Ficuses. Growing and care

For flower growers, ficus is a real gift and not too fancy indoor plant. Having settled in a room or in a house, it pleases the eye with its green or variegated leaves different sizes and forms. This flower is very popular among both experienced and novice gardeners.

Types of ficus for the home with photographs

There are numerous varieties of ficus in the world - several thousand. Originally from the tropics, where growing conditions are quite harsh, these plants are able to tolerate drought, high temperatures, can grow on rocks and even rooftops. Ficus trees reach a height of several meters, and indoor ones can be either hanging or grown using the bonsai technique, delighting the owners with an evergreen crown.

In the list of a huge number of representatives of this genus, there are about two dozen indoor ones. We present you ficuses and their varieties with photos and names so that you can choose the cutest one for your home or office.

Ficus elastica (rubber)

Perhaps this is the most popular type that came to us from West Africa, Burma and India and the most unpretentious, which does not require much attention. IN room conditions it reaches 2 m in height, the trunk is tree-like, and can produce aerial “support roots.” This type of tropical plant cannot boast of a lush crown - its branches are quite sparse, but the leaves are large, leathery, dense, as if covered with wax. By purchasing Ficus Elastica, you don’t have to worry about lighting in the room. Rubber ficus survives partial shade well, but is demanding when it comes to watering. If the earthen ball regularly dries out too much, the flower sheds its leaves. Its color can be either bright green or paler with spots resembling scorch. Ficus Elastica loves to be sprayed and bathed. At this time, its dense leaves are wiped with a sponge on both sides.

Ficus Pumila (dwarf)

I came to Russia from China and Japan, where hanging crops are very popular. Numerous shoots 5 cm long with a huge number of leaves diverge from the main trunk to the sides. As the shoots grow, they take root through “aerial” roots that reach the ground and produce new shoots. With regular pruning you can create various shapes crown, which will very soon cover the entire surface of the pot and window sill. Ampelous ficuses, like many others, do not tolerate direct hits. sun rays leaving burns on the leaves.

Ficus Benjamina (Benjamina)

A variety of indoor ficus plants have original shapes. This look is more like bonsai or even a bush. Its trunk is small in height, but Ficus Benjamina pleases with a lush crown, which correct pruning turns into an oval or round bush. This genus includes plants with green leaves, such as:

  • Exotic;
  • Natasha;
  • Daniel.

And with variegated leaves:

  • Anastasia;
  • Starlight;
  • Kinky.

Experienced flower growers create elegant, unusual compositions by weaving trunks in one pot different types. Ficus Benjamina can reach 2 m in height.

Ficus Lirata (lyre-shaped)

Suitable for those who have large apartments or spacious rooms in the house. Ficus Lyre-shaped does not like close proximity to other house flowers. Its large shoots, which with proper care can reach 50 cm in length, have the shape of a violin or lyre, hence the name of the flower. In order for an indoor tree to grow better, it should be watered. warm water, regularly spray and wipe the leaves, often, at least once every 2-3 weeks, fertilize with mineral fertilizers. The leaves of this flower are mottled with light green veins, and the appearance of spots may be a sign of rotting roots or other diseases. Lirata is propagated by cuttings.

Ficus Binnendijkii (Bennendijkii)

In its homeland - the island of Java, this species reaches a height of about 20 m, and with its long, narrow shoots it resembles a willow familiar to our climate. In indoor conditions, the flower grows very quickly. For stability, it requires a support, which is installed directly into the ground next to the trunk. Narrow leaves 30 cm long hang down, forming a beautiful crown geometry.

Advice. If this indoor crop is placed incorrectly in the room, it will be impossible to achieve its healthy growth. Ficus Binnendijkii does not tolerate drafts at all, and even a short-term drop in temperature can lead to its death.

Benedika reproduces well by cuttings. A healthy plant regularly sheds its lower leaves. Falling off of the upper part of the crown may indicate disease or improper care.

Ficus deltoidea

A beautiful shrub or tree that is easy to grow at home. Proper care behind it is:

  • in creating high humidity;
  • in regular spraying;
  • in making mineral fertilizers once every six months.

The plant is very heat-loving; the optimal room temperature for it is at least 21-22 degrees. It grows slowly. The shoots are round, deltoid, covered with a glossy skin, have a dark green color, and pale color may indicate improper care or insufficient watering. The peculiarity of Deltoidea is the yellow-green fruits that form on the shoots. Culture brought from Southeast Asia, where it is more often found in the form of a tree reaching a height of 5-6 m.

Ficus benghalensis (Bengal)

A very spectacular indoor plant, native to India. In this country the flower is called the Sacred Banyan because of its rare form. Growing in natural conditions a tree that produces many roots. They descend from the shoots, take root and, upon reaching the ground, turn into a huge massive natural creature, which sometimes covers an area of ​​​​several hectares.

The leaves of Ficus Bengalis are quite large - up to 30 cm in length, often twisted into a tube and blooming as they grow, arranged in a spiral around a tree-like stem. Their color is light green, and there is a clear white vein running through the center, from which several side “stripes” extend to the edges.

The most unpretentious variety for growing in an apartment is Audrey. Ficus Benghalensis is excellent for forming bonsai. Roots gradually begin to branch off from its shoots and go down to the ground. With careful watering, sufficient moisture and steady warm temperature air, reach the substrate and take root very quickly, forming another trunk.

