Attaching insulation to the roof screed. Insulation of a flat roof: reliable protection against the effects of sudden temperature changes

It will differ depending on what kind of roofing design it is: traditional or inversion. The pictures below show the “pies” of traditional (Fig. 1) and inversion (Fig. 2) roofs coated with FEM (shaped paving elements, for example, paving slabs)

Traditional insulation scheme flat roof

The insulation in both options is the same, the “place” of the insulation layer in the structure differs. In the traditional version, the insulation is located under the waterproofing, and in the inversion version, it is above the waterproofing.

At incorrect selection During operation, thermal insulation materials can be destroyed by stress and can also become wet. If the thickness of thermal insulation is incorrectly calculated, wet spots (condensation) may form on interior ceilings. The thickness of the insulation layer is determined by calculation.

Insulation for an existing roof - requirements

For different types roofs are used different types materials. In traditional roofs, the thermal insulation is located below the waterproofing layer, as with. Insulation materials that are susceptible to getting wet and absorbing water (property - water absorption) must be protected by a layer of waterproofing. When insulation gets wet, its thermal characteristics deteriorate. For example, with an increase in humidity by 5%, cotton wool thermal insulation materials lose their thermal properties by 50%, i.e. 2 times. With a traditional arrangement, waterproofing is exposed to temperature changes (winter-summer, day-night), the material ages, and the service life of the entire roof is reduced. When installing a thermal insulation layer above the waterproofing layer (inversion roofing), the effect of temperatures on waterproofing is reduced, but the service life of the roof is not reduced. In inversion roofs, the insulation has direct contact with water. In such roofs, insulation with low water absorption should be used - less than 0.5% by volume. Such materials do not absorb water and retain their thermal functions throughout the entire service life of the roof. These are materials with a closed cell structure, such as extruded polystyrene foam (EPS) or foam glass.

Hence the basic requirements for insulation:

  • high thermal resistance (low thermal conductivity);
  • low water absorption (for insulation in inversion roofs);
  • materials are non-flammable or with a low flammability group (G1);
  • dimensional stability;
  • protection of insulation from steam (for traditional roofs).
  • So let's summarize. In an existing roof of a traditional design, the following can be used as insulation:

    • mineral wool, slab, density 200 kg/m3;
    • foam glass in blocks.

    In an inverted roof in use, the following can be used as insulation:

    • EPPS (density from 30 kg/m3 and above);
    • foam glass in blocks.

    Flat roofs are less popular in private buildings compared to pitched roofs. They are mainly used in the construction of multi-storey residential buildings and industrial facilities. According to statistics, only 5% of private houses and cottages have a roof of this type.

    But during construction outbuildings, garages, terraces this type roofs are used quite often. A flat roof is influenced by various types of loads: precipitation, wind, temperature changes, sun, installation loads, etc. Therefore, insulating a flat roof is a complex undertaking that requires a thorough approach.

    Thermal insulation technologies

    The method of insulation and the sequence of work depends on the type of flat roof. They are traditional and inversion. Inversion roofs are usually used. Traditional roofs additional functions do not comply.

    Thermal insulation of a traditional roof

    Roof pie traditional type made from the following layers:

    • concrete base or metal profile;
    • vapor barrier;
    • insulation material;
    • waterproofing layer.

    The sequence of layers for thermal protection of an inversion roof is somewhat different. In this case, the insulation system looks like this:

    • load-bearing base;
    • waterproofing;
    • insulation material;
    • geotextiles;
    • backfilling with crushed stone;
    • finishing coating.

    Operated and non-operated roofs

    Unused roofs serve only the main protective function.
    The surfaces of exploited roofs can additionally serve as a garden, terrace, sports ground, or recreation area. Therefore, the insulating structure of the roof in use must be especially strong and reliable. When installing a single-layer insulation system on such a roof, a concrete screed must be placed on top of the insulation.

    Green roof.

    Single and double layer insulation

    Depending on the number of layers of insulation, the insulation system can be two-layer or single-layer.
    With a single-layer system, the thermal insulation layer is made of insulating material of the same density. In this case, the heat insulator must be sufficiently dense and durable.

    This design is usually used during reconstruction old roof or during the construction of warehouses, industrial buildings and garages.

    When installing a two-layer insulation system, two layers of insulation are laid. The bottom layer has the main heat-protective function. It has more compared to top layer thickness, high thermal insulation characteristics. In this case, the strength of the material can be relatively small.

    The top layer of insulation additionally has the function of redistributing the load. Its thickness is smaller, but the density and compressive strength should be high.

    The two-layer design allows for high strength insulation systems with relatively low weight. As a result, the load on the floors is reduced.

    Material selection

    When choosing insulation for a flat roof, you need to take into account the following material characteristics:

    • strength;
    • density;
    • thermal insulation properties;
    • fire safety;
    • soundproofing characteristics.

    The following materials can be used for thermal insulation:

    • mineral basalt wool, due to the air in the structure, the material has high thermal insulation properties, and the insulation fibers adhere tightly to each other, providing it with high tensile strength;
    • ecowool - a cellulose material that is treated with fire retardants to make the insulation non-flammable;
    • polyurethane foam - a modern sprayed heat insulator that forms a uniform surface without seams;
    • extruded polystyrene foam is a popular insulation material with good thermal insulation properties, is not afraid of moisture, is easy to install, and is affordable;
    • foam concrete is a modern material, as strong as concrete and light as foam.

    Laying vapor barrier

    When insulating a traditional roof, be sure to lay it on top of the base. vapor barrier material. If this is not done, the insulation will gradually accumulate moisture and lose its thermal insulation properties, air pockets will form, and the roof will deform.

    Polyethylene and polypropylene films or built-up bitumen materials can act as a vapor barrier. The lack of films is the presence of seams. Bituminous materials form a homogeneous, tear-resistant surface.

    The vapor barrier must be laid not only on a horizontal surface, but also on the wall just above the level of the insulation.

    Installation of insulation

    After laying the vapor barrier layer, you can proceed to the installation of insulating material.

    Thermal insulation with mineral wool

    Not every type of mineral wool is suitable for insulating a flat roof. The material must have sufficient strength to withstand the loads during installation and operation. Therefore, special high-strength mineral plates are used.

    Installation of insulation can be done in two ways: dowels or bitumen. The process of attaching to bitumen is quite complex and expensive. Therefore, this method of installing slabs is advisable when laying them on a concrete base. Then you won’t have to buy specialized dowels, which are more expensive, and drill holes in the concrete.

    If the base is made of profiled sheets, then it is more convenient to fasten the slabs mechanically using adhesives or dowels. In the case where it is planned to install a cement-sand screed, it is not necessary to secure the slabs.

    When choosing mechanical method When fastening insulation for a flat roof, the vapor barrier must be made of fused materials so that the resulting holes in the base can be closed.

