Wiring diagram for a ducted air conditioner for three rooms. Calculation of duct air conditioners

N. Kopylov

The efficiency of the air conditioner and the extent to which its operation will satisfy the customer’s expectations depend on its correct selection and installation. This applies to a greater extent to systems that require complex installation. After all, if you wall split system Almost everything is assembled and configured at the factory, but ducted air conditioner models require a more thorough and balanced approach. From the equipment selection stage to its commissioning

Using a duct-type air conditioner often allows you to solve not only the problem of maintaining comfortable temperature conditions indoors, but also ensure the supply fresh air, so necessary for us to breathe. Another important feature is the ability to integrate such systems even into the most intricate room design. Only ventilation grilles will be visible in the room; a wide selection of shapes and colors allows anyone to “play along” design solution in interior design. Such systems are successfully used for air conditioning offices, apartments and cottages.

However, in order for the equipment to operate efficiently, you need to take care of the correct calculation of the air duct network, selection of the air conditioner based on cooling power, static pressure, etc. At the same time, many mistakes can be avoided by following the manufacturer’s recommendations.

System selection

The peculiarity of duct air conditioners lies in the design itself, which combines two different tasks - ventilation and air conditioning. Therefore, in order to correctly assemble a ducted air conditioning system, it is important to master not only the methodology for calculating the required cooling power of the air conditioner, but also the methodology for designing the ventilation duct network.

Ideally, the required cooling capacity of the air conditioning system is first calculated and the air duct network is designed, taking into account the geometry of the premises, the intended location of the indoor unit and ventilation grilles/diffusers, based on the maximum level of comfort for the future user. And only then do they begin to select the model of the air conditioning system. This approach is due to the fact that different models Duct air conditioners, as a rule, have different “capabilities”. Models that have the same cooling capacity and air flow rate may have different available "static pressure" (the "force" with which the indoor unit fan can provide the rated air flow). However, it often happens the other way around: first, the user purchases the duct air conditioner model that he liked best for a number of reasons (manufacturer, dimensions, functions, or simply “price”), and then the task is to correctly calculate and install the air duct network. In this case, it is necessary to know the capabilities of the duct air conditioner, namely the pressure and air flow it creates. In this case, it is necessary to design the air duct network so that the pressure loss in them is equal to or less than the pressure specified in the technical characteristics of the indoor unit of the duct air conditioner.

When calculating the required cooling capacity, air conditioning systems are often based only on the area of ​​the room. However, this is a common misconception, since this indicator is not universal. First of all, this concerns “non-standard housing”, which predominates in new buildings today. So, for example, two rooms with the same area may require air conditioning systems of different performance. If in one case it is a ground floor with one outer wall and a small glazing area, then in another - attic room, with full-wall glazing. In the second case, more cooling capacity will be required due to heating of the roof and the “view window”. Naturally, it won’t be so hot in the basement.

Calculation of the required cooling capacity depends on the orientation of the building to the cardinal points, the material of the external walls, the amount of fresh air supplied from the street, heat radiation from household appliances, window sizes and even the type of curtains on them. Therefore, the express method for selecting the refrigerating power of an air conditioner (so beloved by many equipment sales managers), according to which 100 W of refrigerating power is taken for every 1 m2 of room area, is suitable, with some amendments, only for typical housing.

By the way, for the same reason, you should not rely entirely on computer programs, offering selection of the cooling capacity of the air conditioner. After all, it is too difficult to foresee and incorporate all possible “nuances” into the program. Yes, and the user would first have to be trained to work with such a program and the specific terms it uses. It’s easier to contact a specialist.

One of the important, but sometimes forgotten parameters is static pressure. There are models of duct air conditioners with low available pressure (35-50 Pa), designed for installation in small hotel rooms. The air ducts to them should be minimal in length: the air intake and supply points, as a rule, are located close to each other. Such devices are not suitable for servicing large premises or several rooms at once.

In the case of large work spaces where there is a lot of heat-generating equipment (computers, office equipment) and large number people (also, by the way, generating heat), it is necessary to evenly distribute the supplied cooled air. In this case, several air supply and intake points are required, and therefore a more extensive network of air ducts. All this will help to achieve comfortable conditions not only in terms of air temperature, but also in terms of its mobility, which in practice is not always taken into account.

