Instructions for using the fire alarm when activated. Using fire alarms in a building

The Standard Instructions contain the basic requirements for the operation of automatic installations fire alarm at energy enterprises. The procedure for accepting installations into operation is indicated. Responsibility for the operation of automatic fire alarm installations is determined, the necessary working documentation and personnel training requirements. The basic safety requirements for the operation of fire alarm systems are indicated. Forms are provided for the maintenance and repair log of fire alarm installations and the acceptance certificate automatic installation fire alarm, approximate regulations for the maintenance of fire alarm installations. Standard instructions mandatory for managers of energy enterprises, shop managers and persons appointed responsible for the operation of automatic fire alarm systems (AUPS).

Designation: RD 34.49.504-96
Russian name: Standard instructions for the operation of automatic fire alarm systems at energy enterprises
Status: valid
Replaces: TI 34-00-039-85 “Standard instructions for the operation of automatic fire alarm systems at energy enterprises of the USSR Ministry of Energy” (Moscow: SPO Soyuztekhenergo, 1985)
Date of text update: 05.05.2017
Date added to the database: 01.09.2013
Effective date: 01.01.1997
Approved: 03/14/1996 RAO UES of Russia (UES of Russia RAO)
Published: SPO ORGRES (1996)
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RD 34.49.504-96

Expiration date set

from 01/01/97

Developed by JSC Firm ORGRES


Agreed with the Department of the General Inspectorate for the Operation of Power Plants and Networks of RAO UES of Russia on March 13, 1996.

Chief N.F. GOREV

Approved by the Department of Science and Technology of RAO UES of Russia on March 14, 1996.


This Standard Instruction provides the basic requirements for the operation of automatic fire alarm systems at energy enterprises.

The procedure for accepting installations into operation is indicated.

Responsibility for the operation of automatic fire alarm systems is determined, the necessary working documentation and requirements for personnel training are provided.

The basic safety requirements for the operation of fire alarm systems are indicated.

The forms of the logbook for maintenance and repair of fire alarm installations, the acceptance certificate for an automatic fire alarm installation, and the approximate regulations for the maintenance of fire alarm installations are provided.

With the release of this Standard Instruction, the “Standard Instructions for the Operation of Automatic Fire Alarm Installations at Energy Enterprises of the USSR Ministry of Energy: TI 34-00-039-85” (Moscow: SPO Soyuztekhenergo, 1985) becomes invalid.


1.1. This Standard Instruction is mandatory for managers of energy enterprises, shop managers and persons appointed responsible for the operation of automatic fire alarm systems (AUPS).

Automatic fire alarm systems should be understood as both independent systems and those included in automatic fire extinguishing installations (AFS).

1.2. The instruction is the main departmental document that defines the organization and operation of the automatic fire alarm system.

1.3. At each energy enterprise, local instructions must be drawn up, taking into account the characteristics of this energy enterprise and local conditions. Local instructions should be developed in accordance with the factory operational documentation on devices, equipment and other elements included in the installations, as well as taking into account the requirements of this Standard Instruction.

1.4. Responsibility for organizing the operation and technical condition installations is assigned to the chief technical manager of the energy enterprise. In accordance with the requirements of the current PTE, persons trained to carry out maintenance and repair of installations are appointed from among the operating personnel of the energy enterprise.

1.5. The energy enterprise must have the following technical documentation for installation:

approved design documentation with all subsequent changes made by the design organization;

act of acceptance and commissioning of the installation;

passports and other operational documentation for equipment and devices included in the installation;

local operating and maintenance instructions with maintenance work schedule;

schedule of maintenance work, approved by the chief technical manager of the energy enterprise;

logbook for maintenance and repair of fire alarm installations (Appendix).

1.6. 24-hour monitoring of the operation of the automated control system should be carried out by the operational (duty) personnel of the energy enterprise. The rights and responsibilities of personnel must be specified in local, job or special instructions.

