Attic roof pie. Roofing pie for different types of roofs: device, assignment of layers and laying

Outwardly, it is impossible to distinguish a house with a pitched roof, under which an attic is equipped, from buildings with an attic, except perhaps by skylights. But if you delve into the design of the roof, you can find significant differences. Attic space they are insulated only from the side of the ceiling so as not to release warm air from the residential floor. Pie mansard roof contains many layers that allow you to create a microclimate favorable for living in the space under the roof.

First, let's figure out what is called a roofing pie. These are the necessary structural layers of the roof, which are laid in a certain sequence and are needed to insulate the structure, protect against condensation and moisture from the street, and also as a base for laying the roof itself.

Roofing cake of a cold attic and warm attic is significantly different. In the first case, fewer structural layers are used. Usually this is rafters, waterproofing, lathing and roofing. When arranging residential attic rooms under the roof, the correct roofing cake consists of the following layers, arranged from the bottom up:

  • interior decoration of the premises;
  • vapor barrier layer;
  • rafter system and heat-insulating material, which is laid between the rafters;
  • waterproofing carpet;
  • clearance for ventilation of the under-roof space (it is formed by laying the counter-rail);
  • crate;
  • roof covering, namely the selected roofing material.

Each of the listed layers performs its specific functions, so the absence of a layer or its correct installation can lead to large heat losses and significant costs for heating the house. Due to the accumulation of condensate, the insulation may become damp, and bearing structures rafter systems are quickly destroyed.

Important! It is worth remembering that great importance has not only the presence of a certain layer and its correct installation, but also the choice suitable material in accordance with the design features of the roof and climatic conditions construction region.

Features of each layer

Next, we will consider the attic pie in layers, indicating the design features, as well as the nuances of the selection and installation of materials. We will consider all layers of the mansard roof structure, moving from the room to the outside.

The very first layer, which is located on the side of the room, is the interior decoration. For these purposes, you can use drywall sheets, plastic panels, wooden lining and other finishes. Among all materials for finishing the attic, drywall and wood have an advantage, since they can naturally regulate the humidity in the room, which contributes to a favorable microclimate.

vapor barrier

The vapor barrier layer is attached to the rafter system from below. It is needed to protect the internal structures of the roof and insulation from the formation of condensate due to the temperature difference between indoors and outdoors.

Attention! The absence or poor-quality vapor barrier leads to the accumulation of condensate moisture in the insulation. Due to dampness, the insulation cannot perform its heat-insulating functions, and it will be cold in the room.

Vapor barrier roll materials rolled across the direction of the rafters and attached to them with construction stapler. In this case, it is necessary to overlap the strips by 150 mm. The joints of the strips of material are additionally sealed with special tapes or ordinary adhesive tape.

The following materials are used as vapor barrier:

  1. The most affordable and inexpensive vapor barrier is glassine. Over the years, its properties to protect against condensate moisture decrease, so it is better not to use it.
  2. Special vapor barrier membrane. This is a polyethylene film, which may have additional reinforcing and reflective layers. She does her job well and does not sag.
  3. Foil vapor barrier. This is the most expensive material, but in addition to protecting against moisture, it allows you to effectively retain heat in the room due to the reflective layer. The foil film must be fixed with a gap of 10-20 mm from the insulation. To obtain this gap, before fixing the film, slats of the appropriate thickness are stuffed onto the rafters.

Worth knowing: the vapor barrier should not fit snugly against the insulation laid between the rafters, so the material is attached to the rafters with a slight sag (about 2 mm).

truss system

For making rafters pitched roof in a private house elements made of wood are used conifers not lower than grade 1 with a moisture content of not more than 15%. Optimal cross section rafters 150x50 mm. In the middle climatic zone of our country for effective insulation mansard roof, it is necessary to use a heat-insulating material with a thickness of 200 mm. As you can see, the height of the rafters of 15 cm will not be enough, so a bar with a section of 50x50 mm can be attached to them from below.

The installation step of the truss system depends on the roof structure, the width of the thermal insulation material used and the type roofing. It is also worth remembering that the larger the step of the truss system, the larger the cross section of one element should be. For rafters with a section of 5x15 cm optimal step equal to 800-900 mm.

Important! Everybody wooden elements load-bearing roof frame must be protected from rotting and burning. To do this, they are pre-treated with antiseptics and flame retardants.