    When laying insulation in two layers, the lower slabs are coated with bitumen, and the upper ones are installed so that the seams between the slabs of the upper and lower layers do not coincide. This is necessary to prevent the formation of cold bridges.

    Application of expanded polystyrene

    The principles of roof insulation with extruded polystyrene foam are similar to insulation with mineral wool. At the same time, polystyrene foam boards have slot locks, which greatly simplify the installation process. To prevent moisture from entering, all seams are taped.


    To protect the roof from water, it is necessary to lay a waterproofing layer. Moreover, on traditional roofs it is installed on top of the insulation, and on inversion roofs - under the insulation. Laying waterproofing membrane occurs on the same principle as the installation of vapor barrier. Waterproofing can be made of rolled, fused materials or profiled steel sheets.

    Polyurethane foam insulation

    The stages of work described above can be skipped if you use modern material such as polyurethane foam as insulation. It is sprayed onto the insulated surface using special installations. The result is an even, sealed layer without seams. Additional vapor and waterproofing is no longer required. The material can be applied to almost any substrate. Service life - from 25 years. The disadvantages of polyurethane foam insulation are its high cost and the need to call specialists.

    How successfully the insulation of a flat roof will be completed depends on strict adherence to certain rules and generally accepted technology. Let's list some of them.

    Following instructions

    Any modern insulation system requires compliance with a number of rules established by the manufacturer. Basically, the procedure is the same everywhere. The difference lies in the details. Some types of insulation require the use of only certain adhesives. If you take another one, you will damage the surface. Therefore, when purchasing finished system Be sure to check the manufacturer's instructions.

    Preparing the base

    Before carrying out insulation work, the base must be carefully prepared. It must be cleared of ice or snow in winter and freed from moisture and debris in summer.

    Correct installation process

    Installation of insulation is carried out “by yourself”. You should start from the edge that is opposite the roof exit. You need to move along special inventory walkways to evenly distribute the mechanical load. The laying direction changes periodically.

    Requirements for thermal insulation of roofings of buildings with flat roofs (most new buildings had such structures) built during Soviet Union, were at the level of 1.5 m² °C/W, but this was clearly not enough: the roof often froze. Modern standards increase this value by more than 3 times. The need to save energy resources that are increasing in price every year makes the insulation of flat roofs a widespread measure. However good results can be achieved only with the help of high-quality thermal insulation materials and subject to compliance with the technology of work. This will be discussed further.

    Requirements for thermal insulation materials

    Heat loss through the roof can be prevented by using materials with low thermal conductivity. The roof is the enclosing element of the structure and during operation experiences serious loads associated with changes in ambient temperature. Its internal surface (essentially the ceiling) has almost the same temperature as the air in the room. The outer surface cools down in winter to negative temperatures and sometimes heats up to a hundred degrees plus in the summer. But such conditions should not affect the ability of the roof to protect the premises of the building from both cold and heat.

    When choosing insulation for a flat roof, you should take into account that their service life depends on many factors, including temperature and humidity conditions, the presence or absence of diffuse and capillary moisture, and mechanical influences. The heat insulator must have a long service life and at the same time retain all its qualities: be moisture-resistant, environmentally friendly material, resistant to biological and chemical influences and meet the requirements of sanitary and fire safety standards and regulations. Regarding the requirements for mechanical strength: thermal insulation materials must have sufficient resistance to compression and tensile strength, they should not delaminate. Therefore, when purchasing materials for roofing work, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the accompanying documentation: the quality must be confirmed by appropriate certificates.

    Roof thermal insulation: general rules

    Most often, attics under the roof in multi-story buildings are non-residential premises and have no thermal insulation. In this case, insulating the roof does not make sense - only the attic floor should be insulated. If you need to arrange a living space under the roof, you cannot do without insulation.

    If the house is under construction, everything is simple: thermal insulation is laid over the sheathing and closed waterproofing material. The roofs of buildings in use can only be insulated from the inside. Both options have the right to life and are used equally successfully, but external insulation requires certain skills and therefore can only be done by professionals. Laying materials from the inside can be done on our own. At the same time, it is necessary to carry out the work comprehensively: water pipes, drains and water collectors located in the attic also need protection.

    It is easiest to work with mineral wool, glass wool materials and slabs of foam and extruded polystyrene foam. They have a rectangular shape, fit well and fit tightly in rows. But it should be remembered that the minimum thickness of the material is 25 mm, and for high-quality insulation you need at least 100 mm: this means that mineral and glass wool slabs will have to be laid in several layers.

    It is important when performing work not to forget about the need to lay vapor barrier material and waterproofing protection. A significant temperature difference between inside and outside causes the formation of condensation under the roof, which does not best change the properties of thermal insulation materials, especially cotton wool. And for wooden sheathing, moisture is not an ally, but the cause of the appearance of mold, mildew, and decay: if damage to the wood was noticed during work, such parts must be special treatment or replacement. In addition, steam coming from living areas is also harmful. Hydro and vapor barrier will eliminate the need to replace the heat-protective layer.

    It is necessary to repair or replace the electrical wiring running through the attic, especially those that are attached to the roof: a breakdown in insulation or a short circuit can cause a fire. Modern thermal insulation materials, although they meet fire safety requirements (do not support combustion), will still not withstand open flame conditions.

    Flat roof installation: insulation from the outside (operational option)

    The roof in use can be insulated using rigid thermal insulation boards on the outside. The beams of the supporting structure are covered with panels, which form the basis for thermal insulation slabs, on top of which, in turn, paving slabs are placed or a layer of pebbles is poured. At this stage, the help of specialists is needed to ensure that the supporting structures can withstand the weight of the materials and that the coating does not leak.

    Such a roof, the surface of which can be used, for example, for constructing a summer playground, parking lot, winter garden, is called inversion. The cost of such a roof is very high.

    The procedure for insulating it is as follows:

    • on top reinforced concrete slab the floors are screeded with cement-sand mortar: it is laid at a slight slope (3-5 degrees);
    • a layer of waterproofing material is laid;
    • comes the turn of high-density closed-cell extruded polystyrene foam (EPS) boards: this material, due to its waterproofness, does not prevent small amounts of leaked moisture from flowing to the water collectors;
    • a filter fiberglass canvas is placed on top of the EPS: water passes through it freely, but solid particles are retained;
    • a layer of gravel or pebbles without sand is poured: it will be washed away by rain;
    • the top layer is made of paving slabs or paving stones.

    A good insulation material for an inversion roof is foam concrete: it is applied on top of the vapor barrier material in a layer of 0.27 m in the area of ​​the gutters. On top is foam-fiber concrete in the form of a screed 0.03 m thick. The next layer is a fused roofing made of euroroofing material.

    Insulation of an unused flat roof

    Such a roof can be insulated both outside and inside. The main element of its supporting structure is metal tiles, corrugated sheets or reinforced concrete slabs. You can insulate an old roof in one layer - glass or mineral wool is suitable for this. For new roof you will need two layers.

