Rubber flange compensator. Flexible flange compensator (anti-vibration) Operating conditions of the rubber flanged compensator

Installation instructions for flexible insert ABRA-EJF-10 - rubber anti-vibration compensator

  1. Mandatory " "
  2. It is necessary to strictly observe the parameters indicated in the tables above, and use control rods reasonably.
  3. !!! When installing ABRA rubber compensators in a pipeline system, additional seals in the form of elastic wafer gaskets are prohibited; a reliable sealed connection is ensured by the rubber lip of the ABRA vibration compensator itself.
  4. Flexible inserts should be installed directly behind the fixed support. Movable supports should be provided behind the flexible insert.
  5. It is preferable to use collar flanges, although if the installers have the necessary qualifications, it is also possible to install ABRA flexible inserts between flat flanges. Do not forget to remove burrs from the internal weld to avoid damage to the rubber.
  6. It is not advisable to install a vibration compensator closer than 1.5 pipeline diameters from the restriction devices.
  7. The maximum permissible tightening torques for bolts for flexible inserts (vibration compensators) of any manufacturer must be controlled using torque wrenches. In particular, for ABRA inserts up to DN80 inclusive, the maximum moment is 60 N*m, and for larger DNs it is 80 N*m.
  8. Flexible vibration compensator inserts can be mounted in any spatial position
  9. It is not allowed to use a compensator as supporting structure, that is, the installation of the compensator must be performed after securing the pipelines. The pipes at both ends of the flexible insert must be secured to fixed supports close enough so that the operating range of pipe displacements does not exceed the limits permitted for the insert.
  10. It is not recommended that the pre-compression of the compensator during installation exceed 3 - 5 mm. Stretching of the insert during installation is unacceptable.
  11. Twisting of the flexible element of the compensator during installation is not allowed.
  12. Before starting installation, it is necessary to center the inlet and outlet pipelines, fixing them at a distance of no more than three pipeline diameters from the compensator.
  13. Neither the anti-vibration compensator nor the control rods are intended to compensate for errors in the installation of the pipeline, such as misalignment of the flanges.
  14. Do not damage the compensator with sharp edges of the pipe or the surface of the connecting flange.
  15. Contact of bolts, nuts or studs with rubber is not allowed (for example, when connecting a bolt-nut, the nuts are installed on the side opposite to the rubber elements - on the side of the pipeline).
  16. Simultaneous operation of the expansion joint in tension and shear is not allowed.
  17. The insert must not operate in tension when installed at the pump inlet or when operating under vacuum (negative instrument pressure).
  18. It is not allowed to carry out welding work in the immediate vicinity of the compensator insert without protecting it or dismantling it.
  19. It is not allowed to paint the flexible element of the compensator insert or cover it with a layer of insulation
  20. Compensator inserts are stored unloaded in a cool, dry place.
  21. Storage and transportation should be carried out without shock loads at temperatures: -40...+65 °C.
  22. The estimated service life of rubber expansion joints is 3 years.
  23. Warranty obligations.
    The warranty period, provided the consumer complies with the rules of transportation, storage, installation and operation, is established at 12 months from the date of commissioning, but not more than 18 months from the date of sale. All issues related to warranty obligations are provided by the selling company.

Summary table of sizes

Conditional diameter

Weight in kg

In millimeters

In inches Oh

Bellows: EPDM
Connection: sliding flanges
Flange material: Stainless steel or carbon steel(EN 1092-1 ISO standard)
Pressure: Ru 10/Ru 16 (Du25-150), Ru 10 (Du200-600)
Internal reinforcement: Steel
Seal: Nylon cord
Maximum operating pressure: 10 bar To dampen vibration loads on pumping and heating systems.

The rubber flange compensator is a non-repairable element used to protect sensitive elements of components from vibrations, water hammer, compensation for pipe displacement, and noise reduction. Structurally, it is distinguished by the presence of a vibration insert (rubber elastic element) in the compensator. The production technology involves the use of heat-resistant polymer rubber as a raw material for the vibration unit. This allows you to extend the service life of the rubber compensator due to its resistance to high blood pressure and temperatures. The sizes of the rubber flange expansion joint vary from DN 25 to DN 1000. Installation and operation of this product are as simple as possible. SanThermo sells rubber flanged expansion joints of all models and diameters.

