Time is more important than perfection. The pack copies the leader

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No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the copyright holders.

© M. Batyrev, 2014

© Publication. Decoration. Mann, Ivanov and Ferber LLC, 2017

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Dedicated to my main teachers Valery Vladimirovich and Tatyana Vitalievna BATYREV

Any resemblance to real people Please consider it an accident.

During the writing of the book, not a single person or animal was harmed.

Resolution: study, take notes, comprehend, apply!

You need to read this book. Thoughtfully. Take your time. If you are a leader or want to become one. If you are successful and if you are not so successful. Why? It was written by a PROFESSIONAL. A person who systematized and described his WAY. To success. Warning: not good luck. To success.

You may be asking: what is success? And add: well, you know, this is such a complex concept... Of course. You're right. But there is one sign that takes into account all the nuances. Successful man to the question, are you happy, answers: Yes. He doesn’t say: well... happiness... you know... it’s different for everyone...

This is a book about management. There are millions of books on management. But this book was written by a professional. And he described in it the rules, the effectiveness and significance of which he tested on himself. And therefore he has the right to share with you.

You may ask: what are the guarantees? None. Because there is no technology that will allow you not to use your head. That's why I put this resolution in the title.

Management rules from Maxim Batyrev (known by his nickname Combat) are specific, practical, effective and reasonable. They are based on principles effective management. Therefore, if you start using them, you will see: the work of your subordinates becomes more meaningful, responsible and effective.

Will these rules be easy to apply? Perhaps not. And everything will not work out right away. Because using any new skill requires changing your habits. But it is our current habits that do not allow us to be at the desired point in the world. So…

True, there is another way. For example, sit under the Christmas tree and wait for Santa Claus. Or buy “happy pills”, especially since there are a huge number of sellers.

Is learning these rules enough to become an effective leader? No. There is no such thing as enough knowledge in management. The leader is coming the warrior's way. And he knows that the pinnacle of mastery is unattainable, but every day is given to us to get one step closer to it. And the master is not the one who has reached the top, but the one who is always on the way. Therefore, Maxim Batyrev is a master. And its rules are worth paying attention to.

Perhaps some rules will frighten beautiful-hearted and tremulous managers, who are eager to turn their structures into a flock of cheerfully fluttering contented moths, joyfully and inspiredly working under the leadership of a wise and kind boss. And they regularly bring him buckets of nectar. If you are anything like the type described, then you should not read this book. To avoid, as they say. Because there is not a word in it about any kind of “corporate values” with which many are trying to “feed” their companies in the hope of results. I have read a lot of such documents. They all resemble a bad translation of the Bible. And none of them work. Which is quite surprising to the authors.

So, Maxim's rules work. If you apply them, and do not limit yourself to reading the text.

Do I agree with Maxim Kombat Batyrev in everything? No. I propose to solve some issues differently. But Maxim is responsible for the result, so his methodology must be studied. And as the great Confucius taught us, “...there is different ways achieve results."

In 2013, I celebrated my 20th anniversary in the profession. I have trained many leaders. But when my technology is approved by managers - masters people like Maxim are a special pleasure and a special pride.

Alexander Fridman,
consultant and business trainer in the field of professional personnel management

From the author

– The boomerang was invented in Australia. What would have happened if it had been invented in Russia?

- Why do we need a boomerang? We have a rake!

Joke from KVN

They say that everyone wants to write a book. At the same time, there are a thousand reasons why this needs to be done “later”. The last time, a couple of years ago, I came up with this reason: I don’t have enough convincing arguments for managers (that’s what I call managers, not sales specialists at all) to buy this book.

Becoming a winner in All-Russian competitions « Commercial Director of the Year 2012" (conducted by the Salecraft company), "Manager of the Year 2012" (organized by the International Academy of Management and the Moscow Government) and having entered the TOP 1000 of the best managers in the country according to the Kommersant Publishing House, I found such arguments. Here, for example: the company “What to do Consult,” in which I am one of the directors, has become the undisputed leader in its industry for the fifth year in a row.

We were not always leaders, and I was not always a director. Consultant on strategic management of organizations Tigran Harutyunyan says that my success is not a classic case for world practice: I managed to achieve it in just eleven years, without connections, kickbacks, European education, but with a thousand mistakes, a hundred falls and serious tests like a four-hour sleep per day for several years.

Why would a top manager write a book? Not to a consultant who will sell his name and services thanks to her, and not to a business owner who will promote his company in this way? Top manager - why?

For example, because we have practically no domestic books that hired managers write for hired managers. At the same time, we have orders of magnitude more hired managers than owners and consultants.

This is the first thing.

Secondly, this book is about learning to be grateful. Those people from whom you learn both good and bad. Teachers, managers, employees and loved ones.

