Who is Chubais and what does he do? Where is Anatoly Chubais now: latest news 

A well-known political and economic figure, since 2008 he has been the general director of the state company Rusnano.


Anatoly Borisovich was born on June 16, 1955 in the city of Borisov, Minsk region. Father, Boris Matveevich, held the rank of colonel, was engaged in teaching at the Leningrad Mining Institute, where he introduced students to Marxist-Leninist teachings. Mother, Raisa Khamovna Sagal, an economist by training, took care of the family hearth and raised her sons, trying to develop their abilities with youth. Thus, the eldest son, Igor, subsequently received a Doctor of Philosophy degree and became a professor at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the RUDN University.

He went to school in Odessa, where his family later moved. Even then, the boy became interested in exact sciences and began to invent technical inventions. This was followed by a move to Lvov, and in 1967 my father was transferred to Leningrad for service. There, the future politician studied at a school with military-patriotic education. The boy more than once heard conversations on philosophical and political topics in the family circle, apparently this partly influenced him future fate.

Education and party affiliation

I decided to enter the Leningrad Engineering and Economic Institute named after Palmiro Togliatti (LIEI) for “economics and organization of mechanical engineering production,” which I graduated in 1977, but until 1982 I continued to work there as an engineer, assistant, and associate professor. At the same time, he wrote his PhD thesis and successfully defended it in 1983.

In 1980 he joined the CPSU. At the same time, an economic circle was formed in Leningrad, which he headed together with Yuri Yarmagaev and Grigory Glazkov. The result of their joint developments was scientific work“Improving the management of scientific and technological progress in production.” In 1994 he founded the Democratic Choice of Russia (DVR) party.


In 2002, he completed his studies at the Faculty of Advanced Training for Teachers and Specialists of the Moscow Energy Institute in the direction of “Problems of Modern Energy”.

Since September 2011 - Head of the Department of Technological Entrepreneurship at MIPT.

Labor activity

In 1990, he began working as deputy chairman of the executive committee of the Leningrad City Council, and soon became the first deputy chairman of the executive committee. In 1991, the mayor of St. Petersburg at that time, A. Sobchak, invited him to work as the chief economic adviser. Already in November of the same year, he was appointed Chairman of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for State Property Management - Minister of the RSFSR.

On June 1, 1992, he was appointed deputy chairman of the Russian government for economic and financial policy, and from November 5, 1994 to January 16, 1996, he was the first deputy chairman, as well as the head of the Federal Commission on Securities and the Stock Market. In 1995-1997 - member of the Council for foreign policy. Since the spring of 1995, for a year he was a manager for Russia in international financial organizations.

On March 17, 1997, he was appointed Minister of Finance of Russia (November 20 of the same year, relieved of his post), and in April - manager of the Russian Federation at the IBRD and the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (resigned on March 23, 1998). From May 1997 to May 1998 he was a member of the Security Council. After that, for ten years he headed RAO UES of Russia. On April 4, 1998, he was elected to its directors, and on April 30 he was appointed chairman of the board.

In July 2000, he headed the CIS Electric Power Council as president. He was re-elected to this post for the next four years.


In October 2000, he joined the board of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs.

Since 2010 - on the board of the Skolkovo Foundation.

In 2011, he was elected chairman of the board of Rusnano OJSC.

On 10/12/2012 he joined the advisory board of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), and from 02/06/2013 he became a member of the directors of the American company Tri Alpha Energy, Inc.


Trustee of the Moscow charitable foundation assistance to the Vera hospice.

Marital status

In the late 70s, he and his wife Lyudmila lived in a small room in communal apartment. In 1980, they had a son, Alexey (graduated from the Higher School of Economics), and in 1983, a daughter, Olga (graduated from the St. Petersburg Institute of Finance and Economics). In 1989 they separated.

A year later, he married again - Maria Vishnevskaya became his second wife. The peak of his career came during their years life together, however, the couple broke up 21 years later.

In January 2012, he got married for the third time. They have been together with TV presenter and director Avdotya Smirnova for more than four years.

Anatoly Borisovich Chubais is a Soviet and Russian political and economic figure, liberal and reformer, general director of the corporation (Russian Nanotechnology Corporation). Anatoly Chubais was the chairman of the board of RAO UES of Russia. One of the leaders of market and energy reforms in Russia.

Anatoly Chubais

Childhood and adolescence of Anatoly Chubais

Anatoly Borisovich Chubais was born on June 16, 1955 into a military family. Boris Matveevich Chubais, father of the politician, retired colonel, who taught the philosophy of Lenin and Marx at the Leningrad Mining Institute. Raisa Efimovna Segal, Anatoly’s mother, is an economist by training, but has never worked in her specialty. She looked after the children and the house.

Raisa Efimovna paid great attention to her sons. Brother of Anatoly Chubais, Igor, achieved significant heights. He became a Doctor of Philosophy, professor of the Department of Social Philosophy of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the RUDN University. Anatoly’s parents sent him to school in Odessa. Already there he began to become interested in exact sciences and come up with various kinds of inventions.

Anatoly Chubais in his youth with his mother

Since the mid-60s of the twentieth century, the politician’s family lived in Lvov, and in 1967, due to their father’s service, they moved to Leningrad. There, as Anatoly himself said, he studied at a school with an emphasis on military-patriotic education. Boris Matveevich and Anatoly’s older brother often discussed politics and philosophy, and young Anatoly Chubais took part in this. Such debates influenced the choice future profession policy.

Student life politics

In 1972, Anatoly entered the Leningrad Engineering and Economic Institute named after. Palmiro Togliatti at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. In 1977, the future politician graduated from the institute with honors. He began working at the same institute as a teacher, engineer and teaching assistant. While working at the institute, Anatoly wrote his dissertation. He successfully defended it in 83 of the twentieth century.

