How to choose olive oil in a store - expert advice. Product Testing: The Best Olive Oil

Which brand of olive oil is best? The answer to this question requires preliminary study. After all, the olive tree is not grown in Russia. And therefore everything olive oil- imported. But, as in the case of sunflower or corn, we know that best product obtained from the first spin. We also know that vegetable oil is purified from impurities - refined. Is this good in the case of olive? There are also spinning methods - cold and hot. Which processing product is of higher quality? In this article we will comprehensively study this issue. Below we will talk not only about which brand of olive oil is better, but also consider the products of the producing countries, and briefly explain what the olive processing process is. On store shelves you can see various types containers with this imported goods. Glass, plastic or metal - which packaging should you buy olive oil in? It is important to learn how to read the label correctly. And in this article we will tell you what the words Eextra Virgin mean. In Mediterranean cuisine, where olive oil is one of the staple foods, it is used very widely and for different purposes. You need to know these subtleties in order to properly dress salads or make dough.

The benefits of olive oil for the body

Did you know that Mediterranean cuisine is included in the UNESCO list as an intangible heritage of humanity? Do you know why? That's right: it is based on the active use of olive oil. Thus, Mediterranean cuisine is not only amazingly tasty, but also very healthy. Olive oil (reviews from gourmets and chefs on this issue are almost the same) will not only give the most ordinary dish a noble touch - it will also saturate the body with valuable vitamins and minerals. And most importantly, it will not leave any extra centimeters on the hips and waist. After all, olive oil is completely processed by the stomach. Have you noticed how luxurious the hair of Italian, Spanish, and Greek women is? Strong, thick, silky, shiny... And this is the result of daily consumption of olive oil. It strengthens bones, nails and teeth. Vitamin E, which is found in abundance in olive oil, prevents aging, alleviates pain from ulcers and gastritis, treats hemorrhoids, and breaks down cholesterol plaques. And even, as recent studies have shown, it is good remedy for prevention oncological diseases. Therefore, the ancient Greeks, who cultivated olive trees back in ancient times, called olive oil “the gift of the gods.” As we see, this is not only a poetic metaphor.

Product manufacturing process (in brief)

To understand which brand of olive oil is better, you need to have at least a superficial understanding of the technology for producing this product. It would seem, what difficulties could there be? After all, olive oil has been made since the times Ancient Egypt. The olives were placed under a press and squeezed out. But modern equipment and chemical reagents allow you to squeeze more oil out of the olive. For this purpose, the cake goes for secondary processing. It is on this basis that olive oil is divided into two types. During the first pressing, the “virgin” or Virgin Oil is born. And when olives are processed a second time, that is, they are heated and chemical reagents are passed through the pulp, Pomace Oil is obtained. Based on the above, let’s ask: is it worth saying which olive oil is better? Of course, “virgin”. But if we want to taste the best olive oil, we must take into account where the olives ripen best. After all, trees have a wide growing area. But good harvest They don't give it everywhere. The most reputable olive oil producing countries are Greece, Italy, Spain and Tunisia. The first of them, once called Hellas, accounts for eighty percent of Virgin Oil's global sales. Greek oil is purchased by importers for further production of the product.

Extra virgin olive oil: main characteristics

Regardless of the country of origin, this product is the best available. The very word “extra” mentioned in the name indicates that the raw materials for it were exclusively high quality. The olives for this oil are harvested by hand. Next, the crop is sorted. For “Extra Virgin” only fully ripe, large and undamaged premium olives are selected. Next, the berries are put under pressure. No other impact occurs during processing. This process is called cold pressing. Thanks to this minimal processing, all the beneficial substances are preserved in the oil. This product has a slightly greenish tint. Extra Virgin Olive Oil has the rich scent of olives. But it has a specific taste. People who try Extra Virgin Oil for the first time may think that the oil has gone rancid. But it is precisely this taste that indicates the highest quality of the product. Raw olives are also bitter. But the free acidity of Extra Virgin Oil olive oil is very low - 0.8 percent. That is, one hundred grams of the product contains less than a gram of substances undesirable for the body. But this indicator - acidity - is not the main thing in determining a quality product. The refining method also reduces it.

Other types of olive oils

Between Extra Virgin and Pomatz Oil there are many more denominations. Let's look at them briefly.

