An additional hard radiation energy filter is valid. Hard radiation

1. From the Conditions

2. From the type of screens used

3. From the duration and storage conditions

4 All answers are correct.

051. With a standard time of manifestation of 5-6 minutes, the temperature change by 2 ° C requires a change in manifestation

2. for 1 min

3. for 1.5 minutes

4. for 2 min

5. Changes in the manifestation time is not required

052. The manifestation of radiographs "on the eye" has all the listed flaws, except

1. not fully used developer

2. understated contrast snapshot

3. To the overestimated degree of reprimironments

4. Levels inaccuracy installation of radiography modes

053. For artificial contrasting in radiology apply

1. Barium sulfate

2. Organic iodine compounds

3. Gas (oxygen, nitrogen rushing, carbon dioxide)

4. All of the listed

Section 4.
Radiation safety with radiological studies

001. Unit of measurement of the exposure dose is:

1. X-ray

002. Absorbed dose is:

1. Dose, obtained in the time passed after the receipt of radioactive substances in the body

2. The amount of the equivalent dose of the body, taking into account the weighing coefficient for the authority

3. The ratio of the incremental dose over time interval at this time interval.

4. The product of the average effective dose on the 1st group of people for the number of people in this group

5. Average energy transmitted by ionizing radiation mass of matter in elementary volume

003. Unit of measurement of the absorbed dose is:



5. That's right - 2 and 3.

004. The absorbed dose of 1 Gray X-ray corresponds to an equivalent dose equal to:

5. All answers are correct

005. The dosimetry value equal to the electrical charge, one sign with complete braking of electrons and positrons released by photons in the elementary amount of air and the amount attributed to the mass of this volume is called:

1. Equivalent dose

3. Exposure dose

4. Dose power

5. Absorbed dose

006. Unit of measurement of the equivalent dose in the international system of units is:


007. Weight radiation multiplier is one for the following types of radiation:

1 X-ray radiation

2. Gamma radiation

3. For electrons

4. For alpha particles correctly 1,2,3

008. When conducting x-ray studies, an effective dose in a patient is formed by:

1. The primary beam of X-ray radiation

4. Easternally 1 and 2

5 correctly 1, 2 and 3

009. For which organ and tissues, fabric weight multiplies have the greatest value:

1. for sex glands

2 for red bone marrow

3 for the liver

4 correctly 1 and 2

5 correctly 1, 2 and 3

010. The input dose on the surface of the patient's body is as follows:

1 increases in proportion to the time of research and current strength

2. increases in proportion to the square of the voltage

3. Decreases back proportional to the square of the distance "Source - Leather"

4. Easternally 1 and 2

5. Right 1 and 3

011. When conducting x-ray studies, the output dose is determined by the following parameters:

1. Image receiver sensitivity

2. Current force

3 Distance "Source - Leather"

4. Patient's body thick

012. Dose on the surface of the patient's body facing the radiation source is called:


2. Entrance

3 days off

4 correctly 1 and 2

5 correctly 1 and 3

013. To determine the dose rate at staff workplaces, the following methods are most widely used:

1 ionization

2 photochimical

3 luminescent

4. Chemical

5. Biological

014. The instruments used to control the dose power in the X-ray office must be:

1. Purchased to the state register of measuring instruments

2 must be separated and checked by the institution of the State Standard

3. Associated by the Ministry of Health

4. Easternally 1 and 2

5. Right 1, 2 and 3

015. The following methods are used to measure the dose of external irradiation:

1. Measurement of human body activity on Sich

2. Measurement of the specific air activity

3. Individual dosimetry control

4. Control of radioactive pollution of clothing and leather

5. Control of pollution of the soil of settlements by radionuclides

016. When choosing a dosimetry instrument for measuring the power of the X-ray radiation dose, the following parameters are taken into account mainly:

1. Energy of the measured radiation

2. The sensitivity of the device

3. Weight of the device

4. Easternally 1 and 2

5. Right 2 and 3

017. By direct measurement with dosimetry devices, you can define the following radiation-physical quantity:

1. Effective dose

2. Equivalent dose

3. Absorbed dose of external irradiation

4. Absorbed dose of internal exposure

5 accumulated effective dose

018. The energy of photon radiation as a result of the effect of componton:

1. Enhanced

2. It remains the same

3. decreases

4. Can decrease or increase

5. Zero is equal

019. The likelihood of sharp ray lesions depends on:

1. Power doses of external irradiation

2. Location time

3. Accumulated effective dose for the first two days of irradiation

4. Accumulated effective dose for the first year of irradiation

5. Accumulated absorbed dose of general and local irradiation for the first two days

020. With acute radiation disease, clinical changes necessarily take place in the following system:

1 central nervous

2 cardiovascular

3 Blood Organs

4 digestive

5 immune

021. The clinical symptom, the most early arising during acute radiation sickness, is:

1 nausea and vomiting

2. Leukopenia

3. Erythema Skin

4. Hair loss

5. Liquid stool

022. The threshold dose of the development of acute radiation disease is:

023. After exposure to male gonads, the most characteristic changes are:

1. Violation of sexual potency

2. Hypospermia

3. Wasyanka Yachka

4. Hereditary diseases in children

5. Discussion in the blood of testosterone

024. Lymphopenies identified in the patient during the first day due to:

1. Local external limb irradiation

2. Inside of radionuclides

3. External irradiation of the body in a dose of less than 0.5 grams

4. External irradiation of the body in a dose of more than 1 gra

5. Disease not related to irradiation

025. Infectious complications in patients with acute radiation disease are likely at the next level of neutrophils in the blood:

1. Less than 3000 in μl

2. less than 100 in μl

3. Less norm

4. less than 500 in μl

5. less than 200 per μl

026. Bloodstock occurs with the following blood platelet content:

1. less than 150 thousand in μl

2. Less than 100 thousand in μl

3. less than 50 thousand in μl

4. less than 40 thousand in μl

5. less than 10 thousand in μl

027. The earliest changes in the clinical analysis of blood with acute radiation disease is to reduce the content of the following - elements:

1. Erythrocyte

2 leukocytes

3 neutrophils

4 lymphocyte

5 thrombocyte

028. The minimum radiation dose that causes the development of chronic radiation sickness is:

029. Small "customized dose:

1. Do not cause radiation disease

2. Do not cause chromosomal damage

3 non-generation damage

4 Do not cause specific changes in a separate organism, but causing statistically identified changes in the state of health of the group of persons

5. Smaller than permissible radiation doses

030. Which types of radiation pathology belong to stochastic:

1. Acute and chronic leukemia

2. Autimmune thyroiditis

3. Congenital development abnormalities

4. Raewi Cataract

5. correctly 1 and 3

031. The following factors affect the risk of cancer in cancer in irradiation:

1. The nature of irradiation (dose, radiation quality)

2 Genetic features of a person who has expired

3. Age at the time of exposure

4. The presence of concomitant diseases

5 All answers are correct

032. Stochastic effects can develop at the following doses:

2. More than 1 year CG

4. No radiation dose threshold

033. The fetal defeat most often occurs in the following pregnancy timing:

1. up to 4 weeks

2. 4-25 weeks

3. 25-40 weeks

4. All the answers are correct

034. "The non-testing of the permissible limits of individual doses of the exposure of citizens from all sources of ionizing radiation", in accordance with NRB-96 it is called:

1. Principle of rationale

2 Principle of rationing

3 Principle of optimization

035. "The prohibition of all types of activity on the use of sources of ionizing radiation, in which the benefits obtained for humans and society does not exceed the risk of possible harm caused to an additional radiation radiation background", in accordance with NRB-96 it is called:

1. Principle of rationale

2. Principle of optimization

3. The principle of rationing

036. "Maintaining on a possible low and achievable level, taking into account the economic and social factors of individual doses of irradiation and the number of irradiated persons when using any source of ionizing irradiation," in accordance with NRB-96 called:

1. Principle of rationale

2. Principle of optimization

3. The principle of rationing

037. Radiation safety standards (NRB-96) do not apply to the following types of ionizing radiation per person:

1. Personnel irradiation and population in the conditions of normal operation of technogenic sources of ionizing radiation

2. Personnel irradiation and population in radiation accident

3. Location of the population in the conditions of combat use of nuclear weapons

4. Employment of industrial enterprises and populations with natural sources of ionizing radiation

5. Medical exposure of the population

038. The requirements of NRB-96 do not apply to IIIs that create an annual efficient dose (minimum value):

039. Radiation control in accordance with NRB-96 are subject to:

1. Levels of irradiation of personnel and population

2. Sources of medical irradiation

3. Natural sources

4. Easternally 1 and 2

5. All of the above

040. In accordance with NRB-96, the main dose limits are set at the level:

1. Effective dose of 1 mW per year

2. Equivalent dose in lens 15 msv per year

3. Equivalent dose in leather, crusts and footsteps 50 mW per year

4. Easternally 1 and 2

5. Right 1, 2 and 3

041. Effective dose over the year average for 5 consecutive years for persons from the population in accordance with NRB-96 should not exceed:

042. An annual effective dose of irradiation during preventive medical radiological and scientific research of practically healthy persons should not exceed:

043. In accordance with NRB-96 for persons working with radiation sources (Personnel of Group A), the following main dose limits are established:

1 Efficient dose of 20 mW per year

2. Equivalent dose in lens 150 mW per year

3. Equivalent dose in the skin, brushes and feet 500 mW per year

4. Easternally 1 and 2

5. Right 1, 2 and 3

044. In accordance with NRB-96 for persons who are not directly working with radiation sources, but those under the conditions of work in the field of its impact (Personnel of the Group b), the main dose limits are set at:

1. Equal dose for the staff of the group A

2. 4 times lower dose limits for group A personnel

3. At the dose rate for the population

4. Easternally 1 and 2

5. Right 2 and 3

045. The dose of irradiation of a radiologist is determined:

1. The total number of studies

2. The number of beds in the hospital

3. Dose capacity in the workplace near the universal tripod and the amount of work when performing x-ray research

4. The number of sections in the clinic

5. All answers are correct

046. Effective dose for the year on average for 5 consecutive years for persons from Group A personnel in accordance with NRB-96 should not exceed:

047. The dose of the planned increased irradiation of personnel, allowed from the permission of the territorial bodies of the Gossennadzor, is:

1 no more than 50 mW per year

2 no more than 100 mW per year

3 no more than 200 mW per year

4 no more than 250 mW per year

5 no more than 500 mW per year

048. In accordance with NRB-96, when conducting preventive X-ray studies, the annual effective dose limit is set at the level:

049. In preparing a patient to a x-ray study, a radiologist must:

1 Evaluate the feasibility of research

2 inform the patient about the benefits and risk of conducting research and get its consent

3 If necessary, make a motivated refusal of research

4 correctly 1 and 2

5 correctly 1, 2 and 3

050. Deterministic effects as a result of single irradiation may occur with doses exceeding:

1. 0.17 gr in gonads in young men

2. 0.25 grams for cerebral irradiation

3. 0.5-1 GR when irradiated red bone marrow

4. 0.2 grams when irradiated by the abdominal area in a pregnant woman

051. The magnitude of the limit of individual risk for technological irradiation of persons from the population is equal to:

1. 100x10-5 per year

2. 50x10-5 per year

3. 10x10-5 per year

4. 5x10-5 per year

5. 1x10-5 per year

052. Social factors for the benefits of radiological studies include:

1 timely detection and increase in the effectiveness of the treatment of severe diseases

2 Reducing the number of complications and deaths from severe diseases

3 Satisfaction with the wishes of the patient

4. 1 and 2 is true

5. 1, 2 and 3 are true

053. The factors of damage of radiological studies include:

1 Patient irradiation

2 Personnel irradiation

3 Costs for the purchase of protection

4 costs for organizing production control

5. 1, 2 and 3 are true

054. When conducting x-ray studies, a radiologist is obliged to provide radiation security:

1 X-ray Cabinet Personnel

2 patients examined

3 other employees of the institution who are in the field of exposure to the radiation of the X-ray apparatus

4 correctly 1 and 2

5 correctly 1, 2 and 3

055. At the request of the patient, a radiologist is obliged to provide him with the following information:

1 On the radiation yield of the X-ray apparatus

2 on the effective dose obtained by the patient in the study

3 On the risk of the emergence of stochastic effects as a result of this study

4 correctly 1 and 2

5 correctly 2 and 3

056. The radiation safety of the patient is ensured by:

1 Exceptions of unreasonable research

2 reduction dose of radiation to magnitude sufficient to obtain a diagnostically acceptable image

3 non-test dose limits for the population of 1 mW per year

4 correctly 1 and 2

5 correctly 2 and 3

057. The radiologist must refuse the X-ray research if:

1 This study cannot provide additional information.

2 More appropriate to send the patient to research by other methods.

3 The patient has already been examined radiologically, but the quality of the pictures is unsatisfactory

4 impossibility of obtaining information by other methods

058. The woman at the age of 40 came to a radiographic study. The doctor must ask her from the point of view of radiation protection, the following question:

1. When the patient got sick

2. When and by whom the study is scheduled

3. When was the last time month

4. At what age monthly

5. When the following monthly and duration of the hormonal cycle are expected

059. Gonad protection in the study of the chest organs is carried out in the following ways:

1 correct choice of device operation and beam diaphragm

2 Right selection of beam direction

3 Use of individual protective equipment

4 correctly 1 and 2

5 correctly 2 and 3

060. When setting additional filters, the operating bundle of X-ray radiation changes as follows:

1 increases radiation dose power

2 increases efficient radiation energy

3. The radiation dose power decreases

4. Easternally 1 and 2

5. Right 2 and 3

061. An additional radiation energy filter acts as follows:

1. Relief rigidity increases

2. Relief rigidity decreases

3. Relief rigidity does not change

4. Relief rigidity can increase and decrease

5. Relief rigidity increases or decreases depending on the voltage value

062. Protection against radiation of the X-ray apparatus is necessary:

1. 24 hours a day

2. During the working day

3. Only during X-ray studies

4. Only during the generation of X-ray radiation

5. All of the above correct

063. The most successful combination of the use of the technical capabilities of the X-ray apparatus, in terms of a reduction in the dose of the patient's irradiation:

1. Increased current, voltage reduction, decrease in exposure field, Reduced by KFP

2. Increase current, voltage reduction, increasing exposure field, increase in KFP

3. Reducing the current, increasing the voltage ,.Mencing, field fields, Reduced by KFP

4. Reducing the current, increasing the voltage, reduction of the exposure field, increase in KFP

5. All combinations are equivalent

064. When conducting x-ray studies, an effective dose in a patient is formed by:

1. Direct X-ray beam

2. Radiation scattered in the body

3. Radiation scattered on metal parts tripod

4. Easternally 1 and 2

5. Right 1, 2 and 3

065. The term "efficient X-ray energy" determines:

1. Middle-wide value of all quanta energies

2. Maximum radiation energy

3. The energy of mono-energy radiation, which has the same penetrating ability to radiate the complex spectral composition

4. Absorbed radiation energy in a unit of mass of irradiated medium

066. The greatest irradiation, the radiologist is exposed to the following studies:

1. Radioscopy with vertical table

2. Radioscopy with horizontal table

3. Variable chest radiography behind the screen

4. Aiming X-ray of the gastrointestinal tract behind the screen

5. Radiography in the second workplace

067. The following specialists are exposed to the greatest radiation during radiological studies:

1. Doctors x-ray in general profile cabinets

2. Doctors - radiologists in the offices of an angiographic profile

3. Doctors - X-ray fluorographic offices

4. Rentgelands of general profile cabinets

5. X-ray beasts of angiographic accounts

068. The smallest dose of irradiation for 1 patient receives when carrying out:

1. Radioscopy without uri

2. Radioscopy with uri

3. Radiography

4. Fluorography

069. The most likely dose of irradiation per year, obtained by a doctor in the general radiographic office of a general profile, is:

070. The equivalent dose of the exposure of the fetus for 2 months of non-declared pregnancy in accordance with NRB-96 should not exceed:

071. The event that needs to be carried out to prevent medical exposure of the fetus in the initial period of pregnancy:

1. To produce X-ray studies in the first 10 days of the menstrual cycle

2. produce X-ray studies in the second half of the menstrual cycle

3. Do not use fluorography in women of childbearing age

4. Before X-ray examination, send a woman to inspection to the gynecologist

072. Interrupting pregnancy for medical testimony can be recommended by a woman exposed to radiation, in the following case :.

