Under-roof waterproofing membrane - characteristics, varieties, nuances of application. Waterproofing films and membranes for roofing Wind waterproofing membrane for roofing

Even in ancient times in Rus', special layers in the roof were used to protect houses from leaks. At first these were primitive materials natural origin, then roofing felt appeared, which is still used today, but much less frequently. After all, it is now much more profitable and prudent to use high-tech materials.

Such achievements of high technology include a waterproofing membrane, which is used to protect the roof from leaks and precipitation. In this article we will look at the features of this essential building material and find out how to choose the best manufacturer of waterproofing membranes.


The waterproofing membrane came to us from Western countries, where this building material began to be used much earlier. To date, this material has been improved to such an extent that it is able to protect the room from even the smallest drops of water - none of them are able to penetrate under this thin but unusually dense coating.

The photo shows the installation of roofing material:

Builders claim that the waterproofing characteristics of the entire roof almost 100% depend on the correct choice of membrane. Therefore, careful attention should be paid to the selection of such an important material. But if you want to install it, it will not damage the integrity of the material in any way.

Many people confuse membrane and waterproofing film, and some claim that they are the same thing. We can confidently say that both are right: the membrane is simply an improved and brought to high technological characteristics type of film.

The membrane is needed to maintain an optimal level of humidity indoors and protect the roof from leaks and dampness. How long your roof will serve you directly depends on the quality of membrane you choose.

Membranes can be used on any roof - residential, industrial and commercial buildings. Usually this material is resistant to aggressive external environments, mechanical damage, and ultraviolet radiation, but this is only if the material is of high quality.

The video shows a waterproofing membrane for a roof:

Important criteria when choosing:

  • The membrane must be resistant to mechanical damage, chemical, and, of course, temperature influences.
  • High-quality material should be able to be quickly repaired.
  • The service life of a high-quality membrane is at least 20 years. And some types of coatings can last even 50 years without replacement.
  • The waterproofing coating should be sufficiently flexible, which simplifies its installation.


Let's look at the classification of waterproofing membranes based on their material.

Important Features

Let's look at what features you need to pay attention to when purchasing a waterproofing membrane.

UV resistance

One of the most important characteristics of the membrane. People who own their own home may have noticed how fragile old-style insulation film sometimes becomes after a hot summer. Sometimes after particularly scorching sunny days it literally turns into rags - as a rule, this happens if its low-quality appearance has been acquired. Why does this parameter matter - after all, the film will not be directly exposed to the sun?

The answer here is very simple: if the membrane has low UV resistance, then the entire construction site will have to be adapted to accommodate the installation of this film. That is, it will need to be brought, avoiding the material being exposed to the sun’s rays, immediately laid down, and just as quickly, before the sun rises, covered on top with another material. Most likely, this is not real.

The video shows a roofing waterproofing membrane:

Experts say that even if such a film with low performance ultraviolet resistance is exposed to the sun for only a day or two, its strength can decrease by almost 50%. A compelling reason to purchase a membrane with high levels of such resistance.

Unfortunately, even expensive waterproofing membranes sometimes have low threshold sensitivity to ultraviolet light. Be sure to check this issue with the seller.

You can understand what it is and how it’s done by watching the video from the article.

Service life

The most important criterion when purchasing building materials. No one wants to regularly go through their roof to install a new layer of waterproofing. Therefore, it is more profitable to purchase suitable and durable material from the very beginning.

The best membranes in terms of service life are those to which manufacturers have added special components that increase performance and wear resistance. Such membranes include, for example, modern reinforced films.

Resistant to water pressure

The membrane in the roof will have to withstand both rainfall and the spring melting of snow accumulated on the roof. Therefore, the material must be able to withstand sufficient water pressure. This indicator becomes especially important when the membrane is purchased for rainy areas and for those areas of our country where heavy and prolonged snowfalls are frequent and rapid spring is typical.

It is best to purchase a film that is installed without joints - it minimizes the number of “vulnerable” places where water can penetrate. Membranes in several layers - best solution for high-quality insulation.

Grip quality

Waterproofing film can be either mechanically laid or fused type. The second type has a multilayer structure, which gives this film higher hydraulic characteristics. This membrane is especially suitable in cases where the roof is a complex structure. Close attention should be paid to the tightness of the joints during installation.

The film that is laid mechanically, usually secured with nails or construction staples. Here the first place in importance is the evenness of the surface on which the material is laid - it is important that it is as smooth as possible - in this case the membrane will be able to better perform its protective functions.

Dependence of quality on price

It is necessary to immediately make a reservation - if you want to get very high quality cheaply, then this most likely will not work. As a rule, ordinary polypropylene films have a low price, which in no way can satisfy their quality characteristics. They let water through, have little service life and have a number of other disadvantages.

More expensive materials, and therefore more advanced and modern ones, have much more pronounced positive technical characteristics, so it is better to choose them for your home.

The video shows a Tyvek roof waterproofing membrane:


Let's look at how to navigate the main characteristics of the coating just by looking at the packaging. So, what does the product marking mean?

  • AM- these letters mean that this film is breathable. It allows air to pass through, which means the room will not resemble a hermetically sealed bag. In this case, normal air exchange will take place, which will have a positive effect on the microclimate of the house.
  • A- a product with this marking perfectly allows steam to pass through. If this indicator is important to you, choose a membrane marked A.
  • IN- Quickly absorbs and releases moisture back at the same speed. Suitable for those buildings that are located in wet and snowy areas.


Which brands can offer us the best and highest quality waterproofing membranes?


The coatings of this manufacturer are characterized by increased durability. Cost - from 48 rubles per linear meter. Also sold in rolls.


Pictured is Tyvek material.

This company has been producing roofing materials for decades, so the quality in this case can be trusted. The company produces so-called “smart” membranes that can remove accumulated steam, prevent moisture from seeping under the roof, and also last a very long time.

Tyvek coverings can be laid directly on the insulation without an additional air gap - this is a significant saving, since it is possible to abandon the sheathing.

The structure of Tyvek films has all the advantages of the latest scientific developments in this area: it is non-woven, durable, provides excellent protection and has increased vapor permeability.

Tyvek produces several types of waterproofing coatings. Among others, we can note the Tyvek Solid film, which is equipped with an anti-reflective coating. Excellent in cases where the attic or attic is residential. This material is characterized by increased strength and vapor permeability.

Let's also highlight the Tyvek Soft membrane. This great solution in order to provide the room with optimal temperature and humidity conditions. Tyvek Supro film is a polypropylene-based material. When using this film you will not need additional roof ventilation.