The most important in the design of the attic roof is the insulation pie, because the comfort of living in the attic, as well as the level of sound insulation of the premises, depends on it. For thermal insulation pitched structures usually use:

  • Mineral plates. They are made on the basis of basalt fiber, they are quite dense, non-flammable and retain heat well.
  • Fiberglass is a non-flammable, environmentally friendly material. Its disadvantage is the instability of the structure and the possibility of sagging.
  • Styrofoam is an inexpensive, efficient material that does not absorb moisture at all, but releases toxic compounds when burned.
  • Expanded polystyrene is a very light, non-flammable and non-toxic material that does not accumulate moisture. However, it has increased vapor permeability, so in the summer on the attic floor it can be high humidity. Due to its high rigidity, expanded polystyrene is difficult to lay on difficult sections of the roof.

Tip: to insulate the attic, it is better to use soft mineral wool slabs based on basalt. They are easily mounted in difficult areas and fit snugly to the rafters without the formation of cold bridges.

For each construction region, the thickness of the heat-insulating material is calculated individually. The minimum layer of insulation is 150 mm. For regions with harsh winters it is necessary to use a heat-insulating material with a thickness of at least 20 cm. In this case, the insulation is laid only on dry wood of the rafters. Otherwise, moisture will penetrate into the thermal insulation material and reduce its effectiveness.


The main purpose of waterproofing is to protect the insulation from moisture penetrating from the roof, as well as the ability to pass water vapor, which will evaporate from the heat-insulating material. That is why a vapor barrier film is not suitable for these purposes, because it does not allow water vapor to pass through. For roof waterproofing, special materials are used:

  1. diffusion membranes. These are films with microscopic funnel-shaped holes. The material is laid in such a way that the wide part of the funnel is turned towards the insulation, and the narrow part towards the roofing. In this case, it is necessary to create two ventilation gaps and lay the material from the insulation on short distance so that the funnels do not clog with water vapor. These membranes can only be used with roof coverings that are not afraid of moisture that collects from the back.
  2. superdiffusion membranes. The effectiveness of this material does not require the arrangement of an air gap on the side of the insulation. Such films are suitable for houses where the roof is laid in an already inhabited building. The membranes protect well from the wind.

Important! Both types of membranes cannot be used with euroslate and metal tile coatings, since their back side must be reliably protected from condensate. But for coverings from soft and traditional tiles, these membranes are ideal.

  1. Condensate films used for roofing made of euroslate and metal tiles, since they do not allow water vapor to pass through. In this case, excess moisture from the heat-insulating material accumulates on the fleecy side and is brought out through the ventilation gap. In such constructions, it is necessary to perform the second ventilation gap between the waterproofing mat and the covering, so that condensate does not accumulate on the back of the roof.

Counter rail and crate

If it is necessary to equip the ventilation of the under-roof space, then the slats of the counter-lattice are stuffed over the waterproofing carpet. To do this, use a beam with a section height of 30-40 mm, which is nailed in the direction of the rafters.

Next comes a layer of framing. It can be continuous or sparse. The first option is equipped for soft roofing, for example, flexible tiles, and is made of OSB or moisture resistant plywood. Between elements solid battens it is necessary to leave a deformation gap of 2-3 mm. In the second case, boards 25 mm thick are used, which are nailed across the rafters in increments of 30-40 cm. After that, the roofing is laid.

If insulated cold attic used for storing unnecessary items, then it will turn into a cozy residential attic. First of all, you need to, of course, insulate the roof itself. Roofing pie mansard roof equipped harder than roofing cold attic, but the result is worth it - the room can be used all year round. Here, it is most important to fully comply with the technology, because each layer carries certain functions, without which the roof can carry large heat losses without fulfilling its functions, or quickly collapse, as a result of which it will have to be completely redone.

The composition and sequence of layers of the roofing cake

The mansard roof cake consists of several layers, which are important to place in the indicated order from top to bottom:

  • roof covering,
  • crate,
  • clearance for ventilation (counter-lattice),
  • hydro and vapor barrier,
  • rafters and thermal insulation,
  • internal vapor barrier
  • interior decoration.

Material for thermal insulation: what to choose?