A. B. Chubais in his youth and now

The beginning of Chubais's political career

In 1980, Anatoly joined the Communist Party. At that time Leningrad was suffering active development democratic movement. Leningrad economists founded a circle in which Anatoly Chubais, Grigory Glazkov and Yuri Yarmagaev became leaders. Together they worked on a scientific report entitled “Improving the management of scientific and technological progress in production.” The circle also included the vice-president of the Banking House "St. Petersburg", the future deputy prime minister, Mikhail Manevich, the late governor of St. Petersburg, and Anatoly's older brother Igor Chubais.

Political activities of Anatoly Chubais

In 1990, Anatoly Chubais took the post of deputy chairman of the executive committee of the Leningrad City Council, and then became the first deputy.

In 1991 Anatoly Sobchak, mayor of St. Petersburg, appointed Anatoly Chubais as leading economic adviser. He quickly climbed the career ladder thanks to his intelligence and talent.

A. Chubais and A. Sobchak

In November 1991, he became chairman of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for State Property Management. In 1992, the head of state appointed him deputy prime minister.

Russian President Boris Yeltsin and Anatoly Chubais

In 1992, Chubais began and finished creating a privatization program. By the beginning of 1997, more than 127 thousand enterprises had been privatized.

In 1998, at a special meeting of the co-owners of the shares of RAO UES of Russia, it was decided to take Anatoly Chubais to the Board of Directors, and later he was appointed to the position of Chairman of the Government.

Anatoly Chubais is a prominent figure in politics. From the deputy State Duma“Russia’s Choice”, the creator of the “Civil Society Foundation”, which predetermined the activities of the association of analysts of Yeltsin’s election headquarters, to the position of chairman of the government.

Anatoly Chubais

In June 2003, Anatoly Chubais became one of the top three leaders of the Union of Right Forces, but the party failed. When the politician left the post of party chairman, he became a member of the federal political council. In the fall of 2008, the political party accepted Anatoly Chubais into the Supreme Council "Just cause».

For his political achievements and economic success, the private American Institute, which studies issues of East and West, awarded Anatoly Chubais the Outstanding New Excellence Award in 1994. Euromoney magazine (England) gave the politician the title of Best Finance Minister in the World. Anatoly Chubais also received many Gratitudes from the President of the Russian Federation. Anatoly Chubais is a venerable doctor of the University of Engineering and Economics of St. Petersburg. In addition, he is an Actual State Advisor of Russia, first class.

Anatoly Chubais and Vladimir Putin

Personal life of a politician

In the first marriage of Anatoly Chubais and Lyudmila Grigorieva were born son Alexey(1980) and daughter Olga(1983). Both followed in their father’s footsteps and chose a direction related to economics.

In 1989, the marriage of Anatoly and Lyudmila broke up, but the politician always supported his children financially.

In 1990, Chubais met Maria Vishnevskaya and married her. The woman supported her husband in everything, be it career growth or rapid decline. Maria worked in a hospital for hopelessly ill people, but communication with them left an imprint on the woman’s mental health and on the personal life of the spouses. Anatoly Chubais took his wife to various prestigious clinics, wanting to cure her, but all attempts were unsuccessful. After being married for 21 years, Anatoly Chubais and Maria Vishnevskaya separated. Anatoly left all his property to his ex-wife.

Anatoly Chubais and Maria Vishnevskaya

In January 2012, Anatoly Chubais legalized his relationship with the famous TV presenter and director Avdotya Smirnova.

Anatoly Chubais with Avdotya Smirnova

Now Anatoly Borisovich is happy, enjoys active recreation and tries to keep abreast of all the news on the World Wide Web. Anatoly Chubais still loves the British rock band "The Beatles",Bulat Okudzhava and Yuri Vizbor. In cinema, he is most attracted to the films of Andrei Tarkovsky, Kira Muratova and Leonid Gaidai. At this point in time, Anatoly Borisovich Chubais is the general director of the Russian Nanotechnology Corporation.

Anatoly Borisovich Chubais is a human symbol, a demonized hero of political battles, a reformer and liberal, whom some consider outstanding personality, and others - “all-Russian allergen”.

In 1977 he graduated from the Leningrad Engineering and Economic Institute named after Palmiro Tolyatti. In 1983 he completed his postgraduate studies. In 2002 he graduated from the Moscow Energy Institute.

The childhood and youth of Anatoly Chubais

Anatoly Chubais, born into a military family, learned all the “delights” of garrison life from childhood. Father, Boris Matveevich Chubais, became a retiree with the rank of colonel and taught students of the Leningrad Mining Institute the philosophy of Lenin and Marx. Mother, Raisa Khamovna Sagal, had an extraordinary mind, had a specialty in economics, however, she never worked, devoting herself to the family and raising her sons.

The mother paid attention to the multifaceted development of the boy, as well as his brother Igor, who in the future became a Doctor of Philosophy, professor of the Department of Social Philosophy of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the RUDN University.

Even at school (the future politician became a first-grader in Odessa), Anatoly preferred exact sciences and came up with all sorts of clever inventions.

In the mid-60s, the family lived in Lviv, and in 1967 military service brought her father and her entire family to the city of palaces and museums. In Leningrad, Chubais studied at a school with military-patriotic education.

In the family of a Soviet officer, there were often discussions regarding political and philosophical topics, and young Anatoly was an unwitting witness to the debates that took place between his father and his older brother. This uniquely influenced the young man’s choice and he chose the economics university over the philosophical direction.

Student years and the beginning of Chubais’s career in politics

In 1972, Anatoly became a student at the Leningrad Engineering and Economic Institute named after Palmiro Togliatti. He chose the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. The future ideologist and leader of Russian market reforms and privatization activities graduated from his first alma mater with honors in 1977.

Chubais’s work experience began within the walls of his native institute, where he worked as an engineer, assistant and associate professor. At the same time, he was writing a dissertation, which he successfully defended in 1983.

Chubais - March of the Nanists

In 1980, Anatoly decided to join the Communist Party. At that time, the democratic movement was actively developing in Leningrad. Leningrad economists organized an informal circle, the leader of which was Chubais, along with Grigory Glazkov and Yuri Yarmagaev. The fruit of their joint work was the scientific work “Improving the management of scientific and technological progress in production.”

