How steel pipes are connected in a heating system. Options for connecting plastic pipes to metal ones

Metal pipeline elements are still used everywhere: in the installation of heating, water supply, and gas pipelines. Therefore, many are faced with the problem of how to connect metal pipes.

In general, there are 2 types of connections for this type of pipe:

  • non-separable;
  • collapsible;

It all depends on what goals you set for the connection. If there is a need to disassemble the system, for example, for flushing, then type 2 is used, and if the pipes are connected thoroughly, then type 1 is used.

The first includes a welded connection, the second a threaded connection, using fittings, couplings and flanges.

Welding connection

This type ensures proper reliability for a long time. But it requires a set special knowledge and skills, it is difficult for a non-professional to do quality work.

The selection of equipment for welding work is also important. The work can be performed using either electric or gas welding machines.

Rules that must be followed before and during work:

  1. Joining surfaces must be free of dirt and rust.
  2. Connected elements should be evenly cut, without deformation, almost perfectly mating to each other.
  3. When welding, the work is carried out continuously, without allowing the seam to cool.

It is preferable to carry out gas welding with small-diameter elements being welded; otherwise, it is preferable to use electric welding machine. Welding is carried out in various ways (there are about 32 of them), using bends, adapters, and corners.

The main ones:

  1. Joint when elements of the same diameter are welded.
  2. overlap, when one part to be welded is inserted into another of larger diameter.
  3. Taurus when one pipe is welded into the side of another.
  4. Corner, the welded elements are cut at the required angle and welded.

It must be remembered that the connection by this method is best carried out by a professional who has constant practice and has mastered various types of welding: bottom, ceiling, vertical.

If you want to master this method yourself, then:

  1. Buy inexpensive welding machine.
  2. Explore the whole theory.
  3. Practice in welding profiles, corners that do not have a load.
  4. Try to cook a small number of water pipes using the rotary method and run water through them; if there are no leaks, you can complicate the task.
  5. Make a couple of connections in an irrevocable way.

Some rules for welding work:

  1. Always use special clothes.
  2. Work always with a mask or protective glass.
  3. When applying each weld , remove the slag.
  4. When welding pipes, the number of layers of the seam depends on the thickness of the walls: the thicker the walls, the thicker the seam.
  5. Welded joint should smoothly transition into the element being welded.
  6. It is important not to allow if scale gets inside, as this will lead to clogging of the pipeline.

The choice of electrodes for welding is important. The electrode has a metal base coated with a special welding compound. They have different diameters, depending on the thickness of the pipes being welded.

When purchasing, consult with professionals which electrodes to give preference, only quality material will not stick and will give a constant arc. For pipes with a diameter of up to 100 mm, it is advisable to use 3 electrodes.

Threaded connection

This type of connection is perhaps the most suitable for installing a home heating system, since you can independently assemble and disassemble any system assembled using this method.

You can buy ready-made pipes with threads, threaded couplings, angles, but you can cut threads on them yourself; the procedure is not complicated, but it requires some effort:

  1. Do you need a set of lekars?(dies), die holder for cutting external threads.
  2. Insert the die with the diameter you need in the die.
  3. pipe, on which threads are required, we cut them off using a grinder.
  4. Clamp part in a vice.
  5. Filming it has a chamfer, that is, we make the outer edge a little rounded so that the die fits better.
  6. You can lubricate the place thread cutting with machine oil.
  7. Clockwise We begin to slowly move the clamp. This must be done carefully, since a slight misalignment determines how the couplings and angles will be screwed onto a given thread.
  8. If, after making 2-3 turns, the lever does not want to move, turn it back half a turn and, with a little effort, start moving again.
  9. After that Once the threads are screwed in, remove any remaining oil and metal filings.
  10. Try to screw it up onto the threaded coupling.

If you know someone who has an electric drive, this will make the task much easier. And the whole thread cutting process will take a few minutes.


Now let's look at the process of cutting internal threads:

  1. Required set of taps and wrenches.
  2. Selecting taps(rough, medium, finishing) of the required diameter.
  3. Rough tap We clamp it in the driver, we clamp the pipe in a vice and slowly begin, like a drill, to cut the internal thread.
  4. If the tap does not move, it is clogged with chips, turn it out and start again.
  5. We do the same average and pure dreamer.

As for the joining process itself, you will need a sealant (flax, fum tape, sealing thread) and sliding gas keys. A sealant is wound onto the thread, along the thread, we try to ensure that the sealant does not get inside the pipe.

If flax is used, then it is necessary to stretch the linen thread, wind it and lubricate it, for example, with red lead for better compaction. We screw a coupling, angle or other pipe onto the pipe.

If the pipes cannot be twisted

In this case, a coupling, a drive and a lock nut are used:

  1. For the drive The seal is screwed on.
  2. For long thread screw the locknut all the way and the coupling.
  3. Short end with a seal, it is screwed into another coupling, valve, or fitting.
  4. coupling, unscrewing, screwed onto another thread and tightened with a lock nut

Additional options

Using fittings

A fitting is a part of a pipeline used to various types connections: linear, angular, pipe installation different diameters.

Depending on the use, they are divided into:

  • on corners and bends, and having different angles;
  • adjustable elements: crosses, tees;
  • plugs;
  • fitting;

Using a coupling

This guy has recently received wide application, both pipes in which there is pressure and without pressure. The coupling has high strength and special tightening devices.


  1. Making an even cut connecting places with a grinder, remove burrs.
  2. We measure the joint, it must be located strictly in the middle of the coupling.
  3. Using chalk or marker, mark the depth of insertion of the pipe into the coupling.
  4. We use silicone sealant for lubrication of the connected elements and the coupling itself.
  5. Insert the first part up to the marker, and then put the coupling evenly on the second pipe. And clamp the connection. But remember that it is advisable to buy couplings from trusted manufacturers, mainly from Switzerland and France.

