Yana Koshkina what size bust. How to live with big breasts: personal experience of actress Yana Koshkina

Yana Koshkina is a girl with a memorable appearance. The artist is active as an actress and model. Yana zealously promotes a healthy lifestyle, does a lot of sports and does not eat meat. Interest in her person Koshkina won not only thanks to her acting skills, a huge share of attention went to the bright appearance of the beauty. But, looking at the early photos of the girl, we can conclude that Yana did not always have such parameters. In order to achieve ideal forms, she had to resort to the services of plastic surgeons.

Yana Koshkina before plastic surgery before and after photos: operations

New publications, photos and interviews continually stir up the interest of the viewer. Candid outfits of the model will shock even the most sophisticated public. Many people wonder if the girl always looked so amazing and what she had to change about herself.

Paying attention to the early photos of Koshkina, we can conclude that years younger than Yana had breasts of the third size. But, the actress decided to increase her parameters to the fifth, resorting to the services of plastic surgeons. The girl herself categorically refuses to recognize the help of doctors. If earlier the model had a taut, teardrop-shaped bust, now Koshkina's chest is heavy, tightly covered with skin and somewhat disproportionate to her figure.

Yana always had plump lips with a cute and interesting curve. To emphasize the image of the fatal beauty, Koshkina decided to work on this zone as well. Lipofilling of the lips came to the aid of her desire. The girl pumped her own fat into the area of ​​​​the lips, this significantly increased their volume.

Looking at the photos before and after the transformation, one cannot fail to notice a change in the shape of the nose. Rhinoplasty made the nose smaller and more tidy. Yana denies the services of plastic surgeons, arguing that her beauty is the merit of mother nature, and not doctors. But the facts say otherwise, photos from two years ago show changes in this zone.

Yana Koshkina before plastic surgery before and after photos: experiments with appearance

Expressive cheekbones give Yana special sophistication. Presumably the girl, in order to emphasize the relief of her face, the model called for the help of fillers. Koshkina denies the correction of the cheekbones, attributing everything to the art of makeup. It is worth noting that even without cosmetics, this zone is clearly distinguished.

You can see that over time, the girl's eyebrows also underwent adjustments. Now Yana wears wide and thick, and years earlier she preferred a thin form.

Nature awarded Koshkina with light brown hair, but the actress wants to match the image of the fatal brunette. To do this, the model constantly tints her hair in a deep dark shade.

In order for her smile to be perfect, Yana inserted expensive veneers, which made it possible to change the shape of her teeth. Now the smile of a woman is simply gorgeous and flawless.

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“I often meet girls who are embarrassed that they have big breasts. I think this is the same if they were embarrassed by high growth, a long nose, too thin a waist. Absurd! On the contrary, this should be used, this is what makes up individuality. Why be shy? You should be proud, because it is your shortcomings that distinguish you from all people. If nature has rewarded you with some kind of zest, show it in a favorable light for you! Make it your dignity!”

Photo archive of the press service of TNT4

Yana Koshkina, actress:

“As an actress, I managed to work in different teams - both male and female, and mixed. Communication in each of them, believe me, can bring joy and pleasure. Of course, I like to work with men more, as, for example, it was on the set of the TV series CHOP. In this sense, working on the project was a real gift for me. With the opposite sex, I easily find a common language, because they are in some way more open. Girls, in my opinion, may have reasons for envy. And big breasts, believe me, is not in the first place. The advantage of the women's team is that, firstly, you can have exclusively girlish conversations, and secondly, you can go together to those places that you cannot go with a man. However, my advice is that no matter what environment you work in, no matter what team you are in, the main thing is to feel confident, and then any company will be happy.”