The cost of the material is from 63 rubles per linear meter, the price of a roll depends on the type of membrane, starting from 6 thousand rubles.

This information will help you understand what a vapor barrier film for roofing looks like and what it is used for.

And for those who have decided to use corrugated sheeting for their home roof, it is worth paying attention to how it is carried out and also what roofing screws with a drill is best


This company offers customers unique waterproofing membranes that are adapted to our climatic conditions. At this point in time, the company has already developed and produces several different types of waterproofing.

Among all types of films of this brand, we can highlight the Super Premium class waterproofing coating. This film is ideal for areas with cold frosty climates. In addition to frost resistance, it is also highly resistant to ultraviolet radiation.

TechnoNIKOL also offers membranes for flat roofs, bridges, tunnels and foundations.

Quite inexpensive - from 25 rubles per linear meter, from 1500 rubles per roll.

We have considered all possible characteristics of waterproofing membranes. Now you know what criteria to pay attention to when choosing this building material and have found out which manufacturers have proven themselves best in the Russian and global construction markets. Do not forget that the correct choice of membrane determines how long the roof of your house will last without leaks or problems.

To protect the under-roof space from moisture, a waterproofing film for roofing is used in the construction of modern houses. The article provides information about the purpose, properties and varieties of this material. The main installation stages and selection criteria are also described here. This information will allow you to choose required material and avoid unnecessary costs.

Source baucenter.ru

Purpose of roof waterproofing

Moisture can penetrate under any roof covering. Atmospheric precipitation finds cracks in the joints of slate and ondulin. Gusts of wind blow drops of water under the tiles. Condensation of vapors emanating from living rooms also significantly increases the moisture content of roofing materials. Even the most modern insulation is not able to protect the room from dampness, cold and other negative factors caused by wet coating.

The main purpose of waterproofing film is to protect roofing materials from excessive moisture. The correct choice and professional installation affects the safety of the entire coating, greatly increasing its wear resistance and durability. This is because excess moisture can cause rotting. wooden elements rafter system, which can lead to destruction finished design roofs.

To summarize the above, the main functions of film roof waterproofing are determined. They are as follows:

    prevention wooden elements of the roof structure from the effects of moisture penetrating under the roofing outside due to precipitation;

    protection of the structure from impact vapors, rising from the inside premises.

Source desktopwallpapers4.me

On the construction market, roll materials for roof waterproofing are presented in a wide range. To determine the optimal option suitable for a particular structure, you need to clearly know the properties and conditions of use of membranes.

Properties of waterproofing film

Some homeowners are frightened by the rather significant costs that accompany the installation of the material in question. However, the correct choice of film waterproofing can eliminate unnecessary problems arising from premature destruction of the coating. Particular attention is recommended to be paid to meeting the basic material requirements imposed by compliance with a particular type of roof. When deciding which membrane to choose for the roof, you must consider the following qualities:

    the material must have moisture-proof– for protection against the effects of precipitation and condensation;

    an important property is UV resistance, protecting the film from destruction by sunlight;

    waterproofing material for roofing must be able to maintain its intended qualities regardless of temperature regime;

The waterproofing film must have moisture-proof Source leksholding.ru

    the durability of the coating is increased due to increased mechanical strength film tested for tensile strength;

    due to anti-condensation characteristics material ensures protection of the roof structure from negative influence vapors rising from residential premises;

    elasticity film waterproofing allows you to withstand significant loads caused by the installation and subsequent operation of the roofing.

The proposed list is only a short list of the necessary qualities that must be possessed roll material, protecting the rafter system of the building from moisture. Let's take a closer look at some of the properties that characterize roof waterproofing film.

Selection criteria

When building a house, every owner counts on the durability of the building. Therefore, it is important to pay due attention to the quality of materials, without paying attention to special attention at their cost, so as not to become like a stingy person who, according to the saying, is forced to pay twice.

By purchasing cheap products, the risk of their rapid failure increases, entailing the need for unplanned repairs Source doka-realty.net.ru

A roofing waterproofing membrane has a number of specific characteristics that are recommended to be taken into account when choosing a suitable material. Some of them require detailed consideration.

Preservation of original properties when exposed to sunlight

The effect of ultraviolet radiation on many waterproofing films is expressed by the acquisition of increased fragility and brittleness. Therefore, one of the main selection criteria is the stability of the membranes under the influence of merciless rays.

Although in the end finished roof membrane waterproofing of the roof is protected from direct contact sun rays several layers of other materials, unforeseen situations may occur during the installation process. Thus, an unplanned construction delay may result in the film remaining uncovered indefinitely. Ultraviolet radiation, combined with wind, can cause destruction of the structure of some materials, which negatively affects their protective characteristics. First of all, the strength of the membrane and its resistance to moisture suffer.

Source pravozem.ru

Professional builders recommend choosing film waterproofing that is resistant to ultraviolet radiation. This parameter is indicated on the packaging provided by the manufacturer. It should be noted that not all expensive membranes are characterized by such quality, being destroyed in the sun.

Service life

When building his own home, the owner has the right to count on its durability. When investing a lot of money in your future home, you should not skimp on waterproofing. Of course, you can choose a cheap membrane, which will collapse in a few years, thereby rendering the rafter system unusable and subject to unplanned repairs. It would be much more advisable to purchase a waterproofing film from a trusted manufacturer with an impeccable reputation, won thanks to the high quality of the supplied products. Such manufacturers are not afraid to indicate on the packaging the approximate trouble-free operation life of the rolled material. The absence of this parameter indicates that the manufacturer is unsure of the quality of the product, and such a purchase will be an unreasonable waste of money.

Source www.krovkomp.ru

Anti-condensation characteristics

Laying a metal covering on a rafter structure after preliminary insulation causes the formation of a large amount of moisture in the under-roof space. For such cases, it is recommended to choose membrane waterproofing with an effect that prevents the accumulation of condensation.

This type of film has a special layer made of cellulose. Thanks to it, moisture is absorbed and reliably retained under certain conditions. These are either an increase in wind strength or an increase in temperature, which promotes the evaporation of condensate. To facilitate the process, by securing the counter-lattice, special gaps are formed that separate the membrane from the roof covering, as well as the waterproofing film from the insulation. Such ventilation helps speed up the evaporation process.

TO positive qualities Anti-condensation films include increased strength and resistance to ultraviolet radiation.

Source bprice.ua

Vapor permeability

This criterion must be taken into account when thoroughly insulating the roof or when constructing an attic with subsequent planning of living rooms. Mold formed in the insulation layer due to accumulated moisture is a sufficient reason for the destruction of wooden elements of the rafter structure. In addition, condensed liquid significantly reduces the thermal insulation characteristics of the material. Therefore, for such situations, waterproofing is best suited, the membrane of which has the property of vapor insulation.

