How to descale a ceramic teapot. How to descale a kettle at home quickly and efficiently: we reveal all the secrets

In any kettle, regular or electric, scale appears sooner or later. A grayish-brownish coating is nothing more than the deposition of salts that are present in the water. You can get rid of scale in various ways– choose to your liking.

Stores that sell household electrical appliances sell a variety of descaling products. They must be used strictly following the attached instructions. You can also remove scale from a kettle using traditional methods. Whatever salts are present in water, they all dissolve with the help of an acidic medium. So scale must be removed using a variety of acid-containing preparations. Boil water in a kettle and after turning it off, immediately add 2 tablespoons of dry citric acid. Let the water cool, and if not all of the scale has come off, repeat the procedure.

To remove scale, you can use regular white table vinegar by adding half a glass to a kettle of water and boiling for 10-15 minutes. If the kettle is electric, then after the water has boiled in it, you can add 3 tablespoons of vinegar essence. After the water cools, the scale will probably come off the walls.

If the layer of scale on the walls of the kettle is very thick, then it can only be removed in several stages:
  • First you need to boil water with two tablespoons of soda per liter of water. Let the filled kettle sit for one hour.
  • After draining the water and soda, fill the kettle with clean water and add vinegar essence (3 tablespoons per 1 liter). Boil and leave the kettle until the water cools completely.
  • Next, the softened scale can be removed using a flat wooden stick.

They work great with small scale deposits. potato peelings. This method is only suitable for ordinary teapots, because the teapot needs to be half filled with peelings and boiled in a teapot with water for at least 30 minutes.

Just like potatoes, sour green apples also act on scale. True, with apple skins the kettle needs to be boiled several times, each time allowing the water to cool completely.

You can also remove scale with Coca-Cola, Fanta and Sprite. Fill the kettle halfway with any of these drinks and boil for at least half an hour.

Whatever method you use to get rid of scale, the kettle must then be boiled several times with clean water. To prevent scale from settling so heavily on the walls of the kettle in the future, fill it with water that has passed through a household water filter.

Scale appears due to the contents of poor quality water impurities. During boiling, they settle on the walls of the kettle and spoil the taste of hot drinks. Scale also conducts heat poorly, so a dirty kettle will take longer to boil.

How to clean a kettle with vinegar

The method is suitable for very dirty teapots made of plastic, glass, and stainless steel.

You will need:

  • ½ liter of water;
  • 1 glass of 9 percent vinegar or 2 tablespoons of 70 percent vinegar essence.

Heat water in a kettle, and then pour in vinegar or vinegar essence and leave the solution for an hour. During this time, the scale will soften. Rinse the inside of the kettle with a sponge and boil again clean water and drain it.

How to clean a kettle with lemon or citric acid

The method is suitable for electric kettles made of stainless steel, plastic or glass with a moderate layer.

Not suitable for enamel and aluminum kettles.

You will need:

  • ½ liter of water;
  • ¼ lemon or 2 tablespoons of citric acid.

Heat water in a kettle and add a piece of lemon or citric acid to the boiling water. Leave the scale to soak for 1-2 hours. Wash the kettle with a sponge and rinse thoroughly. After the first boil, the water will need to be drained.

How to clean a kettle with soda

The method is suitable for any teapots.

You will need:

  • ½ liter of water;
  • 1 tablespoon baking soda.

Stir the baking soda thoroughly in a glass of water until it dissolves completely. Pour the resulting liquid into the kettle, add the remaining water and boil it. Wait half an hour or an hour and heat the kettle again.

Now you can wash the kettle and boil clean water in it. True, you will have to pour it out afterwards.

How to clean a kettle with soda water

The method is suitable for stainless steel kettles heated on a stove.

Not suitable for aluminum, enamel and electric kettles.

You will need a bottle of any lemonade. Most known variant- cola, but it is better to use a colorless drink (it is important that it contains citric acid).

Let the opened bottle of lemonade sit for 2-3 hours to allow the gas bubbles to disappear. Then it’s simple: pour the drink into the kettle and bring to a boil. Then wash and rinse everything thoroughly.

How to clean a kettle with a peel

The method is suitable for enameled and metal teapots with a weak layer of scale.

Not suitable for electric kettles.

You will need:

  • ½ liter of water;
  • skin of 2–3 apples or pears.

Rinse the cleaning from dirt and sand, put them in a kettle and fill with water. Boil the liquid and leave to steep for one to two hours. A light layer of scale will come off on its own; rub stubborn stains with a dishwashing sponge. After rinsing, the kettle will shine like new.

If you have a particularly spacious kettle, and scale has accumulated on the walls, take more water than indicated in the recipes. The liquid should cover the dirt completely.

