Dream interpretation: wet soil and hands. Why do you dream about earth according to the dream book - "True dreams - the most complete dream book"

Seeing fertile land in a dream is a good sign, but if the land is barren and rocky, then failures and failures await you.

If you dream that during a sea voyage you suddenly saw land in the distance, this is a wonderful dream, foreshadowing sudden brilliant prospects opening up before you.

Seeing freshly dug soil in the garden promises you prosperity and well-being.

If your clothes are stained with earth, then you will have to leave the house, fleeing illness and persecution of the law.


Seeing good, fertile land in a dream is a prophecy of a good harvest and a comfortable life. If you dreamed of a desert land, then in the future humanity will face a terrible famine as a result of a long drought.

Seeing the entire Earth in cracks in a dream is a harbinger of a powerful earthquake that will claim hundreds of lives. People will anger God and he will shake the Earth.

Seeing a ball flying towards the Earth in a dream is evidence that an amazing secret will soon be revealed to you. Apparently, you will come into contact with the inhabitants of another planet, as a result of which you will tell the world a lot of new and interesting things.

Open in a dream new land- a sign of good luck in all matters.


The ground covered with greenery or moss is a rich marriage.
Digging means a quick funeral.
Lying on the ground means minor troubles.
Digging (if the ground is soft) means that things will be completed quickly.
Given land - wealth, prosperity, depending on the size and type.
Beautiful, picturesque and very well-groomed land - a beautiful wife and happy marriage.
The earth is moving - happy changes.


Earth is a melancholic element.

Dreams about land devoid of vegetation (plowed, cracked), about recently dug beds with damp earth are a danger to life.
But to sow in such a field means success in labor.
Digging a fresh hole means death in the house.
Digging the ground means an increase in wealth.
To plow the land yourself is the fruitfulness of labor, the fertility of a woman.

Discussion: 4 comments

    Hello! I've been dreaming about the earth a lot lately. Either in the form of plots, vegetable gardens, or directly in the form of soil that I take in my hands, I feel the texture and smell. I climb earthen embankments, sit on the ground, lie down on it, several times this happened with different men, strangers. What could such dreams mean? I hope not to death?))))


    1. Hello Julia, I’ll tell you this. Land in the form of plots, vegetable gardens, fields that produce crops is almost always work and everything connected with it. Perhaps you need to devote yourself to work. If your horoscope is Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn, then write me an answer to this comment, who you are.))


      1. I'm Cancer. And unfortunately, the element of Earth is practically absent in my horoscope, only Water))
        That’s why such dreams are surprising. Today I was climbing an earthen hill again...
        This is probably concern for one’s stability and financial situation.

        Yes, you're right. In your case, I interpret climbing as overcoming difficulties associated with earthly concerns. The dead don't climb, quite the opposite, believe me.))) So possible difficulties V financially and efforts to overcome them, I can promise you, but you are unlikely to be able to die. Good luck to you.)))

What does the earth mean in dreams, according to various dream interpreters? Most sources personify this image with the real life of a sleeping person, his habits, aspirations and moral principles. To understand the true meaning of the plot dreamed at night, the dreamer should pay attention to the appearance of the soil and analyze the actions that he happened to perform with it.

The meaning of sleep in Miller, Medea, Freud

According to Miller's dream book, seeing fertile land in a dream is incredible lucky sign, promising a person success and happy events in life. Dry and rocky soil on which nothing grows foreshadows the sleeper's failures and disappointments in life. coming days. The planned event will end in complete failure for him and will not bring any moral satisfaction. Did you dream of seeing freshly dug soil in your own beds or garden? The dream book identifies such a picture with material wealth and good luck in all areas of life. If in a dream a person was on the open sea on the deck of a ship and saw a piece of land in the distance, then in reality brilliant prospects will open up before him, thanks to which he will be able to fulfill his old dream and improve his financial situation. But seeing clothes stained with earth is an alarming sign. It foretells difficult times for a person when he will have to hide from justice far from his home.

The sorceress Medea considers hard and dry soil a harbinger of failure. A person who sees him in his night dreams will begin a dark streak in his life. Any business started in the next week will not only not bring him the expected success, but will also entail unplanned material losses. Failures can only be avoided if you do nothing and wait for a more favorable period. Plowed land in a dream symbolizes the expectation of happy life changes. For a young girl, this image promises pleasant troubles associated with preparing for the wedding. Why dream of plowing the land yourself? The dream interpreter foretells great success for the dreamer. But there is no need to hope that it will fall on his head unexpectedly. To achieve it, the sleeper will need to make a lot of effort.