1.7. The condition of the installations must be reflected in the operational journal upon acceptance and handover of the shift.

1.8. All identified malfunctions must be recorded in a log (card) of defects and equipment malfunctions and corrected as soon as possible.

1.9. At the energy enterprise, an order must appoint a person responsible for the operation of the automated control system. The responsibilities of this person include:

organization of timely maintenance and repair, as well as elimination of identified faults during operation in the shortest possible time;

maintaining operational documentation for AUPS;

control over the timely submission of complaints to manufacturers regarding the quality of instruments, equipment and other elements included in the installation;

accounting of all cases of malfunctions and false operation of the automated control system with identification of the reasons;

organizing an investigation of all cases of automatic fire alarm system failures during fires and drawing up reports;

organizing training for service and operational personnel.

1.10. Personnel dedicated to maintenance and current repairs AUPS must undergo training and pass an exam in accordance with the requirements of the “Rules for organizing work with personnel at enterprises and institutions of energy production: RD 34.12.102-94”. (M.: SPO ORGRES, 1994).

Training can be conducted at the training centers of JSC Energy Systems or directly at the energy enterprise.


2.1. To accept the AUPS into operation, a commission must be created consisting of representatives:

energy enterprises (chairman of the commission);

installation (commissioning) organization;

design organization;

state fire supervision or facility fire department.

2.2. Acceptance must be made according to special program, developed by the organization that carried out the adjustment of the AUPS, and approved by the chief technical manager of the enterprise.

In this case, an external inspection must be carried out, verification of compliance of the installation with the design documentation and testing of the AUPS for operability.

2.3. The commission must accept the AUPS within three days from the date of presentation. If the commission discovers individual inconsistencies in the work performed with the project documentation, a protocol must be drawn up indicating the identified inconsistencies and the organizations responsible for their elimination. These organizations are obliged to eliminate the discrepancies specified in the protocol within ten days, after which acceptance is made again.

2.4. The following documentation must be presented to the commission:

installation project with modifications;

passports and operating instructions of manufacturers for devices, equipment and other elements included in the AUPS;

inspection protocols for individual elements of the automatic control system;

statements of defects and deficiencies;

local operating instructions for AUPS. The instructions must be developed at least one month before the AUPS is accepted into operation.

2.5. Acceptance of AUPS is documented in an act (Appendix).


3.1. Organizational maintenance activities include:

3.1.1. Preparation of the necessary documentation (design documentation, fundamental electrical and wiring diagrams, factory documentation for receiving equipment and detectors, instructions, programs, etc.).

3.1.2. Preparation of measuring instruments, special test benches, tools.

3.1.3. Registration of organizational and technical safety measures during work.

3.1.4. Agreeing with the management of the energy company on the possible shutdown of the equipment being tested and taking measures to strengthen the fire safety regime in rooms with the alarm system turned off during maintenance.

3.1.5. Making the necessary entries in the logbook for maintenance and repair of fire alarm installations.

3.2. To maintain the AUPS in constant readiness for action, the following types of work must be performed:

external inspection of the installation;

internal inspection of the installation equipment;

checking the electrical parameters of the equipment;

checking the functionality of the installation;

current repairs.

3.3. When the AUPS is switched on again, as well as after their repair or reconstruction, the full scope of work is carried out according to paragraphs. - .

3.4. The frequency of maintenance work is established by the factory operational documentation for the equipment and components of the installation, as well as the requirements of local instructions.

An approximate schedule of maintenance work is given in the appendix.

3.5.1. Compliance with the design of installed equipment, control cables and other components installation (carried out only when switching on again).

3.5.2. Reliability of fastening fire detectors at the place of their installation, receiving stations and remote controls on panels, in cabinets.

3.5.3. Condition of seals on cabinet doors, junction box covers, receiving stations and consoles; absence mechanical damage installation equipment.