Using flanges

Flange- this is a special fitting that has a large contact area and the connection occurs using bolts and a gasket between them. The flange can be attached to the main element either by welding or by threaded connection.

This type is very practical when frequent disassembly of the system for cleaning or other needs is necessary. When disassembling the system, it is important to then monitor the integrity of the gasket. The flange is also very durable and is used in almost all areas.

  1. When using different fittings, it is advisable not to save much, since most often they are inexpensive and have a short service life.
  2. Apply sealant responsibly with a threaded connection, because most of the leaks occur precisely because of poor-quality winding.
  3. When starting the system for the first time, be sure to check all connections for leaks.
  4. United in different ways pipes, it is necessary to paint them in order to avoid rusting.
  5. When installing a water supply network, install a filter that will avoid contamination of the entire system.
  6. On mounted elements, try to make the load as little as possible, do not put heavy things.
July 25, 2016
Specialization: facade finishing, interior decoration, construction of cottages, garages. Experience of an amateur gardener and gardener. We also have experience in repairing cars and motorcycles. Hobbies: playing the guitar and many other things that I don’t have time for :)

The issue of connecting pipes without welding is always relevant, since not everyone has a welding machine home handyman, and not everyone knows how to use it. At the same time, no pipeline lasts forever, so such a need may arise at a dacha, in a private house or in an apartment at any time. Below I will share with you some secrets of specialists that allow you to make such connections without welding.


First of all, it should be said that all existing pipes can be divided into two types:

  • metal;
  • plastic.

As a rule, the most problems arise with docking metal pipes, therefore, first we will consider ways to connect them.

So, there are several options for hermetic docking:

Below we will take a closer look at each of these options.

Using a threaded coupling

Most often, metal pipes can be joined without welding using a threaded connection. In this case, accordingly, thread cutting is required. It should be noted that this is not as complicated a procedure as many may think at first glance.

To cut threads, you will need an electric thread cutter or dies to perform this operation manually. Since the price of electric tools is very high, below I will tell you how to do the job manually:

  1. first of all, you need to clean the surface to be threaded from paint. If there are deposits of metal on it, for example, left after welding, they must be ground off;
  2. next you need to remove the outer chamfer from the end using a file;
  3. then you need to put a handle (die) on the prepared end of the part and make half a turn. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the die is put on strictly perpendicular to the axis;
  4. then you need to make a quarter turn back;
  5. According to this principle, threads are cut into required length . During the cutting process, the cutters must be lubricated with a special liquid or any other lubricant;
  6. then, according to the same scheme, threads are cut on the other connected part of the pipeline.

For coupling installation on one pipe, the thread length must be several times longer than on the other, so that a coupling with a nut can be screwed onto it.

After cutting the thread, you can make a coupling connection with your own hands, which is performed as follows:

  1. a nut is screwed onto a long thread and then a coupling;
  2. a nut is screwed onto the second end of the part;
  3. then the pipes are connected, and the coupling is rolled up with the length of the thread, as a result of which it begins to screw onto the second part with a short thread. This procedure must be performed until the joint is approximately in the middle of the coupling;
  4. then the nuts are screwed on both sides. Before tightening them, tow should be wound between the couplings and nuts to waterproof the connection.

This connection is reliable and durable. However, it is not always possible to cut threads. If, for example, the pipeline is located close to the wall, this operation is unlikely to be possible.

Gebo coupling connection

The Gebo coupling (“gebu” or “gebra”) is a special compression fitting. With its help, you can connect steel pipes without threading or welding very quickly, and you do not need any special tools for this.

The scheme for its use is extremely simple:

  1. The parts are put on the pipe in the following sequence:
    • screw;
    • clamping ring;
    • clamping ring;
    • sealing ring;
    • coupling;
  1. then you need to put the coupling halfway and tighten the nut;
  2. then the second part is connected to the fitting in the same sequence.

It must be said that this fitting exists both in the form of a coupling and in the form of a tee. This allows it to be used in cases where it is necessary to insert, for example, into a riser for wiring.

As for reliability, it depends on the quality of installation. If the work is done correctly, then this installation is reliable and durable.

You can also connect pipes without welding and threading using a repair and installation clamp. This fitting is a coupling or tee, which consists of two parts. Both halves are tightened together using bolts.

It should be noted that repair and installation clips are intended primarily for temporary repairs, for example, in the event of cracks. However, in emergency situations, they can also be used to join pipes, especially if the pipeline will not operate under high pressure.

In this case, the installation instructions look like this:

  1. first of all, the areas of the pipeline parts on which the fitting will be put on must be cleaned of rust and all kinds of irregularities so that their outer surface is absolutely smooth;

  1. then you need to put it on the pipe rubber seal. The gasket cut must be coated silicone sealant. It should be noted that the seal must completely surround the pipes so that there is no gap left.
  2. then both halves of the fitting are put on the rubber seal and tightened with bolts, as shown in the diagram.

This method, as we see, is also extremely simple. The same principle applies to the connection with a clamp coupling. The only difference is that it is tightened on one side, not two.

It must be said that if you use pipe clamps, the connection of pipes without welding is even more reliable than using an installation and repair coupling.

If you need to connect profile pipes without welding to assemble any structure, you can also use special profile clamps.


If you need to assemble a plastic pipeline, you can use compression fittings, which work on the same principle as the Gebo coupling. Most often, metal-plastic and PVC pipes are connected in this way.

Also sometimes special glue is used for these purposes. The installation process in this case is extremely simple:

  1. places are smeared with special glue;
  2. then the parts are turned half a turn;
  3. they should be held in this position until the glue hardens.

It must be said that such a connection turns out to be quite strong, since the glue dissolves adjacent surfaces and, in fact, welds them.

Compression fittings are also used to assemble metal-plastic pipelines. However, for this you need a special tool that allows you to compress them.

To perform temporary repairs, you can also use the clamps described above.

These are, perhaps, all the most effective ways to connect pipes without welding, which I wanted to introduce you to.