A cold roof only protects the truss structure and the attic space, which has a separate ventilation system. For such cases, ordinary film waterproofing is sufficient, without any special qualities that affect the cost of the material.

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The waterproofing film has the property of vapor insulation Source stroyday.ru

Types of under-roof roll waterproofing

An interesting fact, but quite recently, when constructing private houses in Russia, protection of the roof from moisture was not given due attention. The experience of using film waterproofing adopted from foreign colleagues is currently very popular among domestic builders, significantly extending the trouble-free operation of the roofing system. This is facilitated by the extensive selection of roll material offered by manufacturers.

Many owners of private property are interested in film for the roof of their house, which one is best suited for a particular building. Let's take a closer look at the most popular types of products in question.

Source bel-dom-stroy.ru

With development chemical industry polyethylene has firmly established itself in the domestic market. Many building materials are made on its basis. Under roofing waterproofing, the film of which is made on the basis of polyethylene, has several modifications. Among them, the most widespread are the following subspecies:

    polyethylene membrane increased strength, not vapor permeable, preventing the penetration of air and moisture, requiring separate ventilation due to the gaps separating it from the outer layer of the covering and the internal insulation using a counter-lattice;

    microscopic holes contribute to excellent transmission of water vapor, protecting the insulation from unwanted moisture in the perforated film, which has alternative name"hydrobarrier" or "anti-condensation membrane". The maximum period of trouble-free use of such material reaches 25 years;

    fiberglass mesh, covered on both sides with high-density polyethylene, makes up the structure of a reinforced film characterized by high strength.

Source m.7ooo.ru

This material is most widely used for waterproofing greenhouses. roofing structures. Reinforced membranes are more securely fixed to the rafter system without causing excessive sagging. This helps to increase the efficiency of moisture removal from the internal space of the roof, despite the lack of such quality as vapor permeability in polyethylene films of this subtype.

Polypropylene membranes

More pronounced strength, complemented by ultraviolet resistance, which characterizes the material used to make such films, allows you to protect the interior of the attic from precipitation for a long time. This allows you to take your time with the installation of the top layer of coating, preparing for the most effective implementation process.

Due to the hygroscopicity of viscose-cellulose fiber applied to one side of such hydrobarriers, the condensate that accumulates at the surface of the insulation is completely absorbed. Further removal of moisture occurs under the influence of natural air flows circulating inside the roofing pie.

Source goldkryshi.ru

When installing polypropylene membranes, the viscose-cellulose layer must face the insulation. In addition, to ensure ventilation, it is necessary to maintain a gap between materials of at least 5 mm.

The unique properties of parchment allow it to be used for insulation from moisture and steam. Liquid bitumen used to impregnate the material prevents it from getting wet. Natural components used in the production of glassine contribute to the absence of the greenhouse effect. The main base component is cellulose.

Many owners who are building their own home are attracted by the environmental friendliness of parchment roof insulation. Also, the advantages of this roll material include simplicity and accessibility of installation, supported by low cost.

Source tah-heetch.com

In the modern construction market, glassine is presented in three modifications. They differ in the quality of the raw materials used, which affects the final cost of the product, and the abundance of bitumen impregnation. The most expensive is considered to be “breathable” parchment, represented by the P-350 brands. It is he who participates in the formation of a ventilated roofing pie.

Breathable membranes

They are the most expensive material of all the films under consideration. However, the costs are offset by the quality and durability of the products. In addition, the absence of the need for counter-lattice is attractive, since perforated membranes can be fixed directly to the insulation layer.

Source palagkas.gr

Synthetic fibers that form the basis of non-woven fabric provide excellent protection from wind and moisture. Unlike single-layer membranes, two-layer “breathable” films can be fixed to the insulation on either side.

The division of the type of roof waterproofing product under consideration into three categories is justified by different levels of vapor barrier. Manufacturers provide the following types of “breathing” membranes:

    have the lowest vapor permeability pseudo-diffuse films. Such material requires arrangement ventilation gap between it and the insulation;

    characterized by an average level of vapor permeability diffuse membranes;

    high vapor permeability is distinctive feature superdiffuse films.

Pseudo-diffuse films have low vapor permeability Source stroytorgk.ru

Video description

The following video will help you make the optimal choice of film coating suitable for waterproofing a specific type of roof.

Installation features

First of all, it is necessary to observe increased safety measures, since roof installation work is carried out at height. Extreme caution is the key to maintaining health.

In general, the process of laying a hydraulic barrier for a rafter system is not particularly difficult. Even a novice master can cope with such work. The main condition for the successful completion of all manipulations is the presence of a construction stapler and a certain number of metal staples.

Like all construction activities, installation of film sheets for roof waterproofing requires preliminary preparation. Good result guaranteed subject to the following rules:

    minimum distance between adjacent rafters should be 1.2 m;

    it is prohibited to carry out work in wet weather;

    required to form gap with a minimum size of 40 mm between the hydrobarrier and the insulation;

    the film sheet is fixed in the direction from bottom to top with a slight overlap of about 15 cm;

    Ultimately, the laid film should sag slightly to a depth of about 20 cm.

Source lit.sciences-world.com

On the construction market there are self-adhesive membranes that are fixed by heating with a torch. All activities for the installation of profile film sheets can be divided into several main stages. Each of them requires separate consideration.

Stage 1

The roof surface is cleared of foreign objects. The rolled web is evenly distributed on the plane, taking into account the overlap. Strips of the required size are measured, after which the film is cut.

Video description

In the video you can see the installation of a waterproofing membrane:

Stage 2

The membrane is secured with a construction stapler. Thin slats are fixed on top with nails, ensuring better contact of the rolled web with the base.

Film installation Source thisbuildis.com

Video description

In the video you can see the installation of waterproofing film:

Stage 3

Since the roof is not a perfectly flat plane, and there are additional elements on it, such as chimneys and ventilation pipes, it is impossible to evenly distribute the solid fabric of the hydrobarrier. Therefore, the film is cut in the required places. Used to seal edges special remedy pasty consistency. The same purpose is served by a special adhesive tape used in the area of ​​the valley and other complex elements of the roof structure.

Video description

The following video shows the installation of Tyvek membrane waterproofing:


Having become familiar with the variety of waterproofing films and studying their quality characteristics, you can make the right choice of material that meets the requirements of a particular structure. Useful recommendation is to not pay attention to cheap products. All costs are undoubtedly compensated by the long-term, trouble-free operation of the roofing system, providing peace and comfort to your home.

