The simplest and most affordable material for floor insulation is polystyrene foam. External insulation of house walls with expanded polystyrene Insulate a wooden floor with polystyrene

Paul in wooden house or in the country - the coldest part of the structure. There is no secret in this, ordinary physics. Warm air is lighter and goes up, while cold air, on the contrary, goes down. Therefore, to create a comfortable microclimate, eliminate future drafts blowing from the cracks between the boards, and excessive energy consumption for heating, you need to take care of the thermal insulation of the floor.

Modern materials and technologies make it possible to insulate the floor in a private house with your own hands, without the involvement of expensive specialists. The main thing is to carefully study the types of insulation available on the market, choose the one most suitable for your price and quality requirements, and correctly install the thermal insulation.

Insulation of the floor before laying the finishing coating

The best option for floor insulation in a private wooden house is considered to be the creation of a so-called double floor. When a thermal insulation cake is created between the boards of the rough and finished floor, consisting of several layers of different materials.

Such a pie can be mounted both at the construction stage and during major renovation, when the current floor is dismantled to its foundation.

The double floor design is shown in the diagram below:

  1. Joists or cross beams.
  2. Skull beam.
  3. Subfloor boards.
  4. Waterproofing layer.
  5. Insulation.
  6. Vapor barrier layer.
  7. Finished floor boards.

The following insulation materials are used: expanded clay, expanded polystyrene (aka polystyrene foam), extruded polystyrene foam Penoplex or mineral wool.

Let's look at each of the materials in more detail.

Expanded clay

Another option for insulating the floor without disassembling it is to foam the internal cavities with polyurethane foam.

This option is only suitable if you have a subfloor underneath the finished floor.

Insulation with polyurethane foam is carried out through holes drilled in the finished floor boards. It is advisable to drill with a fixed step in inconspicuous places on the floor - at the joints of boards, along the walls.

The main disadvantage of this method is that it is impossible to control the uniform distribution of foam in the cavities between the floor boards.

For wooden houses with a spacious underground or basement, where there is good access To inner surface floor, you can use the same sheet insulating materials.

Sheets of Penoplex or expanded polystyrene are attached to the floor boards from the bottom side, using glue or plastic dowels with a mushroom cap. And then they are sewn up with a layer of vapor barrier. You will get the same thermal insulation cake, only turned outward. Of course, the above methods of insulating the floor indiscriminately or from below cannot be called 100% high quality. They will provide a certain positive effect. But in order to properly solve the problem of saving heat in a wooden house, you should still use technologies that involve dismantling the floor to the base and sequential installation of multilayer insulation.


1. If you need to quickly prepare a wooden house for cold weather, you can insulate the floor without dismantling the structural elements. Penofol or polyurethane foam are suitable for this.
2. To thoroughly insulate a wooden floor, the technology of creating a double floor is used.
3. The main options for floor insulation are expanded clay, expanded polystyrene, extruded polystyrene foam and mineral wool.
4. Installation of any of the above insulation does not require special skills. The main thing is to follow all the stages of creating a thermal insulation cake.
5. The most economical method of insulation is the use of expanded clay or expanded polystyrene.
6. Insulation of a wooden floor with extruded polystyrene foam, despite the highest price, is the best in terms of future results.

In regions with cold climates, high-quality thermal insulation of floors in industrial and residential premises plays an important role. In the context of constantly rising energy prices, the topic high-quality insulation buildings is becoming more and more relevant.

Be it city ​​apartment V multi-storey building Whether built in the last century, a small village house or a modern country mansion, creating a favorable climate in a living space is very important for any owner, and sooner or later he will come to the idea of ​​​​the need to insulate all surfaces through which heat loss is possible.

The scope of application of polystyrene foam is quite wide. In addition to floor insulation, the material is used for thermal insulation of foundations, walls, facades, and basements.