If the air duct system is designed for several rooms, then in order to ensure sufficient cooling capacity in each of them, it is necessary to correctly distribute air currents. At the same time, the presence standard sizes air ducts often do not allow you to select their diameter to pass the calculated volumes of air at the required speed. Therefore, in places where the air duct branches, it is necessary to provide throttle valves, with the help of which it will be possible to adjust the air flow in each channel (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Throttle valves at the branching point of the air duct

The correct selection of ventilation grilles for air intake and supply should take into account not only their dimensions, but also their type. An important parameter is the “live cross-section” of the air distribution device. The volume of air that can be supplied through a given grille/diffuser at a certain speed directly depends on it. If this is not taken into account, the flow speed may be high - 2 m/s or more - which will cause noise. To minimize the noise level, the speed of air passing through the grille should be within 1.0...1.5 m/s. "Live section" area specific model air distribution device are usually specified by the manufacturer. Of course, it is not always possible to combine the necessary technical specifications ventilation grille/diffuser with room design requirements. In this case, you need to look for compromise solutions, for example, use adapters (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Using an adapter to connect the ventilation grille to the air duct

Increasingly, a ducted air conditioning system is chosen due to the possibility of mixing in outside (fresh) air. However, in order to avoid operational problems, it is important to correctly provide for its volume. After all, a ducted air conditioner unit, as a rule, is designed to recirculate internal air (they took air from the room, cooled/heated it and returned it back to the room). Accordingly, the temperature of the air entering the indoor unit of the air conditioner should decrease as the air conditioning system operates, reflecting the actual temperature in the room. The temperature of the mixed outside air in summer period will be constantly high. Therefore, the greater the admixture of fresh air, the greater the refrigeration capacity must be, sufficient not only to cool the outside air, but also to remove excess heat from the room itself. In addition, it is necessary to switch the control of the air conditioning system to the temperature sensor located in the wired remote control.

Usually, fresh air is added in an amount of no more than 20-30% of total flow air through the indoor unit.

To avoid mistakes, it is important for a specialist to visit the site and offer the best suitable option selection of equipment and also supervised its installation.


The efficiency of the air conditioning system at the facility largely depends on proper installation, in accordance with the design and recommendations of equipment manufacturers. First of all, this concerns the air duct network: it is rare that it can be mounted in exact accordance with project documentation(for example, you have to “bypass” beams, pipelines that were not taken into account in the original drawings, or the distances indicated in the documents do not entirely correspond to reality).

Flexible corrugated air ducts are often used, which are cheaper and quite simple to install. However, such cheap option not always justified. After all, when hanging these air ducts from the ceiling, one part of the pipe sags, and the other - at the attachment points - is pinched. Because of this, additional resistance arises in the network, which may exceed the capabilities of the duct air conditioner. As a result, the air flow is significantly lower than expected. A number of technical problems arise. If the air conditioner has a low degree of protection refrigeration circuit(without inverter compressor drive, with capillary throttling device), then outdoor unit the air conditioner may malfunction. In this regard, best choice The air ducts are made of galvanized steel. They provide the least resistance to air movement: several times lower than when using corrugated (flexible) air ducts. In addition, the advantages of a rigid air duct are the possibility of laying longer networks with a narrow cross-section (due to low resistance), the absence of deposits on the internal walls and ease of cleaning. Air ducts have the least aerodynamic resistance round section. In them, the air is most evenly distributed over the entire cross-section of the pipe.

In the design of some duct air conditioner units, especially with high performance, centrifugal fans are provided. The peculiarity of this type of fans is that they work most efficiently when installed after the heat exchanger. Thus, it turns out that the drain pan, which collects condensate from the heat exchanger, ends up in the air “rarefaction” zone (in the zone of air suction into the fan). In such cases, the manufacturer of the duct air conditioner indicates the need for a special “hydraulic seal” on the condensate drain pipe (Fig. 3). It is necessary to ensure that the vacuum created by the fan does not interfere with the removal of condensate through the drainage system. As a rule, the equipment manufacturer clearly indicates certain parameters: pipe diameter, water column height, etc. However, some installers, neglecting the manufacturer's instructions, install a conventional drainage pipe with a slope instead. This can lead to the fact that, during operation, a powerful fan will create a vacuum and the liquid will be retained in the drain pan of the indoor unit, which can lead to water seeping into the room when the system is turned off.