Everything that is described here took place within one organization - in the company “What to do Consult”, which turns 20 years old in 2013. The book shows our organization from the inside - with all the difficulties, problems, and inner workings. Sometimes this happens: you read about a cool company, and a lump comes to your throat, you feel disgusted by the pretense and falseness. Everything here is true. This is about fate with its twists and turns and how we got to the straight line together.

I tried very hard to make it easy to read because I hate instructive stories like “how to become a successful/billionaire in 24 hours” or books ready-made recipes in management. After all, even if you absolutely accurately reproduce all the technologies and methods from such books, they will not work in the absence of a solid foundation on which your company and your division are built. And the foundation is, first of all, the principles by which you conduct business. In this book I call principles tattoos, since they were forever imprinted on me after various events that happened in life. From a blow to the jaw to waterfalls of women's tears. These are my rakes, these are my cones, these are mine tattoos. My manager Olga Firsovna Samokhina says that in this book I bare my managerial heart to the reader and that not everyone can decide to take such a step.

The title of each chapter is tattoo, left for a long memory by the lessons that the fate of a manager and other sharp turns of life taught me. They will never disappear from my memory, like real tattoos from my body, and they always accompany me.

My main goal is to explain Why you have to do things exactly the way described here if you want to succeed. Behind each new chapter lie meaningful actions, someone’s pain, torment, joy, successful and unsuccessful experiences, ups and downs, layoffs and leadership, and most importantly, the desired result.

And one more thing. I know that this book will be read by people who have a dissenting opinion on any issue. There are enough of these everywhere. So, if you have a desire to criticize me, argue with me, then you don’t need to do this. This is my experience, this is my life, this is my path, and I think they are correct. I have no claims to be an expert or the ultimate truth, and I do not impose my opinion on you. But I know for sure: any person is always in one of only two states - protection or learning. By reading this book, you can learn, or you can swear.

I'm finishing. Before you start looking at my tattoos, I will remember one of my favorite sayings. Leonardo da Vinci said this.

All people are divided into three types:

Those who see

Those who see when they are shown

Those who don't see.

I wish you to see always and everywhere!

1. First learn to play by the rules, then come up with your own

Workers must come to dance parties in light clothing and shoes. Dancing in work and sports clothes is prohibited.

Dancing in a distorted form is prohibited.

The dancer must perform the dance correctly, clearly and equally well with both the right and left foot.

A woman has the right to politely express displeasure about a man’s failure to observe the required distance of three centimeters and demand an explanation in a polite manner.

Smoking and laughing should be in specially designated areas.

Rules of conduct at dance parties, USSR, 1974

In some not particularly memorable business book (I apologize in advance to the author), I read a particularly memorable example on the topic of how wonderful it is to violate established rules. Since I don’t remember the author and the source, I will convey the meaning of what I read close to the text:

Breaking the rules is great! Only those who break the rules can achieve truly extraordinary results. Let's consider my statement using the example of Hollywood. It has long been known that Hollywood has a formula for success that brings in hundreds of millions of dollars in box office receipts. This formula consists of three components:

1) the film should not last more than two hours;

2) the film must have a happy ending;

3) main character must remain alive in the end.

And then James Cameron appeared on the scene with Titanic - a film that changed the entire film industry! He broke every possible rule!

1) the film is almost 3.5 hours long;

2) at the end almost all the characters die, including...

3) ...the main character.

As you know, this film was the first in history to gross more than a billion dollars at the box office around the world and still continues to hold the first position in the ratings!

Learn from James Cameron! He didn't follow the rules and won!

When I read this I was angry.

Guys, what are you doing?! What about “Terminator”, “Aliens”, “True Lies”?

All these films that made Cameron famous, hits that broke box office records, were made according to Hollywood rules! Isn't it?

I’m not just annoyed, I’m infuriated by a trend that can be traced somewhat recent years and clogs the minds of the younger generation: “There is no need to study! Bill Gates and Steve Jobs had no education and became billionaires! Universities and schools give nothing!”

Is it okay that they worked like hell twenty hours a day? It’s okay that they were geniuses, that such people can be counted on one hand one hands - are there several billion of us on the planet?

The new-fashioned wave - the “Business Youth” community repeats: “Don’t work for your uncle! Open your own companies, guys! A sixteen-year-old girl Olya from Syktyvkar started washing windows - and now earns 40,000 rubles every month!”

What will happen to Olya in five years?! She won't learn anything! She'll be washing windows all her life!

But what about the development of the mind, spurring one’s own imagination, forming personal beliefs based on basic knowledge?..

Sometimes it reminds me of a strange kind of genocide - intellectual. Sometimes I’m even afraid of what will happen to those who are now fourteen or fifteen in ten years.

I am deeply convinced that in any society you must first learn to play by the rules, and I constantly repeat this to my employees who are looking for the “magic buttons” for success.

And the boxing section, which I joined at the age of fourteen, taught me this.