As we found out, in addition to welding, there are a number of other methods by which you can repair or even install a pipeline. Moreover, some of them allow you to obtain an equally reliable and durable connection. The only thing is that in any case, the work must be done very carefully, in accordance with the above recommendations, so that the pipeline is sealed.

See the video in this article for more information. If you have any difficulties in the process of connecting pipes, ask questions in the comments, and I will definitely try to help you.

July 25, 2016

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Proper connection of heating pipes is a guarantee of good tightness of the system and prevention of heat loss. Specifics installation work depends on many parameters: the length of the pipeline, the material from which the coolant is made, the personal preferences of the person.

How to connect pipes for a heating system?

Connecting parts using short threads and couplings is usually used for long pipelines. If you choose this option, remember that dismantling in this case cannot be carried out due to the fact that the short thread has its own characteristics: its last turns are shallow. This ensures a good seal. To make the connection, apply the sealant clockwise. A strand, FUM tape, and so on can act as a sealant.

To make it easier to fix the coupling, there is no need to apply a sealant to the first turns of the pipe. The coupling is screwed onto the seal using a pipe wrench. You need to screw it until it jams. After fixing the coupling, both pipes are connected by screwing. Dismantling of such a structure is possible only by cutting the pipeline. The tightness of the system can be improved by covering the seal already fixed on the threaded connection with a layer of oil paint. This way you will ensure the pipeline is protected from various types of negative impacts. A similar work algorithm should be followed when installing tees and corner systems.


Installation of pipes using an adapter also has its own characteristics. The product is screwed into the adapter, then the nut is tightened, firmly fixing the seal. Similar actions are performed with the second pipe. Using this option, you can easily dismantle and reinstall the system.


When installing pipelines for heating systems, welding is often used. It is better to entrust such work to a qualified specialist. However, you can solder the pipes yourself. The end result is high-quality, reliable connections that are cheap to install. To work you will need an adapter with solder. Both parts of the pipeline should be screwed into the adapter, and then heated using a special burner. Heating is carried out until the molten solder fills the assembly seam.

Installation process

Let's take a closer look at the installation of radiating parts in the heating system. Typically, a cast iron pipeline is used as radiating elements due to its many advantages: affordable cost, long service life, reliable fastening. To make the connection, remove the plugs. The radiator must be fixed so that the external thread of the sleeve cuts deeply into the body of the heating device. If the heating scheme involves external wiring, then both pipes are installed on one side of the radiator body. If the length of the horizontal parts of the pipeline installed in the heating system is more than 15 cm, spacer stands are installed between these elements. After installation, they are securely fixed by welding. This measure helps prevent the risk of product deformation due to high temperature influences.

Welding or threading - which is better?

Today, the threaded connection is becoming more and more popular due to its advantages: ease of installation, aesthetic installation seam, ease of maintenance, reliability.

Welding joints are also distinguished high quality, however, it is often difficult even for specialists to complete them the first time, and installation errors can lead to emergency situations. In addition, after welding work, caustic and bad smell.

Let's sum it up

It is quite possible to connect pipes for heating systems yourself, without resorting to the services of professionals. The main thing is to follow the instructions given and ensure that all work is done very carefully, because the tightness of the system, and therefore the absence of emergency situations, maximum comfort and warmth in the house, depends on its results.

Pipes are classified according to a large number of characteristics, the main ones are listed below:

  • The material from which they are made:
    • metal;
    • reinforced concrete;
    • polymer.
  • By production method:
    • suture;
    • seamless.
  • According to the sectional shape:
    • round;
    • square;
    • rectangular;
    • other section shapes.
  • By purpose and working conditions:
    • for high pressure;
    • for low pressure.

This simplified diagram minimally shows the large family of this product as well as its wide range of applications.

The main task of joining pipes is to obtain a seam that is tight, durable, and reliable. They are divided into two types: detachable and one-piece:

  • Detachable connections:
    • threaded;
    • flanged;
    • bell-shaped
  • Permanent connections:
    • welding;
    • gluing;
    • bell-shaped;
    • pressing.

Depending on working conditions, material, geometric dimensions determine the best connection method.


Threaded connections are among the most ancient. They are used only on round pipes. Based on the direction of torsion, a distinction is made between right-handed and left-handed threads. The second is rarely used, only in special cases.

This type of joint is suitable for water, gas, and oil products.

The ends themselves are twisted using additional fitting coupling parts.

Couplings are standard with internal thread on both sides. There are also combined ones, internal on one side and external on the other.

Threaded connection steel pipes

Flange connection

A widely used method during the installation of pipelines for various purposes. The connection occurs using two flanges welded to two pipes and bolted together.

This option is also convenient for connecting to equipment and mechanisms.


Used for water supply and sewerage.

Pipe gluing

This method is used to join two dissimilar metals.

This method is very convenient where thermal effects are unacceptable.

It is worth noting that plastic rather than metal pipes are often glued together.


A rare way to obtain a connection. Used for copper pipes that operate in aggressive environments. Such systems can be seen in refrigeration units.


The welding connection is the most reliable. It is used to obtain sealed seams on pipelines large diameter intended for gas or oil products.

Detailed description of each method


They can be done in several ways, the most common being squeezing.

The following tools will help you do this job:

  • Pipe wrench.
  • Coupling with internal thread.
  • Seals for sealing. Maybe: hemp rope, FUM tape or sealant.
  • Lock-nut.

Two pipes have external threads. We apply sealant to them. One has a longer thread length than the other. Where there are more turns the nut is screwed on until the end. Then the clutch. Then we screw it onto the second part, twisting it with the first one. When the coupling stops screwing, we support it with a lock nut. Tighten with keys, carefully, so that the coupling does not burst.


For a flange joint you will need:

  • two flanges;
  • paronite gasket;
  • bolts, washers, nuts;
  • keys;
  • manual arc welding;
  • level.