1. With absorbed dose on the fruit "more than 0.10 gr

2. With the absorbed dose on the fruit of more than 0.50 gr

3. With a powerful dose on a fruit of more than 1.0 gr

4. When irradiated in a dose that exceeds the permissible level on radiation safety standards

073. The following types of ionizing radiation affect the X-ray staff:

1. X-ray radiation

2. Gamma - radiation

3. Accelerated electrons

4. Ultraviolet radiation

5. beta and gamma radiation from induced radioactivity in the air

074. Protection of the hands of a radiologist's doctor during palpation in time of x-ray is carried out:

1 correct choice of device mode

2 Punch diaphragmation

3 Arrangement of hands outside the luminous field

4 use of protective gloves

5. All of the above answers are correct

075. The final decision on the conduct of radiological research is taken:

1. Clinician clinician

2 radiologist

3 patients or their faces

4 correctly 1 and 2

5. Right 2 and 3.

076. Instruments for the provision of primary assistance to the victim in serious condition:

1 Leather deactivation

2 Reception of radio production

3. Resuscitation events

4 hemosorption

5. Saving vomiting

077. Medical treatment with acute radiation disease is not shown:

1. With irradiation doses of less than 3 grams

2. Patients who did not have a primary reaction

3. Patients with a slight degree of radiation disease

4. Patients who received lethal doses of irradiation

078. Absorbed dose on the thyroid gland for the first 10 days of an emergency, in which it is necessary to conduct iodine prevention to children, in accordance with NRB-96 amounts to (minimum value):

079. Radiation protection of persons subjected to radiation in 1986 and living at the present time in the radiation control area can be provided with the following measures:

1 outline

2. Deactivation of territories

3. Radiation control and defect food

4. Easternally 1 and 2

5. Right 1, 2 and 3

080. Radiation protection of persons subjected to irradiation when eliminating the consequences of the Chernobyl accident and living in pure territories can be provided in the following ways:

1 carrying out radiation control and defects food

2. Compliance with radiation safety measures in X-ray radiological studies

3 restriction of radon's arrival in residential and production buildings

4 correctly 1 and 2

5 correctly 2 and 3

081. The main principles of making decisions on the conduct of protective measures at the early phase of the radiation accident are:

1 Principle of rationing

2 Principle Justification

3 Principle of Optimization of Intervention

4 correctly 1 and 2

5 correctly 2 and 3

082. The main criterion for making a decision on the relocation of the population in the case of a radiation accident is:

1. Accumulated dose

2. Expected dose

3 dose that can be prevented during resettlement

4 correctly 1 and 2

5. Right 2 and 3

083. Annual medical examinations due to emergency exposure are subject to:

1. Liquidators

2. Persons evacuated in 1986 from a 30 kilometer zone adjacent to the Chernobyl NPP

3. Persons living in polluted territories

4. Easternally 1 and 2

5. Right 1, 2 and 3

084. The following groups of persons are introduced into the Russian State Medical and Dosimetric Register:

1. Persons who received a dose of acute irradiation exceeding 50 msv

2. Persons who received the accumulated dose exceeding 70 mW

3. Children of persons irradiated at a dose of more than 50 mS of acute or 70 msv of chronic irradiation, born after the accident

4 correctly 1 and 2

5. Right 1, 2 and 3

085. The following persons include a group of high risk:

1. Adults with an effective dose of acute irradiation Over 200 mW

2 adults with accumulated effective dose of chronic exposure over 350 mW

3 persons irradiated with intrauterine in a dose of over 50 msv

4. Children with a dose on the thyroid gland Over 1 gr

5 All answers are correct

Section 5.
Rady diagnosis of head and neck diseases

Position on the scale of electromagnetic waves

The energy ranges of X-ray radiation and gamma radiation overlap in a wide region of energies. Both types of radiation are electromagnetic radiation and at the same photon energy - are equivalent. The terminological difference lies in the method of occurrence - X-rays are emitted with the participation of electrons (either in atoms, or free) while gamma radiation is emitted in the processes of devotation of atomic nuclei. X-ray photons have an energy of 100 eV to 250 eV, which corresponds to radiation with a frequency of 3 · 10 16 Hz to 6 · 10 19 Hz and a wavelength of 0.005 - 10 (the generally accepted definition of the lower boundary of the radiation rays in the wavelength scale does not exist) . Soft X-ray characterized by the smallest photon energy and radiation frequency (and the largest wavelength), and hard x-ray It has the highest energy of the photon and the radiation frequency (and the smallest wavelength). Hard x-ray is used primarily for industrial purposes.


Schematic image of an X-ray tube. X - X-rays, K - cathode, and - anode (sometimes called an anticatode), C - heat sink, U H. - the heat voltage of the cathode, U A. - Accelerating voltage, W in - water cooling intake, W OUT - Water cooling release (see X-ray tube).

X-rays arise with strong acceleration of charged particles (braking radiation), or with high-energy transitions in electronic shells of atoms or molecules. Both effects are used in X-ray tubes, in which the electrons emitted by the cathode are accelerated by the difference in electrical potentials between the anode and the cathode (the X-rays are not emitted, since the acceleration is too small) and hit the anode where they are braking dramatically ( At the same time, X-rays are emitted: i.e. braking radiation) and at the same time electrales are knocked out from the internal electron shells of the anode atoms. Empty places in the shells are engaged in other electrons of the atom. At the same time, X-ray radiation is emitted with anode-specific energy spectrum (characteristic radiation, frequencies are determined by the law of Moslos: where Z. - the atomic number of the anode element, A. and B. - Constants for a certain value of the main quantum number n. electronic shell). Currently, the anodes are mainly made of ceramics, and they are part of them where electrons hit, from molybdenum.

In the process of acceleration-braking, only about 1 kinetic electron energy goes to X-ray radiation, 99% of energy turns into heat.

X-ray radiation can also be obtained on accelerators of charged particles. T.N. The synchrotron radiation occurs with the deviation of the beam of particles in a magnetic field, as a result of which they are accelerated in the direction perpendicular to their movement. The synchrotron radiation has a solid spectrum with the upper boundary. With appropriately selected parameters (magnetic field value and particle energy), X-rays can also be obtained in the synchrotron radiation spectrum.

The wavelengths of the spectral lines of the K-series (NM) for a number of anode materials. .
Kα. Kα₁. Kα₂. Kβ₁. Kβ₂.
0,193735 0,193604 0,193998 0,17566 0,17442
0,154184 0,154056 0,154439 0,139222 0,138109
0,0560834 0,0559363 0,0563775
0,2291 0,22897 0,229361
0,179026 0,178897 0,179285
0,071073 0,07093 0,071359
0,0210599 0,0208992 0,0213813
0,078593 0,079015 0,070173 0,068993
0,165791 0,166175 0,15001 0,14886

Interaction with matter

The radiation wavelength length is comparable to atoms, so there is no material from which it would be possible to make a lens for X-ray rays. In addition, with perpendicular drop on the surface, X-rays are almost not reflected. Despite this, in X-ray optics, methods for constructing optical elements for X-rays were found.

X-ray rays can penetrate the substance, and the various substances are absorbed in different ways. The absorption of X-rays is the most important property in X-ray shooting. The intensity of X-ray rays exponentially decreases depending on the path traveled in the absorbing layer ( I \u003d I. 0 e -KD.where d. - layer thickness, coefficient k. Proportional Z.³λ³, Z. - the atomic number of the element, λ is the wavelength).

The absorption occurs as a result of photographic absorption (photoeffect) and Compton scattering:

  • Under photo absorption It is understood as the process of knocking out an electron photon from an atom shell, which requires that the photon energy is more than some minimum value. If we consider the likelihood of an act of absorption, depending on the photon energy, then when it reaches a certain energy, it (probability) increases sharply to its maximum value. For higher energy values, the probability of continuously decreases. Due to this dependence, they say that there is border of the absorption. The place of the electron escaped when the electron absorption occupies occupies another electron, the radiation with a smaller photon energy is emitted, it occurs. The process of fluorescence.
  • X-ray photon can interact not only with connected electrons, but also with free, as well as weakly coupled electrons. Photons scattering on electrons - T. N. compton scattering. Depending on the scattering angle, the photon wavelength increases to a certain amount and, accordingly, the energy decreases. Complimentary scattering, compared with photographic absorption, becomes the predominant at higher photon energies.

In addition to these processes, there is another principal possibility of absorption - due to the occurrence of electron-positron steam. However, this requires the energies of more than 1.022 mE in, which lie outside the above-mentioned border of X-ray radiation (<250 кэВ)

Biological impact

X-ray radiation is ionizing. It affects the fabric of living organisms and may cause radiation diseases, radial burns and malignant tumors. Due to this, when working with X-ray radiation, protection measures must be observed. It is believed that the defeat is directly proportional to the absorbed dose of radiation. X-ray radiation is a mutagenic factor.

check in

  • The effect of luminescence. X-ray rays are able to cause some substances a glow ( fluorescence). This effect is used in medical diagnosis with x-ray (observation of the image on the fluorescent screen) and X-ray shooting (radiography). Medical photography, as a rule, are used in combination with reinforcing screens, which include X-ray fluores, which are glowing under the action of X-ray radiation and is illuminating the photosensitive photoemult. The method of obtaining an image in a natural value is called x-ray. When fluorography, the image is obtained in a decreased scale. The luminescent substance (scintillator) can be optically connected to the electronic light radiation detector (photoelectron multiplier, photodiode, etc.), the resulting device is called a scintillation detector. It allows you to register individual photons and measure their energy, since the scintillation flash energy is proportional to the energy of the absorbed photon.
  • Photographic effect. X-rays, as well as ordinary light, are able to directly evode a photographic emulsion. However, without a fluorescent layer, it takes 30-100 times a large exposure (i.e. dose). The advantage of this method (known as uncooked radiography) is a large sharpness of the image.
  • In semiconductor detectors, X-rays produce electron-hole pairs in the P-N diode transition included in the locking direction. At the same time, a small current flows, the amplitude of which is proportional to the energy and the intensity of the incident x-ray radiation. In a pulsed mode, it is possible to register individual X-ray photons and measure their energy.
  • Separate photons of X-ray radiation can also be recorded using gas-filled ionizing radiation detectors (Geiger counter, proportional camera, etc.).


With the help of X-ray rays, you can enlighten the human body, as a result of which it is possible to obtain an image of bones, and in modern devices and internal organs (see also X-rays). It uses the fact that in the calcium element predominantly in the bones ( Z.\u003d 20) The atomic number is much larger than the atomic numbers of the elements from which soft tissues are, namely hydrogen ( Z.\u003d 1) carbon ( Z.\u003d 6), nitrogen ( Z.\u003d 7), oxygen ( Z.\u003d 8). In addition to conventional devices that give a two-dimensional projection of the object under study, there are computer tomographs that allow you to obtain a volumetric image of internal organs.

Detection of defects in products (rails, welding seams, etc.)) with X-ray radiation is called x-ray flaw detection.

In addition, the chemical composition of the substance can be determined using X-rays. In an electron-beam microscone (or in an electron microscope), the analyzed substance is irradiated with electrons, while atoms are ionized and radiated by the characteristic X-ray radiation. Instead of electrons, X-ray can be used. This analytical method is called X-ray fluorescence analysis.

Airports are actively used X-ray detection introscopes that allow you to view the contents of hand-made and baggage in order to visually detect on the monitor screen of items that are danger.

Natural x-rays

On Earth, electromagnetic radiation in the X-ray range is formed as a result of ionization of atoms by radiation, which occurs during radioactive decay, as well as cosmic radiation. Radioactive decay also leads to the direct radiation of X-ray quanta, if it causes a restructuring of the electronic shell of the disintegrating atom (for example, with electronic grip). X-ray radiation that occurs in other celestial bodies does not reach the surface of the Earth, since completely absorbed by the atmosphere. It is examined by satellite X-ray telescopes, such as Chandra and XMM-Newton.

History opening

X-ray photograph (radiograph) Hands of his wife, made by V. K. X-ray

The opening of the X-ray radiation is attributed to Wilhelmu Conrad by Rotgen. He was the first to publish an article about the X-rays, which he called X-rays ( x-Ray.). The X-ray article called "On the New Type of Rays" was published on December 28th in the journal of the Würzburg Physics and Medical Society. However, however, it was proven that X-ray rays were already obtained before. The catodolum tube that X-ray used in his experiments was developed by J. Khittorf and V. Kruks. When using this tube, X-rays arise. This was shown in the experiments of Crox and since the year in the experiments of Herry Hertz and his student Philip Lenard through the blackening of photoflaxes. However, none of them realized the values \u200b\u200bof the discovery made by them and did not publish its results.