Ficus Microcarpa (Microcarpa)

A magnificent bonsai plant that can grow up to 1.5 m in height in indoor conditions. The bright green crown on an intricately woven, twisting tree-like stem looks very impressive indoors. The leaves of the Ficus Microcarp are small (5-8 cm), but grow very close to each other.

Advice. To form a beautiful crown in the form of a bonsai, gardeners advise cutting off the leaves as soon as their number on the shoot reaches 6-10 pieces, leaving no more than 3-4 of the healthiest ones.

The trunk of Microcarpa is covered with a thin bark with small tubercles. It easily tolerates dryness in apartments during the heating season, and its care consists of timely watering and spraying, so today it is becoming very popular among amateur gardeners.

For growing a plant in the form of a bonsai, the Panda variety is best suited, and for the formation of a shrub - Moclaim, the crown of which is rigid and has a bright, rich green color.

Ficus Carica (Carica or Fig)

This plant belongs to the mulberry family. IN different times in the numerous countries where it was grown, Ficus Carica was awarded different names - fig, fig, fig tree, wine berry. Home decorative feature- small fruits that have a bright orange color after ripening. The culture is easily formed in the form of a bonsai, thanks to numerous cuttings that quickly take root with sufficient watering.

Advice. If you want Carica to produce fruits, which undoubtedly make it more attractive, you should create optimal conditions for it - a spacious room (preferably a winter garden), abundant watering, high humidity and warmth.

This is one of the few species that normal height wintering required. During this period he is placed away from heating devices, and sometimes they even put it away in the pantry or basement until the first shoots begin to appear on the plant. On winter period Ficus Carica can shed its crown completely.

Young ficuses of this species are replanted every year, changing the pot a little larger in diameter. Mature plants can exist perfectly without replanting for several years - from 5 to 7. Carica easily spreads by shoots, cuttings, and when fruiting, you can ripen the berries and, having received the seeds, plant them in the ground. At the same time, any type of propagation requires the creation of abundant soil moisture and greenhouse conditions(covering with film).

Growing and caring for these exotic crops is actually not a very difficult process. They are responsive to manifestations of care and the creation of an optimal atmosphere; they will delight you with a beautiful, healthy crown, strong trunk and original leaf colors. The ficus trees presented in this article with photographs and descriptions are the most popular in cultivated floriculture. By observing all the conditions for their cultivation, you can achieve a unique, exclusive and very beautiful plant.

Ficus – favorite plant flower growers. Thanks to its high aesthetic qualities, this flower takes first place among its fellows. When purchasing a pot with a lush crown or receiving it as a gift, you should immediately ask how to care for a ficus at home. Take advantage of the valuable advice of experienced flower growers, and you will master all the intricacies of growing and propagating this plant.

Ficus varieties

IN wildlife There are about 1500 varieties of ficus. At home, no more than 20 plants of different appearance are grown, which differ in the shape and color of the leaves. Each subtype has its own characteristics, but any ficus is an unpretentious plant that does not require much effort to grow. These plants cannot bloom, but are indispensable for decorating and landscaping apartments, offices and rooms with a lack of natural light.


A wonderful indoor plant that has several types is the home ficus benjamina. These plants differ in the color of their leaves and the shape of their seeds. Ficus Benjamin is good because it is possible to create different shapes from grown plants if you braid flexible branches due to the rapid fusion of the stem system. This plant loves regular haircuts, then the foliage looks well-groomed and lush. Amateur gardeners can easily make a bonsai tree from this type of plant. There are several disadvantages of this plant:

  • it is prone to shedding leaves in the autumn-winter period, because it is preparing for the spring growing season (growth of new foliage);
  • is afraid of drafts, their presence causes leaves to drop, so it is necessary to create favorable conditions for Ficus Benjamin;
  • does not like direct sunlight; when it hits the plant, the leaves become pale and thin;
  • If you do not trim the plant in time, the branches stretch out, become thin and expressionless.

Rubber-bearing (elastic)

This type of bush indoor plant has a variety of shapes, heights, colors of branches and leaves. This flower is loved by many new gardeners and people who are often away, because... it is not demanding in care and has several advantages over its counterparts:

  • is not afraid of drafts, such a plant will not shed its leaves when the air temperature changes;
  • does not require frequent monitoring of watering. If you forgot or did not have the opportunity to water the plant, the ficus will not lose its leaves, they will droop a little. After watering, the plant quickly returns to its normal state;
  • undemanding to lighting: feels good in a semi-dark room, calm to diffused light and shadow. Under this living condition, the rubber-bearing ficus will have leaves slightly smaller in size than if it were in the light.


The art of growing large indoor plants in miniature is called bonsai. Few people know that an ordinary ficus can be formed into a tiny tree. It is best to start forming a bonsai in winter - while the plant has a slow flow of sap. This flower should have dense foliage and a thick tree-like trunk, those characteristics that make it look like a real tree. The dwarf ficus has several types of crown, which are characterized by external differences:

  • classic round shape;
  • in the form of a pyramid, when the wide crown on the sides narrows at the top;
  • cascading, when all the foliage slopes in one direction.