Members of the circle also included future Deputy Prime Minister Alexei Kudrin, President of the Banking House "St. Petersburg" Vladimir Kogan, the late Vice-Governor of St. Petersburg Mikhail Manevich, as well as older brother Igor.

Political career of Anatoly Chubais

In 1990, Anatoly Chubais took the post of deputy chairman of the executive committee of the Leningrad City Council, and a little later became first deputy. In 1991, the mayor of the city, Anatoly Sobchak, invited him to the position of chief economic adviser.

Possessing a talent as a politician and a brilliant analytical mind, Chubais rapidly moved up the career ladder. In November 1991, he was appointed chairman of the Russian State Committee for State Property Management. And already in 1992, President Boris Yeltsin entrusted him with the post of Deputy Prime Minister. IN

During 1992, Chubais created a privatization program, as a result of which by the beginning of 1997, 127,000 enterprises had been privatized. An extraordinary meeting of shareholders of RAO UES of Russia decided to elect Chubais to the Board of Directors. Also in 1998, he became chairman of the board.

Anatoly Chubais. Exclusive interview.

In politics, Anatoly Chubais is a prominent figure. He went through the path of a State Duma deputy from Russia's Choice, was the creator of the Civil Society Foundation, which predetermined the work of a group of analysts at Yeltsin's election headquarters.

Before the Duma elections in June 2003, he became one of the top three leaders of the Union of Right Forces, but the party suffered defeat. After resigning from the post of party chairman, he was a member of the federal political council, and in November 2008, the Right Cause political party accepted him into the Supreme Council.

Now Anatoly Borisovich Chubais is the head of Rusnano. His political successes and economic achievements are appreciated by the domestic and world community. The private American Institute for the Study of East and West Studies awarded him the 1994 Outstanding New Artist Award.

The English economic magazine Euromoney named him the best finance minister in the world. He has been awarded many Commendations from the President of Russia and is an Acting State Advisor of the Russian Federation, 1st class. Anatoly Chubais honorary doctor of the University of Engineering and Economics of St. Petersburg.

Personal life, Anatoly Chubais today

From his first marriage, Anatoly Chubais had a son, Alexey, and a daughter, Olga. Both chose the economic direction. In 1989, the marriage broke up, however, financial support from ex-husband and his father remained worthy.

In 1990, Chubais married Maria Vishnevskaya for the second time. His wife supported Anatoly during his rapid career growth and, as expected, was a support in both joy and sorrow.

Working in a hospice and interacting with terminally ill patients left an imprint on the woman’s mental health. This affected the personal life of the spouses. Treatment in the most prestigious clinics was unsuccessful. After 21 years of marriage they separated. All property remained to Maria Vishnevskaya.

(Director of RUSNANO)

Anatoly Chubais was born on June 16, 1955 in Borisov, Belarusian SSR.
Parents: Father Boris Matveevich Chubais (b. 1918) - retired colonel, teacher of Marxist-Leninist philosophy at the Leningrad Mining Institute.

Mother - Raisa Khaimovna Sagal (born in 1918), housewife. An economist by profession, but he never worked - he and his husband went to the garrison.

By the way: Chubais - people from the Baltic states were invited to Russia by Peter I. The original name sounds like Chubayt. “We have so little that all people with the last name Chubais are relatives” (from an interview with Igor Chubais, Anatoly Chubais’s older brother, Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper, January 27, 1997).

In 1977

Anatoly Chubais graduated from the Leningrad Institute of Economics and Economics (LEI). Palmiro Tolyatti.

In 1983 he defended his dissertation on the topic “Research and development of management methods for improving management in industrial scientific and technical organizations.”

In 1977-1982.

worked at LIEI as an engineer, assistant.

From 1982 to 1990 - Associate Professor at LIEI.

In 1984-1987 Anatoly Chubais was the informal leader of a circle of young economists created by a group of graduates of the Leningrad Institute of Economics. The “circle” also includes: Big Brother Igor Chubais, current Deputy Prime Minister Alexei Kudrin, Chubais’ employees - Peter Mostovoy, Alexander Kazakov, current president of the St. Petersburg Banking Company Vladimir Kogan and others.

Next to this group were Kudrin’s classmates: the current Minister of Antimonopoly Policy Ilya Yuzhanov and the chairman of MDM Bank St. Petersburg OJSC Olga Kazan, who was killed in 1997. Vice-Governor of St. Petersburg Mikhail Manevich.

In 1990, Anatoly Chubais became deputy chairman of the Executive Committee of the Leningrad City Council in 1990-1991. - First Deputy Chairman of the Executive Committee.

Since July 1991.

— Chief economist of the mayor of St. Petersburg Anatoly Sobchak.

Since November 1991 - Chairman of the State Committee for State Property Management (SPM) - Minister of Russia.

On June 2, 1992, Chubais was appointed Deputy Prime Minister and Russian President Boris Yeltsin.

For 1992.

SCI, under the leadership of Anatoly Chubais, developed the privatization program and provided technical training.

From 1992 to 1997

privatization Russian companies was almost completely implemented. 150 million privatization vouchers were issued. By the beginning of 1997, 127 thousand companies had been privatized. In parallel, the privatization process was accompanied by the intensive formation of new private companies.

As a result, by the beginning of 1997, according to the State Statistics Committee, state-owned enterprises accounted for 16% of the total number of registered legal entities, including about 200 thousand federal real estate,

enterprises and organizations (8.4% of all legal entities). At the end of 1997, 131,000 enterprises remained in federal ownership (5% of the total number of legal entities), including 13,000 companies

individual companies. In addition, there were about 5,000 blocks of shares in federal ownership, which were allocated to the federal government for various conditions, and just over 1000.

"Golden shares".

Critics accuse Chubais of privatizing Russia under the slogan "Money Loans" and most companies were divided into pennies. As a result, in 2001, according to analysts, only 8 oligarchic clans controlled 85% of the value of the 64 richest Russian private companies.

The total turnover of the first 12 companies was the same as the revenue side of the state budget.