The article was prepared with the participation of Tyvek® specialists

Modern roofs are a complex system in which the reliability and durability of the structure as a whole depends on each layer. And if the decorative effect of the “fifth facade” is largely determined by the type of roofing, and reliability is determined by the compliance of the rafter system with the expected loads, then the under-roof waterproofing is responsible for the tightness and safety of the insulation and rafters, and, consequently, for the service life of the roof. However, some still have doubts about the need for its use, and difficulties often arise with the choice. Specialists from DuPont, the manufacturer of Tyvek® building membranes, will help to finally dispel doubts regarding the advisability of using the material. Together with them, we will consider the main aspects relating to under-roof waterproofing.

  • Why do you need a waterproofing membrane?
  • Raw material base and production technology.
  • Features of choosing membranes in questions and answers.

Functions of a waterproofing membrane

Membranes are “breathable” films that are permeable to vapor, but impervious to moisture - they protect structures from moisture penetration, but allow steam to pass freely. It is the vapor permeability, that is, diffusion, of membranes that distinguishes them from impermeable waterproofing (anti-condensation) films.

Although vapor barriers are used when constructing roofs, it is impossible to completely prevent the entry of vapors into the insulation, and a certain amount one way or another it penetrates into it, but is brought out through the diffusion membrane, and does not settle on the surface in the form of condensate. Also, moisture into the under-roof space comes both from the atmosphere, through unsealed zones in the final roofing covering, and is formed in the form of condensation due to temperature differences. But, regardless of the source of moisture, its presence in the roofing “pie” is fraught with a number of problems:

  • humidification of the insulation - with increasing humidity, the thermal resistance characteristics of thermal insulation materials significantly deteriorate;
  • moistening of wooden elements of the rafter system - the appearance of mold, mildew, rotting, loss of strength, reduction in service life.

The waterproofing membrane prevents the insulation and rafter system elements from getting wet due to steam, atmospheric moisture, and the formation of condensation on the roofing.

In addition, the membrane protects the insulation from wind, preventing convective heat transfer (convective heat loss). Membranes are used as waterproofing and windproofing in pitched and gently sloping areas. metal roofs mainly in low-rise and private construction.

The main characteristics of high-quality membranes include high vapor permeability, strength, water resistance, wide temperature range, and resistance to ultraviolet radiation.

  • Vapor permeability – from 600 g/m² in 24 hours (Sd< 0,03 м).
  • Strength – from 117 N/5 cm.
  • Water resistance – from 1 m water column.
  • Operating temperature – from -40 to +100⁰С.
  • Resistance to UV radiation – from 4 months.

In addition to outstanding technical characteristics, one of the advantages of diffusion membranes is simplified installation and significant space savings due to the elimination of the lower ventilation gap.

Apple Lover FORUMHOUSE Member

Tell me what films to use for the insulated residential attic. On rafters 50x200 mm with a pitch of 630 mm, the waterproofing membrane is overlapped on top, the joints are glued together. On it, along the rafters, there is a counter-lattice 50x50 mm block, on it there is a lathing in increments of 25 cm, a board 25x100 mm or 25x150 mm (along the wavelength of the MC 35 cm). From inside in the rafters stone wool, vapor barrier, lining. I think I heard that there should be a gap between the waterproofing and the insulation, but I don’t provide for it. This is bad? The gap will be along the counter-lattice and the exit will be through the ridge.

Dmitry BelozerovDuPont Technical Specialist

When using impermeable (convective) films as waterproofing, to remove condensation from the surface of the insulation, they are installed with an additional ventilation gap. But modern concepts of energy-efficient construction provide for the creation of a sealed thermal circuit, and this is possible when installing waterproofing directly on the insulation. You have done everything correctly, there is no need for a ventilation gap between the insulation and the wind-water protection diffusion-open film.

Raw material base, production technology, features

Diffusion membrane market presented several varieties, differences in the characteristics of which are due to both the raw material base and production technology.

Microperforated membranes are made from non-woven polypropylene, vapor permeability is ensured by chipped cone-shaped holes (pores). They are characterized by relatively low diffusion (about 40 g/m² per day), which is why they belong to the type of pseudo-diffusion membranes and are installed only with a ventilation gap. And according to modern SNiP, microperforated membranes are not allowed to be used as waterproofing, since due to the size of their pores they are not able to effectively retain water.

Microporous membranes made of polypropylene fibers - permeability is achieved by a large number of interfiber pores. Due to the characteristics of polypropylene and the peculiarities of the production cycle, such films are produced in multilayers to protect the working layer (the part of the membrane that allows steam to pass through but retains water) from mechanical damage.

High-density polyethylene (HDPE) membranes are produced from the finest continuous fibers using ultra-high-speed molding at high temperatures.

Dmitry Belozerov

High-tech diffusion membranes made of heat-stabilized polyethylene have a unique structure that is stably vapor-permeable and waterproofing. This material is characterized by a working layer thickness that is 6-8 times greater than that of multilayer analogues. This thickness, coupled with high resistance to ultraviolet radiation, guarantees the membranes durability and performance characteristics throughout their entire service life, which is about fifty years according to the results. laboratory research. Also, membranes made of high-density polyethylene are superior to their analogues in terms of water resistance, as the following table illustrates.

How to choose a suitable membrane

So, waterproofing membranes are needed in the roofing pie - let’s determine the selection criteria. The functionality of the membrane consists of a set of characteristics and an optimal ratio of density, vapor permeability and waterproofing properties.

First of all, these parameters must correspond to or exceed those given, since the lower limits allowed by the standards are indicated.

Also, in addition to vapor permeability and strength, the thickness of the working layer is important.

Dmitry Belozerov

The thicker the working layer of the membrane, the longer its service life, therefore, you will not have to overhaul the roof in a few years due to a leak, after the thin membrane becomes unusable. For comparison, the thickness of a human hair is about 80 microns, while the thickness of the working layer of a standard roofing substrate is about 30 microns, and the rest is made up of protective layers.

The specificity of the application is also of great importance - specialized membranes are produced for cold and insulated roofs, and there are also universal ones. If you have not finally decided on the status of the attic or attic, you should not choose specialized waterproofing.

The roof is one of the main elements of any structure, and is designed to protect the walls and premises of the building from precipitation and wind, to maintain a comfortable environment for people living in the house or favorable conditions for items placed inside. Waterproofing film for roofing, selection and installation - such aspects always raise many questions, since creating a reliable barrier against moisture penetration will always be one of the the most important stages at

In stock today construction stores You can find a considerable variety of rolled waterproofing materials, and it can be very difficult to immediately understand the features of a particular film. Therefore, in order to decide which type is optimal for the planned roofing, there is a need to take a closer look at the characteristics, as well as the features of the installation work.