The flanges need to be welded. Avoid displacement; they must be in the same plane.

We catch using a horizontal level. We screw two bolts into the upper holes. We put the part on the edge of the tube so that the bolts are at the top. We put a level on them and catch the position of the bubble between the strips in the middle. When caught, we make a tack by welding at the top point. The horizontal plane is ready.

We rearrange the level to a vertical position, leaning it against the flange mirror. We catch the level by slightly adjusting the lower end of the flange that is not yet stuck. Having established the vertical, we installed the second tack. And then two more, resulting in four even sections.

Then the welder welds the flange on both sides. Manipulations are performed similarly with the second pipe.

After welding, we get two pipes that can be connected. We insert four bolts into the holes from below and tighten them a little. We make a gap, insert a gasket. We insert four more bolts and tighten everything.


This method in metal parts used very rarely. The process itself does not require any special skill from a person, but it takes a lot of time.

This job requires:

  • glue. BF-2 or 88N or EDP;
  • brush.

Before gluing the parts, first apply the first layer on their surface and allow to dry. This layer will be the bonding layer. Each glue has a drying time written in its instructions. Then a second layer is applied and the parts are placed under the press for a day or even more. It all depends on the glue.

Then clean the seam from any glue leaks.

Crimp connectors for steel pipes

The welding process is used in almost all metal pipe joints.

In order to obtain a seam, the following welding methods are used:

  • gas;
  • electric arc;
  • contact

Gas welding is used to obtain permanent connections in small diameter pipes with minimal thickness.

When welded in this way, it can also conduct water. The main thing is to test the seams for leaks after welding.

The gas welding station consists of:

  • oxygen cylinder;
  • acetylene;
  • rubber hoses;
  • burners.

Resistance welding is rarely used. This method has proven itself more in.

The most popular method of producing permanent joints is electric arc welding, divided into:

  • manual
  • semi-automatic in protective gas environment

When constructing pipelines, connections are made only by welding. An important part is preparing the joint for welding.

The pipe must be connected to another:

  • no fractures or displacements;
  • the joint must be cleaned;
  • make a chamfer;
  • set the gap to 1-3 mm.

Required welding equipment:

  • electrodes;
  • power source (transformer or rectifier);
  • cable;
  • funds personal protection welder's overalls, gloves, brushes.

Soldering polyethylene pipes end-to-end and using an electric coupling


This type of connection is widely used in cast iron pipes for the oil and gas industry, housing and communal services. One of the most simple options permanent joints.

The main process of obtaining a joint is to seal the gap between the socket and the surface of the conical pipe. Cement material is used for this.

First, a response pipe is inserted into the socket and then sealed with caulk, an airtight material. After the cement solution is diluted, the gap is tightly stamped with it.

To seal the socket, grade 300-400 cement is used, which is thoroughly mixed with water in a ratio of nine parts cement to one part water. The socket is filled cement mortar using a scoop and embossing until the latter begins to bounce off the cement.


This method of obtaining a permanent weld has become necessary for small-diameter connections made of non-ferrous metals. Conventional electric arc welding is not capable of welding such metals due to its technical parameters, so in this case they found a different approach.

In order to weld, you need to insert the prepared end into the fitting until it stops. Then treat its surface with a manual or hydraulic press.

To join such thin-walled non-ferrous metal pipes, press fittings with crimp sleeves are used. They perform crimping on the inside of the pipe, and external seals ensure the joint is sealed.

Advantages and disadvantages of each method



  • reliability;
  • ease of assembly, possibility of disassembly;
  • low cost.


  • tension in the thread cavities increases material fatigue, reducing its strength;
  • the need to use locking means to prevent the working element from unscrewing.



simplicity and convenience of reusable connection and disconnection.

Negative properties:

  • high labor intensity in manufacturing, therefore, high price;
  • with prolonged use, the location of its connection decreases, loss of tightness.


The advantages of this method include its not labor-intensive process, which does not require much skill and effort.

But the wait for gluing sometimes reaches three days, which is not always convenient.

This type of connection cannot be considered a reliable method.


  • reliability;
  • durability;
  • tightness;
  • the ability to connect parts of any shape.


  • the occurrence of residual stresses;
  • possibility of changing geometry;
  • risk of destruction under vibration and shock loads.


In comparison with all types, socket pipes have the advantage of low cost, the possibility of small axial and lateral movements of the pipe, which is very useful during temperature changes and soil shrinkage.

The negative indicator lies in the difficulty of connecting the connection and insufficient reliability at high pressure.


A common positive factor is the excellent self-centering of the joined parts, a stable state under shock loads. A simple and non-labor-intensive process.

Cannot be disassembled or dislodged from each other. Here are a few disadvantages of this method.

Methods for connecting metal pipes

Methods for connecting metal pipes to plastic


  • repair, replacement of old pipeline;
  • construction, when installing a gas pipeline, plastic pipes are used, but in a residential area gas should only be in metal pipes.

In such cases, several connection options are used:

  • Welding-threaded. In this case, combined couplings are used. Here one side has a thread, the other a coupling. The thread connects to the metal end. The other side has a plastic end. Such adapters are used for small diameters.
  • Flanged. For larger diameters, flanges are used. In some cases, metal hoses are used.
  • When working with cast iron pipes We must remember that they are fragile. For embossing and pressing, use rubber hammers.
  • If the installation of a socket joint is carried out outdoors in hot weather, then when the cement is in the gap, it is suggested to lay a damp cloth on it. So that the cement does not crack.
  • When gas welding, the flammable gas acetylene is used. If desired, it can be replaced with propane, which is cheaper and safer.
  • When construction of a water or gas supply pipe system is underway try to weld the rotary joints first, and then when the entire structure is assembled, weld the non-rotary joint last.
  • When tightening the bolts on the flanges, do not overtighten. It is possible to strip the thread, this also applies to threaded connections.

If you need to choose a method for connecting pipes at home, then you need to decide on the material of the pipes and their purpose. Your choice will depend on this.