Scope of application of flanged, flexible (anti-vibration) compensator

The use of a rubber flange compensator protects against vibration shocks and compensates for different levels of displacement and elongation of the pipeline. Rubber flange compensators are used in pumps, fans, coolers, radiators, vibration dampers, piping systems, air conditioning and ventilation systems, to dampen vibration loads, and in water control systems. Thanks to innovative technologies manufactured anti-vibration rubber flange compensators are capable of operating long time, resistant to impact high temperatures and pressure. This type compensators are used only in systems with non-aggressive liquids.

Advantages of Santermo expansion joints

When compared with similar products from other companies, such as tecofi flanged compensator, grundfos rubber compensator, genebre flanged compensator, our anti-vibration compensators have a number of advantages:

  • Reasonable price;
  • European quality;
  • 12 month warranty;

Cooperation with the manufacturer has always been profitable. Firstly, only from us you can buy a rubber flange compensator of any modification, size and in any quantity. Secondly, there is absolutely no markup from resellers, so the price of a rubber compensator is the lowest. Thirdly, as a manufacturer, our company guarantees the quality of its products.

  • flange flexible compensator
  • anti-vibration flange compensator

Tags: Flanged rubber compensator price, anti-vibration flanged compensator price, anti-vibration flanged compensator, flexible flanged compensator, coupling anti-vibration compensator.

Installation of the product must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the manufacturer and technical documentation pipeline system designers. It is not recommended to unpack the product before starting work to avoid accidental damage to its parts. During installation, it is recommended to use a torque wrench, rubber hammer and a centering mandrel. When moving or transporting the device, it is necessary to avoid the possibility of damaging the bellows or contaminating it. internal space. Slinging is carried out in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommended schemes. Installation must be carried out at an air temperature of at least 10ºС, in order to ensure the necessary elasticity of the bellows and proper distribution of the edge of the flexible element between the connecting flanges.
During the installation work it is necessary to avoid the occurrence of twisting and bending moments affecting the product relative to the longitudinal axis. It is not allowed to load the device with moments or forces from the mass of pipes, fittings, and mechanisms. The ends of the pipes on which the product is mounted must be properly secured using specially provided supports. The supports are designed in such a way as to ensure normal operation of the compensator in the event of expansion forces and other types of influences. When using a product to compensate for axial and shear changes, it is necessary to install a fixed support on one of its sides and a sliding one on the other.
The flange anti-vibration insert should be installed at the face-to-face length that it has at the time of installation. It is strictly forbidden to stretch or compress the compensator during installation without accurate calculations about changes that may occur in the pipeline after it is put into operation.
The contact surface of the mating flanges on which the device is installed must be flat, smooth, without nicks, sharp edges or gouges. This condition must be observed to avoid damage to the elastic element during operation or when starting the system. The holes for the mounting and counter flange bolts must be aligned. The elastic element must not be subject to a torsional moment. The bolt heads must be located on the side of the rubber insert, in order to prevent it from being damaged by the edges of the bolt threads during installation or operation. Or it is necessary to select bolts with such a length that they cannot damage the bellows, which will increase in size under the influence of pressure in the system, or increase in diameter as a result of compression when compensating for pipeline movements. The edges of the bellows facing outer side connecting elements provide the necessary tightness of the connection with the mating flanges of the pipeline. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure a tight fit of the mounting and counter flanges over the entire surface of the elastic element.
The flange connection bolts must be tightened crosswise using a torque wrench. The operation is carried out in four stages:
1. One third of the final tightening torque crosswise evenly in three approaches. When tightening, it is necessary to control the uniformity of the gap. The holding time is at least 30 minutes.
2. Two-thirds of the final tightening torque crosswise evenly in three approaches. When tightening, it is also necessary to control the uniformity of the gap. The holding time is at least 60 minutes.
3. Final tightening torque cross to cross evenly in two approaches. The final tightening torque should be specified in the manufacturer's recommendations.
4. After putting the pipeline into operation, it is necessary to re-tighten the bolts.
- paint the rubber part of the product, since the solvents contained in the paint can adversely affect the surface of the compensator;
- install additional seals between the product flange and the mating metal flange.
- operate the product if there is mechanical damage to the elastic part.

When transporting products in a pipeline system, thermal deformation is possible, which occurs due to temperature changes environment and, as a consequence, the temperature of the transported product.

Such deformations lead to the emergence of very significant longitudinal forces, which negatively affect the final fixed points. If we take into account that pipelines can be long, the total impact increases significantly and can reach significant values.