3.5.4. Condition of painting of cabinets, panels, junction boxes, terminal boxes, etc.; absence of dirt and dust.

3.5.5. Condition of automatic power switches, circuit breakers, switches, signal light buttons on consoles and receiving stations, light displays, emergency bells, sirens, etc.

3.5.6. The state of installation of wires and cables, contact connections on rows of terminals, in junction boxes, cabinets, on panels, etc.

3.5.7. The condition and correctness of grounding of the receiving equipment of the installations.

3.5.8. Availability and correctness of inscriptions on all AUPS equipment, markings of cables and wires.

3.6. During an internal inspection, the following is checked (carried out after the warranty period):

3.6.1. Condition of casing seals, integrity of casing and front panels of receiving equipment.

3.6.2. The presence and integrity of parts, the correctness of their installation and the reliability of fastening.

3.6.3. Presence of dust and foreign objects on equipment parts.

3.6.4. Condition of contact surfaces of connectors, plugs, sockets, quality of soldering.

3.6.5. Checking backlashes, gaps, deflections, tensions, etc. various elements.

3.7. When checking the electrical parameters of the equipment, it is necessary to measure:

supply voltage values ​​of receiving stations, concentrators, rectifier units, detectors;

voltage and current values ​​in signal lines;

electrical parameters of electrical circuits of receiving equipment and detectors at control points according to passport data;

insulation resistance values ​​of power supply circuits and installation control;

electrical strength of power and control circuits;

resistance values ​​of beam lines.

3.8.1. Operability of the electrical circuit of receiving stations and remote controls in standby mode, simulation of “damage”, “alarm” and “fire” signals. At the same time, in these modes, a potential distribution map is drawn up across the main nodes and elements of the electrical circuit of the receiving equipment.

3.8.2. The functionality of each fire detector in the installation.

3.8.3. Serviceability of the remote alarm system (on the block and central control panels, fire extinguishing panels, etc.) in all operating modes of the automatic fire alarm system, as well as during the transition from the main power supply to the backup power supply and vice versa.

3.8.4. Interaction of the activation elements of the automatic fire alarm system with the corresponding elements of the fire alarm equipment (in the case when the fire alarm is an integral part of the automatic fire alarm system).

3.8.5. Operation of the installation from the operator's workplace.

3.9. If a malfunction is identified during the work according to paragraphs. - must be eliminated immediately. Troubleshooting is carried out by replacing and restoring individual components of the equipment (elements, assemblies, blocks) without completely disassembling it, as well as by performing adjustment work.

This work is carried out either on test benches (testing relays, individual boards, blocks, intermediate devices, certain types of detectors, etc.) or on site. In the latter case, the electrical circuits of the equipment being tested with other devices must be disassembled.


4.1. The equipment and other components of the AUPS that have exhausted their service life, as well as those that have become unusable, are subject to repair. The need for repairs is determined during maintenance of the AUPS.

4.2. During repairs, the entire installation is dismantled piece by piece, used elements are replaced, assembled and adjusted.

4.3. In order to timely replace failed detectors, blocks and other components and elements of the automated control system, the energy enterprise must have a supply of them, which must be at least 10% of the quantity included in the installation.

4.4. Spare products and devices must be stored in a specially designated place in compliance with the storage rules established by the factory documentation for them.

4.5. During the warranty period, the elimination of malfunctions and defects in the receiving equipment and detectors must be carried out by the manufacturers, and the linear part - by the installation organization.

4.6. During the process of major repairs, it is prohibited to install instead of failed units, parts and fire alarm devices with operating principles other than those provided for in the project.

4.7. At the energy enterprise, special stands must be organized to carry out repairs, adjustments and adjustments of equipment and devices.


5.1. Only specialists who have practical skills in servicing and repairing equipment, who know the current Safety Rules for the operation of electrical installations and who have a qualification group in electrical safety of at least third are allowed to work on the maintenance and repair of AUPS.