    Board material (EPS) should be chosen with increased density: when laid on top, it will have to withstand the weight of a person. In depressed areas, paths for heat loss, so-called “cold bridges,” can form. The slabs must be placed in checkerboard pattern: long joining seams should not be formed. The slabs should be secured using plastic dowels: metal ones are more expensive, and in addition, they can also act as “cold bridges.” You can use glue as an additional means. Gaps in joints should be sealed polyurethane foam, areas near the sides and parapets are also treated.

    The process of insulating a flat roof in this case consists of the following steps:

    • a layer of vapor barrier material is laid on top of the reinforced concrete slab: it is fixed with glue;
    • a layer of mineral wool is laid or EPS boards are laid;
    • expanded clay is poured: it is distributed in such a way that a slight slope is formed;
    • the next layer is a cement-sand screed (about 40 mm) using reinforcement;
    • waterproofing material is laid;
    • soft roofing is fused.

    Recently, sprayed polyurethane foam coating has been frequently used. It has the necessary rigidity and you can safely walk on it. This material does not require additional fastening, but it must be protected from UV radiation using special paint.

    Insulating a flat roof is fraught with many difficulties; this matter requires certain knowledge and skills. To avoid annoying mistakes, you should use the services of specialists.

    Insulation of a flat roof: requirements for materials and description of work stages

    One of the most important stages, completing the installation of a flat roof - insulation. What kind of insulation should be used for a flat roof: choose among the variety

    How and with what to insulate a flat roof?

    Insulating a flat roof is the most important task, with which you can significantly reduce heat loss and, therefore, energy costs. In addition, the heat-insulating layer prevents the formation of condensation, which allows you to significantly increase the maintenance-free operation of the roof. But that's not all! Thanks to the insulated roof, a favorable microclimate is created in the rooms located directly below it.

    Types of insulation for flat roofs

    • basalt-based mineral wool (for example, Tekhnoruf 45 or Tekhnoruf 60 from the TechnoNikol company), which can be used without a protective screed.
    • extruded polystyrene foam (foam) is ideal for used roofs. It perfectly absorbs sounds, but is flammable and is not recommended for insulating soft roofs.
    • polyurethane foam is an excellent option for roof insulation. Ideally applied, non-flammable, does not form seams or gaps.
    • ecowool is insulation made from cellulose and treated with fire retardants, which transform a highly flammable material into a non-flammable one. In stores and construction markets, look for the brands Ecowool, Ecowool and Unisol.
    • foam concrete – new material, which in its solidity and durability resembles concrete, and in structure and weight - foam. An ideal way to insulate a flat roof without creating a significant load on the supporting structures.

    Flat roof installation

    The so-called “pie” of a flat roof consists of the following layers:

    1. load-bearing base (concrete, metal profile)
    2. vapor barrier
    3. heat insulating layer
    4. waterproofing

    The sequence of layers may be different if it is planned to install an inversion roof. In this case, the “pie” will look like this:

    1. load-bearing base
    2. waterproofing membrane
    3. insulation
    4. layer of geotextile or other material with similar characteristics
    5. layer of crushed stone
    6. finishing coat

    As you can see, the inversion roof is heavier than the traditional one and the insulation layer in it is located above the waterproofing layer. This roofing option is suitable for those buildings that have high requirements for fire safety. And even though the waterproofing layer on such roofs is usually made of flammable materials, the mineral wool slabs located underneath act as a kind of fire barrier. Thus, the roof structure is completely fireproof.

    It is important that the installation of a flat roof - we mean insulation - is carried out taking into account the loads that may arise during operation. For example, for roofs in use, the thermal insulation layer must be thicker and stronger.

    Vapor barrier flooring

    The basis for the installation of basalt mineral wool slabs is either reinforced concrete structures or a metal profiled sheet. Regardless of what type of foundation the building has, a vapor barrier layer is first laid, which prevents water vapor from penetrating under the roof. If you skip this stage, then over time the mineral wool will accumulate moisture and cease to play the role of insulation, and the layer of waterproofing laid on top of it will “blister.”

    For vapor barrier of a flat roof, either classic polyethylene or special weldable materials, such as bitumen and polymer bitumen, are usually used. The second option is more reliable and effective, since this vapor barrier has no seams and is very tear-resistant.

    Important: the vapor barrier layer must be laid not only on horizontal surfaces, but also on vertical ones. You need to install the film or bitumen just above the level where the insulation will be located.

    Laying mineral wool slabs

    Insulation for a flat roof, in this case basalt slabs, is laid in one layer, but sometimes, if required by a pre-calculation of thickness, builders can enhance the thermal insulation with an additional layer of thinner, but no less durable mineral wool slabs. Such a decision is made anyhow, but based on the geographical location of the object, average temperature and humidity indicators in winter period time, as well as the purpose of the building.

    To attach the slabs to the base, either telescopic dowels or bitumen are used.

    The first option is more logical to use when the base is a corrugated sheet, since it is best to fasten the slabs to the iron mechanically. In addition, fastening with dowels is much cheaper even if the slabs are installed on concrete. True, dowels for concrete are a little more expensive, and it takes longer to tinker with them.

    With the mechanical method of fastening mineral wool slabs, the waterproofing layer is attached in exactly the same way, that is, on dowels. In this case, you don’t have to worry about the tightness of the roof, since the wide head of the dowel cannot pierce the waterproofing.

    Important: if a mechanical method of fastening mineral wool slabs is chosen, then the vapor barrier layer must be made of fused materials, because only in this case the holes formed when driving dowels into the base will be able to tighten on their own.

    Gluing onto bitumen is a rather labor-intensive and expensive process, and it is recommended when laying mineral wool on a concrete base. The technology in this case is as follows: a layer of bitumen is applied to the base, and a slab is laid on top of it. The procedure is repeated until the end of the roof. If there is a need to lay a second layer of insulation, then the first layer is coated with bitumen, and the slabs are installed “in a staggered manner,” that is, in such a way that the slabs of the upper layer overlap the joints of the slabs of the lower layer. Waterproofing is laid on top of the mineral wool on the bitumen.

    Which mineral wool boards are best used for flat roofing?

    Not every type of mineral wool slab is suitable for flat roofing. It is important that the insulation has such strength that it can easily withstand both loads during operation and loads during installation, because builders will walk on it. You can make a screed over the insulation layer, which will distribute the load and create a rigid and durable base for the waterproofing floor. But whatever the screed is - dry from slate or asbestos or wet - it in any case significantly makes the roof structure heavier.

    A way out of this situation can be high-strength mineral wool slabs from TechnoNikol, which are manufactured using a corrugator-pre-presser that lays fibers both horizontally and vertically.

    Insulation of a flat roof with extruded polystyrene foam

    Let's consider another option for insulating a flat roof, which is used for thermal insulation of inversion-type roofs.