To make a bonsai tree, you need to connect the unformed shoots of a young ficus into a trunk using wire, wrapping them starting at the base all the way to the crown. The plant remains in this position for no more than 7 months, after which the wire is removed. For beauty, sometimes branches are bent, fixing them to the trunk. After the same period, they begin to grow in the right direction.

It is believed that bonsai mystically influences people's lives and their destiny. These plants are endowed with mysterious properties and powerful energy. Owners of such flowers in the house, when living with bonsai for a long time, begin to see prophetic dreams and discover the ability to predict the future. This tree helps in realizing a person’s thoughts about prosperity.


Ficus called microcarpa has round, bright green leaves. This plant is very similar in properties to Benjamin. They have the same care requirements, which are easily met:

  • The soil should not be allowed to dry out, otherwise it will affect the condition of the leaves. He will not throw them off like Benjamin, but they will droop and become dull;
  • does not like direct sunlight and shaded rooms, so this ficus should be placed in a well-lit place;
  • drafts should not be allowed to enter the plant, otherwise it will get sick;
  • It is necessary to trim the crown as the branches are pulled out to make it look well-groomed and full.


The most spectacular and original plant of the entire family is ficus lyreate. The main feature of this tree is its large, shiny leaves with prominent light veins. The root system of the lyre-shaped ficus is very powerful, capable of accumulating water, so it is unpretentious in watering; slight drying of the earthen ball around the roots is allowed. At home, this large-leaved plant grows up to two meters, so it is excellent for decorating residential and office premises.

Home care

If you are thinking about buying indoor tree, then keep in mind that all types of ficus grow happily in apartments. They will not only give visual pleasure to their owners, but will also purify the indoor air. To successfully grow these plants, you need to know how to properly care for ficus at home. This does not require much effort: only a few features are important when observing the watering regime, trimming branches and leaves.


At any time of the year, ficus loves moderate watering; you cannot “overwater” the plant, otherwise it will get sick and die. The soil should be moistened when top layer completely dry. It is impossible to say with certainty how many days this will happen: the rate of dehydration depends on the temperature in the room. Watering should be done approximately once every 7 days with warm, settled water. The drained liquid should be poured out half an hour after the procedure.

Once every 15-30 days it is necessary to give indoor plants a light shower using warm water. To do this, the plants are transferred to the bathroom and watered from the shower head. Thanks to this procedure, dust is washed off from leaves and branches. If there are insects or pests on them, they will also be washed off. After the shower, the plants should stand in the bath to let the water drain, then send the flowers back to their place. From such procedures, the leaves become glossy and well-groomed.


In order for your ficus to have dense foliage and a neat appearance, it is necessary to regularly trim the overgrown thin branches. Examine your plant carefully from all sides: you will see that there are several branches without leaves or half-naked. In order to revive and awaken the dormant buds on the plant, you need to pinch (cut off) the young light green shoots (leaves) that frame the ficus. This procedure should be carried out several times a year as needed. After pruning, after some time, the long-awaited leaves will begin to appear on the bare branches.


Ficuses propagate easily by cuttings from overgrown branches. The most favorable time for this is spring and the first half of summer. To propagate a tree, flower growers advise performing the following actions:

  1. You need to choose a cutting. You cannot take the upper young parts of the shoots - they do not take root. You need to cut off those branches whose stem has developed well and has a dense structure.
  2. Cut off the cutting sharp knife or garden pruning shears. The length should be no more than 15 cm.
  3. Remove any milky juice that appears at the cut site. To do this, place the twig in water for two hours, then drain it and replace it with fresh one.
  4. Cut off the leaves that are on the part of the cutting that is placed in water to avoid rotting.
  5. In two weeks small plant will take root. Then it will need to be planted in a small pot using loose and fertile soil.
  6. From time to time young plant It is necessary to arrange a cool shower. If this is not possible, wipe its leaves with a damp sponge or cloth.

How to transplant

The ficus should be replanted once a year. You should take a pot slightly larger than the previous one: this is required by the growing root system plants. This procedure should be carried out in spring or early summer. To transplant a ficus you will need the following materials:

  • flower pot with a small drainage hole;
  • special soil for ficus;
  • drainage pebbles.

How to transplant a ficus:

  1. Remove the flower from the pot along with the earthen lump.
  2. Clear away old soil. If the soil is too tightly clung to the roots, remove only the top layer.
  3. Place expanded clay in one layer at the bottom of the pot.
  4. Pour the first layer of soil into the pot and compact it with your fingers.
  5. Place the flower in a new pot, while adjusting the amount of soil.
  6. Adding soil, fill empty seats, make sure the plant is standing straight. Lightly press each layer with your fingers.
  7. If you use store-bought soil from a bag, you do not need to water the plant after planting. Wait for the top layer to dry.

If a flower sheds its leaves

Yellowing and dropping a small number of the lower leaves of the ficus is a normal phenomenon in the fall, this indicates that the flower is preparing for a new growing season. If you notice abscission in large quantities, then this is a sign of not favorable conditions in the apartment, it’s time to take action and save the ficus:

  1. Comply temperature regime for this type of plant – no lower than 15°C and no higher than 23°C, then the leaves will stop falling.
  2. Eliminate drafts where the ficus lives.
  3. If there is not enough light in the room, this becomes one of the reasons for the leaves to fall. In this case, you need to connect an additional source artificial lighting.
  4. Dry air in an apartment often causes the plant to shed its leaves, so during the heating season and hot summer, spray your pet more often and wash it with a shower.
  5. Lack of vitamins provokes leaf shedding. It is necessary to add fertilizing - fertilizer for ficuses to cure the flower.