Thermal insulation is the most important layer of the pie, providing warmth inside the home. The thickness of the thermal insulation layer is chosen depending on the climate and region. Minimum Thickness- 150 mm, but for regions where severe cold is possible, use material up to 200 mm. As we are talking about the slope at an angle, not any heater is suitable for thermal insulation of the attic. The most commonly used materials are:

  • Mineral wool slabs based on basalt cloth are a dense, non-combustible material that retains heat well.
  • Expanded polystyrene is also a non-combustible material, environmentally friendly and fireproof. Its disadvantages include increased vapor permeability, due to which in the warm season there may be increased humidity in the room. Another disadvantage is that it is quite rigid, so it is difficult to lay it on simple plots roofs.
  • Polyfoam inexpensively and effectively copes with the task of thermal insulation, and besides this, it does not absorb moisture at all. But it is a fire hazard, and moreover, when burned, it releases toxic substances.
  • Fiberglass is also used as insulation, but its structure is not stable, so there is a possibility of roof sagging.

The sequence and nuances of installation

First you need to install the truss structure. If the heat-insulating material is selected in advance, then it is possible to install the rafters with such a step that its plates fit there tightly in size - this will minimize waste, save money and simplify the process of insulation.

The next step is laying a layer of hydro and vapor barrier. In this capacity, you can use parchment, vapor barrier film or foil material. Most often they are sold in rolls, which will need to be rolled out parallel to the ridge, starting from the bottom. It is important to lay them overlapping each other, and all joints must be sealed with a connecting tape or adhesive tape. When laying, you do not need to stretch the material, it should sag quite a bit between the rafters.

After that, a counter-lattice is made, which acts as a ventilation gap, with the help of counter-rails, which are nailed or fastened with self-tapping screws to the rafters.

This is a necessary element, since the lack of ventilation can lead to:

  • melting snow on the roof in winter, and the formation of dangerous icicles and ice,
  • elevated room temperature in the summer, turning the attic almost into a bathhouse,
  • high humidity of the thermal insulation material, which reduces its effectiveness and increases the risk of mold or fungus.

Also, for ventilation, you can use roofing vents in the rafters and a ridge aerator - a device that is located along the upper edge of the roof. All of its slots must be closed with a grate to prevent debris from entering.

After that, the main layer is laid - insulation. It is important that at the time of this action the rafters are completely dry - otherwise the moisture from the wood will be absorbed into the material, reducing its ability to insulate.

Plates are laid in two layers. This is due to the fact that wooden or metal rafters become a bridge through which cold enters the room. To prevent this from happening, the insulation is first laid between the rafters, and then another, thinner layer is made. heat-insulating material. To further be attached to the rafters necessary elements, it is necessary to note their location on the material.

It remains to attach a vapor barrier layer, after which the attic insulation can be considered complete, and proceed to interior decoration ceiling.

The use of the attic as a living space requires the creation of comfortable living conditions, which directly depend on the quality of the insulation of this part of the house. Thermal insulation of the attic floor allows you to get double benefit: In winter, the room will remain warm, and in summer a pleasant coolness will be created. But to achieve this goal, it is necessary to know and understand the technology of insulation. Besides thermal insulation works can be performed if there is a significant amount of free time, a desire to work and experience in handling some tools.

Mansard roof insulation process

The attic floor is insulated by analogy with a conventional roof, but taking into account more stringent requirements, which is explained design features premises.

In particular, we are talking about the walls of the attic, which in most cases are integral with the roof. This leads to rapid cooling in winter and intense heating in the heat of summer.

Proper Mansard Roof Pie

In general, the attic insulation pie looks like this:

  • Laying a vapor barrier layer.
  • Insulation.
  • Creation of a ventilation gap.
  • waterproofing material.
  • Roof covering.

Each layer roofing cake the attic performs its function, so the absence of one of them will be considered a violation of roof insulation technology attic type. Special attention in the process of work, insulation and ventilation should be given, since it is these factors that ensure comfortable living in the attic room.

To understand how to properly insulate a mansard roof, you need to know the reasons why this type of work is performed.

Secondly, the presence of insulation helps protect the attic from excess heat in the summer heat.

This is because all thermal insulation materials have the property of thermal conductivity. By this parameter, you can determine how much heat the material is able to let in or out of the room. A low coefficient of thermal conductivity corresponds to a thinner layer of insulation, which is necessary to create comfortable living conditions.