5.2. Persons who have committed violations of the requirements of the current PTE, PTB and this Model Instruction are subject to regular inspection, and depending on the nature of the violation, are punished disciplinaryly or in court.

5.3. Maintenance work on the AUPS must be carried out by a team consisting of at least two people.

5.4. Repair of devices and components must be carried out with the power supply turned off.

5.5. Maintenance work should only be carried out with working tools. Workplaces should be well lit.

5.6. When carrying out maintenance work radioisotope detectors(CI, RID) and their storage must be guided by factory instructions and the current Basic Sanitary Rules for working with radioactive substances and other sources of ionizing radiation OSP-72/87.

5.7. AUPS equipment and devices must be connected to the network with a voltage corresponding to its rating data.

5.8. Each accident, as well as other cases of violation of safety regulations, must be thoroughly investigated in accordance with the established procedure.

Appendix 1


Installation type _____________________________________________

Installation date _____________________________________

Protected object ________________________________________


Appendix 2


(name of installation)

mounted in __________________________________________________________

(name of building, premises, structure)

included in ______________________________________________________________

(name of the energy enterprise, its queue, launch complex)

Gor. _____________________________________ “___” _________________ 199 __ g.

Commission appointed by _____________________________________________________


(name of the customer organization that appointed the commission)

By order from "___" _ __________________________ 199_g. No. ____ contains:

Chairman ____________________________________________________________

(full name, position)

members of the commission __________________________________________________________

(full name, position)

representatives of involved organizations ___________________________________

(full name, position, organization)

inspected the installation and checked the installation and adjustment work performed


(name of installation, commissioning organization)

and drew up this act as follows:

1. The installation completed with installation and commissioning was presented for acceptance:


(list of installed equipment and its brief technical specifications)

2. Installation and adjustment work was carried out according to the project ____________________


(name of the design organization, drawing numbers and date of their preparation)


3. Start date of installation and commissioning work ________________________________

4. Completion date of installation and commissioning work ____________________________

5. The commission carried out the following additional tests and testing of the installation (except for the tests and testing recorded in executive documentation presented by the general contractor):


6. Any deficiencies in the installation presented for acceptance that do not interfere with testing are subject to elimination by the organization within the time limits specified in Appendix No. ________

7. List of acceptance documentation attached to the act:


Commission decision

The installation and commissioning of the presented installation was carried out in accordance with the project, standards, building codes and regulations in force technical specifications and meet the requirements for its acceptance for testing.

The AUPS submitted for acceptance, specified in paragraph of this act, shall be considered accepted since _____________ 199.

for testing ______________________________________________________________

with an assessment of the quality of work performed _____________________________________

(ok, great,



Chairman of the commission _________________


Representatives of the involved

organizations __________________________


Conclusion based on the results of testing the installation

The installation specified in paragraph of this act was tested ______________

with "____" ______________ 199_g. by “____” _____________ 199 __ within _____ hours, days in accordance with the procedure established by the customer.

Tested installation _____________________________________


(excellent, good, satisfactory)

Defects identified during testing that do not interfere with the operation of the facility are subject to elimination by organizations within the time limits specified in Appendix No. _____ to this act.

Chairman of the commission _____________________


Members of the commission ___________________________


Representatives of the involved

organizations ______________________________


Appendix 3


List of works

1. External inspection of the installation and its components (receiving stations, concentrators, intermediate devices, detectors, signal lines, etc.) for the absence of mechanical damage, corrosion, dirt; fastening strength, etc.


2. Monitoring the operating position of switches and switches, serviceability of light indications, presence of seals on receiving devices


3. Monitoring the main and backup power sources and checking the automatic switching of power from working to backup


4. Checking the operability of the components of the installation of receiving stations, consoles, detectors, measuring the parameters of signal lines, etc.


5. Checking the electrical parameters of the equipment


6. Checking the functionality of the installation


7. Metrological verification of instrumentation


8. Ground resistance measurement


9. Measuring the insulation resistance of electrical circuits

Once every three years

The fire alarm system of buildings is a system technical installations necessary for detecting and preventing fire situations and controlled from the central fire station.