...Back in 1995, after another episode of “Rocky,” I decided that it was time to become a boxer.

When I was traveling for the first time on a bus to a neighboring city for my first boxing lesson, I imagined, as if in reality, the ring, the title of absolute world champion, thousands of fans, hands stretching the champion’s belt over my head, the unhappy face of my opponent and beautiful women lining up for an autograph.

After much persuasion, my mom and dad found the money to go in for real men’s sports and even bought me new sneakers. I entered the gym, saw a group of older comrades boxing in the ring (in a real ring!), a dozen punching bags, stern male faces with flat noses and a hefty trainer. Everything was like in a movie.

“Hey, newbie! Let's get into formation!" - they shouted to me.

There were about twenty-five of us. I expected that they would now give us punching bags and start teaching us how to hit correctly, but we were forced to run around the ring. Sixty laps.

After which the coach said that we were free and could go home.

Of course, I was discouraged by this development of events, but I thought that this was a test of strength, and I came the next time. We were forced to run sixty laps and squat for another ten. And again we were not taught to beat scoundrels.

The third time was the same as the second, and the fourth the same as the third, plus 10 laps of running, but only backwards.

I was indignant and irritated. How so? Where is my championship belt?! Where are the blows to the jaw? Where are the instructions on how to correctly insert the mouth guard and spit into the bucket that the assistant coach holds next to you?!

After the fifth time I couldn’t stand it and went to the trainer.

– I don’t understand, is there a section of runners around the ring or a real one? men's club?

“You and I are developing a breathing apparatus.” Before they teach you anything, boys, you need to learn to breathe.

“I know how to breathe, let’s teach me how to box!”

- Wait, everything should be in order.

– I want gloves and a sparring partner. Teach me to fight, not to run!

The coach smiled, called the stocky guy, whispered something in his ear and said that at the next lesson he would spar with me.

Before the fight, I watched Rocky again, psyching myself up for main battle in life, I flexed my fists, cracking my knuckles, twisting my head, jumping up and down like a real boxer, imagining how I would someday stand on the pedestal and shed a tear during the Russian anthem.

And here it is, this moment! The coach, grinning slightly, put on my gloves, laced up the helmet and put a real mouth guard in my mouth. It was unusual for me, but I knew that every real boxer went through this. Ring, give me the ring!

Twenty-four pairs of eyes from the nursery group followed me with envious glances. My opponent looks calm, he’s not wearing a helmet, which means I have to hit him right in the jaw!

I run up to him, swinging him like an ancient Russian hero in an open field. Hit. Oh, there is no opponent, he is already jumping from behind and smiling. Oh, yes! Are you going to run from me? On you!

...He's gone again.

In general, this went on for about five minutes, after which I felt slightly dizzy and wildly thirsty. I couldn’t breathe in this damn helmet, my gloves became heavy, and my legs generally became leaden. As you understand, not a single blow of mine reached its target.

And then my opponent, out of nowhere, appears in front of me and hits me right hand, which for some reason looks terribly like a reinforced concrete beam. Although the sympathetic comrades watching me told me that he only kicked me lightly, it did not seem so to me. The moment I fell into the ring, I thought a freight train had hit me.

It was mine last Stand And good lesson to those guys who supported me at first and didn’t want to either just like that run around the ring. After that, they suddenly changed their minds and ran their marathon with great joy.

Since then, I have had a tattoo on my jaw: “First learn to play by the rules, then make up your own.”

I didn't become a boxer, but I remembered the lesson for the rest of my life. Wherever I have gone since then, I have learned to play by the rules of the system, trying to understand the nature of those rules and the reasons for which they were adopted.

It's the same in business. In life too. You can’t earn a million right away if you haven’t learned how to earn a ruble. You can't become a director if you haven't managed a department. You can't attract many clients if you haven't learned to understand what motivates them. And so on.

You should always learn to play by the rules and not look for magic buttons.

Even if James Cameron personally told you how to break the rules, you're unlikely to make Avatar.

And the odds of you being Steve Jobs are 1 in 7,021,836,029.

2. Read, comprehend. Train your core muscle

How to develop imagination if you are constantly fed ready-made images?

Doublethink means knowingly believing a lie, knowing that it is a lie!

Examples from everyday life: “you have to be beautiful to be happy”, “I need surgery to become beautiful”, “I have to be thin, famous, fashionable”...

Boys are told that girls are whores, females, things. They can be beaten, humiliated... This is a marketing holocaust!

Around the clock, throughout our lives, those in power are dumbing us down! Therefore, in order to protect ourselves from the penetration of this dullness into our thinking, we must learn to read!

We must spur our own imagination, develop our minds, defend our beliefs, believe in them! We must be able to do this in order to preserve and protect our own personality.

"Replacement teacher." Monologue of a teacher in front of students

They say that collecting anything is not normal. I am abnormal in many ways. You could even say that I am a fetishist. And one of my strongest addictions is books.

