must be indicated differently.

It is important to consider:

In order for the calculations to be accurate, you need to measure not by eye, with steps, elbows (especially since steps and elbows can be different for people), but with a ruler or tape measure.
It is better to record the measurement results in centimeters and as accurately as possible, without rounding.

Calculation methods

Method 1 (using old wallpaper).

If there is old wallpaper left in the room and its width matches the new one, and there is no need to combine the pattern repeat, then you can simply measure the height of the wall, find out what the length of the roll of the new wallpaper is (currently rolls of 18, 12, 10, 7 meters are produced) and count the number of strips of old wallpaper on the walls. By dividing the length of the roll by the height of the wall, we find out how many panels will be in one roll. Well, here it’s easy to calculate the required number of rolls.

  1. Let’s say the height of the walls is 2.5 m, the roll is 10 m, strips of old wallpaper are 20 pieces.
  2. 10: 2.5 = 4 (number of panels in one roll).
  3. If there are 20 pieces in total, then dividing by 4, we get 5 rolls needed to cover the entire room.

If the number is a fraction, it is usually rounded up.

Method 2 (calculation “from scratch”).

If there is no wallpaper in the room anymore, the walls are cleaned, then in the calculations you can proceed as follows:

  1. Find the area of ​​each wall. We first measure its length, width and multiply.
  2. If there are window or door openings in the wall, calculate and subtract their area from the total area of ​​the wall.
  3. If you are planning any decor, and it will occupy space where wallpaper is not needed, we also subtract the area of ​​this surface from the total area of ​​the wall.
  4. Let us summarize the results obtained for all walls.
  5. Knowing the length and width of the wallpaper in a roll, we can calculate the area of ​​the wallpaper.
  6. By dividing the area of ​​the room by the area of ​​the roll, we find out the required number of rolls.

Same wallpaper if released in different times, may differ in shades.

Calculation for wallpaper with a pattern

If the pattern is pale or not very noticeable, you can proceed as follows: general scheme, but it is bright and noticeable, you will have to take into account the step of the ornament. Usually the ornament step is 52-53 cm.

Calculation plan:

  1. We measure the height of the wall.
  2. Divide by ornament step.
  3. We round the value up and get the rapport number.
  4. We multiply the resulting repeat number by its value and ultimately obtain the length of the panel cut from the roll.
  5. To find out the amount of waste, you need to subtract the height of the wall from the resulting length of the panel.
  6. Next, dividing the length of the roll by the length of one panel, we obtain a coefficient that will help determine the number of rolls required.
  7. We multiply the resulting coefficient by the difference obtained in step 5.
  8. The number obtained in step 7 is subtracted from the total length of the roll.
  9. If total area divide the room that you plan to cover by the number from step 8, and you will get the required number of rolls.

Let's say:

  • the length of the roll of wallpaper that is planned to be pasted is 10 m,
  • ornament step – 0.53 m,
  • wall height 2.8 m,
  • total room area – 43 sq.m.

The calculations will be as follows:

  1. 2.8 m.
  2. 2,8: 0,53 = 5,28
  3. Round up to 6.
  4. 6X 0.53 = 3.18.
  5. 3.18 – 2.8 = 0.38 m (or 38 cm).
  6. 10: 3.18 = 3.14 (coefficient).
  7. 3.14 x 0.38 = 1.19
  8. 10 – 1.19 = 8.81m.
  9. 43: 8.81 = 4.8 (i.e. optimally 5 rolls will be required per room in this example).

Rolls come in different sizes, but these calculation methods are suitable for any wallpaper: you just need to substitute the numbers that reflect the size of the selected wallpaper.

Calculation of the required amount of liquid wallpaper.

If liquid wallpaper is chosen to decorate the room, then the specifics of the calculations change slightly, but the total area work surface still have to calculate.

To determine the amount of liquid wallpaper, you need to divide the area of ​​the walls (how to find it out is explained above) by the consumption of wallpaper per package. Usually this consumption is indicated on each package of liquid wallpaper, but on average it is 3-5 sq.m. surfaces.

For example, if the working surface area in the room is 30 square meters. m., then with an average consumption of liquid wallpaper in one package of 3 sq.m., 10 packages of such wallpaper will be required.

Depending on experience with liquid wallpaper and depending on the condition of the walls, it is recommended to take 1-3 packages in reserve.