Ficus diseases

When favorable conditions are created for growing ficus plants, these plants rarely get sick. There are cases of plants being infected by pests from other indoor flowers or during transplantation from new, poor-quality soil. The most common diseases:

  1. Mealybug - quickly attacks broad-leaved plants, spreading to nearby flowers.
  2. Thrips - settles on leaves in hot rooms with humid air.
  3. Root rot is a fungal disease that appears when there is excessive watering when the soil does not have time to dry out.
  4. Growing and transplanting

Even experienced flower growers It is sometimes difficult to imagine how numerous the varieties of ficus are; photos with names and descriptions of plants will help you form your own opinion about them. In the traditional view, established in the middle of the last century, ficus is a large evergreen bush or a tree covered with large dense leaves almost oval shape. Ficuses were found in abundance in apartments and in all kinds of institutions due to their unpretentiousness.

Today, indoor plant lovers have at their disposal not only the well-known rubber ficus, but also a host of other even more spectacular species, as well as variegated varieties and hybrids.

Ficus elastica

He can rightfully claim the title of the most famous among his relatives. It was this that at the beginning of the last century was considered a sure sign of philistinism and a bourgeois lifestyle unacceptable for a citizen of the USSR.

In the wild, somewhere in the tropical forests of India or Malaysia, this ficus looks completely different from how it is usually imagined. The average height of large trees is 30 meters, and individual specimens reach 60 meters in height. The diameter of the trunks reaches two meters, and thin aerial roots hang from numerous shoots, providing powerful plant additional nutrition and, if possible, rooting.

Ficus has recognizable leathery leaves, reaching 30 cm in length and having an almost elliptical shape. The central vein is clearly visible and is somewhat pressed into the leaf blade. Under natural conditions, the rubber-bearing ficus blooms, after which small, rounded fruits containing many small seeds are formed.

At home, flowering is extremely rare, but the flower grows very actively. Therefore, the crown must be trimmed, otherwise the reluctantly branching shoots lengthen immensely and lose their shape.

Among the available varietal plants Ficus Robusta is the leader in popularity - attractive large plant with powerful green leaves and few branched shoots.

In addition to varieties with even green foliage, breeders also offer spectacular variegated forms. The large leaves of such plants are chaotically colored in all shades of green, white and even pink. Moreover, pink or purple reflections are better visible on young shoots and just unfolding foliage. On some ficus rubber plants, this color disappears as the foliage matures.

There are also three-color forms, upper leaves which are greener and stand out with a bright pink vein, and the lower ones acquire a bluish-purple hue.

Among quite miniature varieties Ficus Melanie can be distinguished with dark glossy leaves up to 20 cm long. Young, willingly bushing shoots and foliage of the plant are colored in rich reddish-brown tones. The leaves are more pointed than those of the Ficus Robusta.

Ficus benjamina

Ficus brilliantis is better known in the world as from the photo of which it is difficult to assume that it is the closest relative of the previously described species. The plant attracts with its elegant shape of thin branches, which over time form a spreading, somewhat drooping crown, as well as thinner and smaller foliage than that of the rubber ficus.

Native to southern Asia and the northern regions of Australia, Ficus Benjamina in nature is a tall tree up to 25–30 meters high.

At high air humidity, aerial roots formed on shoots can reach the ground and take root successfully. As a result, one tree forms a living gazebo or banyan tree occupying a huge area.

This is one of the small-leaved ficus. The leaf blades, pointed with a smooth edge, do not exceed 10 cm in length and can be either plain or variegated.

Today, many varieties with a more compact crown, low stature, and small decorative foliage are being developed for growing at home.

Among the latest achievements of breeders are plants with spectacularly curved, as if twisted, foliage. An example of this is the Curly variety, whose leaf blades are not only curved, but also colored light green and white. The Buklee variety has larger leaves and is completely green, but also looks like an unusual tight curl. Monique and Golden Monique varieties have beautifully curled foliage along the edges.

Ficus Benjamin Natasha is a well-known small-leaved variety with rich green leaves, a compact crown and medium growth. The plant lends itself well to shaping and is quite easy to care for.

The Wiandi variety is similar to the one pictured on Natasha, but due to its natural tendency to bend the stems, it will be a real gift for beginner bonsai lovers. The plant has small foliage and a slow growth rate, which is a significant advantage for the crop.

Variegated Ficus Kinki is another common variety of Ficus Benjamin. A characteristic feature of this variegated plant is a torn colored border along the edge of the pointed leaf blade. This edging can be greenish, white or even cream.

Ficus microcarpa

Spreading powerful tree in the photo - another popular one indoor view ficus. It is difficult to imagine that a tree about 25 meters high is grown at home as a miniature pseudobonsai or a dense shrub that is regularly shaped.

Ficus microcarpa is classified as a small-leaved variety. Oval dense leaves of a rich green color with a leathery smooth surface sit on short petioles. Numerous crown shoots are densely strewn with foliage up to 15 cm long.

