How to make homemade headphones for your phone. High-quality headphones at an affordable price

According to rumors, the smartphone that Apple will release in next year, standard 3.5mm audio output. This means that music on this device can only be listened to through wireless headphones or headphones with a Lightning connector (probably compatible earplugs will be included in the kit). But what should those who have already chosen their headphones do? perfect design with decent sound - shouldn't we abandon them because of Apple's new whim? Fortunately, you can build a wireless adapter for any headphones with your own hands, especially since this requires almost no skills, and it will cost very little.

How to make wireless headphones with your own hands?

In addition to the headphones themselves, you'll need two more components: a Bluetooth audio adapter and a portable charger that will power it.

A Bluetooth adapter usually looks like a flash drive with a 3.5mm audio jack. It costs less than two hundred rubles on AliExpress.

Portable chargers there are different sizes, but for these purposes the smallest one - the size of a lighter - is best suited. For example, like this:

It is powered by two batteries or AA batteries. When they run out, you can simply replace them with new or charged ones.

You can find a miniature Power Bank with a built-in battery, like this:

Once you have all these components, you can start creating wireless headphones.

1. Insert a Bluetooth wireless charging adapter into a charged or equipped with fresh batteries. If everything is good, the blue LED in the adapter will blink.

2. Connect the headphone plug to the audio input of the Bluetooth adapter.

3. Open Bluetooth settings on your smartphone and search for Bluetooth devices. There should be a sound adapter among them, connect to it. If it asks for a code, enter "0000".

4. Turn on the music and enjoy your favorite songs.

Of course, your headphones will be considered wireless only conditionally - they will still have wires, but you no longer need to connect them to the audio output of your smartphone. The same wireless headphones can be built if the 3.5 mm plug in your smartphone has stopped functioning normally, and for some reason you don’t want to repair it. Keep in mind that Bluetooth has an extremely limited range, and if you move more than ten meters away from your smartphone, the sound from your headphones will become choppy or cut out completely.

Headphones are one of the most popular devices in modern world. Like any device, they have an unpleasant tendency to break down at the most inopportune moment. The upset owner immediately goes to the store to buy a new headset to replace the lost one and does not even think about how to make headphones with his own hands. Although this procedure is not as complicated as it seems at first glance.

Making them from scratch yourself is quite a difficult and painstaking task, or is it working with already ready-made material. But be that as it may, the procedure will still consist of four steps:

  • connection with plug;
  • cable processing;

  • speaker assembly;

  • packaging of parts in a case.

All items will have to be purchased from specialty store or separate from failed headsets. You will also have to look for the case separately or make it yourself. There are several original recipes, how to cast it from plastic at home. The process is long and painstaking, but if you are used to making something yourself, no one forbids you to experiment.

Assembling new headphones from parts of previous ones will not require you to have specific knowledge about technology, the main thing is to stock up on tools. To work you will need:

  • special wire cutters, a stationery knife or a sharp blade;
  • soldering iron, some solder, rosin;
  • insulating tape.

Required device components

Before you begin the procedure, it will be useful to understand a little about the design of the headphones. The standard package includes the following: necessary elements.


This is a part better known as minijack, with a diameter of three and a half millimeters, designed to connect headphones to the main device. Experts call it a TRS connector because of the three contacts that can be easily found on the surface. These contacts receive signals from line output on your music device or mobile phone. Depending on the manufacturer, there may be;

  • two – this number is typical for monophonic headphones;
  • three – for stereo devices;
  • four - this configuration is used in the manufacture of headsets.

It is worth paying especially close attention to this detail, since the performance of the future product will depend on it.

Cable or main wire

It can be made in the form of a round cord or a flat black ribbon. Manufacturers produce double and single cords- it depends on whether they are connected to one speaker or both. Under layer insulating material and protective varnish, copper conductors are placed - the left channel, the right channel and the grounding wire. As a rule, the wires are marked different colors- this allows you not to get confused with them during production, or, as in our case, during repairs.

This is the main element of any headphones, on which sound reproduction and quality depend. The sound emitter can belong to any class - wide spectrum, low frequency or vice versa, focused on high frequency playback, dome or simple. However, most often used in headphones standard speaker the simplest type. It cannot boast of high power or sensitivity, but it is reliable and unpretentious to the conditions.

Buying a speaker separately is quite difficult; assembling without special tools even more difficult, do not create unnecessary difficulties for yourself and simply cut off the necessary elements from the old headphones.

Try to cut the wire evenly, avoiding splitting the copper core.

Thus, the design of the headphones is quite simple. Disassembling a failed device and using its parts to assemble a new one will not be a difficult task. But before you start the procedure, you need to find out why the old device failed.

