Autonomous sewerage. Autonomous sewerage price

Construction autonomous sewerage for a private home today is not a difficult task if you turn to specialists working in this field. This is explained by the availability of modern treatment equipment on the market, which allows not only to accumulate aggressive liquid, but also to purify it to such an extent that the resulting water can be reused for household purposes.

If you need to buy sewerage for a private home, we recommend that you do this from our company in Moscow. We not only sell high-quality cleaning systems waste water, but we also offer their professional installation.

Photo Name Price, rub.
MICROBE from 12 400
TANK Station Wagon from 22 100

Purges from 20 280
DSK from 22 000

Triton from 24 500
Rostock from 25 000
Termite from 18 000
TANK from 16 500

Septic tank from concrete rings from 30 000
Summer resident from 31 800
Biotank from 33 300

Eurolos from 33 000

Eurotank from 48 750
Ergobox from 58 900

Clean from 59 700
Biodeck from 61 500

Tver from 62 700

Aster from 73 000
Poplar from 67 150

Topas from 74 000

Leader from 76 000

Alta Bio from 77 500

Septic tank Ecopan from 82 000
Yubas from 139,000

Autonomous sewerage scheme

Country sewerage is built according to the same scheme as in an apartment, with the only difference being that dirty water does not flow into the central sewer channel, but into a treatment device. All instruments and devices leading to a discharge pipe with a diameter of 110 mm are connected through pipes with a diameter of 50 millimeters. The same pipe diameter should be used to connect the toilet.

  • light weight, making them easy to work with
  • stand up well to aggressive environments
  • have a sufficient margin of safety
  • installation of polymer sewer pipes is carried out without the use of any equipment
  • the inner surface of such pipes is very smooth, which reduces the likelihood of clogging

At the same time, the price of a sewerage system in a private house, built from polymer pipes, is lower than when using cast iron or asbestos analogues, due to the low cost of plastic.


  • Odorless
  • Eco-friendly and passes all standards
  • Comfortable in any weather
  • Service life up to 50 years
  • Does not violate the law
  • Minimum costs for operation

Carrying out installation work

Installation work must begin with installation treatment plant, for which our company’s specialists recommend using a septic tank, or better yet, several such devices connected into a system to obtain better cleaning. Septic tanks are containers of different volumes, depending on how much wastewater needs to be processed per day. Recommended containers made of polypropylene or metal are durable, light weight and easy to install.

In order to install a septic tank, it is necessary to dig a pit, placing a concrete pad at the bottom, if the bottom of the polypropylene tank does not have additional reinforcement. Metal septic tanks can be installed directly on the ground. There should be a gap of approximately 20 centimeters between the walls of the container and the pit, which is subsequently filled with heat-insulating bulk materials.

After this, you can dig trenches for laying pipes. This must be done at a certain angle, since sewer pipes must be laid with a slope, which is calculated based on their diameter, as well as the difference in the height of the edges of each linear meter(minimum 7 and maximum 30 millimeters). After installation and connection of the sewer pipe to the house, it is necessary to test the system for leaks at the joints. Only after this is the pipe filled with thermal insulation material and soil.

When using thermal insulation materials prices for an autonomous sewer system for a private house, arranged on a turnkey basis, will be slightly higher, but this guarantees that the pipes will not freeze even in extreme frosts.

Our advantages

Our company offers you to install sewerage in a private home at an affordable price. We also provide prompt delivery of equipment throughout the Moscow region. Our specialists carry out sewerage installation, check for leaks and provide maintenance during operation. For the convenience of our customers, payment for cleaning equipment with materials and installation services can be made in any way.

When building your country house or dacha owners often come across such a term as ""and often the abundant variety of sewerage systems for a home or a dacha puts the happy owner at a dead end and is faced with the question: -"Which autonomous sewerage system to choose?

Let's be honest, in our experience, the majority of reviews on certain resources are, so to speak, “not entirely honest”; articles on portals and forums are paid for. But let's put this question aside - it's just competition. We would like to tell you what points you need to pay attention to when choosing autonomous sewerage- septic tank.

Autonomous sewage system in a private house: how to choose

1) All systems are effective! (here we are considering only equipment that has been certified and has a SES certificate, this has nothing to do with concrete rings, septic tanks made from euro cubes and tires). This is important to understand, since companies that sell septic tanks from only one manufacturer will naturally assure you that this particular septic tank is the best! Just like a neighbor who has already installed a sewer system on his property is unlikely to admit that he is suffering, but rather will say that the septic tank is excellent))) - this is already psychology. Many companies also offer rewards for referrals.

THAT'S WHY!!! The first step towards choosing autonomous sewerage- throw all “reviews” out of your head and make a choice with a cool head.

