Meditation to choose the right solution. Meditation aimed at solving problems “The Right Path”

Allow your subconscious to find a way out difficult situation, this way you will be able to avoid increasing frustration and mental fatigue.

Meditation is a powerful tool for finding solutions to complex problems. Try to consciously think of a way out of the current situation, otherwise your mind will work tirelessly until you are completely exhausted or fall into despair without receiving a clear answer. During meditation, you lose control over the thought process, thereby not allowing it to repeat itself all the time, avoiding cyclicality. Very often you may find that solutions come naturally, without any effort on your part.

Let the subconscious decide

The point is that you get the problem out of your head and stop looking for a way out. your subconscious mind has capabilities that your conscious mind is not even aware of, and meditation helps bring them to the surface, free from rational thinking. This effective way look at the situation from the outside, think detachedly rather than logically. The goal of meditation is to achieve a state of inner peace. It is in this peace that solutions to problems lie hidden.

Let your subconscious mind be your guide and perhaps you will find the solution you are looking for.

Breaking out of the vicious circle

Constantly struggling with problems can cause a feeling similar to that of having a lot of weight on your shoulders. You may find it difficult to relax, and despite wanting to meditate, you may find yourself powerless to stop your thought process. Try then to consciously stop thinking about anything before you start meditating.

To relieve tension, fill a bathtub with relaxing aromatic oils, such as lavender and rose, and soak for 15 to 20 minutes. When you drain the water, try to imagine that all your fears disappear along with it. Light a candle and watch its flame for a few minutes before starting your meditation.

Sometimes your thoughts trap you and you feel like a squirrel in a wheel.

Let's solve problems with meditation

If you have a difficult situation and you cannot find a way out of it, use this meditative exercise to help bring the problem under the control of your deep subconscious.


Take care not to be disturbed during meditation. Do a few simple physical exercise, for example, from a yoga course or stretching to relieve muscle tension. As an alternative, you can try the following exercise. If you wish, take a bath or shower first. Lie on the floor or bed on your back with your arms along your body. “Talk” to every part of your body from your head to your toes to completely relax. Then light a candle or incense and sit comfortably for meditation.


This does not mean that you should worry about the current situation! Just look at the problem from the outside, imagine that it is not yours. Realize that you need to find a way out and ask your higher self to help you.


Consciously release your problem. Imagine her coming out of the capsule in a bubble of blue light, like balloon, and let her go. Watch how it flies into the distance and disappears.


Start meditation and focus on the process. When thoughts arise, let them float by without effort. Whatever type of meditation you choose, try to fully concentrate on it. In this space your problem does not exist. Immerse yourself and feel the freedom that fills you. You are greater than any problem, fear or worry. You enter a blissful state of serenity, real actions become meaningless during meditation.

are the most important conditions for overcoming all difficulties.

Therefore, here I will write about the difficulties that arise in meditation itself, because in the end it is on overcoming them that the speed of progress on the spiritual path will depend.

Five Major Difficulties in Meditation

As Arjengar said:

The hardest thing in yoga is laying out the mat.

This also applies to meditation: the main thing is to start and systematically repeat this great sacrament!

Therefore, the difficulties described in this article are not so much difficulties in meditation as difficulties in breaking through to it.

1. No time to meditate. No place for meditation

Almost no one has time. But where will it come from if you don’t make an effort to allocate it for meditation? In addition, a person always finds time for what he likes to do. The problem is that in order to start liking meditation, you most often need to have already meditated decently, and already started meditating.

So is it really a lack of time?

Let's say so. How to solve this problem? Let's start with the fact that the soul loves to meditate and arrive. Therefore, your meditation is in its interests. The soul is very close to God, and God, our higher self, is known to be Almighty. So will He really not find for you, His beloved child, an opportunity to save your income, your friends, your personal life, and also give you time for meditation? I have seen dozens of people to whom God has shown such mercy. I don't think you're any worse.