Thermal conductivity is quite an important factor for several reasons. Warm air from the room, according to the laws of physics, rises, where it certainly connects with the roof. AT winter time roofing material is covered with a snow cap, which, at a certain temperature and in the presence of internal air pockets, is a kind of external insulation. If it goes through the roof a large number of heat, then the snow on the roof begins to melt. But as a result of low air temperature in winter, the thawed layer forms an ice crust, which thermal insulation properties does not have snow. In addition, the ice mass exerts a significant load on the roof and can cause damage. roofing material. Properly selected insulation is able to retain heat in the attic, thereby preventing snow from melting, while maintaining its natural properties.

If we consider the function of thermal insulation in summer period, then the situation is as follows. The scorching summer sun heats the roofing material, and the heat from the roof passes into the attic room. Improper insulation of the attic roof causes unbearable heat, which even air conditioners do not cope well with. The right mansard pie will keep the room cool, creating the conditions for a comfortable stay.

Roofing cake features

Having understood the purpose of thermal insulation, one should also study the influence of the roof structure on the quality of insulation. To do this, you need to find out how the mansard-type roof differs from the usual design.

The main difference is the size of the ventilation space between the roof and the living space. An ordinary roof is characterized by the presence of an attic and dormer windows, and the mansard roof is characterized by the presence of a ventilation space of no more than 15 cm. Therefore competent ventilation is enough important task as well as the thermal conductivity of materials.

The reason for this is the following:

  • The free movement of air in the under-roof space contributes to the removal of moisture in this part of the roof. This allows you to save and extend the life of the entire roof structure.
  • In winter, competent ventilation does not allow heating of the roof, so the snow cap does not melt and does not form an ice crust.
  • In the summer heat, freely circulating air removes excess heat from under the roof, thereby preventing overheating of structural elements and maintaining comfort in the attic.

Rules for the selection of thermal insulation materials

To insulate well attic floor, it is necessary to approach the choice of insulation very responsibly, since the composition of the roofing cake and the thickness of the mansard roof insulation largely depend on its characteristics. Modern market offers sufficient thermal insulation large assortment. The following materials are especially popular in this variety:

  • Glass wool.
  • Minvata.
  • Styrofoam and expanded polystyrene.
  • Foamed glass.
  • Polyurethane foam.

No less popular can be called natural heaters, among which are the following:

  • Straw.
  • Paper.
  • The shavings remaining after wood processing.

When choosing a thermal insulation material, you should be guided by the following parameters:

  • The value of the thermal conductivity coefficient. The best option a heater is considered, the coefficient of which is not more than 0.05 W / m * K.
  • Moisture resistant. With an increase in this parameter quality characteristics are also increasing.
  • Fire resistance.
  • Compliance with environmental requirements.

The first two parameters are the main reasons why the choice may lean towards a particular material. But resistance to burning and environmental safety do not have a special effect on the number of layers and the thickness of the roofing cake.

Preferring mineral wool or glass wool, it should be remembered that during operation, some of the quality characteristics of these materials become much worse. Firstly, the material tends to cake or simply crumble. This is due to the poor resistance of wool to mechanical stress, as a result of which the structure of the insulation is destroyed. Secondly, the level of moisture in the insulation of this type significantly exceeds allowable norms, and cotton wool, as you know, has excellent hygroscopicity. It should also be remembered that thermal insulation with cotton wool requires the creation of a thicker cake, consisting of several layers of insulation. Only in this case is it possible to achieve the desired result. In addition, a roofing cake based on mineral wool or glass wool must contain several layers of vapor barrier and waterproofing. However, one should not forget about the low cost of such heat-insulating materials and their availability. To some extent, this is a very serious argument.

The use of foam for insulating a mansard roof can be called the most profitable option, due to the good thermal insulation properties of the material and its resistance to moisture. Most often, roof insulation with foam plastic can be done independently. However, it is not always possible to use such material. It is best to use for this purpose extruded polystyrene foam. It is also not afraid of water, less combustible and has an optimal coefficient of thermal conductivity. The disadvantage of expanded polystyrene is its synthetic origin and rather high cost.