Rice. 3. Water seal of the steam trap

Noise level is one of the most important characteristics for ducted air conditioning systems. However, even their best performance can be negated by illiterate installation. In this case, strong noise may occur if the indoor unit of the air conditioner is suspended on an insufficiently rigid support, for example, on a profile plasterboard ceiling. If the block is not attached to concrete wall, and to metal structure, it is recommended to use anti-vibration inserts. At the junction of the indoor unit with air ducts, flexible inserts made of tarpaulin or rubberized fabric are also used to reduce noise levels.


A separate critical stage in the installation of duct systems is the commissioning work. During them, it is important to take into account that a number of air conditioner models provide for setting the required pressure value in accordance with the characteristics of the air duct network. That is, you can choose, for example, 35, 50 or 150 Pa. This allows the same model to be used for different rooms and duct configurations.

At the commissioning stage, using appropriate control and measuring instruments, it is necessary to adjust the air flow through various sections of the air duct, bringing them into line with the initial calculations.

It is also important to check the power supply connection: sufficiency of load, wire cross-section, etc. After all, for example, if the phases are connected incorrectly, the system will not start and may even fail. Failure of air conditioning equipment is also possible due to significant voltage drops in domestic power grids. Therefore, in case of problems with power supply, it is recommended to solve this issue locally: by installing stabilizers.


Many design and installation errors can be avoided by carefully studying and following the equipment manufacturer's instructions. Important role The experience of the installer also plays a role. The parameters of the facility have a significant impact on the efficiency of ducted air conditioning systems. Therefore, it is important that specialists in the design of climate control equipment go directly to the site and, if necessary, make adjustments to the documentation.

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One can write endlessly about the need to maintain a constant microclimate in premises (and not only residential ones). But how can this be achieved? Well-known and widely used split systems in everyday life have significant drawback– limited range. Essentially, they work for 1 specific room.

Therefore, if there are several of them in an apartment, then in each it is necessary to install a corresponding kit with air ducts and electrical wires leading out. How rational this is is another question, but to ensure comfortable temperature in the bedroom, in the living room, and in the kitchen at the same time, there is no other option. With the exception of one thing - to install a duct air conditioner, the installation diagram of which we will consider.

What is it? In fact, there are no big differences in composition. Exactly the same blocks (2 pieces), one of which is installed outside, and the other at the top (under the ceiling, fixed to the ceiling). The main difference is in power (for the indoor unit channel system this figure is higher). Everything else is not included in the basic kit.

And you will need air ducts, elements for their connection and intake grilles (from the word “take away”). Additionally (optional) - heater (water or electric), recuperator. Depending on the specifics of the installation and the “layout” of the channels, the appropriate products are selected.

In principle, the term “duct” should not be applied to the air conditioners themselves, but to the system as a whole.

A big advantage of using it is the fact that during the operation of the system there is a constant mixing of fresh (coming from outside) air with that taken from the room.

Installation is possible if the premises have suspended ceilings. Consequently, either still at the construction stage, or in the process of renovation, and a major one. This causes some limitations in application, since the feasibility of installation is determined, first of all, by the height of the ceilings.

For standard apartments in high-rise buildings with a ceiling height of 2.5 m on average, such systems are unlikely to be suitable, except perhaps for an amateur. But at the same time you will have to start “constructing” an artificial ceiling. In this regard, it is “easier” for owners of country (private) houses. Channel system devices can be installed in the under-roof space, for example. At least, unlike the city dwellers, there are options.

Depending on the connection diagram, the channel model can be used for supply (exhaust). For example, in the kitchen, in the bathroom.

Installation diagrams

That's right, in plural, since the possibilities are limited only by the power of the device, which determines the length of the air ducts. Some room options components the systems are clearly visible (and self-explanatory) in the figures.

The procedure for installing a ducted air conditioning system is not much different from the specifics of installing conventional split systems.


Many people note this as a disadvantage of ducted air conditioners. It is higher than for conventional split systems, approximately 1.8 - 3.2 times (depending on the complexity of installation and model). And indeed, preliminary calculations+ installation of “channels”, installation of gratings – all this increases the final price.

For example, the air conditioner itself will cost at least 58,000 rubles (Chinese “Timberk”, model 18LC DT1/D3 at 5.3/5.9 kW). And also air ducts, installation.

But if you think about it, is everything so simple?