Indeed, there are extremely busy days when normal meditation is not possible. In this case, you should diligently fulfill your duties, but at the same time sincerely try to want to meditate and remember God more often, as if telling Him: “I remember You and am really looking forward to our meeting.” And when time appears, you need to immediately show up for this date.

The best time to meditate is written in this article:

Another similar problem is the lack of comfortable conditions for meditation.

Loved ones interfere with meditation, it’s noisy, there’s no space in the apartment... Conditions can really be difficult. What can I say? , either you surrender to her mercy, or show your will, attract her and, with sincere prayer, firmly stick to your line.

At the same time, there is no need to conflict with anyone. Be kind in your heart; for some time you may have to meditate in secret from everyone. In any case, know for sure that through my spiritual practice I know stories when a husband hid even from his wife the fact that he was meditating: he set an alarm clock for himself at night, when everyone was already asleep, got up, meditated and went to bed again. You can meditate in the bath, in the park when the weather is warm... In general, there would be a desire, and there, if your efforts are sincere, then God will definitely help.

2. No desire to meditate

This is a more honest formulation of the problem. It really happens that there is a lot of time, and other conditions are ideal. But I don’t want to meditate.

Here is an excerpt from the book on this topic:

3. I fall asleep during meditation

When there is little energy in the spine, a person does not get enough sleep for weeks, then meditation will not be a soaring into, but a falling into.

Meditate anyway, but try not to sleep while meditating. Perhaps for some period of your life you should do only one meditation a day, for example in the morning after waking up. They also help to energize the spine. I can teach them. Well, strive to create a lifestyle in which you will have time and energy to meditate, and it will help you.

4. My back hurts during meditation

“A crooked spine is the enemy of self-realization”

The spine needs to be worked on. No matter what age you are and no matter what problems you have, even just some problems will be of great benefit.

It happens that a person’s spine begins to ache during meditation. It intensifies the energy in the spine and all the blocks in the subtle ones begin to appear. It happens that over time, meditation itself clears them. There may be times when you need to contact

5. After meditation I feel tension instead of calm.

Meditation helps a lot, but when done in a dusty room cleaning, dust rises into the air... The energies in the subconscious are conscious... It even happens that after meditation a tendency to gluttony, some not very spiritual conversations, watching not very wise television programs arises, irritation comes from somewhere... These are rooted in the subconscious the energies from meditation have suffered and now want to make up for their damage, forcing you to reproduce some habits that will feed them the right level energy.

This is an internal battle that must be won. The more regular and persistent the practice of meditation, the faster it will be possible to transform all these resistant energies.

Also, this phenomenon of kickbacks is closely related to raising energy in meditation. For some, it begins to move quite easily. But if it is still insufficient and it is not possible for it to remain in ajna, then, having risen a little in meditation, it then rolls back, bringing a lot of energy to the lower ones, but they have not yet been cleared and, therefore, unnecessary difficulties appear.

In general, this phenomenon can even occur, so you shouldn’t once again specifically practice the technique, and you should also find one that will align your spiritual path in your meditation.

And, if you really want to realize your True Nature, then you need to be patient and persistent.

Only the strong can conquer the seas of the boundless Spirit of our true Divine nature.

The panacea for all difficulties is, so develop devotion, be wise, know and apply everything related to.

As Yogavatar Lahira Mahasaya said:

“Banat, banat, banjay! – do, do And, in the end, it will work out

Good luck to you, my dear reader, do not be afraid of anything, trust yours and persistently strive for contact with Him. Knock and they will open.

It can be a great help with some psychological problems, so I'm surprised that no one here discusses successful techniques and shares the results.

I’ve been doing it for a very long time and this is what I’ll say. Moreover, about both meanings of meditation (concentration on communication with God or just concentration, and contemplation in the moment here and now, without any concentration - both Western and Eastern understanding, and meditatio, and dhyana).