Yana Koshkina, actress:

“Unfortunately, it happens that others treat me lightly because of the expressive virtues of my figure. Especially after the release of the series, they often perceive me as Snezhana. At first I was very upset, but now I understand that this is my highlight. Of course, in a team where the glory of a frivolous beauty stretches for you, different situations arise. Recently, a brand new acquaintance just didn't look me in the eyes while talking. Behavior perishing too looked like rudeness. In such cases, you need to be strict. Tip number two: “When it is important for you that the interlocutor listens to you carefully, speak strictly, seriously and clearly to the point.”

Photo archive of the press service of TNT4

Yana Koshkina, actress:

“In the series, my character often uses her feminine charms to achieve one goal or another. And I agree with her. Well, if you have chosen the image of a sexy beauty, you need to withstand it. Anyone faces a problem when, for some reason, the interlocutor does not want to take your side. And then it is not only possible, but even necessary to use the “forbidden” technique - flirting. We are women, we all flirt, smile. In general, when a woman smiles, it disarms! A man will always pay attention to a beautiful smile. We have to use our feminine charms...sometimes. So, "if you need to achieve something, feel free to flirt."

Yana Koshkina, actress:

“It is better to wear a beautiful dress with a decollete than a shirt that will unbutton on you. If you have beautiful large breasts, it's hard to give advice on the perfect shirt style. When I try them on in the store, sometimes the buttons just don't fit. Sometimes it gets ridiculous. One day, the button just flew out of the fitting room. Everyone laughed for a long time. But I don’t see anything wrong with that: someone’s skirt doesn’t fit on the “charms”, someone has a shirt. What to do, such features of the figure. 80% of my wardrobe is dresses. There are a couple of shirts, but they are hanging around. The dress is much more practical: it will always sit down, you don’t need to pick up the top or bottom for it, and the head doesn’t hurt, the button is undone or not.

Yana Koshkina, actress:

“Sometimes I look with envy at girls who can afford blouses or loose-fitting dresses. They don't fit me, I immediately look a few sizes larger. Although I'm not sure that they can fit someone other than models. Just yesterday in a restaurant I met a girl who was in some kind of baggy dress. I look, it seems that both her legs are slender and her arms are thin, but she put on such a bag that she looks unsympathetic and even ridiculous from the outside. I prefer clothes that emphasize the dignity of the figure, rather than hide.

Photo archive of the press service of TNT4

Yana Koshkina, actress:

“If you remember the most frequent and embarrassing questions that I get asked about my breasts, then in the top 3 you can put: “Are they real?”, “Are you not hard?” And “Does your back hurt?”. This can only be answered with the same absurdity: “Do you earn a lot?” or “Are you not afraid to stand next to me”? It’s not like it’s prepared (laughs), it’s just vital. Usually, when I react so unexpectedly to tactless or annoying questions, people somehow quickly switch to another topic of conversation. Perhaps the knowledge that I acquired at the St. Petersburg Theater Institute, where I studied, helps me to quickly respond or surprise me. This is an invaluable experience! I advise everyone to sign up for some theater or improvisational courses. Or just practice a sense of humor. It helps a lot in life."

Yana Koshkina, actress:

“One issue does have a connection with real problems. Is it possible to run? The answer is: awkward, funny, but really possible and necessary. However, every morning I start with a run. And recently I discovered a new type of training - EMS. They put on a special suit with a bunch of wires and use electrical stimulation to tone your muscles. The coach is forced to perform exercises that in ordinary life seem simple, but in this “harness” are simply unrealistic. In just 20 minutes, you can get the effect of a 2-hour workout. Great for saving time. So forget about the stereotypes and choose the sport that suits you.”

Yana Koshkina, actress:

“I'm an actress and I inevitably have to send out my resumes. As you know, the main rule in this matter is not to lie when talking about your skills or physical data. So, at the very top of the resume there is a standard column: height, weight, size, etc. This is necessary not only so that the director and the casting director can understand whether you fit the type or not, but also to guide the costumers. In this column, I honestly indicate the size S. But it happens that you come to a fitting and it turns out that the outfit does not fasten ... in the chest. It remains only to laugh and urgently look for suitable clothes. This also happens in fitting stores. There is nothing terrible, of course, in this there is no reason to be sad. If you have been dreaming about that very dress for a long time, but it is not enough in the most prominent place - do not give up your desire! Take a size larger, take it to the atelier and ask for it to be sewn in.