Methods and types of pipe connections

The durability of a pipeline depends on how the pipes are connected to each other, on their correct design and quality of parts. The main requirements for the connection are maintaining strength when working under pressure, resistance to negative external influences and ease of installation.

Threaded pipe connection

One of the detachable methods is to connect pipes using threads, which is used if pipes have to be disassembled. Detachable joints are not placed in places that are difficult to reach, otherwise it will be difficult to repair if there is a leak. Advantages of the method:

  • suitable for connecting pipes of different diameters;
  • assembly can be carried out by a person without experience, professional skills and without special tools;
  • If you use seals, the threads will provide high tightness.

The only drawback of such a connection will be the difficulty of cutting the thread itself, for which special tools are used.

Threaded pipes are marked; if you look closely, you can see a fraction of two numbers, the numerator shows the internal diameter, and the denominator - outer size pipes.

Threaded joining methods

There are several ways to connect pipes using threads, but the two most popular are bending and bidirectional threading.

A connection with a bend is used in cases where the pipes are stationary and cannot be rotated around an axis. To do this, you need to have two sections of pipe with different lengths thread. Prepare a coupling, lock nut, or any seal. Coupling – connects two pipes, a locknut holds the coupling, making it motionless, and the seal prevents water from leaking between the threads. The connection occurs as follows:

  • screw the locknut and coupling onto the long thread;
  • insert a piece with a short thread and make the first turns with a coupling and a lock nut without a seal, in order to make it easier to find the end of the pipe to be connected;
  • screw the locknut to the coupling to a distance of approximately 2–4 mm, the distance between them must be filled with a sealant;
  • threads of flax or hemp are wound onto the thread away from you, clockwise, and then a coupling and locknut are screwed onto them.

With this connection method, the nut and coupling seem to be driven from a long thread to a short one, which is why it was called a drive.

Bidirectional thread involves the use of one coupling, which is screwed onto two pipes simultaneously. The pipes must have multi-directional threads so that the coupling seems to pull them together.

If one of the threads begins to let water through, then you will have to twist the coupling from both pipes, and this is not very convenient.

Methods for sealing a threaded connection

One of the disadvantages of connecting pipes using threads is insufficient sealing if special seals are not used, this is especially true for gas pipes or those under high pressure. Now you can buy completely different sealants, for every taste and price - let's look at some of them.

What types of threaded fittings are there?

The most common threaded element for detachable connection different pipes– this is a fitting with internal and external threads. With their help, you can easily install pipes or reconstruct them, the main thing is that the connection points are in easily accessible places. The downside is that they require constant monitoring of their condition.

Materials used to make fittings: cast iron, brass, copper, bronze and stainless steel. In order to increase their anti-corrosion protection, these products are coated with zinc, nickel or chromium.

These connecting elements can be of different modifications:

  • couplings - used to connect straight pipes, have threads located inside;
  • corner fittings are used to connect pipes running in different directions;
  • tees and crosses allow you to connect several pipes; they can connect pipes made of different materials and with different diameters;
  • plugs - to close the hole in the pipe.

Coupling connection with lock nut

The coupling and locknut are used on pipes with short and long threads using the driven method. In order for such a connection to be airtight, the following rules must be followed:

  • use sealing: flax with drying oil, graphite putty;
  • Make sure that the strands do not fall inside the pipe, otherwise it may become clogged;
  • use an adjustable wrench to jam the coupling on the run, this will not allow the coupling to move during use;
  • if it is not possible to advance the coupling to the end, then you should disassemble the structure, reducing the layer of sealant, and reassemble everything again;

Compliance with these rules does not guarantee that the connection will be tight; however, you should sometimes visually inspect the area to make sure that there are no leaks.

Detachable pipe connection without threads and without welding

There are many more ways to connect pipes without threads so that they can be separated later.

The choice of method will depend on which pipes need to be joined: they can be flexible - made of metal-plastic, polypropylene and polyethylene, and rigid - made of steel, cast iron and other non-ferrous metals.

With coupling

In order to connect two pipes, you need to thread their ends through nuts, washers and gaskets and connect them inside the housing. Now all that remains is to screw in the nuts. The gaskets are compressed and provide a tight seal; if this does not happen, then another gasket ring should be added.

The most important thing is to choose a coupling of the required diameter. If you take the clutch large size, then the leaks cannot be eliminated.

Flange connection of steel pipes

Joining using flanges is mainly used for steel pipes. A flange is a part for the repair and installation of individual parts of a pipeline. When combining pipes in this way, several points are taken into account:

  1. The nuts should not be skewed, so the order of screwing them is as follows: first, turn the nuts located one against the other, and not around the circumference.
  2. For water supply, use a rag cardboard gasket impregnated with drying oil.
  3. For heating pipes you need a gasket made of asbestos cardboard.
  4. The ends of the bolts should not protrude more than halfway from the nuts.
  5. The inner diameter of the gasket should be slightly larger diameter pipes, and the outer one - do not touch the bolts.
  6. You should not use several gaskets for one flange, this will reduce the tightness.

Flange connection is used for pipes of both small and large diameters. Can be used for gas pipes, chimneys, sewers and others.

Pipe collet connection

For the installation of plastic pipes, collet fittings are used, which consist of a body in which a crimp ring and a rubber gasket are placed. Advantages:

  • low cost and availability;
  • reliability;
  • ease of installation;
  • Possibility of reusing the collet.

Please note that sometimes this fastening becomes loose, so it is necessary to tighten it from time to time.

Connecting pipes in this way is simple: first, insert the collet inside the pipe, and then tighten the outer nut. Do the same with the second pipe. It should be remembered that this part has high blood pressure onto the pipe, so when tightening the nut it is important not to twist it to prevent the appearance of cracks and cracks.