For this reason, X-ray did not know the discoveries made before him and opened the rays, called it later, independently - when observing the fluorescence arising during the operation of the catodol tube. X-ray has been engaged in the X-rays of a little more than a year (from November 8, 1895 to March 1897) and published three articles about them, in which there was a comprehensive description of the new rays, afterwards hundreds of works of his followers, then published during 12 years, could not Add nor change anything substantial. X-ray, who lost interest in the X-ray, spoke to his colleagues: "I have already written everything, do not waste time." The famous photograph of his wife's hands, which he published in his article also published his contribution to the fame of X-ray, which he published in his article (see the image on the right). For the opening of X-rays X-rays in

No. 82 "Hard" and "soft" X-rays, their education and features.

Soft have a weak penetrating ability and are mainly delayed in organ tissues. They are not able to give us the necessary information about the body under study, but it is precisely they cause air ionization and have a biological impact, therefore are not desirable.

Soft X-ray radiation (strongly absorbed by substance) with a wavelength of 1-2.5 nm is used in medicine, in particular with radiation therapy. Heavily penetrating X-ray radiation is called tough.

No. 83 Uniform and inhomogeneous radiation. Filters and their value for x-ray diagnostics.

The X-ray tube gives a bundle consisting of x-rays of various wavelengths. If such an inhomogeneous beam containing a large amount of soft rays, not to skip through the filter, then the soft rays will be pulled in the body of the patient without reaching the X-ray film. All diagnostic devices must provide overall radiation filtering in the working beam (in a protective cover, block transformer and an additional filter). Excessive filtration leads to an excessive weakening of the intensity of the X-ray beam and deprivates its inhomogeneity, which is useful when radiography, as it ensures the most favorable contrast of the X-ray image. With said radiation filtering, there is a significant absorption of the long-wavelength part of the X-ray beam, the bundle becomes more uniform, rigid; The biological effect of such a beam is significantly reduced (2-3 times). Mandatory filtering practically does not affect the technical conditions of radiography.

Types of diaphragm:

Shutter moving:

Deep diaphragm:

X-ray tubes:

Thus, high-quality X-rays we can get working with a narrow beam of X-rays.

No. 84rengen agenic diaphragm, its device and appointment.

The diaphragm sash - change the size of the rays, form a working beam, they are installed on the outlet of the X-ray tube casing.

Types of diaphragm:

Easy - the exit (mainly use it);

Deep - in the inside.

Simple X-ray diaphragm (classical):

Consists of two pairs of movable lead plates (curtains) with a thickness of up to 5 mm;

The thickness of the lead ensures the complete absorption of X-ray radiation;

The curtains are perpendicular to each other;

The plates are moved to the side forming the second output window from the diaphragm.

Shutter moving:

Automatic - during the exposure.

Deep diaphragm:

Consists of a tin tube, in form - cube;

It is located at different depth three sets of pair of lead plates:

* Distal plates for creating a shadow x-ray image;

* Intermediate plates serve to shield scattered radiation;

* The proximal plates are located closer to the focus of the X-ray apparatus and provide the greatest protection against the rays (the worst).

The diaphragm there are light-level devices that are between the plates and redirect X-rays. These devices consist of a flat mirror, incandescent lamps, condenser lens.

The light flux from the lamp is reflected in the mirrors along the radiation rays;

It covers the same area as a bundle of X-rays;

Lighting has well-defined edges.

The area of \u200b\u200bexposure field in form and sizes must necessarily coincide with the approximate light field area! The center of the cassette must be in place where there is a pathology!

Clear image in the center of the cassette, on the periphery, the image is smeared.

No. 85 The intensity of X-ray radiation. Factors affecting intensity.

The intensity of X-ray radiation is proportional to the anode current, the square of the anode voltage and the atomic number of the anode substance. X-ray intensity can be adjusted by changing the anode current (cathode flow current) and anode voltage. However, in the second case, in addition to the radiation intensity, its spectral composition will also change.

Factors affecting intensity:

The possibility of falling the mains voltage;

Thickness and density of the underlying organs;

Changes in Pat.Process;

The age of the patient;

The presence of a gypsum bandage;

Geometric ratio of the X-ray pulling raster;

The saturation of the instrument under investigators;

Film contrast coefficient.

No. 86 Spatial weakening of radiation. The laws of the distance square.

The dose of irradiation decreases in proportion to the square of the distance.

The protection of the distance is based on the law of spatial weakening of X-ray radiation, which says: the radiation intensity emitted by a point source is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from this source (the law "back squares").

№ 87 Device of the X-ray tube

X-ray tube.

Made in the form of a flask made of heat-resistant glass capable of missing X-rays;

Inside its relative vacuum;

The shape and sizes are diverse;

Outside the flask is covered with a lead casing for filtering rays;

Between the flask and the metal case there is a layer of oil, for cooling the tube;

To exit the resulting rays, there is an outlet window in the form of a square;

The shelf life of the tube is 5 years.

X-ray tubes used in medicine:

By title: diagnostic, therapeutic.

Power: from 0.2 to 100 kW.

By the number of focus: one - and two-focus.

According to the design of the anode: with a fixed and rotating anode, with an open and closed anode, with a remote anode.

By cooling method: Water-cooled, caloric cooling species.

X-ray tubes with fixed anode are characterized by low heating capacity of the anode.

Mainly used in mobile dental devices. From 2013-2014, devices with a rotating anode are mainly used.

Disk up to 19.0 cm.

The cathode is shifted away from the central axis - this is a focal path.

In this tube, the anode is made of tungsten, focus from molybdenum;

In some devices, the anode may consist of a tungsten alloy as a disk of 8.0-10.0 cm;

The anode disk is actively rotating and the fact that it has the type of cone increases its heat capacity.

The X-ray tube is a glass vacuum cylinder, in which two electrodes: a cathode in the form of a tungsten spiral and anode in the form of a disk, which during the operation of the tube rotates at a speed of 3000 revolutions per minute. The cathode is supplied voltage up to 15 V, while the helix heats up and emissions the electron, which rotate around it, forming the electrons cloud. Then the voltage is supplied to both ecratrod (from 40 to 150 kV), the chain is closed and electrons at a speed of up to 30,000 km / s fly to the anode, bombarding it. The anode is made massive, a plate of refractory metal is fixed on it (tungsten), there are special devices for cooling the tube.

In modern powerful tubes, the anode is done in the form of a tungsten disk rotating during a snapshot. This achieves uniform heating of the entire anode, Anna only the point of the electron drops, which protects the anode from the destruction due to overheating.

No. 88 Anode X-ray tube, features of its device. Types of cooling anode X-ray tube.

Positively charged element;

This is a tungsten plate (target);

The working surface of the anode (the anode focus) is beveling at an angle of 45 degrees, or in the form of a truncated cone of low height.

. Anode called often an anticatode, has an inclined surface in order to direct the resulting X-ray radiation 3 at an angle to the axis of the tube. The anode is made of a well-headed material for removal of heat generated by electrons. The antiode surface is made of refractory materials having a large sequence number of an atom in the Mendeleev table, for example, from tungsten.

X-ray tube with a rotating anode.

Anode rotation speed reaches up to 2000 revolutions / minutes

Disk up to 19.0 cm.

the anode disk is actively rotating and the fact that it has the type of cone increases its heat capacity.

Transformer oil is used as cooling systems, air cooling with fans, or a combination of them.

No. 89 The main elements of the stationary x-ray radiation control panel.

the control panel - is in the pulp;

Control panel - coupling room:

Ensure the control of the X-ray apparatus;

Specifies the exposure parameters;

The power button button allows you to turn on and off the emission.

The control panel of X-ray devices, as a rule, is located in the control room, the control room is allowed to install a second X-ray monitor, a radiologist and radiologist. When in the procedural more than one x-ray diagnostic apparatus, a device for blocking the simultaneous switching on two or more devices is provided.

To ensure the ability to control the condition of the patient, the viewing window and the negotiation device of the speaker-speaking communication is envisaged. The minimum size of the protective viewing window in the control room 24 '30 cm, the protective screen - 18' 24 cm. To observe the patient, it is allowed to use television and other video systems.

No. 90 Additional components required in the X-ray system (high-voltage generator, image receiver, receivers Types)

image Receiver:

(X-ray film, fluorescent screen, semiconductor plate).

The radiographic film consists of a flexible transparent trianetylcellululose substrate, on which a photosensitive emulsion is applied on both sides (evenly distributed in the gelatin of silver microcrystals in the gelatin).

X-ray receiver can be a metal plate selena Semiconductor Plast. On one plate you can make up to 1000 shots. Technique research - legartentgenography. Me.the adhesive of the X-ray image on semiconductor plates followed by the transfer of it to paper. After applying the charge (in the special console "Erga") the selenium plate is exhibited in the same way as in conventional radiography. At the same time, a hidden electrostatic image is obtained, which is manifested by setting up on a dark powder plate - toner. Using a corona discharge, the image is transferred to paper and fixed in acetone pairs. There are positive sides of the electric agent: economy, the speed of obtaining an image. All studies are carried out in an unmeasured room, simpler storage than X-ray films. The negative side is that the sensitivity of the electric pressure plate is two times inferior to the sensitivity of the film, and this leads to an increase in radial load. Therefore, the electric agent is not used in pediatric practice.

The main indications for the use of electric power generation is an emergency radiographic study of the limbs and topometry in oncology.

The reinforcing screens are designed to increase the light effect of X-rays on the film. They represent a cardboard that is impregnated with a special phosphor (tungsten-acid calcium), which has a fluorescent property under the influence of x-rays. Currently, screens with phosphors activated by rare-earth elements are widely used: lanthanum oxide bromide and sulfite of gadolinium oxide. A very good efficiency coefficient of the phosphor of rare earth elements contributes to high light sensitivity and provides high image quality. There are also special screens - gradual, which can equalize the available differences in the thickness and (or) density of the shooting object. The use of reinforcing screens reduces to a large extent exposure time during radiography.

The X-ray cassette is usually charged with a radiographic film between two reinforcing screens.

digital registration of X-ray images.

High voltage generator

in, 380 in) in high (up to 300 kv.

№ 91 generator device

Increasing and straightening the voltage to power the X-ray tube is carried out in the generator device (placed in a steel tank filled with transformer oil) containing a single or three-phase enhancement transformer and rectifiers. The high voltage from the generator device is supplied to the X-ray tube with high-voltage cables having an outer ground sheath. The high-voltage device converts the network voltage (220 in, 380 in) in high (up to 300 kv.), which is served on the X-ray emitter.

The generator is in the procedural.

High voltage is fed by the channel cable (it is impossible to walk !!!), which passes on the floor.

The function of the generator is to provide a high-voltage X-ray tube necessary to generate X-ray radiation.

Single-phase is used to power the generator (conventional grounding sockets - mammographs, mobile devices) or three-phase networks (all stationary devices).

Using the rectifier, the generator converts an alternating current to the permanent entrance from the network.

Current inlet of the switches Output (cathode, x-ray tube)

1 compartment - rectifier, adds alternating current and is converted to a constant and transfers in the 2nd compartment.

2 compartment is a converter, which using a high-frequency oscillator converts it to a high-frequency alternating current and further in the 3rd compartment.

3 compartments - a block of transformers, there is an autotransformer - provides a radiosarange setting the desired voltage value in kV during the study.

Choosing a certain voltage value on the remote, in reality, we select the transformation coefficient.

From the output of the transformer, alternating current is fed to a high-voltage rectifier (4 compartment), where the alternating current is converted into a high constant voltage - it enters the X-ray tube.

No. 92 block transformer. Device and purpose.

The fetulations of the generator compartment is a block of transformers, which consists of:

1) an APTOTRANSFORMator - ensures the installation of the required voltage value during the study;

2) an increase in transformer cannot increase the voltage supplied to the X-ray tube to many tens of thousands of volts. This high voltage current is supplied to the X-ray tube and provides X-ray rays.

3) Glow transformer (lowering) is used to reduce the voltage of the current coming from the autotransformer to 5-8 volts. The current voltage in the secondary winding of the lowering transformer enters the X-ray tube helix and provides a certain degree of its heat.

No. 93 Halfighter single-valve X-ray tube power circuit. Voltage and current graphs.

Single-alterida diagram. Through the X-ray tube passes the current only into one of the half-periods and the voltage on the poles of the supply device pulsates from 0 to the maximum value.

In non-working (idle) half-period on the tube, a voltage from the transformer is supplied, somewhat greater than the rated voltage of the X-ray tube.

This creates difficult conditions for its work and reduces power. Therefore, such a power circuit is applied only in lightweight celades, suitcase and dental X-ray installations. To reduce the "idle of the half-wave" in some single-soluble circuits, the valve is used in the primary chain of the main transformer.

A selenium semiconductor is used as a valve with parallel with a large shunt resistance.

In the working semidewriter, the current in the primary chain passes through the selenium valve. When changing the polarity of the power supply voltage "Hallolver", deprived of the opportunity to go through the semiconductor, headed through resistance and weakened to the size of the "working half-wave". The specified power circuit is applied in x-ray diagnostic devices.

No. 94 Device and assignment of high-voltage transformer.

Principle of operation of the transformer

In the transformer there are two windings: primary and secondary. The primary winding receives a squeeze from an external source, and from the secondary winding the voltage is removed. Variable current of the primary winding creates an alternating magnetic field in a magnetic circuit, which, in turn, creates a current in the secondary winding.

The increase in the transformer in the X-ray apparatus is used to increase the voltage supplied to the X-ray tube to many tens of thousands of volts. Typically, the transformation coefficient reaches 400-500. This means that if 120 volts arrive on the primary winding of the increasing transformer of the X-ray apparatus, then in the secondary winding it occurs with a voltage of 60,000 volts. This high voltage current is supplied to the X-ray tube and provides X-ray rays.

The high-voltage transformer and rectifier are mounted in a special durable metallic tank with a geometrically closed cap, which under vacuum is filled with transformer oil, performing electrical protection (insulating) and cooling functions.

No. 95 Optical properties of X-ray tubes.

The optical properties of the X-ray tube are determined by the shape and size of the optical focus of the tube, as well as an angle of the radiation beam solution.