2) At the second stage, so that there are no problems in the future, we decide on the type of autonomous sewage system (in common parlance, a septic tank). Let's list them:

Deep biological treatment station

Mechanical non-volatile septic tanks with a purification rate of up to 65% ("tank" type)

Storage capacity

Below is information about the most common septic tanks.

Autonomous sewage system in a private house

The most in a modern way solution to the issue of autonomous sewerage is the stationbiological treatment, or so-called bio septic tanks, septic tanks with a purification degree of up to 98%. The main advantage of such septic tanks is their high degree of purification, which allows purified water to be discharged onto the terrain - into a roadside ditch, used for irrigation and other technical purposes, or when installing UV disinfection - discharged into a reservoir.

The tightness of the body (melt water will not enter the body of such a septic tank).

Type of soil - ANY.

Ground level water - any

Reset clearedwastewater: onto the terrain, by gravity into a ditch or ravine, filtration into the ground, into a reservoir when installing a disinfection system.

Volatile, there are also non-volatile.

If you decide to buy a biological treatment septic tank, then your main attention should be paid to maintenance! Here you need to decide how often you want to do this: 4 times a year or 1 time a year, or even twice. Take into account that the service life is 50 years and decide what is most important for you: buy a septic tank for initial stage cheap with discounts, but then often servicing or a septic tank with installation will cost you a little more, but maintenance and service will be less burdensome.

Therefore, let's look:

Service frequencybirds, and actual labor intensity

The electronic component (what equipment is installed in the septic tank, cost - after all, it does not last forever and most likely in the near future)It needs to be changed within the next 5 years, availability - is it easy to buy)

Deep biological treatment station - types:

One of the varieties is an autonomous sewage system, which works with the help of a compressor and airlifts, where aeration and flow from chamber to chamber occurs with the help of a compressor. But there are pros and cons here.Plus, this saturation of water with oxygen occurs in an aeration tank, and the minus is the flow through tubes of a fairly small diameter, where there is a possibility of clogging and failure of the septic tank.

The next type of autonomous sewage system deep cleaning This is a gravity-fed septic tank in its internal structure. For such stations the percentage of clogging isminimal, and aeration can be done using a spray and bioload. Possiblethe disadvantage of such septic tanks is work drain pump for spraying clarified water on bioloading. And a little more electricity will be spent.

The third type of autonomous sewage system is a septic tank, which includes both a compressor and internal structure by gravity. These (septic tanks) are energy efficient and have minimal chances of clogging. A horizontal version makes them especially convenient for high level groundwater.

And the fourth type of biological sewage treatment plant is a completely energy-independent (with the exception of forced discharge) mechanical septic tanks. Their design consists of several containers: the first is a regular septic tank, in which the water is purified up to 65%, and behind it a biofilter or several are installed. SUCH septic tanks are not afraid of large volley discharges and go into operation from the first day.

In any case, the choice is yours. And if you do not neglect what is written in the passport (septic tank), then you will protect it from premature failure.

Autonomous sewerage price

Autonomous sewage systems

Mechanical (non-volatile septic tanks)

Autonomous sewerage - septic tank 65% mechanical cleaning, further purification of clarified wastewater should occur in the ground, it follows that the soil should be sand or sandy loam, because filtration into loam, and even more so clay, is difficult and with frequent use the area can become swampy. Accordingly, the groundwater level should also be low.

Energy independent

Soil type - sand, sandy loam.

Discharge of treated wastewater: filtration into the ground

Placement limit

Maintenance of such a septic tank must be carried out once a year at permanent residence or once every 2 years for seasonal living, and when using bacteria for a septic tank, this interval can be increased to 5 years.

But let us emphasize once again that, despite all the advantages, this type of sewage system is suitable for an area with a low groundwater level and good filtering capacity; accordingly, if you have water standing on your site for a long time after rain or snowmelt, this type of septic tank will not suit you!

Plastic septic tanks with anaerobic wastewater treatment

Septic tanks are non-volatile

Autonomous sewerage - Storage tank (storage)

Degree of purification - does not purify, but accumulates wastewater - recommended for installation during construction cesspool"dacha

oh toilet" - since the discharge of unclarified waste into the ground is prohibited by Article 250 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Or it is supplied when installing a sewer system in the house, provided that only the toilet is connected. In other cases, this type of autonomous sewage system is not economically profitable.

The tightness of the body (melt water will not enter the body of such a septic tank)

Energy independent

Type of soil - any.Groundwater level - any

Mandatory anchoring

Groundwater level - low (below 1.5m)

Restriction on plumbing equipment. Frequent calls for a vacuum cleaner.

Maintenance as the container fills.

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The problem of water disposal and wastewater treatment is relevant for any owner of suburban real estate. Therefore, if the developer has chosen an autonomous sewer system in a private house: how to choose the equipment, the characteristics of individual elements of the system - the most pressing issue before installation.