Virgin Olive Oil is also a very high quality olive oil. The only difference with “Extra” is that the casting of the crop is not as thorough. Olives are being pressed different sizes, ripeness and appearance. But the rest of the process occurs in exactly the same way as during the production of Extra Virgin Oil. That is, the berries are cold pressed, after which the liquid is immediately poured into containers for sale. This oil is notable for its almost no bitter taste. If you want to take it for medical reasons pure form, but you can’t stand a specific taste, buy this particular type. Virgin Olive Oil has higher acidity. Two percent is allowed. But if this indicator exceeds the norm, the batch is sent for purification. And here it is necessary to explain how refined olive oil differs from unrefined olive oil. In the production of the first product they are already using chemicals, which cleanse it of excess acidity. This figure for Refined Olive Oil drops to 0.3 percent. There is also a type on sale called “Pur Olive Oil”. The name translates as “pure olive oil.” But this cold-pressed product is still a mixture of “Virgin” and “Rafinid”. The acidity of this olive oil does not exceed one percent. Well, Pomace Oil in Greece and Spain lubricates doors. Sometimes the product obtained from thermal pressing of the cake is refined.

Use in cooking

In the art of cooking, you should know for what specific purposes to use this or that type of olive oil. Especially in the northern countries, where this product is imported and therefore very expensive. So, you should only take extra virgin olive oil for salads. By the way, it loses its bitterness in dishes. And over time too. But the shelf life of a bottle of Extra Virgin is one and a half to two years (depending on the container). At the end of this term, the oil does not lose its extremely beneficial properties, but becomes softer and more velvety in taste. To prepare cold sauces and marinades, we use regular “Virgin”. Reviews call this olive oil very tasty and healthy. Meat coated with Virgin Oil will quickly soften and become tender after baking. Pur Olive Oil is used for stews. And for frying foods, you should use Refined Olive Oil. This oil, due to its cleansing properties, has high temperature smoke generation. It does not splash, does not burn out, and does not form in fried foods. large number carcinogens. This product is also ideal for making dough. It is not bitter and can be used instead of corn or sunflower. Buns and bread made with Olive Oil do not go stale for a long time.


How to choose a good olive oil, not a surrogate

Supermarket shelves are filled with different brands of this product. It’s time to get confused here. How to do right choice? Rule one: carefully study the label. It is advisable that the product be packaged by the manufacturer himself. Olive oil from Greece bottled on Deribasovskaya will most likely be of dubious quality. The label contains a name, often indicating the type of product. That is in capital letters it is written, for example, “Extra Virgin” or “Pur Olive Oil”. Sometimes the name contains the brand of the manufacturer or the name of the area where the olives were collected. But the product type is also necessarily present on the label. In oils that do not belong to the elite “Virgin” category, the type of processing is indicated. This also gives us the opportunity to choose the best product. It is better to buy cold-pressed oil than refined oil made from oil cake after heat treatment. Great value The product also has an expiration date. After all, this is not a wine that gets better with age. "Extra Virgin" has a shelf life of up to two years, for other varieties - one year. But the color doesn't matter. Yes, often it is not visible due to the fact that the oil is spilled over tin cans or dark glass bottles. IN plastic container Only low price segment products are sold.

Olives grow in warm countries of Europe and Asia Minor, in North Africa. But the leaders in the supply of olive oil to the world market are still only four countries. These are Greece, Spain, Italy and Tunisia. Oil from which country of origin should I choose? You should know that breeders have developed many varieties of olives. And in Italy there are more than forty of them. That's why different companies have the ability to produce single-varietal oils, as well as sophisticated “cocktails” with amazing taste.

Producers in Spain are adherents of the good old olive, which was cultivated in Iberia back in ancient times. Therefore, this country does not have such a variety of olive oils. Spain writes labels in its own language. Therefore, it is necessary to coordinate Olive Oil with Aceite de Oliva. It should be taken into account that Aceite de Orujo means secondary pressed oil, from pomace, created through heat treatment.

Olives in Greece grow in regions with different climatic characteristics. Terroir affects the taste of olive oil, even if it is of the same type.

A product from Tunisia can very rarely be found on the shelves of our stores. But this does not mean that olive oil from this country is bad. On the contrary, the alternating influence of winds from the Sahara and Atlantic breezes allows us to grow olives with a special taste and aroma.

The best brands of olive oil from Greece

Any product from sunny Hellas will be good. The choice before the buyer is truly enormous. You can buy oil both from oil groves near Thessaloniki and made on the islands. And this will at least slightly affect the taste. The world's largest trader, which supplies olive oil not only to importing countries, but even to Spain and Italy, is Oliko. However, this company buys crops from various farms in the country and produces a certain mix (albeit good quality). But the company "Elinika Eklikta Ale" was specially created to produce the best varieties olive oil. Just as wine tours thrive in France, so in Greece you can tour small, family-owned businesses. Companies such as Xylouris and Kidokinatis not only pick olives by hand, but also press them through a traditional press.