Checking parts

Headphone failure can occur for various reasons. The first thing you need to do before disassembling for parts is to make sure they are not working. There are often cases when the problem was hidden in the main device, but the owner, without understanding the situation, threw away completely serviceable headphones.

If you are sure that this is the reason, then before assembling new headphones, decide which parts can be used. Typical problems Such devices are caused by faulty plug contacts, a broken wire or faulty sound emitters. How to make headphones in this case? Assemble working parts from three different pairs.


It’s quite easy to disassemble old headphones with your own hands, the main thing is to choose the right tool. Feel free to cut the old headphones into pieces, carefully separating them from each other sharp knife. Don't forget to leave a small tail of the wire for later soldering. Three centimeters of cable will be enough for the plug; the same length will be enough for the speakers.

If you can't find a working plug, you'll have to tinker a little. Take any suitable part and completely clean it of rubber pads. After this, clean the surface of old contacts. For a new cable, you can use sections different lengths, connecting them together using a soldering iron is a matter of five minutes.

Assembling new headphones

The first step is to deal with the plug. There are two ways to connect it to the cable:

  • a completely serviceable part is simply soldered to the cord;
  • the faulty part will have to be completely cleaned and all contacts reattached.

Let's consider the second situation in more detail. The main design of the plug is not susceptible to failure, there is simply nothing to break there. However, the contacts that transmit signals can easily fail, and then they have to be replaced.

Depending on the class, the metal base of the part may have different quantities postings. Stereo headphones have three - two transmitters for the left and right speakers and a ground wire. The ground usually has the longest wire attached to the long part of the plug extending from the base.

Strip the main cable and find necessary wires. Connect them to the contacts, the sequence does not matter here. The main thing to remember is that the veins must be isolated from each other.

Cable extension

This operation does not require detailed explanations, as it is carried out on a whim. Take the pieces of wire and twist them together. Secure the twisted area using a soldering iron and required quantity solder. At the end of the procedure, wrap the wires with heat shrink tape.

Installation of sound emitters

Now let's take care of ourselves important detail headphones, namely the speakers. Disassemble the body of the parts you have chosen and look for contacts similar to those already used on the plug. Attach to the first transmitting wire d, connect grounding to the second one. After this, apply solder to the contacts and carefully insulate the wires. Reassemble the housing in reverse order.

How to make USB headphones

Now becoming popular new look headphones, which, however, also often becomes unusable. How to make USB headphones with your own hands if their connector is broken? It's very simple. First, remove the damaged part using wire cutters or sharp knife. Then take good connector and carefully solder it to the main cable.

Remember that, as when working with a plug, you need to pay attention to the contacts and not overdo it with rosin. Otherwise, USB headphones are no different from regular ones, and the assembly process has no fundamental differences.

How can you make headphones with a microphone? Just on final stage Solder the microphone contacts to the cable, and you will have a full-fledged headset.

Hundreds of millions of people have long been unable to imagine their lives without music. Every day you can see men and women in public transport using headphones to listen to their favorite songs. All this, of course, is great, but, unfortunately, the headset breaks down very, very often. It is for this reason that many users ask one question: how to make headphones with your own hands at home? The question is quite relevant, since in all the variety of available models you can only rely on yourself.

We make a headset for listening

Where should I start? In order to understand how to make headphones with your own hands, we recommend that you refer to the following instructions:

  • Purchase an output of a type that will fully meet the requirements of the audio source jack ( mobile device or computer). Today we can distinguish one most common type - miniJack. The diameter of such a pin is either 6.3 mm or 3.5 mm. The first is used mainly in stationary home appliances, and the second in mobile portable appliances. But let's not forget that every rule has its exception.
  • Now remove the housing cover on the purchased plug. Next, pass through the hole in this cover a very durable and high-quality cable, which should have four cores.
  • Then locate the post on the surface of the plug that is used to secure the wire. This stand is equipped with a special hole. Solder half of the conductors in the cable to this hole. There will be two conductors left. Solder them to two small pins. Also, put special small tubes on them in advance for insulation.
  • Next, wrap the wire with electrical tape and secure the wrapped section in the rack.
  • Close the plug and use the most common ohmmeter to check the device for short circuits (short circuits).
  • Get two small speakers with the same diameter. The resistance of each of them should be eight ohms. Install these speakers in special round resonator housings. To carry out this operation, you can use small plastic jars. Next, connect one 30 ohm resistor in series.
  • Now take care of the headband. Make it from something metal ruler. Place and fix the emitters on this structure. There are several ways to do this step. in various ways, for example, you can use a nut and screws.

Important! Please note that sharp protruding parts may harm your health in the future, so such elements should be avoided.