The main purpose of roof waterproofing

Let us first recall that previously, when constructing private houses, waterproofing of pitched roofs was not always carried out - this process was mainly carried out on flat or low-slope roofs multi-storey buildings, and for these purposes, as a rule, roofing felt was used. The technology for mandatory waterproofing of roofs came from abroad, along with materials intended for this purpose, and it must be said that it has taken root well in the Russian construction industry.

Nowadays, the construction of a private house no longer requires the inclusion of such a stage of work in the project, since it is one of the most important for general protection buildings from moisture penetration. Waterproofing the rafter system helps to avoid frequent repairs and extends the life of the building as a whole.

A protective film becomes especially important if the under-roof space is insulated with one of the types of thermal insulation materials that can absorb moisture - the same condensation that forms during temperature changes. Waterproofing material is able to reliably protect the insulation, create conditions for its free evaporation into the atmosphere or for removal from under the roof - into a properly equipped gutter, fixed along the slope on the eaves board.

In addition, no one is completely insured against leaks of the roofing covering due to its aging, accidental mechanical damage or even from simple mistakes during installation. The waterproofing barrier will not allow atmospheric moisture to immediately, directly enter the attic and spread further, and the owners will have the opportunity to take adequate measures to eliminate the emergency situation.

Waterproofing membranes are usually sold in 50 m rolls with a width of 1500 mm, and the weight of the roll can vary depending on the thickness and type of film.


Glassine is roofing cardboard impregnated with a composition of refractory bitumen with the addition of plasticizers. Glassine is sold in rolls and is used for hydro- and vapor barrier of various building elements.

Many owners of private houses, wanting to purchase glassine, wonder what it is, a hydro- or vapor barrier material? For roofing, glassine is used in one or another capacity - it is used to vaporize the insulation on the side of the premises and to form additional waterproofing for the roofing “pie”, laying it under the roofing material.

Several types of roofing glassine are produced with different markings:

  • P-300 GOST and P-300 TU - the material has a medium density, is waterproof, is characterized as a reliable waterproofing material, but is inferior to the P-350 brand.
  • P-250 is an economy class material, as it is made from raw materials low quality. However, despite this, it has high strength properties, is water and frost resistant, and is also quite elastic.
  • P-350 GOST and P-350 TU - this material is of the highest quality of all brands of glassine, as it is richly impregnated with bitumen. In addition, the advantage of this material is its ability to “breathe”, therefore, when used, a ventilated roofing “pie” is created.

These diagrams present three ways to use glassine in roofing, where it is used as a waterproofing and vapor barrier layer.

  • The first diagram shows the installation of glassine on flat roof as a vapor barrier layer.

1 – Roofing material.

2 – Concrete screed.

3 – Insulation mats.

4 – Glassine.

5 – Concrete floor.

  • Second scheme. Here glassine acts as a waterproofing layer for a pitched cold roof:

1 – Roof covering.

2 – Glassine.

3 – Solid plank sheathing.

  • The third diagram represents the location of glassine in the roofing “pie” of insulated gable roof, in which it plays two roles at once - waterproofing and vapor barrier:

1 – Roofing material.

2 – Glassine (as under-roof waterproofing).

3 – Counter-lattice.

4 – Insulation.

5 – Glassine (vapor barrier on the room side).

6 – Rafters.

7 – Drywall (internal lining of the attic).

Breathable perforated or diffuse membranes

This type of waterproofing material provides adequate protection for the roofing system from direct penetration of precipitation, and at the same time does not prevent the evaporation of water vapor coming out from the inside, from the layers of the roofing “pie”.

High vapor permeability can be achieved due to the perforation of the material. The film is a non-woven fabric made from synthetic fibers, and is used as a wind and waterproof layer. This material can be laid directly on the insulation, which saves on the installation of counter-battens. In order for the material to function “correctly”, it is necessary to secure it with the correct side to the insulation. At the same time, it should be noted that on the construction market you can find both one-sided and double-sided membranes, which, accordingly, can be laid on the insulation on either side. Therefore, when purchasing film, you need to pay special attention to this factor.

The advantage of “breathing” membranes is that they meet all the requirements for roof waterproofing and heat conservation. Well, the disadvantages, it must be said - conditional, include their high price, compared to other similar materials.

Otherwise, they can be called the most optimal option for arranging roof waterproofing.

According to the level of vapor permeability, “breathable” films are divided into three categories:

  • Diffuse, having average vapor permeability.
  • Superdiffuse membranes have the maximum degree of vapor permeability.
  • Pseudo-diffuse films with low vapor permeability, requiring mandatory arrangement of a ventilation gap between them and the insulation.

Overview of commercially available waterproofing materials

The Russian market offers a fairly wide range of materials for roof waterproofing. Some brands can be highlighted in a separate line, since they have managed to establish themselves exclusively with positive side when used in different climatic conditions - these are Ondutis, TechnoNIKOL, Yutakon, Folder Dorken Delta-Roof, DuPont, Izospan and others.

The technical and operational characteristics of some of them are presented in the table, but they also have common parameters. For example, roll size - total area material is 75 m², with a coating width of 1500 mm and a film length in a roll of 50 m.

Material nameMain technical and operational characteristicsPrice, rub./roll as of May 2016
"Ondutis RV100"This is an environmentally friendly material made from polymers that are inert to bacterial influences.
- weight 90±10% g/m²;
- vapor permeability (24 hours) - 10 g/m²;