Having carried out high-quality thermal insulation of windows and doors, the next step will most likely be floor insulation. The right choice material for thermal insulation - this is already half the successful completion of the work. Today, the building materials market offers a huge number of different insulation materials, and making a choice, of course, is not easy. Thermal insulation of the floor is perhaps the most important stage of insulation works the entire house, because the main operational load falls on the floor.

Types of expanded polystyrene, its composition and installation

Before choosing a material, you must carefully familiarize yourself with all its characteristics, properties and prices. The use of foamed polymers in insulation can become the best solution for your home. Expanded polystyrene compares favorably with analogues in its reliability, cost and ease of installation.

Types of expanded polystyrene:

In Russia, the most popular brands of polystyrene foam are TechnoNIKOL, URSA, and Penoplex. Standard slab sizes 120*60 cm and 100*50 cm.

Structure and basic qualities of expanded polystyrene

The material has a dense cellular structure, which allows it, with a small thickness of the insulation board, to maintain the same heat-saving effect as thicker foam boards.

(common to all foam):

But, like any other material, foam has its drawbacks. For example, being moisture resistant does not guarantee full protection material from the formation of fungus in case of any leaks. In addition, although the material does not react to the effects of most alkalis and acids, any mastic or resin that contains organic substances can lead to its deterioration (the material begins to melt).

Insulation depending on the floor design

Polystyrene foam has some features associated with its use in floor insulation work. Namely: having sufficient elasticity and strength, the material may be deformed from significant weight loads, for example, if you place a heavy object in a small area. In addition, when laying a heat insulator on the ground with a sand-gravel coating or expanded clay, the presence of a vapor barrier is mandatory (unlike concrete surface). If the insulation is installed adjacent to surfaces that have high humidity In addition to the vapor barrier, it is also necessary to lay a waterproofing layer.

Installation methods

Taking into account all of the above, you should consider several methods of laying polystyrene foam for insulation various designs floor.

Floor insulation under concrete screed. This option can be used in ground floor apartments with a cold basement; for insulating floor slabs leading to a cold attic, warm attics, as well as any floors that require insulation without significantly raising their level.

First of all, it is necessary to compact the soil and fill it up gravel-sand mixture. Dense polyethylene is laid on top, and then sheets of insulation are laid around the entire perimeter. The joints are glued or filled with polyurethane foam. This entire structure is covered with another layer of film. To protect expanded polystyrene sheets from the mechanical stress to which floors are often subjected, a strong mounting mesh should be laid on the sheets. Then the surface is filled with screed mortar, the thickness of which should be at least 40-60 mm. Finally, after the mortar has hardened, the floor covering is laid.

Floor insulation with foam plastic on the ground.

Insulation by joists. This method of insulating the floor with foam plastic is considered the easiest and cheapest. First of all, everything wooden elements structures are treated with moisture-protective agents and antifungal drugs. When laying foam plastic inside, the logs are located at a distance of 0.6 m from each other. A polyethylene film is placed on the base. Expanded polystyrene sheets are laid between the joists. This floor arrangement ensures an even load on the frame. The thickness of the material for thermal insulation of the first floor must be at least 10 cm, for interfloor ceilings A layer of 5 cm is sufficient.

After laying the material, using a stapler a vapor barrier layer is installed. On top are sheets of thick plywood or boards. In this case, it is necessary to leave a small gap under the finished floor for ventilation. In addition, a gap is also left around the entire perimeter of the room, which is subsequently closed with a plinth.

At first glance, foam for floors may seem very unreliable and fragile material, but this is far from the case. This insulation is suitable for thermal insulation of floors not only in a residential area, but even in a production facility or garage. Having spent once on its installation, you will get a warm, pleasant-to-touch floor and the opportunity save a considerable amount on electricity, while having comfortable temperature throughout the whole house.