Ficus microcarpa is called the strangler. Such a terrible epithet is associated with the plant’s way of life in nature. Young specimens of ficus settle on the trunks and branches of other tree crops, but as they grow, the ficus entwines them and literally strangles them with its roots. Although the ficus microcarpa does not become a banyan tree, such a device helps the plant strengthen and receive additional nutrition.

Ficus ginseng or ginseng is so named because of its external resemblance to the famous oriental herbaceous plant that forms bizarre rhizomes. Unlike ginseng in nature, ficus microcarpa is not capable of forming such thickenings protruding above the soil. Ficus ginseng is a truly man-made plant, obtained by feeding the seedling with special hormones and preparations that stimulate root growth.

Unfortunately, such a plant cannot be propagated at home, but the gardener is guaranteed many years of admiring an almost real bonsai. When caring for the ficus crop, be sure to cut it and ensure compliance with the feeding schedule. Lack of nutrition is primarily reflected in thickened rhizomes, which shrink and can dry out completely.

The bush form of ficus microcarpa is classified as a special variety. Ficus moklame is easily distinguished by its graceful shoots, densely covered with leaves, forming a very dense evergreen crown. The desired shape of such a plant should be maintained by regular spring pruning.

Ficus benghalensis

Among the varieties of ficus, whose photos and names are well known among lovers of exotic crops, ficus bengal occupies a special place. Characteristic feature plants is the ability to form a banyan tree. This term refers to the growth of one tree to the size of a real grove due to the rooting of numerous aerial roots.

Ficus bengal has light brownish bark, smooth oval-ovate leathery leaves and small reddish-orange fruits.

Ficus lirata

Ficus lyreforme got its name due to the unusual shape of the foliage. Reminiscent musical instrument. However, this plant cannot be called a small-leaved ficus. The length of the leathery, slightly compressed leaf blade can reach 50 centimeters.

A large species is not very often found in gardeners' collections. However, Ficus lyreata is very interesting to grow. Slowly growing shoots branch poorly, but from below to top they are densely covered with luxurious foliage.

Ficus sacred or religious (Ficus religiosa)

The ficus sacred tree differs from its relatives in that during the dormant period it completely or partially loses its foliage. The plant grows quickly, and in nature there are often specimens up to 30 meters high.

The heart-shaped leaf plate of this variety of ficus would be quite simple, if not for the elegantly elongated tip, equal in length to the entire 20-centimeter leaf. Smooth leaves with clearly visible veins sit on long petioles. During the rainy season, ficus sacred is able to remove excess moisture. Its drops can be seen on the tips of beautiful leaves.

Between them on the shoots you can see many small round fruits. When ripe, they turn red or purple; they are inedible for people, but birds readily peck them.

Ficus sacred in nature actively uses its aerial roots, which descend to the ground and form additional stems of the plant.

The name of this variety of ficus can be easily recognized from the photo by both an experienced florist and a follower of Buddhism. It was under the sacred ficus that Buddha indulged in meditation, gained enlightenment and became a symbol of faith and universal wisdom for millions of people.

Ficus binnendijkii Alii

Ficus binnendica is often called willow leaf due to its linear, elongated leaves, very reminiscent of the foliage of willow or weeping willow.

The ficus variety Ali, as in the photo, is very popular among gardeners. At home, the plant reaches one and a half meters in height. And with the help of annual pruning, the crown can be given any shape.

In addition to the Ali variety, flower growers can have a variegated ficus binnetdika in their home. It must be remembered that varieties with bright white or yellow-green leaves are more capricious and require special conditions lighting.

Like the variegated plants in the photo, Ficus Ali grows well in a residential area, in winter garden or greenhouse.

Dwarf ficus (Ficus pumila)

Among the giant varieties of ficus, whose photos and names are presented above, ficus pumila or dwarf cannot even be called a tree. This is a perennial climbing or groundcover species, the lower parts of the shoots of which gradually become woody, and the young stems are flexible and tenacious. The ficus is helped to spread along vertical surfaces and soil by aerial roots that form along the length of the entire shoot.

The leaves of Ficus pumila are smaller than those of closely related species. The length of the ovoid, slightly wavy leaf blade does not exceed 7 cm. Moreover, on young shoots the leaves are smaller, and on mature stems they are much larger. In addition to ordinary plants with green foliage, today varieties have been developed with a white or yellowish-cream border along the edge of the leaf. In nature, ficus flowers and bears fruit. But growing in indoor pot In this specimen, you won’t be able to see the pear-like orange fruits.

Ficus collection - video

Majority indoor ficus(Ficus) are long-lived - by planting this plant on your windowsill, you can admire it for many years. True, when decent care you will need to “make room” for a home ficus - many varieties reach truly gigantic sizes.

Below are photos of ficus species with names, as well as information on caring for them. indoor flower ficus at home.

Family: Mulberry, deciduous and ornamental, shade-tolerant, light-loving.

There are many beautiful and easy-to-care species among ficus trees. And they are very different in appearance, so it will not be difficult to choose a plant to suit your taste or the appropriate interior.

Ficus tiny and binendia (with photo)

Ficus tiny(Ficus pumila)- a creeping shrub with beautiful, differently colored leaves that change with age (on young shoots they are small and asymmetrical, on adults they are large, hard, regular oval).

