How to spell the name Mila correctly. Meaning of the name Mila

This female name has positive energy, and is quite often found as a derivative of consonant Slavic names. The meaning of the name Mila in direct translation from ancient Slavic means “sweetheart”, and in a figurative meaning it can be described as “beautiful” or “tender”.

When choosing the meaning of the name Mila for a girl, parents need to prepare for the fact that their baby will show amazing independence in everything from a very early age. She will start walking early and will be able to get to the desired object herself without outside help, so all dangerous things need to be locked away from the tenacious hands of this little swindler.

With age, the meaning of the name Mila for a child does not change. She is still as independent both in kindergarten and at school. This girl is always surrounded by a lot of friends and girlfriends who are interesting to her in some way. And there will always be a person in the team who is rejected and offended by this selective girl.

She can study for a long time, so success in her studies accompanies her constantly, and she attaches great importance to her status as an intellectual. Personal interests come first for her, and if someone tries to drive her into a corner, then anger on her part will not be avoided.

The interpretation of the name suggests some conflict; she can easily start a quarrel on her own simply because there is nothing to do, clinging to the most insignificant trifle. But at the same time he does not lose the adoration of others, since in any tense situation he does not stoop to insulting a person.


This girl begins sexual activity very early, but she learns true love only at a more mature age. At the beginning, only affection and romance matter to her, but not deep feelings. She can change a dozen partners in a month, without particularly focusing on any one, and breaking men’s hearts along the way.

Due to the inability to experience real, deep love emotions, a girl often withdraws into herself, which means that she is afraid to open up to any member of the opposite sex. Therefore, marriages are rare for her, but she is never against living “without obligations” with a young man.


If Mila finds that “one,” then she will become the best wife for him. True love inspires this girl. This means that, having fallen in love, she immediately begins to attach importance to family comfort and the decoration of a warm nest.

She is an excellent housewife, and her husband will have few reasons to be offended, since Mila will give him something to drink, feed him, iron his things, and surround him with affection and care. But if her husband starts making unfounded claims, she will leave without hesitation, since the worst thing in the world for her is a bad attitude towards her sincere efforts.

Mila will be a very suspicious mother, and any guardianship of children on her part will include quarrels with other parents, and even with the children in the yard. However, the children love her very much, and she manages to establish herself as an authoritative figure.

Business and career

In a work team, a woman is not shy about showing her quarrelsome nature, which means that for the sake of a “place in the sun” she can go over her head. She attaches great importance to her status, and will never work in a profession that is not suitable for her, even if she is in great need of a livelihood.

You can’t call her helpless; she will never ask a colleague for advice just to complete a difficult job. It is important for her that everyone considers her an expert, so she will consult with an outsider. But in general, she does all the required work with an A plus, which earns the respect of her superiors.

She is very efficient and devotes herself to her favorite work literally without reserve. Even in difficult professional situations, she will find the best way out. She may do well in the role of a businesswoman, especially if she likes the business she decides to take up.

Origin of the name Mila

The ancient Slavic origin of the name Mila begins its etymology with the word “sweetheart,” but when calling their daughter this way, the inhabitants of the area where this name came from put a more capacious meaning into it. This was usually the name given to beautiful girls with a gentle appearance that delighted those around them even in infancy.

The secret of the name is that it was rarely used as a full name, most often it was an abbreviation of other Slavic words. Therefore, among historical figures one can single out the holy Princess Militsa, whose name was remembered by contemporaries as a stronghold of Christianity among the hordes of unrighteous who tried to conquer the land where she ruled.

Her story has a good ending, she protected and protected her people with God’s help, and after waiting for her son to grow up, she went to study at a nunnery. And after her death, miracles often happened at her relics, and her spirit appeared to many in dreams, helping them choose the righteous path in life.

Characteristics of the name Mila

Initiative and independence are the main characteristics of the name Mila, which goes with her through life, often helping, but at times concealing in itself, in addition to the undoubted pros and cons. She cannot calmly relate to the shortcomings of other people, she is always hurt if a person does something not the way she wants, because she attaches great importance to her authoritative opinion.

Her character can be difficult at times, but from the heights of her fictional throne, she can often provide an irreplaceable service to those who need it. Otherwise, she is responsive, loyal, and always strives for honesty and trust, evoking sympathy from the people around her. At the same time, he is domineering and obstinate, and therefore only those people remain next to her who truly respect, appreciate and love her despite her personal qualities.