- strip breaking load 50 mm, N, (lengthwise/crosswise): 650/500.
"Ondutis RS"This is a reinforced film with good performance characteristics, which is capable of providing wind and waterproofing protection. The membrane is resistant to ultraviolet radiation.
– weight: 100±5% g/m²;
- vapor permeability (24 hours): 10 g/m²;
- operating temperature range: from -40 to +80°C;
- UV stability without coating: 1 month;
- strip breaking load 50 mm, N, (lengthwise/crosswise): 250/200.
"Ondutis RVM"This is a non-woven fabric equipped with a heat-reflecting surface, so it protects the insulation from atmospheric humidity in winter, and from overheating in summer by reflecting ultraviolet rays. Thanks to this layer, ice does not form on the roof.
– weight: 125±10% g/m²;
- vapor permeability (24 hours): ÷10 g/m²;
- operating temperature range: from -40 to +80°C;
- UV stability without coating: 2 months;
- strip breaking load 50 mm, N, (lengthwise/crosswise): 250/130.
"Folder Minima D98"This material can be used if there are ventilation gaps in the structure.
- vapor permeability (24 hours): 30 g/m²;
- operating temperature range: from -40 to +80°C;
- UV stability without coating: 2 months;
- strip breaking load 50 mm, N, (lengthwise/crosswise): 550/650.
"Anticondensat Folder"This is an anti-condensation film, which also requires the formation of ventilation gaps.
- vapor permeability (24 hours): zero;
- operating temperature range: from -40 to +90°C;
- strip breaking load 50 mm, N, (lengthwise/crosswise): 400/450.
"Yutafol D 96 Silver"Waterproofing two-layer laminated perforated polypropylene film.
– weight: 96±5% g/m²;
- vapor permeability (24 hours): 18 g/m²;
- UV stability without coating: 3 months;
- strip breaking load 50 mm, N, (lengthwise/crosswise): 600/400
"Yutafol D 110 Standard"Three-layer reinforced, laminated on both sides, waterproofing film.
– weight: 110 ±5% g/m²;
- vapor permeability (24 hours): 41 g/m²;
- UV stability without coating: 3 months;
- strip breaking load 50 mm, N, (lengthwise/crosswise): 600/400.
"Yutavek 115"Super diffuse three-layer film.
– weight: 115 ±5% g/m²; - vapor permeability (24 hours): 1200 g/m²;
- strip breaking load 50 mm, N, (lengthwise/crosswise): 260/145.
"Tyvek Soft"Single-layer polyethylene waterproofing material with high vapor permeability.
– weight: 60 ±10% g/m²;
- vapor permeability (24 hours): 1375 g/m²;
- UV stability without coating: 4 months;
- strip breaking load 50 mm, N: 140.
"Tyvek Solid"Single-layer polyethylene vapor-permeable membrane of increased strength.
– weight: 80 ±5% g/m²;
- temperature range: from -73°C to + 100°C;
- vapor permeability (24 hours): 1300 g/m²;
- UV stability without coating: 4 months;
- strip breaking load 50 mm, N: 250.

Video: a brief overview of roofing film materials of the Ondutis brand

Installation of waterproofing film

The main difficulty in installing waterproofing of rafter systems, as well as laying any roofing materials, is that the work is carried out at height, that is, increased safety measures must be observed. Otherwise he has no idea special labor. To secure the film, you only need a construction stapler and staples.

Prices for glassine


General rules for laying a waterproofing roof barrier

The waterproofing film is laid on top of the insulation laid between the rafters. If a “breathable” membrane is chosen for the flooring, then there is no need to provide a gap between it and the insulating material. When choosing a polyethylene film, before fixing it, to create a ventilation gap, counter-battens with a thickness of approximately 30 ÷ 50 mm are fixed to the rafters, and the waterproofing material will already be fixed to them. This is especially important to consider if one of the metal coatings is used for the roof - or

The presented diagram shows a “roofing pie” using vapor-permeable “breathable” super-diffuse waterproofing “Izospan”. It consists of the following elements:

1 – Metal tiles.

2 – Wind-hydroprotective superdiffuse membrane.

3 – Counter rails.

4 – Layer of thermal insulation (mineral wool).

5 – Vapor barrier film.

6 – Rafters.

7 – Sheathing the attic.

8 – Lathing on which the roofing covering is attached.

  • If a waterproofing film with a width of 1500 m is purchased, then its installation on the pitched rafter system is carried out from the eaves. The film is spread across the rafters, that is, along the eaves line, evenly, without folds, and secured to each of the rafter legs using staplers.
  • If an anti-condensation film is selected, then it is not stretched, but, on the contrary, it is laid in such a way that it sags by 10–20 mm in the space between the rafters.

This type of membrane should be located at a distance of about 40÷60 mm from the insulation, therefore, when choosing it, it is necessary to provide the appropriate width rafter board and the thickness of the insulation. After laying, the anti-condensation film sheets must be glued together with special moisture-resistant tape.

The second waterproofing sheet is laid above the first and overlapped on it. The size of the overlap will depend on the slope of the roof. Recommended material overlap parameters can be found in the table below:

In some cases, for example, on short sections of the roof, where the distance between the rafters allows it, the waterproofing can be fixed vertically, but at the same time the overlap size indicated in the table is also observed, depending on the roof slope angle.

  • The canvases are laid according to the described principle to the top of the roof, and a canvas is laid on the ridge, which will be placed on both slopes at once. Since the canvas must be laid overlapped on the sheets fixed below, the ridge part of the roof is waterproofed last.

Very important nuance! Completely covering the ridge with film is only permissible if a super-diffuse membrane is used, with vapor permeability of at least 1000 ÷ 1200 g/m² per day.

When using any other film material, a gap of about 200 mm must be made between the waterproofing sheets in the ridge area - this is necessary to ensure normal ventilation and evaporation of condensate.

  • After the membrane is fixed, a counter-lattice, which consists of 30×20 or 40×25 mm slats, is attached to the rafters on top of it. They are attached to the rafters using self-tapping screws.
  • Sheathing boards are secured on top of the counter-lattice for installation of the roof covering. The pitch of the lathing depends on the choice of roofing; it can be sparse, frequent or continuous.

For example, if a soft bitumen shingles, then a continuous sheathing of boards or plywood with a thickness of 10–15 mm is installed. In this case, another layer of waterproofing is additionally laid on top of it, and for this, materials such as glassine or TechnoNIKOL are often used. If waterproofing is used on bitumen based, for example, glassine, then the edges of the canvases are laid on, applied to continuous sheathing, which will protect against moisture penetration under the waterproofing.

  • For rigid roofing material, depending on the size of its sheets, boards of rare or frequent lathing are attached to the counter-lattice. The most common step size for installing sheathing elements is 350÷400 mm.

  • The selected roofing material is laid and secured on top of the sheathing.

Organization of condensed moisture removal

Separately, it is necessary to say about fixing the waterproofing film on the eaves board, since the condensate formed under the roofing and not evaporated into the atmosphere must be discharged into the gutter. If this is not provided for, moisture may get under the eaves board, where fungus can form, which will lead to the destruction of the wood.

This diagram shows the design of a system for draining condensate from under the roof using waterproofing material placed on a metal eaves strip, along which water will flow into the gutter.

If the gutter design has a continuous attachment to the eaves board, then the waterproofing material can be attached directly to it and passed under the metal strip.

Another option for draining condensate is formed by installing a special metal element - a drip line, which is attached to the waterproofing material and discharged under the gutter.

Valley waterproofing

Problem area roofs can be called a valley - a fracture of the slope, that is, the junction of two planes under a certain one, which is carried out under a certain internal corner. The lathing that forms the valley is two or four boards fastened together at the angle where the roof slopes meet.