Homeowners who prefer environmentally friendly materials can use foam glass, straw, and granulated paper to insulate a mansard roof. They have excellent thermal conductivity coefficients and full compliance with environmental standards. But, like other heaters, natural materials have their negative sides. Firstly, many of them are highly flammable, and secondly, almost all of them require special knowledge and equipment for work.

Features of attic insulation

Thermal insulation of a mansard roof is carried out in three stages:

  • Space preparation.
  • Insulation lining.
  • Direct fixation of materials.

The problem must be solved in the following way:

  • When erecting a rafter frame, the step between the rafters is determined. This distance should not reduce the strength of the roof structure, but at the same time, the selected insulation should fit tightly between the rafter legs.
  • The use of a heat-insulating material that does not absorb moisture allows you to skip the stage of laying the vapor barrier. However, mineral wool cannot be installed without this layer.
  • The stuffed counter-lattice contributes to the creation of a ventilation gap between the crate and the insulation.
  • The insulation fits snugly between the rafter legs and is firmly fixed in place. It should be borne in mind that metal rafters can become a kind of cold bridges. This requires the installation of an additional continuous layer of thermal insulation.

The mansard type roof is becoming more and more popular, but if it is not properly insulated, the homeowner may not get the desired result. Only by understanding the purpose of thermal insulation, and having made the right mansard roof cake, you can feel all the charm of living in the attic floor.

The roof of the building is exposed to particularly intense impact of various natural factors, therefore, not only comfort inside the house, but also the duration of operation of the entire structure depends on the reliability and quality of its design. Particular attention should be paid to the choice of material and the sequence of installation of the layers of the roof pie under the metal tile. The article provides information about the materials needed for the arrangement reliable roofing– basic performance characteristics, the need for use, installation features, etc. After reading the article, you will be able to control the quality of the work of builders, and if necessary, do not allow them to "save" on the purchase of cheap building and insulating materials or "simplify" the installation technology.


The sequence and purpose of the layers of the roofing pie of the roof with thermal insulation

A roofing pie made of metal tiles with insulation consists of several layers, each of which has its own purpose:

    External coating. metal tile or a budget option- metal profile (profiled sheet, corrugated board). The metal profile is recommended to be used to cover household buildings and technical structures in the roof structure without insulation;

    crate. wooden frame to which the outer coating is attached;

    Waterproofing. Protects the rafter system and thermal insulation from moisture;

    Control grille. Wooden slats that create a ventilation gap between outer coating and insulating materials. Thanks to the counter-lattice, humid air and condensate do not come into contact with the thermal insulation;


    Sound and vibration isolation. Damper elements are part of the roof frame of a large area. It is allowed to use such brands as Isoplast bi-not, Sylomer, etc. Roof structures of small and medium sizes can do without them, subject to careful installation of the supporting base (flooring), the use of fibrous thermal insulation and strict adherence to the metal tile fastening technology;

    truss system. The totality of the load-bearing elements of the roof, which is the basis for fastening all layers of the roofing pie;

    thermal insulation. Reduce building heat loss. It is recommended to use fibrous thermal insulation materials with a high degree of sound insulation: mineral wool, basalt wool, glass wool;

    vapor barrier. Protects the roofing pie from moist air coming from interior spaces structures;

    Internal counter grille. Wooden slats of small section, creating a ventilation gap between vapor barrier membrane and interior finishing materials;

    sheathing. Draft: plywood, OSB, drywall, designed for fastening decorative and finishing materials. Decorative: plastic or wooden lining, false timber, decorative panels.


Sequence of cold roof layers

Arrangement technology cold roof much easier than insulated:

    To the rafters with a construction stapler fastened waterproofing membrane;

    Along the rafter legs slats are installed counter-lattices;

    Lathing elements are fixed perpendicular to the rafters;

    Is fixed roofing material - metal tiles.

Cold roofing is used for technical structures, garages, storage facilities and other commercial buildings.


The main characteristics and features of the use of roofing elements

truss frame

For a roof made of metal, a standard truss system for light roofing materials is used. The cross section of the beam is 50x150 mm, the pitch of the rafter legs is 600-950 mm. As a rule, a step of 600 mm is adopted for the convenience of installing heat-insulating materials. This distance allows you to place entire insulation boards between the rafters without gaps and without the need to cut them, which will significantly speed up the installation process.