Indeed, only the owner, who is a professional in this matter, can install the system himself. How many people are able to install even the simplest split systems themselves? In addition, the minimum you need is a hammer drill + a long drill for through-hole drilling into the wall. All this is quite expensive, and it makes no sense to purchase it for one-time use. This means that you will still have to pay for the services of hired craftsmen.

The duct device works for all rooms, for example, for 3 rooms at the same time. To achieve the same effect using traditional air conditioners, you will have to install 3 of them + payment for the installation of each (discount for the amount of work “will not change the weather”).

There is more than enough useful information. Whether or not to install a ducted air conditioning system is up to you, dear reader, to decide.

When thinking about installing a modern split system in their home or apartment, people often wonder how it functions duct split system? Operating principle of a duct air conditionerbased on the transmission and filtration of air masses using a system of air shafts. The difference from a conventional air conditioner is that such equipment is mounted in the air duct system. In this regard, it is necessary to plan the installation of duct equipment under construction or major repairs.

Before delving into the intricacies of the work, it is necessary to understand what this system is, because many simply do not know what a ducted air conditioner is. Duct air conditioner is a special split system that ensures the maintenance of the required temperature in medium and large size. It consists of 2 main blocks:

  • internal;
  • external

The outdoor unit contains a compressor, a fan and a condenser heat exchanger. The internal one includes an evaporator heat exchanger, a fan with an electric motor, a diffuser volute, a tray for collecting liquid, an air chamber and pipes for communications. In addition to these two blocks, the system should include air ducts and grilles, but they are already selected individually for each room.

Operating principle

External unit ensures the intake of street air and its further transportation through the air duct system. After cooling or heating, the air masses are powerful fan distributed through pipes. Thanks to its design, such a system can maintain specified microclimate parameters in a fairly large room.

There are three modes of operation of a duct air conditioner: heating air masses, cooling them and ventilation. The latter operating mode is possible when the outside air temperature is more than -5 degrees.

Duct split systems are often used in medium- and small-sized stores. If the installation is carried out by competent specialists, the noise level from the use of such equipment will be insignificant. In addition to the above, the duct system purifies the air in several stages, thanks to an extensive network of air ducts.

Separately, it is worth noting the air conditioners working based on water heat supply. Since such a system costs an order of magnitude more, it is not so in demand in modern market. Regardless of the device, duct-type equipment can provide high-quality air ventilation in several rooms.


Duct air conditioners are divided into the following types:

  • with low pressure force;
  • with medium pressure force;
  • with high pressure force.

Main purpose low pressure systems– providing air conditioning in a short system of air shafts. Very often such devices use false mezzanines for their work.

Medium pressure air conditioners Designed for use in apartments, houses and small and medium-sized shops. Due to the optimal ratio of pressure force and air duct length, such equipment can provide air filtration in several rooms at the same time.

Models from the last category – high-pressure— installed at large industrial and commercial facilities. The high power of the equipment allows you to work in a large, branched system of air shafts.

The power of duct air conditioners varies from 2 to 25 kilowatts.

Pros and cons

The main advantages of such equipment include:

  • high performance;
  • possibility of installing several evaporation units;
  • reliability;
  • ability to maintain temperature in several rooms.

Thanks to the installation of powerful units, duct air conditioners can provide the specified temperature parameters even over a large area. Installation additional evaporation units and connecting them to one central compressor will save money if you need to turn on other rooms.

Besides positive qualities, such equipment also has its disadvantages:

  • high cost;
  • high demands on design;
  • difficulty in installation;
  • high noise level if positioned incorrectly.

Channel-type equipment can cost a hefty sum. Moreover, the greater the number of blocks and the longer the shafts, the more expensive it is. Such costs pay off only if the equipment is constantly used in several rooms at the same time.

The installation process cannot be completed without the help of qualified specialists. Due to the design of duct-type air conditioners, the layout of the air ducts must be thought out in advance, taking into account all the operating parameters of the equipment.

Basic installation steps

The installation process of a ducted air conditioner can be divided into several stages.

  1. Installation external unit . It must be placed on the outside of the building using brackets or a special stand.
  2. Laying power supply and routes for freon supply. If the duct system is not already installed, it will be installed. Then the specialists begin laying routes for freon supply and installing a power supply network. This part is the most critical from the point of view of the future functionality of the equipment.
  3. Providing heat and waterproofing for the entire system. It is equally important to ensure good insulation of the route from the air duct. The accumulated condensate negatively affects the material used in the manufacture of air shafts, which leads to rapid damage to the equipment.