Using clamps

There are different types of connections, one of them is quick-release pipe joining. It is carried out using clamps - a device in the form of a metal ring with a tightening mechanism: nuts with metric threads. This method is designed to create a tight seal between a hose and rubber pipes with a solid base. Installation is effortless.

Clamps can be different, for example, on sale you can find spring wire clamps that work on the principle of clothespins. Despite the simplicity of the design, such devices can ensure complete tightness of the connection.

Compression fittings

Compression fittings are used to connect plastic pipes. These parts allow you to make branches and turns, and also increase the length of products. Advantages:

  • does not require constant monitoring, there is no need to periodically tighten the bolts;
  • can be laid in concrete or at depth;
  • high degree of tightness, not susceptible to corrosion;
  • easy and quick installation.

Types of permanent pipeline connections

Sometimes there are situations when it is necessary to make a connection in such a way that in the future it is impossible to disassemble the entire structure. Such methods ensure complete sealing of pipes and increase their strength, which is important for gas pipelines and heating systems.

Welding metal pipes

Pipe welding is used mainly only for metal products. This method requires the involvement of specialists, since without skills and equipment it is impossible to make a high-quality welding seam.

Welding is carried out using gas, alternating and DC, for this you need welding units: automatic or semi-automatic.

There are two types of welding:

  • socket, when the outer end of one pipe is melted and inner part the second bell, then these parts are connected;
  • Butt welding melts both ends of the pipes and then they are simply connected to form a welding seam.

Soldering of polymer pipes

Since plastic has a low melting point, it is easy to connect them if you have a special soldering iron. Simply melt the ends of the pipe and then simply connect them. The pipe obtained in this way will not be inferior in strength to a solid one, since the material is connected at the molecular level.

This method is useful when part of a pipe needs to be replaced. To do this, it is enough to cut out the damaged part and solder a new section without defects in its place.

Socket sealed connection with Butler coating

Connecting metal pipes with anti-corrosion coating using Butler equipment is used in the following industries: oil and gas, housing and communal services. But more often it is used for the construction of oil pipelines and laying pipes intended for gas transportation.

The meaning of the connection is that pipes prepared at the enterprise are connected by pressing one into another. The main advantage is the possibility of installation in any climatic conditions.

Crimp connection and press fittings

A permanent connection can be made using compression fittings in the form of press couplings. Inside there is a belt made of durable polymers that resembles rubber. To connect, you need to prepare the end of the pipe, strip it and insert it into the crimp coupling. After this, using press pliers, clamp the pipe in this coupling. This method is used when it is not possible to make threads or use welding.

  • vibration resistance;
  • durability;
  • withstands high pressure.

Tension fittings

If it is necessary to hide the connecting elements, then tension fittings can be used for this purpose. Installation begins without preliminary preparation ends of pipes, there is no need to carefully select the diameter of the pipe to the diameter of the connecting fitting. With the help of the pressure exerted by the sleeve located inside the pipe on its outer walls, absolute tightness is achieved.

First, a coupling is pulled over the joint, the ends of the pipe are expanded using an expander, now you need to place the fitting and gasket inside. Using a vice, pull the coupling onto the place where the pipes are joined.

Push fittings (push fittings)

This fitting consists of an O-ring, a body, an outer casing and an inner ring. In order for the end of the pipe to easily enter the part, you need to apply a little force; no special devices are required.

Such connecting parts are used in corners or in narrow spaces where it is inconvenient to make a connection in another way.

Connecting pipes of different diameters

To do this, you can use couplings, adapters, crosses and other connecting parts.

Water pipes can be joined using a coupling and a locknut if the pipe is straight and without corners. For a short connection, use one coupling; for a long connection, add a lock nut. The coupling must be marked with the diameters for which it is suitable. This method is only applicable for small pipes, for large diameters it is better to connect them by welding.

As you can see, there are many ways to connect pipes. It is possible to join pipes so that they cannot be disassembled in the future; such methods are used in hard-to-reach places to increase the strength and tightness of the connection.

Pipe connection: with clamps, without welding, with coupling, with thread, of different diameters

If you need to choose a method for connecting pipes at home, then you need to decide on the material of the pipes and their purpose. Your choice will depend on this.

Methods for connecting pipes without welding

Today, there are many more ways to join pipes than traditional welding and threading. It depends on the material from which the products being connected are made.

Metal (cast iron, steel, copper, stainless steel) and polymer (metal-plastic, polyvinyl chloride, polyethylene) require a different approach.

Methods for connecting flexible pipes

For connection flexible pipes Fittings are used without using a welding machine. They can also be connected by couplings that cover most of the connection. Fittings are used to connect pipes that have a diameter of up to 32 centimeters. However, collect in a similar way a large diameter system is considered impractical - the joint will have low reliability.

Compression fittings are used to join small-diameter polyethylene pipes. This method is considered inexpensive and reliable. If the pipe has a medium diameter, then it is better to use a coupling.

Connection unit design compression fitting

Rigid pipes

The main methods of connecting rigid pipelines:

  • gluing;
  • use of clamps;
  • using couplings.

In plumbing systems, a flange connection is used.


The connection with sockets can be detachable or permanent. This method is used for systems that are not exposed to pressure. Examples include the joining of cast iron and plastic pipes in sewer systems:

You can use clamps. The clamp is fitted with a rubber lining at the connection point.

To connect plastic or polypropylene pipes, use glue. In this case, the system becomes one-piece.

In industry, pipes are connected using a nipple or hinge method. With the help of hinges, it is possible to avoid twists in the pipeline system. To insert measuring instruments use a nipple connection.

Swivel connector for pipelines

Pressing and flaring

Pressing has proven itself to be a good way to connect copper pipes. The work can be done quickly and easily. First, a so-called fitting is made using a pipe expander. The other end is inserted into it. A special pressing machine is used to clamp the connection. Ready!

And also copper pipes can be joined by flaring. If necessary, this product can be disassembled.

There are many ways to connect pipes without welding or threading. Each is perfect for one type of pipe or another. But they have their advantages and disadvantages

The strongest connections are flanged.

