How to choose comfortable high heel shoes. How to choose the right high-heeled shoes

1. Don’t really trust the indicated size, especially if you buy shoes abroad. Both in clothes and shoes, the size scale can vary depending on the country of origin, the manufacturer, and even from model to model. Feel free to try on several pairs to find the one you feel most comfortable in.

And most importantly, do not try with all your might to squeeze into shoes with the number 37 on them, if those with the number 38 suit you better. Yes, I understand that you are a size 37... But size is a relative concept.

2. When choosing shoes, also take into account completeness. For example, American-made shoes are usually narrower (less full) than European-made shoes of the same size.

3. The pair you try on should be comfortable when you try them on. Not tomorrow, not “one fine day,” but today, now! Don't expect your feet to lose weight or your shoes to stretch. If your shoes are already tight when you try them on in the store, imagine for a moment what awaits you after an eight-hour working day. You won't believe it, but I know a huge number of women who stubbornly buy shoes a size smaller. Then they suffer, complain about calluses and discomfort, and in addition to everything, they damage their shoes by stretching them at home. (Sorry, it's boiling...)

A little “entertaining physics”.

4. The foot has the shape of an arch and performs a shock-absorbing function. With each step, it “springs”, softening the load. When the foot rests on the ground, the arch “opens” slightly under our weight, while the foot seems to “flatten” and lengthen slightly. Knowing this feature, remember that there should be at least 5-7 mm of free space between the toes and the toe of the shoe. During the fitting process, be sure to get up and walk around the store. Take a few steps and listen to the sensations. If the shoes fit close to you, then when walking your toes will forcefully press against the toe, causing discomfort, pain, and subsequently serious deformation of the foot.

5. Toes in shoes should not be tied or pinched. It is necessary that you can move them slightly, otherwise the blood circulation in the legs will be impaired. Models with narrow toes and high heels are especially dangerous. In such shoes, the load on the foot is distributed unevenly - almost all the weight falls on the forefoot. As a result, deformation of this zone occurs, transverse flatfoot develops and the risk of hallux valgus (Hallux Valgus) increases. It manifests itself as a curvature of the first toe and the formation of a “bump” at the base of the big toe.

6. Keep in mind that wearing shoes one size too big can also have unpleasant consequences. If, for example, high-heeled shoes are a little too big, then when walking the foot and the center of gravity will shift towards the toe part, and the heel will press not on the heel, but on the instep. As a result, the instep support will break or the heel will begin to “bounce” back, and then simply fall off. You should also avoid wearing shoes that are too wide or loose. Such shoes also lead to scuffs and calluses.

Fortunately, in recent years the range of models offered is so wide that any of us can choose the appropriate option without becoming a victim of fashion.

Remember that:

* Suede shoes are usually the softest and stretch very well to mold to the shape of the foot.

* Shoes with genuine leather uppers also fit well on your feet. Moreover, the thinner the skin, the better it stretches. The material of the lining must also be taken into account. Leather shoes lined with artificial leather (and this happens) will stretch much worse than shoes lined with genuine leather.

* Patent leather is usually thicker and denser, so it has virtually no stretch. Another reason is the artificial film on the surface of the leather, which gives patent leather a characteristic shine.

* Shoes made of artificial leather should be chosen, paying special attention to comfort and fit. Mistakes will be very difficult to correct (it’s easier to return the shoes). If you want to stretch them, you will have to take special measures. Perhaps special sprays and folk remedies will help, or you will have to go to a workshop. In any case, it is unlikely that you will be able to stretch the artificial leather too much. I wouldn't experiment.

* Be careful with shoes made of textile materials. Correctly selected size and fullness are also important here. How the shoes will stretch depends on the lining material.

Fabric shoes lined with leatherette are usually the stiffest and have virtually no stretch, so they really “kill” your feet. No, no and no.

If the lining is made of genuine leather, then everything is a little different. If the shoes suit you in size and fit, then most likely there will be no problems. If the shoes are tight, then attempts to increase the size will lead to a significant deterioration in appearance. They stretch well, but at the same time the structure of the fabric is disrupted: the threads “move apart”, and with strong tension they can tear. All this does not look particularly aesthetically pleasing...

If you have chosen textile shoes without lining or lined with fabric, then you should carefully choose the size here. If the shoes are too tight, then as they stretch, they will first take the shape of the foot down to the smallest detail (deforming in the most sophisticated way), and subsequently they can become like house slippers. Not sexy at all!

High heels- the object of adoration of many women. But not all representatives of the fair sex know how to choose not only a stylish, but also a comfortable pair of shoes. The “right” shoes will give you a feeling of lightness, comfort and real bliss.

Today our editors will share the secrets of choosing the right high-heeled shoes. Remember these simple tricks and you will never go wrong with your choice of shoes!

Comfortable heel

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  • The first method is not difficult. Doctors say that everyday shoes should have a heel of no more than 2–4 cm.

  • The second method will help you choose shoes with ideal heel height just for you. Use this simple formula: ((height/leg length)-1.61)*10. For example, my height is 170 cm, and my leg length is 80 cm. Let's substitute these values ​​into the formula: ((170/80)-1.61)*10 = 5.15. Thus, the ideal heel height for me is 5.15 cm.