How to keep your kettle clean for a long time

  1. Fill the kettle with soft water. If you don't buy bottled, use a filter. Or at least let the tap water sit for several hours to allow impurities to precipitate.
  2. Boil water in a kettle no more than once. Better fill it with fresh one.
  3. Rinse the inside of the kettle at least once a day. And ideally before each use.
  4. For the sake of prevention, boil a filled kettle with one tablespoon of citric acid once a month.

Naturally, after active exploitation, the kettle over time becomes overgrown with a layer of scale, which not only looks unflattering on the walls household device, but also gets into a mug of boiled water, and accordingly then into the human body. Here a completely fair question arises - is it necessary to get rid of this annoying scale at all, well, it’s there and okay! In fact, this phenomenon is harmful to humans; if you constantly drink water with scale flakes, over time you can develop stones in genitourinary system, and it is also likely that osteochondrosis and gout may develop. Therefore, you need to get rid of this scourge, so today the “Comfort in the Home” website will tell you how to descale a kettle. We will tell you how to clean a regular kettle designed for heating on a stove, as well as their electric counterparts. By the way, we told you earlier, come and study.

Scale on dishes is formed by boiling running water, which is enriched with salts. After the boiling process, the salts contained in the water break down into their components, namely carbon dioxide and sediments, which in turn are not subject to decay and simply settle on the walls of a particular dish, forming a coating. And plaque, in turn, is a whole spectrum of salts, substances harmful to the human body and insoluble metals.

Types of kettles susceptible to scale formation

Scale forms on containers intended for boiling water; accordingly, these can be kettles intended for gas stove, electrical panels, as well as thermopots and electric kettles. Stovetop kettles can be metal or enameled, while electric kettles can be ceramic, glass, plastic or metal. The latter can be equipped with an open heating element (spiral) or closed. An open spiral during the use of dishes is capable of accumulating layers of scale on its surface, which are subsequently difficult to remove, but also electric kettles equipped with heating elements closed type are also capable of accumulating plaque on the walls and bottom. So we can say with confidence that any dish in which water is often boiled (on gas or electricity), and which is not washed by hand as often as is done with pots and other household utensils, is capable of forming growths on the walls.

How often should you clean your kettle?

Naturally, it all depends on the water you use, so let’s say with filtered water, plaque may not appear very much long time, but even in this case, it is better to clean the dishes once every 4-5 months. If you use plain running water, without filtration, then it is better to clean the kettle once a month. For such periodic cleaning, it is very convenient to use citric acid in a bag. Just pour a tablespoon of acid into the kettle, pour water to the maximum mark and turn on the boiling mode.

How to descale a kettle quickly and easily

Cleaning the kettle with citric acid

The method will work for ordinary metal stovetop kettles and all types of electrical products.

Shouldn't use in enamel teapots.

Advantages of the method: does its job perfectly, removes scale quickly and effectively.

Disadvantage of the method is the fact that old multi-layered growths are not affected by acid.

How to carry out the procedure:

You need to take a bag of citric acid and pour its contents into the kettle. You can stick to the calculation of 1 tablespoon of lemon per 1 liter of water. Pour water here and boil; after the first boil, you can leave the kettle with the liquid to cool, and then turn it on again to boil. All that remains is to pour out the liquid with floating plaque flakes and rinse the product thoroughly under running water. If plaque remains in some places, you can try to clean it off with a sponge; use only the soft side of the sponge so as not to scratch the walls of the product. Well, now you know how to descale a kettle with citric acid, there is nothing complicated here.

Citric acid for cleaning the kettle.

Soda for cleaning the kettle

The method will work for all types of kettles (electric and simple).

Advantages of the method: affordable, safe for health, helps get rid of old growths.

Disadvantages of this method: Due to its abrasiveness, baking soda can cause scratches on the product.

How to carry out the procedure:

Pour baking soda into the dish that needs to be cleaned. You can stick to the calculation of 1 tablespoon of soda per 1 liter of water. Let's pour it here cold water, put it on the fire or turn on the kettle, wait for the water to boil. After boiling, leave until completely cooled, then turn on again to boil. After that, you can drain the water and walk over the surface with a soft sponge, then thoroughly rinse the product with running water. Here is the answer to the question - how to remove scale from a kettle with soda. Everything is very simple, fast and effective!

Soda for cleaning the kettle.

We use potato or apple peelings

The method will work for all types of kettles (metal, enamel, electric).

Advantages of the method: absolutely accessible.

Disadvantages of this method: will not cope with old growths.

How to carry out the procedure:

Place clean (washed) potato, apple or pear peelings into the kettle, fill with water, and bring to a boil. Leave for 1-1.5 hours and drain the water; you can walk along the walls with a soft sponge. This method is suitable for removing small plaque; you shouldn’t expect miracles. By the way, the process of descaling using this method involves separating acids from the cleaning products.