The good thing about fittings is that you can disassemble the system at any time.

Let's just notice! Threadless and weldless methods cannot be used in the heating system.

Connection of pipes without welding and threading: made of copper, metal, polyethylene

How to connect pipes from various materials, if it is not possible to weld or cut them. Which methods are most reliable and which are suitable only for

Connecting water pipes of different diameters

To organize the water supply, pipes with a diameter of ½ inch or ¾ inch are usually used. They are connected via inch or metric thread, cut at the ends of the products. The thread designation corresponds to the diameter of the product.

Different diameters – no problem!

What to do if you need to connect products with different diameters? The work is carried out according to a standard scheme, but there are nuances. IN specialty store It is necessary to purchase fittings for pipes with different diameters. On sale are tees, crosses, angles (or corners), adapters, couplings and other shaped parts designed specifically for products with different diameters. Which parts to purchase depends on the specifics of the upcoming water supply installation. As is obvious, you can connect two products with different diameters, or several at once, with your own hands.

The water pipes are joined using a coupling, coupling and locknut. These parts are screwed onto the threads of the products. At the end of one of the products, a thread of seven turns is cut. The work is carried out using a leech fixed in a lerk holder equipped with two handles. For convenience, the product is clamped in a vice or in a special clamp. Then you can proceed according to two possible schemes.

We connect products with our own hands using a coupling

The method is suitable in cases where one of the water pipes is straight, has no corners or is short. For the procedure of connecting products, one coupling is required. The designation of the thread must correspond to the diameter of the products being connected. Let's consider the algorithm of actions:

  1. On one end of the threaded product, strands of hemp are wound in an even layer, clockwise relative to the working end of the product, in 5-6 turns. The hemp must first be straightened;
  2. The product, with the hemp end, is immersed in a container with oil paint. The thread must be completely immersed in the coloring composition. Paint and hemp are needed to improve sealing and eliminate gaps. Then we take out the product, screw it onto the working end with a pipe wrench coupling, following a clockwise direction. We twist until it takes a lot of effort to continue working. Do not overdo it, otherwise the part may burst.

Tip: The end of the water pipe does not need to be immersed in paint. It is enough to lubricate it with an oil-based coloring composition using a regular brush.

We connect products with our own hands without welding

This method is optimal in cases where the second water pipe has sufficient length, angles, and parameters that are inconvenient for twisting. With one of the products we repeat the algorithm described above (hemp, oil paint and so on). Next we proceed as follows:

  1. On the second product, which is longer, an extended thread is made. Such that the coupling and nut fit completely onto the product, leaving a free edge of 2-3 mm.
  2. The threaded ends of both products are joined, then the first product is twisted onto the water pipe with hemp until it stops. First the locknut is screwed on, and then the coupling;
  3. The hemp is wound up, a coloring compound is applied to it, and only then the lock nut is screwed until it is tightly connected to the coupling. Hemp acts as a thin barrier between the locknut and the coupling. Compressed hemp provides better sealing of the plumbing system and prevents water leakage during operation.

Tip: It is important not to overdo it when tightening the locknut if you choose a method of connecting products without welding. Otherwise, it will burst within a short period of time. But even if it is not tightened enough, problems can occur. If you see water leaking between the coupling and the locknut when trial run, carefully tighten the locknut tightly.


Installation without welding is recommended only water pipes with small and medium diameters, used to organize water supply for domestic needs. If the diameter of the products is large, this connection method is not rational, since it is quite expensive and less reliable under high loads. However, if you are installing water supply in an apartment or private house, these methods are ideal for you.

How to connect water pipes of different diameters: using a coupling without welding

It is possible to connect water pipes various diameters in many accessible ways.

Connecting metal pipes without welding or threading

Owners of not only private houses, but also apartments in modern multi-storey buildings are often faced with the need to connect metal pipes. To do this, you can use a wide variety of methods, materials and tools. The most widely used joining methods are threading and welding. But there are alternative options. After all, it is not always possible to conveniently get to the problem area.

Any metal pipes can be connected without the use of welding machines or threading

Additional Arguments

  • quite high cost of welding work. If it is necessary to join only a few products, it is not advisable to use professional welding equipment;
  • difficulty of implementation. Actually, this factor applies to the majority construction work. It is no secret that they are often carried out in cramped rooms with high humidity. In addition, there may be no power supply there that will be sufficient to operate the welding machine. In this case, without knowledge of how pipes are connected without welding, the performer will not be able to cope with the task;
  • lack of mobility. The occurrence of a high-risk situation, such as a breakthrough or accident, requires the fastest and most effective response. It will take a lot of time to invite a specialist with his own welding equipment. If the situation is truly extreme, the most negative consequences can be expected.

Types of fittings

To connect metal pipes without threading or welding, parts called “fittings” are used. Their classification is made according to two main criteria.

There are press fittings different forms and configurations, this allows you to install a system with turns and branches

The first is the equal size of the diameters of the pipes being joined. In accordance with these criteria, fittings are:

  • straight. Used to connect products with same size sections;
  • transitional. Used in cases where pipes of different diameters are joined.

The second criterion is purpose. Fittings are divided into:

  • corners and bends. Installed when it is necessary to change the direction of pipelines under different angles tilt;
  • tees. They are used to create branches from the main flow;
  • couplings. They are used to increase the length of a straight pipeline segment without threading or welding. This type is the simplest. However, it is the most in demand. Using a coupling makes it easy to replace a piece of damaged pipe without having to replace the entire structure;
  • crosses. This connector makes it possible to divide the flow into several directions;
  • fittings. Provide connection of metal pipes with flexible bends;
  • adapters (fittings, bends, nipples). Such parts are used to connect pipes of different sizes;
  • plugs, caps. Used to cover end holes.

According to the installation method, compression fittings are most widely used.

Important! Such fittings demonstrate high efficiency when arranging street networks, as well as pipelines in apartments and private houses.