The mystery of the name

  • Stone – Chrysoprase.
  • Name day - no.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign of the name - Virgo, Aries, Leo.

Famous people

  • Mila Kunis is an American film actress originally from Ukraine.
  • Milla Jovovich is a model, fashion designer, musician, and American actress originally from Serbia.

In different languages

The translation of the name Mila from the ancient Slavic language is “sweetheart,” and this name is quite often found among Slavic peoples, in particular in Serbia, Poland, and the Czech Republic. But most often, it is derived from Militsa, Miloslav, Milen and other consonants. Therefore, nothing can be said about how it is translated into other languages; as an independent, unabridged version, it is extremely rare.

In Chinese, the name can be written using hieroglyphs as 米拉, and it will be pronounced as in our native language. In Japanese, the word will sound like Mira, and written using katakana - ミラ, or Japanese characters - 巳等.

Name forms

  • Full name: Mila.
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other variants - Milka, Milonka, Milushka, Milochka, Milana.
  • Declension of the name – Mila, Mile.
  • Church name in Orthodoxy - there is no such name in the Orthodox calendar, so the child at baptism can be called Lyudmila, Melania or Militsa.
Those with the name Mila, as a rule, turn out to be trendsetters for a narrow circle. You belong to a rather thin layer of society, whose representatives, regardless of age and social status, claim that they can “afford not to follow fashion.” That's how it is. You carefully monitor how your body itself looks, take care of it tirelessly, thanks to which you have the opportunity to change your style at least every day depending on your own mood. That is why you give the impression of youth for quite a long time, each time appearing in a new look, which allows you to influence the tastes of others.

Compatibility of the name Mila, manifestation of love

Love for you is an urgent, everyday necessity, sometimes unconscious. Therefore, your attitude towards your partner is dominated by tenderness, often quite burdensome, and caring, sometimes bordering on obsessive servility. However, you remain in unshakable confidence that you are doing everything right and demand an adequate, from your point of view, reaction to your actions - gratitude and admiration. Mila, you are easily vulnerable, suspicious and touchy, often getting into a state of irritation for no apparent reason. When your partner is not “within reach” for a long time, you experience a feeling of abandonment, uncertainty that you are happy. All you really need is to find a person who will appreciate both your touching affection and your selfless devotion. Then the union will be long-lasting and harmonious.


You are attracted to beauty and harmony in all its forms. Therefore, the fundamental basis of your spiritual aspirations is the desire to keep them around you. Consequently, any actions that may result in a violation of the usual order of things are contrary to your nature.

But you won’t “fight” with someone who is trying to create such an imbalance. A “bad peace” for you is always “better than a good quarrel,” which means you should turn an enemy into a friend, showing tact and diplomacy.

And it is not surprising that you have many friends, but practically no enemies. You are always able not only to find a compromise solution, but also to “awaken the best feelings” in a person who is negatively disposed towards you.

However, simply knowing what to do in a given situation is not a choice. Opinion must be supported by action. And this is where your indecision often lets you down. This is not timidity or fear of consequences. Just hesitation while searching for the best option. Life experience will help you get rid of them.

Name description: The name Milla is of Old Russian origin and means “dear to the heart.”

Milla is one of the businesswomen, no matter what type of activity she chooses. This is an unusually energetic and purposeful creature, capable of sweeping away all difficulties in its path with a slight movement of the hand. She is impulsive, although she has a strong character. Always follows his personal life principles, not paying attention to the opinions of others. This is a very independent woman, accustomed to doing everything herself. She is naturally gifted with great potential to make her life happy. However, much depends on what desires live in the soul of the owner of this name, what goals she sets and whether she has any ambitious plans.

Milla's sociability, friendliness and kindness attract others to her; it is pleasant to communicate with her. She is a versatile person, so communicating with her is a pleasure for everyone.

Her impulsiveness, which accompanies Milla all her life, evaporates somewhere, giving way to patience and condescension when it comes to close people. It is almost impossible to deceive her, since she has not only brilliant intuition, but also innate insight. Whatever profession she chooses, she is appreciated everywhere for her activity, initiative, and ability to instantly switch from one task to another.

Milla's first love usually becomes the cause of mental anguish and disappointment, but she does not withdraw into herself and does not incite hatred for all men. She gets married solely for love and never cheats on her chosen one. In relationships with her beloved, she is sensual and passionate. However, Milla is rarely lucky in her personal life - her first marriage often falls apart. The owner of this name gives all her tenderness and spiritual strength to her beloved men, at the risk of receiving nothing in return.