Before installing the general waterproofing on the sheathing of the roof slopes, a solid sheet of waterproofing material is laid on the valley boards from the ridge to the eaves strips. It should be evenly distributed on both sides of the valley and securely fixed to them using bitumen, brackets or waterproof construction tape.

Only after the installation of the film on the valley is completed, the waterproofing sheets begin to be fixed to the rafters of the roof slopes from the eaves. Horizontal sheets are laid on top of a vertical water barrier fixed to the valley, so a double layer of waterproofing is necessarily formed here. Only after this a metal valley element is placed in the gutter between the slopes, through which the water will flow.

Installation of vapor barrier films

Vapor-tight waterproofing films can also be used as a vapor barrier, but the principle of their installation is completely different. To understand the difference, the main technological methods for vapor barrier of a roof from the inside will be given.

There are two main ways to install a vapor barrier membrane - from the attic side and from the outside. The first method is more technologically advanced and is used more often, since when performing work, the master sees the entire rafter system, which practically eliminates making mistakes.

Installing a vapor barrier on the roof side

The work is carried out in the following order:

IllustrationBrief description of the operation performed
This diagram represents the location of all elements of the roofing “pie”.
If the first option for fixing the vapor barrier is chosen, then you need to start by sheathing the slopes of the rafter system from the attic side.
They can be covered with clapboard, plywood or plasterboard. Finishing material fixed on the rafters, or on the sheathing attached to them.
It is the interior decoration that will become the basis for the exterior flooring. roof frame vapor barrier and insulation material.
So, on the outside, a thin layer of insulation is laid on the prepared base; its thickness can be 15÷20 mm. This layer will protect vapor barrier film from punctures and damage by self-tapping screws that secured the interior trim.
If there are no sharp elements, then a layer of insulation is not necessary.
Next, starting from the cornice, film sheets are laid on all surfaces of the base and rafters.
Secure the material using a stapler and staples.
In order for the film to fit snugly at the joints of the rafters and the internal cladding, it is first carefully pressed in the corner with the help of a beam, which will help to straighten it well.
Then, the film is secured with staples to the rafters.
Thus, the first vapor barrier sheet is laid.
The next step is to lay the second sheet of material, overlapping the bottom one.
The size of the overlap, as well as when installing waterproofing, depends on the angle of the roof, and it is quite possible to be guided by the parameters indicated in the table above.
After laying the sheets, their overlaps are securely sealed together using special waterproof tape.

After installing the film, insulation is laid between the rafters, which is then covered with waterproofing, sheathed with lathing, on top of which the roofing covering is laid.

This approach also has its own significant drawback. It lies in the fact that by choosing this installation option, the work will have to be completed in one day, or you can choose a period during which it is guaranteed that it will not rain.

Installing a vapor barrier from the attic side

In the second option, the vapor barrier is secured from inside the attic, and this work is carried out after the installation of roofing materials is completed. In this case, the process takes place in the following order:

  • The first step is to lay a waterproofing membrane on the rafters.
  • Then, the material is secured to the rafters with counter battens.
  • Next, the sheathing boards are fixed to the slats.
  • The roofing covering is mounted on them and the ridge is closed.

Now that rafter system closed from atmospheric influences, you can safely insulate it from the attic.

  • Mats of insulating material are installed between the rafters, they are pressed against the sheets of waterproofing film fixed outside.
  • Then, the insulation is covered with a vapor barrier membrane. It can be mounted horizontally or vertically to the rafters. If the fixation will be done horizontally, then you need to start attaching the film from the bottom. The second canvas is stretched and secured with an overlap of 150÷200 mm over the first, and so the process is repeated until the top.
  • After the vapor barrier is secured, the panels are glued together with tape.

  • Then, a timber sheathing is installed on top of the film, onto which the attic lining will be secured.

This option is more comfortable to implement than the first one, since half of the work is carried out in safe conditions, under a finished roof.

In conclusion, I would like to remind you once again that you should not indiscriminately purchase any material called waterproofing. It is necessary to approach the choice responsibly, having studied the characteristics in advance and decided which film is more suitable for a particular coating.

Video: a clear example of roof waterproofing with a vapor-permeable membrane “FAKRO EUROTOP”

The construction of the roof is a crucial moment on which the entire structure of the house consists. Therefore, roof waterproofing is one of the necessary goals during roof construction. Properly carried out roof waterproofing will provide the roof structure with the necessary parameters, and will also increase the service life of the structure.

Roof waterproofing will protect the roof from rain and condensation. Let's answer the questions: what materials are used and why is roof waterproofing needed? What kind of waterproofing fits better everything?

Today the construction market provides a huge selection of materials for roof waterproofing. All materials are divided:

  • film;
  • membranes that “breathe”;
  • hydrophilic rubber that perfectly absorbs water;
  • synthetic polymers containing urea fragments in the main chain (polyurea);
  • silicate resins;
  • acrylate compositions consisting of two components.

Let's look at each in more detail.

Membranes and films

Which film or membrane should you choose for the roof of your home? These materials are also divided into:

  • Diffusion - this type is suitable for roofs with absolutely any design. Thanks to the micropores located in the membrane or films, drops of moisture are absorbed. After this, the moisture droplets evaporate using the ventilation gap. Diffusion membranes are fire resistant. They are also an environmentally friendly material that does not cause any harm to the human body. The membranes have a long service life, and they are also effective in protecting against rain and other precipitation.
  • Super-diffusion. This type differs from diffusion membranes in that they do not have a ventilation gap. Thanks to this membrane, the structure remains dry. Thanks to superdiffusion membranes, virtually no heat is lost, and steam is also passed through perfectly. This film has high level resistance to ultraviolet rays. This type membranes are used when it will be covered with metal tiles.
    • PVC films are a membrane with polyvinyl chloride at its base. The material is flexible, as it contains plasticizers. This material has a number of advantages:
    • The PVC membrane has a high level of resistance to various types influences (chemical, mechanical, etc.).
    • The material is elastic.
    • Excellent maintainability. Waterproofing can be repaired.
    • Huge service life.
    • This type of film is an environmentally friendly material.
  • Film EPDM membranes. This material contains synthetic rubber with polymers. This material is excellent for roofing houses in areas with poor climatic conditions.A number of advantages:
    • The original characteristics of EPDM film membranes are maintained even at very low temperatures.
    • Excellent physical and mechanical parameters.
    • Installation is carried out in a short period of time and is easy. It can be quickly completed on any roof structure.
    • The material is completely waterproof.
    • There is a high level of resistance to various climatic precipitation.