Optical focus is a projection of valid in the direction of the central X-ray beam sent to a removable object. It is always less than a valid focus and ensures the formation of a narrower working beam of X-rays. The lower the anode mirror of the anode mirror, the smaller the size of the optical focus, which means the high-quality beam of X-rays.

№ 96 Device of the tomographic console.

The layered image is obtained by moving during the radiography of any two components: an X-ray emitter, a removable object and an X-ray cassette with a film - when the third is still. The studied object remains fixed in a photocopying table - a tripod, and the X-ray emitter and the film cassette moves consistently in opposite directions. Their movement is provided with a rod rotating around the horizontal axis. The radiator is mounted for a long rod, a cassetteer. The pumping axis of the rod is installed at a given height from the surface of the table, according to the depth of the layer under study. And only this layer of the object is displayed on the tomogram.

No. 97 Transferred X-ray diagnostic devices. Their characteristics and types.

The devices that are constantly installed and are operated on the means of transport.

1) PFS - Transferred X-rayFluorographic stations - for mass prophylactic fluorography

2) Transferred Cabinet for Mammography

3) Transferred Cabinet for CT

4) Transferred Cabinet for Litotripsy (crushing of concrections)

No. 98 Mobile X-ray diagnostic devices. Their characteristics and types.

There are three types:

1) Portable, mobile devices (no more than 2 people are transferred). It is used mainly only for radiography, no more than 50 kg weigh, are stacked in 1-4 suitcase, the control panel - the button for turning the anode voltage across the hourly mechanism, which regulates the excerpt, the tube with a fixed anode and a small focal spot is placed in conjunction with a high-voltage transformer in Monoblock.

2) Collapsible field, intended for the study of patients and wounded in military field, expedition and extreme conditions. Their design provides for multiple assembly and disassembly in order to move.

3) the celades, for example, used for X-ray diagnostics in the hospital, outside the X-ray branch. You can perform radiography and x-ray.



No. 99 Exposure with radiography and its derivatives.

Exposition - This time for which electric current is supplied to the cathode. It is expressed in Mas. Exposition Production of radiation intensity for lighting duration. The exposition depends mainly on the strength of the current in the tube measured by milliamepers. The duration of lighting is expressed in seconds. Therefore, the exposure is expressed as a work of Milliamper for a second. For example, the current in the tube is 75 mA, the lighting time is 2 sec. Exposure will be 75 mAh2 sec. \u003d 150 mA / s.

The exposure selection depends on the sensitivity of the X-ray film. Sensitivity - the property of the photosensitive layer of photographic material is more or less chemically under the action of radiant energy (light, x-ray radiation), as a result of which a hidden image is formed, converted by manifestation in visible. Numerically, the sensitivity of the X-ray film is determined graphically with the help of a sensitometric form and is expressed in "reverse X-ray".

No. 100 X-ray tubes, their appointment and device.

X-ray tubes:

Necessary to limit the beam of X-rays;

Are installed more often on dental devices;

They are performed from tin in the form of a truncated cone, or pyramids;

Inside covered with a thin layer of lead;

Form dimensions and forms, but already constant;

The field can be increased by changing the focal length;

The lack of tubes is the absence of a light vision in them.

No. 101 X-ray diaphragm, its purpose, species.

The diaphragm sash - change the size of the rays, form a working beam, they are installed on the outlet of the X-ray tube casing.

Types of diaphragm:

Easy - the exit (mainly use it);

Deep - in the inside.

Simple X-ray diaphragm (classical):

Consists of two pairs of movable lead plates (curtains) with a thickness of up to 5 mm;

The thickness of the lead ensures the complete absorption of X-ray radiation;

The curtains are perpendicular to each other;

The plates are moved to the side forming the second output window from the diaphragm.

Shutter moving:

Automatic - during the exposure.

Deep diaphragm:

Consists of a tin tube, in form - cube;

It is located at different depth three sets of pair of lead plates:

* Distal plates for creating a shadow x-ray image;

* Intermediate plates serve to shield scattered radiation;

* The proximal plates are located closer to the focus of the X-ray apparatus and provide the greatest protection against the rays (the worst).

The diaphragm there are light-level devices that are between the plates and redirect X-rays. These devices consist of a flat mirror, incandescent lamps, condenser lens.

The light flux from the lamp is reflected in the mirrors along the radiation rays;

It covers the same area as a bundle of X-rays;

Lighting has well-defined edges.

No. 102 Power supply of a modern X-ray diagnostic device.

the total trend of modern X-ray equipment is the maximum replacement of electromechanical elements by semiconductor devices, the use of microprocessor equipment and the construction of the main chain chains with a conversion at an increased frequency.

Power supply of a new generation

Modular design improves the reliability of work and increases the service life. Even in the network failures, the doctor can continue to work, since independent operation of the module ensures the continuity of the operation of the device.

The high power and frequency of the conversion (240 kHz) provide the minimum exposure time, thereby reducing the radiation load on the patient and improving the quality of the mobile organs.


Receiver - Uri 12 "or 14"

CCD Matrix - 2048x2048 px

Power supply - 70 kW

No. 103 The intensity and energy of X-ray radiation.

The intensity is the radiation energy, passing through the cross-section unit per unit of time. It depends on both the energy of X-ray quanta, and on their quantity. In order to increase the quantum energy, it is necessary to increase the voltage (thereby increasing the velocity of electrons) and increase the flow current (i.e. increase the temperature of the cathode) to increase the number of electrons falling on the surface of the x-ray tube anode. This highlights a large amount of heat (energy) and it is necessary to cool.

When passing through the substance, X-rays cause its ionization: part of the energy of quanta is spent on the separation of electrons from atoms or substance molecules, ionizing them.

No. 104 Electromagnetic relay. Device, principle of operation, purpose.

The electromagnetic relay is a device in which when a certain value of the input value is reached, the output value is changed with a jump and is intended for use in control circuits, alarm.

There are many varieties of relay both on the principle of action and for the purpose. There are mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, thermal, acoustic, optical, electrical, etc. relays.

By destination, they are divided into automation relays, protection relays, executive relays, intermediate relays, communication relay.

Device. Consider as an example an electromagnetic relay with a rotary anchor. This relay distinguishes two parts: perceiving electrical signal and executive.

The perceived part consists of an electromagnet, which is a coil, bowed on a steel core, anchors and springs.

The executive part consists of fixed contacts, a movable contact plate, by which the relay perceived part affects the executive, and contacts.

The relay perceived and executive parts do not have an electrical connection between themselves and are included in different electrical circuits.

The relay is powered by a weak (small) signal, and itself can act more powerful actuator (contactor, oil switch, starter, etc.).

Operating principle. When there is no current in the coil of an electromagnet, an anchor under the action of the spring is held in the upper position, while the contacts are torn to the relay.

When the current appears in the electromagnet coil, the anchor attracts to the core and the movable contact is closed with a fixed one. There is a closure of the executive chain, i.e., the inclusion of a connected actuator.

No. 105 Autotransformer. Device, purpose.

The autotransformer is the main power supply of all nodes of the X-ray apparatus. It allows you to connect the X-ray apparatus to a network that has a voltage from 90 to 220 volts, and thereby ensures its normal operation. In addition, the autotransformer makes it possible to take the current from it to power the separate components of the apparatus in a wide range of voltages.

the autotransformer - ensures the installation of a radiosarange the desired voltage value in the KV during the study. Choosing a certain voltage value on the remote, in reality, we select the transformation coefficient.

No. 106 X-ray power supply devices URP -5, URP - 6. Their capabilities. Devices and control panel instruments.

Used to power digital devices. Power URP is carried out from an industrial network (U FROM).

The network voltage is fed to the voltage regulator (pH), then the variable voltage variables of a given value goes to the primary winding of the high-voltage (main) transformer (W). High voltage is removed from the secondary winding of the transformer and then enters the rectifier device (Wu) i.e.

compensation of voltage drop in the network and on the elements of the main ERP chain. The construction of the main supply chain of the URP with a powered of a three-phase network allows compared to a single-phase power supply, significantly reduce the ripple of the anode voltage of the tube, which leads to a significant increase in the intensity of X-ray radiation with equal values \u200b\u200bof the anode voltage and current.

All this allows you to stabilize the voltage fed to the X-ray tube.

No. 107 Permanent and additional X-ray filters. Device, purpose.

Glass walls of a tube flask, a layer of protective oil in a casing, cover of the window of the casing - constant filters

The diaphragm sash - change the size of the rays, form a working beam, they are installed on the outlet of the X-ray tube casing.

Types of diaphragm:

Easy - the exit (mainly use it); - Additional filter

Deep - in the inside. Permanent filter.

Simple X-ray diaphragm (classical):

Consists of two pairs of movable lead plates (curtains) with a thickness of up to 5 mm;

The thickness of the lead ensures the complete absorption of X-ray radiation;

The curtains are perpendicular to each other;

The plates are moved to the side forming the second output window from the diaphragm.

Shutter moving:

Automatic - during the exposure.

Deep diaphragm:

Consists of a tin tube, in form - cube;

It is located at different depth three sets of pair of lead plates:

* Distal plates for creating a shadow x-ray image;

* Intermediate plates serve to shield scattered radiation;

* The proximal plates are located closer to the focus of the X-ray apparatus and provide the greatest protection against the rays (the worst).

The diaphragm there are light-level devices that are between the plates and redirect X-rays. These devices consist of a flat mirror, incandescent lamps, condenser lens.

The light flux from the lamp is reflected in the mirrors along the radiation rays;

It covers the same area as a bundle of X-rays;

Lighting has well-defined edges.

Bank tests in the specialty "X-ray"

1. An additional filter on the energy of hard radiation acts as follows:

1. Relief rigidity increases

2. Relief rigidity decreases

3. Relief rigidity does not change

4. Relief rigidity increases or decreases depending on the voltage value
2. Responsibility for the purpose of the X-ray study is carried:

1. Attending physician

2. Patient

3. Administration of institutions

4. Doctor - X-ray

5. MH of the Russian Federation
3. The intensity of radiation by increasing the distance to the radiation source is changing by:

1. The increase is proportional to the distance

2. Reducing back is proportional to distance

3. Zoom in proportion to square distance

4. Reducing back proportional to square distance

5. Does not change
4. In the X-ray office there are the following factors of harm:

1. Electroporation

2. Radiation factor

3. Insufficiency of natural lighting

4. Toxic lead action

5. All of the listed

5. The average permissible annual dose for X-ray staff at the irradiation of the entire body under the NRB - 99/200ies is:

1. 5 BER / year

2. 1, 5 BER / year

3. 0.5 BER / year

4. 0.1 Baer / Year

5. 50 BER / year

6. The most appropriate conditions in terms of dose of irradiation of a patient with chest x-ray is:

1. 51 kV 4 ma

2. 60 kV 3.5 mA

3. 70 kV 3 ma

4. 80 kV 2 ma

Select one correct answer:
7. The most successful combination of the use of the technical capabilities of the X-ray apparatus, from the point of view of a reduction in the dose of patient irradiation, the following:

1. Increased current, voltage reduction, decrease in exposure field, Reduced by KFP

2. Increase current, voltage reduction, increase in the investment field, increase in KFP

3. Reducing current, increasing voltage, decrease in exposure field, Reduced by KFP

4. Reducing the current, increasing the voltage, reduction of the exposure field, increase in KFP
8. Dose of irradiation of the film in order to obtain a normal x-ray, should be:

1. 5 - 10 x-ray

2. 0.5 - 1 x-ray

3. 0.05 - 0.1 X-ray

4. 0.005 - 0.001 X-ray

5. Dose depends on the sensitivity of the film

9. A woman aged 40 came to a radiographic study. The doctor must ask her from the point of view of radiation protection, the following question:

1. When the patient got sick

2. When and by whom the study is scheduled

4. At what age monthly

5. When the following monthly and duration of the hormonal cycle are expected

10. The source of electrons to obtain X-ray rays in the tube is:

1. Rotating anode

2. Thread Glow

3. Focusing Cashechka

4. Tungsten target
11. Using the filter leads:

1. To increase the intensity of the radiation beam

3. To expand the X-ray ray

4. All answers are not true.
12. The X-ray exposure meter with the ionization chamber works most accurately:

1. When "tough" shooting technician

2. When shooting

3. With enough long exposures

13. When managing an X-ray exposure relay, it is necessary to take into account all the enumerations except:

1. Distances Focus - Films

2. Relief rigidity

3. Type X-ray film

4. Cassette size

Select one correct answer:
14. The maximum permissible capacity of radiation doses of X-ray staff is:
1. 13 μG / h

2. 1.7 mR / h

3. 0.12 mP / h

4. 0.03 mp / h

15. The smallest resolution provides:

1. Screens for radioscopy

2. Enhancement screens for radiography

3. X-ray brightness amplifiers

4. Uncursed radiography
16. The purpose of using lead diaphragms in the X-ray emitter is:

1. Shorting of exposure time

2. Restriction of the X-ray beam

3. Reducing the manifestation time

4. Filtering of soft radiation
17. The use of reinforcing screens allows you to reduce the exposure of at least:

1. 1.5 times

2. 3 times

4. 100 times
18. Gives the greatest radiation load:

1. Radiography

2. Fluorography

3. Radioscopy with luminescent screen

4. Radioscopy with uri
19. The greatest degree of "folding" with tomography provides:

1. Straight trajectory

2. Ellipsoid trajectory

3. Hyppeccelide trajectory

4. Circular trajectory
20. With panoramic tomography, the thickness of the selected layer depends:

1. From the corner of swing

2. From the width of the gap

3. From the radius of rotation of the emitter

4. From the size of the focus
21. The minimum permissible area of \u200b\u200bthe procedural X-ray Cabinet of general purpose (1 workplace), a pulled and photo laboratory are equal, respectively:

1. 34 square meters. m, 10 square meters. m and 10 square meters. M.

2. 45 square meters. m, 10 square meters. m and 10 square meters. M.

3. 45 square meters. m, 12 square meters. m and 10 square meters. M.

4. 49 square meters. m, 12 square meters. m and 15 square meters. M.