Providing buildings and structures with automatic control is required for:

  • Timely informing people at the site about the appearance of a fire;
  • Immediately call the fire department;
  • Use of effective fire extinguishing agents;
  • Evacuation of people from premises.

Types of fire alarms

Modern fire alarm systems (FAS) are divided into the following types:

  • Threshold with a modular structure;
  • Targeted survey;
  • Addressable analogue;
  • Combined.

Threshold systems with radial stubs

Connection diagram for threshold fire alarm with radial trains

Threshold-type fire alarms equipped with radial loops (communication lines) are not in high demand if a serious approach is taken to controlling the occurrence of smoke or flames in a building.

The system responds only to a limited area of ​​objects (therefore it is used for small rooms), often gives a false alarm, has a lot of inconveniences when using, and installation is expensive.

Scheme of the operating principle of threshold warning devices with a modular structure

Such warning kits have all the disadvantages of threshold systems with radial loops, including expensive installation. A threshold type fire alarm with a modular structure differs from the previous type in that it can be freely controlled from a dispatch panel or computer. The modular structure allows for the installation of two blocks at once.

In an addressable-interrogation type fire alarm, the loops are arranged in a ring arrangement, in which the system itself checks the status of the detectors responsible for detecting a fire. Sensors are capable of producing four types of messages:

  • Fine;
  • Faulty;
  • Lack of sensor;
  • Fire.

The principle of operation of address-poll warning systems

Along with the advantages (the necessary information level, transparent control over the operation of detectors and quite reasonable price) the alarm system has a drawback - the inability to instantly recognize the occurrence of a fire.

The system is the most rational and effective of existing fire alarms. Main panel processes information received from sensors (of which there can be up to two hundred in each loop), and itself issues a final decision.

Operating principle of addressable analogue fire alarm systems

Addressable analogue fire alarm system has twisted pair insulated cables, which makes it possible to recognize smoke and fire in the early stages. Additional benefits: lungs installation work, affordable installation cost, control over the operation of detectors and obtaining information from sensors. If we consider that this fire alarm will reliably protect the facility in the event of the slightest fire danger, then the high cost should not be considered a disadvantage. By paying once, the buyer insures himself against huge losses in the future.

Combined systems

Fire alarm systems for the combined type are the most powerful and are used at large industrial facilities, in government and strategic buildings. An alert device can have several thousand sensors and devices, additionally equipped with extensive capabilities. Typically, a security control system is installed in such a set of blocks.

Dispatcher supervision is carried out from one control panel, which makes it possible to see clear information at any time. The combined type of fire alarm for buildings has simple and affordable installation, unlimited technical amenities, which justifies the high cost.

Before installation fire system notification, you need to decide on the type of alarm or consult with specialists. Installation of device blocks must be carried out by professionals who will perform the work efficiently in accordance with the requirements for fire warning devices within the framework Russian legislation and regulations.

Scheme of installing a fire alarm in an office building

The contractors shall notify the fire safety supervisory authorities in advance of the installation.

The main technical and legal requirements that must be met and verified after installation of the equipment:

  • Stable operation in all weather conditions;
  • The level of sensitivity of devices required to promptly alert people in the building;
  • Obtaining the most comprehensive information in accordance with the technical capabilities of the warning device;
  • Required speed of hazard recognition at the initial stage.

Installation of a fire alarm can only be carried out if there are certificates of conformity for devices, devices, main and auxiliary equipment and materials.

Fire alarm operating rules

Upon completion of installation and fulfillment of a number of requirements for acceptance and delivery work, the performing specialists must familiarize the customer’s representatives with the rules for operating the system.

To ensure that the alarm system works without failure, the employee responsible for fire safety building, must organize a daily inspection of loops, detectors, sensors, controllers for damage and contamination.