Contents of the article

Description and purpose of compensators

In order to avoid negative impact load associated with an increase, or, conversely, with a decrease in temperature, in the process of designing a pipeline, the possibility of its free extension or shortening is provided.

In this case, it is very important that overvoltage does not occur, both in the material itself and in those places where the pipes are connected. In principle, compensation for changes in length in some cases occurs due to design features pipeline and due to the fact that the metal itself has elasticity and resilience.

For such situations there is a term “self-compensation”: it becomes possible due to the fact that it has turns and bends. If self-compensation is not possible, an anti-vibration rubber flange compensator is used.

The product has the necessary flexibility and extensibility, and can ensure a tight connection even during the movement of pipeline elements. Compensators can differ in operating principles and design features.

Now four types of compensators are used:

  • pipe;
  • lens;
  • stuffing box;
  • bellows.

A special group consists of the so-called vibration compensators, or rubber compensators, which are of the bellows type and the most common are Tecofi and Danfoss.

Areas of application and characteristics of the Tecofi vibration compensator

The Tecofi universal vibration compensator can be coupling or flange. Such products are used to compensate for the thermal expansion of the pipeline, but at the same time they also perform the following functions:

  1. Prevents possible destruction of metal pipes in cases where pipeline deformation is possible.
  2. Align misalignment of the pipeline system, which may result from installation work.
  3. They isolate vibration loads that occur during equipment operation or during transportation of the medium in a pipeline.
  4. Protect sensitive components from the negative impacts that may occur as a result of pipeline operation.

EPDM rubber is used to make the Tecofi body, nylon cord is needed to strengthen the structure, and couplings for connections are made of cast iron. The compensator design consists of two couplings, between which there are two convex rubber waves, and to prevent mechanical damage or rupture, nylon cord is used. As working environment There may be a liquid non-aggressive medium, air and water, hot or cold.

Most often, the Tecofi universal anti-vibration compensator is used in:

  • thermal systems;
  • pumping systems;
  • cooling systems;
  • air conditioners

How to properly operate and store the Tecofi vibration compensator

During the operation of Tecofi rubber expansion joints, to ensure high functionality, their technical parameters must be taken into account. In particular, this concerns the maximum operating pressure, maximum operating temperature and maximum compensating capacity.

These indicators should not be higher than those indicated in the technical data sheet, which each anti-vibration compensator has, in addition, the compatibility of the materials from which the universal compensator is made and the conductive medium must be taken into account.

When storing products, you must also adhere to certain rules:

  1. Air temperature ranging from 0º to +30º ( best option– +20º).
  2. Protection from bright light and direct sunlight.
  3. The room should be ventilated, and the expansion joints themselves should be stored on a hard and level surface.
  4. Protection against chemicals, oils, grease and mechanical damage must be ensured.

Danfoss expansion joints

Rubber compensator flanged Danfoss has a wider range of applications, primarily because it can be used in pipelines where not only cold and hot water, but also compressed air, as well as sea water, alkalis and weak acids. The ambient temperature can vary from -20º to +95º, which also plays a big role for some of its species.

Have warranty period operation throughout the year, but with correct installation, as well as the necessary maintenance, their service life is at least five years.

An anti-vibration universal compensator is selected depending on the diameter of the pipeline, which in turn is selected depending on the speed of the medium and its flow rate. The only caveat is that you should make sure that the operating pressure and temperature are acceptable for this particular type of Danfoss insert.

Flanged rubber expansion joints for pipelines (video)

Features of installation and storage of the Danfoss compensator

The flanged Danfoss is mounted in an arbitrary spatial position, and the choice of a specific location depends on the conditions in which the pipeline is operated, as well as the maximum permissible deformation value.

Additional pipeline supports must be provided in the immediate vicinity of the installation site. The distance between the support and the insert should not be more than three pipe diameters.

In addition, when installing the structure:

  • Flexible components should not be allowed to twist;
  • the degree of pre-compression should be no more than 5 millimeters;
  • the alignment of the connected pipes should not exceed 3 millimeters;
  • The surface of each flange must be thoroughly cleaned and free of sharp edges.

Cannot be produced welding work, if there is a universal vibration compensator in the immediate vicinity, or it must be dismantled. In addition, you cannot use paint coatings, heat-insulating and noise-absorbing materials.