  • To choose a dressy pair of shoes, you can use this simple trick: you need to sit comfortably on a chair, stretch your leg forward (do not pull the toe up) and measure the distance from the heel to the ball of the foot. The resulting number is the natural slope of your foot, which is equal to the height of the ideal dress heel for you.

  • We wish you to shine as often as possible in beautiful and comfortable shoes! Find out even more tricks to help you choose quality shoes.


    Heels are a dangerous weapon of female beauty. A woman wearing heels changes before our eyes; it’s not for nothing that men consider it one of the sexiest attributes of a woman’s outfit.
    How to choose the right heel height for yourself? This is quite difficult to do. Wearing shoes with high heels every day is fraught with certain consequences: corns, weakening of the nail plates, the appearance of Achilles tendon deformation and many other troubles.
    Therefore, you need to choose the right shoes, dividing them between “every day” and ““.

    Shoes with low square heels are very comfortable. The main principle is comfort. In addition, such shoes will suit almost any outfit, not counting evening dresses. You can go to work, go shopping with a friend, and take her to the movies.

    Any woman wants to look attractive and attractive. Stiletto heels and high heels come to the rescue. The advantages of such shoes are obvious:
    1. Short ladies in heels become much taller;
    2. When wearing high heels, the center of gravity changes, the shoulders straighten. This gives a more open and confident look to your look;
    3. When walking in heels, you have to balance all the time, with a slight sway of your hips from side to side. This drives many people crazy.
    But you must remember that you can wear this kind of shoes no more than 3-4 hours a day. If you don’t stand in lines or run around like crazy all day, then it’s perfect for you.

    In general, when choosing shoes with heels, you need to weigh absolutely all the pros and cons. So, for example, a flat sole is not suitable for girls with short stature; it weighs them down, makes them look heavy, like heavy-duty horses. But too elegant stiletto heels are the wrong choice for plus-size women. Such shoes do not provide the necessary support when walking; there is strong pressure on the heel, which can cause adverse consequences for the feet.

    An alternative option is wedge shoes. This shoe has a lot of advantages:
    - visually increases height, while being much more comfortable than regular heels;
    - very practical. It can be combined with both long skirts and short skinny jeans;
    - visually thins the ankles;
    - stable.
    However, there are also disadvantages:
    - high rise. You can't run fast in such shoes;
    - will look ridiculous with tight dresses;
    - thin ankles will look even thinner in such shoes;
    - easy to twist your leg.
    The wedge heel is suitable for relaxing summer walks.

    If you still want to wear heels, then you can calmly and without much effort calculate the ideal heel height for yourself. British scientists from the University of Surrey will help with this, they have developed a formula for the optimal heel height. It looks like this:
    h=Q(12+3s/8), where
    s is the shoe size according to the Anglo-Saxon scale,
    Q is a sociological variable, which is derived by the formula: Q=p(y+9)L, where
    P is the probability that a woman wearing heels becomes more attractive,
    Y is the degree of confidence of each individual woman wearing heels, which is expressed in the number of years of daily wearing such shoes. Naturally, a “trained” lady manages to maintain balance even in heels of dizzying heights,
    L - cost of shoes. Simply put, the more you pay for a pair of shoes, the more you are willing to suffer to keep the shoes from ending up in the closet or the garbage disposal.
    T is a purely sociological component of the formula. In practice, it depends on how well your favorite shoes correspond to modern fashion. Expressed in months. If its value is low or close to zero, it means that our favorite heels are “rated” and worth wearing,
    A is the amount of alcohol. If you are planning a drink, the scientist advises: “Pay special attention to the height of the heels, take into account the decrease in the level of coordination.” Well, but seriously, without going into complex arithmetic calculations and calculations, the optimal heel height can be calculated by dividing the length of the foot in centimeters by seven .

    Heels damage the muscles and joints of the feet. Muscle problems increase the risk of falls and injuries. The long-term consequences are no better: deformed feet, back pain, unhealthy gait.

    Sammy Margo from the British Royal Society of Physiotherapists sees every day what heels can do: bruises, torn ligaments, calluses and bumps, knee and hip injuries, spinal problems. And fractures, of course, due to the fact that it was not possible to maintain balance.

    It is clear that not everyone wears particularly dangerous stilettos and that in general there is a lot of harmful things in the world. But to reduce the damage from heels, help your feet.

    1. Choose comfortable heels

    Not all heels are necessarily bad for your feet.

    For example, if you have a 4-centimeter heel and 1 cm of this height is a platform, then the heel itself turns out to be 3-centimeter. And it's better than 4cm stilettos.

    Choose wide, chunky heels that make it easier to keep your balance. In the right shoes, the heel hits the ground and then the weight is transferred smoothly to the balls of the feet.

    2. Change your shoes

    Heeled shoes shorten and strain the calf muscles. And on the other side of the lower leg, the muscles, on the contrary, stretch. The balance in muscle development is disrupted, and this increases the risk of injury.