Select one correct answer:
22. Fixing solution is subject to regeneration:

1. 1 time per week

2. After 48 hours of continuous fixation

3. With an increase in twice the duration of the fixation

4. At the end of the working day
23. Increased veil on radiographs can cause all of the above, except:

1. Embossed film

2. Increased power lamps in inactive lanterns

3. All answers are correct.

24. All the following snapshot characteristics are associated with the conditions of photographic, except:

1. Contrast

2. Permissions

3. Image size

4. Density of blackening
25. The sensitivity of X-ray screen films does not depend:

1. From the Conditions

2. From the type of screens used

3. From the duration and storage conditions

4. All answers are true
26. With a standard manifestation time of 5 -6 minutes, the temperature change by 2 degrees requires a change in manifestation:

1. 1.5 minutes

2. for 30 seconds

3. 1 minute

4. For 2 minutes

5. Changes in the manifestation time is not required

27. The manifestation of radiographs "on the eye" has all the following flaws, except:

1. not fully used developer

2. low contrast film

3. To the overestimated degree of reprimironments

4. Levels inaccuracy installation of radiography modes
28. For artificial contrasting in radiology, apply:

1. Barium sulfate

2. Organic iodine compounds

3. Gas (oxygen, nitrogen rushing, carbon dioxide)

4. All of the listed
29. Unit of dose power metering of X-ray radiation:

1. X-ray

3. X-ray / min

4. Gray


Select one correct answer:
30. Are not electromagnetic:

1. Infrared rays

2. Sound waves

3. Radio waves

4. X-ray rays
31. Individual X-ray dosimeter readings depend:

1. From the power of radiation

2. From radiation hardness

3. From the duration of irradiation

4. All answers are correct.
32. With an increase in the distance Focus - the object is twice the irradiation intensity:

1. Increases 2 times

2. decreases by 50%

3. decreases 4 times

4. Does not change
33. Using a pinching raster leads:

1. To reduce the impact of secondary radiation and improved resolution contrast

2. To reduce the effect of secondary radiation when the contrast is reduced

3. To get a picture of greater density and contrast

4. To reducing secondary radiation with the same contrast of the picture
34. Radiation of the X-ray tube of a stationary apparatus:

1. Is mono-energy

2. has a wide range

3. Depends on the form of the supply voltage

4. Right 2) and 3)

35. Small focus of the X-ray tube is considered a focus of up to:

1. 0.2 R 0.2 mm

2. 0.4 R 0.4 mm

5. 4 R 4 mm
36. The use of highly sensitive reinforcing screens with high X-ray amples allows:

1. Reduce exposure

2. Enlarge exposure
37. According to modern requirements, reinforcing screens used in medical practice must have the following qualities except:

1. High absorption capacity

2. High conversion indicator

3. The corresponding spectrum of the light emission

4. The lack of afterglow and delay

5. Resistant to physical and chemical impacts

6. Low-resistant and high temperature regime
Select one correct answer:
38. The established service life of most EU (reinforcing screens) is no more:

39. According to the international classification to standard screens (sensitivity class 100) include:

1. EU-И2

2. Perlux - ZZI

3. Cawo - Universal

40. The physical parameters of the image include, except:

1. Contrast

2. Sharpness

4. Signal / noise ratio

5. Artifacts
41. Blur ("Lubricacy") of the contours, distinguish between:

1. Geometric

2. Dynamic

3. Screen

4. Total

5. Physical

42. When conducting radiography, you can reduce the negative impact of scattered radiation using, except:

1. Reducing, as far as possible, the size of the studied area by collimation (diaphragmation) of radiation

2. Diffraction lattice

3 Increasing the distance between the object and the film (so-called. Air Gap Method)

4. Body compression

5. Low voltage

6. Increases current
43. The usual image obtained using X-rays:

1. More to the object being removed

2. Less object being removed

3. Equally removed object

4. All the answers are correct
44. The methods of radiation diagnostics do not include:

1. Radiography

2. Thermography

3. Radio Prophigraphy

4. Electrocardiography

5. Sonography

45. To notice small weakly contrast shadows, you can:

1. Maximum increasing radiograph illumination

2. Use low brightness light source

3. Use a bright point light source

4. Diaphragm image

Select one correct answer:
46. \u200b\u200bIn the study of the bones of the skull, styling is used:

1. Axial

2. Poinaxial

3. Straight, side

47. When studying the front of the skull, styling is used:

1. Putinous sinuses

2. Straight, side

3. Polaxial

48. When studying the base of the skull, styling are used:

1. Axial

2. Straight, side

3. Contacts, tangents

49. In the study of the front of the skull, styling are used:

1. oblique the lower jaw

2. Contact

3. tangents

50. When studying the bones of the skull, styling is used:

1. tangents

2. Putting sinuses of the nose

3. Polaxial

51. Specials in the study of temporal bones include:

1. Schuller

2. By cutting

3. Polaxial

52. In the study of the bones of the base of the skull, styling are used:

1. Polaxial

3. Side

53. Speccers in the study of temporal bone refers:

1. On Speres

2. By cutting

3. Polaxial

54. Specials in the study of temporal bones include:

1. By cutting

1. In Moscow

2. In Kiev

3. In Leningrad

4. In Kharkov
83. The first X-ray apparatus in Russia constructed:

1. M.I. Nemenov

2. A.S. Popov

3. A.F. Ioffe

4. M.S. Vegetrans
84. X-ray TV - the system reduces irradiation:

1. 0.1 times

3. 1000 times

Select one correct answer:
85. The sensitivity of the film with screens is:

1. 8 reverse X-ray (OBR)

86. With increasing anode voltage, screen brightness:

1. Reduced

2. It remains unchanged

3. Increases

87. Resolution is expressed in:

1. The thickness of the defect

2. Parach lines for 1 mm

3. Percent

88. With increasing focus, the image size:

1. Increases

2. Does not change

3. decreases

89. When removing from the tube, 2 times the dose is reduced:

1. 4 times

2. 2 times

3. 1.42 times

90. The best radiation protective material is:

1. Beryllius

3. Wolfram.

91. Weakening of the radiation beam when passing through various subjects depends on:

1. Absorbing the object of the object

2. Convergence ray

3. Layout interference

4. Scattering
92. A multidiscorant study can be made at:

1. Orthopositions

2. Trichopositions

3. Lateropositions

4. All the answers are correct
93. The radial disease begins at a total dose:

3. 1 B..
94. X-ray radiation occurs when braking:

1. Electron

2. Protons

3. Nitrons

Select one correct answer:
95. Where are the anatomical areas of radiography are projected:

  1. to the center of the cassette

  2. in the middle between the center of the cassette and the edge

96. What are the benchmarks on which the level of the location of the articular slots on the limbs is determined:

2. Subcutaneous

3. Bone
97. What are the identified anatomical formations of the heads orient when performing stacking, except:

1. on the outer opening of the auditory passage

2. Under the outer edge of the ear shell

3. For a mining process

4. According to the outdoor occipital elevation
98. What planes are vertical and horizontal. The specified planes include:

1. Sagittal - median plane

2. Frontal - the plane of the ear vertical

3. Plane of the physical horizontal - horizontal








2. 29

3. 33




Select one correct answer:




























Select one correct answer:









  1. {!LANG-15765f80f0207648dbed17c36edf1eee!}

  2. {!LANG-1c1bdd6d085b1e4178c43bea6e52ab29!}

  3. {!LANG-40ae74a551fd61bf43219207920ed123!}

  4. {!LANG-f601987a69e8f50b9dbe4658d0bff7d4!}

  5. {!LANG-37ad1aa434fb14431d33e753c49ab819!}

  1. {!LANG-bbbe340ee6cc3a6be38c81113248deda!}

  2. {!LANG-efac4345e09ff6f8b7f1d15408f621b7!}

  3. {!LANG-5bc0bc4ca952f6f43a82625977b4d290!}

  4. {!LANG-00803c1a1eecdb82644f77717450e827!}

  5. {!LANG-3873f74e6b3a250375366a3c575c9a0e!}

  1. {!LANG-e8789859d312f2f0d2512ec771e000ee!}

  2. {!LANG-9e80891b55b4bad58b68be8a3c2de875!}

  3. {!LANG-65a028559afc3959b2ef91706702f903!}

  4. {!LANG-991add4b462f98f1b6711f37e4838773!}

  5. {!LANG-c9d62f7eedaf5b3c2d745291e2b9f4ec!}

  1. {!LANG-4ddd552ad981c5e51581756c38cbd3a0!}

  2. {!LANG-0ca463c84fdd7583b27fefe1b1ebe485!}

  3. {!LANG-0e071d22e642f627ff9d9b32bc575b48!}

  4. {!LANG-dae6fbf7b8692fd9a76cef61bae0a212!}

  5. {!LANG-097fce7e2f334142085d2a58ca73b144!}

  1. {!LANG-7082cd44a7d017c78d8caef792202ede!}

  2. {!LANG-86e4d0f893158dc4fd642cf10864c8e1!}

  3. {!LANG-7cc949fe05b8251d0451ec4f7a69a8d3!}

  4. {!LANG-715f3cd5e525228d5c101e26df3926b5!}

  1. {!LANG-f23693bde4311444d77764452e5b9bd3!}

  2. {!LANG-9490ed55f7da63fd8806a9f2f7d1d2f8!}

  3. {!LANG-edecf9578f45a0b18e3f36b641ee509a!}

  4. {!LANG-c0eab6a6f7e436996ad1fb5fd2a1e539!}

  1. {!LANG-2d529d781ddd7a9cb228352398416d79!}

  2. {!LANG-2f16fd9a7f8d58284c070bff2a0ae714!}

  1. {!LANG-002801205e8d7beb5deca10a225b1554!}

  2. {!LANG-fb49e5d9afef4f9106456582bd8f147d!}



  1. {!LANG-774db8b66bba6196ee5170b50a8ee1ab!}

  2. {!LANG-68e9713d1b7e54bf163471cb778a7ff0!}


  1. {!LANG-e3073439a18d7e5b66933bf402540c71!}

  2. {!LANG-2af5bbd6d3be29a9f12d7fc9e7951b16!}

  3. {!LANG-d196a48c6647d5ee2a61e11a3a7064e4!}

  4. {!LANG-6eeadc8d654eb30ab972c04d42209c09!}



  1. {!LANG-7bea4e8ced2a3261d734473cd14a60f9!}

  2. {!LANG-e4c578d7dd1ce0e8d466a5fd24723043!}

  3. {!LANG-eef2ad10c2d7e1e439e698a0977878fc!}

  4. {!LANG-11962627cbe548ddad0f7f59cc55e3a3!}

  1. {!LANG-70ca8ab0d9149ff1ac05af7afd0a05da!}

  2. {!LANG-50bf68628442adde653e466c5e3729e3!}

  3. {!LANG-5ff1735163bbfb151cad2f293a1656e1!}

  4. {!LANG-1ad3daa429901cc69102841224ba094f!}

  1. {!LANG-ec419b27f831b49c90aa788f27594ad0!}

  2. {!LANG-d216b2b4bbafe890d174df3ab7c96a22!}

  3. {!LANG-3127441a988e4f9377c10351277ab2f3!}

  4. {!LANG-0fc464c0f74fef5c6b3bf090cdd65e0c!}

  1. {!LANG-a80d1f130123c8f3a8a9630afe5fbf3e!}

  2. {!LANG-85ad84b98ffb6c9dc0d34842281bf9a7!}

  3. {!LANG-184a08263a9e93866d3acc48db75de44!}

  1. {!LANG-84d501bb3d9cbcf5e6f0a01c49aec799!}

  2. {!LANG-05cd3eec3c9141b0b78610bc17846c32!}

  3. {!LANG-dd733ece4dca9ffb4e9e4be590751167!}

  4. {!LANG-1e4ff6cfcdb538ff27972336d4a73b30!}

  1. {!LANG-1d4302cc3468bb1476ae9474c1ccfaa7!}

  2. {!LANG-e47b5cbe33c04c124a9f5acadad972a4!}

  3. {!LANG-ba913f1260a3571f2e00bb2cb4ff6622!}

  4. {!LANG-969dff0bc2e5b31095bdce6b96ca4c05!}

  1. {!LANG-47043f08024f1fbb133acd610a8fe6c7!}

  2. {!LANG-e514e3b226b346cea992b6503f2df00e!}

  3. {!LANG-95f512b564c71a56fef6ffdd6f7d2ded!}

  4. {!LANG-91a6bff85f60078b040feace1210b9e5!}

  1. {!LANG-770da77b7323e6f4d27db599a4c21898!}

  2. {!LANG-a50dc8bc7e531344f9df0f989a9571f1!}

  3. {!LANG-b388148a3bf1a9bf0ee4a0e1f27df5d6!}

  4. {!LANG-bbfba02fc719c7e24d3a97cb670a1f69!}

  1. {!LANG-3f0e71b8a6d5dd08533f4fe94bdb6502!}

  2. {!LANG-a7ec3a966b186ae2ea1e48625dfaca5d!}

  3. {!LANG-3dfd74b4842ceccc20f194736f2d2ab7!}

  4. {!LANG-7d6e20808e6f8b11d7072e137804e98c!}

  1. {!LANG-1f30e4c13c1014fffd6896ca708d730a!}

  2. {!LANG-0fd7831d9f07247a6a0b043140cc47ce!}

  3. {!LANG-d6cb7047563dca7fba0664baddd423f1!}

  4. {!LANG-e87628f24a219da422136495e833d668!}

  1. {!LANG-328769b2e8d220caabf4d7b8f184dbe7!}

  2. {!LANG-295690272ce6d1b930e9cdf3f955c5c4!}

  3. {!LANG-3e35d2ad6ec3d9896a7e0f987e00276b!}

  4. {!LANG-353f0bfcd914f6cfdba2ba3140e9ea1a!}

  1. {!LANG-4e005f5410178e65b1d67e353340c440!}

  2. {!LANG-d1071e82bd47bfb3186d86dd7cc7aba9!}

  3. {!LANG-a262c631d77cc0f481286a0892f6cf99!}

  4. {!LANG-63980d58520dcb3cd9e5674436542b1c!}

1. 34 square meters. m, 10 square meters. m and 10 square meters. M.