As the requirements for fire alarms indicate, designated personnel on duty must monitor the operation of the alarm around the clock and reflect the identified comments in the “Installation Failure Log”, in which entries are recorded in the form of a table:

No. Date and time of failure of the element or its component Characteristic external manifestations of malfunction Cause of malfunction (failure), number of hours of operation of the failed element Taking measures to eliminate malfunctions, spare parts consumption* Signature of the person who fixed the problem Note

*The abbreviation ZIP is approved by state standards and means spare parts, tools, accessories that are included in the device kit.

Procedure when a fire alarm is triggered

If the notification is not false, then, in accordance with the requirements of regulations and internal instructions of the enterprise, the duty officer is obliged to:

  1. Immediately report the incident by phone 01 (mobile: 112);
  2. Report the situation to management;
  3. Turn off power to the building;
  4. Organize the evacuation of people present in the building, if possible - documents of primary importance and material assets;
  5. Take measures to extinguish the fire using primary means.

In case of false activation of the warning device:

  1. The duty officer reports this fact responsible for ;
  2. An application for equipment repair is sent to the service organization with which the contract is concluded and is accompanied by a telephone call;
  3. During the period of equipment restoration, visual surveillance is organized in the premises to identify sources of fire.

Frequency and rules for checking fire alarms

The functionality of fire warning equipment is checked monthly by licensed service organizations in buildings with a large presence of people. If a small number of employees and visitors are constantly on site, then the inspection can be performed quarterly.

In addition to the specified periods, in for preventive purposes It is necessary to contact a service company twice a year to check that the alarm is working correctly. This will ensure reliable protection people, equipment and documentation from the dangerous consequences of a fire.

In accordance with the fire system inspection rules, the inspecting organization examines:

  • Correct and regular documentation;
  • Availability of a technical passport, instructions, compliance with certificates;
  • Location of devices according to design documentation;
  • Verification of device serial numbers with passport data;
  • Integrity of seals, correct grounding connection;
  • No damage to elements;
  • The ability of elements to identify fires at the initial stage;
  • Automatic notification of emergency services and personnel;
  • Management of evacuation of people and power outages;
  • Control of automatic fire extinguishing and smoke removal functions.

The presence of a fire alarm in buildings guarantees the safety of human lives, so it must be used competently, carefully and carefully.

Instructions for action

when the fire alarm is activated alarm equipped at social facilities associated with channel-forming equipment

Object Monitoring Systems AIS Life Safety St. Petersburg

The facility monitoring system is one of the elements of the city program of the Automated Information System for Life Safety (AIS Life Safety) of St. Petersburg (approved by Decree of the Government of St. Petersburg dated October 4, 2005 No. 1505). Interfacing fire-security systems (alarms) installed in educational institutions, healthcare, culture and other social facilities of the city, using channel-forming equipment with the City Monitoring Center (SPbSU "GMC") allows for automated transmission of current and statistical information about fire notifications from institutions social infrastructure in the Local node of monitoring systems for objects of the Automated Life Safety Information System of St. Petersburg (LU SMO AIS OBZh) to ensure the possibility of subsequent transfer to automated workstations of response services, duty services of administrative authorities, to the console equipment of duty services of law enforcement agencies (if necessary – in the Central Control and Control Center of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of St. Petersburg, in the AS of the DC of the Main Internal Affairs Directorate of St. Petersburg, on the control panel equipment of the police department).

General provisions:

1. Types of alarm signals coming from objects;

- fire –signal generated by fire alarm sensors;

- anxiety -signal generated by KTS (RKTS)

2. Response services;

- to signals fire– Ministry of Emergency Situations in St. Petersburg

- to signals anxiety– Main Department of Internal Affairs for St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region (OVO under the Department of Internal Affairs)

3. Response time to alarm signals;

- to signals fire– after checking (2-3 minutes)

- to signals alarm - immediately

Actions when a fire alarm is activated :

1. When a fire alarm is activated at the site ( works on sitevoice alarm about fire).

- Measures are being taken to identify the source of the fire (signal source) and evacuate citizens.