A modern house is a structure that is subject to fairly stringent requirements for thermal protection. Currently on the market large number highly efficient thermal insulation materials. They allow you to ensure comfortable temperature and humidity conditions in the premises. The most effective and reliable way to increase heat-protective characteristics is to insulate the floor with polystyrene foam.

The need for thermal protection and requirements for insulation

If a person is told that something needs to be done, he has every right know why it is needed. If a house has insufficient thermal insulation of its structures, serious problems arise during operation.

The insulation performs the following functions:

  • preventing freezing of the ground floor floor and penetration of cold into the premises;
  • protection against condensation, which leads to the formation of mold, mildew and rotting of structures wooden house;
  • the house will require lower heating costs during the cold period;
  • increasing sound insulation characteristics.

The following requirements apply to the insulation used in the floor pie:

  • good strength characteristics;
  • resistance to moisture;
  • resistance to rotting and mold;
  • safety for humans;
  • non-flammability;
  • ease of installation.

All these requirements are met by extruded polystyrene foam, which can be used to insulate structures of concrete, wood, brick and frame buildings.

What is expanded polystyrene

Expanded polystyrene consists of styrene granules filled with gas. Air is the most effective insulation, therefore, a large number of cavities allows the material to have good heat-protective properties. Currently, two types of expanded polystyrene are widely used in construction: polystyrene foam and extruded material. The second one is preferable to use.

These two materials look similar in appearance, but differ in their characteristics and manufacturing method. Polystyrene foam is made from polystyrene foam balls by sintering. In the production of extruded polystyrene foam, granules are mixed with a foamed reagent and pressed through an extruder.

Which is better? Polystyrene foam or extruded polystyrene foam?

Polystyrene foam has only one advantage compared to extruded material: low cost.

If a house is being built without severe cash constraints, it is better to choose the second option.

If you spend comparative analysis, then we can come to the following conclusions:

  • extruded polystyrene foam has high strength and works better in floor construction;
  • polystyrene foam is characterized by higher water absorption (about two times);
  • in the presence of moisture and exposure to low temperatures, the foam may crumble into individual balls;
  • polystyrene foam belongs to medium and low flammable materials and when exposed to high temperatures releases substances hazardous to humans;
  • Thanks to special additives, extruded polystyrene foam becomes fire resistant.

For insulating the floor of a wooden house would be better suited extruded polystyrene foam. To reduce construction costs, you can apply floor insulation with two types of polystyrene foam at the same time. The lower thick layer of greater thickness is made of polystyrene foam, and the upper one is made of a more durable material 3-5 cm thick. This method allows you to achieve a compromise between price and quality.

Wooden house floor pie

Depending on the strength, the material can be laid in two ways: without logs and with their help. In the first case, the weight of the entire structure of the finished floor falls on the insulation, so a cement-sand screed is made on top of it. We have already looked at it in detail earlier. Most often, this method is used for the floors of brick and concrete buildings.

For a wooden house, insulation is carried out between wooden joists. It is important to consider the location of the insulation in the building - thermal protection attic floor differs from insulating the floor above a cold basement or underground.

Please note that the process is slightly different from the above method.

In the first case, the layers are laid in the following order:

  1. wooden floor;
  2. vapor barrier;
  3. insulation.

When used in construction first floor floor The installation order is as follows:

  1. wooden floor;
  2. waterproofing;
  3. insulation;
  4. vapor barrier.

When using extruded polystyrene foam, a vapor barrier need not be installed.

For polystyrene foam, it is important to remember that protection from steam is located on the warm air side, and protection from moisture is located on the cold air side. Only in this case will the house be reliably protected from the penetration of cold air. As a vapor barrier and waterproofing, you can use ordinary durable polyethylene film.

Installation process

Depending on the installation method, work can be carried out in different ways.

The minimum layer of insulation depends on the climate in which the house is located, but on average it is 10 cm.