    Laying a waterproofing layer

    The base of inversion roofs should have a slight slope for water drainage and a smooth surface. This can be done using a concrete screed. It is on this that the waterproofing membrane made of fused material is laid. It is installed in exactly the same way as in the case of a vapor barrier for a traditional roof, that is, with an approach to the vertical walls of the roof.

    Installation polystyrene foam boards

    Expanded polystyrene boards are equipped with slot locks, however, to best protect them from moisture penetration, all joints must be treated with construction tape. The process of laying expanded polystyrene is very simple, the main thing to remember is that the second layer (if necessary) must be installed in a staggered manner.

    Arrangement of the separating layer

    The next layer will be geotextiles, which will protect the lower layers of the roof from mechanical damage and pollution. On top of the geotextile, a ballast backfill of gravel or crushed stone with a thickness of at least 5 cm is carried out, and for drainage, you can use a profiled membrane laid between the geotextile and the backfill.

    Laying the finishing coating

    The finishing coating can be paving slabs, asphalt concrete, foam concrete, and even lawn grass. In the latter case, it is necessary to lay another layer of geotextile on the crushed stone, and pour soil about 15-20 cm thick on top of it. You can plant it as follows: perennial herbs, and flower crops.

    Insulating a flat roof is not an easy task, but if you complete it perfectly, you can be sure that the building will be warm and comfortable. True, for greater reliability it is also worth insulating the walls.

    Insulation of a flat roof - instructions for laying mineral wool and expanded polystyrene

    Types of insulation for flat roofs and methods of their installation on traditional and inversion roofs. Features of installing mineral wool slabs mechanically and

    How to insulate a flat roof: thermal insulation methods and technical rules of work

    It is a rare owner of a country estate in our latitudes who is not concerned about heat preservation issues. The number of wasteful people among domestic owners is decreasing at an astonishing rate. There are fewer people who are ready to easily throw money away to warm the air outside their own roof. The idea of ​​saving money has firmly taken root in minds concerned with the choice of “cruising” methods of saving. To effective methods that allow you to achieve a tangible effect when minimum costs, refers to the insulation of a flat roof. As a result of well-executed thermal insulation, costs will be significantly reduced.

    The nuances of thermal insulation of a flat roof

    The insulation of flat roofs is carried out according to special rules that differ from the principles of thermal insulation of pitched roofs. The analogy can be traced only in the sequence of laying the layers of the roofing pie. U flat designs There are no rafter systems among the elements of which it is convenient to place a heat-insulating layer.

    There is nothing to nail the sheathing to, forming a ventilation gap to ventilate the components. Instead of channels for ventilation, if necessary, original vents are created due to partial gluing of the coating to the underlying base.

    According to building traditions, a flat roof roofing pie is constructed by sequentially placing its components on top of each other. Traditional components include:

    • Vapor barrier. Acts as a barrier to household fumes. Located on the side of residential, commercial, etc. premises.
    • Thermal insulation. Prevents the passage of heat waves from the inside to the outside of the building and in the opposite direction. At the same time, it copes with the duties of a barrier to sound vibrations.
    • Waterproofing. Covers the thermal insulation from the outside, protecting it from atmospheric water. It is laid in 4-6 rows depending on the size of the roof slopes that direct water to the water intakes, and on technical characteristics roofing material. The outer layer of waterproofing of a conventional roof serves as the finishing coating. When constructing ballast roofs, gravel, soil and vegetation layer, paving slabs, etc. are laid on top of the waterproofing.

    Violation of the sequence of layers and installation rules ends in failure for owners, who are forced to shell out considerable sums for repairs or even for a total reconstruction of the roof.

    Note that the indicated layers, together with their laying sequence, are used only if it is necessary to retain the heat obtained by heating the premises.

    The roof summer kitchen There is no reason to insulate a shed for storing summer cottage equipment. In such situations, the roofing pie includes only waterproofing if it is installed on a concrete base, or consists of a prefabricated screed and waterproofing if corrugated sheeting is used as the base.

    Classification of insulated flat roofs

    The external simplicity of a flat roof can lead to deep bewilderment for home craftsmen who want to quickly erect a roof over private property. Those who consider flat roofing a budget option will also be surprised.

    If the roof is built wisely: with the proper number of waterproofing layers, with insulation required thickness, with parapets, a drain and its heating, in the end it will cost quite a lot, but it will also work flawlessly.

    Flat roofs of the following categories are subject to insulation:

    • Combined, they are hopeless. Their roof structure combined with the ceiling. Insulation is carried out by laying thermal insulation with accompanying layers on top of the base. The advantage of combined systems is that they practically do not require winter clearing of snow cover. After all, the ceiling is regularly heated from the inside. Minor snow deposits can be easily removed by the natural force of the wind, which is why it is recommended to equip such roofs not with parapets, but with lattice fencing. Disadvantage: the condition of the roof is difficult to monitor. The slightest damage will result in leaks, followed by serious restoration of the roofing pie.
    • Attics, having two subspecies within the category. Attic floor of the first subspecies is complemented by a light superstructure on top. It is clear that in such cases the ceiling should be insulated. In the scheme of the second subtype, the attic superstructure and the ceiling are independent structures. This means that insulation is acceptable for both of them. The advantage of attic structures is the free monitoring of the condition of the roof and the timely detection of impending leaks. Owners can dry out the roofing pie by simply ventilating the attic. Among the significant advantages is the ability to carry out insulation upon completion of roof construction. The disadvantage lies in the impressive cost, which, however, pays off through long-term operation and rare repairs.

    Second category of attics roofing systems assumes that thermal insulation can be located either within the superstructure or above the ceiling. However, the second option for laying insulation for a flat roof is a priority.

    According to the second scheme, an air chamber is formed between the roofing and the thermal insulation system. This is an attic that divides the structure into two parts with different temperature backgrounds.

    Difference between outside and inside temperature attic roof will not be as significant as with structures without an attic. The temperature change will not be so sharp and destructive. Plus a minimum of condensation, which is the secret to the longevity of attic roofs.

    Analysis of technical nuances

    The choice of method for insulating a flat roof is influenced by a number of circumstances, including the financial capabilities of the building owner, the required thermal insulation parameters and the load-bearing capacity of the building.

    Almost all types of materials used to protect walls and ceilings are used as insulation: expanded clay, lightweight concrete, mineral and synthetic materials. However, the list of popular options for insulating flat roofs is now topped by:

    • Expanded polystyrene– a rigid material obtained by pressing and sintering styrene granules. Lightweight, fairly strong slabs are used as a layer on top of which the screed is poured.
    • Extruded polystyrene foam- a rigid material obtained by mixing styrene granules with a foaming agent with the assistance of high temperature and pressure. Everything is mixed and conditioned in an extruder, and then squeezed out of it while simultaneously molding into slabs of standard dimensions. It is used as a basis for installing a finishing roof and as a thermal insulation layer under a concrete screed.
    • Mineral wool– fibrous semi-rigid and rigid material obtained by melting silicate rocks, metallurgical waste or mixtures thereof. Depending on the density, it is used as a basis for waterproofing or as a component of a multilayer insulation system.