  • Now connect two wires to each emitter. Connect the first of these wires to the post of your plug, and the second to one of its small contacts.

Now you know how to assemble headphones with your own hands, but is it possible to achieve the same result in another way?

Making a new headset from a broken old one

Nobody forbids you to use another method to create a new device. To carry out the work you will need the following tools:

  • Sharp scissors.
  • Broken headphones.
  • Soldering station.
  • Insulating tape.

Important! The result is guaranteed only if at least one of the headphone speakers is in working condition.

To carry out the work, you must follow the following instructions:

  • Use a sharp blade or sharp scissors to remove the plastic part from your plug.
  • Using the same sharp object, strip the insulation from the wires and use a soldering iron to connect the wires to the corresponding connectors on the plug.

Important! Please note that optimal signal transmission will occur only through soldered wires, since “twisting” will cause you to lose the useful part of the signal. It should also be taken into account that during the union the pairs have the same color.

  • If the defect that caused the headset to malfunction occurred within the design of the device, it should be replaced with another one. Use another broken pair for this. If the wires become unsoldered from the membrane for any reason, use the soldering iron again.

Important! Try not to mix up the left and right speakers while working.

If all actions have been completed according to the instructions, then all that remains is to check the functionality of the new device on some sound source (laptop, PC, mobile phone or tablet).

Video material

Now you know how to make two headphones for your phone in different ways. Take on work only if you are confident in your abilities. Read the instructions carefully and do not neglect safety measures.

Subwoofer headphones are especially popular among professionals and music lovers. These headphones deliver clearer sound that allows you to enjoy your loved ones. musical works. However, not everyone can buy subwoofer headphones, since they cost a lot of money. What to do if you have a great desire to acquire such headphones, but do not have the appropriate funds? You will find the answer to this question in this material.

And first, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the author’s video

What do we need:
- round headphones;
- speakers;
- construction tape;
- screws;
- cotton wool;
- glue gun.

Let's start right away with the shape of the headphones. It depends entirely on the shape of the speakers. The author uses round speakers, which is why his headphones are round in shape. As for construction tape, we don’t need all of it: we need a cardboard tube, that is, its base. The speakers can be removed from the TV, as the author does.

First we need to disassemble the headphones. It needs to be almost completely disassembled. We throw out the old speakers from there, that is, plastic with wires and rubber elements remain.

We cut off the old wires and connect new ones with connectors for the new speakers. If there are none, then you can leave the old wires, but in this case you will have to solder the new speakers with a soldering iron.

For greater convenience, you can remove the plastic mounts of the new speakers and use them between the speakers and the rubber elements.

We take a cardboard ring from an old scotch tape and divide it in half.

For greater aesthetics, you can wrap the rings with red electrical tape, as the author does.

Let's start assembling the headphones. First, we screw the speakers to the plastics.

We put the rings on the speakers and connect the wires. We check if everything works as intended.

Apply a layer of hot melt glue to the plastic parts of the headphones.

Glue the first ring.

We stuff cotton wool in there.

Apply another layer of glue to the ring, and then glue the speaker itself.

We repeat the same with the next speaker.

We put on the rubber parts.

Subwoofer headphones are ready. Finally, we note that the new headphone design can harm the hearing mechanism if you listen to music for too long and too loudly. The fact is that new speakers transmit lower frequencies, so you need to be extremely careful and follow all safety rules. Headphones should not be used with an amplifier.

Headphones are a device that tends to break completely unexpectedly and out of place. Usually new headphones are bought immediately, because today it is quite difficult to imagine life without headphones. New headphones don't last any longer than old ones; Thus, in a few years you can collect a whole bag of headphones varying degrees brokenness. You shouldn’t throw them away - as a rule, from a bag of non-working headphones you can easily collect half a bag of fully functional devices.

Making headphones from scratch with your own hands is a difficult and very pointless task. One way or another, you will end up with a headphone assembly consisting of four components - a plug, a cable, speakers and a housing. Everything except the housing will probably have to be bought at a radio store or cut off from old headphones - and the housing, probably, too, unless, of course, you have some kind of original idea and especially straight hands. Nobody forbids casting a new case from plastic - but is the game worth the candle?

Assembling new headphones from a pair of old ones is a task without any special tricks. To do this, you only need a sharp utility knife, a soldering iron and a roll of electrical tape.

Studying the device of headphones

Before you start assembling the headphones yourself, it’s worth understanding what this device consists of and how it works.

Standard headphones, whether in-ear or on-ear, consist of three main elements:

So, the design of the headphones is very simple, so disassembling the old ones and assembling new headphones will not be an impossible task. But before you cut your old non-working headphones into pieces, you need to find out why they don’t work, what can be used from them and what cannot.