Laying insulation without joists (under screed)

The work process begins with cleaning the base from dirt and dust. Next, if necessary, perform alignment. After preparing the base, the slabs are laid out, taking into account the gap for thermal expansion. These gaps are filled with fiberglass or polyurethane foam. With this installation method, a cement-sand screed is placed on top of the insulation. For fragile foam, it must be additionally reinforced.

Laying between joists

The process starts with log installations, the pitch of which is selected depending on the size of the insulation boards.

This method does not require high strength, so you can safely use foam.

Between the logs, depending on the structure being protected, it is laid vapor barrier or waterproofing. The plates are mounted in the same way as in the previous case, with a small gap. After installing the insulation, construction of the structure begins finished floor.

Schemes for constructing a floor pie are given in this article above.

Floor insulation with expanded polystyrene can significantly reduce the load on the building structure. This is especially important if the house is built on unstable soils with poor characteristics, since it allows you to avoid overloading the foundations.

If you follow all the rules for laying polystyrene foam, it can protect your house from the cold for 40-50 years. The correct choice of materials and quality control of work can reduce the costs of operating and repairing a home.

This video clearly describes insulation using this method:

Low-rise country houses have occupied a serious niche in the construction market today. Used various material, such as brick, various types of blocks, but wood remains one of the most popular. In order for the house to be comfortable at any time of the year, it must be properly insulated. One such material is polystyrene foam, which is distinguished by its practicality and reliability. Insulating a wooden house with polystyrene will be the key to effective thermal insulation of the building. This will significantly reduce heating costs.

Types of expanded polystyrene

The material is a gas-filled polymer. Thanks to the technology, the insulation contains a low percentage of water, and the main part consists of foamed polystyrene with additives. It is this structure that gives him high performance, capable of retaining heat and sound.

Internal structure of polystyrene foam

Depending on the manufacturing method, polystyrene foam can be of several types. Its price, density and feasibility of use in a particular area depend on this.

  • Pressless - consists of granules that are repeatedly dried and foamed. It is fragile and high level moisture absorption.
  • Pressed - has a low heat transfer coefficient. Due to additional pressing, the granules and structure are closed. Additional work during production increases the cost of pressed polystyrene foam.
  • Autoclave - production involves the use of an autoclave, so a variety of this material is found on the market building materials rarely. Using autoclaved polystyrene foam to insulate a wooden house is impractical.
  • Extrusion – polymer material household use(film, packaging, containers). Not intended as insulation.
  • Extruded is an ideal option for insulating a wooden house. It is non-pressed polystyrene foam, but the production technology uses an extruder. The pores of the insulation are as closed as possible and are small in size. These indicators create high thermal insulation properties. Extruded polystyrene foam is the most common and affordable type of insulation on the building materials market.

Features of insulating a wooden house with polystyrene

Expanded polystyrene is a lightweight, durable sheet of varying thickness. Thanks to its integral microstructure, it is resistant to mechanical stress, external natural factors.

Appearance expanded polystyrene

There are two ways to install insulation depending on the mounting location:

  • Internal insulation - involves installing expanded polystyrene on the internal parts of the walls of the house. This method has many disadvantages, one of which is that the material does not absorb moisture and does not allow water vapor to pass through itself. Thus, the heat in the house will not pass to the wooden walls from the inside, and the counter flow of air and cold will act from the outside through the wall. In this case, the dew point will shift inside the house, which will lead to condensation between the wall and the insulation, and ultimately to rotting of the wood. This phenomenon causes the formation of mold, mildew and insects.

Insulation of a wooden house from the inside
  • External insulation- the so-called ventilated facade. The advantage of this method is the use of waterproofing and the ability of the insulation to be ventilated. External device higher in cost than insulation inside the house.

Insulation of a wooden house from the outside

The insulation of a wooden floor with polystyrene in a house is carried out between the wooden floor joists. This allows you to prevent the entry of cold air from the ground, as well as stabilize the temperature on the floors, preventing warm air from below rise through the ceiling and oversaturate the floor of the heated upper floor. Insulation of floors is also effective if the rooms above are not used during the cold season and are not heated.