    Polystyrene representatives are attractive due to their closed structure of granules sintered together and minimal moisture absorption. The extrusion namesake of the previous representative has the lowest thermal conductivity. Mineral wool is easy to install. The advantages of all of these options include light weight, combustion resistance and stable insulating qualities.

    The unfortunate drawback of mineral wool is that the procedure for insulating a flat roof from the outside with it must be timed to coincide with a period without rain. The thermal insulation installation stage must be completed on the start day without postponing some of the work to the next day. If mineral wool gets wet, it will have to be completely changed, because... the material will lose the insulating properties laid down by the manufacturer.

    The type of insulation suitable for construction is determined in accordance with protocol SP 02.13130.2009, which regulates the adoption of measures to ensure the fire resistance of the facility under construction. The thickness of the thermal insulation is calculated according to the requirements of the collection of rules on thermal protection of structures SNiP 02/23/2003.

    Manufacturers of roofing thermal insulation produce a range of materials with varying parameters of density, compressive strength, and thickness. Using the products supplied to the construction market, it is possible to arrange an insulation system with the necessary characteristics for any design scenario.

    In addition to standard thermal insulation slabs, wedge-shaped slabs are produced from these materials and are used to organize the natural movement of atmospheric water to drainage facilities. They produce fillets that are installed along the lines where the vertical planes meet the horizontal surface of the roof.

    Fillets prevent the formation of puddles and stagnation of water near parapets, adjacent walls, square chimneys, skylights, etc. It should be remembered that wedge-shaped thermal insulation cannot be considered as a worthy replacement for the insulation layer. It is obliged to solve only drainage issues.

    Choosing a method of insulation depending on the base

    Insulated roofing systems are installed on a profiled steel sheet or on a reinforced concrete base. Reinforced concrete bases include slabs, reinforced poured screeds and prefabricated screeds. Filling of cement-sand screed is carried out only on concrete bases and only if the strength characteristics of the base are sufficient.

    Method of installation of the insulation system and characteristics required type thermal insulation is selected depending on the type of base:

    • Insulation of a roof with a base of reinforced concrete slabs is carried out using mineral wool, covered on top with a prefabricated or cement-sand reinforced screed. The compressive strength of the insulating material should be 40 kPa or more. Deformation parameters are not less than 10%. When installing a two-layer insulation system, the compressive strength of the lower tier must be at least 30 kPa, the upper tier from 60 kPa.
    • Thermal insulation of a flat roof being repaired is carried out in two layers. The bottom layer is made up of slabs with compression resistance values ​​from 30 kPa, similar data for the top layer from 60 kPa with the possibility of deformation changes of no more than 10%.
    • An insulated roof using corrugated sheets must have a two-layer structure. The strength indicators of the lower tier laid on top of the corrugated sheet should be from 30 kPa, the same data for the layer laid on top from 60 kPa. Deformation limit 10%. If it is planned to install a bitumen-polymer roof on top, the material is laid directly on the thermal insulation system.

    It is allowed to lay thermal insulation on galvanized corrugated sheets without a preparatory leveling layer of flat slate or CBPB if the thickness of the slab is twice the distance between the corrugations. The insulation must be based on the flat component of the profiled sheet with its own area of ​​at least 30%.

    Mechanical fasteners for insulated flat roofs are installed at the rate of 2 units per slab. If the roof is built on a concrete base, the covering and insulation are fixed simultaneously.

    Along the interface lines with vertical surfaces, around chimneys and other penetrations, the frequency of installation of fasteners is increased. The insulation of flat structures on a profiled decking is attached separately from the waterproofing coating.

    Rules for laying insulation

    The principles of laying thermal insulation for a flat roof are closely related to the rules for constructing a roofing pie, because the insulation is its significant and most impressive part in terms of volume. We remember that thermal insulation material can be covered with a cement-sand screed or serve as a basis for laying waterproofing together with the finishing coating.

    When pouring a screed solution over the material, the surface is leveled to install beacons that determine the power of the thermal insulation system.

    Specifics of thermal insulation device on a flat roof:

    • Laying of thermal insulation boards begins from a corner located in the low area of ​​the roof. If during the construction process the slope of the structure was not observed, then the first elements should be aligned with the installation site of the water intake funnels or gutter.
    • Insulation slabs are placed on the profiled flooring so that their long side is perpendicular to the corrugations in order to install fasteners in different ridges.
    • When installing multi-layer thermal insulation, the slabs are placed according to the principle of spacing the seams. Those. the layout of the slabs in each layer should resemble brickwork. In addition, the connecting lines and crosshairs of the upper tier should not coincide with analogues bottom row. For this thermal insulation boards the second tier is cut in the order proposed by the material manufacturer.

    The cutting method given as an example, which has been repeatedly tested in practice, can significantly reduce costs.

    Options for attaching thermal insulation boards

    The slab insulation is fixed in accordance with the type of roof being constructed. To attach a thermal insulation layer to a flat roof, the following methods are used:

    • Mechanical. Fixation is carried out using so-called telescopic fasteners, the elements of which consist of self-tapping screws screwed into the base with plastic fungi passing through the thickness of the roofing pie. Special anchors are driven into concrete slabs and secured to the screeds with screws with plastic sleeves.
    • Adhesive. Thermal insulation and other components of the roofing cake are glued to hot bitumen-polymer mastic. The insulation is glued evenly; at least 30% of its area must be in contact with the base. The construction of roofing systems with bitumen or bitumen-polymer coating is not used during rainy weather periods, because... completely deprives the insulation of the opportunity to part with excess steam. Gluing can be done at any time of the year if the pie is completed with a roofing membrane that allows the excess fumes accumulated in the thermal insulation to pass through.
    • Ballast. The insulation laid on a flat roof is simply covered with a waterproofing carpet, on top of which a gravel-pebble mixture is poured or installed paving slabs on plastic supports. The components of the system lie freely, the pie is secured only along the perimeter and around the roof penetrations.

    Ballast roofs include the now very popular green roofs. True, these are inversion systems, so the order of laying the layers of the cake is somewhat different from tradition. The insulation is laid on waterproofing, which at the same time serves as a vapor barrier.

    The thermal insulation is covered by a geodrainage polymer membrane, produced specifically for roofs with landscaping. A soil-vegetative layer is arranged on the drainage layer.

    Thermal insulation device from the inside

    Laying insulation slabs from the inside of a structure with a flat roof is not very convenient in the physical sense. Not everyone will be able to maintain their ability to work for a long time with their arms extended upward.

    But it is practical, because you can work regardless of rain, snow, strong winds, or scorching sun. It is also not necessary to carry out all thermal insulation actions in one day, because... the material will not get wet.