Chubais comments on privatization as follows: "Privatization has many disadvantages: economic, political and social, but it has one virtue - it was carried out." This dignity is worth a lot. It is at least better than the reasonable, efficient in all respects and free model of privatization, which remains the model.”

“At the end of 1991.

There was not a single country with a system of institutions that would set standards and ensure their implementation in Russia. This was a huge robbery of government property. It was impossible to stop. This is why there is a simple dilemma: either this process has been implemented in legislative framework- for example, they get the maximum benefit from three privatization options, or in a few years it will prove that nothing is privatized. It is likely that the chosen structure was not always the most successful; the system of criminal punishment for violations was very weak.

And this is how a large crowd could be avoided. "

On December 12, 1993, Anatoly Chubais was elected to the State Lady of the Russian Federation on the “Russia's Choice” list.

Chubais Anatoly Borisovich is proud of his nationality and origin

he was elected a member of the political council of the Democratic Choice of Russia (DDA) party.

December 24, 1994. By government decree, he was appointed chairman of the Federal Energy Commission by Anatoly Chubais.

From 1995 to December 7, 1996 - member of the Management Board and Board of Directors of the Public Television of the Russian Federation.

From February to July 1996.

— President of the Foundation for the Protection of Private Property.

April-June 1996. Chubais actively participated in Boris Yeltsin's election campaign. He was the leader of Yeltsin's election group. According to unofficial data, Chubais's headquarters controlled the issue of financing the election campaign.

On July 15, 1996, Russian President Boris Yeltsin signed a decree appointing Anatoly Chubais to the post of Chairman of the Board.

After the meeting, Chubais said that he did not intend to deal with issues economic policy, but will focus on building the country.

On March 7, 1997, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, he was appointed First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation for operational management.

On March 11, 1997, Chubais was appointed head of the Interdepartmental Commission of the Russian Federation for cooperation with international financial and economic organizations and the G7.

On the same day, Chubais was appointed Governor of the Russian Federation by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency.

Since May 1997.

- Member of the Security Council of the Russian Federation.

November 12, 1997. Journalist Alexander Minkin, in an interview with the Ekho Moskvy radio station, reports Chubais’s intention with a group of co-authors to write a book about privatization in Russia. Minkin said he has documentation that all five authors should receive $90,000.

as payment. According to Chubais, according to the author's agreement with the publishers, 95% of the contributions were promised by the authors to return to a certain fund to support the middle class, and he did this himself.

On November 20, 1997, Anatoly Chubais was relieved of his post as Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation, remaining First Deputy Prime Minister.

On March 23, 1998, along with the decree on the resignation of the government of the Russian Federation, Boris Yeltsin signed a separate decree on the resignation of Chubais.

— Member of the Board of Directors of OJSC RAO UES of Russia.

From June 17 to August 28, 1998 - Special Representative of the President of the Russian Federation for relations with international financial organizations in the position of Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation.

The meeting of shareholders elected Chairman of the Management Board of RAO UES of Russia.

By the way: the government appointed eight representatives to Chubais on the company’s board.

The remaining seven directors were elected by shareholders. The Chairman of the Board was also appointed by the government among the state representatives. Thus, the state, which owns a controlling stake in RAO, defended its interests. When Chubais appeared at the company, this order was violated. In mid-1998 (contrary to laws and presidential decrees), the list of state representatives was accepted for a general vote of shareholders in the same way with other candidates. Largely thanks to the vote of foreign shareholders, Anatoly Chubais became the head of RAO.

Member of the Bureau of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs. He was awarded the Unusual New Skills Medal by the private American Institute of Oriental and Western Studies (July 1994). Medal “Third stage “I paid my taxes” (prepared by the magazine “face” in January 1997).

Based on the results of 1997. The English economic newspaper Euromoney is recognized as the best finance minister in the world.

In March 2003 he joined the National Council for corporate governance, created Russian Federation industrialists and entrepreneurs, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Federal Commission for the Securities Market.


Anatoly Chubais has the right to vote on behalf of about 35% of RAO shares owned by foreign companies.

These shares exist in the form of US Deposit Certificates (ADR). The holder of the issued ADRs is the Bank of New York. In accordance with the agreement between RAO UES of Russia and New York Bank, the right to vote on behalf of ADR holders is exclusive to the President of RAO.

The total amount of funds controlled is $3.25 billion.

(according to the Kommersant newspaper).

According to the statement of the Duma of Anatoly Chubais, his monthly salary, approved by the board of RAO UES of Russia, is about 120 thousand euros. Rub., But this amount does not include bonuses, prizes and dividends. According to media estimates, this amount is about 30 thousand dollars a month.


Anatoly Chubais maintains relationships with a number of people in the highest echelons Russian government, who are usually called “Moscow Petersburgers”.

As for political crushers, Chubais, unlike most major Russian businessmen, is actively proving his belonging to the camp of right-wing liberals.

In the early nineties. He was part of the Russia's Choice bloc and then a member of the Russia's Democratic Choice (DNA) party from the first to the last day of its existence and is currently co-chairman of the Right Union. According to the media, Chubais was the main organizer of the formation of the League of Right Forces as a coalition of all fairly liberal political parties and movements.

According to numerous evidence, Chubais “built” the first three lists of SPS voters, which were optimal for a dynamic and market-oriented electorate: Kiriyenko-Nemtsov-Khakamada. He also convinced Yegor Gaidar to respond to the campaign within the campaign, recalling the sad experience of the 1995 DDA elections, when Gaidar headed the list of parties.

According to analysts, RAO UES of Russia has strong lobbying both in the state and in the Federation Council of the Russian Federation.

Our partners

Dmitry Vasiliev
in 1991.

in 1994-2000, Chubais became a deputy of the State Property Committee. headed the Federal Commission for the Securities Market (FCSM), now - First Deputy General Director of Mosenergo OJSC for asset management and management.

Alfred Koch, previously deputy chairman of the State Property Management Committee (Kugi) from St. Petersburg, then Chubais was appointed head of the State Property Committee; he is still one of the personal friends of the head of RAO UES of Russia.