Olive oil from Spain and Tunisia: what are their features?

There are about fifty types of products from this country on the Russian market. What are the best Spanish brands of olive oil? Look at the terroir. The climate of the south of the country, with its long growing season, makes it possible to grow the most juicy, fatty olives. Most good brands the Andalusian “Baena” and “Lucena” are considered, as well as “Les Garrigues” and “Siurana” from Cordoba. On the other side of the Mediterranean Sea, in Tunisia, the best manufacturer olive oil is considered "African Dream Products". And its best brand is “Chemlali”.

Italian product varieties

In this country they treat food with reverence. No wonder Italian cuisine is considered one of the best in Europe. By default, the products of this state are equal to the standard. Therefore, food products that are produced in Italy quite often become participants in all sorts of competitions for the title of the best. Olive oil producers are not standing aside either. They have their own competition - Ercole Olivario. Only elite varieties (Extra Virgin or at least cold-pressed oil) can take part in it. What kind of producers became - and repeatedly! - winners of this most prestigious competition in Italy? These brands include Azienda Agricola Giorgio, Oliveto di Contesse Gertrude and Fattorie Greco.

With the onset of the rich summer season, more and more variety appears on the tables. As a rule, they are seasoned with oil. Many modern housewives have gradually switched from sunflower oil to olive oil. Olives are not our native product, so there are some things you need to know about this oil.
Carefully studying the label will help you choose the right olive oil in the store. It will indicate the bottling date, storage period and conditions, as well as the region where the olives were collected and then the oil was produced. The best labels are those that immediately indicate what the oil is suitable for (frying, salads, sauces). By tradition, we trust, but we double-check.
The choice of olive oil for salads should be made taking into account its category. Let's start with the best, Extra virgin olive oil is the most high category. The spin temperature is 27 degrees Celsius, this is exclusively the first spin. This oil has a pleasant smell and slight taste. Extra virgin oil, thanks to minimal processing, retains the maximum of the beneficial properties of olives. In addition, the acidity of this oil is only 1%.
Next comes the Virgin olive oil category. It is prepared using second cold pressing technology. By color and beneficial properties the oil is no different from that described above. Simply, it is prepared from lower quality olives.
The third and lowest category of olive oil for cooking use is Olive oil. The acidity in this category is usually up to 3.3%. This is the maximum acidity level for oil produced from olives. If you are wondering how to choose olive oil for frying, then this option will do at 100%. The first categories are ideal for salads.

How to choose an oil and what else to focus on other than its category? High-quality olive oil should not be bitter, but some taste must be present. If the olives used to make the oil were black and well-ripened, it will be yellow in color. Green olives give the oil a pleasant greenish tint. Color is not the only indicator of oil quality. You can't draw conclusions based on color alone.
It is believed that the best varieties of olive oil are produced in Italy. Important proper storage purchased oil. Olive oil is best stored in glass bottle, the worst thing is in metal containers.
Olive oil can lower blood cholesterol, improve metabolism, and help useful substances quickly absorbed by the body.
Frequent use of olive oil in cooking will bring health and longevity. It accentuates the taste of any food especially well. fresh vegetables V

Olive oil is a food product known for its healing properties and amazing taste. It has long been seriously competing with sunflower oil on Russian markets. But the retail price prevents us from appreciating this product, its taste and uniqueness.

However, given huge assortment Oils on the shelves are difficult to choose from. Manufacturers are lying, and sellers are trying to sell their goods profitably. How to choose olive oil in the store?


Before choosing olive oil, you must first study the types and their qualities. The taste and price of the purchased oil depends on this. There are many classifications of olive oil, but there is the simplest:

  • Virgin – virgin oil;
  • Refined – refined oil;
  • Ppomace – repeated pressing of the pulp.

Selection Criteria

Like any product, you can study and evaluate olive oil in detail according to its individual components and highlight the following criteria:

  • Label

The label is the “face” of olive oil, so you need to study it carefully. It should not only be beautiful, but also informative. The label states:

  1. Manufacturer.
  2. Importer.
  3. Exporter.
  4. Contact details.
  5. Best before date.

Remember: High-quality oil is bottled at the manufacturer's premises.

It is impossible to determine quality by color. The color of the product can be either light yellow or dark green. Sometimes the oil even has a brown tint. The color depends on the olives from which it is produced, namely on their degree of ripeness.

  • Package

A dark colored bottle perfectly protects the oil from light. However, stainless steel packaging is the best option for storage, as it protects the oil from oxidation.