Personality: sexy, loving, considerate, caring, domineering, attentive, inventive, curious, witty, charming,

Name abbreviations: Mila, Darling, Milusik

Suitable middle name: Andreevna, Vadimovna, Viktorovna, Vladimirovna, Grigorievna, Egorovna, Lvovna, Ruslanovna, Stepanovna, Tarasovna, Fedorovna, Yanovna

Suitable for boys or girls: only for girls

Name pronunciation: soft

Nationality of the name: Slavic

Most suitable for zodiac signs:

According to the second version, the name Mila originated and became independent from the names Dobromila, Milena, Camilla, Radmila, Milana, Lyudmila.

The name Mila has variations: Milana, Milena, Mil, Militsa, Milada.

Diminutive or endearing The name Mila is pronounced as: Mile, Tsitsa, Lanochka, Milanonka, Milka, Lanonka, Milka, Lana, Milushka, Milanka, Miladka, Lanusya, Milanochka.

Little Mila The girl is sensible and independent from an early age. The girl gets on her feet early and runs around the house at high speed, grabbing everything in her hands, so she needs an eye and an eye. The girl is cheerful, active and sociable, and is not afraid of new acquaintances. From early childhood he knows how to communicate with people, knows who can say what and to whom he can and cannot. A children's group is formed around her, and she becomes its center. She doesn’t cause much trouble for her parents, all her relatives love her, she’s as sweet as her name. She is greatly pampered, so Mila grows up to be a wayward girl, sometimes she is somewhat harsh, so the girl needs to be explained the wrongness of her behavior and instilled respect for others. She should be taught to compromise and respect other people's opinions. She loves to play with the children in the yard, run around, and frolic. If she sets out to do something, she will definitely finish what she started. Her energy does not interfere with studying well at school; she is diligent, hardworking, and knows how to concentrate. She can study lessons for a long time until she learns perfectly, so success in her studies is guaranteed. Attends many clubs. She loves everything related to creativity, reads a lot, so she is considered an intellectual and this gives her self-esteem. A girl is born with good health and strong immunity. The girl directs her energy into sports; active sports can bring her great success.

Adult Mila- This is a kind, sympathetic, humane woman. She has many good feminine qualities, because she is a faithful and devoted friend, a good adviser. Mila has a fragile and pretty appearance, but this woman has a strong will, a strong inner core, which is based on the true values ​​of civilization. She is proactive, stubborn, persistent, it is impossible to convince her, she always stands her ground. Mila is brave, strong, calm, independent, she relies and relies only on herself. There are many friends around her because she is not arrogant, does not boast, and will always come to the rescue with advice or action. She has her own independent opinion on everything around her, so it is impossible to convince her. She considers her opinion to be the only correct one, therefore, when someone does something differently from what she says or asks her to do, it really hurts her. Mila, for all her kindness, does not forget about her personal interests. She knows how to defend herself, so if someone tries to oppress her, she will become very angry. Mila's health is good, but as she gets older, she may have headaches and heart problems, so she needs to consult a doctor.

Mila's career will always be successful because she is an efficient, purposeful, hardworking, strong-willed, active, open, friendly woman. The work team respects her and makes friends with her. She is a loyal and fair leader, no one is offended by her for no reason. She will not give up her career for the sake of her family.

There is always a flock of fans around Mila because she is a pretty and attractive woman. She allows herself to be loved, but she herself waits for the one, the one and only, whom fate has destined for her. If she meets him, she will not look at any of his shortcomings, nor at his social status, nor at his financial situation, nor at his hard work, nor at anything else. She is even ready to take care of the family’s prosperity, as long as her loved one appreciates and adores her. Mila is an excellent housewife, a faithful wife and friend, a loving mother.

Mila can succeed in the profession actress, programmer, translator, accountant, diplomat, artist, engineer, doctor, pilot, designer, geologist, lawyer. She can have great success in politics, science, art, and sports.

Mila is compatible in a couple with Roman, Pavel, Taras, Levan, Mikhail, Yuri, Valery, Zaza, Bogdan, Victor, Mansur, Georgy, Alexander, Valentin, Peter, David, Alexey, Stepan, Vladimir, Konstantin, Rodion.

Mila is incompatible in a couple with Oleg.