Peter Mostovoy For a long time he worked as first deputy chairman of the State Property Committee, then headed the Federal Insolvency Administration (Department of Bankruptcy Cases) and currently chairs the " round table» Russia.

In 2001, he became a member of the political council of the Union of Right Forces.

Alexander Kazakov He was deputy head of the department of the State Committee on Science and Technology. Under the leadership of Chubais, he made an extraordinary career after arriving with the head of the state property committee with the deputy prime minister and head of the department, then the first deputy head of the presidential administration (Anatoly Chubais, head of the presidential administration).

Maxim Boyko- in 1992.

as a scientific expert, he is a member of the working group of consultants of the State Property Committee, where he turned to Anatoly Chubais. After Chubais's appointment as First Deputy Prime Minister, Boyko becomes his deputy in the Economic Reform Commission and his executive secretary. In 1994 - director Russian Center Privatization (RIC), then Deputy Head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.

Boris Mints Head of the Local Government Development Department of the Presidential Administration in 2001.

At the initiative of Chubais, it was headed by the Executive Committee of the Union of Right Forces. After abandoning this working alliance due to differences with Boris Nemtsov, Mint is now managed by Renba TV under the leadership of Chubais.

Leonid Gozman He began working with Chubais as an adviser to the government, and is now a member of the board of RAO UES of Russia and at the same time is a member of the political council of the Union of Right Forces.

Andrey Rappoport in the first half of the 90s.

he was Chairman of the Board of Directors of Alfa Bank, and then worked for Yukos for about a year and a half as the company's first vice president. In 2002, Rappoport became Deputy Chairman of the Management Board, responsible for investments in RAO UES. Rappoport was managed by the board of the newly created Federal Grid Company.

Valentin Zavadnikov He began his business career in the free economic zone "PRECISION", then was engaged in management activities in Moscow for some time he managed the apparatus of the “Next, Russia!” movement. Boris Fedorov, but Chubais himself did not work.

At RAO Zavadnikov headed the real estate department and soon became deputy chairman of the board. Zavadnikov is considered the main developer of the project to restructure the energy economy, but his ideas were not fully implemented. In 2001, he was elected a member of the Federation Council, where he heads the Industrial Policy Committee and actively acts as a lobbyist in the field of energy reform.

Sergey Dubinin(in the past it works.

Minister of Finance and President of the Central Bank of Russia) is currently Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of OAO RAO UES of Russia.

Yakov Urinson(former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy) is currently Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of RAO UES of Russia.


Chubais' strong opponents are the leaders of the capital's metropolitan regions - Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov and St. Petersburg Governor Vladimir Yakovlev, who created municipal energy companies and wants to control the transit and sale of electricity.

Tensions between Chubais and Tatarstan and the leaders of Bashkiria Mintimer Shaimiev and Murtaza Rakhimov, who also control their own energy.

Uneasy relations with Chubais with the chairman of Rosenergoatom Oleg Saraev, as well as MDM SUEK (fuel supplier for power plants).

From an interview with Chubais, the weekly Kommersant.

Money ":" For example, it is known that I do not have a simple relationship with the current owners - the team of Abramovich and Deripaska, but compared to the previous owners - this is simply a qualitatively different level in terms of fundamental ethical values, depending on how the company, and in each specific case from the point of view of the general level of culture.

And the reason for these qualitative changes, in my opinion, is simple: Black’s style was no longer meant in Russian reality. "

Roman Abramovich and Oleg Deripaska represent a real perceived threat, as they actively oppose the restructuring of RAO UES of Russia and the buyout of its shares.

We would like to control a significant share in the Russian energy sector. In 1999-2000. Deripaska was a partner of Chubais, with whom the Sayany Energy and Metallurgical Company OJSC was formed on the basis of the Sayano-Shushenskaya and Siberian Aluminum hydroelectric power stations.

However, Deripaska and Abramovich merged aluminum assets, which did not agree with Chubais - he did not want to engage in an abstract entity that was still called Rusal. After this, Deripaska and Chubais manage almost constantly.

All former competitors of Chubais in the government of power to remove the cook of fuel and energy Viktor Kalyuzhny, Minister of Atomic Energy Evgeny Adamov refused, Deputy Minister of Energy Viktor Kucheryavyi, Governor of the Primorsky Territory Evgeny Nazdratenko won.

He replaced 80% of the leaders of regional energy systems, who were everywhere personally loyal to Chubais.

Regional governors are afraid of the dependence of the region's economy on RAO - all areas must have energy, and a crisis could occur at any moment.


According to colleagues, “Chubais is pragmatic, on the one hand, and on the other, he is a very simple person, he never gave it up under any circumstances.

This is his absolutely rigid principle - no one can say that he worked with Chubais, but he replaced him. "

This is in a different law. His wife is Maria Davydovna Vishnevskaya. From the first marriage, son and daughter: Alexey (1980) and Olga (born 1983).

He likes water tourism, he adores the nature of Karelia and Kamchatka with its geysers and volcanoes.

Chubais does not want to talk about his personal life.

He has no close friends. The closest of them is Yegor Gaidar, whom Chubais greatly respects and whose friendship he cherishes. He is friends with Mstislav Rostropovich, although he was often not found due to Chubais's work and constant trips to Rostropovich. Particular mention should be made of Bulat Okudzhavi - despite the age difference, Chubais and Okudzhava were very close.

By the way, there is an opinion that Okudzhava’s last song was written before his death, dedicated to Chubais.


Born on April 26, 1947 in Berlin. Father - Boris Matveyevich Chubais (February 15, 1918 - October 9, 2000) - participant in the Great Patriotic War, colonel, after retirement, teacher of Marxism-Leninism at the Leningrad Mining Institute.

Mother - Raisa Efimovna Sagal (September 15, 1918 - September 7, 2004). After the war, Boris Chubais and his wife once lived in defeated Germany. Then the unit where Father Igor served was located in Lyadishchi (Borisov). His younger brother Anatoly Borisovich Chubais was born. In the early sixties, the family moved from Boris to the Department

In 1972 he graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy of Leningrad State University.