I have been reading all my adult life. Definitely thanks to my parents, for which I especially thank them.

I remember how in first grade those comrades who tested us were amazed. hourglass for speed reading: I finished the paragraphs that needed to be read in a minute by the middle of the allotted time.

In fifth grade, the city library ran out of children's literature I had not read. I had to switch to “adult” books.

My parents subscribed me to four or five periodicals, which I devoured the same day they were dropped in the mailbox.

I remember when I was studying at a military school, the surprise of my classmates. I was the only cadet who subscribed to newspapers, and I devoured books one after another. In our senior years, we were given a stipend of as much as 1,200 rubles, and we had to go to Moscow, to publishing houses, because it was cheaper. Extremely pleased with myself, I brought back stacks of books and happily nailed another shelf to the wall of the small dorm room. My roommate was, alas, not happy.

But when I got a job, I had no desire to read professional literature. I honestly tried, and nothing worked: I perceived the advice of business literature authors as an attempt to teach me how to live. Me! A twenty-two-year-old, “mature” man with “colossal life experience”, some strangers are trying to teach him how to live! Fuck them!

My first supervisor, N.A., very actively insisted that I read a business book on negotiations. I remember very well that it was a book by Asya Barysheva, a famous business sales trainer. I had to force myself, because the pressure from the leader turned out to be stronger than the reluctance to learn from strangers.

Looking ahead, I’ll say: ten years later, by the time her third book, “Sales like an Adult,” was published, Asya was already a good friend of mine. She devoted an entire chapter to the work of the unit I headed.

Chips, tools And techniques they worked from that book, I got my first sales, and, of course, I began to devour professional literature without chewing. My library grew in some geometric progression, and business books turned into a drug.

By my own assessment, most of my personal achievements are related to what I read and subsequent reflection, which quickly turns into action.

Nevertheless, very, very many people did not understand why I spend 1000–3000–5000, and sometimes 10,000 rubles a month on books. They literally twisted their finger at my temple and said that I was crazy. Yes, I really was. But people who didn’t read always remained somewhere behind, in place, continuing to twirl their fingers. And those who read grew with me by leaps and bounds. And I was very glad that I managed to get hooked on this drug several dozen people.

Do you know what's most interesting? Many people, having started reading, say: “What a fool I was for not starting earlier!”

And I admit honestly: books are investments that return.

All the money spent was returned within a couple of months...

Once, Igor Mann conducted a seminar in our company. He said that he reads everywhere and now has about six hundred business books in his collection. Then I got excited and decided to break his record. I read the 600th when I was just over thirty years old.

The books were addictive. Need to learn how to conduct training? I studied the essays smart people and from ten books I extracted something of my own. Need to learn how to interview? I bought publications for journalists and turned knowledge into skills. Explore leadership? Recruitment? Delegations? Motivation? Copywriting? Blogging? Dozens of volumes, thousands of pages on every issue!

One day, a photo of my bookcase, posted on the Mann, Ivanov and Ferber Facebook page, won a bookcase competition, for which I was given a couple more books with autographs of the authors.

At work, a closet with sagging shelves didn’t look very attractive, so we created our company’s library from these books - let employees read and develop.

Nevertheless, it was not possible to infect everyone by personal example. Quite a lot of people didn’t want to read. I still sometimes hear strange phrases like: “What can I read there? Life will teach me". Or: “All these American models will never suit our Russian business”.

I still believe that people who don’t even try to start reading have simply come up with a steel-cut alibi with which to cover up their own weakness and laziness.

Although there are other, special people. They read just like that. I met one of these comrades several years ago and for a long time I could not understand why books passed through him like water through a sieve. It turned out that this man reads business literature like an ordinary book. And he doesn’t comprehend the information received at all. Doesn't even reflect on what he read. I read it and that’s it.

I couldn’t even imagine that people could read differently than me. But when I met this man - and he, you know, was simply raising his intellectual level and turning into a good theorist - that’s when I got a tattoo: “READ AND UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU READ!”

It was this kind of reading that helped me. If I hadn’t applied ideas and tricks from other people’s successful business experiences, I would have given up on the third book and stopped reading. I would be convinced, like others, that “there is no point,” and quit.

But even this is not the most important thing.

Now there will be a difficult text, but I ask you to tense up. What is written next is very serious.

Having interacted with many people, I have come to the conclusion that the level of intelligence and creativity is directly proportional to the quality and quantity of stimuli our brain receives. Like any muscle, any muscle develops due to loads. The more and more often we use our creative “muscle,” or more simply put, our brain, the stronger it will become. In short, the brain needs to be trained.