Among all sorts of “seekers” and “esotericists” there are four times more mentally ill people than among any other crowd (excluding the crowd at the psychoneurological dispensary - PND). And they, as a rule, break their cuckoo with meditation even more. I don’t know what draws me to meditation... The first thing they do is confront themselves and begin to Think intensely! And all their cockroaches and sores begin to Think (with a capital T) along with them.

I saw reports of a person who received a diagnosis in a hospital within a year - he started with average speed of thinking, and by the end of the year he accelerated himself so much that he was thinking about dozens of things at the same time, pumping up the volume of unhurried rustling thoughts that we think in a day, where... then in an hour. He went through logical chains to the end and looped them, constantly returning to them. Naturally, all the suppressed material came out of the subconscious, which we get out little by little in working through...

What is written in glossy junk paper about meditation is a lie and a fitness business that has nothing to do with meditation or psychology. It does not lead to happiness, success, efficiency, increased empathy, logical and emotional intelligence, no. I would not use meditation if there was even a hint of a mental problem. Yes and with the majority psychological problems she won't cope. Initially, any psychological comfort and solution to disharmony is an indirect result, in no way related to the main one.

That is, meditation is made for completely different things. This is a spiritual practice. To find emptiness in oneself and dissolve the self-ego, to lose boundaries and merge with all of existence, to achieve enlightenment, which is the end of incarnations, and not becoming the best, most successful and most effective of people with superpowers. No. If as a result you are psychologically in order, consider yourself lucky. But time is wasted on this - just a lot of time. You can meditate on one problem for ten years. Those who try to spin meditation into psychology and sell it are either fools, or unprincipled or narrow-minded businessmen.

For problems, use psychotechnics, for example (), this is several orders of magnitude faster in time. Well, if it’s psychiatry, generally stay away from all this.

P.S. However, it would be unfair not to tell you how to use meditation once you have decided to do so. long haul. First: it is necessary to more or less master it, to be able to be in collected silent contemplation in the here and now. Second: the ability to wait for long periods of time, very long. This is not the ability to bargain with the universe, but such a knowledge and feeling of your entire being that you can sit and wait forever, as long as it takes, because just being in meditation is, in fact, a “reward”. Third: reasons will sooner or later begin to appear and here you need to be able to let them go, relax in them and step away. This process is also quite difficult to describe, but exercises such as tracking your breath have a hint of this relaxation, which is not limp - there is a hint in the space between exhalation and inhalation. As soon as you see the reason, you immediately let it go and that’s it. The problem has been stopped. I remember it took me ten years to do this, whereas similar things could be worked out in a week or a month.

The essence is in letting go: once it has been mastered, the process goes quickly. And it seems that through tension-related techniques the path is easier and faster than through meditation techniques. This is why we recommend using processing rather than meditation. Only for reasons of efficiency based on long-term observations.


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We say that someone is practical if he does the right thing at the right time in his life. external life. He thinks and acts in such a way that others cannot deceive him and his outer life runs smoothly. But no matter how smart, how sincere, or how conscious we are, there are times when we get lost in the outer life. We don't know what to say. We don't know what to do. We don't know how to behave. Or, even though we say and do the right things, things go wrong. We don't know how to cope with our external existence, we cannot cope with our life. We sincerely want to do something or become someone, but we cannot do it.

Why is this happening? This is because our external capabilities are always limited by our limited internal knowledge. But if we are practical in the inner life, in other words, if we pray and meditate, then we will have unlimited inner knowledge. One who has inner knowledge has free access to infinite truth and everlasting joy, and he can easily control his outer life.

The inner life constantly carries the message of truth and God. Where there is truth, there is seed. Let's allow the seed to grow and become a tree. When the tree bears fruit, we will see the abilities inner world appear externally. We always grow from within, not from without.

No matter what we do or what we say in our outer life, we are not getting closer to the light-truth. But if first we meditate, and then we act and speak, then we do the right thing and become what we need to be. The inner life and inner reality must control the outer life, and not vice versa. The breath-life of the outer life must come from the inner life. The inner reality must enter into the outer life; only then can we really be practical in outer life.