He joined the CPSU when he entered the faculty of the Institute of Sociology of the Academy of Sciences Soviet Union in Moscow, after pointing out the inability to train foreigners.

In 1978 he graduated from the Institute of Sociology and defended his doctoral dissertation on the Polish sociology of television.

From 1980 to 1997 - Associate Professor at the Department of Philosophy at GITIS.

In 1987-1990, he was one of the most important personalities of the men's informal societies “Perestroika” and “Perestroika-88”.

In 1988-1990 he was a member of the Moscow Popular Front.

Anatoly Chubais, biography, news, photos!

In 1989, he was expelled from the CPSU for “activities aimed at dividing the client.”

In 1990, Igor Borisovich became the “founder” of the democratic platform in the CPSU, and then (after a short stay of the Republican Party) was a member of the Office of the Political Council of the People's Party of Russia.

In the spring and summer of 1991, he joined the Moscow Party of Democratic Action (PDA) for the coalition of five parties "Democratic Moscow" and participated in the creation of the Moscow Democratic Movement for the Democratic Forces of Democratic Russia.

Editor-in-Chief of the magazine (almanac) “New Milestones”.

In 2000 he defended his doctoral dissertation on the problem of the new Russian idea and identity.

In 2006-2007, he hosted the radio station “Moscow Speaks”.

Full member of the “Return” Foundation, created in December 2006.

In March 2010, the Russian opposition signed the complaint “Putin must go.”

Since 2010, he has been the leader of a number of radio programs on a Russian radio station.


  • Director of the Interuniversity Center for Russian Studies at FFU FFU
  • Dean of the Faculty of Russian Studies, Institute of Social Sciences


He is married.

Graduated from the Faculty of Law of the Institute of Economics and Law.

The national political activities of his brother Igor Chubais do not approve of or are not associated with him.


  • “From the idea of ​​Russia to the idea New Russia"(1996)
  • “Russia in Search of Itself” (1998)
  • Textbook "Fatherhood", 2003, with a group of employees
  • “Open Russia.

Anatoly Borisovich Chubais- former minister of finance, head of the presidential administration and first deputy prime minister. Chubais is a remarkable person in Russian politics. Many are associated with his name economic reforms, in particular, global privatization in Russia, which even today Russians have a negative attitude towards. Since 2008, Anatoly Chubais has been the general director of the state corporation Russian Nanotechnology Corporation, and since 2011, the chairman of the board of Rusnano OJSC.

Childhood and education of Anatoly Chubais

Father - Boris Matveevich Chubais(1918−2000) was a serviceman, a veteran of the Great Patriotic War. Since 1970, he taught at the Lvov Higher Military-Political School, and after retirement he taught Marxist-Leninist philosophy to students at the Leningrad Mining Institute.

Mother - Raisa Efimovna Segal(according to other sources, Raisa Khaimovna Sagal, 1918−2004) was an economist by profession and was involved in raising children.

Chubais is the real name of Anatoly Borisovich. The surname Chubais is of Latvian origin.

Anatoly was the second child in the family. His older brother - Igor Borisovich Chubais(b. 1947) - Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of the Department of Social Philosophy at RUDN University.

Anatoly’s childhood was filled with the hardships of life as children of military personnel, although, as his brother Igor said, Chubais’s father, a lieutenant colonel, had an above-average salary. “They never died of hunger and never lived in poverty,” said Igor Chubais in an interview with KP.

He began his studies in Odessa, where his father was then serving, then continued his studies in Lvov, and in the fifth grade, little Chubais went to school No. 188 with military-political education in Leningrad. As Anatoly Borisovich admitted, he hated his school.

Despite the fact that Anatoly Borisovich Chubais, as a child, often listened with interest to the conversations of his father and brother about politics and philosophy, Chubais was more inclined towards the exact sciences, and therefore entered the Leningrad Engineering and Economic Institute. In 1977, Anatoly Borisovich Chubais graduated from the institute with honors. In 1983, Chubais became a candidate of economic sciences. Anatoly Chubais began his career at the same university, working first as an engineer, then as an assistant, and finally as an assistant professor.

Anatoly Chubais - career as a politician

Anatoly Chubais became a member of the CPSU in the late seventies, and in the mid-80s Anatoly Borisovich and his supporters created the informal Perestroika club, actively conducting economic seminars. Chubais was attracted to democratic ideas, which the future politician dreamed of disseminating among the broad masses. At these seminars, Anatoly Borisovich met Egor Gaidar. This acquaintance played a role in his future career as a politician.

The biography on Chubais’s website also notes that in 1979-1987 Anatoly was the leader of “an informal circle of ‘young economists’, which was created by a group of graduates of economic universities in the city.”

In 1991, Anatoly Chubais was offered the position of chief economic development adviser at the Leningrad mayor's office. Anatoly Borisovich created working group to create an economic strategy for the development of the Russian economy. Further, the career of Anatoly Chubais developed rapidly during an extremely difficult period in Russian history. In November of the same year, Chubais became the head of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for State Property Management, and in 1992 he was appointed Deputy Prime Minister of Russia under the President Boris Yeltsin.

In 1993, Anatoly Chubais became a State Duma deputy from the Russia's Choice party.

As Deputy Prime Minister, Anatoly Chubais and his team developed the famous privatization program. As a result, 130 thousand state-owned enterprises ended up in private hands. Despite the fact that it is recognized by society as unsatisfactory (on December 9, 1994, the State Duma adopted a resolution in which it described the results of privatization as unsatisfactory, says Wikipedia) and still causes a lot of criticism, this did not prevent Chubais from making a career and occupying increasingly significant positions. posts in the political arena.

In the photo: Moscow. At the press conference of the Chairman of the State Property Committee of Russia Anatoly Chubais on the topic “People’s privatization: shares, checks” (Photo: Valentina Soboleva / TASS)

However, Anatoly Chubais was convinced that the transfer of control over enterprises with hundreds of thousands of workers to the oligarchs helped them acquire administrative resources, which prevented the victory of the opposition Communist Party in the 1996 presidential elections: “If we had not carried out mortgage privatization, the Communists would have won the elections in 1996 "- admitted Chubais in an interview Financial Times in 2004.