Signal "Alarm PS" automatically goes to the City Monitoring Center (CMC). --- Find out the reason for the operation burglar alarm and in case of a false alarm (which does not require a response from the Ministry of Emergency Situations), immediately notify the State Medical Center by phone 576-42-04 , indicate the reason for the fire alarm.

- N not to occupy, and to free up busy telephone lines at the site for prompt communication between duty officers and responsible persons of the facility.

2. Operational duty officers of the HMC make a call to the contact numbers telephone numbers responsible persons from the institution indicated in the facility card in order to determine the reasons for the alarm.

- If the responsible person declares that the alarm is triggered falsely, the operational duty officer of the HMC throws the card into the archive. The combat crew is not sent.

- If the responsible person confirms or it is not possible to get through by phone within 2-3 minutes, a combat fire crew.

- If, after sending a combat crew to the object, the responsible person notifies the fire control center about the reasons for the fire alarm and asks not to respond, then the call to the fire crew is canceled.

3. When carrying out maintenance work on fire and security alarms, repair work associated with the possibility of smoke and dust in the premises of the protected facility, painting work, in order to eliminate the possibility of false visits by response teams, the responsible person of the institution informs in advance about the fact of work by calling the City Monitoring Center:

576-42-04 (24-hour multi-channel) – operational duty officer of the GMC;

576-42-30 (24/7) – shift supervisor of the HMC,

indicating the logical number of the protected object and the full name of the responsible person.

4.If there are frequent false alarms, responsible persons must call a representative of the organization carrying out maintenance. If the service organization fails to fulfill its contractual obligations to service the alarm system, immediately report such facts to the chief specialist of the HMC by phone 576-42-30 .

5. After completing the installation of the fire alarm system, make sure that the contractor has provided all necessary documentation(including instructions for use, a table of alarm loops) and carried out education employees of the institution on the rules of equipment operation.

6. To ensure prompt communication about all changes at the facility (change of the manager responsible for the fire safety condition of the facility, their phone numbers) should be reported to the chief specialist of the HMC by phone 576-42-30 and send by fax to GC ARKAN 600-60-33 indicating the object number.

7. Maintenance fire and security systems at the facilities is carried out by an organization with which a maintenance contract has been concluded. Maintenance of channel-forming equipment is carried out by BaltAvtoPoisk CJSC.

The result of fighting a fire always depends on how timely the source of fire was detected and the necessary actions to extinguish it were carried out. Every facility, in any field of activity, must be equipped with a fire warning system. Regardless of the manufacturer and functional features, the system includes the following components:

  • Fire notification devices;
  • Receiving station;
  • Communication lines between the central station and fire notification devices;
  • Power unit;
  • Sound alarm equipment.

Classification of fire and security alarm systems

Security and fire alarms have several types and types. Functional Features and technical parameters are also a classifying feature. It is generally accepted to divide security and fire systems according to their purpose:

  • Fire department. It identifies the source of fire, controls various equipment (alarm systems, automatic fire extinguishing devices, etc.);
  • Security. It detects attempts of illegal access to the facility;
  • Anxious. This device ensures the generation and transmission via communication channels of information about penetration into an object.

There are integrated security and fire alarm systems, and they are divided into two types:

  • Autonomous: when a fire alarm is triggered, a localized notification is carried out, i.e. within one object;
  • Control room: a message about a fire is transmitted to the central security console. Remote control systems can be wired or wireless (radio or GSM).

It is divided into types depending on the method of monitoring the device loops:

  • Threshold;
  • Address-threshold;
  • Addressable analog.

Each type of alarm can have its own subtypes. This is due to the use various sensors to determine the presence of a fire source.