The earth in a person’s dreams, according to the controversial psychologist Sigmund Freud, symbolizes the female reproductive organs. Did you dream of fertile black soil with crops growing on it? In the near future, the dreamer and his family members will not have health problems. Rocky or drought-cracked soil promises the sleeper conflicts with children. Before criticizing his grown-up offspring, it would not hurt the dreamer to remember what he was like at their age. A dream in which a person had to wield a shovel while digging up the ground foreshadows him having an intimate relationship with the person he likes. Sailing on a ship and seeing land is a good sign, promising the sleeping person an acquaintance with a person who will become an ideal sexual partner for him.

Interpretation according to Vanga and Aesop

Interesting interpretation the image in question is given by the soothsayer Vanga’s dream book: fertile land appears in it good sign, predicting a prosperous life and a rich harvest for a person. Did you dream of soil on the surface of which nothing grows? The dream promises the sleeper poverty and hunger. If the dreamed soil was covered with cracks, then in reality a person will find himself in the epicenter of a powerful earthquake and witness the death of dozens of people.

Do you see earth in a dream? Aesop's dream book personifies this image with a man standing firmly on his feet. If the dreamer dreams of soil, it means that in the near future such a person will meet him in real life and will make a strong impression on him. A dream where the sleeper sat on the ground is bad sign. Soon a misfortune will occur in the dreamer's life, which will be difficult for him to come to terms with. Faith in God will help him survive what happened. Did you dream of lying on the ground in a dream? In reality, a person will face a serious shock that will knock the ground out from under his feet and plunge him into a state of deep depression. It will take him a lot of time to return to the usual rhythm of life.

In Aesop's dream book, plowing the land - good sign. The interpreter is confident that a person who plays the role of a farmer in his night dreams will easily be able to cope with any problems in real life. Planting potatoes or other agricultural crops in a plowed field means success in farming. Agricultural business will help the dreamer pay off debts and get rich.

In a dream, did you dream of building a high earthen rampart? Fate has prepared for the dreamer a meeting with a courageous, strong-willed and purposeful person. A new acquaintance will become a real role model for him and will help him change his life for the better. Picking up a handful of earth means death close relative and participation in his funeral. The dream may also indicate that the sleeper thinks about death too often.

Did you dream of throwing earth at other people? Soon the dreamer will be in vain to suspect his relative of sins that he did not commit. Higher powers advise the sleeping person to refrain from making unfounded accusations, as this can greatly ruin his relationships with loved ones. A good omen is a dream where a person gets dirty with earth. In reality, night vision foretells him a big win in the lottery. If in a dream a person ate soil, then he will soon receive a rich inheritance and will forever get rid of material problems.

Interpretation of a dream by the spouses Zim and Miss Hasse

In the dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Winter, the earth reflects the state of affairs of a sleeping person. Dreamed about it fertile soil? The dreamer expects success in achieving his goals. But to achieve what he wants, he needs to be brave, diligent and purposeful. Black soil overgrown with weeds is also a good sign. Although he predicts hard work for the dreamer, he promises a worthy monetary reward and moral satisfaction for it. Do you dream of people plowing fertile land? The dream promises a person dizzying success in all areas of life. The bright streak is just around the corner, we just have to wait for it. Seeing plowed ground covered with holes and potholes in a dream means the emergence of unexpected obstacles in achieving your goal. To avoid them, a sleeping person needs to show responsibility and organization.

In Miss Hasse's dream book, soil covered with greenery or moss is a favorable sign, promising the dreamer a prosperous life. For a girl, the dream foretells a wealthy groom and a luxurious wedding. Did you dream of digging up the ground? The dream book considers such a plot to be a harbinger of a funeral. Both the dreamer himself and one of his loved ones can die. If, after waking up, a person remembers that he was lying on bare ground in a dream, then in reality he will have to face minor troubles.

Options for interpretation in the Autumn, Spring and Summer Dream Interpretations

Why do you dream of plowed land according to the Autumn Dream Book? This source personifies this image with a rich harvest. If in a dream a person was fertilizing the soil, then in reality he will have troubles. A plot of land in night dreams warns the sleeper about the risk of being robbed. In order not to become a victim of intruders, he should not leave the dacha unattended for a long time.

In the Spring Dream Book, black earth is personified with experiences and illnesses. If in a dream a person had to drag it from one place to another, then in reality he will receive bad news and will become seriously ill after that. Did you dream of falling to the ground? The Universe advises the sleeping person to visit his parents. If they are not alive, then you need to go to their cemetery. Fertilizing the soil in night dreams, according to the dream book, is a good sign that foretells the dreamer an improvement in his financial situation.