However, the voucher, which, according to Anatoly Chubais, had the price of “two cars,” was rapidly depreciating. Speculation in vouchers began in the country, and people sold them for next to nothing, as they were completely impoverished. Chubais himself later wrote in a book about the importance of the “propaganda component” in the privatization story.

In 1996, Anatoly Borisovich headed the election campaign of Boris Yeltsin. The company was successful, and Yeltsin appointed Chubais as head of the presidential administration, and a few months later he awarded the rank of full state adviser of the Russian Federation, 1st class.

In the photo: Russian President Boris Yeltsin (right) and head of the Russian Presidential Administration Anatoly Chubais (left) before the meeting at the central clinical hospital, where Boris Yeltsin is undergoing examination (Photo: TASS)

During 1997−1998, Anatoly Chubais served as Minister of Finance in the government Viktor Chernomyrdin, but then resigned together with the Cabinet of Ministers. Chubais's biography on his website emphasizes that in 1997 he was "recognized as the best finance minister of the year by Euromoney magazine."

In 1998, Anatoly Chubais was elected head of the board of RAO UES of Russia. And again Anatoly Borisovich started a reform - he considered it possible to restructure all the holding’s enterprises and transfer most of their shares to private investors.

In 2017, the former head of RAO UES of Russia, Anatoly Chubais, said at the Eastern Economic Forum that the reserve of energy capacity would be exhausted by 2023-2024.

“The removal of obsolete capacities is a fundamental task of the electric power complex, while there is a possibility for this, because the reserve will end by 2023-2024. It is necessary... to sharpen completely new mechanisms of contracts for the supply of power for global modernization, for which, God bless, we have another 5-7 years, in order to properly use the reserve of capacity that the energy reform created,” Chubais was quoted as saying in the news.

The UES of Russia company was liquidated in 2008, and Anatoly Borisovich was appointed general director of the state Russian Nanotechnology Corporation. In 2011, under the leadership of Chubais, the state company was reorganized and re-registered as a public company joint stock company, and also became the leading innovative company in the Russian Federation.

Anatoly Chubais combined work as an official with political activity, participated in the creation of the election bloc “Choice of Russia”, the party “Union of Right Forces”. On January 24, 2004, he resigned from the post of Co-Chairman of the Union of Right Forces party.

Assassination attempt on Anatoly Chubais

In 2005, an attempt was made on the life of Anatoly Chubais. A bomb was detonated along the route of Chubais's car, and the vehicles in the motorcade were also fired upon. But Anatoly Borisovich was not injured. A retired GRU colonel was detained in connection with the assassination attempt. Vladimir Kvachkov and paratroopers of the 45th Airborne Regiment Alexander Naydenov And Robert Yashin.

In 2008, the jury of the Moscow Regional Court returned a not guilty verdict to the accused. Then the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation overturned the acquittal and sent the case for a new trial. In October 2008, the case of Kvachkov, Yashin, Naydenov was merged with the case Ivan Mironov, detained in 2006 on charges of attempted murder.

On December 4, 2008, by decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, the cassation appeal on the issue of illegal detention of Ivan Mironov was satisfied. Mironov was released under a guarantee signed by State Duma deputies Ilyukhin, Komoyedov, Starodubtsev And Baburin. In the summer of 2010, a jury of the Moscow Regional Court finally acquitted three suspects.

Criticism of Anatoly Chubais

In 2009, after the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power plant accident, the commission investigating the disaster named Chubais among six senior Russian energy industry executives involved “in creating conditions conducive to the accident.”

The activities of Anatoly Chubais at the head of RAO UES and Rusnano, as well as the privatization he carried out, are very negatively perceived by the people. Chubais is one of the most unpopular politicians in Russian society. At the same time, some note his business qualities: efficiency, good organizational skills, energy.

According to the results of a 2006 VTsIOM opinion poll, 77% of Russians did not trust Chubais. In a 2000 FOM survey, Chubais was characterized as “a person acting to the detriment of Russia”, “a discrediter of reforms”, a “swindler”, etc.

Anatoly Wasserman noted that “Chubais heads one of the state corporations, regular failures in the activities of which do not in any way affect the state of the country as a whole. So he was taken to a safe place for others.”

In the photo: Chairman of the Board of RAO UES of Russia Anatoly Chubais (in the center) at the starting panel of the first power unit of the Kaliningrad CHPP-2 (Photo: Fedor Savintsev / TASS)

The activities of Anatoly Chubais continually raise questions among deputies. In 2014, a request was sent to Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika to investigate the activities of the state corporation Rusnano by the first deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Budget and Taxes Oksana Dmitrieva, in her opinion, the activities of the head of Rusnano and other managers of the state corporation for the development of nanotechnology have signs of at least nine elements of crime.

Later the news reported that financial director and members of the board of the state corporation Rusnano were brought in as suspects in a criminal case on suspicion of misappropriation and embezzlement, as well as abuse of official powers.

In the summer of 2015, Free Press reported that the former head of the state corporation Rusnanotech, which was later transformed into OJSC Rusnano, Leonid Melamed was arrested on suspicion of embezzlement of more than 300 million rubles. An associate of Anatoly Chubais is suspected of committing a crime under Part 3 of Article 33 of Part 4 of Article 160 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Organization of major embezzlement”). On July 10, the head of Rusnano, Anatoly Chubais, testified about this case to the Investigative Committee of Russia.

In the photo: Chairman of the Board of Management Company Rusnano LLC Anatoly Chubais (in the center), summoned to testify in the case of the former head of Rusnano Leonid Melamed, at the Cheryomushkinsky court. L. Melamed is accused of embezzlement of 220 million rubles (Photo: Sergey Savostyanov /TASS)

Entrepreneur Dmitry Lerner wrote an appeal to the RF IC addressed to the head of the department Alexandra Bastrykina, demanding that a case be opened against Chubais as well.