    Work on laying thermal insulation from the inside proceeds in the following order:

    • We screw a block, both or one of the sides of which is equal to the thickness of the insulation board, along the line where the ceiling and wall join. For internal insulation, lumber from coniferous species and polystyrene foam boards that hold their shape well.
    • We install a similar bar made from a bar on the opposite wall.
    • Glue the polystyrene foam board onto a hot bitumen mastic or glue to the ceiling and the side edge of one of the planks. Press the insulation firmly onto the mating surfaces. We fill the conditional strip with insulation boards completely. If necessary, we cut the edge slabs to actual dimensions.
    • We screw the block onto the side of the heat-insulating strip we created, pressing it tightly against the mating elements.
    • Pressing the polystyrene foam, we again form and glue the insulation strip.
    • We alternate screwing the bars with gluing the thermal insulation until we fill the ceiling plane.
    • We fasten with a stapler to the bars plastic film and cover the ceiling with plasterboard or similar material.

    Before laying thermal insulation on the inside of the building, it is necessary to think through and calculate how, where and at what height to place electrical lighting fixtures.

    Insulation of a flat roof: choosing insulation, installation instructions

    How to insulate a flat roof from the outside or inside according to the rules, which serves as a guide when choosing insulation and roof insulation technology.

    How to insulate a flat roof - installation features and choice of material

    Flat roofs are less popular in private buildings compared to pitched roofs. They are mainly used in the construction of multi-storey residential buildings and industrial facilities. According to statistics, only 5% of private houses and cottages have a roof of this type.

    But when constructing outbuildings, garages, and terraces, this type of roofing is used quite often. A flat roof is influenced by various types of loads: precipitation, wind, temperature changes, sun, installation loads, etc. Therefore, insulating a flat roof is a complex undertaking that requires a thorough approach.

    Thermal insulation technologies

    The method of insulation and the sequence of work depends on the type of flat roof. They are traditional and inversion. Inversion roofs are usually used. Traditional roofs do not perform additional functions.

    Thermal insulation of a traditional roof

    The “roofing pie” of a traditional type roof is made of the following layers:

    • concrete base or metal profile;
    • vapor barrier;
    • insulation material;
    • waterproofing layer.

    Inversion roof type

    The sequence of layers for thermal protection of an inversion roof is somewhat different. In this case, the insulation system looks like this:

    • load-bearing base;
    • waterproofing;
    • insulation material;
    • geotextiles;
    • backfilling with crushed stone;
    • finishing coating.

    Operated and non-operated roofs

    Unused roofs serve only the main protective function.

    The surfaces of exploited roofs can additionally serve as a garden, terrace, sports ground, or recreation area. Therefore, the insulating structure of the roof in use must be especially strong and reliable. When installing a single-layer insulation system on such a roof, a concrete screed must be placed on top of the insulation.

    Single and double layer insulation

    Depending on the number of layers of insulation, the insulation system can be two-layer or single-layer.

    With a single-layer system, the thermal insulation layer is made of insulating material of the same density. In this case, the heat insulator must be sufficiently dense and durable.

    This design is usually used when reconstructing an old roof or during the construction of warehouses, industrial buildings and garages.

    When installing a two-layer insulation system, two layers of insulation are laid. The bottom layer has the main heat-protective function. It has a greater thickness compared to the top layer and high thermal insulation characteristics. In this case, the strength of the material can be relatively small.

    The top layer of insulation additionally has the function of redistributing the load. Its thickness is smaller, but the density and compressive strength should be high.

    The two-layer design allows for high strength insulation systems with relatively low weight. As a result, the load on the floors is reduced.

    Material selection

    When choosing insulation for a flat roof, you need to take into account the following material characteristics:

    The following materials can be used for thermal insulation:

    • mineral basalt wool, due to the air in the structure, the material has high thermal insulation properties, and the insulation fibers adhere tightly to each other, providing it with high tensile strength;
    • ecowool - a cellulose material that is treated with fire retardants to make the insulation non-flammable;
    • polyurethane foam - a modern sprayed heat insulator that forms a uniform surface without seams;
    • extruded polystyrene foam is a popular insulation material with good thermal insulation properties, is not afraid of moisture, is easy to install, and is affordable;
    • foam concrete is a modern material, as strong as concrete and light as foam.

    Laying vapor barrier

    When insulating a traditional roof, a vapor barrier material must be laid on top of the base. If this is not done, the insulation will gradually accumulate moisture and lose its thermal insulation properties, air pockets will form, and the roof will deform.

    Polyethylene and polypropylene films or built-up bitumen materials can act as a vapor barrier. The lack of films is the presence of seams. Bituminous materials form a homogeneous, tear-resistant surface.

    The vapor barrier must be laid not only on a horizontal surface, but also on the wall just above the level of the insulation.

    Installation of insulation

    After laying the vapor barrier layer, you can proceed to the installation of insulating material.

    Thermal insulation with mineral wool

    Not every type of mineral wool is suitable for insulating a flat roof. The material must have sufficient strength to withstand the loads during installation and operation. Therefore, special high-strength mineral plates are used.

    Installation of insulation can be done in two ways: dowels or bitumen. The process of attaching to bitumen is quite complex and expensive. Therefore, this method of installing slabs is advisable when laying them on a concrete base. Then you won’t have to buy specialized dowels, which are more expensive, and drill holes in the concrete.

    If the base is made of profiled sheets, then it is more convenient to fasten the slabs mechanically using adhesives or dowels. In the case where it is planned to install a cement-sand screed, it is not necessary to secure the slabs.

    When choosing a mechanical method of fastening insulation for a flat roof, the vapor barrier must be made of fused materials so that the resulting holes in the base can be closed.

    When laying insulation in two layers, the lower slabs are coated with bitumen, and the upper ones are installed so that the seams between the slabs of the upper and lower layers do not coincide. This is necessary to prevent the formation of cold bridges.

    Application of expanded polystyrene

    The principles of roof insulation with extruded polystyrene foam are similar to insulation with mineral wool. At the same time, polystyrene foam boards have slot locks, which greatly simplify the installation process. To prevent moisture from entering, all seams are taped.


    To protect the roof from water, it is necessary to lay a waterproofing layer. Moreover, on traditional roofs it is installed on top of the insulation, and on inversion roofs - under the insulation. Laying a waterproofing membrane follows the same principle as installing a vapor barrier. Waterproofing can be made of rolled, fused materials or profiled steel sheets.

    Polyurethane foam insulation

    The stages of work described above can be skipped if you use modern material such as polyurethane foam as insulation. It is sprayed onto the insulated surface using special installations. The result is an even, sealed layer without seams. Additional vapor and waterproofing is no longer required. The material can be applied to almost any substrate. Service life - from 25 years. The disadvantages of polyurethane foam insulation are its high cost and the need to call specialists.

    How successfully the insulation of a flat roof will be completed depends on strict adherence to certain rules and generally accepted technology. Let's list some of them.