The video describes the operation of a fire alarm in an apartment building:

Functioning of the device and its operation

Instructions for use of protective fire alarms must be included with the equipment. Before use, you should familiarize yourself with it, as it shows the principles of operation and how to control the device.

Instructions for using the equipment may vary depending on the manufacturer, operating principles, configuration and functional features.

A conventional automatic fire alarm installation uses control and reception and security devices in its operation. These devices have a backup power source. In normal mode (duty mode), the duration of operation is at least 24 hours; during an alarm, at least three hours. When a fire alarm is triggered, the received information is transmitted to one of the notification devices. These devices are usually installed in a protected location or designated area on the fire line.

The system operates continuously, around the clock. When the alarm is in working condition, the green indicator lights up constantly. If there is a malfunction of the loop or a short circuit, the indicator will flash alternately red and green. Along with the indicator light, a characteristic sound signal will be emitted, indicating the presence of a malfunction. When the alarm is triggered, the indicator will glow green and an intermittent sound signal will sound at intervals of 2 seconds.

After receiving information about a possible danger, the system processes the data. If there is a source of fire, the indicator will glow red “Fire”. In this case, the audio frequency signal will be intermittent, the interval is 1 second. Signals are emitted by both internal and external devices notices. The total duration of the sound signal is 3 minutes. In the event of a malfunction: break or short circuit, lack of power, the “Block/Fault” indicator will flash red.

Setting up security and disabling an object is done by pressing the “ShS” key. If a false signal is received, you need to restart the loop that triggered.

Security and fire alarm devices have a blocking function against unauthorized access to the equipment. The functionality of the devices and the system as a whole is checked by pressing the “Test/Sound” button. It should only be done when all loops are in working condition. Within 10 seconds after pressing the button, all light and sound indicators are activated. After the test is completed, the device returns to its original state.

In the event of a malfunction of the fire protection equipment, you must contact the service company. In rooms equipped security and fire alarm, Smoking is prohibited as the sensors may react to smoke.

The video shows information about the fire alarm:

Security actions must be quick and coordinated. Each organization must have instructions on what to do when a fire alarm is triggered, which provides for a certain procedure for the security guards at the post.

Security actions when a fire alarm is triggered

  1. Quickly determine in which specific location the sensor was triggered;
  2. Immediately report by phone 01 or 112 with a detailed indication of the exact address of the facility, the name of the caller, the phone number from which the fire was reported;
  3. Inform management about the emergency situation;
  4. Turn off the ventilation system;
  5. Turn off the lighting;
  6. Organize the safe evacuation of people;
  7. If possible, remove valuable documentation and material assets.

Correct and prompt actions after the alarm is triggered will prevent serious consequences and accidents. The principle of fire alarm operation is based on the automatic installation of sound and light signals about a fire. technical means security The actions of security control panel workers when the warning system is triggered include determining whether a real fire has occurred or a false alarm. If there is a fire threat, it is necessary to notify all personnel present at the site at that time. The actions of personnel when a fire alarm is activated must be organized so that panic and disorderly movement do not occur.

Procedure when a fire alarm is triggered

People in the room during a fire must be familiar with the instructions for what personnel should do when a fire alarm is triggered and act in accordance with these instructions:

  • immediately stop all activities;
  • close the windows to prevent fresh air from entering;
  • turn off all electrical appliances and electrical equipment;
  • in an organized manner, without panic and confusion, go to the central or emergency exits, depending on the location of the fire;
  • You must go down from the upper floors using the stairs, and in no case in the elevator;
  • If there is heavy smoke, cover your mouth and nose with a damp cloth.

Independent actions when a fire alarm goes off can be carried out using improvised means if there is no direct threat to life and health. Timely and correct actions Security guards can prevent the death of people and the facility itself when a fire alarm is triggered.

False alarm system alarm

If the fire alarm turns out to be false, security should:

  • reset the signal;
  • notify management and staff about a false alarm;
  • notify the organization that carries out fire alarm maintenance at this facility.