There are varieties with a light or cream border or with golden splashes.

Pay attention to the photo ficus binnendijka(Ficus binnendijkii)- the leaves of this plant are long and narrow (up to 25 cm), with a glossy surface. There are variegated varieties.

Ficus benjamina, bengal and rubber plant

Many various varieties ficus benjamina(Ficus Benjamina)(an evergreen tree with thin drooping shoots and oval-pointed leaves) - with white spots on the leaves, with a whitish edge and gray-green spots, with wavy edges or strong gloss, as well as others.

So, ficus bengal(Ficus benghalensis) - evergreen tree(in nature up to 30-40 m tall, in apartment conditions, of course, smaller) with smooth grayish-brown bark and large (up to 30 cm in length), leathery, oval-shaped leaves.

They grow very large ficus rubbery(Ficus elastica) with large (20-30 cm long) oval dark green leaves (young leaves are rolled into a tube and covered with reddish stipules) and ficus lyrata (Ficus lyrata) with lyre-shaped leaves wavy along the edge (up to 60 cm long and 30 cm wide).

Caring for home ficus: spraying and feeding

Ficuses are unpretentious and shade-tolerant. From the conditions for good development We note regular watering and desirable spraying (although in practice it has been proven that some errors are quite acceptable). Optimal temperature in winter +10...+15 °C, but warmer conditions are not contraindicated. Fertilizing is carried out only in the warm season (1-2 times a month).

Caring for a houseplant ficus: replanting

When caring for a houseplant, ficus is replanted annually, for adults - once every 3-4 years in spacious containers with good drainage. For large specimens, crushed stone is used as a drainage material. This provides stability to the container by weighing down its bottom. Soil mixture made up of turf soil, compost, peat and sand (1:1:1:1).

Caring for an indoor ficus flower: crown formation

What you should definitely pay attention to is the formation of the crown. It is necessary to carry out formative pruning. Some species, such as ficus benjamina, can be formed in the form geometric shapes. And you should be careful when turning relative to the light source - many species do not like this. The exception is the rubber ficus - it should be rotated relative to the light source to form a symmetrical crown.

The benefits of home ficus in the apartment

The benefit of a home ficus in an apartment is that this plant is one of the best air purifiers. They not only retain many harmful compounds, such as benzene, trichlorethylene and phenols, but also process them. At the same time, they secrete a number of biologically active substances that increase performance, help overcome stress, and normalize sleep.

Today, about 1000 species of ficus are known to science, but only some varieties are suitable for home cultivation. Individual varieties of ficus with photos and names will be presented in this article - they are most often used for home maintenance. This evergreen representative of the mulberry family appeals to many gardeners. Decorative deciduous ficus trees are easy to care for; you just need to follow certain conventions regarding a particular species. Due to their low care requirements, along with their visual appeal, ficus trees decorate the interior of a living space, the atmosphere of any office, shopping center or a cafe.

Rubber Melanie

All representatives of this family have a well-developed root system, the leaves have a dense structure, bright green color (in individual varieties there may be spots, edgings), different shapes.

The plant can be decorated as an indoor tree, a cascading hanging form, or a miniature bonsai. The natural growing environment allows them to reach enormous sizes and become full-fledged trees. Domesticated representatives of the ficus family have dimensions acceptable for the premises and grow slowly.

Ficus - where does it grow and where is its homeland? He prefers tropical countries, the Pacific coast, Indian Oceans, Mediterranean, South Africa. It is also common in Crimea, the South Caucasus, Central Asia, China, and India. The tropical rainforests of Malaysia and the Philippines, where ficus trees grow and bear fruit, are the plant’s homeland.

Ficus - types, photos and names

We often grow representatives of the ficus family at home; moreover, they are among our favorites. Bushes of different varieties are not always similar, but they are united by almost identical growing methods and care requirements.

Benjamin variety - Lovely

One of the most popular varieties, Ficus Benjamin, has universal sizes and resembles a small tree.

Photo Starlight (Benjamin)

This variety has several subvarieties that differ in leaf shape. The egg-shaped Benjamin leaf has a slightly pointed tip. They can be a rich green hue, have white inclusions, and edging (variegated varieties). Frequent pruning is recommended to give the crown a beautiful shape. The trunks lend themselves to weaving: gardeners often use this technique to achieve unusual decorative effect. To do this, several seedlings are planted together or ficus Benjamin species are used to create bonsai.

Photo by Midnight Lady (Benjamina) - photo by Alla Kholodzen, Simferopol

Ficus rubbery, also known as elastic (elastic) is the most common variety for pot growing. Buddhists revere it and consider it sacred. In its homeland (northeast India, south Indonesia) it can reach 30 meters in height. This variety forms branches as it grows and also forms aerial roots, especially when high humidity. Thanks to this structure of the root system, ficus elastica is also called the “snake tree”.

At home, it does not produce color; the leaves are quite large, oval in shape with a sharp tip. The Melanie variety got its name from its milky juice. white, which sometimes stands out on the surface of the sheet. The juice contains latex, which is why not so long ago this variety was used to produce rubber on an industrial scale.

Ficus elastica should not be over-watered, especially with the onset of winter.