Insulation of a wooden floor with polystyrene

Pros and cons of expanded polystyrene

It is necessary to understand that styrene, which is a by-product from the oil industry, is used to make the material. Therefore, it cannot be said to be an absolutely environmentally friendly material. Produced only industrially, handicraft and home production polystyrene foam boards impossible.

However, extruded polystyrene has a number of significant advantages:

  • low cost compared to other insulation materials;
  • high thermal insulation rates due to the dense structure;
  • low weight and good compression resistance;
  • has excellent soundproofing qualities;
  • moisture resistance;
  • a wide choice depending on its characteristics: density, thickness, surface structure, end edges (straight or groove), color palette;
  • able to interact with various adhesives, lime, gypsum, cement, salt, bleach, water-based paint;
  • does not rot (decomposition of the material in the ground can exceed 10 years);
  • fire resistant (fire temperature is 2 times higher than wood);
  • durability (manufacturers guarantee a period of operation from 15 to 60 years);
  • no need to use special tool during cutting and installation.

The material is created artificially and has no natural origin. It contains many chemical additives and compounds that are unknown to the average consumer, so in addition to its advantages, polystyrene foam has disadvantages:

  • reacts negatively to ultraviolet radiation, from which the structure is destroyed over time and the original characteristics are lost;
  • reacts negatively to gasoline, fuel oil and various types of solvents;
  • susceptible to destruction by termites and rodents;
  • in case of combustion, a gas is released, which is many times more dangerous than carbon dioxide (it is fatal for humans).

Important! When heated, polystyrene foam emits toxic fumes, so its use in baths, saunas and similar rooms is prohibited.

How to insulate insulation

Impact environment, moisture, temperature changes, cold have a certain effect on any materials. Areas where access is restricted require special attention. To protect wooden walls and house structures when insulating with polystyrene foam, it is necessary to pay attention to waterproofing and vapor barrier. For this purpose special roll materials.

Vapor barrier film

During the insulation process, the waterproofing material must be fastened on the cold air side (street, ground, concrete base). The vapor barrier is installed on the side of the warm air flow (inside the room). Alternative option vapor barrier can become polyethylene film, used to cover garden greenhouses.

Installation of expanded polystyrene

To insulate floors and walls with polystyrene foam in a wooden house, they are used different technologies, features and recommendations. Laying on the floor is usually done according to wooden joists. To do this, you need to make a base from the bottom. You can use 2 methods, one of which is to attach boards or other material to the bottom of the joist, as a base for insulation.

The second option is to install the rails on the left and right side logs on which the base for the insulation is subsequently mounted.

The bars are fixed to the side of the lag, and a board is laid on top

Before installing the insulation in the base, it is necessary to lay waterproofing, which will prevent the penetration of moisture from the ground or concrete (in the case of a foundation in the form of monolithic slab). Next, the polystyrene foam boards are laid. It is recommended to install the material in several layers (minimum 150 mm in height in 50 mm slabs). The layers must be laid so that the seams between the material are covered by the next layer. The principle of chess order.

It is necessary to leave ventilation gap about 20 mm between the top edge of the joist and the insulation. If the polystyrene foam is flush or higher, then you need to additionally raise the height over the entire area using lathing.

A layer of vapor barrier is laid on top to prevent the penetration of steam from the heated house. Next, you can begin installing the subfloor, where you will use batten, plywood or OSB board.

How to attach polystyrene foam to wooden walls of a house

Insulation of the facade of a wooden house is carried out according to frame technology. It consists of the construction of a frame into which the insulation is placed. All work is carried out in stages.

Example frame system for home insulation

Surface preparation

An important step before starting to insulate a wooden house is preparing the foundation. The reason for this is wood, which is very capricious to many factors. Old houses and new buildings are insulated. It is necessary that the surface is dry, the wood must be dried. If the house has been painted, then all paint must be removed. The joints between logs or beams should be well caulked. If additional caulking is necessary, this must be done before insulation. You should also fill up all potholes and remove any remaining bark if present.