Chubais’s statement in December 2015 that they simply have “a lot of money” caused a lot of noise. “The first thing I wanted to say is: we have a lot of money! There are quite a lot of them. That is why we have the opportunity not only to “handle” a lot of money, but also to invest it in our long-term strategy! It completely solved all the problems, including the problem of potential financial failure,” Chubais said at a New Year’s corporate party, and this speech made the news in most media and caused a sharp reaction in society.

Then the news reported that a commentary published on the state corporation’s website said that members of the boards of the Infrastructure and educational programs Rusnano decided to pay for the New Year's event for the group's employees from personal funds. The total cost was 2 million 238 thousand rubles, and a total of 415 people attended the event. Nevertheless, it became known that the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation is conducting an audit of the expenditure of Rusnano funds raised under state guarantees in the period from 2010 to 2015.

Deputy Prime Minister for social policy Olga Golodets proposed to the head of Rusnano Anatoly Chubais, who at a corporate party announced that the corporation had large quantity money, donate funds to those who need them.

In March 2016, information appeared in the media that the head of Rusnano was asking for 89 billion rubles to be allocated from the National Welfare Fund (NWF) to launch a Russian-Indian fund worth $2 billion. Press secretary of the head of state Dmitry Peskov then stated that he knew nothing about this request from Chubais. But the head of Rusnano confirmed that he had indeed approached the Russian authorities with a request to allocate 89 billion rubles to the state company. with the aim of establishing a Russian-Indian fund.

In March 2017, Chubais social networks complained of harassment by a former manager Ilya Suchkov and other persons, and announced his appeal to the police in this regard. “I hate legal squabbles, but in the end I decided to file a statement with the police to initiate a criminal case against Ilya Suchkov and a group of comrades of Chechen nationality working for him - for extortion and slander. Ilya was once a hired manager of my company, but then I sold it to him,” Anatoly Chubais was quoted as saying in the news.

Statements by Anatoly Chubais

Quotes from Anatoly Chubais certainly deserve attention, in addition to the phrase that has become a meme: “We have a lot of money! There are quite a lot of them." Anatoly Borisovich often openly explained the motives for his activities.

“Privatization in Russia until 1997 was not an economic process at all. She solved the main task - to stop communism. We solved this problem."

"I normal person. I understand it’s hard to believe, but believe me.”

“If you are an associate professor, professor, head of a department in a specialized area and you don’t have your own business, why the hell do I need you at all?”

“I re-read Dostoevsky. And I feel almost physical hatred for this man. He is, of course, a genius, but his idea of ​​Russians as a chosen, holy people, his cult of suffering and the false choice he offers make me want to tear him to pieces,” AiF quotes Chubais.

“I have an atypical attitude towards Soviet power. Moreover, I think it will cause quite a sharp negative reaction. The fact is that I hate Soviet power. Moreover, I hate few things in life as much as the Soviet regime. And especially its late stage. There is nothing more disgusting in my life than the late Soviet power, didn’t happen,” Chubais said in an interview.

In January 2017, Anatoly Chubais, having visited the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, spoke of the horror of the approaching global political catastrophe: “The most accurate description of the current Davos is a feeling of horror from a global political catastrophe. Moreover, note that nothing catastrophic is happening in the economy, the global economy grew last year, growth is expected in 2017,” he said. Chubais noted that the degree of horror among forum participants now, in 2017, is equal to the degree of horror in 2009, when the global financial crisis was unfolding. As the head of Rusnano said, against the backdrop of the upcoming inauguration of the elected US President Donald Trump“all this is expressed in formulas: the world built after the Second World War is collapsing, it no longer exists.”

Income of Anatoly Chubais

In 2010, Anatoly Chubais reported that in 2009 his income amounted to 202.6 million rubles, and his then wife Maria Vishnevskaya— 21.9 million rubles. Moreover, Chubais spent part of this money - about 12.8 million rubles - on charity.

The official also declared an apartment in Moscow with an area of ​​175.8 square meters. meters and two parking spaces of 30.6 sq. meters. The common property of Chubais and his wife Maria Vishnevskaya also includes land plot(1.5 hectares) in the Moscow region, where buildings with a total area of ​​more than 2 thousand square meters are located. meters. The head of Rusnano and his wife also own a BMW X5 SUV, a BMW 530 XI car, a Yamaha snowmobile and a trailer.

Personal life and hobbies of Anatoly Chubais

Anatoly Borisovich Chubais was married three times. From the first wife - Lyudmila, whom he married while still a student - he has two children: a son Alexey and daughter Olga. In the early 90s, Anatoly Borisovich married for the second time to Maria Vishnevskaya. In 2012, the couple separated. The third wife of Anatoly Chubais was a famous TV presenter, screenwriter and director. Avdotya Smirnova. Chubais and Smirnova got married in 2012. Chubais's third wife wrote scripts for films Alexey Uchitel, as a director, made her debut with the film “Communication” in 2006. Then Smirnova made the films “Two Days” and “Kokoko”. From 2002 to 2014 Avdotya Smirnova together with Tatiana Tolstoy hosted the talk show “School of Scandal” on NTV and Kultura channels.

In the photo: Anatoly Chubais with his wife Maria Vishnevskaya / Director Avdotya Smirnova and her husband, Chairman of the Board of RUSNANO OJSC Anatoly Chubais (Photo: Anatoly Rukhadze / Valery Matytsin / TASS)

Anatoly Borisovich loves to travel, ride alpine skiing, enjoys water tourism. Chubais also loves to drive. In 2014, the Chairman of the Board of Rusnano, Anatoly Chubais, underwent surgery in one of the Moscow clinics to repair damage to his wrists. According to the LifeNews portal, Chubais received injuries during an expedition through the mountainous part of Jordan. Local doctors put him in a cast, but upon returning to the capital, the head of Rusnano began to suffer severe pain, and he was forced to turn to doctors again.

Among Anatoly Borisovich’s musical interests are the Beatles, Bulat Okudzhava And Vladimir Vysotsky.