The compilers of the Summer Dream Interpreter are confident that a dream in which a person happened to dig the earth foreshadows his participation in a funeral. Dreamed of fertilizing the soil? In reality, the dreamer faces a serious illness that could lead to his death. Well maintained land plot the dream book represents good health. A person who sees him in a dream will live a long and rich life.

Explanations of other popular sources

Understanding the meaning of a dream in which soil appeared will help Jewish dream book: plowed land in it is a bad sign, foreshadowing undeserved humiliation or insult to the sleeper. The dreamer’s offender can be either his close relative or friend, or a stranger.

The compilers of the Dream Book for Lovers are convinced that a person who sees fertile and well-moistened soil in his night dreams will experience mutual love and happy family life. Did you dream about dry and barren land? In the near future, the dreamer will face setbacks in his personal life. Any attempts to establish relationships with representatives of the opposite sex will end in failure for him. For a dreamer in love, the dream promises separation from his other half.

What does the night plot portend in which a man happened to be digging in a cemetery? The alphabetical dream book promises the dreamer suffering due to the dishonorable act of a close relative. The dream interpreter also warns that:

  • being covered with earth in a dream means committing an unforgivable mistake;
  • to cover a stranger with soil - to the need to reconsider your life principles;
  • digging a dugout is a sign that promises a person lack of money and life in debt;
  • fall to the ground - to shame, humiliation.

The dream book for the whole family is sure: if you see the earth on your shoes, then good luck will accompany you in all your endeavors. Did you dream of digging the ground? Soon the sleeper will be able to complete important matters with maximum benefit for him. If in his night dreams a person was engaged in cultivating black soil, then he will soon take up a new business and achieve unprecedented success in this field. While plowing the ground, getting your clothes dirty means urgent problems will arise. To solve them, the sleeper will need to temporarily forget about the interests of loved ones.

The East will help a representative of the fairer sex decipher a dream with soil women's dream book: why do you dream about the earth in it? A dream about damp soil in a dream promises a sleeping woman a serious illness or the death of a close relative. A dry, rocky and devoid of vegetation earth's surface is a harbinger alarming events, as a result of which the dreamer’s life will change for the worse. In the dream book, fertile black soil with vegetables, flowers or trees growing on it foretells goodness, joy and happiness for a woman. Soon after awakening, her life will be filled with new meaning.

Even in ancient times, people attached great value dreams, considering each vision as an omen of certain events. In world history you can find many references to prophetic dreams rulers and generals, and each of us from school knows the periodic table, which the great scientist saw in his night vision. Nowadays, many people treat dreams with care, studying their interpretations, and in this section we will look at what the earth means in dreams.

Why do you dream about the earth: general principles of interpretation

In all cultures, the earth is seen as the mother of all living things and the source of existence. It symbolizes such aspects of human life as birth and death, financial and family well-being, illness and health. Therefore, the interpretation of dreams in which we see the earth is somehow connected with tangible matters, and not with feelings and emotions.

Studying dream books about the earth, we can conclude that most often such a vision foreshadows good events rather than sorrows.

In addition to the source of benefits, the earth also symbolizes unity with ancestors; its appearance in a dream can be associated with various events that will happen in the near future in the lives of parents or other older relatives.

Many interpreters believe that the earth symbolizes not only family ties and the material side of human life, but also the sexual aspect. Often such a vision foreshadows a change of partner and new sensations.

Just a note. In former times, there was an opinion that such night chimeras warned the person who saw the dream about his imminent death, but it was not confirmed.

The soil is black, loose, rocky, clayey, plowed and unplowed

To correctly interpret a dream, it is important to pay attention to what the soil looks like. For example, black, loose earth can be a vision of sad events; it is possible that in the near future the person who had the vision will have to attend the funeral of a colleague, close friend or relative.

As you know, the earth is the basis of everything. Thanks to it, a person has food, on it he builds his house. What if we saw the earth in a dream? In general, most dream books agree that earth in a dream is good. However, to obtain more detailed information, we decided to turn to several of the most authoritative and popular dream books for help.

Why do you dream about earth?: Dream Book of Gustav Miller

If you dreamed of fertile land, then prosperity and good luck await you. Rocky and barren soil predicts all sorts of failures and failures for the dreamer. Freshly dug earth in your own garden promises financial well-being and prosperity. If you dream that you are sailing on a ship on the sea and suddenly see a strip of land in the distance, then in the near future you will have brilliant prospects. The dreamer's clothes, stained with earth, warn him of the possible need to hide from the law.