As soon as the surface is ready, it is treated with antiseptic agents. The choice of composition is a responsible step, because in the future the contact between polystyrene foam and wood will not be visible. It is necessary to create such conditions so that the walls of a wooden house do not end up in conditions that expose them to rot and further destruction. It is recommended to read the instructions for use before purchasing.

Installation of sheathing

To install insulation, you need a frame that securely holds the material, does not allow it to slide down over time, and allows the material to be ventilated. It is necessary to use only dried wood, otherwise the bars may twist after installation. Expanded polystyrene suffers from this, gaps form (cold bridges), and the finishing, facade material. Before installation, it is recommended to treat the bars with an antifungal and antiseptic agent.

The bars are attached to wooden walls with self-tapping screws vertically and horizontally. To do this, the bars are sawn through at the junction points and a groove is made for the connection.

Connecting bars into half a tree

The distance between the bars should be approximately 5 mm less than the width of the insulation. This will allow the polystyrene foam to fit tightly into place, eliminating any gaps. If several layers are to be laid, the seams of the subsequent layer should overlap the seams of the previous one.

It is easy to insulate wooden houses made of timber, but log houses are more difficult. The surface is not level, so it must be prepared special attention. You can use spray foam or seam sealant to repair potholes and small uneven areas.

Waterproofing and installation of polystyrene foam

After installing the sheathing, a vapor barrier is laid out, and expanded polystyrene slabs are mounted on top of it. To secure the material, you can use special nails with a large washer. In the future, this will prevent the sheets from moving away from the wall over time.

The wide washer allows you to firmly hold the insulation boards

Afterwards the polystyrene foam is attached to wooden wall. A vapor barrier in the form of a diffuse membrane is laid on top. One type of waterproofing material is isospan.

The entire insulated area is covered with a vapor barrier

It is important to look at the instructions for use supplied with the vapor barrier. The sides are different in composition and purpose, therefore, in order for the material to perform its function, it must be laid on the desired side. The waterproofing is attached to the wall with a furniture stapler, and at the joints it is taped with construction tape. The film is overlapped over each other by approximately 10-15 cm.

How to stick polystyrene foam on a wall

It is possible to attach the insulation to wood using a special adhesive or polyurethane foam. Both options are expensive, making it costly when compared to using sheathing. It is better to use an adhesive composition, because it comes in the same containers as foam, but has more yield as a result.

Adhesive or foam must be applied to ensure bonding with wooden surface was reliable

The technology consists of preparing the base, removing any coatings, protrusions, or potholes. Ideal for houses made of timber and completely inappropriate for insulating log houses. In the latter case, the points of contact of the material are small and the difference in the logs will not make it possible to create a flat surface.

Expanded polystyrene is laid over the entire surface after applying glue or foam to it. The problem lies in further finishing, because with the lathing the fastening process is clear. If glued, the house can be plastered, which is not ideal option For wooden structure. The second option could be the construction of an additional structure in the form of a frame for the construction of the facade.

Finishing after insulation

Thanks to polystyrene foam, an entire “thermos” is created, which retains heat inside and prevents cold air from penetrating inside. This significantly reduces the heat loss of the building, saving money on heating. The final stage is finishing the facade.

Finishing the facade after insulation with polystyrene allows you to realize any ideas

For this purpose they are used wooden products– lining, imitation timber, block house, as well as various types of siding. Depending on the type of finishing material and its method of fastening, a second frame is built on top of the sheathing with insulation. It is on this that the finishing material is installed.

Why is polystyrene foam chosen for floor insulation?

One of the factors of a comfortable home is the temperature on the floor surface. It's no secret that in different rooms in a private house or apartment, the floor temperature varies, the reason for this is that low temperatures transmitted from balconies and walls through their junctions with floor slabs.