Can we answer our own questions during daily meditation? And if so, how can we know that the answer truly comes from the heart or soul and not from the mind?

Any question you may have can be answered during or at the end of your meditation. If you go deep within yourself, you will certainly get the answer. But when you receive an answer, you must determine whether it comes from the soul or from the mind. If it comes from the heart or soul, then you will experience a feeling of relief and peace. At this time, no contradictory thought will appear to reject the answer. But if the answer does not come from the heart or soul, then the mind will come to the fore and contradict the idea received.

The messages coming from the mind will not contain certainty. Right now the mind is telling you one thing; V next moment the mind says something else. At this moment your mind will tell you that I am very good man; the next moment your mind will say: " No, he's very bad"And the heart always offers the same thing. In the morning when you sit down meditate, it sends you one message. In the evening, when you meditate, you will receive the same message from your heart.

If an inside message you receive says that you should see someone, say your boss, you will simply go and see that person. But if the message comes from the mind, before you see it, many questions will arise in your mind. Then, if you finally see him and the result of the meeting does not satisfy you, you will scold yourself and say: " I did the wrong thing. I received the wrong message".

But if the message comes from the soul, you will have tremendous conviction and will accept both success and failure with equal satisfaction. While you are doing what the message brings, you will not expect anything that you want; you won't expect your boss to be happy with you or do anything for you. You just do it, no matter what the outcome is, good or bad, and you will feel like you did the right thing.

Is it possible to learn to overcome fears through meditation?

As a result meditation external and internal fear will definitely leave us. Now you are a victim of fear because you do not know how to expand your consciousness. But when you find salvation in your divinity with meditation, then fear will have to leave you, because it will feel that it is knocking on the wrong door. Now you are helpless, but at the very moment when fear understands that through meditation you come into contact with something most powerful, he will become helpless.

The meaning itself meditation– to unite, expand, enlighten and immortalize our consciousness. When we meditate, we enter into our own divinity. Divinity is not afraid of human nature because divinity has unlimited power. When we have free access to divinity, when our entire being, internal and external, is overflowing with the boundless and infinite power of divinity, how can we fear human nature? This is impossible.

Author's column

born on August 27, 1931 in the small village of Shakpura in East Bengal, now Bangladesh. In the family, Sri Chinmoy was the youngest of seven children. At the age of 13, after the passing of his father and then his mother, Madal (Sri Chinmoy's childhood name) Indian tradition) moved to the ashram of a famous yoga and the founder of integral yoga Sri Aurobindo in Pondicherry, where until 1964 Sri Chinmoy studied, worked and practiced spiritual discipline. WITH youth Sri Chinmoy showed remarkable ability in composing poetry, essays, music and songs, and also achieved significant success in various types sports, especially in sprinting and decathlon.

In 1964 he came to New York to offer the modern Western world the secrets of the inner world of aspiration. Since then, he has given hundreds of lectures at universities around the world, including Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard, Moscow state university, Yale University and the Sorbonne. In his lectures he reveals the deep meaning of many aspects of human existence. These lectures have been published and translated into more than twenty languages.

Life Sri Chinmoya is an expression of limitless creative potential. Over the years, his creative potential has been generously manifested in the fields of music, poetry, painting, literature, sports and humanitarian work. Sri Chinmoy's contributions to each of these areas are amazing. Achievements Sri Chinmoya- This is a unique view of the meaning of human existence in modern times.

considers a person’s aspiration for inner perfection, awareness and manifestation of divinity as the source from which great achievements in the field of art, culture, sports, science and personal development are born. By living in the heart and striving to transcend one's own achievements, one brings out the best in oneself and finds the path to peace and harmony. Speaking in words Sri Chinmoya, "our goal is to move from bright light to more bright light and to the brightest light, from high to higher and highest. And even in the highest there is no end to our progress".