Spare parts diagnostics

Broken headphones may not work for many reasons. First, before you dissect the device, make sure that they are not actually working - perhaps the problem is not with them at all, but with the sound source you are using.

If the headphones themselves definitely do not work, find out which part is inoperative and which parts can be used. The main causes of breakdowns are wires coming loose from the plug contacts, cable rupture and speaker failure. Thus, you may need three pairs of broken headphones to assemble new working ones - from one you will take a plug, from another - a cable, from the third - a housing with speakers.

We disassemble old headphones

Prepare broken headphones for work and find a suitable tool:

  • sharp knife for stripping and cutting wires;
  • soldering iron for connecting wires to contacts and fixing twists;
  • insulating tape or heat shrink pad for connecting cable sections.

In the last step, you found out which parts are suitable for further use - feel free to chop up the headphones and separate these working parts. The plug must be cut so that at least 3 cm of the old cable extends from it. Speakers are cut off in the same way.

If you can’t find a working plug, cut it completely: remove the plastic case and tear off the remaining wires from the contacts; they will no longer be useful.

The old cable does not have to be intact. Let's say it was too short, and in new headphones you want to extend it, or in all old headphones it is torn. It doesn’t matter - take as many pieces as you find - connecting them is not difficult at all.

How long should the cable be?

The standard length of the headphone cable is 80–120 cm. In this case, a good range is also ensured - the sound source is rarely located far from the headphone body, and the influence of the cable on the sound quality is vanishingly small. If you make the cable longer, signal loss is quite possible, leading to distortion, interference and squeaking in the headphones. A shorter cable will simply be inconvenient.

Is a cable needed at all? Is it possible to make wireless headphones with your own hands? Well, this is, of course, possible, but it is better to do this if the old headphones were wireless - in this case, you can use a working transmitter by inserting it into the case with working speakers. Adding a wireless interface to previously wired headphones is difficult for an inexperienced user - you will need to create a control chip and program it.

Assembling new headphones with your own hands

So, you have received a complete set of working spare parts - it doesn’t matter whether they were obtained from old headphones or bought in a store. All that remains is to assemble them correctly, and you can start listening to music.


First of all, let's deal with the plug. Its attachment can occur in two ways:

  • if it worked, then the piece of wire coming from it is simply connected to the rest of the cable;
  • If a non-working plug is taken, it will have to be disassembled and thoroughly connected to a new cable.

Let's look at the second situation in more detail. The design of the plug is simple and not particularly deep - in principle, there is nothing to break there, so even if it no longer works as part of the headphones, it itself is quite functional and can be used again.

Beneath the plastic casing you will find a metal base of the plug from which two or more metal plates of varying lengths extend. In the case of conventional stereo headphones, there will be three plates - two contacts for transmitting the left and right channels and a contact for grounding. The third contact is the easiest to identify - it is the longest and is usually attached to the sleeve - the long part of the plug extending from the base.

We take a cable or one of the parts of the future cable and strip one of its ends. Under the braid you can find 3 or more often 4 wires, which are again stripped of insulation. After this, use a soldering iron to melt the transparent protective layer so that the current flows as freely as possible. After this, the wires are connected to their contacts - the channels can be safely swapped, this will not affect anything. Copper conductors twisted, wound to the contacts and secured blowtorch. Remember that the wires must be insulated from each other.

The plug body cannot be restored, but you can use anything instead - just wrap the twist with electrical tape or thread the plug into the tip of a syringe or a pen cap.


If the cable is assembled from several sections, its parts will have to be securely twisted together. To do this, the parts to be connected are freed from the braiding, and the wires are stripped of insulation. After this, the wires are twisted in a linear or spiral manner - detailed instructions there is no need here, this operation is easily performed on a whim. Then the twist is fastened with a soldering iron, the channels are isolated from each other and from the ground. The top of the twist is wrapped with electrical tape or tightened with heat shrink tape. The main thing is to choose a color that matches the braid so that the cable does not look too artisanal. As a last resort, you can make a homemade winding of thread or lacing over the plastic braid.


All that remains is to connect the speaker. Disassemble the case using any in a convenient way– it is best if such a possibility is provided and the body parts are fastened with screws that can be unscrewed.

On the body of the emitter itself you will find the same contacts as on the plug. The corresponding channel is connected to one of them, and the ground is connected to the second. We solder, insulate, and put the case back together.

Thus, from several non-working pairs of headphones, it is easy to assemble new headphones with your own hands using a simple set of tools. There is no point in assembling headphones from scratch - it will be easier (and, as a rule, cheaper) to simply buy them at the nearest store.