    Following instructions

    Any modern insulation system requires compliance with a number of rules established by the manufacturer. Basically, the procedure is the same everywhere. The difference lies in the details. Some types of insulation require the use of only certain adhesives. If you take another one, you will damage the surface. Therefore, when purchasing a ready-made system, be sure to read the manufacturer's instructions.

    Preparing the base

    Before carrying out insulation work, the base must be carefully prepared. It must be cleared of ice or snow in winter and freed from moisture and debris in summer.

    Correct installation process

    Installation of insulation is carried out “by yourself”. You should start from the edge that is opposite the roof exit. You need to move along special inventory walkways to evenly distribute the mechanical load. The laying direction changes periodically.

    Insulation of a flat roof: choice of insulation, insulation with polystyrene foam, polystyrene foam or mineral wool, waterproofing

    Insulation of flat roofs and requirements for materials. Installation tricks, work rules. Laying a waterproofing layer. Thermal insulation with polystyrene foam and polyurethane foam.

    Flat roofs in use are becoming more and more popular every year, as the cost of housing and land rises, and this design allows for additional usable space. To install such a roof, it is necessary to use special materials and adhere to special technology. We will talk about how a flat roof is installed in our article.

    Flat roof technology is determined by its functional load. Therefore, first you need to determine what a serviceable roof is and how it differs from a regular one. The answer lies in the name itself - an exploitable roof can be exploited, that is, used as additional useful space. Some prefer to set up mini-gardens on it, others create a recreation area with a barbecue and tables, open restaurants on flat roofs, build sports grounds, hold concerts and make parking lots. Needless to say, it’s a brilliant solution for a metropolis.

    There are classic and inversion roofs. The difference between them is only in the order of arrangement of the thermal insulation layer inside the roofing pie. So, in the first case, the insulation is located under the waterproofing, and in the second - above it.

    A serviceable flat roof is a flooring that includes all the components of the usual “pie” - vapor barrier, waterproofing, insulation and finishing coating. But in addition to this, such a roof is reinforced with a durable ceiling that can withstand serious loads. Making such a structure with your own hands is very difficult and quite expensive, but it is much simpler and cheaper than building additional living space from scratch.

    Installation of an exploitable roof

    The installation of a flat roof of the type in use differs from any other type of roof, and the procedure for work is determined by the type of building and the materials used.

    Any roof in use consists of the following layers:

    • load-bearing slab - usually reinforced concrete monolithic design, which takes on the entire load exerted by the materials lying on top, furniture and objects placed on the roof, and people on it;
    • slope - a special leveling layer that provides the minimum required slope to drain water from the roof surface;
    • vapor barrier - experts recommend using modern built-up bitumen products, self-adhesive films or mastics (layer thickness 1-2 mm). In this case, the vapor barrier takes on the function of temporary or backup waterproofing;
    • thermal insulation - the insulation must be resistant to moisture or have minimal moisture absorption; its thickness can be at least 150 mm (preferably 200 mm). Another mandatory requirement is strength and durability. Expanded polystyrene and foam glass have proven themselves well;
    • waterproofing – ensures the safety of thermal insulation and the integrity of the load-bearing slab, therefore for the protective layer it is necessary to choose only the highest quality materials, time-tested;
    • finishing coating - gravel or sand powder, cement screed, decking board, lawn, ceramic tiles or any other suitable material.

    Roof slope

    Even though the roof is called flat, it should still have a slight slope. This necessary measure needed to ensure the drainage of rain and melt water. Otherwise, they will linger on the surface, spoil the finish coating and render the “pie” unusable. To give the water direction and make it flow into right place, a very small deviation is enough - from 1 to 5 degrees. It is completely imperceptible either visually or in sensations.

    However, it is not enough to tilt the surface just a little; it is necessary to make a drain for the water through which it could leave the house and go outside. Funnels for flat roofs will help organize the safe removal of excess moisture.

    There are several ways to create a ramp:

    • use of bulk materials;
    • pouring concrete with the addition of bulk materials;
    • pouring concrete with polymer fillers;
    • laying additional insulation.

    For the first method, various bulk materials– crushed stone, expanded clay, crumbs. They are quite cheap to purchase, but installation causes many difficulties. First, a waterproofing layer is laid on the concrete base, onto which crushed stone or expanded clay is poured along a given slope. In order for the granules to maintain their position, they are watered with “cement laitance”, which acts as an adhesive. When the loose particles set, begin laying the subsequent layers of the “pie”. However, very often “cement laitance” cannot provide reliable fixation, and the granules still roll off. As a result, the angle changes and the deflection does not meet the required parameters.

    If you create a slope on a flat roof using concrete, its weight may put too much stress on the load-bearing slab, and it simply will not bear it. This option is only suitable if the arrangement of the existing roof with a concrete slope was taken into account at the design stage of the building.

    It turns out that the first three methods are either complicated or completely impossible. Fortunately, abundance modern building materials allows you to find alternative solution, and more than one. To create a smooth and invisible roof slope, lightweight and easy-to-install materials are used: polyurethane foam, expanded polystyrene foam, glass insulation, foam concrete slabs, stone wool, fiberglass, foam glass, etc. There is also a special Roof-Slope system, which involves laying stone wool blocks in a special way.

    Sloping a flat roof with mineral wool or polyurethane foam boards is much easier, faster and more profitable than fiddling with expanded clay and concrete. The most important advantage of such materials is low weight with impressive rigidity. They are glued over the waterproofing with various mastics or special compounds so that the bonding strength is higher than the tensile strength of the insulation.

    As for the use of foam concrete for arranging a slope, its installation will require special equipment and qualified workers. First, a layer of foam concrete is applied to the base, which is covered with a foam fiber concrete screed. Since this entails additional costs, most prefer the above-mentioned slabs, especially since the result is equally good in all cases.

    Roof-Slope is a special technology for creating a slope for a flat roof, developed by the ROCKWOOL company. Its essence is that an individual system is selected for each roof structure, ensuring optimal slope and rapid water drainage. Development and calculations are fully automated, so there can be no errors. When the program has calculated all the data and produced a virtual slope model, a set of panels with the required slope is manufactured at the factory. The elements are delivered to the assembly site and assembled like a puzzle, after which they are covered with a layer liquid rubber. This service is quite expensive, but it should be taken into account that you get both de-sloping, insulation, and additional waterproofing.

    The slope of a flat roof is necessary so that water does not linger on the surface and flows to a certain place, but in order to remove it from the roof, it is necessary to arrange a drainage system. Drain funnels are installed on each sector of the roof, and in the case of an inversion type of construction, the funnels must ensure the removal of moisture not only from the surface, but also from the waterproofing layer.

    Roof thermal insulation

    The thermal insulation layer for the roof in use must be made of durable (not soft) materials that are resistant to moisture and the pressure of the weight of the roof. The insulation must be protected with a vapor barrier to provide additional protection from moisture. When choosing film materials, for example, polyethylene or polypropylene, it should be taken into account that there will be seams between the cuts - potential risk areas. Therefore, many people prefer a built-up seamless vapor barrier made of bitumen or polybitumen.