Actresses with a bright appearance always raise the question in the audience: “Is this beauty natural”? Especially if at the same time the girl has an outstanding breast, a chiseled nose and plump lips. It is difficult for people to believe that all this is immediately granted to one person. And often the audience is right. So the question of whether Yana Koshkina was already a beauty before plastic surgery worries fans of TV shows.


Yana Viktorovna Koshkina was born on April 22, 1990 in the city of Leningrad. From early childhood she was engaged in rhythmic gymnastics and synchronized swimming. She still respects sports, it is thanks to this that she has such a chiseled figure.

After her debut at the age of 10 on the show, she decided to graduate in acting. So, she entered and graduated from the Academy of Theater Arts, periodically moonlighting as a model. After the education was received, the girl went to conquer the capital of Russia. Which he still does.


Yana began her career as an actress quite early and not quite consciously. She passed the casting in the youth series, as a child. From 2000 to 2005, the TRK Petersburg filmed the television series OBZH, and Yana appeared there for the first time, playing a student named Yana Koshkina, essentially herself. The series consists of 545 episodes and is periodically shown on TV again. Then Yana Koshkina was already an attractive girl before plastic surgery. The series went on every day, and then she was recognized on the streets.

But in addition to this role, she has many episodic. She received them due to the fact that after moving to the capital she almost constantly went to auditions. Here is a list of the most famous Russian TV series where she appeared in episodes:

  • "Highway Patrol";
  • "Interns";
  • "Word to a woman";
  • "Streets of Broken Lanterns";
  • "Kitchen";
  • "Friendship of Peoples";
  • "Studio 17";
  • "Let's wake up together."

As a result, the girl has at least fifty roles in films and TV shows behind her shoulders. She herself admits that they began to recognize her after the episodic role of her friend Varvara Chernous in the TV series Interns on STS.


For the first time, she played the main, and not an episodic role in 2014 in the melodramatic series Second Chance. He went unnoticed, but it was after him that Yana was invited to star in the comedy series on TNT "CHOP". The role of Snezhana brought her real fame.

In 2017, she played in the feature film "Partner". She played in the TV series "Youth".

She was invited to the erotic shooting of the men's magazine "Maxim". In fact, at this time the finest hour of the actress came. She also performed at the main vocal show of the country "Voice" with Dima Bilan in a duet.


After the premiere in this series in 2015, she became a recognizable face among TNT viewers. And everyone immediately started talking about her plasticity. Despite the fact that she is a thin girl, she has very magnificent breasts, and this is rare by nature. And, of course, juicy lips immediately received the stigma of "puffed up with hyaluron." In the series, in addition to her bright appearance, she has bright makeup and defiant outfits. But at the same time, she plays a vulnerable and naive girl, which causes dissonance and even more talk about the unnaturalness of her appearance.

The audience immediately became interested, and they began to actively look for photos of Yana Koshkina before plastic surgery. But finding this turned out to be difficult. In all the photos on the network, not counting the children, Yana was already with big breasts. But if you can still believe about the breast that it is her own, since her shape is quite natural. That's about the lips, doubts still disappear, here there are injections of hyaluronic acid.

Yes, and the difference in the size of the lips in different photographs is still noticeable. During the comparison of the photo of Yana Koshkina before and after plastic surgery, it also became obvious that her nose used to be completely different. This was not immediately evident in the series, as it was done with high quality. But looking at her old photos, doubts again disappear.

The actress stirs up interest in herself, always appearing in defiant outfits in which her breasts seem especially huge. But at the same time, in all interviews, she denies interference in her appearance and insists that beauty is given to her by nature. What makes fans investigate again and again and look for photos of Yana Koshkina before and after plastic surgery. Some even found a photo where she is very young and her breasts are large, but still smaller than the current one. But do not forget that with age, the breasts in women may well increase slightly.