Why do you dream about earth?: Intimate dream book

The earth in a dream is interpreted by this dream book as a warning that in the near future you will try to compensate for the lack of spiritual communication and spiritual intimacy by indulging in carnal pleasures with a new partner. Perhaps you should take a break and think about your life: after all, what you really want is a stable relationship, not an endless series of lovers.

Why do you dream about earth?: Ancient French dream book

Dreaming of vast land plots promises the dreamer the acquisition of wealth. If a man dreamed of fertile land, then he would marry a beautiful and beneficent girl, but if the dreamed soil was barren and dry, then his wife would be grumpy and quarrelsome. Fields sown with grain predict difficult but very fruitful work. If in a dream you kiss the ground, then in reality you will have a meeting with

Why do you dream about earth?: Dream book for lovers

Fertile land foreshadows the dreamer's imminent acquisition of long-awaited happiness in love, and strong soil, on which there is not a single sprout, symbolizes loneliness, separation and sadness.

Why from A to Z

If in a dream you are digging the ground, then material benefits await you in the near future. Lying on the ground means a series of minor troubles, which, however, will not be able to hinder your happiness. Seeing other people plowing the land is a noble, but very thankless job. To plow yourself - to good harvest(in case you are a farmer or have summer cottage plot) or to profit. If you dreamed that you built a dugout and lived in it, then in reality you may have to tighten your belt or even ask for a loan. Fat and fertile soil is a very good sign, predicting prosperity and stable income. Overgrown with weeds or dried out and barren soil symbolizes an offensive during which failures will await you literally at every step. If you dream that you are being covered with earth, then in real life you risk making a mistake that your enemies will not fail to use against you.

Some dreams are like beacons: they do not allow us to get lost in such a complex and confusing pattern of everyday life, they do not allow us to take the wrong step.

Many felt that through visions and images in dreams they seemed to communicate with us sleeping higher powers and they prompt us, give us valuable advice and guidance, carefully protecting us from dangers and offering us a path to success. You just have to consider, notice, decipher the dream - there is an answer!

Natural phenomena and elements are undoubtedly the most significant and important symbols in dreams. Particularly significant are dreams in which the earth appears.

There are many parables, legends and sayings about the earth. She is called the mother, and for good reason - everything is born from the earth, people, animals and the entire plant kingdom feed from it.

The earth is a large-scale and comprehensive symbol that has a lot of interpretations. It can mean home - in the most global sense, indicating stability and calm, balance and confidence.

A dream book will help you understand why you dream about the earth, provided that all the nuances of the dream are taken into account as carefully as possible. After all, there can be a huge number of options - and appearance, and the state of the earth, and the actions of the dreamer.

The earth may be oily, fertile and moist in a dream, or dry and barren. The dreamer may see a hole or an abyss, a vegetable garden or plowed soil, or maybe he had to dig it himself with a shovel, plowing a vegetable garden or garden, or dig a hole... The options for “earth” dreams are as follows:

  • Just seeing the earth in dreams.
  • Fertile, black land in a dream.
  • A big hole in dreams.
  • Vegetable garden, greenhouse or beds.
  • I dreamed of plowed land.
  • Seeing dry or rocky soil in dreams.
  • Fertile land with vegetables or berries.
  • Soil covered with greenery different colors or just moss.
  • Plowing the ground with your own hands in a dream.
  • Get dirty with soil.
  • Fall into a hole or end up underground.
  • Digging a garden with a shovel in a dream or just digging the ground.
  • Digging a big hole with a shovel in your dreams.
  • The earth disappears from under your feet in dreams.
  • Sowing in a dream or planting something in the soil.
  • There is land.
  • Digging into it with your hands.
  • Lying straight on the ground in a dream.

These options are individually valuable and have unique meanings. So remember the dream - and find out what the land you saw in your night dreams means.

Seeing earth in a dream

Dreams about the earth can be passive - those in which the dreamer himself does not take any action, but simply sees it as a symbol. It is not difficult to explain why the earth is dreamed of in this case - the main thing is to remember its appearance.

1. As the dream book will tell us, the land that we saw in our dreams is a symbol of balance and stability. Soon your life will find a stable flow, order, you will feel calm confidence in your actions and stand firmly on your feet.

2. A good dream, the earth in which was black, loose, and wet. This definitely portends you wealth, which will become stable and bring you a different, more desirable standard of living.

Of course, achieving this is worth making an effort. But such a dream can be an almost complete guarantee that all your hard work is not in vain, and will bear great fruit in the near future.

3. The hole is a symbol of work, and the deeper and wider the hole in the dream, the more effort you will have to put into work in reality.

This work can absorb you entirely - try not to get bogged down in endless work, do not forget about rest and take care of yourself so that the work does not turn out to be harmful, bringing no joy or benefit.