  • Smell and taste

It is impossible to choose an excellent oil without tasting it. has a distinct taste. It can be bitter, sweet, and sometimes sour. Oil with unpleasant tastes and watery consistency should definitely not be used.

Important: To avoid the possibility of buying a counterfeit, you must look at the barcode on the oil label:
520-521 - Greek product; 800-839 - Italian; 840-849 - Spanish.

  • Acidity

One of the important properties of oil is free acidity. It indicates the amount of oxidizable organic acids contained. The lower the acidity percentage, the healthier the oil. However, manufacturers have learned to artificially reduce acidity, most often this applies to refined oil.

Is it genuine?

There is a simple way to check the authenticity of the oil - place it in the refrigerator for 2-3 days. Sediment white will confirm that the olive oil is genuine and the money is well spent. Room temperature will return transparency to the oil.


In an attempt to sell a product and make a profit, manufacturers may not clearly state the category on the label.

Which means it’s worth paying special attention on etiquette. For example, there are inscriptions that have only advertising meaning:

  • “100% pure olive oil” - 100% pure olive oil. In fact, oil with this label is of very low quality;
  • “Light olive oil” - light olive oil. There is no such oil;
  • “First cold press” - the first cold spin. The word “first” should simply attract the attention of buyers; the oil is not pressed out again.

While standing in front of the counter, you need to decide for what purpose the product is being purchased. For salad, of course, you need to purchase the highest grade; refined olive oil is only suitable for frying. Having chosen good product, you can not only enjoy its taste, but also use it as a unique cosmetic product.

Every time I go to the store to buy olive oil, I get a little stupefied looking at all these different bottles and tin cans and not knowing what to choose. I think I'm not the only one who has encountered this problem. The famous taster and owner of olive groves, Senor Massi Giovanni, agreed to advise on this issue.

1. Hierarchy of olive oils

Mr. Massey: First of all, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that you should not just say “olive oil”, but add Extra Virgin before that. In Italy, if you go to a store and just say “olive oil,” they will bring you olive oil. sewing machine(laughs).

Extra Virgin means oil that has been obtained by pressing olives (without the use of chemical or biochemical additives). This oil is of the highest quality and, as a rule, is added already in ready meals. Olive oil Extra virgin olive oil – the most natural category of olive oil with perfect aroma and taste. Acidity does not exceed 0.8%.

In addition to Extra Virgin, the International Olive Oil Council divides oil into the following categories:

Fine virgin olive oil – cold pressed oil with impeccable taste and aroma and maximum acidity. Acidity from 0.8 to 1.5%. Semi-fine virgin olive oil – cold pressed oil with a pleasant taste and aroma. Acidity from 1.5 to 3%. Olive oil from unripe olives – first harvest oil, produced in limited quantities from fruits collected from the best olive trees.

Olive oil – consists exclusively of oil obtained from olive fruits. Olio vergine – produced by pressing olives mechanically And Olio di sansa di oliva – made from leftover pulp and seed fragments, and then mixed with vergine. Due to the fact that this olive oil is practically devoid of a characteristic odor, it is best used for frying. Refined olive oil – oil of the Virgin category, which has undergone purification and refining.

Percentage natural juice There are not many olives (virgin olive oil) in it, the inscription on the container “Olive oil” should not mislead you. Flavored Olive Oil – used in almost all national cuisines of the world. It adds a pleasant aroma to dishes.

The last two categories, which are exactly what you will get for your sewing machine, include lamp olive oil of the category vergine (Olio vergine lampante) And refined olive oil (Olio di oliva raffinato) . These two categories are not suitable for human consumption due to organoleptic defects and are intended for refining or industrial use.

2. Mysterious writings Senor Giovanni, what do the abbreviations DOP/IGP/PDO mean, which can be seen on bottles of olive oil?

Mr. Massey: As for abbreviations, they indicate oil with a protected designation of origin/indication of the geographical area of ​​production. There is also a third category - biological olive oil, obtained by the method of “biological” (environmentally friendly) production, which is also confirmed by the appropriate certificate. For example, Diavolocane olive oil falls into this category, where it is written as such on the bottle. All these gradations apply only to cold-pressed oil -. Tell me, how can we tell whether the oil is of good quality, and whether there are cases of counterfeiting, as, for example, with alcohol?