It's probably no secret to anyone that not a single living system ( human body, team, country, tree, cauliflower) cannot remain in a neutral state. It either degrades or develops. There is no other option. It can develop solely from the influence of external factors or stimuli. If there is no incentive, the system begins to degrade. At the same time, incentives can also be destructive if they are of poor quality. A low-quality stimulus for the human brain can be, for example, “Dom-2” on TNT, or for the stomach - semi-finished products with the addition of an endless amount of carcinogens.

Lack of incentives leads to the death of the system. This is the essence of evolution: everything that does not find use in us is simply taken back by nature. Some fish that live in the depths of the ocean do not have eyes. The reason is that these fish do not use their vision, and everything that is not used gradually atrophies. And vice versa: everything that we use and constantly train is filled with strength.

This means that the more a person reads books about sales, communications, management, marketing (about anything!), the more often new ideas for business and personal effectiveness come to his mind.

And therefore, every day such people understand better the essence, the meaning, the logic of what they are passionate about. And this, in turn, happens because the brain responds to the stimuli we give it.

In short, just like that brilliant idea can't come to mind.

Now about the quality of incentives.

Recently I read a short story in Chief Time magazine about academician Natalya Petrovna Bekhtereva. This is the scientific director of the Institute of the Human Brain of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

The gist of the article was as follows. SCIENTIFICALLY ESTABLISHED what happens in the brain under a variety of influences.

When a person starts doing something new, the whole brain first turns on and begins to work actively. Gradually, its various areas begin to turn off, and only those necessary for current operational activities remain in working order. Therefore, if a person has been engaged in “stereotypical” activities all his life - for example, he stands behind a conveyor belt and does not read anything new, and spends his free time playing dominoes - then only two parts of his brain are involved: one is responsible for the conveyor belt, and the other for domino

So now the most important thing. The rest of the brain atrophied.

And at the age of 40 this person will never be able to learn foreign language. This part of the brain, underloaded with stimuli, over many years got used to not working - and stopped working.

Here is an excerpt from an article about Natalya Bekhtereva: “When I worked with patients experiencing memory difficulties, and asked them: “Do you read a lot?” - “Yes, all newspapers.” And then all our newspapers were almost the same, and I answered: “If you don’t read something else, then I don’t envy your old age.” You need to practice at least a variety of reading.”

If you want you to have strong hands, you need to pump up the muscles in your arms.

If you want you to have strong legs, you have to run and squat.

If you want to think quickly, make quick decisions and make discoveries, you need to pump up the most important muscle in the body - our precious brain.

By reading professional literature, you begin to understand the concepts and meaning of doing business. And you become stronger.

45 manager tattoos. Rules Russian leader Maxim Batyrev

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Title: 45 manager tattoos. Rules of the Russian leader

About the book “45 manager tattoos. Rules of a Russian leader" Maxim Batyrev

The learning process does not stop for a person throughout his life. We learn some things instinctively, for others there are special textbooks, for others even teachers, because such a subject may not be mastered alone. But while studying many of the most important sciences and acquiring the necessary skills, one of the most necessary skills often remains in the shadows - the ability to do one’s job. Here we're talking about, of course, about the direct ability to work effectively, and not just about knowledge of one’s responsibilities.

And as soon as a real need arose to teach people to work, many authors and experts in management psychology took up this topic. The result of their research and work has become quite a few book-guides, thanks to which people will build their work process more efficiently, make the atmosphere in their workplace pleasant and harmonious, and will also be able to move up the career ladder faster and easier.

However, most of these books were created by Western authors, and as we all have already understood, their advice for our mentality and lifestyle is only partially effective. That is why we have all been waiting for so long and with such hope for the release of a truly high-quality, useful and educational book by a domestic author. So, before us is an unsurpassed book-guide “45 manager tattoos. Rules of a Russian leader" authored by Maxim Batyrev.

The name is very original and intriguing. As you read, it becomes clear that the titles of the chapters of the book are tattoos. And tattoos, as you know, are inscriptions that remain with us forever. Therefore, the book consists precisely of such postulates that remained in the heart and mind of the author. These are systematized rules and principles that Batyrev, like many managers, have tested over many years of practice. This is the life, organizational and scientific experience of the author. Every rule, every principle is someone’s pain, disappointment, or success and recognition.

In the book “45 manager tattoos. Rules of a Russian leader” reveals some secrets of management that are specific to our country. By putting the author's advice into practice, you can achieve great results. Moreover, the book itself is written in a very simple and understandable language; anyone who has set the goal of becoming a the best specialist in your own direction. Moreover, the author describes the events personally using his own example. He had his ups and downs and made serious mistakes. All this forced him to work on himself, and as a result, we can learn from his experience ourselves.

The book “45 Manager Tattoos” will be equally useful to both ordinary middle-level employees and their managers. It does not promise mountains of gold and instant wealth, but it opens the way to real, tangible success that a person can achieve thanks to his knowledge, skills and abilities. In addition, “45 Manager Tattoos,” with a little paraphrasing, can be safely recommended to school and university graduates as one of the first textbooks for mastering it in adult life.