2. {!LANG-1cfb6b38ead1f3199a55e505ae871784!}

  1. {!LANG-a3cfe85ae3cb768654060c05ec0a3094!}

  2. {!LANG-a9d1b8bf31ed65c0751cc3ba8fbc8b95!}

  1. {!LANG-7574716f72efc265aa5af62aee1cb666!}

  2. {!LANG-f07ee60d33ce6035efef103a9bb7444a!}

  3. {!LANG-13e4afb1a456a972c1b3426363c34b60!}

  4. {!LANG-3d567ff2ddfa11cf6cee5599608d93c1!}

  1. {!LANG-de64bcfca628b9cfdf1f3a5d7db018a7!}

  2. {!LANG-614df8d9be9ceeea140394f21668c49f!}

  1. {!LANG-6961882b14e249bae69ecc469d661891!}

  2. {!LANG-a70592bbc280bd744d868755609094a5!}

  3. {!LANG-bcb32df60940bba84d3e6daff374f8b5!}

  4. {!LANG-9417ef98465ff5df2d3562a97e3c156a!}

  1. {!LANG-d188af22bc2d5d5908728170282fae05!}

  2. {!LANG-d0275f99856e8b835be9f286bf953460!}

  3. {!LANG-bbd060dd869db354d2c24e37f42186a5!}

  1. {!LANG-56d2ee877bd01361708eb0cafd156d4d!}

  2. {!LANG-ba20d04383e06e13a69f37939ecd2b04!}

  1. {!LANG-c72bcbbf7f94d1019273845c4ca217dd!}

  2. {!LANG-d3d3c1617e650e9a1cf7f48253d95249!}

  1. {!LANG-97794074826cc9dbb52894bc2dbc7c78!}

  2. {!LANG-425573e2ea9fd39ae189e7ff4977f2bc!}

  3. {!LANG-9099af9c492691c226dd01d12feac735!}

  4. {!LANG-c1e8df10056677f5da78ae02c68e14ef!}


  1. {!LANG-0bb9e36a9db08e05a7b3f8bf526d865a!}

  2. {!LANG-a415fa5e6b8fb00e432cee8c01c3d49e!}

  3. {!LANG-6da84b1efdba6b08c65c39d0a9d598dc!}

  4. {!LANG-097fce7e2f334142085d2a58ca73b144!}

  1. {!LANG-a52e1d2da2cd2374991ddd96779a0157!}

  2. {!LANG-f762f4647fbc7d87560c469bb4cda75d!}


  1. {!LANG-57fec7fc3f79641a62cd7bc0a69325c7!}

  2. {!LANG-8387d14ffcb77f99fb5bb688e7b1cba7!}

  3. {!LANG-80a25b6540d052998e1d00bf885d7c79!}

  4. {!LANG-bbd54d1d32b2b746495536e4c7cfb4a0!}

  1. {!LANG-eb97c808388116bee8b320c941255ee9!}

  2. {!LANG-43c806560db1d4555d531b22c4b48929!}

  3. {!LANG-2658a6c68225cc5f944e9eaaaf33803c!}

  4. {!LANG-539fc80025add841356f116f8d64ed77!}

  1. {!LANG-4a44f07318800f070073bb5bc4382bd1!}

  2. {!LANG-faaeb8aa64ba68e74ae089492f03700e!}

  3. {!LANG-63343f0a6a4d7e91a3074e6bca957a3d!}

  4. {!LANG-c0f7aa81d8dd9c9d2c0a01190d6dfdff!}

  1. {!LANG-40d70c1c088eec4d38535d312220af40!}

  2. {!LANG-964266f8e08f8d8612aefaddd6877565!}

  3. {!LANG-5d038c05b1b1007d368854457870e2a9!}

  4. {!LANG-3a4744bbb5479104b8e8a5610ce4e74e!}

  1. {!LANG-a332425506dad46af3ea93932338cfea!}

  1. {!LANG-c2525468b33b6cc05465976a84ebb86e!}

  1. {!LANG-4159bd910fd7459d52b38b1d3b6a050e!}

  2. {!LANG-d7d03c37b30fa9fe28f41b293127603e!}

  1. {!LANG-15b8a337f9f4ca17b902f3b3fcd05efc!}

  2. {!LANG-54c0f45c24013dabef77d0a2d243ea33!}

  3. {!LANG-eb61c48ad7c6cbb80cfd38be3a8362e7!}


  1. {!LANG-b851a36151f9783bd58b9cba68f96168!}

  2. {!LANG-af268239a0350783c9c8bfd7c2c596a9!}

  3. {!LANG-d5e5d8453bade1e605c61dd96e0f8c45!}

  4. {!LANG-d737797b1ea573a2bad040cf3c8e0f7f!}

  1. {!LANG-9d61d5b57bf34095c3eab2e4ddc43b9f!}

  2. {!LANG-42f5894fee3996e7c0674c70345a3584!}

  1. {!LANG-be3bed5078728407ac38e9591a14cc9b!}

  2. {!LANG-6884b88579b1c920fc20c85ae3119f55!}

  3. {!LANG-9e0c349a075cb24e5c9bcf1fe472a979!}

  4. {!LANG-435dbc412db5f3a6c2f9ff61089704a6!}

  5. {!LANG-40c19fa79b4e7242bef1b59220f42273!}

  6. {!LANG-ab897cd25d36dfb3fb3a4766344a3bc4!}


  1. {!LANG-c761593d25477fbb55399b7368aefbb0!}

  2. {!LANG-dcaa06361698eefb479683dbc4107db2!}

  3. {!LANG-8b0f87bdee4f1eb38bbf9b6727e24ad6!}



  1. {!LANG-6961882b14e249bae69ecc469d661891!}

  2. {!LANG-e0c7ab2c0236cba03f61755da84e12ad!}

  3. {!LANG-9c0381c644dc22309ead982cab7700fe!}

  4. {!LANG-c0812a0013e0821fba3ea230ea5c0ade!}

  1. {!LANG-f61db1ef70890ad3a307316c6b3cfccc!}

  2. {!LANG-1a1bfe76581aed742dab54b147c52b60!}

  1. {!LANG-057318a41b72e60a7e8fc157e871605e!}

  2. {!LANG-e64e8cc58740bd6fcec36a0ddca8e7a6!}


2. Diffraction lattice

3 Increasing the distance between the object and the film (so-called. Air Gap Method)

  1. {!LANG-d759265c31bca03a03eda8105d10b918!}

  2. {!LANG-fffdd0d4aa43cb965827c1d667fa615d!}

  3. {!LANG-98a43ecb300fb115408cafac6f420718!}

  1. {!LANG-720c91bb41248a8456d58f30d5226c13!}

  2. {!LANG-e1305cacbbd01aefee9c947e8693df15!}

  3. {!LANG-6db613b9951791d307d1fdfaae5429d0!}

  4. {!LANG-741a9d46434617530855744ebd6e8526!}

  1. {!LANG-d1d6fbe067899d6be6525731f5c7a509!}

  2. {!LANG-5635e53843af612550665d0eaee33f29!}

  1. {!LANG-2cce1a1bb5eb3c503a68fc1f9630c051!}

  2. {!LANG-1aaf13bac5008fe12b0d9c3ed8218184!}



  1. {!LANG-f93ac9dc7ee92064c70354111196402e!}

  2. {!LANG-47728bcbcbe78e2d01da50540e057af4!}

  3. {!LANG-2d6e0697d97614cb3b1e65cee0be678b!}

  4. {!LANG-13cb04c476714a821e42886c61ace2ee!}


  1. {!LANG-1f30e4c13c1014fffd6896ca708d730a!}

  2. {!LANG-8a11afc931aa183871e2370d6fb874ad!}

  3. {!LANG-40a684c3916feb53ce6ad325e6ac610d!}

  4. {!LANG-d052041a47b48bacd8eafad17ca24824!}

  5. {!LANG-2ef2a52d44f8e1a1e6a9bff87d72c3a9!}


  1. {!LANG-7b72e1d62e60c68f9d70e57b180c600b!}

  2. {!LANG-b893082cabbf6e7fd08d98ca34fda090!}

  3. {!LANG-d19ce30aea6e91f9fbbedadcbe8c295a!}


  1. {!LANG-7fa80bae9cb30360e472c2a3b5d687a5!}


  1. {!LANG-2a29a4dc9a52744bb34486ba62595bfd!}

  2. {!LANG-ac70ead7df33c07f5dccfa5cab49ad56!}

  3. {!LANG-0b0294052dd9d226d3558048ec9c948b!}

  4. {!LANG-50f23033d41a4f557c4485c366d5b6cd!}

  1. {!LANG-3bd530ac2c51d67c80c1e392dcb1d9ea!}

  2. {!LANG-de6fca8f0a078641276b4e2d3cb2aa48!}

  3. {!LANG-70c29533c28d2372c4c3ee1c629dee7d!}

  1. {!LANG-577c1e366c240b1c4f17306743291de7!}

  2. {!LANG-70c29533c28d2372c4c3ee1c629dee7d!}

  3. {!LANG-06f30a51b5f7c3cb5e856b839aec87c8!}

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  1. 0,5 %

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  1. {!LANG-fa45e6468d1a1b1e4512cf27e60ac15d!}

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  1. {!LANG-6e36e6bf5f6ead107c58aedd31805d46!}

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  3. {!LANG-d389570503dd0cd67c4522676c17a00f!}













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  1. {!LANG-64042caffcd6b54981b365267d3cb342!}

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  1. {!LANG-64042caffcd6b54981b365267d3cb342!}

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  1. {!LANG-19e685195b472b5bf2c941067dcb47eb!}

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  1. {!LANG-19e685195b472b5bf2c941067dcb47eb!}

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  1. {!LANG-510824b8b6080fd079775cdce264a762!}

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  1. {!LANG-a5ddc3a74afabca7e156573ddcba1327!}

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  1. {!LANG-383ea176be269714aa76152fa6e9d6f5!}

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  1. {!LANG-cb7c21fd0c579030c3211abcce9190af!}

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  1. {!LANG-1456d69589c7cf0acdf0712cb13f19e8!}

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  1. {!LANG-ab8e2f2e6a89279c359f29cb1d2f8da4!}

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  1. {!LANG-7993dae11c6f227dbed255ac989ee06c!}

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  1. {!LANG-890bd7a6ed851f7b89047f93d58e96ac!}

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  1. {!LANG-be22f51177f84981181b1760155407f8!}

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  1. {!LANG-ea81be105b4a2fbd7db1d8ffed4e1586!}

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  1. {!LANG-2f9ada2524db7b55be67e34fe20e7d45!}

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  1. {!LANG-c6479a16adc8387e50851be2ba6960da!}

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  1. {!LANG-6840f3c8f08b9e85ddd430cbca4866c0!}

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  1. {!LANG-9f546916f94f50ea93434e663ed6eac6!}

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  1. {!LANG-82ba8d588800d6347a50a6729eeb2778!}

  2. {!LANG-8a3f6f95e9334d9b6f3e4434034e36aa!}

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  1. {!LANG-94e35e640da3869319ac1eadfbf7ccfb!}

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  1. {!LANG-397d877c49aa2964bd06471d3e5ae903!}