He regularly traveled around the world, giving concerts and lectures, and meeting with world and national leaders. At the same time, he discussed with them issues of world harmony. Concerts, lectures, art exhibitions and sports competitions Sri Chinmoya were always held free of charge for everyone.

Can meditation protect us from all the injustices we experience in life?

When you need to protect or protect yourself, always try to use the higher weapon. If people say something and you say it back, there will be no end to it. On the other hand, if you simply swallow your anger, they will continue to exploit you. But when they see and feel the tremendous inner peace within you that you can achieve through meditation, they will see in you something that can never be defeated. They will see a change in you, and this change will not only discourage them, but it will also become a threat and frighten them. They will feel that their weapons are powerless.

Peace is the most effective weapon with which you can defeat injustice. When you pray and meditate, your whole being becomes flooded with a flow of peace. This is not something imaginary. You may feel peace; you can sail in a sea of ​​peace. Then, no matter what other people do, you will feel that they are just children playing in front of you. You will say: " They are all children. What else can you expect from them?"But now that they are adults in age, you become angry and sad instead. If you pray and meditate regularly, you will soon feel that your peace is infinitely stronger; it is more satisfying and generates more energy than unfavorable situations created by others.

Is there a spiritual way to break bad habits?

Meditation means conscious awareness of our source. When we meditate, we consciously try to reach the source, which is perfection itself. Our source is God, our source is truth, our source is light. Meditation leads us to the source where there is no imperfection, no disease. Where is the source? He is within us.

When we meditate, what result do we get in our outer life? We make our mind quiet and calm. For most people it is almost impossible to have peace of mind. One who does not have peace of mind is a real beggar, he is like a monkey in a human body. Nothing can satisfy him. But if we achieve peace of mind for just one moment, we feel that we have accomplished a lot in life. When we have peace of mind, our vital and our body become calm; and where there is peace, there is no disharmony. Disharmony exists only in a world of anxiety, dissatisfaction, tension and disorder. Otherwise there would be no disease.

High blood pressure, heart disease and other diseases that we encounter in God's creation exist only because of negative forces. These negative forces can only be overcome when we surrender to positive force. When we meditate, we try to become a perfect channel for positive force. Positive force is light and negative force is darkness. The positive force is love, not hate. The positive force is faith, not lack of faith. In every moment of our life positive force helps us because it consciously leads us to our destiny, which is perfection.

If our mind is quiet and calm, if our vital is dynamic, if our body knows what it is doing, then we are within the temple of satisfaction, where there can be no disease, no suffering, no imperfection, no obstacle to our constant peace, constant light, constant satisfaction. Meditation– this is the means, this is the road, this is the way. If we follow this path, we will reach our destiny, which is perfection itself.

If we are confused and nervous, how can meditation help us?

IN physical world If someone has a headache or an upset stomach, he goes to the doctor and the doctor treats him. If someone is sick, how can we say that he will never recover? If he takes medicine, there is a possibility of his healing. For the patient, the answer is medicine. If someone is tormented by anxiety, worries and anxieties, the remedy is meditation. Just because he is a victim, we cannot say that there will be no savior. There is a Savior, but only on condition that the person wants to be cured.

Suppose someone is overcome by embarrassment and negative forces that take away all his energy and deprive him of the joy of life. He is depressed and has given in to frustration due to the endless problems in his life. Let's treat him like a patient: he needs a doctor, he needs treatment. When a person is suffering from several illnesses in the mental world, he must turn to someone who has for him a certain peace of mind, a certain light, a certain inner guarantee. This is the spiritual teacher. A spiritual teacher is like a doctor who will advise a person how to get rid of fear, doubt, embarrassment, tension and all the negative forces that torment him.

Is it really necessary to seek help when we suffer from mental problems? Can't we just meditate ourselves and find the answer?