Autonomous sewage system in a private house - optimal choice for the dacha

Scope of application of autonomous sewer systems

Any home equipped with running water needs drainage and wastewater treatment. If the project includes an autonomous sewage system in a private house, how to choose equipment that combines a minimum construction and operation budget with high performance is the main question for the owner of a cottage who does not have a special education.

For garden and country houses budget option are septic tanks that can clean wastewater by 60 - 75%. Due to the seasonal, periodic operation of houses, the underground reservoir does not require annual pumping of sewage, which sharply reduces the operating budget. They are inexpensive and, if necessary, are made from concrete well rings.

For year-round housing, VOC (local treatment plant), SBO (biological treatment station), and aeration tank systems using highly efficient anaerobic bacteria are more suitable. This equipment allows you to reuse treated wastewater; pumping is rarely done. However, the construction and maintenance budget is increasing sharply.

Autonomous sewerage design

Before you find out what an autonomous sewage system is in a private house and how to choose an option suitable for specific operating conditions, you need to consider the design of treatment facilities. There are several options for wastewater disposal systems with subsequent post-treatment:

  • septic tank - several internal chambers connected by overflow pipes, in the largest of which the wastewater settles, loses large suspensions and mechanical impurities, the rest contain anaerobic bacteria that decompose organic matter without the presence of air;

  • aeration tank - the design is similar to the previous one, however, air is forced into the chambers, necessary for aerobic bacteria, which are capable of breaking down almost all organic impurities present in sewage;

Anaerobic aeration tank

  • combined systems - at the initial stage, anaerobic bacteria participate in the purification process, then the wastewater is purified by anaerobic microorganisms.

All autonomous sewage systems consist of individual elements:

  • highway external sewerage– pipes through which wastewater flows by gravity (less often under pressure or vacuum) from the home into the chambers of the septic tank, aeration tank;
  • treatment facility - metal, polymer, concrete tank, partitioned into several chambers, in septic tanks additional equipment absent, compressors are installed in aeration tanks;
  • infiltration system - a well or filtration field in which treated wastewater is discharged into the soil through a natural filter (40 cm layer of crushed stone, shungite, sand) for natural post-treatment by soil.

Filtration wells have a minimal construction budget, but are only suitable for sandy soils, areas with groundwater level lower by 1.5 - 5 m relative to the mouth. Filtration fields are buried below the fertile layer and can be used on clay soils. At high groundwater levels, the only option for an infiltration system is a ground filter. The effluent from the septic tank is pumped, collected in above-ground tanks, and usually reused.

Wells do not require filtration ventilation system, for fields it is prerequisite safe operation. The filtration field consists of several contours or beams of corrugated pipes perforated with small holes. Unlike drainage systems, the liquid is not collected in them, but is discharged onto the underlying layer of crushed stone. After which, the wastewater seeps into the soil, is purified, and ends up in underground layers.

Autonomous sewer design

The industry produces underground tanks from different materials with different characteristics. Therefore, when purchasing an autonomous sewer system in a private house, how to choose the appropriate equipment and characteristics for a particular facility is the most pressing question for the developer. At the design stage of the drainage system, it is necessary to take into account the following nuances:

  • anaerobic bacteria reproduce on their own, septic tanks can be used periodically;
  • aerobic wastewater treatment systems are energy-dependent, microorganisms die during seasonal operation, long-term power outages necessary for the operation of compressors, activated sludge must be periodically renewed;
  • in gravity pipelines from the building to the septic tank, a slope of 4 - 7 degrees is required, if you make the angle smaller, the wastewater will stop flowing into the tank, with large slopes the self-cleaning ability is reduced, blockages are possible due to the accumulation of large fractions;
  • When backfilling plastic tanks, they must be partially filled with water so that the walls are not compressed by soil, which is important in areas without sources;
  • in septic tanks manufactured industrially, the pipe entry points have high tightness, and it is much more difficult to insert lines into concrete rings;
  • polymer septic tanks are not always loaded with wastewater; during winter heaving of the soil, these structures can be squeezed out to the surface, so a slab is laid or poured under them, to which the tank body is tied.

The size of the septic tank is chosen based on the volume of the first chamber; this figure should be 3 times the daily water requirement of the family. For the convenience of periodic pumping of sewage, underground tanks should be located closer to the roadway. The depth of the treatment plant is always individual. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the length of the sewer line, the slope of 4 - 7 degrees, and the winter freezing mark in the region.

Making an autonomous sewer system with your own hands

In principle, to install a VOC or septic tank, it is enough to determine the location of the tank, dig a pit for it, and connect it with a direct trench to the outlet collector of the internal sewer riser of the home. Then install the tank, pipes, make an infiltration system, and backfill.