Expanded polystyrene gained its popularity due to its relatively low cost and ease of installation.

In order to insulate the floor, you can use the most different materials, but polystyrene foam is the most popular.

Laying such material on the floor is not difficult, and if everything is done correctly, then there is no doubt that the house will always be warm. However, why is polystyrene foam used for this, what properties does it have? unique qualities? There are many other materials that meet basic requirements, such as:

“Pie” of floor insulation with polystyrene foam.

  • low conductivity;
  • high degree of compressive strength;
  • the ability to maintain the original thermal insulation properties when mechanical loads are applied and when moisture is exposed for a long time.

You can use a material such as expanded clay concrete to insulate the floor, but this is not profitable, and you will also need a thick layer of expanded clay concrete, and this helps to significantly reduce the height of the room. Mineral wool is also popular, but with all its good qualities It is no different in terms of durability.

In this regard, in order to maximize indoor comfort, it is recommended to use polystyrene foam, which significantly reduces heating costs. Such material is made under the influence of a blowing agent, through thermal swelling of polystyrene granules. Each such granule contains many small cells that are filled with air, so the polystyrene foam slabs are soft.

The structure of expanded polystyrene is porous, due to this this material durable.

The cellular structure of the surface of polystyrene foam ensures a long service life, up to 100 years, it should also be noted that it is vapor permeable, increased durability to combustion. The popularity of this material is also added by such qualities as an increased degree of strength and lack of water absorption. In this regard, laying polystyrene foam on the floor is becoming increasingly popular. This material is an effective solution to the problem of thermal insulation of floors; it can be installed over cold basements, heated floors and floors on the ground. Required Tools for laying polystyrene foam on the floor:

  • wallpaper knife (the simplest and most effective tool for cutting polystyrene foam sheets);
  • electric jigsaw;
  • guitar string

How is polystyrene foam laid on the floor?

Laying polystyrene foam on the floor is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance; even a person who does not have the relevant experience can handle this work, the main thing is to follow the instructions.

  1. First you need to prepare the soil appropriately; for this you can compact the earth using mechanical action, or you can simply level the surface.
  2. Now you need to make a cushion of crushed stone, for this you will need a layer at least 10 cm thick, it needs to be compacted and then leveled.
  3. Now it’s the sand’s turn: they need to fill the voids between the rubble, the sand covers its sharp edges.
  4. The next stage is laying polystyrene foam insulation boards.
  5. The waterproofing film is laid out and a few centimeters of overlap is applied during the joining process.
  6. A reinforcing mesh is placed, which ensures the strength of the entire structure and evenly distributes possible loads.
  7. Very important stage is concrete screed, the concrete layer must be at least 50 mm.
  8. After this, the floor needs to be cleaned and treated.
  9. The last step is laying additional materials.

When laying polystyrene foam on the floor, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the base must always remain dry before installation. It is also necessary to leave a technical gap of 1-2 cm wide; this is done for thermal expansion. You need to stretch a thermoacoustic tape along the walls, which helps create an additional thermal and sound insulation effect.

If you lay polystyrene foam on the floor in this way, it makes it possible to different types heating: electric and water. This installation design can easily withstand temperature loads, but they should not exceed 75 degrees, and heating circuits fit into the screed. You need to lay it on top ceramic tiles(you can also use parquet, laminate or linoleum).

Laying polystyrene foam on the floor has the advantage that the loss usable area does not exceed a few centimeters, especially since this is compensated by thermal insulation high quality, protects against moisture and unwanted noise. Among other advantages of polystyrene foam laid on the floor, it is necessary to note such qualities as century-long durability, absolute environmental friendliness, and guaranteed non-toxicity.

Some nuances of working with polystyrene foam

Laying polystyrene foam on the floor involves some nuances, knowledge of which will greatly facilitate the work.