Peeling potatoes or apples to clean the kettle.

Remove scale using lemon

The method will work for various electric kettles and ordinary metal ones.

Shouldn't used in enameled products.

Advantages of the method: does an excellent job of removing plaque.

How to carry out the procedure:

We take a large lemon, cut it into circles, place it in the product to be cleaned, pour water into it to the maximum level, and boil it. If you are cleaning a tiled kettle, you can wait for the boiling process, then reduce the heat and leave to simmer for about 20-30 minutes. In the case of electric cookware, after boiling is complete, leave the water until it cools completely, then boil again and drain the liquid, rinse with water and go over the inner walls with a soft sponge.

Lemon for cleaning the kettle.

Removing plaque from a kettle with vinegar

The method will work for metal and enamel teapots.

Shouldn't used in electrical appliances.

Advantages of the method: After several cleanings, even old traces of plaque are removed.

Disadvantages of this method: a pungent, unpleasant aroma, which also takes a long time to dissipate.

How to carry out the procedure:

Pour water into the kettle, add vinegar here, you need to act at the rate of 0.5 cups of vinegar per 1 liter of water. We put the dishes on the fire and wait for the water to boil; in the process, a pungent smell will appear, you need to be patient. After boiling, turn off the gas and leave the liquid in the kettle until it cools completely, then you can boil it again and immediately drain the water. The walls can be cleaned with a soft sponge and with special care, rinsed several times with running water. So we told you how to descale a kettle using vinegar, as you can see, there is nothing complicated, except that the aroma is not very pleasant, but the main thing is the result, right?!

Vinegar for descaling the kettle.

Clean the kettle with soda and vinegar

The method will work for tiled metal and enamel teapots.

Shouldn't used in electrical products.

Advantages of the method: affordable, effective.

Disadvantages of this method: acrid, intrusive aroma.

How to carry out the procedure:

Fill the kettle with water, add soda and vinegar. You should proceed at the rate of 0.5 cups of vinegar and 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water. We put the dishes on the fire and bring to a boil, wait until it cools down, boil again and drain the water, go over the walls with a soft sponge and rinse with running water. Well, you’ve learned how to remove scale from a kettle with soda and vinegar.

Vinegar and soda for cleaning the kettle. from traces of scale.

How to clean a kettle with soda - Sprite, Coca-Cola, Fanta

The method will work for different stovetop teapots.

Shouldn't used for electric kettles.

Advantages of the method: accessible and quickly removes growths.

Disadvantages of this method: Drink dyes can stain the inside of the product.

How to carry out the procedure:

Pour any of the listed sodas into the kettle, place the product on the stove, and wait for the liquid to boil. After boiling, turn off the heat and leave the product on the stove for about 30 minutes. Next, pour out the liquid and go over the walls of the dish with a soft sponge, then rinse it thoroughly with running water.

Carbonated sweet water for cleaning the kettle.

We use soda, vinegar, citric acid

The method will work for ordinary metal kettles.

Shouldn't used in electric kettles.

Advantages of the method: Effectively removes even old scale.

Disadvantages of the method: pungent odor.

How to carry out the procedure:

All cleaning will take place in three stages. First stage: pour water into the kettle, add a tablespoon of soda, boil, pour out the water. Second stage: pour water, add a tablespoon of lemon juice, boil, drain the water. Third stage: pour water, add 0.5 cups of vinegar, boil and drain the water. We go over the walls of the dish with a soft sponge. This method is ideal for old scale.

Soda, vinegar, citric acid to clean the kettle.

Use of chemicals

The method will work for all types of teapots (according to the instructions).

Advantages of the method: perfectly fights with old traces of scale.

Disadvantages of this method: chemistry, it is chemistry.

How to carry out the procedure:

Among the most popular products, I would like to highlight “Antinakipin”, “Topper”, “Cinderella” and “Top House”. According to the instructions, pour water into the kettle, add the product, then boil the liquid once or twice, drain it, and rinse the dishes thoroughly with water.

Chemicals against scale in the kettle.

How to prevent scale formation in a kettle

  1. You should avoid using hard water from a regular tap; it is better to install a faucet with a filter and enjoy purified water.
  2. As an alternative to running water, you can use bottled water.
  3. If it is not possible to install a filter, stand the water in a jar and then pour it into the kettle.
  4. Throw away unused water every time, i.e. Before each boiling, it is better to pour renewed water.
  5. It is necessary to rinse the kettle after each use, or before use.

Well, we’ve told you how to descale a kettle at home, using quite available funds. All you have to do is choose a cleaning method for yourself, carry out the cleaning procedure for a regular or electric kettle and enjoy the result!