To the question “what is an air conditioner?”, perhaps nine out of ten people will confidently answer – “a device for cooling air.” In fact, the purpose of an air conditioner is to maintain given parameters microclimate of the room, from English conditions - conditions, conditions. It so happens that the main, or even the only function of most models of household air conditioners is air cooling. A ducted air conditioner allows you to take advantage of full air conditioning, that is, complete control of air parameters in your home.

What are ducted air conditioners?

It is not entirely correct to talk about duct air conditioners as a separate device; it would be more correct to talk about duct air conditioning systems. The ducted air conditioning system includes:

This is, so to speak, the basic package, a mandatory set of elements. Additionally, a ducted air conditioning system may include:

Electric or water heater

All air conditioners have a natural heating limitation due to the principles of their operation. A ducted air conditioner has one additional limitation in this regard: usually ducted systems operate as recirculation with partial mixing of outside air. This device helps maintain a constant temperature in the room, but makes it difficult to change it.

As a result, heating the air by heat exchange forces between the condenser and the evaporator becomes ineffective when the outside air temperature is less than 10-15 degrees Celsius. Heating at lower outside air temperatures (including negative ones) is carried out using air heaters. Moreover, the specificity of the operation of duct systems is such that heating the air entering the indoor unit to a temperature of at least 10-15 degrees is necessary even when working for cooling.


A recuperator is a special device that carries out heat exchange between the “exhaust” air leaving the building and the fresh air entering the building. In this way, it is possible to significantly save energy costs for heating, minimizing the amount of heat leaving the room along with the “exhaust” air. A recuperator is used if the duct air conditioner operates according to a partially replacement scheme, when air is not only pumped into the room, but also purposefully removed from it. The need for targeted air removal arises when air conditioning rooms that are prone to the formation of vapors, unpleasant odors etc., for example, production facilities, enterprise kitchens catering.

Additional duct fans

When air conditioning large rooms that require the installation of long air ducts, the power of the indoor unit alone may not be enough; in this case, auxiliary fans are installed to ensure air circulation through the ducts.

Advantages and disadvantages of duct air conditioners

Duct air conditioning allows you to use the benefits of professional industrial systems in your home, and you have to pay for it. It is possible to recoup the costs of installing a duct system only by air conditioning large areas, but here the benefits are obvious:

Of course, in addition to advantages, duct air conditioners also have disadvantages, which become more pronounced the more smaller area rooms where the air conditioning system is used.

Planning a ducted air conditioning system

Installation of duct systems makes sense in industrial, office, and commercial premises of large area, as well as in individually built cottages. In the latter case, the air conditioning system will include a ventilation system. Combining the two systems will allow you to benefit from equipping a relatively small room with ducted air conditioning.

It is advisable to provide for equipping the cottage with an air conditioning system at the design stage. This will help allocate a separate room for the central unit. You can equip the space in the attic accordingly (noise, heat and waterproofing). You should also think about a separate power supply line of sufficient power, grounding and a circuit breaker.

When planning your system, consider the following parameters:

  • cooling power, kW;
  • heating power, kW;
  • power consumption, kW;

All three values ​​may differ markedly from each other and need to be taken into account separately.

  1. Air exchange (air capacity), m 3 /h; can also be expressed as the air change rate per hour for a given room volume.
  2. Air pressure, Pa. This parameter is especially critical for large premises that require long air ducts. A unit that, due to the speed of air flow, provides good air exchange rates for short channels, may, at low pressure, simply “not pull” the mass of air in a long channel, which will negatively affect the efficiency of the system. According to this parameter, there are three types of air conditioners:
    • up to 40 Pa. Low-power air conditioners used only for auxiliary systems, which may not even have ducts as such. Their role is played by the space above the suspended ceiling and inside the false mezzanine.
    • 40-100 Pa. Household air conditioners, suitable for most residential premises.
    • 100-250 Pa. Powerful units for providing air conditioning and ventilation of industrial premises, offices, trading floors, catering premises, etc. Air conditioners with a pressure power of more than 250 Pa are classified as industrial.
  3. Dimensional and weight characteristics, mm and kg.