AT northern regions For Russia, it is recommended to use a beam with a section of 50x200 mm for rafters. This is due to the need to withstand increased snow and wind loads, and also allows you to place a thicker insulation between the frame elements.



Choice waterproofing material, which is part of the roof under the metal tile, depends on the purpose of the structure. Application of conventional polyethylene film, glassine or roofing felt is allowed for the insulation of non-insulated roof structures used in unheated buildings for technical purposes.

    Two-layer polymer- consists of two layers of polyethylene film with a reinforcing mesh between them;

    Super diffusion membrane- characterized by one-way vapor permeability. Its location during installation - with a permeable side towards the insulation, so that moist air is removed from the thermal insulation into the ventilation gap.

    Fluffy waterproofing- is also a diffuse material that removes moisture. In addition, it prevents the formation of condensate. It is installed with a fleecy, vapor-permeable side to the insulation.

Any of waterproofing membranes is laid on the roof plane parallel to the ridge, starting from the bottom. The overlap between the panels is 10-15 cm and is additionally glued with construction tape. Fastening to the rafters is carried out with a construction stapler.


Control grille

It is located between the elements of the crate and the rafters, forming a gap between waterproofing layer and roofing material. It is made of wood in the form of bars 30x50 mm. If the roof has complex structure, a large area or a significant length of the slope, then bars of increased cross section are used for the counter-lattice - 50x50 mm. It is located along the rafters and is attached to them with nails or screws with self-tapping screws 50-75 mm long.



Is the bearing basis for sheets of a metal tile. It is made of boards with a section of 50x200 mm or a beam of 40x60 mm, located perpendicular to the rafters. In practice, these elements are often used together, if it is necessary to secure the extreme sheets of metal tiles in a particularly strong way, in case of increased wind loads in the region and / or high windage of the roof structure. In this case, the main area of ​​​​the roof is covered with timber, and the lower part of the slope is covered with a solid board flooring. The step of the elements of the crate depends on the wave of the metal tile and is 800-1000 mm. Fastening is carried out using nails or wood screws (self-tapping screws) 60-75 mm long.

Important! All wooden elements roof structure must be treated with antiseptic (against fungus, mold, rot) and fire retardant (increase flame resistance) impregnations. Manufacturers of construction chemicals offer and universal means for wood processing, significantly increasing the service life.

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thermal insulation

The traditional heat-insulating material, a roof pie under a metal tile with a heater, is mineral (basalt) wool. It is sold in rolls and slabs. The size of the plates from most manufacturers is 1000x600x50 (100) mm. They are installed in the inter-rafter space by surprise.

The use of slabs is preferable, since when laying them, additional fasteners are not required to hold the material between the rafters. The insulation is laid as tightly as possible, but at the same time it is necessary to ensure that the material does not deform or shrink.

To insulate technical buildings, it is more advisable to use expanded polystyrene, since it is better resistant to moderate mechanical stress and does not need additional protection from inside the building.

It is advisable to fill the gaps between the expanded polystyrene plates and between the insulation and the rafters mounting foam. This will not only prevent leaks warm air from the room, but will also give the whole structure additional strength.


vapor barrier

It is one of the most important layers of the roof pie under the metal tile. Its main purpose is to protect heat-insulating materials from the influence of warm, moist air coming from inside the premises. The use of vapor barrier is mandatory when using fibrous heat-insulating materials, since absorbing moisture, mineral wool significantly reduces its effectiveness.

The most common vapor barrier material with an affordable cost is glassine. However, it has low strength and durability. Polypropylene "woven" membrane is more durable and efficient. It is produced under many brands and is positioned by the manufacturer as a universal insulating agent - hydro-wind-vapor barrier. In addition, this material prevents the formation of condensate.


Sound and vibration isolation

One of the specific properties of a metal tile is high level noise from external influences. Therefore, special attention is paid to sound insulation:

    All structural elements are fixed screws. The parts to be connected must be securely pulled together to prevent the formation of cracks and play;

    Calculated the position of the elements of the crate so that the edges of the sheet of roofing material are located on the carrier rail;

    Installation of all elements of the batten and counter batten is carried out without deviation from the working plane, as evenly as possible, without bumps and depressions. This will avoid distortions during the installation of metal tiles.