Using compression fittings, you can install any system, including hot water supply and heating

Advantages of compression fittings

Crimping fittings for metal pipes produced by modern industry are press fittings and are equipped with one or two crimping rings. It is with their help that the connecting piece is attached to the pipe. The rings are tightly pressed, so often in the event of an emergency, the press fittings will need to be cut off and replaced with new ones. It would seem that this is not the best technical solution. However, most professionals who know how to connect pipes without welding and threading in other ways prefer press fittings. They explain their choice, first of all, by the fact that these parts can be installed in places where all other types of fittings simply cannot be installed.

Among the advantages of crimp fittings, experts highlight:

  • without welding or other additional work, absolute sealing of the working environment is achieved;
  • the pipe connection is very reliable;
  • press fittings are characterized by high rate vibration fatigue.

Today, such parts are widely used in metrology, compressor and gas turbine equipment, for piping instrumentation and automation devices, as well as in systems with high level working pressure.

Proper connection of pipes without welding or threading. Methods

The choice of method is determined by the type of products that are planned to be joined. Pipes are conventionally divided into the following categories:

The first type is cast iron pipes, steel, pipes made of non-ferrous metals or PVC. The second type is products made of polyethylene, polypropylene and metal-plastic.

A reliable connection can only be obtained if the fittings are manufactured by a well-known company that guarantees quality

1. To connect two metal pipes without threading or welding, couplings are usually used. They are equipped special fastenings and are characterized by high strength due to the fact that they are made of rigid materials. But these properties are inherent only in the products of the world leaders in this segment of the plumbing market - manufacturers from Switzerland, Sweden and France. Couplings are used for joining pipes made of different materials or different diameters.

2. Another option for connecting pipes without welding and threading is the use of flanges. These parts are equipped with a rubber gasket. The sequence of work is as follows:

  1. The fastening area is cut off. The cut is made strictly perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the pipe. It is not necessary to chamfer the end.
  2. A flange is put on the cut.
  3. Then a rubber gasket is inserted so that it extends 8-10 centimeters beyond the edges of the cut.
  4. After this, the dressed flange is connected to the mating part, mounted in the same way on the second metal pipe.

Advice! Tighten the bolts without excessive force. It has been observed more than once that these fastening elements burst or were torn off.

The answer to the question of how metal pipes are connected without welding using flanges will be incomplete without mentioning the following points:

  • It is not recommended to use multiple gaskets for one flange. This may cause a decrease in tightness;
  • to obtain a sealed joint, the nuts must be tightened not sequentially around the circumference, but in pairs located diametrically opposite each other;
  • for water supply, a rag cardboard gasket impregnated with drying oil is used;
  • for heating pipes, a gasket made of asbestos cardboard is used;
  • bolts should not protrude more than halfway from the nuts;
  • the outer diameter of the gasket should not touch the bolts, and the inner diameter should slightly exceed the diameter of the pipe itself.

The flange connection method is indispensable for large diameter pipes

Having learned how two pipes are connected without welding using the flange method, you will be able to properly arrange the sewerage system and chimney, as well as the gas supply pipeline in a private house.

3. The Gebo coupling connection has also found wide application. This part is a type of compression fitting. With its help, joining metal pipes is carried out quite quickly, and without the use of any special tools. Installation of Gebo coupling components on a pipe is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. First the nut is put on.
  2. Then the rings: clamping, pressing, sealing.
  3. Then the coupling is put on halfway and the nut is tightened.
  4. The second part is connected to the fitting in the same sequence.

4. You can connect two pipes without threading or welding using a repair and installation clip. This fitting looks like a coupling or tee, consisting of two parts. The halves are tightened with bolts.

It should be noted that the main purpose of repair and installation clips is to perform temporary repairs, for example, when cracks appear. In emergency cases, they can also be used to join pipes. Installation is carried out as follows:

  • First of all, it is necessary to achieve absolute smoothness of the surface. To do this, the sections of the pipeline on which the fitting will be put on should be cleaned of irregularities formed by paint or rust;
  • then a rubber seal is put on the pipe. Its cut is coated with silicone sealant.
  • Next, both halves of the fitting must be placed on the rubber seal and tightened with bolts.

Advice! Make sure that the seal covers the pipe completely.

A connecting clamp is an easy way to temporarily connect two pipes without welding

As we see, this method is also extremely simple. The same principle is inherent in the connection using a clamp. The only difference is that it is not tightened on both sides, but only on one. However, the use of clamps provides more reliable connection than a repair and installation clip.

Connection without threading and welding of profile metal pipes

Most often, this procedure is performed using crab systems and clamps.

1. Crab systems. Such structures are connecting brackets with fastening elements. Made from galvanized sheet metal 1.5 millimeters thick. The brackets are assembled from two halves using bolts and nuts. IN assembled form they form a “T”-, “X”- or “L”-shaped element that can tightly wrap around the ends of several (up to four) pipes. The strength of such fasteners is comparable to welded joint. The use of crab systems provides an opportunity to short terms assemble and disassemble complex frame structures.

Among the disadvantages of this method it is worth highlighting:

  • elements can only be joined at an angle of 90 degrees;
  • It is impossible to use crab systems for products with a large cross-section.

2. Fastening clamps. Using these parts, you can create structures of any degree of complexity, from canopies and canopies, including shelving and fences, to greenhouses and animal enclosures. The main advantage of such fasteners is that the strength of the connection is close to welded, and the assembly/disassembly of the structure is allowed repeatedly. Moreover, even a non-professional can do this.

There are many methods for joining metal pipes that are alternative to threading and welding. Everyone is good in their own way. And the choice should be made taking into account specific conditions. Some of them require skills and special equipment, others can be implemented even by novice masters.

Connecting pipes without welding or threading

Connecting pipes without welding or threading. Additional arguments. Types of fittings. Advantages of compression fittings. Correct connection pipes without welding or threading. Methods.