Maxim Batyrev has created a truly worthy book that will become an effective assistant in both work and everyday matters. “45 manager tattoos. Rules of a Russian leader" is a manual for those involved in sales. Perhaps specialists from other industries will also find something useful here. However, for managers it will be a real find and a lifesaver in the most difficult and incomprehensible situations.

On our website about books you can download the site for free without registration or read online book“45 manager tattoos. Rules of a Russian leader" by Maxim Batyrev in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. Rules of a Russian leader" Maxim Batyrev in epub, fb2, txt, rtf formats. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. Buy full version you can from our partner. Also, here you will find latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginning writers there is a separate section with useful tips and recommendations, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary crafts.

Quotes from the book by Maxim Batyrev “45 tattoos of a manager. Rules of the Russian leader"

From that day until now, before proposing anything new to my colleagues, I prepare for objections, draw diagrams, and assume what my colleagues will say in this or that case. Just like with clients.

Let the words of Artemy Lebedev sound in response: “How to motivate yourself to do something? No way! Stay in the ass!

Recently, there has been a popular opinion: to be successful, you don’t need to study, follow any rules, or delve into the laws by which business is done. This opinion is wrong! Before creating your own rules, you need to study those that already exist and learn to play by them.

Some people who have achieved phenomenal success actually do not have a document higher education. But there are only a few such people and they are the exception rather than the rule.

If there is no document on education, this does not mean that the person did not study. For any development you need a foundation.

2. Read, comprehend. Train your core muscle

The brain is the same muscle. For it to work well, it must be trained. Reading is a great workout.

If the brain is not trained or destructive stimuli are used (low-quality literature, some television programs), then it begins to degrade. It is important not only to read, but also to comprehend and delve into what you read.

3. Abandoning bad strategies is a show of strength.

Some people believe that abandoning a chosen strategy is a sign of weakness. But that's not true. People who, with all their might, cling to a once-chosen strategy, even knowing that nothing good will come of it, are a pitiful sight.

It is important to find the courage to abandon the wrong strategy and direct your strength and energy in the right direction. It's a choice strong people, and not those who work “for the public” and pretend to be victims.

4. What is obvious to you is not obvious to others.

This truth is true not only when a manager communicates with his subordinates, but also in other areas of life, for example, in communication with clients. Each person has his own store of knowledge, his own personal experience.

What seems obvious to one, another may not know. However, he is not always ready to show this by asking explanatory questions. Therefore for efficient work It's worth taking the time to make sure that understanding is achieved even on issues that seem elementary to you.

5. Look for the strong, the weak will stick themselves

The weak are like “vampire complainers”. There is no need to look for them, they find themselves and strive to “infect” everyone with their mood. We need to look for the strong. But in order to communicate with the powerful, you need to interest them. They should want to communicate with you. You need to look up to the strong and take example from them.

6. Everyone can be forgiven for making a mistake (under certain circumstances)

Anyone can make a mistake. Anyone can be forgiven if they are willing to put in the effort to correct a mistake, restore their reputation, and not repeat that mistake in the future.

Those who have realized their guilt need to be forgiven.

7. Don't do work for subordinates

An experienced department manager sees the mistakes of his subordinates and understands what they are doing wrong. He is often tempted to do the work for them.

This is a mistake. Employees must do their own work, otherwise they stop putting in the effort and developing their skills. And if the manager gets sick or goes on vacation, then work will stop altogether.

8. Don't negotiate with terrorists

Terrorists are people who use threats to achieve their goals. As a rule, these are employees who do work that is quite important for the company. At some point, they realize that the organization cannot function without them, and they begin to take advantage of this.

Once you give in to these people, it will never end. In addition, such employees are unreliable because they can fail at the most crucial moment. There is no point in negotiating with such people; you need to get rid of them immediately.

9. Clients are our everything

This is a fairly well-known truth - the basis of any business. For the sake of the client, it is worth changing your schedule, your plans, sacrificing time and effort. Even a simple courier is a representative of the client and therefore deserves respect.

10. And even in a tavern you are a manager!

A manager must organize not only work, but also leisure time for his employees. Even in the tavern they look at him as a manager, so he must control himself.

His task is to collect money from employees to pay for the event and send each employee home after the corporate party. In general, a manager is a manager always and everywhere when his employees are nearby.

11. Don't work with mentally disabled people

To achieve success, a person must believe in himself and strive for something. If he consciously does not want to change anything in his life, you will not help him in any way, you will only waste your time and energy.

Trying to force a person to grow against his will is impossible. Do not work with morally disabled people.

12. Call a spade a spade

You need to talk about problems directly - not by delicately hinting, but by calling things by their proper names. A person may be offended, but such straightforwardness makes it clear what is good and what is bad.