The noise level is significantly reduced by the use of fibrous heat-insulating materials. Some manufacturers produce specialized brands of thermal insulation with a high sound absorption coefficient, from 0.5 to 0.8.


It is advisable to carry out special measures for vibration isolation if the house is located near railway, highways with heavy traffic or if the roof slopes have a large area. To do this, special damper pads separate the layers of the roof under the metal tile between the bars of the counter-lattice and the rafters.

Video description

In the video you can see the rules for installing a roofing pie:


A high-quality metal tile has a thickness of 0.4-0.6 mm and several layers of protection. Visually, the presence of internal protective layers is almost impossible to check, so when purchasing roofing material, ask the seller for a certificate. To protect against corrosion, the metal tile is painted with inside, and from the outside it has polymer coating, which resists external influence much better than paints and varnishes. The durability of operation and the cost of the roof depend on the type of external protective layer. The most common are the following types of polymer coatings:

    Polyester. The thickness of the protective layer is 25-30 microns. It has an affordable cost and relatively high performance. Warranty period operation of a metal tile with a polyester covering of 8-10 years;


    Polyurethane. Characterized by resistance to mechanical damage, temperature fluctuations and various chemicals. When the sheet is bent, such a coating does not lose its integrity;

    PVC. Demonstrates high resistance to mechanical, chemical and thermal influences. Has high plasticity. Metal tiles with such a coating are recommended for laying on relief surfaces. It is advisable to use in regions with extremely hot climates;

    Plastisol. Consists of polyvinyl chloride with the addition of a plasticizer. It is applied with a layer up to 200 microns, which allows applying a relief pattern to the surface of the metal tile. They have low resistance to high temperatures, which does not allow it to be used in regions with a hot climate.


Interior decoration

A ventilation gap is also formed between the vapor barrier membrane and drywall or OSB sheets. For this, they are used wooden slats with a section of 20x30 mm., Attached to the rafters perpendicularly.

Video description

From the video you can learn how to properly make a roofing cake for a metal tile:


Despite the high cost of materials and significant labor costs when constructing a roofing pie for a metal roof, it is highly discouraged to “simplify” the technology by skipping layers or using cheap insulating membranes from unknown manufacturers. The consequences can be the saddest up to complete replacement roofs.

Experts call the attic insulation cake a heat-insulating structure consisting of sequentially laid layers of materials, starting with the roof covering and ending with the interior lining of the room. The filling is insulating materials laid in a certain order.

Poor performance of roof insulation technologies can lead to the appearance of the main enemy wooden house- dampness. Moisture can enter both outside and from the living quarters. The formation of condensate in the under-roof space will lead to wetting of the heat-insulating material, the appearance of mold and rot, destruction roof structures and damage to roofing material. The result of all this will be a complex expensive repair. The right attic cake will protect not only the living space from heat loss, but also save wooden and metal elements roofs. Since the attic is located in close proximity to the roof, the process of heating and cooling the air in it is much more intense than in other rooms. Thermal insulation materials are designed not only to protect inner space from the penetration of cold from the outside, but also from overheating in hot weather.

When building a new house with an attic, all stages of insulation take place in the process of creating a roof. But often the owners of already built houses with an attic seek to rebuild them on their own. upper part buildings and create additional living space under the roof. Roof insulation technology is not too complicated, and with some skills construction works and the necessary information, it is quite possible to create a high-quality attic roof pie with your own hands.

Necessary insulation materials for attic roof insulation

Of great importance correct selection insulating materials to create right pie attic. many owners country houses prefer mineral wool, as a material that has all the characteristics necessary for insulation and low cost.

No less popular is the use of foam. It has good thermal insulation properties, water resistance and light weight. The dense structure allows it to be cut into pieces the right sizes, which greatly facilitates the installation process of insulation. Modern industry offers a wide variety of thermal insulation materials made according to the latest technologies and having excellent performance. But usually their cost is higher than traditionally used materials.

No less careful should be approached in the choice of hydro- and vapor barrier materials. The efficiency of the heat-insulating material depends on their quality.

The sequence and rules for arranging an attic pie

The main attention should be paid to the technological side of creating an attic insulation pie. To do this, you need to have knowledge about the processes occurring in the under-roof space under the influence of external conditions.

Work must be carried out in strict sequence and in compliance with all installation rules:

Video - Attic insulation, roofing cake