These are the most common types of membranes or films that are used during roof waterproofing. One roll is enough for 20 m2.

Liquid waterproofing

Today it has become widespread liquid rubber. This material is applied to the surface using airless spraying. If you use liquid rubber to apply a waterproofing layer, then two workers will be enough for this procedure. But for installation work you will need specially designed equipment. Roof waterproofing with liquid rubber is an excellent option.

This material has the following advantages:

  • Effectiveness. The roof will have ideal protection from water.
  • No seams. After applying this material to the surface, no seams are formed. Thanks to this property of liquid rubber, a continuous monolithic coating is formed.
  • Excellent adhesion to absolutely any surface. This factor does not even depend on the age of the old coating.
  • Liquid rubber is perfect for roofs with absolutely any configuration (flat roof waterproofing and waterproofing pitched roof). Thanks to airless spraying, liquid rubber can cover every corner of the roof.
  • The material perfectly tolerates strong changes in air temperature.
  • There is a high level of resistance to ultraviolet rays.
  • Liquid rubber does not contain toxic substances. Liquid rubber will not harm your health.
  • Installation involving the application of liquid rubber to the roof surface can be carried out even at low temperatures.

These are the main advantages of liquid rubber, but not all. Consider the following material.

Waterproofing film or vapor barrier

Using a waterproofing film (or water barrier film) is the easiest way to waterproof a roof. It creates a water barrier and a vapor barrier. What is a vapor barrier? A vapor barrier is a roofing film that is installed to protect against vapors.

This material is best suited for a pitched roof, which is made of metal tiles or slate, as well as for roofing under corrugated sheets. Waterproofing under corrugated sheeting is also carried out using this material. Main functions of waterproofing film:

  • The waterproofing material has good protection against condensation that forms from the inside of the roof.
  • prevents the penetration of moisture into the thermal insulation material. Moisture worsens the performance of insulation.
  • These roofing waterproofing materials release steam to open air(vapor barrier film).
  • Under-roof waterproofing is carried out.
  • Waterproofing can be repaired.

If you perform waterproofing using film, then you need to observe some nuances. If the roof slope is more than thirty degrees, then the waterproofing film is overlapped by twenty centimeters. Do not stretch the waterproofing film.

Penetrating waterproofing

Penetrating waterproofing is used for roofs that have a porous structure. Concrete has a porous structure. The principle of penetrating waterproofing is that the material fills all cracks and crevices, including small ones. Once the material penetrates the cracks, it hardens, creating a durable coating.

The most common type of penetrating waterproofing is liquid glass. Liquid glass is a solution that consists of sodium silicates. Liquid glass does not contain toxic substances. This material protects the coating not only from moisture, but also from corrosion and an alkaline environment. Bitumen can be used as penetrating waterproofing, but this is done extremely rarely.

For one square meter 2.5 kilograms of mixture are consumed. This is quite a lot for 1 m2.

Pasted waterproofing

This waterproofing method is well known. Roll roofing and waterproofing materials (or sheets) are used here:

  • roofing felt;
  • roofing felt;
  • glassine;
  • ecoflex;
  • vinyl plastic

There are other materials of roll or sheet type.

Installation in this case is complicated. Before installing roll or sheet material, a bitumen mixture is applied to the surface. Next, the roll or sheet is installed on the roof surface with an overlap. Installed material after that it is glued. At the end, the coating must be sprinkled with stone chips.

In addition to all the listed materials that are used for roof waterproofing, other materials are also used, for example, emulsions, polymer varnishes. They have excellent parameters. They must be applied in several layers to increase the strength of the surface. At the end they must be sprinkled with sand, which is fine-grained.

Step-by-step instructions for roof waterproofing

First, let's see what a roof waterproofing device should look like:

Installation work on roof waterproofing requires attentiveness and accuracy from the worker. It is also necessary to have some experience and knowledge in order to carry out the installation yourself.

Installation begins with the installation of rafters. Waterproofing and roofing material in this case is roll waterproofing for roofing (roofing membrane). Therefore, let's consider step by step instructions using membrane material. Consider the following algorithm of actions:

  • The roll is installed across the rafters. The smooth side should remain up.
  • The material is secured at one edge using a construction stapler. Next, tension and fixation occurs along the entire length of the rolled waterproofing material.
  • Then you need to trim the edge of the membrane.
  • Next, the counter-lattice is installed. Thanks to the counter-lattice, a ventilation system is provided.
  • Afterwards the covering is filled with laths (lathing).
  • Similar procedures are carried out around the entire perimeter of the roof. The membrane is installed with an overlap (one hundred millimeters).
  • The joints must be sealed with tape (roof sealing).

That's the whole process of roof waterproofing.

Roof waterproofing using liquid rubber

What is the technology for applying liquid rubber? What to do to get " liquid roofing" If you use liquid rubber to waterproof your roof, you must first carefully prepare the surface. Surface preparation includes dismantling the old coating and removing dirt and dust. Afterwards the surface needs to be primed and liquid rubber applied. A “liquid roof” is formed.

The quality and desired result depend on properly carried out waterproofing. Therefore, to work independently, you need to follow some rules and nuances:

  • Areas where joints form must be carefully sealed.
  • Installation work on applying a waterproofing layer should begin in the place where the drainage system is located.
  • If several layers of waterproofing material are laid, then one rule must be followed. The offset between the upper and lower material should be fifty centimeters.
  • The waterproofing membrane must be fastened using a construction stapler. This is the most best option fastenings
  • Use diffusion films for metal roofing.
  • If a specific roll material is used as waterproofing, then installation should be carried out at a time when the temperature is not lower than ten degrees Celsius.
  • If liquid rubber is used, it must be sprayed in uniform stripes. The width of such strips should be one and a half meters.
  • If the roof has a complex configuration, then the waterproofing membrane must be glued.

You must listen carefully to this advice from professionals, because the final result depends on it.

Bottom line

Let's summarize. If you waterproof your roof correctly and efficiently, you will completely protect this part house structures from leakage. To do this, the work must be done carefully, because it is painstaking.

For installation work you need to have certain knowledge and experience. Do not forget that the roof is one of the main parts of the house, on which the overall comfort and coziness depends. Therefore, waterproofing this part of the room must be approached responsibly.

Don't skimp on your purchase quality materials, because they have a higher cost in the construction market. Choose a material that can be used for waterproofing repairs. Used for repairs gas burner. You need to immediately calculate what the propane consumption will be.

There is reinforced waterproofing. Reinforced waterproofing is most often used as additional protection. During installation, reinforcing mesh is used.