  2. {!LANG-cd23c6b353200175145df8319f0b19e2!}

  3. {!LANG-c38ad64916c03a5e857579ec2d6ce97d!}

  1. {!LANG-cad7d2ba774d319a5085482763dd8c22!}

  2. {!LANG-7993dae11c6f227dbed255ac989ee06c!}

  3. {!LANG-6a2b4a9b7f93829ac9be5d36acbc71ea!}

  1. {!LANG-ee5ffe594d8de3b2f3fa1e3572bde84c!}

  2. {!LANG-9cda6bc9f94fb10dffc211b371f67ee1!}

  3. {!LANG-8ece10fc9305cd590b5ef38c724e04ee!}

  1. {!LANG-f310d2e9e5011ba1521625bb22c490ea!}

  2. {!LANG-09440d8ff1a53b7f2884047ed5b11fa2!}

  3. {!LANG-ded6ae57577fd6774715b562e5d6c85b!}

  1. {!LANG-575b40200cc4a9ff23dd17b2924f8bbe!}

  2. {!LANG-31f222c0094b864e23240aabf9606200!}

  3. {!LANG-988043eb047b9147b1fc9abb5d4c1d6d!}

  1. {!LANG-0205cca30423ae3e04bcdef7d5c04adf!}

  2. {!LANG-c9ef8d89609c1bcf41bebd1abecfb805!}


  1. {!LANG-375307b13ed035b2fd6adfcf9c682abb!}

  2. {!LANG-d50ca0cd09a792b4a2b812028f7a335f!}

  3. {!LANG-215e6c3df7f5d33e870f5786485cbd9c!}

  1. {!LANG-28f4ee3cb31fb0f158e6c4faf9d48a2a!}

  2. {!LANG-d93383efe72c1616b9b10822d0e19235!}

  3. {!LANG-4222337a46655fe142c6e3d4f89a09dd!}

  1. {!LANG-fc075d72cfe4309433e32956ab4ed128!}

  2. {!LANG-6c9c9479a542d25187e47a46f81f787b!}

  1. {!LANG-28931dfc7f9373d2c9e1a4ceef15d3d4!}


  1. {!LANG-84c4c87f87b17287bd25ffc3b8aba0ed!}

  2. {!LANG-d5197b7b86d34f0a03edc092b9213761!}

  3. {!LANG-a4ff2650409e455ed2a5774ae270e402!}



  1. {!LANG-839c72f5de9070c39847f33c565cecca!}

  1. {!LANG-0128ca370611699f8dad54b910789408!}

  2. {!LANG-2f81162da1348c553d48b9d53a7e1c4c!}

  1. {!LANG-8cf0f6227dc1da6edbe2f7a3dbf9e02d!}

  1. {!LANG-7e67e2cb8f7c1457b1a4698a1b26cb29!}

  2. {!LANG-cf35af85d984f26c5ae7d031d5893bb4!}

  3. {!LANG-efc0a64c918e234080392eb642435e24!}

  1. {!LANG-e043913f68dc528c49d9f82933fc7c63!}

  2. {!LANG-09d5313d23d2b1e0584441b101ec05c6!}

  1. {!LANG-52e74a64ed086d3c6b0a7336c7221f6d!}

  1. {!LANG-8edf336d2b5c4bcd9aa377b8c87d1bef!}

  2. {!LANG-46f581c422492ad776c1cff3fa142e25!}

  3. {!LANG-df854386085ad7f3e130a05b98e8cd82!}

  1. {!LANG-900a38856e13302d6e322f54e4148818!}

  2. {!LANG-23b5b31b9ea696a4d765e876379370c7!}

  3. {!LANG-163f8e15c8ac43be4967c2872ab12c81!}

  1. {!LANG-00fd64cefb63aebb1a02078dbd4b29b5!}

  2. {!LANG-754912e0ab82e0307118bee06a6d1bed!}





  1. {!LANG-603abfa8d867df14110a03ee040b787a!}

  1. {!LANG-bcc125130eceeec00e04c48d3945f108!}

  2. {!LANG-38538a585d05a0142ab675df8ffb26ed!}

  3. {!LANG-82d0159a7993a737c66038c1aaef2c55!}

  1. {!LANG-156a89079d0058d5d39763df67aa0aee!}

  2. {!LANG-0fb4b9df743c34ceb0fc7361772f9d09!}

  3. {!LANG-650f93843518316d1544a90ddfba6fc1!}

  1. {!LANG-65f01e2ac2df59e25483978a54ff697e!}

  2. {!LANG-80c681d2d792d96f41d223cf6c76ef5f!}

  3. {!LANG-fe651e5a5efff8818baf15a86767dcb6!}


  1. {!LANG-525a92b7e40793a6f9c841d7a51b12e4!}

  1. {!LANG-5a194ca31074aca1f096ed4eb831bc1d!}

  1. {!LANG-1f30e4c13c1014fffd6896ca708d730a!}

  2. {!LANG-1955f067d4f98ff8558e7c38b35fa47e!}


  1. {!LANG-1f30e4c13c1014fffd6896ca708d730a!}

  2. {!LANG-1955f067d4f98ff8558e7c38b35fa47e!}


  1. {!LANG-1f30e4c13c1014fffd6896ca708d730a!}

  2. {!LANG-1955f067d4f98ff8558e7c38b35fa47e!}

  3. {!LANG-77471709322bb71b8e6f8e1e994ee3d7!}

  1. {!LANG-9d91e33c262f98e9feef5c5940645fe3!}

  2. {!LANG-7ab485e77990d74cab7900a9090ee69e!}

  3. {!LANG-a570c4cee843b6b4047e1e9938997eba!}

  1. {!LANG-6609f08b80fba5fc598156e2bf0a46a5!}

  2. {!LANG-9119a059cd23a0d6a7118ea8136b425b!}

  3. {!LANG-f222ba09881742d664b27011897dc9db!}




  1. {!LANG-c8770336ee9a1b92fea97db8d7571473!}

  2. {!LANG-638bb863721715934611a3fe622298c1!}

  3. {!LANG-128988c6590e78f168e2044ff50c8e28!}

  1. {!LANG-aa5590ca42a0e561348de3a43f2ecfdd!}

  2. {!LANG-11b3bc7b1dfdf92c255314c4e43151cf!}


  1. {!LANG-20a00168fa1b549f1b0cb4c8a6f86531!}

  2. {!LANG-83930ae5cf447a8bd3aed8d340d6b734!}

  3. {!LANG-34664d7c7a018bf5083aa087cada02f5!}

  4. {!LANG-fde577f236e51baf6314caba0515b67d!}










  1. {!LANG-669bf67ef4bd50ad11381856e057b6d1!}

  2. {!LANG-21170e43b2bf64f785a79d5605039cd1!}






  1. {!LANG-b271d12cbf26cafacded46511fd1eafc!}

  2. {!LANG-a4aec826f48c50ed692cbbe003e12ad4!}






  1. {!LANG-5d60dba6757048bd78e85c774f48befe!}

  2. {!LANG-77471709322bb71b8e6f8e1e994ee3d7!}





1. Radiography

  1. {!LANG-9c08d1157a39703297356d10e019737b!}

  2. {!LANG-77471709322bb71b8e6f8e1e994ee3d7!}

  1. {!LANG-116b9cb9ca8abc8d23ae489e90437e8b!}

  2. {!LANG-8da697f48ca380f99aead08417dd06a3!}

  3. {!LANG-142c88b287309c44b4b80000da851e30!}


  1. {!LANG-a82006563ca5f5d83a6bd5abe7684e5e!}

  2. {!LANG-a68095ad76ae5935b3e4319f8c20998f!}

  3. {!LANG-4b26ff74fb2613dafcc62d932be69849!}

  1. {!LANG-be27160051084b4021e4ea7b54697644!}

  2. {!LANG-27de125db626fdc798b54528c7b72596!}

  3. {!LANG-1ecee1448af03249328ed7dcc0984aad!}

  1. {!LANG-1f30e4c13c1014fffd6896ca708d730a!}

  2. {!LANG-1955f067d4f98ff8558e7c38b35fa47e!}

  3. {!LANG-77471709322bb71b8e6f8e1e994ee3d7!}

  1. {!LANG-1f30e4c13c1014fffd6896ca708d730a!}

  2. {!LANG-0eb0caeb4c0c2698d59c08c3267c2b4e!}

  3. {!LANG-b88abc7f71baeefe0f5d9e4959e0a7af!}

  1. {!LANG-cc3f19a8252d217669117c09b7b41c60!}

  2. {!LANG-46a8337a21c1e0b28b972a88176ecf0c!}

  3. {!LANG-b9c2019a2c52dd53d7dcdadc0917d5e9!}

  1. {!LANG-4a4841086d4a417ad5935a551147c2f5!}

  2. {!LANG-3d3aac7e3236f3b64a3cc4683986447c!}

  3. {!LANG-3ff0d52a23108e52d8c21d69f6a6dbbf!}




  1. {!LANG-7a1c3751c2cbbfa44f899989fa2023f6!}

  2. {!LANG-20adc259516a40a33009539b0291861f!}

  3. {!LANG-77471709322bb71b8e6f8e1e994ee3d7!}


2: {!LANG-eb5857706bf82b733214f868c6ce0165!}



  1. {!LANG-705eb8ca9f52f39ebef11373e22348a7!}

  2. {!LANG-85940dfa4f0a6b00a44ba298b9d23202!}


  1. {!LANG-4da8b1c035556e57e7203ec00dc1602a!}

  2. {!LANG-07e99b8be3a0c48b4f1c10307f817271!}

  1. {!LANG-3f1573e16f1c96f43f9571ad0eda050d!}

  2. {!LANG-b1565e6ffc67160383922671eec5034e!}

  3. {!LANG-fd06e3dc824e7975fd6a6061de51592e!}

  1. {!LANG-dfc36ee88876bb85d9ef9b92bd60c1e5!}

  2. {!LANG-cc3f643d297bff157bd6cbf2dbde63ce!}

  3. {!LANG-2a71b13bb3e51b98603184408e52a346!}


  1. {!LANG-ae11bb2953c41a5a1e2052ede32cc4b0!}

  2. {!LANG-6625b2830fc08f5fb016af197b474664!}

  3. {!LANG-1ecee1448af03249328ed7dcc0984aad!}

  1. {!LANG-ae11bb2953c41a5a1e2052ede32cc4b0!}

  2. {!LANG-6625b2830fc08f5fb016af197b474664!}

  3. {!LANG-c176d3834386711b5c308a822ae30c13!}

  1. {!LANG-62bd0a24d311e0bacc511426599655a6!}

  2. {!LANG-638bb863721715934611a3fe622298c1!}

  3. {!LANG-2d77d2df13ebf1d7c7266405126d5b4d!}

  1. {!LANG-3a992879311e4c9972e54b86e669b027!}

  2. {!LANG-7981de2774bc5b1b34b7ff53e73da34e!}

  3. {!LANG-9b2476f9ce4da9433752cea718b078a7!}

  1. {!LANG-a84b4ad28a78c1d672dabe7b45431c94!}

  2. {!LANG-7f5b2f13a471cf14f140c7c821364338!}

  3. {!LANG-d1fb2ef3c96ea8aaca6ecc92fad5aaeb!}

  1. {!LANG-a818c581fbcf7dcaf7f0c5de2dd3c935!}

  2. {!LANG-29b19fdb5b585e06d7969f3233a6811c!}

  3. {!LANG-a9222d5ab27299452910c60e2f0b245c!}

  1. {!LANG-9b66fc29707325c038c57f24623e8125!}

  2. {!LANG-24e3aee01dd85e21ed86941939452b32!}

  3. {!LANG-d92a371260c04c7eabc49e40ef3b223f!}

  1. {!LANG-d06355eadcaf88ee4d229c19ac031015!}

  2. {!LANG-eb83dcbf43bc311557cbdd4c884fa00e!}

  3. {!LANG-6d0af675751b5f9ff99056f337e90a0f!}

  1. {!LANG-eee354bcb60bc7b39c4a19ddeee37782!}

  2. {!LANG-eaba7966b293090fa8385299f495f6a7!}

  3. {!LANG-87f866c1cbe4a7f1a976a5c218558a12!}

  4. {!LANG-2b1ceac852151118f493d6e2b0277ad2!}

  5. {!LANG-3846e07c8c70fdca15e73d7d37584999!}

  1. {!LANG-d40bd50193e27e63eed26b743bf82cae!}

  2. {!LANG-ae11bb2953c41a5a1e2052ede32cc4b0!}

  3. {!LANG-1ecee1448af03249328ed7dcc0984aad!}

  1. {!LANG-46088e1bab2e6cbab63c575aa8d5d20a!}

  2. {!LANG-7a22899cb497a997ad944d550dfcf377!}

  3. {!LANG-857a69e1b3f39d29b90d3cb8f71cf1be!}

  4. {!LANG-1955f067d4f98ff8558e7c38b35fa47e!}





  1. {!LANG-cc605faca0200a9f42732c2559ad09d5!}

  2. {!LANG-828257cc81f2da1a1f1e9d7ca6a088ff!}

  3. {!LANG-1955f067d4f98ff8558e7c38b35fa47e!}

  1. {!LANG-1f30e4c13c1014fffd6896ca708d730a!}

  2. {!LANG-1955f067d4f98ff8558e7c38b35fa47e!}

  3. {!LANG-77471709322bb71b8e6f8e1e994ee3d7!}

  1. {!LANG-cc605faca0200a9f42732c2559ad09d5!}

  2. {!LANG-1955f067d4f98ff8558e7c38b35fa47e!}

  3. {!LANG-77471709322bb71b8e6f8e1e994ee3d7!}

  1. {!LANG-07fbad18195e77b81faa54761a8abd49!}

  2. {!LANG-45dc571dedd7d01fc21d78ed0cb61882!}

  3. {!LANG-1955f067d4f98ff8558e7c38b35fa47e!}

  1. {!LANG-1aa36f6e7e88be995e389f5d34e26c5d!}

  2. {!LANG-4c5dcdd5a0612f1bca411112324588b6!}

  3. {!LANG-e2918cb70879dced42af60b058a83264!}


  1. {!LANG-281dba72e720e51c016a393c55aedf8b!}

  2. {!LANG-1955f067d4f98ff8558e7c38b35fa47e!}

  3. {!LANG-77471709322bb71b8e6f8e1e994ee3d7!}





  1. {!LANG-bf1fa8ad54f7e529d49860694183ecff!}

  2. {!LANG-3c66287de509e6334d328ffd26ea50a7!}

  3. {!LANG-2c162bacc76d71136df55909a2505987!}

  1. {!LANG-df1751d0abdfcc2844f306e535036584!}

  2. {!LANG-1955f067d4f98ff8558e7c38b35fa47e!}

  1. {!LANG-df1751d0abdfcc2844f306e535036584!}

  2. {!LANG-2601fb3ebba579f6297dd4d2a666b124!}

  3. {!LANG-1955f067d4f98ff8558e7c38b35fa47e!}


  1. {!LANG-d0748da3c91c538685f6ab8dd5ede894!}

  2. {!LANG-260402f0a142783dc5b5031469d43f2b!}

  1. {!LANG-d0748da3c91c538685f6ab8dd5ede894!}

  2. {!LANG-6940968c3ad1d096f53bbc8d2a7257e5!}

  3. {!LANG-1955f067d4f98ff8558e7c38b35fa47e!}




  1. {!LANG-6940968c3ad1d096f53bbc8d2a7257e5!}

  2. {!LANG-1955f067d4f98ff8558e7c38b35fa47e!}

  1. {!LANG-4920ca3ded2e69b842cba11b6accaf1c!}

  2. {!LANG-b87bc64f46bf7f8ee2a31491ef6ab4fc!}

  3. {!LANG-4e4d8610a38f0f988a60340d5427a83e!}

  1. {!LANG-34b1a2af4ea9e2f4bc700ae84c035e56!}

  2. {!LANG-9acaa1a68e9e90b98e001bee260be7ac!}

  3. {!LANG-3e08e28cc15d04a6a65f0264346e0cd5!}

  4. {!LANG-784236e450d18022c3f3bf9a295896c9!}

  5. {!LANG-1913b8ad05979f0e37082aac6259badf!}

  6. {!LANG-b9477164796df2b6432af4a57fe68c74!}

  7. {!LANG-70b5261077190222d905af0d5154246f!}