    For thermal insulation of flat roofs, stone or mineral wool in slabs, extruded polystyrene foam or foam glass. The last two materials are almost completely hydrophobic and remain dry under any circumstances, therefore they are considered the best option for laying flat roofs. The only caveat is the high cost, especially of foam glass. In the case of expanded polystyrene, it is also necessary to provide additional fire safety and protect the insulation from exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

    Mineral wool boards do not burn and are quite cheap. However, this material needs serious protection from moisture - the slightest wetness, and the slabs cease to fulfill their purpose. In addition, mineral and stone wool do not have the necessary strength, so they need additional reinforcement. Often, a cement screed is used for this - it evenly distributes the load, provides additional protection for the slabs and provides a flat and strong base for laying the waterproofing carpet.

    There are prefabricated and wet screeds. The team is made from sheets of slate or asbestos, and this is quite expensive. The wet screed looks like a classic cement-sand mortar, with which the insulation is poured. This option is much cheaper, but provides additional load on the slab and foundation. In addition, when pouring, moisture from the solution will certainly be absorbed into the insulation, so you need to lay a protective layer of kraft paper or glassine. Dries wet screed for a very long time (up to 3-4 weeks), and if you try to fuse the waterproofing without waiting for it to dry completely, then bubbles will definitely appear on the surface. From all this we can draw a logical conclusion - it’s better to spend money on durable insulation than buying cheap mineral wool and making a screed.

    To insulate a house with a flat roof, experts recommend using high-strength basalt mineral wool slabs. Their special production technology, which involves double fiber orientation (weaving), guarantees high rigidity and durability.

    Whatever insulation you choose for your roof, it must meet the following requirements:

    • do not absorb moisture;
    • do not swell;
    • do not rot;
    • do not shrink;
    • be durable;
    • be durable.


    Particular attention should be paid to waterproofing the roof in use, since the safety of not only the roofing pie, but also the entire building, depends on its quality and installation. Regardless of whether you are building a soft flat roof or an inverted roof, the waterproofing work is the same.

    If earlier roofs were covered with liquid bitumen, today preference is given to rolled fused materials, between which there are no seams (roofing felt, polymer-bitumen materials, PVC membranes, etc.). Bituminous polymer materials are characterized by high elasticity and ease of installation. Particularly popular among them are cast asphalt, self-adhesive film and various emulsions.

    Features of laying waterproofing:

    Waterproofing with liquid rubber is currently considered the best and most reliable way to protect the “pie” from moisture penetration for a period of 20 years or longer. In addition to the fact that liquid rubber, after hardening, provides a solid, seamless coating, it simultaneously acts as a vapor barrier, so it is often used in cases where it is not possible to buy additional building materials. The only caveat is that to create such protection you need special equipment and skills to handle it. Application of liquid rubber should be done in calm, dry weather.
    Such waterproofing is used not only to protect roofing pies, but even during the construction of swimming pools - the hardened rubber reliably retains all moisture on the surface.

    Finish coating

    When all components of the flat roof are installed, you can proceed to the final stage - installation of the finishing coating. When choosing it, you should start not only from the performance characteristics of the material, but also take into account your own preferences. The right coating will set the mood for the entire interior of your future outdoor area. We propose to consider the most popular materials used for finishing the roof in use.

    Important: Regardless of the covering, it is necessary to install a parapet for a flat roof along the entire perimeter. It will perform a protective and decorative function. The height of the parapet depends on the purpose for which you are building a roof deck. If this is a gym with a basketball hoop or tennis court, a high net should be installed instead of a parapet.

    Roof tiles

    As flooring For a flat roof, you can use tiled, ceramic, marble, porcelain stoneware, granite and other durable types of slabs. The main thing is that the surface is not slippery. The tiles are placed on special plastic stands, granite crushed stone or mortar.

    Plastic donut stands are quite inexpensive, but their adjustment range is limited to 15 mm, so the bend of the finish will correspond to the slope of the roof. However, experts have figured out how to eliminate this drawback - before installing the stands, they level the base with crushed stone.

    Another thing is the support posts. They have a wide range of adjustment and provide a flat surface at any roof slope.

    Pebbles and crushed stone for the roof

    In most cases, crushed stone serves as a leveling layer on which more aesthetically pleasing material is laid. But it can also be used as a topcoat if you want to diversify landscape design or make neat paths.

    When arranging plantings on a flat roof (green roof), crushed stone is used as drainage to ensure uniform saturation of plants with water and prevent waterlogging of the soil.

    Smooth stones, sharpened by a river or the sea, can be used to lay out a very beautiful surface on which it will be useful to walk barefoot. Pebbles of various colors and shades are used to create original compositions, smooth, neat paths and decorative elements.

    Polymer coatings

    Polymer materials for the roof in use provide a smooth, seamless surface that does not allow water to pass through and can withstand temperature changes. Depending on the composition, the characteristics and method of coating application differ. Thin coatings are applied with a brush or roller, thick coatings are poured and leveled.

    Thin polymer coatings mostly colorless (transparent) and serve to create protective film for mosaic, natural stone or tiles. They don't allow finishing coating crack from severe frost, fade from direct sunlight and crack from accidental impacts. Such protection can last up to 20 years or longer.

    Thick-layer polymer coatings are made from plexiglass. After hardening, they form a dense layer about 20 mm thick. The main advantage is that after pouring the self-leveling mixture onto the surface, the floor can be used within 2-3 hours. The average service life of such a coating is 50 years.

    Rubber tiles

    Rubber tiles have proven themselves to be a reliable universal coating that can be used both indoors and outdoors. It does not fade under the sun and is not afraid of moisture, does not sag under the weight of furniture and has a long service life.

    Rubber tiles are made from recycled car tires. They are ground into crumbs and pressed under high pressure, resulting in dense, elastic and very durable “mats”. Depending on the model and purpose, the tiles can be connected to each other special locks or lay it on glue, like regular tiles.

    This material is ideal for finishing used roofs, since it does not slip at all, even if it is wet with water. Since the rubber is quite elastic, although dense, it relieves the load from the legs while walking.

    Terrace board

    The most aesthetic type of flooring for a flat roof. The flooring is made from dense valuable wood - larch, cherry, teak, merbau, etc. This type of finish is quite expensive, but there are more budget option– terrace board made of wood-polymer composite. Externally, it is practically no different from “noble” wood, which is why many people prefer this type of coating.

    There is practically no need to care for the decking board - as a rule, the rain washes away all the dirt, and if there is anything left, you can simply brush it off with a brush. Installation is also not difficult - the same supports are used for decking boards as for tiles, and the decking is installed on special fasteners (included in the kit).

    Before purchasing materials, it is necessary to make an accurate calculation of the flat roof, taking into account the load-bearing capacities of the walls and foundation of the building (if it has already been built). Ideally, it is better to plan the exploitable roof at the design stage of the house itself.