Despite the fact that the kettle is simple household appliance, he requires care. When using an electrical appliance, the internal coating and heating element become covered with scale, which leads to the following consequences:

  1. Damage to the heating element.
  2. Reduced thermal conductivity of the metal of a household appliance.
  3. Reducing the service life of the electric kettle.
  4. Excessive electricity consumption.
  5. Premature wear of an electrical appliance.
  6. Adverse effects of scale on the human body (deterioration in the functioning of the urinary system).

Let's look at how to clean an electric kettle from scale and prevent its occurrence.

The best way to protect against scale

The key factor influencing the formation of deposits on the kettle is an excess of magnesium and calcium salts, which leads to increased water hardness. Special flow filters with softening cartridges help reduce the concentration of magnesium and calcium salts in water, solve the problem of its hardness and prevent the formation of deposits in electrical appliances. Using water purifying filters helps prevent limescale in your electric kettle.

An effective technique is to regularly (at least once a month) clean the container of deposits and rinse it periodically cold water. These measures will help keep your electric kettle clean.

To electrical appliance remained clean, you should pour out the water remaining after boiling and rinse the device before boiling a fresh portion.

At home, it is recommended to install an electromagnetic water converter, which will help reduce its hardness, prevent the appearance of deposits on electrical appliances, washing machine, and also water heating tank.

7 most effective descalers

Since descaling a kettle at home is not always easy, let’s consider the most effective means that help solve this problem.

Citric acid

To clean the kettle with citric acid you need:

  • pour a heaped tablespoon of acid with water;
  • bring the mixture to a boil;
  • wash the electrical appliance;
  • boil another 1-2 portions of water, pour it out;
  • repeat the procedure several times to remove any remaining scale.


To descale a kettle with soda you need to:

  • pour a tablespoon of soda with water;
  • bring the resulting mixture to a boil;
  • rinse the container;
  • When deposits become soft and loose, remove them with a dishwashing sponge.

Salt and soda


  • pour 2 tablespoons of soda with water;
  • add a tablespoon table salt(with a slide);
  • boil the resulting mixture;
  • For better removal of deposits, leave the mixture in electric kettle for 20 minutes;
  • remove remaining deposits with a dishwashing sponge, which will help completely remove scale from the electric kettle.
  • Rinse the device thoroughly.

Scale is the scourge of civilization; it accumulates on household items that interact with water at different temperatures. The intensity of scale formation depends on the quality of the water, its hardness: the more the water is saturated with salts, the harder it is, and the faster scale appears. In our article we will look at ways to clean scale.

The place where solid deposits form in conventional enamel or metal kettles is inner surface bottom and walls. This defect causes the walls and bottom of the kettle to overheat, and the heating of the water slows down and worsens due to the disruption of its contact with the metal surface. The scale is cleaned by boiling with several proven means that are absolutely harmless to health:
  • dilute 50 ml of vinegar in 500 ml of water. Boil the resulting solution until the process of scale removal from the walls and bottom of the dish begins.
  • Carbonated drinks “Coca-Cola”, “Sprite”, “Pepsi” will do an excellent job of removing scale.
  • Boil the kettle, alternating solutions of soda with water and citric acid with water (1 tablespoon of dry matter per 2 liters of liquid).
  • Cucumber pickle (or tomato pickle) will do a great job of removing rust and iron salts.
The heating element, which becomes covered with scale over time in electric kettles and coffee machines, often becomes the main cause of equipment failure due to its overheating due to a violation of the thermal conductivity properties. By drinking water that has undergone heat treatment in such a container, scale will partially enter our body, thereby harming the entire urinary system. There are several ways to clean the heating element.
  • Fill the coffee machine reservoir with a special solution, bring it to a boil and leave for 10-12 hours. Afterwards, rinse the device thoroughly by running water through the device. For coffee machines, purchase specialized products from manufacturers, this is the only way you will preserve and protect your equipment.
  • For electronics, use citric acid (1 tsp) diluted in 500 ml of water. Boil the resulting solution, and then rinse the cleaned device with clean water.
Scale formation on heating elements of washing and dishwashers significantly deteriorates the quality of washing, wear of all parts of the device occurs, increases the consumption of water, electricity and detergents(which are not sufficiently dissolved and washed out). To ensure normal operation of your appliance and make full use of it, regularly remove any scale that forms.
  • For dishwashers use special means, which should be poured into the base of the device, followed by the normal operating cycle.
  • IN washing machines Place the descaling agent in the detergent or bulk compartment. This substance can be citric acid (use it once every six months) or Antiscale. Then turn on the machine idling at maximum temperature.
In irons, scale appears in the holes from which steam escapes during ironing. You can clean the device from negative accumulations by doing the following:
  • immerse only the soles of the device in a hot vinegar solution (you should not pour it into a water container, as its concentration can damage the rubber parts of the device);
  • Fill the iron reservoir with clean water, turn the iron on maximum heating, and clean it several times, passing steam.