Rubber (elastic) - Belize

A very interesting dwarf variety is the creeping ficus. It has curly creeping shoots, roots with suckers that can cling to any surface.

Pygmy Creeper - Pumila Green Sunny

It grows well in sunny places and loves moisture. Ficus repens has small, leathery, oval-shaped leaves (2-2.5 cm long, 1-1.5 cm wide - macrophylla) or even smaller ones (0.5-0.7 cm - minima). The stems of this ground cover variety prone to lignification. In bright light (but not in direct sunlight), the variegated leaf pattern becomes even brighter, and if there is not enough light, it can become simply green.

Its other name is ficus pumila, the most popular for home breeding are varieties: Sunny (with an uneven white border along the edges of the leaf),

Pygmy creeper - Pumilla Sanny

White Sunny (with a continuous white or cream border), Dorte (with white spots along the leaf). The dwarf creeper feels equally comfortable in hanging pots (as hanging plant) and ordinary pots.

Pygmy creeper - Pumila White Sunny - photo by Alla Kholodzen, Simferopol

Dwarf ficus can be twisted around special decorative poles, giving the right direction shoots.

Ficus Cyathistipula. It also has one name - Cyatistipula. This is perhaps one of the most unpretentious plants from the ficus family. One of the distinctive features is strong branching and closely spaced leaves. Hence the appearance that evokes admiration - he always looks magnificent.

The leaf of the goblet stipule is large, leathery, elongated: length up to 20 cm, width no more than 7-8 cm. The tip of the leaf is rounded and the tip is pointed. The leaf is dark green on the front side and light green on the back. The reverse side of the sheet looks interesting and unusual: in the form of a mesh.

Photo of the reverse side of the Cyatispula sheet:

And one more sign: brown scales. This is clearly visible in the photo above. Scales always appear at the ends of branches. They play the role of protecting young leaves from external factors. Over time they fall off, but stay on the branches for quite a long time.

The name Ficus Lyre-shaped was obtained precisely because of its leaves, which reach 50 cm in length (25 cm in width) and have wavy edges. This variety boasts the largest wavy leaves. From it grows a fairly large tree that does not like neighbors, preferring to stand separately from others. It does not apply to banyan trees (plants with aerial roots). It has an erect trunk, characteristic leaves with green veins on a dark green background. In their shape, the leaves widening towards the top resemble a violin.

Ficus lyreformes

Ficus with female name Natasha belongs to the Benjamin subvarieties.

Natasha (Benjanin)

It's evergreen perennial shrub, which can grow up to 2 meters in indoor conditions. The bush has many thin shoots with densely growing small leaves, which are the smallest among other varieties of Benjamin. The leaves themselves have a leathery structure, an ellipsoidal shape with a pointed tip. The color of the leaves can vary from white-green to a rich green hue.

Photos of ficus leaves Natasha and Cypress - for comparison

Ficus Natasha does not like drafts, direct sunlight, or frequent movements; she prefers to grow in one permanent place. Loves irrigation (twice daily), regular shaking of the crown (to ventilate lush foliage).

Photo of Microcarp Retuza

The Microcarpa variety is very similar in appearance to one of the Benjamin varieties. It is characterized by accelerated growth of the root system, so it is often used to create bonsai. Microcarp leaves can be different shapes: elongated, elongated, oval. On our shelves flower shops You can often see this variety grown in a special way that reveals roots that resemble ginseng rhizomes. The label attached to the pot says Ficus microcarpa Ginseng (ficus microcarpa ginseng).

To achieve this root shape, you need to do complex agrotechnical work using hormonal supplements and appropriate fertilizers. Under natural conditions, this plant reaches a height of 25 meters; it is also called a “strangler” due to its tendency to entwine the trunks of nearby growing trees, preventing their further growth and development. Ficus Ginseng is used as a preparation material for the subsequent formation of the plant to obtain the bonsai style.

Photo of Microcarp - bonsai style

Separately, it is worth mentioning the formation of bonsai - miniature trees, which with their appearance repeat their larger counterparts (roots and crown). The translation from Chinese “bonsai” is “grown in a tray.” Varieties used for preparations ordinary trees or bushes, but with the use of clever technologies of pruning, pulling stems with wire, and special watering techniques, amazing mini-gardens are created. Ficus is optimally suited for growing bonsai - it has all the required characteristics that are important for this direction.

Ficus bonsai is created from varieties:

The Robusta variety belongs to the rubber-bearing ficus.

Rubber-bearing (elastic) - Robusta - photo Galina ღღ, Lugansk

Under natural conditions, it can grow to a height of 50-60 meters (but specimens of 30-40 m are more common), and is the tallest representative of this family.

This is one of the most unpretentious species. Not very experienced flower growers and ficus lovers are recommended to start their activities with it. Ficus Robusta has fleshy large leaves(approximately 30 cm long), which can be either single-color (dark green) or with white or yellow patterns.

Photo of Robusta with leaves of different colors

It looks great in floor containers, loves frequent but moderate watering, and is not too demanding of light.

Another representative of the Benjamin variety is Kinki.

Photo by Kinka (Benjamin) - photo by Yulia Semenyuk (Mirekina), Krasnoyarsk

This is a dwarf ficus with small, narrow, light-colored leaves. green and cream edging around the edges. The light-loving Kinki, who prefers diffused lighting, does not like hot air (do not place it near radiators or heaters), as well as drafts. It is highly undesirable to move it from one place to another (it may shed leaves). It will feel comfortable with moderate regular watering and irrigation.