Suppose you say: " I am suffering due to certain mental difficulties, but I know that the answer is within. It's completely dark now, but I feel like there's light inside my heart". That's what you feel, but it's difficult for you to go deep inside and discover the light. Then you are forced to turn to someone who can help you bring to the fore the light that you have inside. It's as if you misplaced your key own home and don't know how to open the door. But your friend comes with a light and helps you look for the key.

After you find the key with his help, you open the door and he then leaves. If you're willing to search in the dark for a key you've lost, you can give it a try. But if you have a friend who has a light, you will probably have more confidence that you will find the key. Likewise, a teacher is a helper, an eternal friend who helps you in your quest. When he helps you find the key, he won't keep it for himself. He won't say it's his key. No! This is your key, your home, your light. Then you will enter the house and receive everything you needed and wanted.

How can we calm down if we are upset or nervous?

There are two ways. The first is to inhale calmly and say “Almighty” very slowly three times. But if this is difficult for you, you can call upon the Almighty as quickly as you can. Fear and anxiety have their own speed. If you feel that your enemy is about to attack you, try to chant the name of the Almighty much faster than the speed of the anger or fear attacking you. If you can do this, the Almighty will immediately conquer your anger, frustration or fear.

Look at your flower heart and smile. You will be able to solve all your most burning problems.

First of all, do you really think that you will get things done faster if you feel anxious? No! When you are restless and excited, when you are full of worries and worries, you simply multiply your problems and difficulties. Let's say you want to reach your destination as soon as possible. If you take with you such undivine elements as fear, doubt, worry, uncertainty and the like, this means that you are carrying an extra burden and reducing your capabilities. How can you achieve your goal as quickly as possible? You may not be able to arrive at the scheduled time.

The runner knows that if he has overweight, his rivals will defeat him. You should feel the need to clear your mind all the time. When doubt, fear, uncertainty or any other negative forces enter your mind, simply release them, throw them away so that you can run as quickly as possible. Anxiety and worry will never help us. On the contrary, they will delay us. But if we have peace of mind, then we can run towards our goal with maximum speed.

How can you use meditation to get rid of pain?

You should try to call upon the light in order to get rid of the pain. Pain is ultimately a kind of darkness within us. When the inner light or the light from without begins to act in the pain itself, the pain disappears or is transformed into joy. Seekers who have truly achieved enough high level development, can actually feel the joy within the pain itself. But for this you need to reach a very high level of development. In your case, during prayer or meditation you must try to call upon the light from without and feel that the pain is the darkness within you. If you call on the light, the pain will either be enlightened or removed from your body.

One day while I was meditating, I suddenly found myself thinking about my friends who needed help. I could never describe the strength I felt in that moment, but I took those friends and lifted them up. After two or three days these friends were helped. Someone looked for a job and got it, someone was sick and began to get better. Does this have anything to do with my experience or is it just a coincidence?

This was no coincidence; not at all. Your inner being is what helped them. At that time you became an instrument of the Inner Pilot, the Supreme. The Almighty wanted to help these people and He, in fact, made you His instrument in order to help them. This was no coincidence.

When you meditate and enter your highest consciousness, your soul automatically tries to help those you love. When you enter into a very high, very deep region of consciousness, the power from within automatically comes to the fore and you can help others. Sometimes your friends don't know who helped them. But your soul knows, and their souls know, that help came from you. This is not your mental hallucination or this.

If you can become a better listener, God's compassion will immediately become a better counselor.

    Additional Materials on Meditation:
  • Basic Principles of Meditation for Beginners.
  • How to breathe correctly during meditation.
  • Calming the thought process during meditation.
  • What time of day is best to meditate?
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Yoga Philosophy


Yoga is nothing more than a method of uniting the body with the spirit. This is a subject that needs to be dealt with practically, it needs to be experienced for oneself, only theoretical knowledge is not suitable for evolution. Experience is direct knowledge and acts as an impetus for further ardent and energetic pursuit of this art and science. Yoga it is a universal culture, as it suits anyone, regardless of age, gender or nationality.