Mr. Massey: In Italy there are criminal penalties for this kind of counterfeiting, so no. In addition, DOP/IGP/PDO and the name “organic” olive oil are a guarantee against counterfeiting. Oil can be of poor quality only in two cases: due to weather conditions, which led to a poor harvest or if it was not harvested on time. In this case, the olives have little pulp and the pits give off bitterness. Unlike other fruits, olives do not have a clear ripening time: this year the harvest can be harvested in mid-September, and next year - two weeks earlier or later, and it is very important not to miss this moment.

3. Young people love us everywhere Continuing the theme of wine, is it possible to say about olive oil that it is better not to take this year’s bottle?

Mr. Massey: In this sense, olive oil differs from wine. The rule “the older, the tastier” should be read here as “the younger, the healthier.” One of the most important things when buying olive oil is the production date and expiration date, so read the label carefully. Conscientious manufacturers always set a date. The shelf life of the oil from the date of production should not exceed 18 months, so look for a “younger” oil.

4. Storage rules Are there any rules for storing olive oil?

Mr. Massey: Olive oil should not be placed near the stove or in the refrigerator. It should be stored in a dry, dark place at a temperature of 10 to 15 degrees Celsius. It also doesn't like light. If you look, all the bottles are made of dark glass. In Italy, olive oil is often stored in the same compartment as the trash can (laughs). Is it the same in Russia? No, in Russia they treat olive oil with respect: it is not so cheap that it needs to be stored in such an unpresentable place.

Mr. Massey: And one more rule: olive oil cannot be kept open for a long time, so that when combined with air it does not oxidize. Open the bottle, pour required quantity oil and immediately close it tightly with the lid.

World healthy products– the best olive oil

The best olive oil is a unique product that is used in almost all areas of life: cooking, health, beauty, etc. It is so safe and healthy that there are practically no restrictions on its use. You can take a tablespoon of “liquid gold” on an empty stomach for health and freely add it to salads, soups and main courses.

How to choose best olive oil?

The best olives for olive oil production are those grown in the Mediterranean region. Here the olive oil is the most aromatic. Olive oil color depends on the climatic region and soil where the olives are grown. Over time, green oil turns yellow.

Olive oil can be unrefined or refined.

— “Extra virgin” unrefined oil, more natural, but due to its specific taste, it is unpleasant for some.

— Virgin olive oil obtained during the second cold pressing, this is also a high-quality product, but only slightly inferior in color, taste and aroma.

— “Pure olive oil” is the oil obtained after chemical extraction of oil, it is the cheapest, it no longer has the same taste and nutritional value as the above listed oil.

The best olive oil designated D.O.P. is considered to be of the highest quality, because the entire process of creating the oil and bottling it took place in one region, in compliance with strict standards and controls.

The inscription on the bottle label “Extra virgin” or “cold pressed oil” indicates that the oil has not been pressed using chemicals. Although you shouldn’t fully trust the inscription (Extra virgin) now, it is not only placed on first-press products.

Choosing healthy olive oil, look at the acidity indicated on the product, the lower it is, the better the quality of the oil, the fewer chemical additives are used in its production.

Remember that the best oil for dressing salads is “Extra virgin” oil, obtained by cold pressing, without the use of chemicals.

Before buying, turn the bottle in your hands, good oil thick, viscous. Real olive oil is sold in a dark glass bottle or in a special tin container that prevents exposure to sunlight

Vessels with oil can be closed with stoppers of various colors. According to European rules, oil with a red lid is used for frying, with a green lid for preparing salads.

Benefits of olive oil next, there is oleic acid or omega-9, which is very valuable for humans. It improves the elasticity of blood vessels. Promotes immediate contraction of the gallbladder, squeezing out bile, preventing it from stagnating. Considered good preventive action against urolithiasis.

Remember! Olive oil has a very high calorie content. For a healing effect, 1-2 tablespoons per day is enough.

How to store

For storing healthy olive oil you need to choose a dry, dark and cool place, without foreign odors, as the oil quickly absorbs them. You cannot store the oil in a cold place; a sediment may form, which does not affect the quality of the product, and after heating it the sediment disappears.

Useful properties oils are stored for the first six months from the date of production. After a year of storage, it may still taste good, but not as aromatic as immediately after pressing. Therefore, it is better to use it only for cooking (frying, etc.), and it is less suitable for seasoning cold appetizers and salads.

The best olive oil is one of the most delicious things in the world, and one of the most important ingredients for sauces, salad dressings and mayonnaise. To get to know the oil better, it is worth experimenting with oils from different countries: Oils from Greece, France, Spain and Italy not only have different tastes, but also different characters.

From this article you learned how to choose the best olive oil, but whether to include it in your diet or not is up to everyone to decide for themselves.

Happy and quality shopping!

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