In the natural environment characteristic feature The Bengal ficus is a banyan - a special form of the structure of the root system, in which one plant from the outside looks like a forest of many trees growing nearby.

Bengali - Banyan Tree

The Bengal ficus has large (up to 20 cm long), slightly velvety leaves; at home it grows up to 2 meters in a few years. Loves good lighting very much sunlight, although it needs to be shaded to avoid burns on the leaves.

Photo by Andre (Bengal view)

Light is the main component of the harmonious development of this flower. If natural light scarce, then installing an additional source of artificial light becomes relevant. Not too active watering is recommended.

The Melanie variety belongs to the family rubber ficus, it was also once used to produce rubber, but is now a full-fledged ornamental plant.

Photo of Melanie (rubber)

Melanie's ficuses are neat bushes with a voluminous crown; they look equally harmonious in offices, home interior. This variety is unpretentious in care, likes frequent spraying, but prefers moderate watering; it starts to hurt from too bright lighting. It has glossy leaves with a leathery structure (12-15 cm long), an elegant trunk, and a crown that can be easily shaped. Allergy sufferers should take a closer look this variety before eating, since its milky juice is toxic and can cause allergies.

Ficus Moklame is a tall bush with a neat compact crown.

Photo of Microcarp Moklaim (Moklame) - photo by Daria Cherepenchuk, Orenburg

The shoots of this plant are directed upward, the oval leaves of a rich green color have a very dense structure - slightly reminiscent of plastic. This flower loves diffused lighting. With a lack of light, Moklame leaves turn pale, and with sufficient light they acquire a rich hue. This variety requires moderate watering and irrigation (especially in summer).

Ficuses in the house - signs

Ficuses are living plants, like all creatures, they carry an energy charge. Whether it is positive or negative is worth finding out. Sometimes on the relevant forums you can read owners’ concerns and discussions about whether ficus trees should be kept at home.

If we consider the signs, it is worth highlighting several basic, most frequently mentioned ones:

  • If you feel a sudden urge to purchase this plant, then it is likely that you will soon have a new addition to your family. However, for this sign to start “working”, the ficus must be given to you by a positive person who is pleasant to you.
  • If a girl or woman wants to get married, then she should grow a ficus from a small petiole with her own hands. Only she should care for the plant; direct communication with the flower is also recommended, that is, layering favorable energy on it.
  • If you place a flower pot in the kitchen, the family’s financial situation will improve and income will grow. If you have trouble sleeping or are stressed, then place it in your bedroom.
  • This plant attracts good luck, sets the atmosphere in a favorable mood, and optimizes energy in general.

According to biological studies, it has been proven that the presence of ficus cleanses the air in the room, saturates it with oxygen (releases phytoncides). This plant is capable of absorbing a variety of compounds harmful to humans (phenol, formaldehyde, benzene, trichlorethylene, etc.). Special enzymes that the leaves of the plant contain can transform individual toxic elements into sugar and amino acids.

There is information on the use of ficus traditional medicine Eastern countries: with its help, skin, cancer, and intestinal diseases are cured. However, you should not try little-known treatment methods on yourself, but rather consult a competent doctor.

A plant can only cause harm if a person is allergic to it. Selected species Ficus trees, the same rubber-bearing plants, secrete juice, which can have a detrimental effect on the well-being of people suffering from asthma. This juice cannot be tasted, and its contact with the skin is also undesirable.

Be doubly careful if you have small children or curious pets - contact with this plant may not have the best effect on their health.

As we see, positive qualities there are much more ficus trees than there are possible prohibitions on keeping them at home.

This is a beautiful evergreen plant, caring for which will not require you to spend a lot of time or have any complicated maintenance conditions. Any member of this family can decorate your home with its decorative touch. We hope that the varieties of ficus described here with photos and names will help you implement right choice and welcome a new green friend into your home.

Below are the varieties of ficus - photos and names of varieties:

Anastasia (Benjamin) Lovely (Benjamin) Midnight Lady (Benjamin) - photo by Alla Kholodzen, Simferopol Daniel (Benjamin variety) Baroque (Benjamin variety) - photo Galina ღღ, Lugansk
Starlight (Benjamin) Nina (Benjamin)
Baft (Benjamin) Irene (Benjamin) - photo Galina ღღ, Lugansk Regidan (Benjamin variety)
Safari (Benjamin) - photo Galina ღღ, Lugansk Photo by De Gantelle (Benjamin) - photo by Daria Cherepenchuk, Orenburg Lakia (Benjamina) Photo of Ali (Binnendik variety) - photo of Alla Kholodzen, Simferopol
Amstel Gold (Binnendik variety) - photo Galina ღღ, Lugansk Photo Opposita - one of the varieties of figs
Dwarf - Pumila White Sunny - photo Galina ღღ, Lugansk
Benjamin variety - Midnight Lady Photo Esther (Neon) - a variety of Benjamin
Deltoid ficus - photo
The deltoid ficus has a triangular-shaped leaf that tapers towards the stem.
Deltoid (variegated) ficus with a triangular leaf