However, there are nuances at each stage. Therefore, choose exactly which autonomous sewage system will be used and how to choose individual elements at minimum budget, it is possible, following the recommendations of SP 32.13330 for external engineering systems drainage.

Integration on site

When choosing a location for operating a water treatment system, you should take into account the requirements of regulatory documents:

  • distances to objects considered significant - trees 3 m, water intake source 30 - 50 m, border of the neighboring plot 2 m, “red” line of the roadway 5 m, driveways 3 m, foundation of a dwelling 4 m, natural reservoirs 10 m;
  • infiltration systems - safe distances are similar to the previous case.

In addition, you should take into account the passage of paths around the site, recreation areas, and parking to ensure maximum living comfort.

Attention! It is prohibited to discharge drainage, storm water, or drain water from ponds and swimming pools into an external sewer septic tank in order to avoid overflowing the chambers and soil contamination.


Any underground structures are inevitably subject to the forces of frost heaving. They are eliminated by insulating the perimeter of the base of the structure, drainage, using non-metallic materials in the underlying layer, and backfilling the pit sinuses.

For septic tanks, the first two technologies are not used; the sinuses are filled with ASG or sand. Therefore, the dimensions of the pit should be 40 cm larger than the size of the container around the perimeter. The laying depth is calculated as follows:

  • underlying layer – 10 – 15 cm;
  • concrete slab– 10 – 15 cm, only for plastic structures;
  • level of freezing - due to the fact that the wastewater comes from the building, it always has a positive temperature, during decomposition by bacteria, organic matter is released thermal energy, a depth of 1.5 - 2 m is sufficient.

The trench from the tank to the cottage should have a slope of 4 - 7 degrees. For this, a height difference of 2–3 cm at a distance of one meter is sufficient.

The underlying layer is made of sand on dry soils, crushed stone at high groundwater levels. Layer-by-layer laying of every 15 cm with compaction using a vibrating plate is required.

Tank installation

Polymer containers are usually installed manually, while metal and concrete septic tanks are placed with a crane. If necessary, for lightweight structures, a concrete slab without reinforcement is cast on top of the underlying layer. The tank should be positioned horizontally to get the most out of it. interior space working chambers.

Laying external sewerage

The main is assembled from red sewer pipes with a diameter of 11 - 20 mm. Before installing the communication system, it is necessary to carry out the following work:

  • laying a geotextile fabric on the bottom of the trench, the edges of the material are launched onto the sides;
  • underlying layer of crushed stone or sand 10 - 15 cm;
  • tamping of inert material with a vibrating plate;
  • laying pipes with a gravity slope;
  • backfilling with crushed stone or sand;
  • covering with geotextiles.

This technology will eliminate soil subsidence and spontaneous detachment of bells. Geotextiles prevent mutual mixing of soil with non-metallic material.

Video: how to properly lay sewer pipes

All input nodes are sealed with rubber and silicone cuffs to prevent leaks. Installed if necessary internal equipment, overflow pipes. Most difficult to seal PVC pipes when passing through concrete rings. For this purpose, penetrating mixtures are used, added to the cement-sand mortar.

Infiltration systems

The infiltration well is made of concrete rings. The structure does not have a bottom; instead, a 40 cm layer of crushed stone, shungite, and gravel is filled in. Filtration fields are manufactured using the following technology:

  • soil is removed in an area, the size of which depends on the filtering capacity of specific soils in the building area;
  • the perimeter is covered with geotextiles, preventing siltation and mixing with a layer of material;
  • a drainage layer is created from crushed stone, on which beams of corrugated pipes or contours are laid;
  • the structure is filled with the same natural filter, then with soil.

Manufacturers of septic tanks produce special infiltration elements, the design of which is a hybrid of a field and a filtration well. They are mounted in a standard way.


When using non-metallic material in the sinuses of the pit, it is possible to completely eliminate the pull-out loads from freezing soils that act on underground tanks. To do this, a 40 cm layer on all sides of the septic tank is enough, but layers of 15–20 cm should be laid, each compacted with a vibrating plate or hand tools.

Decorating the hatch

To service septic tanks, openings with hatches extending to the surface are used. To maximize the integration of this communication element into the landscape of the site, decorative items, produced by industry. These are usually made from polymer materials animal figures, fairy tale characters, mushrooms, stumps, boulders. They are easily removed, weigh almost nothing, have a reliable fastening, and are not blown away by the wind.


Autonomous sewerage in a private house is done once and for a long time. If you are the owner of a small summer cottage, then many of the elements and installation steps described above are optional. If you are planning to organize a drainage system big house where several people live on a permanent basis, then you should approach the design with all care and responsibility.

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