Yana Koshkina is one of the most promising actresses of today's Russian television. In addition to the series "CHOP" on TNT, we remembered her from the show "Kings of Plywood" on Channel One and as the host of the "ZHARA" festival in Baku. We will note how her appearance has changed by looking at her photographs from different times.

Yana started acting as a teenager in the series "OBZH" and since then has not been able to part with her acting life.

After school, she did not hesitate to choose the St. Petersburg State Academy of Theater Arts.

Since then, her appearance has changed significantly.

Comparing the photos before and after, we can say that Yana most likely resorted to the following procedures:

  • Rhinoplasty. The nose is noticeably thinner and does not seem wide;

    Lip augmentation. Previously, the girl visually enlarged them with the help of cosmetics, slightly going beyond the natural contour, but now they have acquired a volume that cannot be drawn with a pencil;

  • Highlighting cheekbones with fillers. No more chubby cheeks.

Sculptural face of Yana

Voluminous lips

The nose has become thinner and sharper

Face close-up:

Did Yana Koshkina enlarge her breasts

And only about the girl’s breasts there are numerous disputes. For some, it seems unnaturally large, but for others just right. Even the opinions of leading plastic surgeons are divided.

The chest looks very natural, although it stands out somewhat on her toned and athletic figure.

The actress and TV presenter herself, after a photo shoot in Maxim magazine, decided to confess:

“All yours! People always need something to discuss. Nothing without it."

Also, Yana claims that she does not do any injections and rarely visits a beautician, preferring to lead a healthy lifestyle.

He tries to take care of his appearance on his own, eats right and goes in for sports.

For her, this is not difficult, because as a child she was engaged in rhythmic gymnastics and even received the title of master of sports.

On her Instagram page, the actress admitted that she loves cheese, quinoa, brown rice and doesn’t really like meat, but she can eat turkey or chicken.

In general, as a creative and constantly busy person, she has to skip meals, and sometimes not eat at all for whole days. Thanks to such a diet, Yana always remains in good shape.

"The new sex symbol of Channel One" - this is how the journalists dubbed the host of the popular TV show "Kings of Plywood" Yana Koshkina. Indeed, the bright external data of the girl does not leave anyone indifferent - tall, slender, and, as the people say, “curvy”. True, there are rumors that the stately appearance of Koshkina is not so much the merit of her parents as plastic surgeons. The girl herself does not comment on questions about plastic in any way, but only a blind person cannot fail to notice the difference between her photo before and after the alleged operations. For example, you can clearly track the changes in the nude pictures of Yana Koshkina for hot photo shoots in Maxim, Playboy magazines and her earlier light shows. Pleases with candid photos in a swimsuit, sometimes even topless, the presenter and her followers on Instagram, of which she has already accumulated more than 200 thousand. Of course, the willingness to pose for a naked photographer is not Yana's main talent. In addition to working as a model and presenter, the girl proved to be a good actress. Read more about the biography and the latest news from the personal life (husband, children) of Yana Koshkina and talk further.

Who is Yana Koshkina: biography, personal life, if there is a husband and children

Let's start with who Yana Koshkina is, highlighting some facts from her biography and personal life, including those regarding the presence of a husband and children. The new sex bomb of Channel One is 27 years old - she was born on April 22, 1990 in St. Petersburg. From an early age, the girl showed good athletic inclinations, so her parents sent Yana to the rhythmic gymnastics section at the age of 4. Later, the talented athlete Koshkina even became a master of sports. In parallel, the future star of the show "Kings of Plywood" was engaged in synchronized swimming. Who knows, perhaps today we would know Koshkina as an outstanding athlete if cinema had not entered her life. In high school, Yana tried herself as an actress, making her debut in the TV series OBZH. She liked this experience so much that after school Koshkina went to enter the Academy of Theater Arts. At the same time, the spectacular student worked as a fashion model and participated in various auditions.