    Therefore, heels do not need to be worn every day. Just like sneakers or ballet shoes with completely flat soles: your feet get used to one position. It is best to alternate shoes so that your feet are not in the same position.

    3. Exercise

    For example, it is helpful to stand with your toes on the bottom step of the stairs and lower your heels. This will stretch the calf muscles. Hold this position for 10 seconds, then stand on your toes.

    It is useful to remember the usual warm-up that we did at school in physical education: walking on your heels, on the outside and on the inside of the foot.

    And when you relax while sitting, roll a water bottle or massage ball with your feet.

    Actress and healthy lifestyle fan Gwyneth Paltrow has published a whole set of special exercises that help take a break from heels.

    Stretching the foot muscles

    The first exercise helps against hammertoes, pinched nerves, marching fractures and the formation of bone spurs.

    To begin, extend your right hand to your left leg and clasp your fingers together as if you were about to say hello to your own leg. The thumb will be free, and the other four will be placed between the toes. You need to stay in this position for 30 seconds. Then pull your toes down, stretching the top of your foot for 5 seconds. Complete 10 reps.

    Foot Extensor Stretch

    This exercise prevents pain in the lower leg muscles after high loads.

    Get on your knees. Place a towel cushion under your feet to raise the balls of your feet as high as possible. Slowly lower your hips toward your feet until you feel a stretch in the forefoot and shin. Stay in this position for 30 seconds. Repeat twice.

    Peroneal muscle stretch

    This exercise combats imbalances in the development of the muscles of the lower leg and foot, and changes in the joints. To perform it you need a belt or rope that does not stretch.

    Lie on your back, wrap the strap around the balls of your right foot. Raise your right leg straight and leave your left leg extended on the floor. Pull the toes of your right foot towards you and turn your foot inward. Hold the belt with your left hand. Try to stretch your right leg as if you want to touch your left shoulder with your toes. You should feel a stretch in your calves. Hold for 30 seconds.

    Repeat the exercise twice for both legs.

    Calf stretch

    Helps prevent Achilles tendon inflammation, plantar fasciitis and sprains.

    Get into a lunge position with your hands on the wall. The left leg is bent, the right leg is extended back. Turn your right foot slightly so that your toe points inward. Do not lift your heels off the floor, rest on your right heel. The hips should be parallel to the wall, the knee of the right leg should be straight. Stay in this position for 30 seconds.

    Then move your right leg closer to the wall, bending it at the knee. Make sure that the toe still points inward and the heel does not leave the floor. Hold again for 30 seconds.

    Do the same exercise on the other leg.

    Thumb stretch

    Prevents tendon inflammation.

    Place your thumb in a corner or on a wall ledge so that it faces up. The rest of your toes and balls of your feet should be flat on the floor. Lean on the wall not only with the tip of your finger, but with most of its surface. The leg should be bent at the knee.

    You need to stretch a muscle called the flexor hallucis longus. It goes from the toe through the foot and up to the calf. This muscle works when we rise on our toes or stand on our heels, dance or jump.

    There are different theories about how to choose the optimal heel height depending on the characteristics of the foot. On medical and specialized shoe forums there is advice that the ideal parameter is from 2 to 4 cm. This standard is indeed the most convenient, even if it is the thinnest sharp “stiletto heel”.

    But not all fashionistas are satisfied with such a modest value. Plus, it’s worth taking into account height: if the girl is short, but prefers tall models, then when walking the center of gravity will shift, which will be extremely inconvenient. All girls who are below average height are advised to choose the optimal length of no more than 8 cm, regardless of the anatomy of the limbs.

    Features of the foot and heel height

    There are simple recommendations that will help you choose the appropriate option. You need to sit down, stretch one leg in front of you, but do not pull your toes too far, let the limb be relaxed. After this, you need to measure the distance between the ball and the heel, this will be the optimal height, taking into account the anatomical characteristics of a particular person. Other nuances of choice:

    • If the heel is more than 5 cm, then it is recommended to take shoes half or one size larger, since the raised heel increases the load on the toes, especially the big one. Under the pressure of the heel, it moves forward more intensely, so you should not allow it to rest against the toe of the shoe, this is uncomfortable for the fingers. But if the height is up to 5 cm, then you can take shoes strictly according to size.
    • Some girls and women have a steep instep, the so-called “ballet” instep. Walking on flat soles or with a slight instep will not be very comfortable, so experts recommend choosing a medium heel, which, however, does not exceed 8-9 centimeters.
    • If, on the contrary, the arch is low, close to flat, then you should give preference to low (flat) or medium options and preferably not “studs”, but with a wider and more stable base.
    • It is worth choosing natural materials (leather) or artificial, but elastic ones, which adapt to the individual shape of each person’s foot.

    Regardless of the characteristics of the limbs, for going out and for special occasions, you can choose oversized models with heels up to 12 cm high, but let such shoes be truly exclusive, for special celebrations. With any arch of the foot, a height above 9-10 cm creates an unnatural load on the knee joint, stretches the calf muscles, and if worn regularly leads to arthritis, so regardless of the anatomical features, you should not wear high heels every day. And if you really want to visually increase your height, you can choose shoes with a combination of heels and platforms.