13. Practice what you preach.

To demand compliance with certain rules from others, you need to comply with them yourself. A manager is a public figure, so if he doesn't practice what he preaches, it will definitely be noticed.

Order begins with the leader. If he doesn’t come to work on time, then his subordinates most likely won’t either.

14. The pack copies the leader

“Indirect education” is much stronger and more serious than direct control. The rules and values ​​that are important to the manager become close to his subordinates - they begin to resemble their leader.

If a manager wants to see himself from the outside, he just needs to look at those around him. His mood and attitude towards work directly affects the productivity and mood of the team. Therefore, you must always work with a smile and enthusiasm.

15. Good should be rewarded and evil punished. Always

This principle should always work. There should be no exceptions, no forgiveness, no individual approach to any special departments or employees. Only in such a situation the rules are clear, otherwise employees understand that this is not necessary, because there are exceptions.

16. Teach - treat - soak

Three stages in the relationship between manager and employee.

  1. Learn- explain to the person what tasks he faces and what rules he should play by. If the employee still cannot cope with his tasks, move on to the next stage.
  2. Treat- figure out why the task was not completed and try to resolve the situation. If a task is not completed the first time, we can consider it an accident; if the second time, it’s a coincidence; and the third time, it’s a deliberate act. After this, proceed to the third stage.
  3. Get wet- apply sanctions: reprimand, deprive of bonuses and, possibly, even fire the employee.

17. You need to develop your strengths, not your weaknesses.

Every person has strengths and weaknesses. Some people try their best to develop their weaknesses. In the author's opinion, this is the wrong approach - you need to develop your strengths.

Well, what to do with weaknesses? You need to try “not to get into situations where you can expose your shortcomings.” But if there is an opportunity to improve in any area, it should be used.

18. The strong respect only strength

There are people with whom you need to speak only in the language of power. Strength is not fists, but a style of communication. Some people cannot be reached with logic and arguments; they only understand the language of force.

19. Only like-minded people strengthen a team

There is a belief that a good team should have people with different points of view because diversity makes a team strong.

The author does not agree with this. When working with people who have a different opinion, you have to spend a lot of effort trying to convince them. But with like-minded people you can do great things, directing all your energy to the benefit of the project.

20. Do not discuss decisions made with subordinates

At the meeting, the boss asked the employees to discuss an issue on which he had already made a decision. When the employees found another solution, the boss did not agree with them.

In the end, the employees had to agree with the boss, just so that this meeting would finally end. To avoid such situations, you should not discuss a decision that has already been made. An unmotivated refusal in this case will have a bad impact on your reputation.

21. Recognizing the specificity of death is similar

Often companies have a division that is considered “special” or “elite” and has less stringent requirements for it. As a result, employees of such a department relax and do not strive for high results.

22. Praise people

Praise is a motivation and frame of reference for employees, helping them understand what is considered right and what is not. Praise employees for correct actions, even if the result is not achieved, and they will not be afraid to act.

23. Don't count on people's gratitude

The author advises to adhere to the principle of “do good and throw it into the water,” because very often people turn out to be ungrateful. You need to be prepared for this and help, first of all, your loved ones, who will be truly grateful and understand in case of refusal.

You shouldn't expect gratitude from strangers. Having done good, step aside. Anyone who wants to thank will do so without reminders.

24. Protect the interests of your manager

This is not easy and is not typical of our mentality. But if subordinates begin to argue and disobey, the manager has to waste time and energy on persuasion and arguing, which is ineffective.

Even if you disagree with your manager, try to understand him. He definitely has reasons and arguments for the decisions he makes. Try to listen to him, understand and support him.

25. A team is created only by common action.

A common cause can unite a team much better than team building. A common goal unites the team, and there is a willingness to help each other.

26. A manager should be extreme

To be extreme means to take responsibility, make decisions and be responsible for them. This is exactly what a manager should be prepared for.

Constantly forwarding tasks to someone else is ineffective. A manager must be able to resolve issues himself. If the manager is only engaged in forwarding questions, then he is an extra link in the system. The ability to be extreme, to work as if there is no one behind you, distinguishes a good manager from a bad one.

27. Time is more important than perfection

Often before launching a project, people check, study, and analyze something for a long time. Because of this, the launch is delayed for a long time.

Even if not all points are taken into account, it is much more important to be the first to declare yourself. In business, as a rule, the winner is not the one who thought through and calculated everything, but the one who took the risk and did it first.

28. People will do things when it is easier to do than not to do.

You can many times call on people to take some action, persuade them. But it is more effective to create conditions in which it will be easier to do the desired action than NOT to do it.

To perform their job responsibilities, people must not only have the necessary resources, but also the “whip” that ensures the work gets done.

29. Grow people - this is your main goal

Bad managers are so afraid of losing their jobs that they are willing to work with weak employees. Good leaders develop and grow their subordinates, because people are the main capital.