4. A vegetable garden in dreams is a great symbol. If you see in your dream a large vegetable garden, or at least a modest plot reserved for a vegetable garden, your home will soon learn what “full bowl” means.

Prosperity, stability and joy await you after such a dream, and farming will only bring satisfaction, and everything will go smoothly and carefree.

5. Plowed land, or dug up with a shovel, is a sign for the dreamer of quick luck, which will lead to complete well-being in the future. Your work and ideas are the right way, and if you continue without giving up, you will be very pleased with the fruits.

6. Seeing rocky, dry or cracked soil in your dreams is an omen of difficulties or fruitless efforts, but this is temporary. Let your new ideas, fresh views and strength become life-giving moisture for the soil.

And if you can now seriously get together and make efforts, then shoots will sprout - and your work will bear fruits, generous and desirable, those that you dreamed of.

7. As the dream book says, fertile land with vegetables or other fruits growing on it is a symbol of quick success and complete prosperity for you. All conditions for the development of business, business, for profitable idea, you have it - you just have to work and believe in success, and great prosperity awaits you.

8. Seeing soil densely covered with green grass, moss or flowers in a dream is a good sign. It promises love and a happy marriage, harmony in a couple and in the family, a strong and harmonious union. Hold on to this relationship, take care of it - it is valuable and very rare, you are lucky!

Cultivate the land with your own hands

If you even touched the soil in a dream, with a finger or a shovel, and not just had to see it, it already takes on a different meaning - and in such dreams you should take into account not so much the type and quality of the soil, but your actions.

To find out why the earth is dreaming, you will have to remember all your actions. And also take into account the emotions with which you performed these actions in the dream. The emotional state in a dream will give the interpretation a special color, and may even change it, so take this into account.

1. As the dream book indicates, the land that you happened to plow in your dreams is a symbol of great and guaranteed wealth through your honest efforts.

Your hard work and integrity will soon bring rich fruits to your entire family. And you will be completely satisfied, so keep working, it will pay off.

2. If you get soiled in your dreams, expect unexpected profits from the outside, a monetary gift or help from someone. In the near future, someone from your circle will want to support you financially - and this will come in handy.

3. If the ground suddenly collapsed under you in a dream, or you somehow found yourself underneath it in some other way, you have to thoroughly understand your life, find important answers, and understand why certain events happen to you.

Give this the attention it needs now, it will certainly help you live more consciously, and understand what is happening and why - and therefore, control your destiny.

4. Digging the ground with a shovel in a dream is a good sign. Your ideas are very valuable, start implementing them immediately - even if it takes your time and requires effort, but know for sure that these ideas will bear fruit.

In addition, such a dream indicates your rare and enviable sense of purpose, and says that you will not deviate from your intended path - this is wonderful! Start taking action, you will achieve tremendous success.

5. The hole that you happened to dig in a dream may indicate danger. Perhaps, through some of your incorrect or insufficiently considered actions, you can seriously harm yourself.

Think before you do anything - otherwise you will have to figure it out later and get out of the deep hole of problems and mistakes.

6. As the dream book says, the earth that literally leaves or slips away from under your feet in dreams is advice - be more attentive to your own inner voice, listen to your heart. You probably forgot that you have not only a cold mind, but also intuition - and now is the time to remember.

7. If you are lucky enough to sow in a dream, know that soon your affairs will be crowned with unprecedented success. You will be recognized, you will not only receive a very solid and very worthy position in the new society, but all your efforts will pay off significantly.

Continue to move calmly and confidently in the right direction you have chosen, it is the right one and will lead to fulfillment and happiness!

8. If you did a strange thing in a dream, namely, ate earth, do not be afraid, but rejoice - such a dream portends you wealth. And believe me, it will be so!

9. Digging with your hands in the ground is a dream that foreshadows successful and rewarding work. You will have to work a lot, but you will be satisfied with the process, which will not be stupid or meaningless at all, and even more so with the result, which will delight and enrich you.

10. If in your dreams you were lying on the ground, it means that in reality you will soon feel confidence, stability and calm. Try to maintain and consolidate this state - in it you will be able to perform any work more productively and easily, and achieve much greater heights.

It is easy to notice that the earth very often symbolizes wealth, prosperity and happiness - and it may seem that the interpreter is exaggerating, promising generous fruits. But it’s true - the earth is a symbol that rarely comes into dreams and is a happy sign.

But do not believe that after this dream wealth will simply fall on your head tomorrow - you have to work hard, show strength, optimism and perseverance, and then only reap the generous fruits of your own honest and hard work. Let such a dream cheer you up and add faith in your strength - act! Author: Vasilina Serova