  1. {!LANG-6d0af675751b5f9ff99056f337e90a0f!}

  2. {!LANG-1955f067d4f98ff8558e7c38b35fa47e!}

  3. {!LANG-77471709322bb71b8e6f8e1e994ee3d7!}

  1. {!LANG-b35e9f17c71323e54a3d829f54f48706!}

  2. {!LANG-d23775f8836d70583e151010df6c08d6!}

  3. {!LANG-6d0af675751b5f9ff99056f337e90a0f!}


  1. {!LANG-0305f610afd5f31f336643d1ff449c07!}

  2. {!LANG-00e6120354673220b0d414a032fa40bd!}

  3. {!LANG-f8cbee2269c3b07ddc0f4ab26f28790c!}

  4. {!LANG-2faf9804072a022a46c7955d5eac08a3!}

  1. {!LANG-1d485b0dcb26a4e717647f43c4e815a2!}

  2. {!LANG-1305d2fa33198fa9962c50ac232128f7!}

  3. {!LANG-e24bfc44960f5fd412e4a9556cdc1a19!}

  1. {!LANG-a282e0f92cf308e9045827f2c7bf5123!}

  2. {!LANG-da2849c1e405b4d8b194c628d2678bd7!}

  3. {!LANG-d3ef5bef4373a73dc9fb1ea1a6c26371!}

  1. {!LANG-f11fd0699920c1e9abc1971d90498edd!}

  2. {!LANG-6e87b2fd7f5a0d6b79d2fe81b0dad16a!}

  3. {!LANG-1955f067d4f98ff8558e7c38b35fa47e!}

  1. {!LANG-27b4e7d8e7ffb4990dcc745bcb3af2c2!}

  2. {!LANG-c11d6edf253a00e913c1fada805f1147!}

  3. {!LANG-7f156ae4bea64b00d8069a00f1eb52d7!}


  1. {!LANG-f11fd0699920c1e9abc1971d90498edd!}

  2. {!LANG-70707c39717ba9d32ce71b3cc1557eed!}

  3. {!LANG-1955f067d4f98ff8558e7c38b35fa47e!}


  1. {!LANG-1955f067d4f98ff8558e7c38b35fa47e!}

  2. {!LANG-dd4fd62f980faf1e6e0c628d50288586!}

  3. {!LANG-6d0af675751b5f9ff99056f337e90a0f!}


  1. {!LANG-29fde00a7b3d031ce658facc91b7a217!}

  1. {!LANG-1ecee1448af03249328ed7dcc0984aad!}

  2. {!LANG-be516878a749e92bb5111941c2a05e07!}

  3. {!LANG-1b352fdbca5cfb238c58f741548c4d98!}

  1. {!LANG-0631b44b905c21de94955b9e935728f3!}

  2. {!LANG-e7999f16547851ebc59b1269eba4ad26!}

  3. {!LANG-0b511a5b24137bfe2495573322963d87!}





  1. {!LANG-e872cbd2c6233a8c15b6aa253ae2fd3c!}

  2. {!LANG-acf676ce480b321aa6a978f1415398b2!}

  1. {!LANG-89f4ab6b009a93b1b72e4cc64c2911f2!}

  2. {!LANG-a7f1077c12248c494d732ed2c3a5d767!}

  3. {!LANG-a2f1e8f5acc40cae92897bcb37b2f5ba!}

  1. {!LANG-1f30e4c13c1014fffd6896ca708d730a!}

  2. {!LANG-6d0af675751b5f9ff99056f337e90a0f!}

  3. {!LANG-1955f067d4f98ff8558e7c38b35fa47e!}

  1. {!LANG-ece676cbd018ca8f2d73b6d00a969f38!}

  2. {!LANG-1fc569b64c2250597610d4126a9171ae!}

  3. {!LANG-a0433c0b1cefdd20789d89e1a3ff1d7e!}

  1. {!LANG-0ffe766abe59c7d26c2e64c1cd1fa642!}

  2. {!LANG-45a88b188ca9f17a2687dc64732ccfe6!}

  3. {!LANG-07545543bdbca714cb61deadb1593d8e!}


  1. {!LANG-1f30e4c13c1014fffd6896ca708d730a!}

  2. {!LANG-1955f067d4f98ff8558e7c38b35fa47e!}

  3. {!LANG-6d0af675751b5f9ff99056f337e90a0f!}


  1. {!LANG-6d11fe76038251d74d75c39fe4f73db4!}

  2. {!LANG-8b42b54e6ef40b859f9a2b06f3f089f6!}

  3. {!LANG-1ecee1448af03249328ed7dcc0984aad!}

  1. {!LANG-523bcbd8cf9a86465c44b0f9eb4a83b4!}

  2. {!LANG-ae0de6e89afd9d3a980a0af628efad3a!}

  3. {!LANG-21b9f509f2f5d7f73e5757b04aca71fa!}

  1. {!LANG-38859ec0ad2ca43d1a681e7779807415!}

  2. {!LANG-b7035e02f1c763c18316bdfb52be4822!}

  3. {!LANG-046f541b6d31ef9f7f093974ed582913!}

  1. {!LANG-aa1a64aeb6d9bc8b8752f951d6959ff6!}

  2. {!LANG-f6957ed27fa82e50da5f4be78a3bdc1e!}

  3. {!LANG-77e0be26b47d7b1ac4c40c160b5226ee!}

  4. {!LANG-1c5d90a948daa9d24882631cca2fd226!}

  5. {!LANG-eec608b88da7d3f3faab8f5ca7f9c627!}

  1. {!LANG-b6db4c6f3a06ee348c824c5c7b225b4e!}

  2. {!LANG-e4a47cc1d1fd731abcffde1ed7e940e1!}

  3. {!LANG-2ae411dbaad72842dc61626aee4a1688!}

  4. {!LANG-676168e770f869d61c4bec319fa01ef5!}

  5. {!LANG-643b72a6e8e018f0130b0977d1ef2217!}

  6. {!LANG-7ef5b98b617918d0bba7d7f5293aacdb!}

  1. {!LANG-6786ae19f14b97f0bdcd608755e7daf9!}

  2. {!LANG-c9a5d602eace337f22090facbd330ea7!}

  3. {!LANG-96171ffb101ad3dd3a252c517d072de5!}

  1. {!LANG-38859ec0ad2ca43d1a681e7779807415!}

  2. {!LANG-1ecee1448af03249328ed7dcc0984aad!}

  3. {!LANG-aa28b6276287472989f71749436d7567!}

  1. {!LANG-68bd7599cd9e2a8875432de20230bf7b!}

  2. {!LANG-98cb98055b295fed3efcffb78100f375!}

  3. {!LANG-b24ea7d83f236d18093998ff97f6a1e9!}

  1. {!LANG-c0f6bef82d3a7fa4a278b4398d9b36e3!}

  2. {!LANG-303c98616c81bc95ca8f2f6fcc33999e!}

  3. {!LANG-95cd7d088c6292732334a6debdc0108b!}


  1. {!LANG-ec312c3a2c4c9217fccd2f47b8945b23!}

  2. {!LANG-d5d1c71fbb01cc37abb78c694f4d8466!}

  3. {!LANG-1ecee1448af03249328ed7dcc0984aad!}

  1. {!LANG-c1589c2af5aab69ca42ab70563be283f!}

  2. {!LANG-6d0af675751b5f9ff99056f337e90a0f!}

  3. {!LANG-1955f067d4f98ff8558e7c38b35fa47e!}






  1. {!LANG-26ceb169ae511e10397a80385e62b8e5!}

  2. {!LANG-cc3634d584ac8b8d01e144db9615a01b!}

  3. {!LANG-07df1c6fbab7cbf3076f1f8bc7a220b6!}

  4. {!LANG-f98ef7d554927385b0394f3de1018a98!}

  5. {!LANG-4affd72b6b7ab7dd2cd58aa206998aa0!}

  6. {!LANG-7d6b3861a21d4214fbaf89dccfd6c42d!}

  1. {!LANG-1530e74f3189ecd96098eb3cd299e0ea!}

  2. {!LANG-851d4e7c54337aa4cde6bca9105ac028!}

  1. {!LANG-dbbd1fad1709ae1fb00097f934e2b657!}

  2. {!LANG-c176d3834386711b5c308a822ae30c13!}

  3. {!LANG-7b6d255aeaca49b5e7b55139478065a7!}

  1. {!LANG-f2e8c917ffff565aca29d6661999bf8a!}

  2. {!LANG-9ba629f2dc4f568cded42a2c362eed7f!}

  3. {!LANG-07fa4ca40d5cb2593ace1eeab2674a18!}

  1. {!LANG-99133a8ebe9cc2c15422076535a96753!}

  2. {!LANG-1955f067d4f98ff8558e7c38b35fa47e!}

  3. {!LANG-77471709322bb71b8e6f8e1e994ee3d7!}

  1. {!LANG-f11fd0699920c1e9abc1971d90498edd!}

  2. {!LANG-260402f0a142783dc5b5031469d43f2b!}

  3. {!LANG-1955f067d4f98ff8558e7c38b35fa47e!}

  1. {!LANG-1955f067d4f98ff8558e7c38b35fa47e!}

  2. {!LANG-77471709322bb71b8e6f8e1e994ee3d7!}

  3. {!LANG-8237f7c09d975db98c6c37629979c683!}

  1. {!LANG-6d0af675751b5f9ff99056f337e90a0f!}

  2. {!LANG-1955f067d4f98ff8558e7c38b35fa47e!}

  3. {!LANG-77471709322bb71b8e6f8e1e994ee3d7!}


  1. {!LANG-1f30e4c13c1014fffd6896ca708d730a!}

  2. {!LANG-1955f067d4f98ff8558e7c38b35fa47e!}

  3. {!LANG-77471709322bb71b8e6f8e1e994ee3d7!}

  1. {!LANG-f11fd0699920c1e9abc1971d90498edd!}

  2. {!LANG-a826be625816f4f2e1c68dcf7e69e7c8!}

  3. {!LANG-1955f067d4f98ff8558e7c38b35fa47e!}

  1. {!LANG-cd526d220dd9444c2614821470167478!}

  2. {!LANG-0eb0caeb4c0c2698d59c08c3267c2b4e!}

  3. {!LANG-8212d4e88c1ba32072fe80dd0fd8b8af!}



  1. {!LANG-ae11bb2953c41a5a1e2052ede32cc4b0!}

  2. {!LANG-1ecee1448af03249328ed7dcc0984aad!}

  3. {!LANG-c176d3834386711b5c308a822ae30c13!}

  1. {!LANG-1f30e4c13c1014fffd6896ca708d730a!}

  2. {!LANG-1955f067d4f98ff8558e7c38b35fa47e!}

  3. {!LANG-77471709322bb71b8e6f8e1e994ee3d7!}

  1. {!LANG-1f30e4c13c1014fffd6896ca708d730a!}

  2. {!LANG-879ccf1c3c0592621e9f7901125ecd5e!}


  1. {!LANG-8b42b54e6ef40b859f9a2b06f3f089f6!}

  2. {!LANG-1ecee1448af03249328ed7dcc0984aad!}

  3. {!LANG-c176d3834386711b5c308a822ae30c13!}

  1. {!LANG-1f30e4c13c1014fffd6896ca708d730a!}

  2. {!LANG-eae55767559415831b15a47d328224db!}

  3. {!LANG-1955f067d4f98ff8558e7c38b35fa47e!}

  1. {!LANG-1f30e4c13c1014fffd6896ca708d730a!}

  2. {!LANG-0fd7831d9f07247a6a0b043140cc47ce!}

  3. {!LANG-77471709322bb71b8e6f8e1e994ee3d7!}

  1. {!LANG-71ce4fe4a7f5a181bac8b3d3268216d0!}

  1. {!LANG-e360ca104028e241159a285088d13a38!}

  2. {!LANG-1309c55f3dd89ad9ea713a22b8e7fe04!}

  1. {!LANG-1f30e4c13c1014fffd6896ca708d730a!}

  2. {!LANG-fc12e1b8f46a42e2439fb4a8244a823c!}

  3. {!LANG-1955f067d4f98ff8558e7c38b35fa47e!}

1. Radiography

  1. {!LANG-1955f067d4f98ff8558e7c38b35fa47e!}

  2. {!LANG-77471709322bb71b8e6f8e1e994ee3d7!}

  1. {!LANG-1f30e4c13c1014fffd6896ca708d730a!}

  2. {!LANG-1955f067d4f98ff8558e7c38b35fa47e!}

  3. {!LANG-77471709322bb71b8e6f8e1e994ee3d7!}


  1. {!LANG-1f30e4c13c1014fffd6896ca708d730a!}

  2. {!LANG-1955f067d4f98ff8558e7c38b35fa47e!}

  3. {!LANG-414e25f79e673a394c5efa027bf52f39!}

  1. {!LANG-c8a2f3e00345db94649d3bff184ad6bf!}

  2. {!LANG-b86ffc2dce45c687de3038ffa2a15d5e!}

  1. {!LANG-0ba6f8b9c6549399f2dffe4cca91dc49!}

  2. {!LANG-8354099b54c8a4efc380a3d4fdf78879!}

  3. {!LANG-e3abb86a9855abb3374cc9a061c4fc54!}

  1. {!LANG-5086b1ed066ae2c5a96e946606ec7974!}

  2. {!LANG-c6934763470f56be2e1c434b27f73f75!}

  3. {!LANG-76c22c969c32b48026ba9d7744d79611!}

  1. {!LANG-aa06fe95b25301e2e28f65f706def71f!}

  2. {!LANG-03098c694e0ce4d2b06d5ac85777baa6!}

  3. {!LANG-48713c688751c14c1ea4206920e633d2!}

  4. {!LANG-db092080257ff897debe4ee8d8333f01!}

  5. {!LANG-c5b1aa0c2694178ab431598ed57cab54!}

  6. {!LANG-8fd323db8815e0fa7300e0fcf28d8277!}

  1. {!LANG-ca5aed1c729d12485ba50659141dc6aa!}

  2. {!LANG-2e67c040ecb8ba325f6570ac461cb69b!}

  3. {!LANG-621cce71b2075d324539d098f5a2c40e!}





  1. {!LANG-e0a049b3bdd36a0ee85c5afbf02dca69!}

  2. {!LANG-677197cf0f983a577dd7685118f5225e!}

  3. {!LANG-42cbfc139648be04b15a1d272aa83d76!}

  4. {!LANG-ffc6a43cae9f0763c8f36d679310d9bf!}

  1. {!LANG-cd0d8fa1b0c9dcac939d7f4a7784b86e!}

  2. {!LANG-c652933cac4f5633016346f6b6b814ee!}

  1. {!LANG-995954047ba2f4311c5b1a157be3a0f1!}

  2. {!LANG-81a68a46958653621d030c745af27ad2!}

  3. {!LANG-39051e43cb035fb5678ceee18817fa9c!}

  4. {!LANG-5776e136d2cd3afae56681281ce20c88!}

  1. {!LANG-a6b93bfbe1adb114bf6c889516c55421!}

  2. {!LANG-27a3a8e274a7a995016d98212aa6089d!}

  3. {!LANG-8f8a50e7f3144bc8300e4b676e494bcf!}

  4. {!LANG-a4df7d5333532e8703c088d440ff235f!}


  1. {!LANG-8b96e4090cfe88b7815c9421d1307817!}

  2. {!LANG-10ed82d2eca12b1e90b17116c3d19b61!}

  3. {!LANG-bbe473a2fb9c9019a4233e31c5dba9c5!}

  1. {!LANG-76d23e88e1e8dac4ab625f88fa8cea6b!}

  2. {!LANG-790cfc79a2a4894d8c55441316262ac1!}

  3. {!LANG-77471709322bb71b8e6f8e1e994ee3d7!}

  1. {!LANG-d71f3c10bb55d6385880b3a0d92dbbdd!}

  2. {!LANG-2e6d0b4ebcdff1b017f2191476bc4d83!}

  3. {!LANG-1955f067d4f98ff8558e7c38b35fa47e!}

  4. {!LANG-77471709322bb71b8e6f8e1e994ee3d7!}

  5. {!LANG-c06912663ff502ac654c47ae0675cb1e!}




1. Radiography



  1. {!LANG-1f30e4c13c1014fffd6896ca708d730a!}

  2. {!LANG-fc12e1b8f46a42e2439fb4a8244a823c!}

  3. {!LANG-1955f067d4f98ff8558e7c38b35fa47e!}

1. Radiography