The value of a leader is measured by the number of employees he has “grown.” Perhaps one of them will eventually take his place, but a good manager does not hold on to his position. Thanks to the fact that there is a replacement, he can grow on his own.

30. Any idea you have can be questioned.

Even an idea that seems perfect to you may be questioned by your colleagues. You need to be prepared for such a turn in order to confirm your position with arguments.

Expect pointed questions and doubts. Your ideas will always be resisted, because everyone is afraid of change.

31. Fuck analytics during a crisis

Analytics is a look into the past. If a company or division finds itself in a critical situation, there is no time for the past. Don't look back, but take a step forward.

32. There is no justice

There are people who see injustice everywhere. However, the justice they talk about is manipulation. In fact, they care about personal interests.

Social justice in commercial organization no, because those who work more earn more, bring more profit, and make more significant decisions. And the fighters for justice are the “Reds” from 1917.

33. First we fight the consequences, then the causes.

Many people struggle with causes, not effects: they study the causes, develop special programs to combat them. In fact, you first need to deal with what has already happened. And then understand the reason and prevent recurrence.

34. Everyone is responsible for themselves

Fazil Iskander wrote: “True responsibility can only be personal. The man blushes alone.” Everyone is responsible for themselves! He builds his own life, sets goals for himself and chooses what they will be.

Responsibility is not a “burden”, not a “willingness to take on other people’s obligations.” Responsibility = action!

The manager’s task is to create conditions for the work of his subordinates, and the task of the subordinates is to carry out the manager’s task. At the same time, the manager is not responsible for his subordinates.

35. Coaching in business is evil

Most employees are always dissatisfied with something. The coach focuses on problems and dissatisfaction. And to solve a problem, an employee is often asked to change his field of activity, and the company loses a valuable specialist.

36. Be consistent: they will start pushing you out

Any rules, regulations and instructions, even those discussed with employees, will be constantly tested for strength. Employees will try to get around them, find them weak points, try not to fulfill them.

It is important to be consistent and not break the rules. Strictly adhere to the chosen strategy, or you will be broken, and everything will remain the same as it was before.

37. Don't trust people of dreams, trust people of purpose

Dream people are those who have a dream. They do not take any action to implement it, but only lament that they are not succeeding, and rarely connect their activities with their dreams.

Goal people know for sure that current activities are gradually bringing them closer to the goal. Goal people always know what they want and what they will do for it. They do not need to be controlled or motivated.

38. Any ambiguity is interpreted for the worse for you

Any vacuum is filled with negativity. If employees do not receive enough information, they begin to assume the worst: “others are paid more”, “everything is bad”, “we will all be fired soon”...

To avoid ambiguity, keep employees up to date. You can place boxes for anonymous letters around the office so that anyone can ask a question directly to the head of the company.

39. Anything you say can become a task

An employee can perceive even a request or call thrown in passing as a task and make a lot of effort to complete it. If no one noticed his work, this can be a real demotivation. To avoid getting into an uncomfortable situation, remember that any words you say can become a motivation for action.

40. A unified conceptual apparatus improves controllability

The more people have in common, the better they understand each other. A “single conceptual apparatus” increases team control.

To create such a device, create a common list of films and books for all employees. Having mastered it, people will speak the same language, use the same symbols, idioms and catchphrases.

41. Discipline is the mother of victory

The author claims that some methods of foreign motivation (free schedule, breaks at work, a loyal attitude towards lateness) do not work in Russia. Being late is a “litmus test of attitude towards the current job.” A person who cannot organize himself will have the same attitude towards any task assigned to him.

You need to demand discipline not only from your subordinates, but also from yourself. Discipline is the most important factor in the existence of an enterprise in a competitive market.

42. Exchange the weak for the strong

Looking at weak employees who do not fulfill the plan, work without diligence and energy, but remain in their positions and do not face any sanctions, the strong begin to think that no one needs their “strength”. Instead of dealing with the strong, managers waste time with the weak, finding reasons to leave them. And the weak perform worse every month, which is why the company’s results worsen. For high results, you need to focus on the “strong”.

43. Do more than necessary

Any diligent employee sooner or later achieves results that are maximum for his position. Then he either stops and is content with what has been achieved, or begins to do more than is expected of him.

By doing more than expected, a person creates an advantage over others. As a rule, such people become managers.

44. Don't be afraid when you're alone. Be afraid when you're zero

There is no need to be afraid to act, fight or lose. Employees want to work with a strong manager, but they cannot change him. Only he himself is capable of performing feats, solving problems, rewarding good and punishing evil, raising other managers... being strong! To be loved, you need to be a hero.

45. Always remember: one day you will be fired

The thought “today I could be fired” motivates and spurs me on, forces me to get into a working mood. Our time is limited and we need to get everything done.

Today is not a rehearsal for real life, this is life. Therefore, you need to love your job, value life and set your priorities correctly.