It is better to entrust the design and installation of a ducted air conditioning system to professionals. For the company's cottages, installers usually offer a choice of several ready-made standard solutions. For example, these:

  • Air conditioning of two adjacent rooms (usually a bedroom and a living room) with full recirculation. In this case, the flow of fresh air into air-conditioned rooms occurs naturally.
  • Air conditioning of the entire cottage with recirculation and partial influx (“mixture”) of outside air.
  • Air conditioning of the entire cottage (recirculation + “mixture”) with forced exhaust ventilation utility premises.

Installation project for ducted air conditioning for large production and office premises compiled individually.

With characteristics, types and prices of equipment and installation of air conditioners famous manufacturers can be found in the table:

If you are afraid that you will not be able to understand the variety of existing models on your own, you can always get qualified advice from a specialist.

Quite popular for rooms with suspended ceilings. Duct type air conditioning system used in shops, restaurants, hotels, offices, private homes, as well as in apartments with high ceilings. Air conditioners of this type can be installed at the construction stage, or during a major overhaul.

To calculate the power of your air conditioner, you can use the air conditioner power calculator.

To ensure a comfortable indoor microclimate, it is necessary to choose the right duct air conditioner according to power, take into account the features of installation and timely maintenance.

The operating principle of a duct air conditioner.

A duct-type air conditioner is one of the types of split systems, the task of which is to create a microclimate in several rooms. It consists of indoor and outdoor units. The internal air duct is located in the inter-ceiling space; a system of air ducts extends from it, which distributes cooled air throughout the rooms. When purchasing such an air conditioner, it will include only indoor and outdoor units.

Power duct systems type ranges on average from 2 kW to 25 kW, but there are also models with a power of up to 60 kW. Air ducts are always designed individually. The number of bends of the air ducts and their length directly depend on the parameters of the premises and must correspond to the air pressure created by the fan in the indoor unit.

Scope of application of duct type air conditioners.

Duct air conditioners are classified by air pressure:

1. Low-pressure - they provide air pressure less than 40 Pa. They are used in multi-room apartments and large hotel rooms; they have short air ducts.

2. Medium pressure, 40-100 Pa. They are used in apartments, small offices and shops and are the most commonly used. The total length of their air ducts can reach up to 100 m.

3. High-pressure, up to 250 Pa. With their help, long air duct systems with a large number of branches are created for large shopping malls, office centers, conference rooms, and restaurants.

The main difficulty with installation of duct air conditioner is the laying of air ducts according to a previously developed scheme, in accordance with calculations of air movement. To install an indoor unit, you need 25-40 cm of inter-ceiling space, and for air ducts - 15-25 cm. Therefore, air conditioners of this type are used only in rooms with high ceilings. Indoor units are installed in utility rooms and bathrooms, where ceiling height is not so important.

The internal hatch must be periodically maintained, so access to it must be provided through a special hatch, which should be slightly larger in size than the indoor unit. If an interior designer claims that duct air conditioner maintenance There is no need, then it is worth questioning the competence of such a specialist.

Estimated cost of duct air conditioners.

The price of a set consisting of outdoor and indoor units of a ducted air conditioner directly depends on the air pressure it provides, cooling power, manufacturer, additional functions. The price for low-pressure air conditioners starts from 25,000 rubles. and higher, for medium-pressure - from 35,000 rubles, for high-pressure - from 120,000 rubles. Prices for inverter duct air conditioners, which can be smoothly and accurately adjusted, are one and a half to two times higher than for non-inverter ones. If they have automatic modes, the price also increases. The price for design, purchase, and installation of a high-pressure inverter duct air conditioner can reach up to 1,000,000 rubles.

Cost of installing ducted air conditioners.

The cost of installing such air conditioners directly depends on their design. In each case, installation is carried out according to individual project. The cost of installation in elementary cases is approximately 12,000 rubles, and the installation of high-pressure systems is much more.

Maintenance of duct type air conditioners.

The most common opinion is that air conditioners of this type do not require maintenance. This misconception can lead to damage to the air conditioner. Low-pressure systems must be serviced once a year, medium-pressure systems - 2 times a year, high-pressure systems - every quarter. The cost of maintenance varies from 2,500 to 5,000 rubles, depending on what kind of work needs to be done, as well as the scale of the system.

Maintenance work for duct type air conditioners:

  • Cleaning of outdoor and indoor units;
  • Removing, washing and installing the drain pan;
  • Examination drainage system, electrical connections, air pressure and amount of refrigerant in the system;
  • Refilling the system with refrigerant;
  • Measuring indoor temperatures.