Details from personal life - does Yana Koshkina have a husband and children

But the real breakthrough in Koshkina's career came after she moved to Moscow. The young actress persistently beat the thresholds of numerous screen tests and luck smiled at her. Yana began to be called for secondary roles in TV series, including "Highway Patrol", "A Word to a Woman". Then there were episodes in "Streets of Broken Lights", "Interns", "Kitchen". But most of all, Koshkina was remembered by viewers for her role as Snezhana in the comedy series "Chop". It was after participating in this project that Yana woke up famous and numerous offers rained down on the girl, one of which was her debut as a presenter on Channel One. To date, the outrageous girl has no children and no husband.

What was the host Yana Koshkina before plastic surgery: photos before and after operations

Evil tongues claim that the real fame came to the host Yana Koshkina after several plastic surgeries (before and after photos below). And although the girl herself prefers not to comment on questions regarding her obviously changed appearance, experts say that plastic surgery took place in her life. Most likely, Yana underwent at least two operations - mammoplasty and rhinoplasty. Koshkin always had a good figure with her figure: even at the dawn of her film career, Yana could boast of a slender body with appetizing shapes. But today Koshkina's bust looks clearly more magnificent than before. The girl's breasts look disproportionately large, and her shape suggests thoughts about the correction of the mammary glands.

A selection of photos before and after plastic surgery host Yana Koshkina

In addition, the actress's nose has also changed. In early photographs, a small hump and a thickened tip are clearly visible. Now Yana's nose has acquired a more accurate and sophisticated shape. In addition to plastic surgery, cosmetologists have obviously tried their best on Koshkina's appearance. With the naked eye, you can see enlarged lips and corrected cheekbones. A comparative selection of photos of Yana Koshkina before and after plastic surgery, see below.

Yana Koshkina before and after plastic surgery

Before plastic surgery

Koshkin before and after plastic surgery

Nude Yana Koshkina: hot photos for the magazines "Maxim", "Playboy"

The share of popularity, especially among the male part of the fans, brought Yana Koshkina and hot photo shoots for the magazines "Maxim", "Playboy", in which she poses completely naked. Of course, the pictures are erotic, not pornographic in nature, and they can even be attributed to photographic art. But this does not negate their frankness and complete nakedness, which not everyone agrees to. However, Yana Koshkina has already become famous for her assertive character, and it is unlikely that a frank photo session was regarded by her as something immodest and shameful. Moreover, the young actress simply loves to attract attention with outrageous behavior.

A selection of hot nude photos of Yana Koshkina for Playboy and Maxim magazines

Naked Yana Koshkina for Playboy

Hot photos of Yana Koshkina for Maxim magazine

Yana Koshkina: erotic photos in a swimsuit from the personal Instagram of the host from Channel One

With erotic photos in a swimsuit, Yana Koshkina, now the host on Channel One, pleases her fans on her personal Instagram. Her page on the popular network is full of bright images with half-naked breasts and skimpy dresses. The girl also loves to share provocative pictures and videos from work with her followers.

A selection of erotic photos in a bathing suit from the personal Instagram of Yana Koshkina, the host from Channel One

For example, after Yana Koshkina became the host of the show on Channel One, the girl regularly posts behind-the-scenes photos and videos that were not included in the air of the Kings of Plywood. On many of them, she openly flirts with the guests of the studio and even with her married partner Pavel Priluchny. In addition, the girl is happy to share the latest news from her personal life. For example, after candid photo shoots for Playboy and Maxim (October 2017), hot Koshkina herself posted several naked pictures on Instagram. In addition, on the page of the actress you can find other erotic fairies - in swimsuits and even topless. But the photo before and after the plastic surgery, which no doubt was in Koshkina's life, cannot be found in her Insta.

Yana Koshkina in a swimsuit, photo